Veronica Oliveira de Carvalho
Student of S
ao Paulo University, S
ao Carlos, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Professor of Centro Universit
ario de Araraquara, Araraquara, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Solange Oliveira Rezende, M
ario de Castro
Computer and Mathematics Science Institute, S
ao Paulo University
400 Trabalhador S
ao-Carlense Avenue, S
ao Carlos, Brazil
Generalized association rules, objective evaluation measures, rule quality evaluation.
Generalized association rules are rules that contain some background knowledge giving a more general view
of the domain. This knowledge is codified by a taxonomy set over the data set items. Many researches
use taxonomies in different data mining steps to obtain generalized rules. So, this work initially presents an
approach to obtain generalized association rules in the post-processing data mining step using taxonomies.
However, an important issue that has to be explored is the quality of the knowledge expressed by generalized
rules, since the objective of the data mining process is to obtain useful and interesting knowledge to support
the user’s decisions. In general, what researches do to help the users to select these pieces of knowledge is
to reduce the obtained set by pruning some specialized rules using a subjective measure. In this context, this
paper also presents a quality analysis of the generalized association rules. The quality of the rules obtained
by the proposed approach was evaluated. The experiments show that some knowledge evaluation objective
measures are appropriate only when the generalization occurs on one specific side of the rules.
The use of background knowledge in the data mining
process allows the discovery of more abstract, com-
pact and, sometimes, interesting knowledge. An
example of background knowledge can be a concept
hierarchy, that is, a structure in which high level
abstraction concepts (generalizations of low level
concepts) are hierarchically organized by a domain
expert or by an automatic process. An example of
a simple concept hierarchy is taxonomy. Taxonomies
reflect arbitrary individual or collective views accor-
ding to which the set of items is hierarchically orga-
nized (Adamo, 2001).
One of the descriptive tasks in data mining is asso-
ciation rule (AR), which was introduced in (Agrawal
and Srikant, 1994). Since this technique generates all
possible rules considering only the items contained in
the data set, which leads to specialized knowledge,
the generalized association rules (GAR), which are
rules composed by items contained in any level of
a given taxonomy, were introduced by (Srikant and
Agrawal, 1995).
Taxonomies can be used in the different steps of
the data mining process. Nowadays, there are many
works that propose to obtain GAR in the mining step
as (Srikant and Agrawal, 1995; Srikant and Agrawal,
1997), (Hipp et al., 1998), (Weber, 1998), (Baixeries
et al., 2000), (Yen and Chen, 2001) and (Sriphaew
and Theeramunkong, 2004) and in the pre-processing
step as (Han and Fu, 1995; Han and Fu, 1999). There
are some approaches that apply taxonomies in the
post-processing step, focus of our work. (Chung and
Lui, 2000) propose a post-processing approach that
obtains GAR with different levels of support. (Huang
and Wu, 2002) propose an algorithm that considers as
input a data set, a set of large itemsets, a specialized
AR set (a set composed by rules that only contains
leaf taxonomy items) and a taxonomy set. Based on
these inputs, an association graph is obtained. This
graph represents the existing associations among the
items contained in the taxonomy. Based on this graph
Oliveira de Carvalho V., Oliveira Rezende S. and de Castro M. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 310-315
DOI: 10.5220/0002367703100315
and, considering some pruning techniques, the algo-
rithm obtains all the GAR.
A problem identified in some of the works men-
tioned above is related to the number of rules ob-
tained: the sets containing GAR are larger than the
AR sets generated without taxonomies. It is known
that although the AR technique is very useful, it
has the disadvantage of generating a large number
of rules, making the user’s interpretation difficult.
Therefore, it is more difficult to analyze a GAR set
due to the huge number of rules.
Considering this context, in (Domingues and
Rezende, 2005) an algorithm is proposed to obtain
a GAR set that decreases or keeps the volume of a
specialized AR set. The work proposed here is an
extension of the work presented in (Domingues and
Rezende, 2005). The idea of the approach presented
here, called GARPA (Section 2), is shown in Figure 1.
It is supposed that the elements shown inside the dot-
ted box are available, such as an AR set formed only
by specialized rules, the data set used to generate the
specialized rules and the taxonomies. Based on these
inputs GARPA obtains a GAR set composed by some
specialized rules that could not be generalized (for
example, rule R40 shown in Figure 1) and by gene-
ralized rules obtained by grouping some specialized
rules using the taxonomies (for example, rule R35
shown in Figure 1 rule obtained by grouping the
rules milk
bread (R3), milk
bread (R4) and
bread (R7)). Along with the GAR set there
is a list that identifies the participation of each specia-
lized item in the general items (see Section 2). It is
important to note that our approach (GARPA) has ba-
sically five differences from the approach proposed by
(Domingues and Rezende, 2005): (a) generalization
does not occur on only one side of the rule, but also
on both sides; (b) generalization does not only occur
among the rules, but also among the items of the rules;
(c) it is not necessary that there is one specialized rule
for each of the items contained in the taxonomy; (d)
generalization occurs even if one rule possesses more
than one item with the same ancestor; (e) a genera-
lized rule will be valid only if its support/confidence is
higher than t% of the highest value of the same mea-
sure in its specialized rules.
An important aspect that has to be mentioned
with respect to GAR is that the most of the works
found in literature only realizes a performance study
of their proposed approaches. However, more im-
portant than performance is the quality of the ex-
tracted rules. What some researches do (Srikant and
Agrawal, 1995; Srikant and Agrawal, 1997), (Adamo,
2001), (Han and Fu, 1999) is to prune all specialized
rules only if they have a behavior that differs signifi-
cantly from their generalizations. To identify the size
of this difference, the user has to inform a β threshold
value in order to know how many β times the specia-
lized rule has to be different from the generalized rule.
Since the choice of the β threshold is subjective, it is
difficult to use this kind of pruning. In addition, this
methodology is used with the purpose of reducing the
association rule set obtained and not in analyzing the
quality of the rules. In this context, an analysis to
evaluate a GAR set using objective evaluation mea-
sures is also presented.
The paper is organized as follow. Section 2
presents the proposed approach to obtain generalized
rule sets. Section 3 presents the data sets used in the
knowledge quality experiments. Section 4 presents
the quality analysis considering some objective mea-
sures. Finally, Section 5 presents the paper conclu-
The aim of GARPA is to post-process specialized AR
using taxonomies in order to obtain a reduced and
more expressive set of AR that facilitates the user’s
comprehension. The GARPA methodology is struc-
tured in Algorithm 1. The main idea consists of ge-
neralizing a set of specialized AR, obtained with a
traditional rule extraction algorithm, based on a ta-
xonomy set given by a domain expert. The rule ge-
neralization can be done on one side of the rule (an-
tecedent (lhs: left hand side) or consequent (rhs: right
hand side)) or on both sides (lrhs: left right hand
side) (option Side in Figure 1). In GARPA, genera-
lized rules can be generated without the use of all the
items contained in taxonomy. For example: suppose
the rule milk bread represents a generalized rule
and that milk is represented in taxonomy by milk
, milk
, milk
and milk
. The rule milk bread
will be generalized even if there isn’t a rule for each
kind of milk. Thus, in order to guide the user’s com-
prehension of generalized rules, a list with the partici-
pation of each specialized item in the general items is
generated. For the rule described above, the list pre-
sented in Figure 1 would be generated.
This is one of the advantages of GARPA: using
taxonomies that contain knowledge from the same
domain. Consider a taxonomy that has knowledge
about foodstuff. Any data set that contains informa-
tion about these products can use the same taxonomy
Figure 1: The idea of GARPA approach.
in the generalization process, given that for each ge-
neralized rule the support of each specialized item is
identified through a list. This means that if an item
contains 0% support this item was not present in the
transactions and therefore did not contribute to the ge-
neralization process.
As all the generalized rules can be generated with-
out the presence of all items from the taxonomy, to
avoid an over-generalization, a set of specialized rules
can be substituted only by a more general rule if the
support (sup) or the confidence (con f ) of this rule
(option Measure in Figure 1) is t% higher than the
highest value of the same selected measure in the
specialized rules (option Rate in Figure 1). This cri-
terion can be viewed as an implicit variation of the
support/confidence framework that is explicitly used
in some of the works mentioned in Section 1.
As stated before, more important than analyzing the
performance of a GAR approach is to analyze the
quality of the extracted rules. So, in order to evaluate
the knowledge expressed by generalized rules, an ex-
periment was built to obtain some GAR sets for two
different data sets. The first data set (DS-1) contains
a one day sale of a supermarket located in So Car-
los city. DS-1 contains 1716 transactions with 1939
distinct items. The second data set (DS-2) is avai-
lable in the R Project for Statistical Computing
. The
groceries data set contains one month (30 days) of
real-world point-of-sale transaction data from a typi-
cal grocery outlet. DS-2 contains 9835 transactions
with 169 distinct items.
As described before, the first step in GARPA, as
shown in Figure 1, needs a specialized rule set, that
was obtained here by the traditional Apriori mining
algorithm, and a taxonomy set. Thus, four taxonomy
sets were constructed for each data set, distributed
in the following way: one set composed by taxono-
mies containing one level (1L) of abstraction; one
set composed by taxonomies containing two levels
(2L) of abstraction; one set composed by taxonomies
containing three levels (3L) of abstraction; one set
composed by taxonomies containing different levels
(DL) of abstraction. Considering all possible combi-
nations between the generalization side and the taxo-
nomy level, twelve GAR sets were generated through
GARPA for each data set. Using the notation side-
level (of the taxonomy), the twelve combinations con-
sidered to obtain the twelve GAR sets for each data
set were: (a) lhs-1L; (b) rhs-1L; (c) lrhs-1L; (d) lhs-
2L; (e) rhs-2L; (f) lrhs-2L; (g) lhs-3L; (h) rhs-3L; (i)
lrhs-3L; (j) lhs-DL; (k) rhs-DL; (l) lrhs-DL. Toward
the measure and rate options (Figure 1), in all experi-
ments (a to l) the support (sup) measure with a rate
of 0% was used, since this configuration presented
a better performance in relation to the configurations
using the confidence (con f ) measure. This means that
the sup-0% configuration produced the most reduced
Available for download in www.r-project.org.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Algorithm 1 Generalization Algorithm.
Input: data set D, set R of association rules in the sintax
standard, set of taxonomies T , side L of the rule to be
generalized (lhs, rhs, lrhs), measure M to be used in the
generalization (su p, con f ), rate t of the measure M.
Output: set RGen of generalized association rules and list Contrib
with the participation of each specialized item in the general
1: Contrib := calculate-item-contribution(D,T );
2: RGen := R; NATax := 1;
3: if ((L = lhs) OR (L = rhs)) then
4: SC1 := generate-initial-subsets(R,
5: forall (
SC1 > 2,
SC1 SC1) do
6: while (NATax 6 NMTax) do
7: substitute-items(
8: remove-repeated-items(
9: lexicographically-organized(
10: SC2 := generate-subsets(
11: forall (
SC2 > 2,
SC2 SC2) do
12: r := rule(
13: valid-rule := evaluate-generalization-criteria(r);
14: if valid-rule then
15: calculate-contingency-table(r);
16: valid-rule := check-measure-criterion(r,M,t);
17: if valid-rule then
18: RGen := RGen {r};
19: RGen := remove-source-rules(r,RGen);
20: end-if
21: end-if
22: end-for
23: NATax := NATax + 1;
24: end-while
25: end-for
26: end-if
27: if (L = lrhs) then
28: TempRules := R;
29: while (NATax 6 NMTax) do
30: substitute-items(TempRules,L,NATax);
31: remove-repeated-items(TempRules,L);
32: lexicographically-organized(TempRules,L);
33: SC1 := generate-subsets(TempRules,L);
34: forall (
SC1 > 2,
SC1 SC1) do
35: r := regra(
36: valid-rule := evaluate-generalization-criteria(r);
37: if valid-rule then
38: calculate-contingency-table(r);
39: valide-rule := check-measure-criterion(r,M,t);
40: if valid-rule then
41: RGen := RGen {r};
42: RGen := remove-source-rules(r,RGen);
43: end-if
44: end-if
45: end-for
46: NATax := NATax + 1;
47: end-while
48: end-if
49: RGen := remove-repeated-rules(RGen);
50: RGen := syntax-standard(RGen);
GAR sets. However, the explanation referring to the
difference performance that occurred between the two
measures using different rates values is not going to
be done, since the reduction rate is not the focus of
this paper; the focus is the rule quality.
According to the GARPA methodology, for each rule
contained in a GAR set its base rules are identi-
fied, that is, the rules that were grouped by taxo-
nomy to obtain the generalized rule. Based on this
fact, the quality of a generalized rule can be com-
pared with the quality of its base rules considering
an objective evaluation measure. To evaluate the
quality of a GAR, all the objective evaluation mea-
sures described in (Tan et al., 2004) were used:
Added Value (AV), Certainty Factor (CF), Collective
Strength (CS), Confidence (Conf), Conviction (Conv),
Cosine (Cos), φ-coefficient (φ), Gini Index (GI), J-
Measure (JM), Jaccard (ζ), Kappa (κ), Klosgen (Kl),
Goodman-Kruskal’s (λ), Laplace (L), Interest Factor
(IF), Mutual Information (MI), Piatetsky-Shapiro’s
(PS), Odds Ratio (OR), Yule’s Q (YQ) and Yule’s Y
(YY). So, an analysis was carried out to verify if the
generalized rules maintain or improve its measures
values compared to its base rules. Suppose, for exam-
ple, that the generalized rule bread
milk was ge-
nerated by the rules bread
, bread
and bread
. For each considered measure, a
count was carried out to find the percentage where-
upon a generalized rule had a value equal or greater
than the values of its base rules. For example, if the
rule bread
milk had a value of 0.63 for a spe-
cific measure and the rules bread
, bread
and bread
the values 0.53, 0.63 and
0.77 respectively, for the same specific measure, the
percentage would be 66.67% (2/3 of a total of three
rules, two of them had a smaller value than its gene-
ralized rule). This percentage was calculated for each
generalized rule contained in each of the twenty-four
(twelve for each data set) generalized rule set and the
results were plotted in a histogram as in Figure 2. The
x axis represents the ranges that varies from 0.0 (0%)
to 1.0 (100%). For example, a range from 0.5 to 0.6
indicates that a generalized rule contains, in 50% to
60% of the times, a value greater or equal to its base
rules. The y axis represents the percentage of genera-
lized rules that belongs to a specific range. For exam-
ple, in Figure 2(a) 98.39% of the generalized rules be-
long to the 0.9-1.0 range, indicating that in almost all
the cases (98.39%) the generalized rules maintained
or increased its value compared to almost all its base
rules (90% to 100%).
In order to analyze the results, Table 1 was ge-
nerated. (Only a piece of the results are presented
in Table 1 due to space). Considering each measure
and each of the twelve GAR sets related to each data
set, the percentage of rules belonging to the 0.9-1.0
range was observed. It is important to note that this
range indicates that a generalized rule contains, in
90% to 100% of the times, a value greater or equal
to its base rules. This value indicates that, for exam-
ple, in 98.39% of the times in DS-1, using the rhs-1L
option and the Added Value measure (the first value
indicated in gray), the generalized rules had, in the
0.9-1.0 range, a value greater or equal to its base rules.
(a) DS-1:rhs-1L (b) DS-2:rhs-1L
Figure 2: Histogram for the Added Value measure consi-
dering the rhs-1L option.
Table 1: Percentage of generalized rules belonging to the
0.9-1.0 range considering each measure and each GAR set.
Measure Data Set Tax. Level lhs rhs lrhs
AV DS-1 1L 3.33% 98.39% 49.84%
2L 1.22% 97.27% 37.63%
3L 0.77% 82.01% 30.59%
DL 2.18% 78.49% 29.94%
AV DS-2 1L 2.07% 77.10% 33.33%
2L 2.02% 84.47% 38.11%
3L 2.12% 83.25% 35.95%
DL 1.99% 84.82% 37.12%
... ... ... ... ... ...
CS DS-1 1L 89.88% 59.08% 89.20%
2L 81.83% 16.36% 64.28%
3L 75.32% 9.76% 55.93%
DL 80.51% 29.44% 65.75%
CS DS-2 1L 72.73% 52.80% 68.21%
2L 73.28% 54.79% 73.48%
3L 72.46% 53.11% 72.22%
DL 73.31% 55.36% 73.93%
... ... ... ... ... ...
Table 2 was constructed, based on Table 1, verify-
ing on which side each measure had the best perfor-
mance and if this performance occurred in both data
sets (the better’s performances values are indicated in
gray for each of the options). For example, in Table 2,
the Added Value measure had, in both data sets, the
best performance in the rhs. The measures marked
* indicates that in one of the twenty-four options con-
sidered in each measure (twelve for each data set)
shown in Table 1, the side that had the best perfor-
mance with the measure was the lrhs and the side
indicated in Table 2 the second best performance.
** indicates that in two of the twenty-four options
considered in each measure (twelve for each data
set) shown in Table 1, the side that had the best
performance with the measure was the lrhs and
the side indicated in Table 2 the second best per-
formance. However, for the Interest Factor mea-
sure the best performance is related to the rhs.
**/* indicates that in two of the twenty-four options
considered in each measure (twelve for each data
set) shown in Table 1, the side that had the best
performance with the measure was the lrhs and in
one of the options the lrhs draw. In both cases, the
measure indicated in Table 2 had the second best
The only measure that did not present a pattern
and, therefore, is not found in Table 2, was the J-
Measure. Observe that almost all of the measures of
the rhs presented a pattern (90.91% (10/11)), that is,
this side did not present in any way an exception in re-
lation to the side that had the best performance in one
specific measure, different from the lhs measures.
Table 2: Grouping of objective measures with respect to the
generalization side performance.
Side lhs rhs
Measure Collective Strength** Added Value
Cosine**/* Certainty Factor
φ-coefficient* Confidence
Jaccard** Conviction
Kappa Gini Index*
Interest Factor** Klosgen
Mutual Information Goodman-Kruskal’s
Piatetsky-Shapiro’s* Laplace
Odds Ratio
Yule’s Q
Yule’s Y
From the results shown in Table 2, we can con-
clude that for each generalized side there is a proper
set of measures that is better for the GAR quality eva-
luation. (Carvalho et al., 2007b) presents a compari-
son between the results presented above with a litera-
ture previous research.
This work presented an approach, called GARPA, to
obtain a generalized association rules set considering
an existing specialized association rule set obtained
beforehand and taxonomies given by a domain ex-
pert. For each of the obtained generalized rules it
is possible to identify the specialized rules that were
grouped in order to generate the generalized rule and
to know the participation of each specialized item in
the general items. It is important to note that GARPA
is useful when the user wants to post-process a set of
specialized rules through domain knowledge since he
can obtain a more reduced and more expressive set of
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
rules to facilitate his comprehension of the extracted
Experiments were carried out in two data sets aim-
ing to evaluate the knowledge quality expressed by
the generalized rules. The analysis showed that de-
pending on the side occurrence of a generalization
item a different group of measures has to be used
to evaluate the GAR quality. In other words, if a
rule presents a generalized item in the lhs, the lhs
measures (Table 2) have to be used, since these mea-
sures have a better behavior when applied to evaluate
a GAR with a generalized item in the lhs; the same
idea applies to the rhs. Thus, this paper gives a huge
contribution to the post-processing knowledge step.
An analytical evaluation of some presented objec-
tive measures is presented in (Carvalho et al., 2007a)
to base the empirical results.
We wish to thank the Instituto Fbrica do Milnio (IFM)
and Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So
Paulo (FAPESP) for the financial support.
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