Nitin Agrawal, Hunny Mehrotra, Phalguni Gupta
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
C. Jinshong Hwang
Department of Computer Science, Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
Face, Iris, Fusion, Support Vector Machines.
This paper proposes an efficient multi-step fusion strategy for multimodal biometric system. Fusion is done at
two stages i.e., algorithm level and modality level. At algorithm level the important steps involved are normal-
ization, data elimination and assignment of static and dynamic weights. Further, the individual recognizers
are combined using sum of scores technique. Finally the integrated scores from individual traits are passed to
decision module. Fusion at decision level is done using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The SVM is trained
by the set of matching scores and it classifies the data into two known classes i.e., genuine and imposters. The
system is tested on database collected for 200 individuals and is showing a considerable increase in accuracy
(overall accuracy 98.42%) compared to individual traits.
Biometrics refers to the use of physiological or behav-
ioral characteristics for recognition. These character-
istics are unique to each individual and remain unal-
tered for a period of time. In recent years, biometrics
authentication has seen considerable improvements in
reliability and accuracy, with some of the traits offer-
ing good performance. However, even the best bio-
metric traits till date are facing numerous problems;
some of them are inherent to the technology itself.
In particular, biometric authentication systems gen-
erally suffer from enrollment problems due to non-
universal biometric traits, susceptibility to biometric
spoofing or insufficient accuracy caused by noisy data
acquisition in certain environments. One way to over-
come these problems is the use of multi-biometrics.
This approach also enables a user who does not pos-
sess a particular biometric identifier to still enroll and
authenticate using other traits, thus eliminating the
enrollment problems and making it universal (Gupta
et al., 2006).
Among several available biometric traits, face and
iris is gaining lots of attention due to ease of oper-
ation. Apart from improving the verification perfor-
mance, the fusion of iris and face has several other
advantages (Yunhong et al., 2003). Recognition us-
ing face is natural and easily accepted by the end
users. Face recognition systems are less expensive
as compared to other modalities available. On the
other hand, iris is one of the most reliable and secure
biometric trait. It has fast authentication even when
searching in database with millions of templates. The
recognition is contact free and unnoticed grabbing of
images is not possible. However the accuracy of face
recognition is affected by illumination, pose and fa-
cial expression (Zhao et al., 2000). The appearance of
faces is directly affected by a person’s facial expres-
sion and emotions. Whereas iris recognition system
needs a well trained cooperative user for functional-
ity. Further, iris images must meet stringent quality
criteria, so the images of poor quality (e.g., iris with
large pupil, or off center images) are rejected at the
time of acquisition. Consequently, several attempts
may be necessary to acquire the iris image, which not
only delays the enrollment and verification, but also
annoys the user. The combination of face and iris
allows for simultaneous acquisition of face and iris
images. Thus, in this particular case, no additional in-
convenience is introduced. Finally, the use of the face
recognizer in addition to the iris classifier, may allow
people with imperfect iris images to enroll, reducing
Agrawal N., Mehrotra H., Gupta P. and Jinshong Hwang C. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 178-183
the enrollment failure rate (Yunhong et al., 2003).
(Ross and Jain, 2003) have presented an overview
of Multimodal Biometrics. The multimodal biometric
system is used to overcome the limitations of a uni-
modal biometrics. These systems are basically used
in applications where sufficient information from the
data is not available. Thus in such a case the data from
other biometric trait can be used to enroll the person.
The fusion at classifier level is done in order to over-
come the limitations of individual recognizers and in-
crease the overall performance of each trait. There
exist several fusion strategies at classifier level. A
hybrid fingerprint matcher using minutiae point and
reference point algorithm is proposed in (Ross et al.,
2003). Another design scheme for classifier com-
bination is discussed in (Prabhakar and Jain, 2000).
The scheme stresses the importance of classifier se-
lection in classifier combination. The combination of
three recognizers for face recognition was proposed at
matching score level architecture and the overall ac-
curacy of the combined recognizer increased by 6.8%
from the average accuracy of all three recognizers.
Large amount of work has been done for fusion at
trait level. An approach for score level fusion is pro-
posed in (Dass et al., 2005). Experimental results
are presented on face, fingerprint and hand geome-
try using product rule and coupla method. It was ob-
served that fusion rules show better performance than
individual recognizers. Common theoretical frame-
work for combining classifiers using sum rule, me-
dian rule, max and min rule are analyzed in (Kittler
et al., 1998) under the most restrictive assumptions
and have observed that sum rule outperforms other
classifiers combination schemes.
For the proposed implementation fusion is per-
formed at two levels i.e., classifier level and modality
level. At classifier level the individual recognizers for
face and iris are combined at matching score level us-
ing weighted sum of score technique. Prior to combi-
nation the data is compared against some offset values
and those values lying above a particular threshold
(or below another threshold) are not taken into con-
sideration for fusion as these persons can be clearly
declared as authentic or imposter. Further after get-
ting the combined matching score from the two traits,
fusion is carried out at modality level using Support
Vector Machines so that final decision can be made.
The paper is divided into four sections. The pro-
posed fusion strategy is discussed in next section. In
this section the individual recognizers are discussed
briefly and the fusion strategy at classifier as well as
trait level is explained in detail. The results are plotted
to measure the accuracy and reliability of the system
and it is found that the combined system using SVM
gives an accuracy of 98.42%. The experimental re-
sults are given in Section 3 and conclusions are given
in the last section.
The individual recognizers for face and iris are com-
bined at matching score level using weighted sum of
scores technique and the combined scores of each trait
are passed to decision module. At decision level, Sup-
port Vector Machines (SVM) is used to arrive at a
final decision. The main idea to make use of these
support vectors is to find an optimal separating hy-
perplane between data points of different classes in
a high dimensional space (Burges, 1998). This ap-
proach is used for classification of matching scores
into genuine and imposters. But prior to classification
the matching scores generated from the individual al-
gorithms are combined. The steps involved in genera-
tion of matching scores by the individual recognizers
and detailed description of fusion strategy are given
in this section.
2.1 Face Recognition
Face is one of the widely used biometric trait for
recognition. For implementation purpose a digital im-
age of face is captured and passed to the detection
module. The face portion is extracted from the image
using Gradient Vector Flow approach (Vatsa et al.,
2003). The detected face image is further passed to
feature extraction module which generates a set of
feature values using a combination of Haar Wavelet
(Hassanien and Ali, 2003) and Kernel Direct Discrim-
inant Analysis (KDDA) (Juwei et al., 2003) as shown
in Figure 1. The same sequences of steps are followed
for extraction of feature values from the verification
image. Database and query images are matched us-
ing Hamming Distance approach for Haar Wavelet
and Bounding Box technique for KDDA. The output
from the recognition module is distance value (F
in case of Haar Wavelet and matching score (F
in case of KDDA.
Figure 1: Generation of face template.
2.2 Iris Recognition
The iris recognition system is divided into four mod-
ules namely image acquisition, iris localization, fea-
ture extraction and matching. The images are ac-
quired using 3CCD camera. The localization modules
(Tisse, ) delineates iris from the rest of the image. Af-
ter localization the iris portion is transformed into a
rectangular block known as strip (Daugman, 1993).
The strip is further passed to the feature extraction
module where the feature vectors are formed using
Haar Wavelet (Hassanien and Ali, 2003) and Circular
Mellin operators (Ravichandran and Trivedi, 1995).
Database and query images are matched using Ham-
ming Distance method. The recognition module re-
turns two distance values I
for Haar Wavelet and
for Circular Mellin operators.
2.3 Fusion
The matching scores/distance values from Haar and
KDDA in case of face recognition and Haar and
Mellin in case of iris recognition are combined at
matching score level using sum of scores technique
(Ross and Jain, 2003). Further the combined values
are plotted on SVM space to generate final decision.
The important steps involved in fusion are normaliza-
tion, data elimination, fusion at classifier or algorithm
level and fusion at trait level.
2.3.1 Normalization
In this technique initially the scores are scaled to a
common range (from 0 to 1). Several techniques are
available for score normalization like Min-Max tech-
nique, Decimal Scaling, Median and Median Abso-
lute Deviation (MAD), Double Sigmoid function and
tanh estimators (Jain et al., 2005). Among the ap-
proaches named above min-max technique is used as
it is simplest and suited for cases where the minimum
and maximum bounds by a matcher are known. The
scores are normalized using
) min(F
where F
is the matching score generated using
Haar Wavelet for face recognition while F
is the
score obtained after normalization. Similarly F
and I
are obtained. Further the normal-
ized score is subtracted from one if it is a dissimilarity
= 1 F
Thus I
, I
, F
and F
become the
similarity scores. The matching scores are further
rescaled so that threshold value becomes same for
each algorithm.
< thresh
(1 c)×
where thresh is the value of threshold for a particular
recognizer and c is the value of threshold. Through
experiments on IITK database, it has been found that
the value of c is 0.5. Using the quantization scheme
given above, values of NF
, NI
and NI
can be obtained.
2.3.2 Data Elimination
This step is relevant from data reduction point of
view. The matching scores generated from the four
recognizers (two each for face and iris) are compared
against the upper and lower offset values. For each al-
gorithm there are two offset values. The lower offset
value is the value slightly less than the threshold value
below which FRR is zero for the particular recognizer
whereas upper offset is the value slightly greater than
the threshold value having no false acceptance. If
the value of matching score from any recognizer is
greater than the upper offset value of any recognizer
then the candidate is declared as genuine at this level
and further steps are not required for fusion of match-
ing scores at trait level. Similarly for imposters if the
value of matching score is less than the lower offset
value then the candidate is truly declared as imposter.
Here the matching scores which do not lie between
upper and lower offset values are not used further for
training the SVM classifier but if the matching score
is used for testing then at this stage a person can be
clearly declared as genuine or an imposter. Thus the
scores used for training the SVM module should lie
between the upper and lower offset values given by
= OS
< NF
< OS
U pper
where ENF
is the matching score obtained which
is greater than lower offset value (OS
) and
less than upper offset value (OS
U pper
). Similarly
and ENI
are obtained. Data
elimination stage is useful for two reasons. Firstly it
improves the accuracy of individual recognizers as in
some cases one particular recognizer gives very good
accuracy while other recognizers fail. Secondly data
elimination reduces the overall time complexity of the
system. Thus only those candidates are considered for
further processing which lie between the upper and
lower offset values.
2.3.3 Fusion at Classifier or Algorithm Level
Individual recognizers are assigned weights based on
performance. The value of weights can be assigned
using static and dynamic approaches. In case of static
approach the value of weight is assigned empirically
on the basis of experimental results. But for dynamic
assignment of weights combination of functions are
used. Among available list of combinations, linear
and exponential functions outperform the others. In
this combination linear weightage is given to the rec-
ognizers if the value of matching scores is less than
the threshold value but the value of weights is ex-
ponential after the matching score crosses a thresh-
old value. After dynamic assignment of weights on
matching score generated from the data elimination
stage (ENF
) the value becomes DF
. Further
static weights are assigned to all the four recogniz-
ers based on performance. As Haar performs better
as compared to KDDA in case of face recognition so
higher weightage of 0.8 is given to matching score
generated by Haar Wavelet and lower weight value of
0.2 is assigned to KDDA. In case of iris recognition
Haar and Mellin are assigned weight values of 0.7 and
0.3 respectively, as shown in (5). After assigning the
value of weights the two recognizers for face as well
as iris is combined using weighted sum of score tech-
Face = α× DF
+ β × DF
Iris = γ × DI
+ δ × DI
where α, β, γ, δ are the value of static weight assigned
and Face and Iris are the matching score generated af-
ter fusion while DF
, DF
, DI
and DI
are the matching scores from individual recognizers
after assignment of dynamic weights.
2.3.4 Fusion at Trait Level
The fusion of individual recognizers generates com-
bined matching scores for face and iris. The com-
bined scores have to be integrated further to gener-
ate the final decision regarding acceptance or rejec-
tion. Multimodal Biometric System is treated as a
pattern classification problem. This approach fol-
lowed by (Verlinde et al., 2000) has compared various
pattern classification techniques like Logistic Regres-
sion, Maximum a Posteriori, k-nearest neighbor clas-
sifiers, multilayer perceptrons, Binary decision Tress,
Maximum Likelihood, Quadratic Classifiers and Lin-
ear Classifiers. The approach of Support Vector Ma-
chines (SVM) is compared with all above mentioned
approaches and it is observed that SVM is showing
maximum accuracy (Gutschoven and Verlinde, 2000).
The matching scores generated from face and iris is
passed to the SVM based classifier. The classifier
finds the hyperplane that separates the genuine users
from imposters and maximizing the distance of ei-
ther class from hyperplane. The plane separating the
data has to be obtained using some kernel function.
There exist several kernel functions like linear, poly-
nomial, radial basis function (RBF), and sigmoid ker-
nels. From the available set of kernels polynomial
function is used to segregate the data into two or more
classes. The kernel non-linearly maps samples into
higher dimensional space unlike linear kernels. The
polynomial kernel is given by
, x
) = (γFace
Iris+ r)
, γ > 0 (6)
where γ, r and d are the kernel parameters and Face,
Iris are the values obtained after fusion at classifier
Thus, the combined matching scores of Face and
Iris is plotted on the SVM space where x axis repre-
sents matching scores of face and y axis represents
matching scores for iris. The kernel function sepa-
rates the data into two known classes i.e., genuine and
imposters. The process of feeding data to the SVM
module is done to train the classifier with already ex-
isting matching scores. Next, if the test data has to be
classified then the matching scores from the four in-
dividual recognizers is initially combined at classifier
level and further the combined scores are passed to
the polynomial function for classification. Thus the
candidate’s identity may be declared as authentic or
forged based on the class to which it belongs to. The
steps for fusion are summarized below Step 1: The
individual recognizers generate matching scores by
finding the similarity/dissimilarity between the fea-
ture sets
Step 2: The matching scores are normalized to a com-
mon range
Step 3: The normalized scores are further compared
against lower and upper offset values to remove the
data which can be clearly classified at this level
Step 4: After data elimination the scores are assigned
dynamic and static weights
Step 5: These weighted scores are combined using
sum of score technique
Step 6: the scores for face and iris are fused at deci-
sion level using Support Vector Machines
The results are obtained on database collected under
the laboratory environment at Indian Institute of Tech-
nology Kanpur. It comprises of images of 200 persons
with four images per person for face (200 × 4) and
three images per person for iris (200 × 3). The face
image is acquired using digital camera at a distance of
about 30 cm. The database comprises of Asian faces
of frontal view. The iris image is acquired from a
3CCD camera and the subject’s eye is placed at a dis-
tance of about 9 cm from the camera lens. The source
of light is placed at a distance of 12 cm (approx) from
the user eye. The sample images of iris and face from
IIT Kanpur database is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Sample images from IIT Kanpur database.
The results are computed at various levels of im-
plementation to measure the robustness of the system.
At first level it is observed that for face recognition,
Haar Wavelet generates a dissimilarity score in range
of 0.1 to 0.55 whereas KDDA generates a similarity
score in range of 0 to 1. In case of iris recognition
Haar Wavelet generates a dissimilarity score from 0
to 0.5 and Circular Mellin gives a dissimilarity score
from 0 to 0.55. Thus the values cannot be integrated
at this level, so the scores are normalized to a common
range of 0 to 1 and dissimilarity scores are converted
into similarity scores. The performance of individ-
ual recognizers is measured after normalization and
the accuracy curves are shown in Figure 3. The indi-
vidual accuracies are further enhanced after the data
elimination stage. The candidate which lie below the
lower offset values and above the upper offset values
is declared as genuine or imposter. Thus the accuracy
curve at this stage is shown in Figure 4. From the re-
sults it is evident that individual recognizers even af-
ter data elimination are not able to give good accuracy
thus the results are further enhanced by combining the
classifiers. The classifiers are combined at matching
score level using weighted sum of score technique.
The graph after fusion at classifier level is given in
Figure 5.
The matching scores obtained after fusion for
face and iris are passed to SVM module and results
are plotted on the SVM hyperplane. The match-
Figure 3: Accuracy graph of individual recognizers prior to
Figure 4: Accuracy graph of individual recognizers after
data elimination.
Figure 5: Accuracy graph after fusion at classifier level.
ing scores are classified with a polynomial kernel
and results are shown in Figure 6 where black area
represents the genuine region and green area rep-
resents the imposters. The candidates wrongly ac-
cepted (false acceptance) by the system are encircled
whereas the candidates wrongly rejected (false rejec-
tion) are bounded by squares. The accuracy values
obtained at various stages is shown in Table 1. At first
level the accuracy values are obtained after normal-
ization. The accuracy value of individual recognizer
increases after data elimination. Further the individ-
ual recognizers are combined for face and iris. The
matching scores for face and iris are plotted on SVM
space and overall accuracy of the system is found to
be 98.42% with FAR of 0.79% and FRR of 2.38%.
Figure 6: SVM Hyperplane.
In this paper the fusion of matching scores is per-
formed at two levels at classifier level and at trait
level. A single fusion strategy may not be suitable
for some cases. Hence different fusion strategies are
applied at different stages to get good results. The
data elimination stage provides only that data which is
used for deciding the classification hyperplane. Thus
combination of techniques has been used and results
are found to be very encouraging.
The study is supported by the Ministry of Commu-
nication and Information Technology, Government of
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Table 1: Accuracy values at various levels.
Stage Recognizer Accuracy FAR FRR
Prior to Fusion Face(Haar) 88.09 7.93 15.87
at classifier Face(KDDA) 75.79 30.95 17.46
level Iris (Haar) 92.46 1.58 13.49
Iris (Mellin) 87.69 2.38 22.22
After Face(Haar) 90.47 6.34 12.69
data Face(KDDA) 86.51 13.49 13.49
elimination Iris (Haar) 95.05 0.85 7.01
Iris (Mellin) 94.84 2.38 7.93
Fusion at Face (Haar 90.87 5.56 12.69
Classifier + KDDA)
level Iris (Haar 95.62 0.79 5.97
+ Mellin)
Fusion at
trait level Face + Iris 98.42 0.79 2.38