Ahmed Reda Kaced
ecom Paris - LTCI UMR 5141 CNRS, Computer Science and Networks Department
37-39 Rue Dareau 75014, Paris - France
Jean-Claude Moissinac
ecom Paris - LTCI UMR 5141 CNRS, Signal and Image Processing Department
37-39 Rue Dareau 75014, Paris - France
SVG, Universal Multimedia Access, content adaptation, Merkle Hash Trees.
In this paper, we develop and implement our Secure Universal Multimedia Access system (SUMA) for SVG
content in the following three subtasks. For content adaptation, we based on XML/RDF, CC/PP and XSLT,
for signing and authenticating SVG content we use Merkle hash tree technique and for content delivery, we
develop a mechanism for dynamic delivery of multimedia content over wired/wireless network.
We present Signature scheme and an access control system that can be used for controlling access to SVG
documents. The first part of this paper briefly describes the access control model on which the system is
based. The second part of this paper presents the design and implementation of SUMA adaptation engine.
SUMA aims to deliver an end-to-end authenticity of original SVG content exchanged in a heterogeneous
network while allowing content adaptation by intermediary proxies between the content transmitter and the
final users. Adaptation and authentication management are done by the intermediary proxies, transparently to
connected hosts, which totally make abstraction of these processes.
Delivering multimedia content to Web enabled mo-
bile devices such as phones and PDA presents a chal-
lenge; different devices have different content presen-
tation requirements. One of the most exciting devel-
oping technologies for this field is Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG) (W3C, 1998). SVG files are com-
pact and provide high-quality graphics on the Web, in
print, and on resource-limited handheld devices. SVG
is exciting because it offers Web developers a method
to create and animate images through an XML pro-
gramming language.
SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional
graphics and graphical applications in eXtensible
Markup Language (XML). SVG 1.1 (W3C, 2003b)
is a W3C Recommendation and forms the core of the
current SVG developments. SVG 1.2 is the specifica-
tion currently being developed as is available in draft
form. The SVG Mobile Profiles: SVG Basic (SVGB)
and SVG Tiny (SVGT) (W3C, 2003a) are targeted
to resource-limited devices and are part of the 3GPP
platform for third generation mobile phones.
To build a Universal Multimedia Access (UMA)
system delivering SVG content in a heterogeneous
network, we have to be able to adapt SVG full to SVG
mobile profiles or other compliant format accepted by
the handheld terminals; this is possible using adapta-
tion techniques. There are however some drawbacks
and one of the major drawbacks at the moment is the
security problem. In the this area, while controlling
access to text-based documents has been the focus
of many research activities (Ferraiolo et al., 2003),
raster graphic information has been seldom consid-
ered, mainly because of its monolithic internal struc-
ture. However, XML-based vector images present
new and challenging feature protection problems, re-
lated to fine-grained access control to their internal
structure. We have then defined a novel approach to
fine-grained feature protection of SVG data. The pro-
posed model allows to selectively transform SVG data
according to the user’s profile, thus releasing only the
features that the user is entitled to see.
In this paper we present the design and implemen-
tation of an SVG based UMA system. In particular,
the platform is able to allow proxy adaptation opera-
tion or third party distribution of the exchanged SVG
Reda Kaced A. and Moissinac J. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, pages 326-331
DOI: 10.5220/0002141103260331
1.1 Overview of SVG
SVG supports scripting and animation, so is ideal for
interactive, data-driven, personalized graphics. An-
imation techniques can range from a simple linear
movement to 3D double helix morphing effects. Web
developers, once they are more aware of the possibil-
ities, can find unprecedented levels of control. The
broad support behind SVG comes from its many ad-
vantages as the following short feature list demon-
SVG files are pure XML and can be read and mod-
ified by a large range of tools (e.g. notepad)
SVG files are smaller and more compressible than
JPEG or GIF images
SVG images are scalable
SVG images are zoomable without degradation
Text in SVG is selectable and searchable
In SVG two-dimensional graphics are described
using XML. Therefore a set of basic shape elements
is defined e.g. lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, poly-
gons, paths, etc. The position, size, color, etc. of each
shape is defined by attributes. Additionally there are
special tags to group shapes <g> and reference self-
defined symbols <use>. SVG provides a possibility
to add alternative descriptions of the content. There-
fore each element can include a title and a description
tag (<title> and <desc>). The SVG source code
example in Figure 1 describes a server-proxy-client
architecture. Each component (that we call object in
the rest of this paper) in the path is represented in a
group (<g>) that contains the component itself, the
text, and the link paths associated. Our solution can
also use finer granularity where objects are straight-
forwardly basics shape elements.
Figure 1: Example of SVG document.
1.2 Universal Multimedia Access
Universal Multimedia Access (UMA) means the ac-
cess to multimedia information by any terminal
through any network (Mohan et al., 1999). The ob-
jective of UMA systems is to make available different
presentations of the same information, suiting differ-
ent terminals, networks and user preferences (Butler
et al., 2002), (Kirda et al., 2001). This can be achieved
through customizing the content to the environment
where it shall be consumed.
This content customization (adaptation) can be
implemented in three different places: 1) at the con-
tent server, 2) at a proxy side, and 3) at the user ter-
The proxy-based adaptation is the most suitable
for the context change support (Wijnants et al., 2005),
(Endler et al., 2005), (Palit et al., 2006). In this case,
the proxy is the entity responsible of retrieving client
contexts and looking for the eventual changes that
may occur. These changes are therefore transparent
for the content server. The proxy can transform ex-
isting SVG content and thus the content server is not
directly involved in the adaptation.
Diagram in Figure 2 illustrates the UMA system
and its major elements. The developed system im-
plements the customization engine at the proxy side.
Content server needs to consider adaptation a poste-
riori by taking into account user’s profile and device
Server this dimension applies to the users that is the
content source, and do not especially consume
content as end-users but perform any action re-
garding the content, in principle easing the con-
sumption task for an end-user. A server can be
a user that creates content, authenticates content,
distributes content and so on.
Proxy this dimension is introduced as an intermedi-
ary between the content provider and the client
device. It acts as transcoding proxy and/or cache
proxy to deliver the right (adapted) version of an
original content to the client.
Client this dimension applies to the user that receives
content for consumption and wishes to have the
content tailored to its user environment, the so-
called end-users.
As shown in Figure 2, our UMA mechanism con-
siders three types of actors and two kinds of access
channels between these actors. The three actors are
devices, servers, and proxies; the two access channels
are a network access between device and proxy, and
a content access between proxy and server. From the
Figure 2: UMA infrastructure in SUMA.
users’ point of view, an adaptive and seamless con-
nection of the two access channels results in a univer-
sal access channel to the content. From the content
point of view, a dynamic delivery of adaptive content
results in a universal content presentation to the users.
1.3 Motivation
Let us consider for example a tele-health multimedia
application using Internet to distribute SVG record-
ings (images, videos, and sounds) of doctors and con-
fidential data. Multimedia objects accessed by the ap-
plication users are content unaware and annotations
emptied. Users are equipped with different devices
(PC, Laptop, PDA, Smartphone, etc.). Exchanged
contents have to be adapted to each device profile
using adaptation proxies (they can also add content
like advertisements...). For security and confiden-
tiality reasons, exchanged contents must be authen-
ticated. Moreover some parts of the SVG presenta-
tion appearing in these recordings is highly classified
and should not be changed by unauthorized users (in-
cluding proxies). So the problem here is how can we
allow adaptation operations by intermediaries keep-
ing the authentication and confidentiality of the ex-
changed contents?
Solving such issue using current security tech-
niques and access control models is very hard as the
content is not already defined. In reality, the autho-
rization manager should be able to specify authoriza-
tion rules and policies by stating the features of such
In this section we describe SUMA (Secure Universal
Multimedia Access) our proxy-based content adapta-
tion framework. The main architecture type of SUMA
system is shown in Figure 3. In this approach, the user
takes the UMA Engine as its proxy, which will then
make the request to the content server on behalf of
this user. The content server response is then received
by the UMA Engine, which afterwards decides and
performs the adaptation (if needed), and then sends
the transformed content back to the client.
The idea is based on the concept of create content
once and used with various presentation. Instead of
preparing different formats for the different devices,
the server use standard SVG files, XML and XSL to
describe Web content and presentation, respectively.
In the proxy side, we find an adaptation engine, im-
plemented with XSLT, and a security engine which
is used to ensure security and authentication of the
exchanged content. To ensure signature validity, the
client has an authenticity verifier which tests the cor-
rectness of the received signature; it is also equipped
with an SVG reader or in the worst case a “adapted
format” reader. In the following we describe each one
of these components.
2.1 Content Authentication Engine
There are three phases available in order to build a se-
cure SVG content to send from the server to a client.
Once a client logs in the system and requests the mul-
timedia data, the server by the Access Control Policy
Generator (ACPG) verifies user’s identification and
the related permission, and generates an adaptive ver-
sion which specifies what parts of the SVG can be
adapted by the intermediary proxy. After that, the ser-
vice provider signs this content using technique de-
scribed in 2.1.2 and sends it to the client passing by
the proxy.
2.1.1 ACPG
In SUMA, access control services simultaneously
support a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model
(Ferraiolo et al., 1995) and an access control model
based on Access Control Lists (ACL) (Barkley, 1997).
The RBAC model incorporates a user-role assign-
ment relation, a role hierarchy and a permission-role
assignment relation. Three user-roles are defined
owner, adapter and consumer. The ACL model pro-
vides a straightforward way of granting or denying
access to a given resources for specified users.
The implementation for the prototype of ACPG
has been done using the JAVA Standard Edition.
Therefore, the XACML 2.0 (Anderson, 2004) is cho-
sen to be implemented in the authorization service
using sunxacml1.2 (SUN, 2003). The RBAC poli-
cies and ACL policies have been built using sun’s
XACML APIs. The generated RBAC policies and
ACL policies are shown in Figure 4. An RBAC
XACML PolicySet contain role <PolicySet> (RPS)
and permission <PolicySet> (PPS). The RPS asso-
ciates holders of a given role attribute and value with
a PPS that contains the actual permissions associated
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 3: SUMA architecture.
with the given role. This means each RPS references
a single corresponding PPS.
The SVG document is parsed by the ACPG, and
generate a secure version where every adaptive object
is tagged with the access policy associated with. This
version is transmitted to the Security Engine (SE) to
be signed.
2.1.2 Signature Scheme
To ensure the authenticity of the exchanged SVG doc-
ument, we use AMCA, a Merkle Hash Tree (MHT)
based signature technique which we have described
in (Kaced and Moissinac, 2006) adapting it to SVG
content. The method we propose allows a subject to
prove source authenticity as well as the authenticity
of the content of a document.
To accomplish this goal, the idea is to associate a
hash value with each node in the graph representation
of an XML document. More precisely, the hash value
associated with an attribute is obtained by applying a
hash function over the concatenation of the attribute
value and the attribute name. By contrast, the hash
value associated with an element is the result of the
same hash function computed over the concatenation
of the element content, the element tag name, and the
hash values associated with its children nodes, both
attributes and elements. Hash values associated with
the nodes of an SVG document are computed by the
Merkle hash function.
Concretely, the SE starts by adding new empty ob-
jects (called freeleaves) to the SVG, each one is asso-
ciated to an adaptive object. After, it uses AMCA to
sign the SVG resulted and sends it to the proxy. This
last proceeds to the adaptation operations putting the
adapted objects in the freeleaves signing them itself.
The end-user when receives the adapted version, can
recompute the signature of the sender using AMCA
techniques. Please refer to (Kaced and Moissinac,
2006) for more details of these techniques.
2.2 Content Adaptation Engine
An adaptation method D is applied on a content M ,
if the profile description of the receiver R matches
the profiles input requirement of M , and the profile
output description of M matches the client require-
ments. To avoid developing static adaptation meth-
ods for each kind of resources adaptation, its prefer-
able that the server has methods that provides many
outputs depending to the context of their application.
This is called dynamic adaptation. A dynamic adap-
tation is the one that interacts with the current client
context. Taking into account the client context by an
adaptation method can be achieved at three locations:
the client, the server, or the proxy.
In the general case, the client content adaptation
is achieved using scripts and rendering styles which
are sent inside the content and evaluated during the
rendering according to the capability of the user de-
vice. Unfortunately, this kind of adaptation has many
disadvantages and depends widely on the client pro-
cessing power.
Dynamic adaptation on the proxy represents a best
alternative to deal with the variety of client contexts.
It allows the delivery of adapted content directly. In
our system, we consider two kinds of adaptations: the
structural adaptation (transformation) and the media
adaptation. Structural transformations are based on
XSLT (Clark et al., 1999) which allows transforming
SVG document into other XML-based documents.
Media adaptations use specific plug-ins applications.
We developed then, an SVG template for SUMA
server, and several transcoding plug-ins for the adap-
tation proxy:
XML to SVG transcoder. We developed an SVG
template which is composed of three nested sets: ob-
ject templates. background image. and foreground
objects. Object templates are used to define specific
types of objects and their shapes. Foreground ob-
jects use a group of global parameters of translation
Figure 4: ACPG role-based access control, (a) a user-role
assignment configuration file, (b) Role <PolicySet>. for
the adapter role, (c) Permission <PolicySet> for the adapter
and scaling, that can he changed while the SVGs are
cropped or scaled. Individual object has its transla-
tions and scaling parameters relative to a group origin
SVG to SVG transcoder. Based on the client de-
vice profile, SUMA transcodes an SVG based on the
viewbox, global shift of the foreground objects and
cropping/scaling of the background image in SVG.
Also, we embed the manipulated background image
into the SVG to reduce the work and transmission
load for proxy load.
SVG to Mobile SVG transcoder. Mobile SVG
includes two profiles - SVG Basic and SVG Tiny. We
develop this transcoder for converting general SVGs
into the format that is compliant to the SVG profiles
used by the Pocket SVG Viewer. Some transcoding is
needed such as the font style of text and strict require-
ments of DTDs in the SVG headers.
SVG to HTML transcoder. This transcoder is
based on an XSLT stylesheet. For a non-SVG render-
ing devices, general browsers that reads HTMLs can
be used to displayed a transcoded SVG files that have
been converted to HTML and an image. The hyper-
link properties of the original SVGs are utilized by the
image maps inside the HTML.
SVG to Image transcoder. Batik (Apache, 2004)
is a Java-based toolkit for applications or applets that
want to use images in the SVG format for various pur-
poses. Batik provides building blocks that developers
can assemble in various ways in their Java technol-
ogy applications or applets to generate, parse, view or
convert SVG contents. Batik can convert SVG con-
tent into other formats such as JPEG, PNG or Tiff or
other formats (transcoder API). We use Batik to gen-
erate a plug-in which converts the original SVG im-
ages to either JPEG or GIF.
SUMA performs two preliminary operations: con-
tent signature and content adaptation. We deployed
SUMA over a wireless LAN 802.11g environment.
Any browser of devices can set the URL of the adapter
server as its HTTP proxy. We have tested the sys-
tem on desktops, laptops, HP Pocket PC (Win-mobile
device), and Sony Mobile Phone Browser. Figure 5
shows an example of the SUMA content triggered by
different transcoding profile. It shows the transcoded
content using the Pocket IE browser on a PocketPC
device. It also shows the intelligence information as-
sociated with the objects on the SVG. we can see
also the transcoded result on the Sony w900i Mo-
bile phones. All figures and property sheets are
transcoded to HTML and JPEG images.
An advantage of the proposed system was ob-
served. After our presentation at the debut demo, an
audience challenged whether this system can let his
Sony Clie, a Palm-OS device which was not originally
supported, access the SUMA content. Within 10 min-
utes, we added this device to the repository profiles,
helped the device accessing the wireless LAN, and
set the HTTP proxy. Afterwards, it could access the
customized SUMA content right away. This example
SIGMAP 2007 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 5: Example of the SUMA content triggered by dif-
ferent transcoding profile.
showed the flexibility and usability of the proposed
In this paper, we have highlighted the challenges for
SVG delivery access control and presented SUMA
framework, a Universal Multimedia Access system
which ensure end-to-end data authentication.
SUMA provide a proxy-based adaptation for SVG
content. It is based on two major parts, a Content Au-
thentication Engine which uses Merkle Hash Tree sig-
nature technique to allow adaptation operations keep-
ing possibility of signature verification in the client
side, and a Content Adaptation Engine, which imple-
ment some plug-ins to convert standard SVG content
to transcoded format for different profile devices.
The major advantages of SUMA is the ease of
maintenance and the end-to-end security of the ex-
changed content. However SUMA does not imple-
ment content Encryption which is a big drawback for
the moment. This is our next challenge.
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