Gita Das
Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
Sid Ray
Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
CBIR, feature representation, sample size, dimensionality.
In this paper, we considered image retrieval as a dichotomous classification problem and studied the effect of
sample size and dimensionality on the retrieval accuracy.
Finite sample size has always been a problem in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system and it is more
severe when feature dimension is high. Here, we have discussed feature vectors having different dimensions
and their performance with real and synthetic data, with varying sample sizes. We reported experimental
results and analysis with two different image databases of size 1000, each with 10 semantic categories.
Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) where im-
ages are being represented by their visual features
has been an active research topic in recent years.
The application domain of CBIR encompasses a wide
range including medical, defence and security surveil-
lance systems. The selection of features e.g. colour,
shape, colour-layout etc. and their proper representa-
tion e.g. colour histogram, statistical moments etc.
are very important for good system retrieval. The
concept of co-occurrence matrix in texture has been
known for long (Haralick et al., 1973), however, its
use in colour has been reported very recently (Huang,
1998), (Shim and Choi, 2003), (Ojala et al., 2001).
A Colour Co-occurrence Matrix (CCM) represents
how the spatial correlation of colour changes with
distance i.e. pixel positions. In (Shim and Choi,
2003), a Modified Colour Co-occurrence Matrix is
used where a CCM of Hue is simplified to represent
the number of colour pairs between adjacent pixels (4-
neighbourhood). They did not consider the adverse
effect of ignoring Saturation and Value components
of colour. The diagonal elements in a CCM convey
the colour information of the entire image whereas
the non-diagonal elements represent the shape infor-
mation in an indirect way (Das and Ray, 2005), (Shim
and Choi, 2003). We described (Das and Ray, 2005) a
compact feature representation based on the elements
of CCMs in HSV (Hue, Value, Saturation) space. The
feature vector consists of all diagonal elements and
one representative value for all non-diagonal elements
of the CCM. Although the addition of features con-
tributes to better retrieval, it brings up the problem
of Curse of Dimensionality (Hughes, 1968), (Duda
et al., 2001). Hence, dimension reduction has be-
come a critical issue in feature representation and im-
age indexing of CBIR systems (Wu et al., 2000). In
(Das and Ray, 2005), we tried to reduce dimension
without compromising the retrieval accuracy. Experi-
mental results reveal that diagonal elements of CCMs
are much more in number (about 80%) compared to
the non-diagonal elements (about 20%). This is in
line with that reported in (Shim and Choi, 2003). As
the diagonal elements in the feature vector are the
majority, manipulating them in any way may con-
tribute to loss of information content of images sig-
nificantly. Also, it is worth noting that most of the
non-diagonal elements are zero. Thus representing all
the non-diagonal elements with a single Sum-Average
(Haralick et al., 1973) value (for details, see section
3) attributes to several benefits: i) the Sum-Average
of non-diagonal elements would be less sensitive to
noise and thus enhance retrieval performance, ii) the
dimension is reduced significantly, thus reducing on-
line computation and retrieval time, iii) compared to
other methods of dimension reduction e.g. Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)(Wu et al., 2000), com-
Das G. and Ray S. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 241-246
puting Sum-Average is very simple and easy.
Thus, for HSV=[16,3,3] the feature dimension is
148 in original dimension and 25 in reduced dimen-
sion. For rest of the paper, we refer the original fea-
ture space as 148-D and the compact one as 25-D.
With reduced dimension, we obtained improved per-
formance and faster retrieval.
In the past people have tried PCA (Principal Com-
ponent Analysis) (Sinha and Kangarloo, 2002), (Mar-
tinez and Kak, 2001), (Swets and Weng, 1996), a
useful statistical technique that finds the most signifi-
cant features that describe a data set. PCA is suitable
for CBIR where we have basically a two-class (Rele-
vant and Non-relevant) classification problem, and the
training sample size is usually small (Martinez and
Kak, 2001). To demonstrate the goodness of 25-D
feature vector we used the first 25 eigen vectors (or
principal components) using PCA from original 148-
D and the feature vector thus derived will be called
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives an overview of our work. Section 3 pro-
vides a description of feature vectors, similarity mea-
sure and evaluation methodology. Section 4 details
our experimental setup and result analysis while sec-
tion 5 gives the conclusions and future work propos-
In this paper, we studied mainly two issues:
1. Behaviour of feature vectors with real data and
synthetic data: In this paper we have discussed
three feature vectors with an emphasis on 25-D
and 148-D and their behaviour with real data and
synthetic data. In real domain, a number of pa-
rameters are involved and it is difficult to iso-
late each one’s contribution to the ultimate re-
trieval accuracy. Whereas, with synthetic data
we can have more control over data distribution.
We explained that in 25-D compact feature vector
the correlation among the feature components are
much less compared to 148-D and the assumption
of feature independence is maintained.
2. Behaviour of feature vectors at varying relevant
class sizes: In reality, an image database com-
prises a number of semantic categories, each cat-
egory having a different number of samples. Pre-
cision (a performance evaluation parameter which
will be discussed in Section 3.3) for a query im-
age belonging to a category having more num-
ber of samples may be higher compared to the
one belonging to a category having less number
of samples. So, given a feature vector describ-
ing the images in a database, it is important to
know the relation of precision to the sample size
(i.e. the number of samples) of relevant category.
In (Huijsmans and Sebe, 2005), Huijsmans and
Sebe presented some results keeping sample size
of Relevant class constant while varying that of
Non-relevant class. They reported results on ac-
curacy based on one query category only. In our
study, we varied the sample size for each semantic
category at a time, measured precision for the cat-
egory and then averaged results of all categories to
obtain precision for the whole data set. This way
we get a detailed and more representative picture
of system performance.
For rest of the paper, we used the following nomen-
N: Number of images in the database
C: Number of semantic categories in the database
Q,I: Query image and Database image respec-
M: Number of components in the feature vector
i.e. feature dimension
L: Quantization levels in H,S,V matrices
: Scope i.e. the number of top retrieved images
returned to the user
3.1 Feature Representation and
Let P be the L ×L co-occurrence matrix whose ele-
ment p
indicates the number of times a pixel with
colour level x occurs, at a distance d, relative to pixels
with colour level y. The Sum-Average as described in
(Haralick et al., 1973) has been modified in (Das and
Ray, 2005) and is as follows:
Sum ndiag =
(x + y)p
where Sum ndiag are Sum-Average of non-diagonal
elements of P. We chose HSV colour model as it
is known to be perceptually uniform. We tried to
make the spatial correlation more sensitive to Hue
and less sensitive to Value and Saturation. We experi-
mented with different levels of quantization and found
HSV=[16,3,3] to be a good choice. This finding is in
line with (Ojala et al., 2001). We chose co-occurrence
distance d=3 and used pixel pairs in both vertical and
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
horizontal directions. Thus we obtained symmetric
matrices and needed only upper diagonal elements to
consider. For a 16x16 matrix, the number of diagonal
elements is 16 and the the number of non-diagonal
elements is 120. For a 3x3 matrix, this number is 3
for both diagonal and non-diagonal elements. In our
method, we represented all non-diagonal elements by
a single value. Thus, for HSV=[16,3,3] the feature
dimension is 148 in original space and 25 in reduced
As different feature components have different
range (or values), we normalized them so that they lie
within [0,1] and each component contributes equally
in the similarity measure.
In PCA, the first principal component gives the
direction along which the variance of data is maxi-
mum, the second principal component is the direc-
tion of maximum variance of data which is orthog-
onal to the first principal component, and so on. We
constructed PCAD25-D using the first 25 components
(they contribute to almost 100% variation in data).
This also makes performance comparison with 25-D
feature vector on the same platform.
To find the similarity between I and Q, we used
Minkowski distance measure, a commonly used met-
ric in CBIR,
D(I,Q) =
| (2)
where, f
is the i
normalized feature component.
This metric is computationally simple and produces
fairly good results.
3.2 Behaviour of Feature Vectors with
Real Data and Synthetic Data
In the similarity measure we assume that the fea-
tures are independent of each other. This, in real-
ity, can be a pretty strong assumption. So, even if
each individual feature has discriminative power, to-
gether they may not work as expected because of
We experimented with synthetic data to have more
control over data distribution. We used the mean and
standard deviation of each category from real data set
to randomly generate 100 points for each category.
Here, Gaussian distribution was used. To keep things
simple, we assumed the features to be uncorrelated.
The covariance of two statistically independent vari-
ables is always zero. However, the reverse is not al-
ways true. For the special case of Gaussian distribu-
tion, zero covariance does imply independence. Thus
we expect to have better result with synthetic data as
compared to real data. Let X be the dataset consisting
of N vectors, each being M-dimensional.
X = [x(1),x(2),...x(k),..x(N)]
, (3)
x(k) = [x
The covariance matrix obtained from the dataset X
gives a measure of how strongly its components are
related. The diagonal elements of the covariance
matrix indicates the variance of feature components
whereas the non-diagonal elements represent the co-
variance between the components. Let us denote R to
be the correlation matrix. Given any pair of compo-
nents, x
and x
, we denote their correlation as
i j
where s
and s
are the standard deviations of x
and x
By construction, a correlation is always a number
between 1 and 1. Correlation inherits the symme-
try property of covariance. To understand the feature
dependence better and to explain our results we have
introduced the following parameter α:
α =
i j
M(M 1)/2
In eqn (5), a high value of α indicates that the fea-
ture correlation is high.
To find the statistical significance of correlation
coefficient we used t-test given by the following for-
mula (Spiegel, 1998):
t =
N 2
1 r
where r is the correlation coefficient between two
variables and N is the number of samples. The proba-
bility of the t-test indicates whether the observed cor-
relation coefficient occurred by chance, if the true cor-
relation is zero. To state in another way, t-test is a
measure to find whether the correlation between two
variables is significantly different from zero.
In our case, we have multiple feature components
and in eqn (6), we have replaced r by α. This allows
us to test the statistical significance of the average cor-
relation value. Note that this is only an approximation
of the t-test that is applicable to a pair-wise correlation
coefficient test.
3.3 Impact of Sample Size on Accuracy
To study the effect of sample size, we varied the rel-
evant class size (R) while keeping the non-relevant
class size (NR) constant. We used a random subset
of the original class size in order to avoid any bias in
choosing images. We used precision and recall (Das
and Ray, 2005), two widely used evaluation parame-
ters in CBIR field, as a measure of system perfor-
mance. We calculated precision of a category by aver-
aging precision of all the images in the category used
as query image. The final precision for any sample
size is obtained by averaging results from all seman-
tic categories in the database. This way we can have
the most appropriate representation of the system per-
We experimented with two databases having the same
number of semantic categories. All images are of
256 ×256 pixels size. An image in the retrieved list
is considered to be relevant if that image comes from
the same category as the query image, otherwise, non-
relevant. While changing the R value we used a ran-
dom subset of the original set and averaged the preci-
sion over 3 random subsets. This way we can mini-
mize bias in precision, if any, due to selection of im-
ages. For all experiments we used a scope value of
20, a value that is not too high for user’s point of view
and not too low to have any relevant image retrieved.
4.1 Image Database and Ground Truth
1. DB1: This consists of 1000 images from 10 se-
mantic categories (Flower, Leaf, Face, Fish, Dam,
Car, Aeroplane, Leopard, Ship and Wristwatch).
Each category contains 100 images. We chose
500 images randomly for training and the rest 500
images for testing. For R=50, each category con-
tains 50 samples (or images). For R=40, 40 sam-
ples are taken randomly from 50 samples for each
category at a time whereas all other categories are
kept intact (i.e NR=450). Hence, for R=40 sample
size, the total number of images in the database is
2. DB2: This consists of 1000 images from 10 se-
mantic categories (Africa, Beach, Dinosaurs, Ele-
phants, Roses, Horses, Mountains, Food and His-
torical buildings). Each category contains 100
samples. This WANG database is a subset of
Corel database and is freely available for re-
search at the Pensnsylvania State University web-
Table 1: Values for Correlation Matrix elements.
Avg of diag Avg of non-diag α
DB1 Real Data 148-D 1.000 0.229 0.229
25-D 1.000 0.158 0.158
Synthetic Data 148-D 1.000 0.077 0.077
25-D 1.000 0.081 0.081
DB2 Real Data 148-D 1.000 0.221 0.221
25-D 1.000 0.157 0.159
Synthetic Data 148-D 1.000 0.100 0.100
25-D 1.000 0.100 0.100
site We picked up 500
images randomly for training and the rest 500 for
testing. We changed R = 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 while
NR = 450.
4.2 Results Analysis
4.2.1 Behaviour of Feature Vectors with Real
and Synthetic Data
Table 1 shows the co-variance values calculated for
both real and synthetic data, for original dataset con-
taining all 100 images per category, thus total num-
ber of images in the dataset is 1000. For real data,
the average of non-diagonal elements is more with
148-D compared to 25-D. This is true irrespective of
datasets. This is because 25-D has been constructed
form 148-D by combining features in an intelligent
way. The t-test for both 25-D and 148-D with real
data showed statistical significance with 99% confi-
dence. For synthetic data, average of non-diagonal
elements is more or less the same for both 148-D and
25-D. This is true for both datasets. The t-test shows
a confidence level of 98%, though ideally the α value
for synthetic data should be very close to zero. The
reason behind this is the way we constructed the syn-
thetic dataset. The way we generated synthetic data
it is only assured that there is no feature correlation
within a semantic class, however, feature correlation
is possible over entire dataset.
Please note that for real data, α for PCA25-D is
zero for both data sets. This is because in the principal
components are orthogonal and hence, they have zero
4.2.2 Behaviour of Feature Vectors at Varying
Relevant Class Sizes
In previous section we have shown performance of the
feature vectors for R = 50. However, as R changes,
precision will change. In this section we will demon-
strate the performance of the feature vectors for vary-
ing R. For all three vectors, precision with synthetic
data is better than with real data. This is true for all
values of R and for both datasets. However, for 25-D
VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and PCA25-D the curves for real and synthetic follow
the variation very closely.
From Figures 3(a) and (b), it is evident that with
real data 25-D performs better than PCA25-D and
148-D for all values of relevant class size. The infe-
rior performance of PCA25-D can be attributed to the
lack of consideration of the within-class and between-
class variation of data in PCA. As R increases from
10 to 20, precision with 25-D increases by 15.5%
whereas precision with 148-D increases by only 10%.
When R changes from 40 to 50, the improvement in
precision is 5.23% with 25-D but 4.37% with 148-D.
This shows the strength of our feature vector against
the variation in sample size and especially, at small
sample size. In context to CBIR, using a higher scope
means we looking for a larger neighbourhood. This
means precision will fall and recall will increase. In
Figures 4(a) and (b), for DB2, we shown the perfor-
mance of 25-D and 148-D from a different evalua-
tion angle consisting of both precision and recall. In
Figure 4(a), for R=50, at recall = 100%, precision is
18.7% for 25-D whereas it is 12.87% for 148-D. This
means a scope of 267 and 390 respectively. For R=10,
at recall 100%, 25-D shows a precision of 9.78% and
148-D shows 5.2%. This means a scope of 102 for 25-
D and 192 for 148-D. These values clearly indicate
that for lower value of sample size, 25-D performs
even better compared to 148-D.
1. The online computation with 25-D is much less
compared to 148-D. This reduction in number of
computations will be very significant in today’s
real situation where image database size is already
very big and is increasing day by day.
2. Irrespective of data sets and feature dimension,
synthetic data always performs better than real
data. This is expected as in synthetic data we did
not consider any feature correlation.
3. For 25-D and PCA25-D, with real data set, the
variation of precision with R values follows that
of synthetic data pretty closely, unlike with 148-
D. This means feature re-weighting method where
we assume the features are independent of each
other is more suitable for 25-D compared to 148-
D. We introduced a new parameter, α, to explain
the feature correlation.
4. Irrespective of data set being real or synthetic, for
all feature vectors precision is more sensitive for
smaller R values compared to higher R values.
5. For both DB1 and DB2, with real data, for varying
relevant class size 25-D performs the best.
We find that small sample issue is one of the major
bottlenecks in CBIR research. In the future, we
plan to investigate the small sample issue in more
details. Also, the experiments will be extended to
larger data sets.
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VISAPP 2007 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications