Domain, Sequencing and Content-Repository Ontologies
José M. Gascueña, Antonio Fernández-Caballero and Pascual Gónzalez
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos &
Instituto de Investigación en Informática de Albacete, Campus Universitario s/n, 02071-Albacete, Spain
Keywords: E-learning, Ontology, Learning objects.
Abstract: E-learning platforms available nowadays are mainly centred in supporting management tasks, but they do
not include or even consider in a too satisfactory way the adaptation to student’s profile, the reusability of
educational materials, or the efficient search into educational materials. By combining the paradigms of
ontologies and learning objects in authoring tools it is possible to annotate educational contents for
generating personalized material. The characteristics introduced in this paper are the learning style best
suited to the student, the device used to access the contents and the skill to be developed when using the
material. The general architecture of the proposed tool is fundamentally composed of three different and
interrelated ontologies: domain, sequencing and content-repository ontologies, where all knowledge about
which educative content is taught, how it is taught and how it is organized is respectively stored.
Nowadays a great number of e-learning platforms
are available (e.g. WebCT, Moodle, ATutor). They
are mainly centred in supporting management tasks
such as to administrate users and groups, or to store
educational materials (Shimic, Gasevic & Devedzic,
2006). Nevertheless, these platforms generally do
not include or even consider in a too satisfactory
way some important issues. For instance, they offer
the same materials and activities to all students; thus,
the content shown is not always adapted to their
knowledge, preferences and objectives, that is, to the
students profiles. Moreover, there are few
possibilities of reusing the educational materials due
to their low granularity. Indeed, frequently it is not
possible to make a search directly into files
fragments (e.g. an image, a table, a graph, a schema,
or a summary) without having to open and review
the documents offered.
In this paper, an ontology-based authoring
architecture for annotating educational contents is
proposed to solve some of the problems commented
above. The architecture generates adaptable material
according to characteristics such as the most
appropriate learning style for a given student, the
device used to access to contents, and the skill that is
sought to be developed when using it.
An ontology is an explicit specification of a
conceptualization (Gruber, 1993); it allows defining
explicitly and formally the concepts and relations
that appear in the application domain. The use of
ontologies in the e-learning community is useful for
several reasons. (1) It helps authors in building
consistent and well-elaborated material, (2) it
provides facilities to construct enhanced search
engines for finding more relevant learning material,
(3) it enables individual adaptive delivery of
learning services as well as dynamic navigational
support, and, (4) it provides the means for
constructing a reference model for learning
resources (Leidig, 2001).
In our research only resources that may be
transmitted through the Internet are considered.
Thus, among the different definitions found of the
concept of learning object (McGreal, 2004), the
more appropriate definition to our objectives is the
one provided by Wiley (2001): “Any digital resource
that can be reused to support learning”. The
reusability characteristic inherent to learning objects
is one of the reasons for the increasing interest in
adopting this paradigm. It decreases time and effort
required to produce learning objects in a significant
M. Gascueña J., Fernández-Caballero A. and Gónzalez P. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - HCI, pages 53-60
DOI: 10.5220/0002353900530060
manner. We consider all the resources defined at the
level of paragraph, image, table, diagram, audio, and
so on, as learning objects to obtain a high grade of
In our architecture, learning objects are labelled
according to learning styles theory in order to allow
delivering didactic materials suitable to all students’
learning styles. Due to the current proliferation of
new and different devices, it seemed also useful to
present different content formats, based on
hardware, software and network connection features
of the devices used by the students.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has
developed OWL (Web Ontology Language) (Dean
et al., 2004) to increase an expressive power that the
earlier existing ontology markup languages – XML,
RDF and RDF-Schema, among others – did not
have. For instance, OWL incorporates Boolean
combinations of classes (union, intersection, and
complement), disjointness of classes, cardinality
restrictions, special characteristics of properties
(transitive, unique, inverse), and local scope of the
properties (Antoniou & van Harmelen, 2004). All
OWL ontologies introduced in this paper are
encoded in OWL language and the Protégé
framework has been selected to edit/construct them.
The article is structured as indicated next. In
section 2 the works carried out in the last years
related to the learning objects paradigm and based
on ontologies are described. In section 3 the
proposed architecture for annotating educational
contents is introduced in extensive. Finally, some
conclusions are offered.
In scientific literature several proposals related to the
use of ontologies in educational environments may
easily be found. An ontology-based metadata to
achieve personalization and reuse of content in
AdaptWeb project has been described (Silva &
Palazzo, 2004). In mentioned project, DAML+OIL
language is used to represent the ontology; but
unfortunately, an inexpert user in ontologies is not
provided with any user friendly interface tool to
populate it. The architecture of the adaptive learning
system proposed in Duitama (2005) is based on the
AHAM reference model for adaptive hypermedia
applications, and RDF Schema is used to represent
knowledge models that compose it, which again
entails the previously commented limitations.
Another approach (Santacruz-Valencia et al., 2005)
provides ontology-based mechanisms to carry out
the leaning objects assembly, where the knowledge
(requirements and competencies) associated to
learning objects is kept in mind to determine if it is
possible to assemble them. In this work features
such as learning style, software and hardware are not
considered for the purpose of the assembly.
TANGRAM is a learning environment in the domain
of Intelligent Information Systems (IIS) useful to
authors and students interested in this domain. In
this case, Semantic Web technologies and ontologies
in particular are used. This environment is centred in
a concrete domain, so it is not enough generic
(Jovanovic, Gasevic & Devedzic, 2006). In another
work (Baloian et al., 2004) a mechanism for
information retrieval not only taking into account the
student profiles but the equipment issues is
presented. Lastly, in (Ronchetti & Saini, 2004) an
architecture to help students to find materials that
present different points of view or different ways to
explain concepts is proposed, but again it does not
make use of Semantic Web technologies.
The proposed architecture is generic, that is to say, it
is not associated to a course in particular. But rather
it defines the characteristics that appear in any
course. The aim is to create an “instance” for each
particular course from the general ontologies
(mainly, sequencing ontology and domain ontology,
as described next) included in the tool.
Basically, the authoring tool architecture
proposed consists of several distinct ontologies (see
Figure 1). The domain ontology describes concepts,
and relations between them, that appear in the
domain of a course. The sequencing ontology
defines the possible learning paths that can be given
through the concepts defined in the domain
ontology. The contents-repository ontology includes
metadata to describe learning objects, as well as the
relationships between the different kinds of objects,
used to teach the concepts belonging to the courses
inserted with the tool. In this ontology, besides the
definition of classes and relations among them, there
will be individuals when the ontology is populated
with the authoring tool. The mapping ontology
allows establishing relations between the concepts
(instances) included in the domain ontologies of
different courses. Lastly, the administration
ontology includes information about the authors of
the contents (personal information and courses that
they are authorized to access) and where the
ontologies included in the tool are located.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
S e q u e n c i n g O n t o l o g y
S e q u e n c i n g O n t o l o g y
D o m a i n O n t o l o g y
D o m a i n O n t o l o g y
C o n t e n t s - R e p o s i t o r y O n t o l o g y
C o n t e n t s - R e p o s i t o r y O n t o l o g y
Course 1
Course 2
Course N
Course 1
Course 2
Course N
import import import
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
Repository Management
U s e r
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n O n t o l o g y
(a u t h o r s a n d o n t o l o g i e s m a n a g e m e n t)
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n O n t o l o g y
(a u t h o r s a n d o n t o l o g i e s m a n a g e m e n t)
S e q u e n c i n g O n t o l o g y
S e q u e n c i n g O n t o l o g y
D o m a i n O n t o l o g y
D o m a i n O n t o l o g y
C o n t e n t s - R e p o s i t o r y O n t o l o g y
C o n t e n t s - R e p o s i t o r y O n t o l o g y
Course 1
Course 2
Course N
Course 1
Course 2
Course N
import import import
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
Repository Management
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
A u t h o r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t
Repository Management
U s e r
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n O n t o l o g y
(a u t h o r s a n d o n t o l o g i e s m a n a g e m e n t)
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n O n t o l o g y
(a u t h o r s a n d o n t o l o g i e s m a n a g e m e n t)
Figure 1: General layout of the authoring tool.
The courses managed with the tool are produced
by creating particular sequencing and domain
ontologies for each included course, besides
associating the corresponding learning objects
(annotated in the contents-repository ontology) for
teaching the course matter. This separation allows a
better reusability of the knowledge (e.g. in those
cases in which we are in front of a course offered in
different degrees whose contents differ very little).
The domain ontology for a given course is imported
from the “generic” domain ontology (it only contains
class definition and relations, but it does not contain
individuals) and the contents-repository ontology,
both shown in Figure 1. This ontology will include
the concepts of the course (individual of the class
Concept) and the relations among them, and also it
will point to the learning objects that can be used to
learn them.
Now the sequencing ontology for the course
imports the “generic” sequencing ontology (it only
contains class definitions and relations, but again it
does not contain individuals) and the domain
ontology particular for this course in order to define
the possible learning trajectories that the students
can follow through the concepts belonging to the
specific course (individuals of class Concept).
The author of the contents is provided with some
useful utilities – a domain tool, a sequencing tool
and a repository management tool – that allow him
to create, delete and modify ontologies associated to
the courses included with the tool. He will also be
able to populate the ontologies and to manage them
in a user friendly way, with no need to having any
knowledge on the format of the storage chosen.
Content-Repository Ontologies
3.1 Domain Ontology
The domain ontology is graphically shown in Figure
2. Class Course represents the subjects created
within the tool. For instance, Multi-agent Systems,
Operating Systems and Software Engineering are
some individuals of this class. The class contains
two data type properties, namely courseName and
courseDescription, the title and a brief description of
the course, respectively, and one object property
cHasObjective that points to the objectives to reach
(class Objective) through the course.
isPartOf [0..1]
nameConcept : string
hierarchicalLevel : int
isDescribedBy describesTo
courseName : string
courseDescription : string
description : string
isPartOf [0..1]
nameConcept : string
hierarchicalLevel : int
isDescribedBy describesTo
courseName : string
courseDescription : string
courseName : string
courseDescription : string
description : string
Figure 2: Domain ontology.
The concepts constitute the knowledge of the
domain under study and they are collected in class
Concept. This class contains two data type
properties, nameConcept to identify the concept and
hierarchicalLevel to represent the level where the
concept is found in the concepts hierarchy. Notice
that level 0 is assigned to the root concept. There are
more object properties introduced later on to
describe the possible relationships among the
domain concepts.
Property consistOf is aimed to define a concept
hierarchy, and therefore, to establish a relationship
among a concept and its sub-concepts (e.g. we are
able to define chapters, sections, subsections and
terms which are under subsections), until reaching
an atomic concept which – from the point of view of
the teacher – does not need to be decomposed any
more. A concept must have at least a parent concept
(property isPartOf with maximal cardinality
restriction). Properties similarTo and oppositeOf
enable mapping a concept to other concepts that
have the same or different semantic meaning,
In order to indicate concept restrictions through
which it is possible to advance/go back to/from a
given concept other properties are needed.
hasRequisite and isPrerequisiteFor (its inverse)
allow to point to concepts that must be known before
starting to study a determined concept, and the
concepts for which it is a prerequisite, respectively –
some conditions should be fulfilled to access the
study of the concepts.
Object property isDescribedBy (class Concept)
points to digital resources that explain a concept or
assess the knowledge stored about it. On the other
hand, object property describesTo is included in
LearningObject class to indicate which concepts a
learning object is related to.
3.2 Sequencing Ontology
The sequencing ontology defines the possible
learning paths that can be followed to learn the
concepts defined in the domain ontology. The
sequencing ontology imports the domain ontology to
add to class Concept (defined in the domain
ontology as well) the object properties shown in
Figure 3 to express how the teaching of the concepts
is sequenced. Object property sequence (functional)
points to the next concept to be followed; alternate
allows defining that it is possible to continue with
any one of the pointed concepts, whereas
xorAlternate only permits advancing through one of
the related concepts. For instance, Figure 3 shows
that a student starts learning concept C1, then C2
and later C3 (sequence). After this he could choose
to advance independently to any of the concepts
related to C3 through the alternative property (C4,
C5 and C13). If he arrives at concept C8 he will
have to continue to only one concept (C9 or C10).
sequence [0..1]
sequence [0..1]
C1 C2
C6 C7
C8 C9
C11 C12
xor Alternate
x o r A l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
C1 C2
C6 C7
C8 C9
C11 C12
xor Alternate
x o r A l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
a l t e r n a t e
Figure 3: Sequencing ontology and example.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Contents-repository Ontology
The contents-repository ontology includes metadata
to describe learning objects and their relationships.
To determine the grade of granularity of a learning
object is a fundamental decision in any project. The
degree of reusability of a learning object is largely a
function of its granularity, which is related with the
size of an object (the lower the size of an object, the
more reusable it will become) (South & Monson,
2000). Remember that in our approach the resources
that have a very low granularity are precisely the
learning objects (at the level of paragraph, image,
table, diagram, and so on). Thus, if there are learning
objects available at these levels, in every moment
any e-learning system is able to add/remove contents
at this level and to produce tailor-made learning
materials according to the preferences of a student.
Also, this facilitates showing didactical materials in
those devices that have a screen of limited
dimensions (e.g. a PDA) in form of a sequence of
pages. In this approach, learning objects that have a
greater granularity are built from smaller granularity
ones. For instance, the course chapter’s section will
be created by mixing several little chunks.
3.3.1 Learning Objects Description
Metadata is used to describe the learning objects. In
this work, some elements of the IEEE LOM (LOM,
2002) we have chosen, as this is a standard
recognized internationally and many metadata
schemas are based in it (e.g. IMS and SCORM
metadata). On the other hand, the inspiration of our
approach to describe the device features to correctly
display learning objects comes from the elements of
the LOM technical category and from the FIPA
Device Ontology (FIPA, 2002).
Class LearningObject includes the metadata
collection that describes a digital resource. As you
may observe on Figure 4, (a) a learning object is
created by one or several authors (createdBy), (b) it
has a set of keywords that describe it (hasKeyword),
(c) it is located in a certain direction (location), (d) it
is written in a given language (language), (e) it
manages a brief description (description), (f) it
incorporates a type of interactivity - taking values
active, exhibition and mixed - (interactivityType),
and, (g) it possesses a level of difficulty - very easy,
easy, average, difficult, and very difficult -
(difficultyLevel). The type of interactivity
denominated as active applies for documents where
a student interacts and/or performs operations (for
example, simulations, exercises, test questions),
whereas exhibition is applied to documents whose
objective is that the student just gets the content (for
example, text, images, sound). Lastly, object
properties hasLearningStyle, requiresDevice and
developSkill are introduced in order to point to the
learning styles that are better adjusted to a learning
object, the device where it is more correctly
visualized, and the intellectual skill developed when
it is used, respectively.
location : string
language : string
descript ion : string
interactivityType : string
difficultyLevel : int
author : string
keyword : string
activeReflective : int
sensingIntuitive : int
visualVerbal : int
sequentialGlobal : int
h a s K e y w o r d
c r e a t e d B y
r e q u i r e s D e v i c e
h a s L e a r n i n g S t y l e
Ski ll
d e v e l o p S k i l l
Cogni ti ve
bloomLevel : string
location : string
language : string
descript ion : string
interactivityType : string
difficultyLevel : int
author : string
keyword : string
activeReflective : int
sensingIntuitive : int
visualVerbal : int
sequentialGlobal : int
h a s K e y w o r d
c r e a t e d B y
r e q u i r e s D e v i c e
h a s L e a r n i n g S t y l e
Ski ll
d e v e l o p S k i l l
Cogni ti ve
bloomLevel : string
Figure 4: Description of a learning object.
So far, several learning styles theory have
already been used in adaptive educational systems
(Felder and Silverman, Dunn and Dunn, Honey and
Mumford models, and so on). For a deeper reading,
please consult (Stash, Cristea & De Bra, 2004). In
the work proposed in this paper, the scheme to
distinguish the student’s learning style is the one
proposed by the Felder-Silverman Learning Style
Model (FSLSM) (Felder & Silverman, 1988). The
FSLSM model distinguishes four dichotomous
dimensions for learning styles: active/reflective,
sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, and
sequential/global, which gives place to sixteen
learning styles combinations. This decision has been
taken for two reasons. First of all, this model
provides a questionnaire to establish the dominant
learning style of each student and its results may
easily be linked to e-learning systems. Secondly, this
model has been sufficiently validated in many other
adaptive environments (Shi et al., 2003; Hong &
Kinshuk, 2004; Capuano et al, 2005; Peña, Marzo &
De la Rosa, 2005). Therefore, it seems reasonable to
annotate learning objects according to Felder and
Silverman model for the purpose of choosing the
best learning objects adapted to the student’s
learning style. Object property hasLearningStyle
points to suitable learning styles for a learning
object. The class LearningStyle offers four
Content-Repository Ontologies
properties of type integer that correspond to the four
dimensions of the FSLSM.
Object property requiresDevice in class
LearningObject of the contents-repository ontology
points to the device necessary to display a learning
object in a most satisfactory way. The class Device
describes the device technology that should be used
for displaying the contents correctly and in a suitable
time. A device satisfies certain hardware (class
Hardware) and software (class Software)
requirements. With regard to hardware, we consider
the following features to achieve a good user
satisfaction: the computer CPU type (cpu), the
network connection required (networkConnection),
the necessary memory (object property hasMemory),
the user interface characteristics (object property
hasUI), the capability to receive audio input (audio-
input) or to produce audio output (audio-output), as
well as information on the video card (videoCard).
Property hasMemory allows pointing to the
description of the features related to memory – the
amount of memory that the user device should
incorporate to show the learning object (amount) and
in which unit this amount is expressed
(unitMemory). Now, property hasUI allows pointing
to the information that describes the user interface -
the width of the screen (width), the height of the
screen (height), the unit for the width and height
parameters (unit) and if a colour screen (color) is
necessary. Regarding the software, features such as
the minimum and the maximum version capable of
using the resource (minimumVersion and
maximumVersion, respectively) and the name that
identifies it (nameSoftware) are included. We
distinguish the browser (Browser), the operating
system (OperatingSystem) and the pluggins
(Pluggin) as kinds of software.
Moreover, the taxonomy of learning objectives
proposed by Benjamin S. Bloom (Bloom, 1956) is
selected to annotate the learning objects according to
the instructional pedagogic role that they play from a
cognitive perspective. This supposition has been
adopted because this taxonomy is easy to understand
and it has also been widely applied (Soldatova &
Mizoguchi, 2003; Buckley & Exton, 2003; Ullrich,
2004). Class Cognitive has object property
bloomLevel to represent the intellectual skill that the
student develops when using it: knowledge,
comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and
evaluation, just as identified in the cognitive domain
of the Bloom Taxonomy.
To conclude, class LearningObject also includes
object properties isEquivalentTo and
complementsTo. The fist one is for knowing the
resources that have the same semantic meaning,
whereas the second allows reusing resources that the
author of the contents thinks that are necessary to be
grouped together in a course. For instance, a
diagram should be grouped together with the
paragraph and/or audio that describes it; a simulation
should be reused together with the paragraphs that
explain a concept, etc.
3.3.2 Types of Learning Objects
The individuals of class LearningObject may be
theoretical explanations, practical explanations, or
evaluation questionaires belonging to classes
TheoreticalContentObject, PracticalExplanation and
IndividualEvaluation, respectively. Notice that these
classes are subclasses of class LearningObject. They
are related to each others, as represented
schematically in Figure 5 through rTCO_IE,
rTCO_PE and rIE_PE. Let us highlight that in the
ontology, instead of rTCO_PE there is an object
property to indicate that a theoretical content object
can be related with several practical explanations.
Another object property expresses that a practical
explanation can be related with several theoretical
content objects. Exactly the same idea is applicable
to rTCO_IE and rIE_PE.
Classes TheoreticalExplanation and
PracticalExplanation represent the theoretical and
practical explanations, respectively, that are shown
to the students (see Figure 5). In order to compose
the theoretical explanations several types of formats
are proposed (classes Text, Audio, Video, and
Image). This way, the theoretical explanations that
appear to the verbal students are formed by text
and/or audio, whereas videos and images are shown
to the more visual students. Classes Text, Audio,
Video and Image are subclasses of Theory, which
includes the data type property order to describe
how to link the theoretical contents. Class Text has
the property role that allows expressing whether it is
a text chunk associated to a definition, summary,
law, theorem, or proof, among others; whereas class
Image has the property type to describe that it is a
graph, figure, graphical scheme, etc. In order to
realize practical explanations, examples, simulations
and animations (classes Example, Simulation,
Animation) can be used.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
TheoreticalContentObject IndividualEvaluation
Video Audio Text Image
Exercise TestQuestion Simulation Animation Example
isa isaisaisa
isa isa isaisa isa
order : int
type : string
role : string
hasLear ningStyle
TheoreticalContentObject IndividualEvaluation
Video Audio Text Image
Exercise TestQuestion Simulation Animation Example
isa isaisaisa
isa isa isaisa isa
order : int
type : string
role : string
hasLear ningStyle
Figure 5: Types of learning objects.
The individuals of class IndividualEvaluation are
used to evaluate the knowledge acquired by the
student. Class IndividualEvaluation has two
subclasses (Exercise and TestQuestion) that contain
the exercises and the test questionnaires,
respectively, that a student has to solve. Class
Exercise contains four subclasses associated to
different kinds of statements in which (1) a question
is posed where the student has to answer with a
numerical solution (NumericSolution), (2) it is
necessary to complete in one o more points with a
phrase, a word or a cipher (IncompletePhrase), (3)
the student has to answer with one or several
paragraphs (FreeResponse), and, (4) he must
establish the relations between the elements of two
columns (Association). On the other hand, class
TestQuestion has several subclasses to highlight the
different types of test questionnaires that are shown
to the student. For instance, a student has to choose
between one of two alternatives (TrueFalse), one of
three or more alternatives (SingleSelection), or all
the correct ones from a series of alternatives
In this paper a proposal for an authoring architecture
based in several ontologies, namely domain
ontology, sequencing ontology and contents-
repository ontology, has been introduced. To
annotate a learning object, characteristics such as the
most appropriate learning style to a student, the
device used to access the contents and the skill that
is expected to be developed when the student
approaches the contents are considered in the
contents-repository ontology. In the domain
ontology the concepts and the relations between
them we describe, just as appearing in the course
domain. In the sequencing ontology the possible
learning paths that can appear through the concepts
defined in the domain ontology we define.
As future work, it would be important to provide
a more sophisticated learning objects assembly
mechanism allowing to generate them according to
formats generally used at present (IMS and
SCORM) and fitted to the profile of each student.
Moreover, we are engaged in using these objects in
an agent-based intelligent tutoring system proposed
very recently (Fernández-Caballero et al., 2006) in
order to improve the proposal’s adaptivity
This work is supported in part by the Spanish
CICYT TIN2004-08000-C03-01 and the Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha PAI06-0093
grants. José M. Gascueña is the recipient of a
Predoctoral Scholarship awarded by Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha under grant
Content-Repository Ontologies
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