Ioanna-Ourania Stathopoulou and George A. Tsihrintzis
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, Piraeus 185 34, Greece
Keywords: Facial Expression Classification, Human Emotion, Knowledge Representation, Human-Computer
Abstract: Automated facial expression classification is very important in the design of new human-computer
interaction modes and multimedia interactive services and arises as a difficult, yet crucial, pattern
recognition problem. Recently, we have been building such a system, called NEU-FACES, which processes
multiple camera images of computer user faces with the ultimate goal of determining their affective state. In
here, we present results from an empirical study we conducted on how humans classify facial expressions,
corresponding error rates, and to which degree a face image can provide emotion recognition from the
perspective of a human observer. This study lays related system design requirements, quantifies statistical
expression recognition performance of humans, and identifies quantitative facial features of high expression
discrimination and classification power.
Facial expressions are particularly significant in
communicating information in human-to-human
interaction and interpersonal relations, as they reveal
information about the affective state, cognitive
activity, personality, intention and psychological
state of a person and this information may, in fact,
be difficult to mask.
When mimicking communication between
humans, human-computer interaction systems must
determine the psychological state of a person, so that
the computer can react accordingly. Indeed, images
that contain faces are instrumental in the
development of more effective and friendlier
methods in multimedia interactive services and
human computer interaction systems. Vision-based
human-computer interactive systems assume that
information about a user’s identity, state and intent
can be extracted from images, and that computers
can then react accordingly. Similar information can
also be used in security control systems or in
criminology to uncover possible criminals. Studies
have concluded to six facial expressions which arise
very commonly during a typical human-computer
interaction session and, thus, vision-based human-
computer interaction systems that recognize them
could guide the computer to “react” accordingly and
attempt to better satisfy its user needs. Specifically,
these expressions are: “neutral”, “happy”, “sad”,
“surprised”, “angry”, “disgusted” and “bored-
It is common experience that the variety in facial
expressions of humans is large and, furthermore, the
mapping from psychological state to facial
expression varies significantly from human to
human and is complicated further by the problem of
pretence, i.e. the case of someone’s facial expression
not corresponding to his/her true psychological state.
These two facts make the analysis of the facial
expressions of another person difficult and often
ambiguous. This problem is even more severe in
automated facial expression classification, as face
images are non-rigid, have a high degree of
variability in size, shape, color and texture and
variations in pose, facial expression, image
orientation and conditions add to the level of
difficulty of the problem.
Towards achieving the automated facial image
processing goal, we have been developing an
automated facial expression classification system
(Stathopoulou, I.-O. and Tsihrintzis, G.A.), called
NEU-FACES, in which features extracted as
deviations from the neutral to other common
expressions are fed into neural network-based
classifiers. Specifically, NEU-FACES is a two-
module system, which automates both the face
detection and the facial expression process.
Stathopoulou I. and A. Tsihrintzis G. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - PL/DPS/KE/WsMUSE, pages 206-211
DOI: 10.5220/0001329802060211
To start specifying requirements and building
NEU_FACES, we needed to conduct an empirical
study first on how humans classify facial
expressions, corresponding error rates, and to which
degree a face image can provide emotion recognition
from the perspective of a human observer. This
study lays related system design requirements,
quantifies statistical expression recognition
performance of humans, and identifies quantitative
facial features of high expression discrimination and
classification power. The present work is the
outcome of the participants’ responses to our
An extensive search of the literature revealed a
relative shortage of empirical studies of human
ability to recognize someone else’s emotion from
his/her face image. The most significant of these
studies are summarized next. Ekman and Friesen
first defined a set of universal rules to “manage the
appearance of particular emotions in particular
situations” (Ekman, P., 1999; Ekman, P. & Friesen,
W, 1975; Ekman, P., 1982; Ekman, P. et al., 2003;
Ekman, P. & Rosenberg, E.L.). Unrestrained
expressions of anger or grief are strongly
discouraged in most cultures and may be replaced by
an attempted smile rather than a neutral expression;
detecting those emotions depends on recognizing
signs other than the universally recognized
archetypal expressions. Reeves and Nass (Reeves, B.
and Nass, C.) have already shown that people's
interactions with computers, TV and similar
machines/media are fundamentally social and
natural, just like interactions in real life. Picard in
her work in the area of affective computing states
that "emotions play an essential role in rational
decision-making, perception, learning, and a variety
of other cognitive functions” (Picard, R. et al., 1997,
Picard, R.W., 2003). De Silva et al. (De Silva, L. C.,
Miyasato, Τ., and Nakatsu, Ρ.) also performed an
empirical study and reported results on human
subjects’ ability to recognize emotions. Video clips
of facial expressions and corresponding
synchronised emotional speech clips were shown to
human subjects not familiar with the languages used
in the video clips (Spanish and Sinhala). Then,
human recognition results were compared in three
tests: video only, audio only, and combined audio
and video. Finally, M. Pantic et al. performed a
survey of the past work in solving emotion
recognition problems by a computer and provided a
set of recommendations for developing the first part
of an intelligent multimodal HCI (Pantic, Μ. et al.,
In this paper, we present our empirical study on
identifying those face parts that may lead to correct
facial expression classification and on determining
the facial features that are more significant in
recognizing each expression. Specifically, in Section
2, we present emotion perception principles from the
psychologist’s perspective. In Section 3, we describe
the questionnaire we used in our study. In Section 4,
we show statistical results of our study. Finally, we
summarize and draw conclusions in Section 5 and
point to future work in Section 6.
The question of how to best characterize perception
of facial expressions has clearly become an
important concern for many researchers in affective
computing. Ironically, this growing interest is
coming at a time when the established knowledge on
human facial affect is being strongly challenged in
the basic psychology research literature. In
particular, recent studies have thrown suspicion on a
large body of long-accepted data, even on studies
previously conducted by the same people.
In the past, two main studies regarding facial
expression perception have appeared in the
literature. The first study is the classic research by
psychologist Paul Ekman and colleagues (Ekman,
P., 1999; Ekman, P. & Friesen, W, 1975; Ekman, P.,
1982; Ekman, P. et al., 2003; Ekman, P. &
Rosenberg, E.L.) in the early 1960s, which resulted
in the identification of a small number of so-called
“basic” emotions, namely anger, disgust, fear,
happiness, sadness and surprise (contempt was
added only recently). In Ekman's theory, the basic
emotions were considered to be the building blocks
of more complex feeling states (Ekman, P., 1999 ),
although in newer studies he is sceptical about the
possibility of two basic emotions occurring
simultaneously (Ekman, P. & Rosenberg, E.L).
Following these studies, Ekman and Friesen
(Ekman, P. & Friesen, W, 1975) developed the, so-
called, ‘‘facial action coding system (FACS),’’
which quantifies facial movement in terms of
component muscle actions. Recently automated, the
FACS remains the one of the most comprehensive
and commonly accepted methods for measuring
emotion from the visual observation of faces.
In the past few years, a second study by
psychologist James Russell and colleagues
summarizes previous works on human emotion
perception (Russell, J. A., 1994) and challenges
strongly the classic data (Russell, J. A., 2003),
largely on methodological grounds. Russell argues
that emotion in general (and facial expression of
emotion in particular) can be best characterized in
terms of a multidimensional affect space, rather than
discrete emotion categories. More specifically,
Russell claims that two dimensions, namely
“pleasure” and “arousal,” are sufficient to
characterize facial affect space.
Despite the fact that divergent studies have
appeared in the literature, most scientists agree that:
Human experience emotions in subjective
The “basic emotions” deal with fundamental
life tasks.
The “basic emotions” mostly occur during
interpersonal relationships, but this does not
exclude the possibility of their occurring in the
absence of other humans.
Facial expressions are important in revealing
emotions and informing other people about a
person’s emotional state. Indeed, studies have
shown that people with congenital (Mobius
Syndrome) or other (e.g. from a stroke) facial
paralysis report great difficulty in maintaining
and developing interpersonal relationships.
Each time an emotion occurs, a signal will not
necessarily be present. Emotions may occur
without any evident signal, because humans
are, to a very large extent, capable of
suppressing such signals. Also, a threshold
may need to be exceeded to bring about an
expressive signal and this threshold may vary
across individuals.
Usually, emotions are influenced by two
factors, namely social learning and evolution.
Thus, similarities across different cultures
arise in the way emotions are expressed
because of past evolution of the human
species, but differences also arise which are
due to culture and social learning.
Facial expressions are emotional signals that
result into movements of facial skin and
connective tissue caused by the contraction of
one or more of the forty four bilaterally
symmetrical facial muscles. These striated
muscles fall into two groups:
four of these muscles, innervated by the
trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve, are
attached to and move skeletal structures
(e.g., the jaw) in mastication
forty of these muscles, innervated by the
facial (7th cranial) nerve, are attached to
bone, facial skin, or fascia and do not
operate directly by moving skeletal
structures but rather arrange facial
features in meaningful configurations.
Based on these studies and by observing human
reactions, we identified differences between the
“neutral” expression of a model and its deformation
into other expressions. We quantified these
differences into measurements of the face (such as
size ratio, distance ratio, texture, or orientation), so
as to convert pixel data into a higher-level
representation of shape, motion, color, texture and
spatial configuration of the face and its components.
Specifically, we locate and extract the corner points
of specific regions of the face, such as the eyes, the
mouth and the brows, and compute their variations
in size, orientation or texture between the neutral
and some other expression. This constitutes the
feature extraction process and reduces the
dimensionality of the input space significantly, while
retaining essential information of high
discrimination power and stability.
In order to validate these facial features and decide
whether these features are used by humans when
attempting to recognize someone else’s emotion
from his/her facial expression, we developed a
questionnaire where the participants were asked to
determine which facial features helped them in the
classification task. In the questionnaire, we used
images of subjects of a facial expression database
which we had developed at the University of Piraeus
(Stathopoulou, I.O. & Tsihrintzis, G. A., October
2006). Our aim was to identify the facial features
that help humans in classifying a facial expression.
Moreover, we wanted to know if it is possible to
map a facial expression into an emotion. Finally,
another goal was to determine if a human observer
can recognize a facial expression from isolated parts
of a face, as we expect computer-classifiers to do.
3.1 The Questionnaire Structure
In order to understand how a human classifies
someone else’s facial expression and set a target
error rate for automated systems, we developed a
questionnaire in which each we asked 300
participants to state their thoughts on a number of
facial expression-related questions and images.
Specifically, the questionnaire consisted of three
different parts:
1. In the first part, the observer was asked to
identify an emotion from the facial
expressions that appeared in 14 images.
Each participant could choose from the 7 of
the most common emotions that we pointed
out earlier, such as: “anger”, “happiness”,
“neutral”, “surprise”, “sadness”, “disgust”,
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
“boredom–sleepiness”, or specify any other
emotion that he/she thought appropriate.
Next, the participant had to state the degree
of certainty (from 0-100%) of his/her
answer. Finally, he/she had to state which
features (such as the eyes, the nose, the
mouth, the cheeks etc.), had helped him/her
make that decision. A typical question of
the first part of the questionnaire is depicted
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The first part of the questionnaire.
2. When filling the second part of the
questionnaire, each participant had to
identify an emotion from parts of a face.
Specifically, we showed them the “neutral”
facial image of a subject and the
corresponding image of some other
expression. In this latter image pieces were
cut out, leaving only certain parts of the
face, namely the “eyes”, the “mouth”, the
“forehead”, the “cheeks”, the “chin” and
the “brows.” This is typically shown in
Figure 2. Again, each participant could
choose from the 7 of the most common
emotions “anger”, “happiness”, “neutral”,
“surprise”, “sadness”, “disgust”, “boredom
–sleepiness”, or specify any other emotion
that he/she thought appropriate. Next, the
participant had to state the degree of
certainty (from 0-100%) of his/her answer.
Finally, the participant had to specify which
features had helped him/her make that
Figure 2: The second part of the questionnaire.
3. In the final (third) part of our study, we
asked the participants to supply information
about their background (e.g. age, interests,
etc.). Additionally, each participant was
asked to provide information about:
The level of difficulty of the
questionnaire with regards to the task
of emotion recognition from face
Which emotion he/she though was
the most difficult to classify
Which emotion he/she though was
the easiest to classify
The percentage to which a facial
expression maps into an emotion (0-
3.2 The Participant and Subject
There were 300 participants in our study. All the
participants were Greek, thus familiar with the greek
culture and the greek ways of expressing emotions.
They were mostly undergraduate or graduate
students and faculty in our university and there age
varied between 19 and 45 years.
4.1 Test Data Acquisition
Most users agreed that a facial expression represents
the equivalent emotion with a percentage of 70% or
higher. The results are shown in Table 1.
Based on the participants’ answers in the second
part of our questionnaire it was observed that
smaller error rates could be achieved if parts rather
than the entire face image were displayed. The
differences in error rates are quite significant and
show that the extracted facial parts are well chosen.
An exception to this observation occurred with
the “angry” and “disgusted” emotions where we
observed a 6,44% and 5,10% increase in the error
rate in the second part of our questionnaire. This is
expected to be observed in the performance of
automated expression classification systems when
shown a face forming an expression of anger of
disgust. More specifically, these differences in the
error rates are shown in Table 2. As shown in the
last column (P-value) these results are statistically
Table 1: Percentage to which a facial expression
represents an emotion.
Percentage to which an expression
represents an emotion (%)
Percentage of user
answers (%)
0 0,00
10 0,00
20 0,76
30 2,27
40 1,52
50 9,85
60 14,39
70 31,06
80 21,97
90 15,91
100 2,27
Table 2: Error rates in the two parts of the questionnaire.
Error rates
1st Part 2nd Part
Difference P-value
Neutral 61,74 ---------- 61,74
Happiness 31,06 3,79 27,27
Sadness 65,91 17,42 48,48
Disgust 81,26 86,36 -5,10
Boredom 49,24 21,97 27,27
Angry 23,86 30,30 -6,44
Surprise 10,23 4,55 5,68
Other 9,47 18,18 -8,71
The facial features that helped the users to
understand the emotions are mostly the eyes, the
mouth, and the cheeks. In some expressions, e.g. the
“angry”, there were some other features very
important, for example the texture between the
brows in this case. The most important facial
features are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Important features for each facial expression.
66,3 81,6 63,6 82,6 77,3 55,7 83,7
84,5 67,8 76,1 81,1 79,9 81,4 88,8
10,2 22,7 4,2 6,1 4,9
30,9 46,4
20,8 14,4
31,1 7,6 14,4 10,0 11,4
59,5 8,7 3,0 4,2 8,9 23,7
46,6 8,1 30,7 28,8 60,6 21,4 5,1
0,0 2,5 3,0 3,0 3,0 2,3 1,5
1 Eyes A Neutral
2 Mouth B Angry
3 Texture of the Forehead C Bored-Sleepy
4 Shape of the Face D Disgusted
5 Texture between the brows E Happy
6 Texture of the cheeks F Sad
7 Other G Surprised
Automated expression classification in face images
is a prerequisite to the development of novel human-
computer interaction and multimedia interactive
service systems. However, the development of
integrated, fully operational such automated systems
is non-trivial. Towards building such systems, we
have been developing a novel automated facial
expression classification system (Stathopoulou, I.-O.
and Tsihrintzis, G.A.), called NEU-FACES, in
which features extracted as deviations from the
neutral to other common expressions are fed into
neural network-based expression classifiers. In order
to establish the correct feature selection, in this
paper, we conducted an empirical study of the facial
expression classification problem in images, from
the human’s perspective. This study allows us to
identify those face parts of the face that may lead to
correct facial expression classification. Moreover,
the study determines those facial features that are
more significant in recognizing each expression. We
found that the isolation of parts of the face resulted
to better expression recognition than looking at the
entire face image.
In the future, we will extend this work in the
following directions: (1) we will improve our NEU-
FACES system by applying techniques based on
multi-criteria decision theory for the facial
expression classification task, (2) we will investigate
the application of quality enhancement techniques to
our image dataset and seek to extract additional
classification features from them, and (3) we will
extend our database so as to contain sequences of
images of facial expression formation rather than
simple static images of formed expressions and seek
in them additional features of high classification
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Support for this work was provided by the General
Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greek
Ministry of Development, under the auspices of the
PENED-2003 basic research program.
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