M. Delgado Calvo-Flores, J. F. Núñez Negrillo
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain
E. Gibaja Galindo
Departamento de Informática y Análisis Numérico, Campus de Rabanales, Edificio Albert Einstein
Universidad de Córdoba, 14071 Córdoba, Spain
C. Molina Férnandez
Departamento de Informática, Campus las Lagunillas, Edificio A3 (Ingeniería y Tecnología)
Universidad de Jaén, 23071 Jaén, Spain
Keywords: Significant variables, genetic algorithms, stock market.
Abstract: Nowadays, stock market investment is governed by investment strategies. An investment strategy consists
in following a fixed philosophy over a period of time, and it can have a scientific, statistical or merely
heuristic base. No method currently exists which is capable of measuring how good an investment strategy
is either objectively or realistically. Through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining tools we
have studied the different investment strategies of an important Spanish management agency and extracted a
series of significant characteristics to describe them. Our objective is to evaluate and compare investment
strategies in order to be able to use those which produce a peak return in our investment.
Stock market trading is one of the most popular
forms of investment both on a corporate and
individual level. Despite the vast number of studies
which exist (Baba, 2002; Chapman, 1994; Liu,
1997; Skabar, 2001), the “stock exchange world” is
so complex that there is still no universally accepted
method for optimizing purchase management in
terms of profits. We are faced with a very complex,
and at times chaotic and unpredictable problem and
one which also has a number of restrictions common
to the real world (capital available, maximum share
volume, liquidity, etc.) which make it yet more
The objective of this work is to establish a
procedure based on significant variables in order to
characterise the results of a strategy’s behaviour
according to a series of performance measures.
1.1 Stock Market Indexes
A stock market index corresponds to a statistical
compound, usually a number, which attempts to
reflect variations in the average value or profitability
of the shares comprising it. Generally speaking, the
shares which comprise the index have common
characteristics: they belong to the same stock
market, they have a similar stock market
capitalization, or they belong to the same industry.
These are usually used as the reference point for
different portfolios, such as mutual funds.
The oldest index is the Dow Jones Industrial
Average or the Dow Jones in short. This index was
created to measure economic activity in the United
States of America. It currently comprises 30
There are also other indexes throughout the
world, and examples of these are the Ibex 35 in
Spain, NIKKEI 225 in Japan, FTSE 100 in Great
Britain, and CAC 40 in France.
Delgado Calvo-Flores M., F. Núñez Negrillo J., Gibaja Galindo E. and Molina Férnandez C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - AIDSS, pages 330-335
DOI: 10.5220/0002354203300335
1.2 Investment Strategies
An investment strategy is a behaviour routine
devised by investors to enable them to make
decisions in view of the different situations which
may arise. This basically entails following a fixed
strategy over a period of time, while in technical
terms, it is a predefined set of rules to be applied.
Strategies are normally based on
micro/macroeconomic data, on statistical indicators,
or on technical analysis of the historical evolution of
the share price. Investment strategies receive share
prices in real time and include trading orders which
are automatically executed in the market. Investors
use investment strategies as tools to help in the
decision-making process and to eliminate the
emotional factor which an investment involves.
The strategy operates by using various
parameters defined by the user and which have been
adjusted from historical analysis and studies of the
real market.
There are strategies which are ideal in certain
circumstances but which fail where others triumph.
Therefore, the choice of the ideal strategy to apply in
the immediate unknown future is a very difficult
task. In order to know the true potential of a strategy
it is necessary to calibrate a multitude of factors
which affect its behaviour as we shall see in the
following sections.
A variety of procedures can also be found in the
literature for evaluating and recommending
strategies. Fung and Hsieh (Fung and Hsieh, 1997),
for example, classify the strategies empirically
according to their behaviour into the following 5
groups: “Systems / Trend-following”, “Systems /
Opportunistic”, “Global / Macro”, “Value”, and
“Distressed”. Schittenkopf’s work (Schittenkopf,
2000) is similar in some ways to that presented here
in that it analyzes the relationship between volatility
and profit variables, although it only analyses a
single investment strategy on a single stock market
index. Our work, on the other hand, attempts to be
more general by analyzing a set of variables, for a
series of strategies, on a wide range of stock market
In the second section of this article, we will
describe the strategies used, and how they may be
optimized and evaluated. Section 3 analyzes the
selected variables and explains why they were
chosen. We will end the article with our conclusions
and future lines of research.
The first step in our study was to obtain a series of
investment strategies and also the parameters for
each strategy with their respective levels. For that
we will use the records from Gaesco Bolsa.
Gaesco Bolsa S.A., one of the largest capital
management companies in Spain, is constantly
analysing automatic stock market investment
strategies. We were given access to the 500 best
strategies. While some come from their R&D
department, others come from specialist journals
(Stocks & Commodities, Trader) and others are
proposed by their own clients. Each strategy is
studied on a wide battery of scenarios by means of a
demanding and exhaustive procedure which only a
few strategies survive.
When the investment strategy is not based on
human decisions, it can be simulated in time by what
is known as an automatic system. A simulation is an
execution of a strategy on a stock market index over
a period of time.
In order to simplify our explanation as far as
possible, we will present an example of a basic
investment strategy, consisting of three behaviour
Entry rule:
Purchase if the current share price exceeds the
maximum of the last N days
Exit rules:
Sell if an X% profit is obtained on the entry
Sell if a Y% loss is obtained in relation to the
entry point
The underlying philosophy behind this strategy
tells us that the fact of exceeding the maximum
(frequently called resistance) in the last N days is
normally an indication of the start of an upward
movement. We will sell after earning a certain
amount of profit, although we will make sure that
we do not lose more than a certain limit. This
strategy has three adjustable parameters:
N: number of days which are considered in the
calculation of the entry point
X: percentage of profits required before
liquidating positions
Y: maximum percentage loss permitted
The code for the strategy implemented by means
of Visual Basic to be used directly on the Visual
Chart platform would be:
'¡¡ Parameters
Dim N As Integer
Dim X As Double
Dim Y As Double
'Parameters !!
Public Sub OnCalculateBar(ByVal Bar As Long)
With APP
Dim Resistance As Double
Dim Benefit As Double
Dim Loss As Double
Resistance=.GetHighest(PriceHigh, N)
.Buy AtStop, 1, Resistance
.ExitLong AtLimit, 1, Benefit
.ExitLong AtStop, 1, Loss
End With
End Sub
This strategy on the Nasdaq-100, establishing the
values N=5, X=4, Y=3 as parameters, is shown in
Figure 1. Each vertical bar determines the range of
values covered during a day’s trading. The small
horizontal bar on the left-hand side represents the
initial value of the day and the small right-hand bar
the final value. Two trades can be observed. A trade
is defined as the fact that it starts when a value/good
is purchased and ends when it is sold. The first trade
is positive, since it is purchased at 9440 and sold at
9818, a result of +4%. The second trade, meanwhile,
is negative since it is purchased at 9919 and sold at
9621, a result of -3%. The line which joins the entry
point and the exit point of a trade is a visual tool
which enables the strategy to be monitored.
Figure 1: Example of a strategy’s performance.
Taking the session closing price of each trading
day as a reference, and knowing the entry and exit
points of the investment strategy, it is possible to
calculate a strategy’s daily percentage profit. This
leads to a time series of daily profits which will be
used in the following stages of our study.
2.1 Genetic Optimization of Strategies
A typical strategy has several adjustable parameters
(permitted tolerance, reaction speed, profit, loss,
etc.). Each parameter is defined with the following
quadruple: [name, minimum value, maximum value,
scale]. For example, our previously presented
strategy comprises three parameters:
[Days, 0, 250, 1]
[Profit, 0, 250, 0.1]
[Loss, 0, 100, 0.1]
The previous example would give us a set of
250,000,000 possible combinations of parameters,
making impossible to analyse and evaluate all of
them. We are interested in optimising a strategy’s
parameters and searching for those which produce
the best performance. For that we resort to a genetic
algorithm (Holland, 1975; Goldberg, 1989) which
enables us to obtain an acceptable combination in a
feasible period of time. In the following section, we
will briefly describe the genetic algorithm used.
2.1.1 Definition of the Individual
Each individual in the population corresponds to a
certain combination of parameters and the associated
chromosome is the binary codification of that
combination. From each parameter’s range, it is
possible to obtain the number of bits necessary for
its codification. Certain ranges require pre-
processing prior to codification:
1) If the range starts at a value other than 0, a value
will be added or subtracted to move the start of the
range to 0.
2) If the range includes decimal values, these will be
multiplied by 10 until they become integer values.
In order to code a chromosome in our example
strategy, 32 bits would therefore be necessary:
[Days, 0, 250, 1] needs 8 bits.
[Profit, 0, 100, 0.1] needs 12 bits.
[Loss, 0, 100, 0.1] needs 12 bits.
The combination – 36, 1.5, 2.5 – will be coded:
00100100 000000001111 000000011001
2.1.2 Fitness Function of the Individual
Each individual in the population has an associated
fitness value. For our problem, an individual’s
fitness is the performance obtained when the
strategy is applied on a certain index with the set of
parameters represented in its chromosome. As a
result of this simulation, a series of trades is
obtained. The fitness is equal to the sum of the
percentage profits of each trade once administration
expenses and commissions have been deducted:
where N is the total number of trades, I is the
purchase price, and O is the sale price.
2.1.3 Crossover Operator
We will pair two individuals from the population in
order to generate two new individuals, and we have
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
applied the crossover operator on 1 point (see Figure
2). This operator takes 2 parents from the
population, pairs them and obtains 2 children. To do
so, it randomly chooses a crossover point which
divides the father’s and mother’s chromosomes into
two halves. The first child is formed with the first
half of the father and the second half of the mother,
and the second child with the first half of the mother
and the second half of the father.
Figure 2: One point crossover.
2.1.4 Mutation Operator
The chromosome is taken and is mutated by
randomly changing some of its bits. It is necessary
to bear in mind that after the cross or mutation
operation, the descendants might not be valid
population individuals, and it might therefore be
necessary to repeat the process until the desired
number of individuals is obtained.
2.2 Evaluation Method
Many investors design their investment strategies,
optimise their parameters, and apply them to the real
world, trusting the optimisation results. In the
majority of cases, these strategies inevitably fail and
fail dismally. The reason for this failure is very
simple: they fail because while the strategy has
learned to behave excellently in a specific period of
time, it has not been able to generalise its parameters
to act in a different period.
In our study, once the investment strategies have
been calibrated, they are evaluated by means of a
blind test on different periods of time to those used
in optimisation in order to carry out as realistic a
simulation as possible. The subsequent evaluation of
the investment strategy will not take into account the
results obtained in optimisation, but will only work
with the test results.
An evaluation method has been followed based
on the sliding window technique to carry out the set
of optimisations-tests.
As genetic algorithms are probabilistic methods,
the results of a simple execution can be inadequate.
In order to avoid this as far as possible, the
evaluation method is repeated 5 times, and a series
of daily profits is obtained from each iteration. The
final series used to calculate the variables will be the
average of the 5 previous series.
The number of iterations of the genetic algorithm
varies according to the strategy. As is logical, the
strategies with the greatest number of parameters
require a greater number of iterations. By default,
the number of iterations is fixed to a tenth of the
number of possible combinations.
Following the evaluation method described in
this section, the 500 available strategies were
evaluated on six stock market indexes: four
European ones (CAC-40, DAX-30, IBEX-35 and
EUREX-50) and two American ones (NASDAQ-
100 and RUSSELL-1000). We obtained a database
of 3000 entries on which we will extract the
significant variables.
Once the strategy has been perfectly calibrated, we
can proceed to extract the variables which
characterise its behaviour. As we have already
mentioned, the result of the previous tests is a set of
3000 daily profit time series. The profits are
expressed in terms of percentages and perfectly
match reality, i.e. they take into account the
commissions of the different national stock markets
and of their respective brokers, and also the
slippages which occur when entering or exiting a
Since almost every agent uses his/her own
descriptive variables about a strategy’s behaviour,
there might currently be thousands of operative
variables. We, meanwhile, are looking for a series of
significant variables which cover all aspects of a
strategy’s behaviour and which describe it
After studying the semantics of hundreds of
variables, we reached the conclusion that they could
be grouped into four categories. The first and largest
of these covers performance-related variables:
absolute profit, percentage profit, annualised profits,
Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, Treynor ratio, swing,
capital asset pricing model (CAPM), etc. The second
group contains the variables which, in some way,
measure the risk, such as for example volatility, loss
series, consistency, monthly risk, risk-adjusted
return, risk-free return, alpha, systematic risk (beta),
Jensen’s measure, etc. The third group consists of
the variables associated with trading. Variables
belonging to this group would be: activity,
reliability, average profit per trade, average profit
per positive trade, average profit per negative trade,
etc. Finally, the fourth group comprises variables
which globally measure the quality of a strategy in
comparison with the remaining strategies. Basically,
this consists in ranking the strategies according to a
series of criteria and allocating 5 stars to the best
strategies, 4 stars to the next ones, and so on. The
strategies with 1 star are those with the worst
We have detected that many variables are
equivalent to each other or simply change scale or
nomenclature. In collaboration with the experts, the
authors have extracted a series of significant
variables which describe how good the strategies
are. After our initial selection, the most indicative
and suitable variables are selected on the basis of the
results of a survey carried out among experts. From
each times series, a group of numerical variables is
extracted which will help us to describe a strategy’s
Profit: This annualised performance takes into
account commissions and slippages:
where R
is a strategy’s performance in percentage
Volatility: Volatility is the standard deviation of the
change in the value of a financial instrument with a
specific time horizon. It is frequently used to
quantify the risk of the instrument during this time
period. Volatility is expressed in annualised terms.
The annualised volatility σ is proportional to the
standard deviation σSD of the returns of the
instrument divided by the square root of the time
period of the returns:
where P is the period of the returns in years.
Loss series (Drawdown): this is the greatest loss
sequence, or rather, the greatest drop between the
peak of accumulated profit and the lowest point.
Measurement begins when the fall starts and ends
when a new maximum is reached, since the lowest
point is not known until a new maximum is reached.
More formally, if X(t) gives the accumulated profit
at a moment in time t, the loss series at a moment T
would be:
Sharpe ratio: the Sharpe ratio is a measure of risk-
adjusted performance of an investment asset, or a
trading strategy, and is defined as:
where G is the strategy return and
is the volatility
of the strategy return. The Sharpe ratio is used to
characterize how well the return of an asset
compensates the investor for the risk taken.
Potential: this is a measurement of the performance
in relation to the maximum loss series:
Consistency: in general terms, the consistency refers
to the property of maintaining the same form over
time. In our case in particular, it indicates the
frequency of negative results over time:
where SD is the standard deviation of the negative
return values.
Reliability: this is the number of winning trades
expressed as a percentage of the total number of
100*/_ tradestradeswinningF
E01: one-year stars following Standard & Poors’
method. By dividing the strategy's average relative
performance by the volatility of its relative
performance, we are measuring not only its ability to
outperform its peers but also to do so in a consistent
way; the higher the ratio, the greater the strategy's
ability to outperform its peers consistently.
volatilityrelativereturnrelativeRR _/_
Let us suppose we have 100 strategies, then the
strategy stars will be:
5 stars: top 10%, 10 strategies
4 stars: top 11-30%, 20 strategies
3 stars: top 31-50%, 20 strategies
2 stars: next 25%, 25 strategies
1 star: bottom 25%, 25 strategies.
E04: we follow the same procedure as the one-year
stars (E01), but considering four years.
Number of Trades (Activity): this is the number of
entries-exits per day.
daystradesA /##
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
One interesting conclusion was obtained from the
optimization process, and this is that the most
elaborate and complex strategies, and therefore those
with the greatest number of parameters, obtained
excellent values in optimisation but disastrous ones
in the test. On the other hand, while more basic and
simpler strategies with a lower number of
parameters did not perform particularly well in
optimisation they did in tests. This is due to the fact
that very complex strategies are capable of perfectly
adjusting to the particular characteristics of the
optimisation period, but overlearn and do not know
how to act when the conditions change. However,
simpler strategies abstract and generalise better and
their behaviour is similar in both optimisation and
test periods.
The extracted data are extremely valuable since
they can be used to carry out a large number of
scientific studies. A first study would consist in
representing the previous data in a data warehouse
and applying different data mining techniques in
order to extract patterns between the different
variables. Taking into account that the values of the
variables can easily be transformed into fuzzy
variables by means of linguistic labels, it would be
possible to carry out a similar study to the previous
one by using a fuzzy data warehouse capable of
extracting fuzzy association rules (Delgado, 2007).
Similarly, it would be advisable to find the results
with the greatest significant interest (Shekar, 2004).
The portfolio selection problem (Schlottmann
2004) can also be studied by using the methodology
in this work. This problem consists in looking for
the combination of strategies which, by acting
jointly, increase profits and reduce risk. This is a
typical multiobjective optimisation problem. The
data can also be studied with clustering techniques
which search for the groupings between strategies or
It would also be interesting to devise an expert
system for stock market investment, and one
possibility might be to achieve an expert assessment
of each strategy. By applying neural networks or
some other artificial intelligence technique, expert
knowledge could then be abstracted and represented
for implementation on the expert system’s
knowledge base.
The information obtained is subject to changes
according to time. An analysis could be carried out
to search for values which have undergone changes,
thereby obtaining new knowledge and eliminating
part of the previous knowledge (Chen, 2005).
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