An Empirical Study
Tereza G. Kirner and Alessandra V. Saraiva
Graduate Program in Computer Science - Methodist University of Piracicaba
Rodovia do Açúcar, Km 156 - 13400-911, Piracicaba , SP - Brasil
Keywords: Software usability; Requirements usability evaluation; Empirical study; Goal-Question- Metrics.
Abstract: This article presents an empirical study performed to evaluate the usability of a software applied to the agri-
livestock area. The evaluation plan was prepared with basis on the Goal-Question-Metrics paradigm. The
research was performed in a government department of São Paulo state, in Brazil, and the subjects were
professionals that give assistance to small rural properties in the planning, execution and control of agri-
livestock activities, which can be supported by software systems. Usability is concerned with the suitability
of the software for its users, defined in this work through the following attributes: easiness of understanding,
easiness of learning, operationability, software attractiveness and user satisfaction, and usefulness and
accomplishment of the goals. The preparation and execution of the empirical study are described and the
data analysis and conclusions are presented. The obtained results indicate a satisfactory level of usability for
the considered software. Besides evaluating the software, the study aim to contribute to the detailing of a
process, based on GQM, to perform usability evaluations. The work also represents a contribution to the
software quality improvement, primarily to those systems applied to agri-livestock tasks.
Usability is a quality requirement of software
products, which has been growing in importance
mainly due to the contribution that it brings to the
software improvement. Software with acceptable
usability leads to positive impacts, such as: decrease
in time and learning cost with the use of the system;
easiness of transition to new system versions; users´
better performance and productivity; increase in the
quality of tasks and decrease of mistakes due to data
input provided by the users; etc. Moreover, several
studies have already demonstrated that 80% of the
total maintenance costs are related to problems that
the users face on "what" the system makes and not
with technical bugs. Of these problems, 64% are
directly related to usability issues (Seffah, 2003).
Usability has been associated to attributes such
as: effective use of the software; easiness of learning
to use the software and exploring all its potentiality;
reaching of the users’ goals, through the software, in
supported tasks; software attractiveness and users’
satisfaction; conformity with specific patterns; and
adaptation to the users' experience (Avouris, 2001;
Bevan, 1991, 1995; Nielsen, 1993).
Studies have pointed out the need of methods
that effectively help to identify and specify the users'
needs, and to test and validate prototypes and
software products with their final users (Seffah,
2003). In Brazil, particularly in the agri-livestock
area, there are very few initiatives to identify and
improve the quality of software products, fact that
has been contributing to some retraction in the agro-
informatics market (Cócaro, 2005).
This work presents an empirical study on the
evaluation of the usability of a software applied to
the agri-livestock area, aiming to contribute to the
continuous improvement of software products in this
area. At the same time, it intends to define a plan of
usability evaluation together with a process of
conducting empirical studies on this theme.
Section 2 summarizes some empirical studies on
software usability, which were relevant for the
present work. Section 3 presents the concepts in
which the study was based on, including an
explanation of usability and Goal-Question-Metrics
(GQM). Section 4 presents the plan of usability
evaluation, based on the GQM approach. Section 5
presents the definition of the empirical study,
describing its accomplishment. The analysis of the
G. Kirner T. and V. Saraiva A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 459-465
DOI: 10.5220/0002352004590465
results is presented in section 6, and the conclusions
are presented in section 7.
Among recent works reported in the literature,
which provided a conceptual basis for the present
work, studies to test the usability of electronic
commerce systems (Rosa, 2004), education systems
(Granic, 2004), and software packages (Dag, 2001)
are highlighted. Moreover, a research about
evaluation of agricultural software in Brazil,
reported by Cócaro (2005), is indicated. These
studies were reviewed to obtain a basis for the
definition of usability and to determine the process
of conducting the empirical study.
Rosa (2004) presents an empirical study on the
usability of application forms in electronic
commerce systems. The usability was defined
through a series of aspects, such as: filling of the
fields of the form, legibility, correction of filling
mistakes, clarity of the instructions, explanatory and
error messages, layout and organization of the form.
To perform the study, two electronic commerce
systems for book and CD sale were selected. Six
subjects, from 20 to 40 years, who had already
purchased on-line, participated of the study,
responding to non-structured interviews. A
qualitative analysis of the obtained data was
performed, with the preparation of tables and
calculation of percentages.
Granic (2004) presents a methodology to
evaluate the usability of educational systems of ITS
(Intelligent Tutoring Systems). The usability was
identified through aspects related to the easiness of
using the software, easiness of learning the software,
and user satisfaction, such as: language and terms
used in the software human-computer interfaces,
supplied explanations, usefulness of the software,
timing response, navigation through screens, and
satisfaction provided by the accomplishment of the
tasks. As part of the study, an ITS was evaluated by
5 usability experts. They answered a questionnaire
with 10 questions, using a Lickert scale of seven
points (Pereira, 2004), ranging from "I disagree" to
"I agree". Data were tabulated, percentages where
calculated regarding the answers, and the results
were discussed.
Dag (2001) presents a case study for evaluating
the usability of a software package produced by a
Sweden software factory. The study used two
usability evaluation methods: a questionnaire to
allow a quantitative analysis, and a heuristic test,
which allowed a qualitative analysis.
- For the questionnaire, it was used the SUMI
(Software Usability Measurement Inventory)
model (SUMI, 2006), which includes a standard
framework for identifying usability issues. The
questionnaire was sent to 90 potential final users
of the considered software in Europe, and the
results were statistically analyzed.
- The heuristic evaluation presupposes the experts'
participation. In the study, 12 experts with
knowledge on human-computer interfaces and on
the software domain have participated. As result,
it was obtained a list of usability problems,
which should be corrected in order to produce an
improved software version.
In the agri-livestock area, there are few
experiences for obtaining and improving the quality
of software products. This fact has been contributing
for a retraction in the agro-informatics market
(Cócaro, 2005). A recent study about evaluation of
the quality of an agricultural software (Cócaro,
2005) focuses on the evaluation of two usability
attributes: use easiness (including customization
easiness and user's manual) and operational easiness
(including simplicity to register operations, easiness
of understanding the results, easiness of consulting
the data and easiness of modifying the data). The
evaluation methodology included the use of an
evaluation record containing questions, which
measure the quality attributes. Two specialists of the
agri-livestock area answered the research, attributing
concepts to the questions, followed by a discussion
to justify the evaluation. The obtained results were
organized with basis on the measured attributes.
The analysis of the empirical studies above
indicated, suggested the need to invest in some
aspects, such as:
- Definition of the usability requirement, aiming to
reflect the real demands of specific end-user
- Preparation of the usability evaluation plan for
the software;
- Definition of the process for performing the
empirical study, including the definition of the
objectives, the definition of the sample, the
preparation of the instruments of data collection,
the survey and preparation of the data, and the
analysis of the results and identification of the
The aspects highlighted above were focused on
the present empirical study, described in the next
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Software Usability
Usability is a software quality requirement that
comprises aspects related to the efficient and
effective use of the software. Several definitions are
reported in the literature, including attributes such
as: easiness of understanding the software
functioning, easiness of learning the software,
accomplishment of objectives and tasks,
attractiveness of the software for the users, the users'
satisfaction with the use of the software, adequacy
with specific patterns, adaptation to the users'
experience, etc. (Avouris, 2001; Bevan, 1991, 1995;
Nielsen, 1993).
In the present work, the software usability was
defined through the following attributes: easiness of
understanding, easiness of learning, operationability,
attractiveness and satisfaction of the user, and
usefulness and accomplishment of goals. These
attributes are defined as follows.
- Easiness of Understanding. Capacity of the
software of enabling to the user the
understanding for an appropriate use.
- Easiness of Learning. Allows the user to be able
to explore the software and to accomplish his/her
tasks without difficulties.
- Operationability. The software allows the user to
operate and control it appropriately.
- Attractiveness and User Satisfaction. Capacity of
the software to be attractive to the user, making
him/her satisfied with the system interaction.
- Usefulness and Accomplishment of the Goals.
The user reaches the goals proposed by the
software, through its use.
The users’ performance and expectations are
directly related with the software usability.
According to Govindarajulu (2003), the users of a
system include several people, such as operators,
developers and professionals that, in some way,
control an application. The understanding of the
users' profile and their roles are important for a study
on software usability.
The present study considered, as final users, the
agricultural technicians (agricultural engineers and
veterinary physicians) who worked at a Department
of Rural Development of São Paulo State, in Brazil,
who had experience in the agricultural area and
basic notions of Informatics.
3.2 Goal-Question-Metrics
The Goal-Question-Metrics (GQM) approach aims
to support the elaboration and implementation of
quality evaluation programs of products and
software processes. GQM is based on the principles
of Goal-Oriented Measurement and software Quality
Improvement Paradigm (Basili, 1994; Kirner, 1997,
Shull, 2006).
The preparation of a software measurement plan,
based on GQM, comprises the following steps:
- Identification of the goals. Each goal is defined
through the object, purpose, quality focus, point
of view, and environment related to the intended
- Definition of the questions. For each goal, a set
of questions has to be defined. These should be
compatible with the proposed goal and include
the requirements and quality attributes that are
being evaluated.
- Definition of the metrics. Metrics to quantify the
proposed questions have to be defined. Each
metric should be related to at least one question,
and each question should have at least one
associated metric.
In this work, the GQM approach was used to
support the elaboration of the usability evaluation
plan for the considered software.
The measured software was developed by a
Brazilian government organ, which support the
decision-making related to solve specific problems
of small, familiar properties, aiming at greater
profitability for the rural producers (Saraiva, 2006).
The usability evaluation plan of the agricultural
software was prepared with basis on the GQM
approach. The goal, questions and metrics are
presented as follows.
A brainstorm session was performed to start the
definition of the evaluation plan, with the
participation of 10 students enrolled in a software
engineering discipline of a master's degree program.
This session was very useful and it indicated a series
of important aspects related to software usability.
4.1 Definition of the Goal
According to the GQM approach, the goal of the
intended evaluation, which was to measure the
usability of an agri-livestock, was detailed. The goal
is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Goal of the Usability Empirical Study.
to analyze Agri-livestock software
with the
purpose of
Evaluation of the software
Quality Focus
Usability, evaluated through
the following attributes:
- easiness of understanding;
- easiness of learning;
- operationability;
- attractiveness and user
- usefulness and
accomplishment of goals.
Point of View
under the
point of
view of
User - agriculture technician
in the
Department of Rural
4.2 Definition of the Questions
After the definition of the goal, a series of guidelines
with 10 tasks was defined, to guide the users to work
with the software. Based on these tasks, the
questions were defined, which the users should
answer in order to identify the level of software
usability. Table 2 presents the defined questions for
each usability attribute.
4.3 Definition of the Metrics
According to the GQM approach, metrics for the
proposed questions, listed in Table 2, were defined.
These metrics were based on a five-point Likert
Scale (Pereira, 2004), according to which the users
were requested to inform his/her degree of
agreement or disagreement with each question, that
is: (1): Disagree Completely; (2): Disagree; (3)
Neither Agree nor Disagree; (4): Agree; (5): Agree
5.1 Objective of the Study and
Definition of the Sample
The empirical study aimed to evaluate the usability
of a software applied to the agriculture area,
measured through the following attributes: easiness
of understanding; easiness of learning; software
operationability; software attractiveness and user
satisfaction; and usefulness and accomplishment the
The population of the empirical study was
composed of the agricultural technicians of a
Brazilian Department of Rural Development. After
the population was established, the sampling
technique adopted to choose the elements that would
compose the sample was defined. Two aspects were
relevant for defining the sampling: the fact that the
participants have specific characteristics, such as,
being technicians with higher education, and having
basic notions of the use of computers and
Informatics. In this way, it was decided to use a
convenience sampling, according to
which the
subjects are chosen because they have characteristics
that are appropriate to the study.
The sample was composed of 11 subjects, whose
characteristics were according to those mentioned
above. From them, 54,55% were agriculture
engineers and 45,45% were veterinary physicians.
5.2 Instruments for Data Collection
The present study used three instruments for data
collection, which were prepared based on the
evaluation plan presented in the previous section.
Those instruments, available in Saraiva (2006), are:
- Questionnaire for General Information
Surveying. These questionnaires collected
information on the profile of the participants,
such as academic grades and level of experience.
- Guidelines for Using the Software. They
included 10 topics to guide the subjects to
perform tasks regarding the use of the software.
Starting from the accomplishment of the defined
tasks, the subjects would be able to evaluate the
software usability.
- Questionnaire of Software Usability Evaluation.
It was composed by 20 questions, to be answered
with basis on the Likert scale. The evaluators
should answer each question, underlining one of
the presented values, which are: (1) Agree
completely; (2) Agree; (3) Neither agree nor
disagree; (4) Disagree; (5) Disagree completely.
To guarantee the reliability of the collected data
and a greater index of answers, the questionnaires
were applied through individual interviews,
performed with the participants, in the facilities of
the Department. Besides, a pilot test was performed
to test the instruments of data survey before using
them in the research. The test had the collaboration
of a user of the agricultural area, with similar profile
of the further evaluators.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Questions for the Empirical Study.
Questions related to the Software Easiness of Understanding
- Q1. In the "Main Screen", the illustrations of buttons help the understanding of the software.
- Q2. In case there is the need to use the Option HELP, the user is able to use it.
- Q3. During the use of the software, the user notices the objective of the application.
- Q4. Menu dispositions are easily understood during the sequence of tasks.
Questions related to the Software Easiness of Learning
- Q5. The language of the software in "Portuguese" is considered a relevant factor for the learning of the
- Q6. The software is considered "Self-explanatory" in its functions.
- Q7. In the "Main Screen", the disposition of the illustrations of buttons helps the learning of the software.
- Q8. The use of the Menus provides the learning of the software.
Questions related to the Software Operationability
- Q9. The user considers that the navigation among screens enables the performance of operations.
- Q10. The icons are representative in the use of the software.
- Q11. The user can easily register the "property".
- Q12. The user can clearly interpret the graphic representation.
Questions related to the Software Attractiveness and Users’ Satisfaction
- Q13. The illustrations of buttons are attractive.
- Q14. The user feels pleased when using the software.
- Q15. The use of this software can collaborate with the planning of agricultural activities.
- Q16. The fact that it is a free distribution software is an attractive reason for its use.
Questions related to the Software Usefulness and Accomplishment of Goals
- Q17. The software is an advantageous tool for agricultural development.
- Q18. The software usefulness was insufficient in some applications.
- Q19. The software fulfilled the needs of your business.
- Q20. You could reach your goals with the use of the software.
He was guided to identify ambiguous or confused
aspects, in the three questionnaires. The identified
aspects were discussed, analyzed and corrected.
The analysis of the results followed guidelines
supplied by statistics (Pereira, 2004). A suitable
methodology was adopted for qualitative data, using
descriptive techniques, Likert scale and the
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient.
Data obtained through the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation allowed the
evaluation of the software usability regarding the
considered attributes - easiness of understanding,
easiness of learning, operationability, software
attractiveness and user satisfaction, and usefulness
and accomplishment of goals.
The totals (in percentages) of the values marked
by the participants to each usability attribute are
presented in Table 3. The answers, chosen by the
participants according to the Lickert scale, presented
the average of 4,2818. That means that the point of
balance of the informed answers pointed out a
relative agreement to the questions of the
Questionnaire of Software Usability Evaluation.
Table 3: Totals (in %) of Values per Attribute.
agree nor
Easiness of
47,73% 52,27% 0% 0% 0%
Easiness of
43,18% 50% 2,2% 4,55% 0%
40,91% 56,82% 0% 2,27% 0%
Attract. and
52,27% 43,19% 4,55% 0% 0%
The results obtained for the usability attributes
are presented in the next subsections.
6.1 Easiness of Understanding
The questions Q1 to Q4 of the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation measured the
software usability regarding to the “easiness of
understanding” attribute.
For these questions, the answers "Neither Agree
nor Disagree", “I Disagree", and “I Disagree
Completely", had null result in the users' opinion. In
the other way, the answers “I Agree Completely"
and “I Agree" had a value of 47,73% and 52,27%,
respectively. This shows that the users, in a general
way, agree that the considered agricultural software
is easy to understand.
6.2 Easiness of Learning
The questions Q5 to Q8 of the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation measured the
software usability regarding to the “easiness of
learning” attribute.
For these questions, the answer was only given
once, that is, a single user was positioned as
indifferent to the easiness of learning characteristic
provided by the software, which represents 2,27% of
the responses. As for “I Disagree", two users chose
this answer, representing 4,55% of the total
percentile. The answer "I Agree Completely"
represented 43,18% of the total percentile.
Moreover, the most significant fact is that 50% of
the users that participated in the evaluation "Agree"
that the evaluated agricultural software is easy of
learning, during its use.
6.3 Operationability
The questions Q9 to Q12 of the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation measured the
software usability regarding to the “operationability”
For these questions, the answer "I Disagree" was
chosen only by one user, which represents 2,27% of
the total percentage. The "Neither Agree nor
Disagree" and “I Disagree Completely" answers
were not marked. The answer "I Agree Completely"
had a percentage of 40,91% according the users'
evaluation, and the answer " I Agree" represented
56,82% of the marked answers. Such results
suggested that the operationability of the evaluated
software is an attribute noticed by the users while
they are using it.
6.4 Attractiveness and User
The questions Q13 to Q16 of the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation measured the
software usability regarding to the “attractiveness
and the user satisfaction” attribute.
For these questions, only two users answered that
are indifferent (“Neither Agree nor Disagree”) to the
software attractiveness and/or the user satisfaction,
which represents only 4,55% of the total percentage.
From the remaining users, 43,19% "Agree" and
52,27% "Agree Completely" that the attractiveness
is present in the focused agricultural software and
that there is user satisfaction in using the software.
6.5 Usefulness and Accomplishment of
The questions Q17 to Q20 of the Questionnaire of
Software Usability Evaluation measured the
software usability regarding to the “usefulness and
achievement of the goals” attribute.
Concerning this attribute, a larger degree of
diversified answers was observed, since all the
answer categories were selected. The answers "I
Disagree Completely" presents 4,55%, the "Neither
Agree nor Disagree” option shows 9,19%, "I
Disagree" indicates 15,91%, and “I Agree
Completely" presents 31,82%cof the total
percentage. The most suitable option for the users,
with 38,64 % of the answers, is "I Agree".
6.6 Analysis of Consistency and
The analysis of the intern consistence of the
Questionnaire of Software Usability Evaluation was
estimated through the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient,
which allowed an evaluation of the reliability of the
research results (Pereira, 2004).
In the present study, the representativeness of
Alpha Coefficient is 0.8743, suggesting that it is
measuring 87,43% of the real impact. This value of
Alpha is satisfactory in terms of reliability of the
results, since it is very close to 100% of the
evaluation efficiency. The indicators show that the
questionnaire is concise and the questions regarding
the usability attributes evaluated in the empirical
study have coherence and authenticity.
This paper presented an empirical study about
usability evaluation of a software for the agri-
livestock area. The empirical study was carried out
in a Brazilian department of supporting for
agriculture and livestock in São Paulo state.
To guide the research, a plan of usability
evaluation was elaborated, based on the GQM
approach. This plan was useful for the complete
understanding of the problem, enabling the clear
accomplishment of the proposed goal for the study,
the identification of the questions to be answered,
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and the definition of the metrics related to the
questions. The plan helped the definition and
preparation of the research instruments,
guaranteeing the creation of questionnaires that
included the usability aspects.
This empirical study followed a process based on
statistical techniques, which allowed a qualitative
analysis of data, providing clear identification of the
results. The use of Cronbach´s Alpha coefficient
could determine the reliability of data and results,
which were significant for the study.
In the area of agriculture, the study showed the
usability of a software used to support small and
medium rural properties. Thus, a contribution was
made to the continuous improvement of software in
this area. It is important to point out that the
obtained results indicated a satisfactory level of
usability for the considered software.
Besides evaluating the software, the study
contributed to the detailing of a process, based on
GQM, to perform usability evaluations. The work
also represents a contribution to the software quality
improvement, primarily to those systems applied to
the agriculture.
Finally, it is important to highlight the need of
investing in new research that could contribute to the
results of this study. Therefore, such results could be
extended to a broader spectrum of software, in the
agricultural area as well as in other ones.
The authors would like to thank Idemauro de Lara
and Maria Imaculada Montebelo, for the valuable
support in the data analysis.
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