Jordi Puiggalia and Victor Morales Rocha
Scytl Secure Electronic Voting, Tuset 20 1-7 Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: e-Voting, Remote Electronic Voting, Cryptographic Voting Protocols, Voter Verifiability, Voting Receipt.
Abstract: Most of the current efforts to implement voter verifiability methods for electronic voting are not suitable for
remote electronic voting. Moreover, the remote voting verifiability methods proposed to date are inefficient,
do not allow the verification of the presence of the votes after they have been decrypted or they sacrifice
voter privacy requirements in order to accommodate the “cast as intended” voter verification objective. We
propose a voter verifiability method for remote electronic voting that addresses each of these issues. The
method is based on the implementation of cryptographically protected voting receipts and is complemented
by the use of an independent verification application which is easy to audit and certify.
Electronic election processes are not easy to carry
out, especially when remote communication
channels are used to cast votes. There is a natural
distrust towards remote electronic voting due to the
security risks that it faces. Such risks must be
mitigated in order to provide confidence to voters
and politicians.
Independent voter verifiability must be
considered an important element for providing
reliability to an electronic election process, allowing
a voter to verify the correct handling of his/her vote,
from the moment that it is cast until it is counted.
The main objective of voter verification proposals is
to provide a means to (i) verify that voter intent is
accurately stored by the voting system (the so-called
“cast as intended” requirement) and (ii) audit the
accuracy of the records used to provide the election
results (the so-called “counted as cast” requirement).
Moreover, voter verification must not open up the
possibility of coercion or vote-buying. The issuing
of voting receipts can cause voter coercion or vote
buying if the receipts contain proof of the chosen
vote. Therefore, a voting receipt must allow the
voter to verify the presence of his/her vote in the
final tally, but not its contents.
Nowadays, most voter verifiability proposals,
e.g. (Mercuri, 2002), (Riera, 2003), (Chaum, 2004),
(Neff, 2004), are focused on providing voter
verification in poll-site electronic voting
environments, and are not suitable for being
implemented in remote e-voting scenarios.
The voter verifiability proposals for remote
voting schemes make use of voting receipts to verify
the correct recording of the voter intent, e.g. (Sako,
1994), (Cranor, 1997), (Malkhi, 2002). However
these proposals can pose some privacy risks, since
these receipts can be used to discern the voter intent.
In this paper we will propose the combination of
independent verification systems and voting receipts
to achieve voter verifiability objectives without
compromising voter privacy.
Our proposal consists on using secret and tamper-
proof voting receipts generated by a set of
cryptographic processes executed on an easy-to-
audit application.
For implementing our proposal, we assume that
each voter has a unique asymmetric RSA key pair.
The generation, distribution and management of
Puiggalia J. and Morales Rocha V. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 333-336
DOI: 10.5220/0002120303330336
these keys can be implemented following a PKI
3.1 Verification Components
Voter confidence is based on two elements, an
independent verification application and a validated
voting receipt.
3.1.1 Independent Verification Application
Following the approach of the Independent
Verification systems described in (VVSG’05). We
have divided the voting process into two different
components: the selection of the options and the
verification of these options.
The selection of the options consists of the
presentation to the voter of the races and the
available candidates and the selection by the voter of
the preferred candidates.
The verification of the selection options is the
last process implemented by the voter before casting
his/her vote. In this process a summary of the voting
options selected by the voter must be shown for
his/her review. This process waits for the voter’s
confirmation before casting the vote. If there is any
problem with the selection of the voting options, the
voter can detect this problem at this stage and cancel
the casting of the vote. Therefore, ensuring the
accuracy of this verification process in turn ensures
that the vote has been cast as intended.
Based on this premise, our approach proposes
the existence of an independent application that (i)
performs this verification process and (ii) executes
the cryptographic processes that protect and then
issue the voting receipt. We will call this application
Independent Verification Application (IVA) and it
must be audited and certified by an independent
entity. This certification can be achieved by the
digital signature of the code or the publication of the
checksum of the verified code in a public area. Since
the audit only reviews the accuracy of the
verification process, the complexity of the audit
process is reduced. An audit of the vote selection
process is not required. Furthermore, since the
verification process only needs to display the options
selected by the voter, this application could remain
unchanged even if the selection process is modified.
Voters could validate the IVA application by
verifying its digital signature or examining the
checksum. A possible implementation of this
application could be a digitally signed Java applet.
3.1.2 Voting Receipt
A voting receipt is issued to the voter to verify the
correct handling of his/her vote during the
decryption process. To achieve this objective, we
propose a challenge approach: we will require the
authorities in charge of the vote decryption process
(e.g. the Electoral Board) to retrieve and publish the
voting receipt contents. These receipt contents must
only be known by the voter and therefore can only
be retrieved if the vote is correctly decrypted. The
steps for creating and validating this voting receipt
are described below.
3.2 Verification Protocol Phases
The verification of the accuracy of the election
comprises the following phases.
3.2.1 Verifying the Voting Application
Before the election process begins, the IVA
application must be audited and certified by an
independent software auditor. Once certified, a
digital signature or checksum of the application is
generated and published.
When voters access the voting platform, the IVA
application (e.g., Java applet) is downloaded and
executed in their browser. Using the published
checksum or digital signature, voters can check the
authenticity and integrity of this application. This
process can be done by checking the contents of the
browser pop-up window which displays the
information regarding the signer of the voting
application. This point is essential for the security of
the voting procedure.
Through the accuracy check of the IVA
application a voter can be sure that the cryptographic
processes used to protect the vote and generate the
voting receipt are the correct ones. This verification
process allows voters to be sure that their votes are
correctly recorded (i.e. “cast as intended”).
3.2.2 Receipt Generation
Before casting the vote, the voting receipt is
generated by the IVA application. The generation of
this voting receipt comprises the steps of creating a
unique receipt identifier, issuing a receipt request,
validating the voting receipt, and displaying the
voting receipt.
Creating a unique receipt identifier
The unique receipt identifier (R
) is generated
by using a pseudo-random number generator
included in the IVA application. The voter could
SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
also participate in the generation of this number by
providing some of its digits. In either case, we
assume that the number of random digits contained
in the R
is large enough to prevent collisions with
generated by other voters. The reason that it is
the IVA application that creates the receipt identifier
is to prevent a malicious authority creating the same
voting receipt for two different voters. Otherwise
this authority could delete or modify votes with the
same receipt identifier without being detected.
The receipt identifier must be kept secret (i.e.
only known by the voter). We propose encrypting it
along with the vote. Assuming that an Electoral
Board has a private key to decrypt the votes, only
this Electoral Board will be able to decrypt it. Using
the Electoral Board public key (P
) to encrypt the
vote and R
(vote, R
Creating the receipt request
To validate the voting receipt, the data used to
generate this receipt must be sent to a Voting
Service (ballot collector server). This data is
collected in a token called the “receipt request”, R
The objective of this receipt request is to provide a
proof of authenticity for the receipt without
revealing the receipt contents. To this end, the IVA
application masks the receipt id (M
) and
concatenates the masked information with the
encrypted vote. The receipt signing request (R
) is
generated by digitally signing the concatenated data
with the voter’s private key. The receipt signing
request, the encrypted vote and the mask of the
receipt id will be sent to the Voting Server.
The token, R
is generated as follows:
1. The voter computes the hash of the receipt
identifier (R
), the election identifier (E
and the voter identifier (V
| E
| V
2. The voter creates R
by signing M
Validating and signing the voting receipt
The Voting Server checks if the receipt signing
request corresponds to the encrypted vote and to the
masked receipt. If the voter has the right to vote, the
information is stored in the digital ballot box, and a
validated receipt signature is issued to the voter by
the Voting Server. This validated receipt signature is
generated by means of digitally signing the receipt
id mask using a Voting Server private key. The
validated receipt signature is returned to the voter,
who can then print it along with the unique receipt
identifier and the election data.
Upon reception of the receipt request, the Voting
Service performs the following operations:
1. Check R
's signature to verify its validity
2. Generate the Voting Receipt as
R = S
Displaying the Voting Receipt
Upon reception of R, the IVA application will
display, in a printable format, the following
The electoral identifier, E
The voter identifier, V
The receipt identifier, R
The receipt signing request, R
The R's signature
The two last fields (R
, R) can be printed using
positional notation codes or barcodes. Alternatively,
the voting receipt could be recorded by the voter in a
data storage device.
It is important to note that the voting receipt
contains no information about the voting options.
Therefore, this receipt does not facilitate the
implementation of coercion practices, since the voter
receipt does not discern the voter intent.
This voting receipt is resistant to voting receipt
tampering and bogus receipt creation. The voting
receipt is digitally signed by the Voting Service and
therefore any alteration of its contents is easily
discovered. Moreover, since each receipt request is
also digitally signed by the voter, the Voting Service
cannot create bogus receipt requests and
consequently bogus voting receipts. Finally, voters
cannot generate a valid voting receipt without
interacting with the Voting Service. Therefore, the
possibility of voter creation of bogus voting receipts
is also eliminated.
3.2.3 Receipt Recovery
After closing the voting period, the Electoral Board
carries out the decryption of the votes. At this point,
we recommend the use of a Mixing process, like a
Chaum-type Mixnet (Chaum, 1981), to break any
correlation between the decrypted votes and their
corresponding receipt Ids. Moreover, this Mixing
process prevents the possibility of timing-attacks, in
which an attacker monitoring the network could link
voters with their respective votes.
Decrypted votes are counted and the list of
receipts Ids published to allow the verification of the
3.2.4 Verifying Results
The verification protocol implemented by our
scheme allows voters to verify that their votes did
indeed reach the proper electoral authorities (note
that this is the verifiability level found in
conventional elections). In order to perform the
verification process, this scheme needs both the
voter’s voting receipt generated during the vote
casting period and the list of receipt Ids retrieved
and published by the Electoral Board.
The voter looks for the receipt Id, contained in
his/her voting receipt, in the published list of receipt
Ids corresponding to all valid votes received and
decrypted. With this kind of verification, the voter
can check that his/her particular vote was provided
as input to the counting process (i.e. satisfying the
“counted as cast” requirement).
Voters whose receipt identifier does not appear
in the published results can issue a public objection
by presenting their voting receipt. Such an objection
does not compromise the voter’s privacy since a
vote’s contents are not needed to verify its validity.
Furthermore, individual verifiability can also
identify (even miniscule) manipulations of the tally,
including the case where only a small percentage of
voters verify their own voting receipts. An example
may serve to illustrate the effectiveness of individual
verifiability in detecting general manipulations of
the election results: In an election with 2,000 cast
votes, only 30 voters would be required to verify the
presence of their own votes in the tabulated results
in order to achieve a more than 90% probability of
detecting a manipulation of just 150 of the ballots. If
the number of voters that verify their respective
votes in this election would double (i.e. increase to
just 60 voters), the probability for detection of vote
manipulation would rise to more than 99%.
In this paper, we have presented a method which
satisfies both verification requirements. The “cast as
intended” requirement can be satisfied through an
independent verification application. It involves
components that allow voters to verify the voting
application integrity, as well as the correct inclusion
of their votes in the final tally and publication of the
election results.
The verification of the votes presence after being
decrypted (i.e. “counted as cast” verification) is
achieved by using cryptographically protected
voting receipts. These voting receipts are resistant to
manipulations by voters since they are digitally
signed by an authority (i.e. the Voting Service) that
is under the control of the election authorities. The
authenticity of the receipts can also be validated by
using this digital signature, preventing voters from
manipulating their voting receipts. Finally, bogus
receipts cannot be generated by individuals since
they require collaboration of the voter and the
election authorities.
Furthermore, these receipts also maintain voter
privacy and do not facilitate coercion and vote-
buying practices since they do not reveal any
information about the vote.
Finally, the voter verification approach that we
propose also facilitates, with high probability, the
detection of small vote manipulations by merely
verifying a small percentage of the voting receipts.
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SECRYPT 2007 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography