Challenges and Solution Directions
Boris Shishkov
Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Jan L.G. Dietz
Department of Software Technology, Delft university of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Marten van Sinderen
Department of Computer Science, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Business-software alignment; Software services; Service-Oriented Architecture - SOA.
Abstract: Adequately resolving the business-software gap in the context of SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)
appears to be
a non-trivial task, mainly because of the dual essence of the service concept: (i) services are
inevitably business-restricted because they operate in real-life environments; (ii) services are also
technology-restricted because the software components realizing them have to obey the restrictions of their
complex technology-driven environments. Hence, the existence of these two restriction directions makes the
(SOA-driven) business-software alignment challenging – here current business-software mapping
mechanisms can only play a limited role. With regard to this, the contribution of the current paper is two-
fold: 1. it analyzes SOA and its actual challenges, from a business-software-alignment perspective, deriving
essential SOA application desirable properties; 2. it proposes software services specification directions,
particularly concerning the (SOA-driven) business-software mapping. This contribution is expected to be
useful in current software development.
Closing the semantic gap between business logic and
application logic, is claimed to be of crucial
importance for an adequate software development
(Shishkov et al., 2006a). We argue that this
endeavor fundamentally concerns the underlying
technology used and especially the restrictions it
imposes on the application. Hence, we focus on a
particular technology in this paper, namely the Web
Service Technology that can be seen as an
implementation of the
ervice-Oriented Architecture
SOA (Pasley, 2005). SOA provides a structure for
composing software applications based on the use of
‘services’ as building blocks that can perform
distinct functions through well defined interfaces
(Alonso et al., 2004). These services are self-
describing and platform-independent, and as such
they are actually considered as fundamental
computational elements in the composition of
business processes; this makes them advantageously
usable in developing software solutions (that
concern the business system to be supported), as
concluded in previous work (Shishkov et al., 2006b).
We can consider SOA as a conceptual business
itecture wh
ere business/application functionality
is made available to users, as shared, re-usable
services (modules of business/application
functionality) on a network (Marks & Bell 2006),
invokeable by messages through exposed interfaces.
Hence, the ability of finding, selecting and
posing services without prior agreement results
in a ‘loose coupling’, which, together with the
availability of service standards, bring potential
benefits of increased software re-use, easier
application integration and higher business agility
(Caceres et al., 2004).
Shishkov B., L.G. Dietz J. and van Sinderen M. (2007).
CLOSING THE BUSINESS-APPLICATION GAP IN SOA - Challenges and Solution Directions.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Software and Data Technologies - SE, pages 333-336
DOI: 10.5220/0001326803330336
To fully benefit from this potential, it is
necessary that the specification of software services
(in the SOA context) is properly integrated in a
software design approach where the business-
software mapping is systematically elaborated. This
points to the above mentioned semantic gap which
(obviously) needs to find resolution in the SOA
context. Nevertheless, this appears to be a non-trivial
task, mainly because of the dual essence of the
service concept: (i) services are inevitably business-
-restricted because they operate in real-life
environments; (ii) services are also technology-
restricted because the software components realizing
them have to obey the restrictions of their complex
technology-driven environments. Hence, the
existence of these two restriction directions makes
the (SOA-driven) business-software alignment
challenging; as a comparison, introducing some
software systems can enforce changes in
corresponding business-level processes.
Therefore, current business-software mapping
mechanisms can only play a limited role in the
specification of software services, which appears to
be an actual and widely recognized problem.
With respect to this, the contribution of the
current paper is two-fold:
- it analyzes SOA and its actual challenges, from
a business-software-alignment perspective, deriving
essential SOA application desirable properties;
- it proposes software services specification
directions, particularly concerning the (SOA-driven)
-software mapping.
The paper is thus organized as follows: Section 2
– analysis; Section 3 – proposal; Section 4 -
The emergence of Service Oriented Computing - SOC
is considered as a move towards combining real-life
business concerns and technological concerns,
envisioning a service (of a component/entity) as
defining the goal, capabilities and/or behavior (of
the component/entity) as observed by and relevant to
the users (of the component/entity) (Pasley, 2005).
A web service (WS, for short) is considered as a
self-contained, Internet-enabled service component
capable not only of performing business activities on
its own but also possessing the ability to engage
other WS in order to form higher-order business
transactions (World Wide Web Consortium, 2005).
We distinguish between composite and
constituent WS – a composite WS consists of (is
provided by an orchestration of) multiple constituent
WS, and a constituent WS is an ‘elementary’ WS,
i.e. a WS which can be used on its own or in a
composite WS (Newcomer, 2002; Papazoglou &
Kratz, 2006).
In order to be usable on a large scale, WS (which
are based on specific sets of standards) should be
somehow reflectable in certain abstractions, as an
instrument for their application in any platform
through which the Internet user accesses them.
Moreover, WS usually should not require design
‘from scratch’ because this would make them
expensive. They should instead be re-usable, using
one WS as a basis for developing another, by
making use of its core functionality (Bosworth,
2001; Papazoglou & Kratz, 2006).
We thus consider it innovative that multiple
users are able to access WS, personalize them and
finally use them. Our first conclusion is that this
usage of WS implies advanced infrastructures
and application platforms that utilize and
coordinate such (globally) re-usable services.
Furthermore, employing such generic WS for work
in domain-specific business environments means
that the service use has to be driven by appropriate
underlying business models.
Prior to their use, WS should have been
discovered (by matching requirements to advertised
names) and subjected to negotiation (since the user
must of course accept using a particular WS).
All these considerations have contributed to the
emergence of the
Service-Oriented Architecture –
SOA which goes beyond the sole consideration of
WS (Alonso et al., 2004), being a useful paradigm
that can support engineers in their designing,
building and using distributed software systems.
SOA facilitates the establishment of ICT support for
business processes, which is readily available,
flexible and easily maintainable across multiple
organizations and platforms. The concept of
service/WS adopted by SOA, has evolved from
modular object/component middleware approaches,
such as CORBA, DCOM and J2EE (Newcomer,
2002). However, WS has become the technology of
choice for implementing service-oriented software
systems, primarily because they are based on
ubiquitous Internet standards, such as HTTP and
XML, and because they support ‘loose coupling’.
Whereas the uptake of WS based SOA is impressive,
there are still important fundamental challenges not
addressed by this technology, as recognized by
ACT4SOC (ACT4SOC, 2007).
ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Firstly, the ‘plug and play’ interoperability of
WS to enable ad hoc cooperation of new partners is
limited (Wang & Zhang, 2006). For on-demand
composition of services in an open service-oriented
world, interoperability has to be ensured at different
levels (syntactic and semantic) and in different
dimensions (information and behavior). Current
research in this direction is using, for example,
Semantic Web and ontology technologies (World
Wide Web Consortium, 2005).
Secondly, the property of ‘loose coupling’ is not
appropriate for many applications that involve
stateful components. Hence, the benefits of Web
services and SOA would be limited for developers
of such applications if they themselves have to solve
the issues of stateful interaction, notification of state
changes, support for sharing and coordination
(Shishkov et al., 2006b). It should thus be aimed that
these concerns are placed at the service
infrastructure level or that another solution is
enforced. Thus, our second conclusion is that
enhancement needs to be achieved in the way
applications which are by nature not loosely
coupled, are supported by SOA-related
Finally, WS alone are insufficiently capable of
guaranteeing an appropriate ‘alignment’ between
business requirements and software functionality, as
mentioned already. What is needed is a structured
approach for developing service-oriented software
solutions, in which consistency with business
requirements, (de-)composition of application
services, and mapping onto (alternative) technology
platforms can be systematically and separately
addressed (Alonso et al., 2004, Shishkov et al.,
2006b). Hence, our third conclusion is that a
business-software alignment is needed
particularly in the SOA context.
Taking into account the 3 business-software-
alignment-related conclusions made in the current
section, we formulate the following 3
(corresponding) desirable properties concerning the
SOA-driven application development:
1. Application architecture must allow usage
of SOA infrastructure;
2. ‘Loose coupling’ should be enforced;
3. Application architecture must fit within the
business context.
We will consider in the following section,
several solution directions that are driven by these
properties and especially by the third one.
In presenting solution directions in this section, we
will consider fundamentally an Alignment
perspective and a Loose-coupling perspective.
Alignment perspective basically concerns
desirable properties 3 and 1, as defined in Section 2.
The existence of their related restriction directions
has already been mentioned in the Introduction. We
claim that in order to adequately address them, it is
necessary that they are distinguished clearly.
As for business-level restrictions, they obviously
concern the enterprise that is going to be supported
by the services-to-be-developed. Thus, the enterprise
under consideration needs to be sufficiently
explored, which can be appropriately accomplished
through a conceptual enterprise model, as studied by
Dietz (2006). This model nevertheless would need to
be coherent (the distinguished aspect models
constitute a logical and truly integral whole),
comprehensive (all relevant issues are covered),
consistent (the aspect models are free from
contradictions or irregularities), concise (no
superfluous matters are considered) as well as
essential – revealing only the essence of the
enterprise, its deep structure. Considering this last
property as crucially important, we argue that
meeting the business-level restrictions, as above
formulated, should include a (SOA) application
specification that is realized as a REFINEMENT OF
MODEL. Such a model could be properly developed
using LAP-driven generic business process patterns,
as studied in (Shishkov et al., 2006a).
As for technology-level restrictions, they could
in no way concern essential issues as formulated
above. Instead, they concern realization and/or
implementation issues which are to stay consistent
with corresponding essential issues (Dietz, 2006).
Nonetheless, after mapping technology-level
restrictions on the essential enterprise model, it
might appear that a model re-design seems sensible
– this is an example of an indirect impact of
technology-level restrictions on the enterprise
model. Apart from this, technology-level restrictions
concern the application’s integration with respect to
the service infrastructure – the APPLICATION IS
USABLE) SERVICES. Such a consistency can be
enforced through a network-infrastructure-
application-layered software development, as
studied in AWARENESS (2007).
CLOSING THE BUSINESS-APPLICATION GAP IN SOA - Challenges and Solution Directions
Loose-coupling perspective concerns
desirable property 2, as defined in Section 2. If
straightforwardly reflecting an enterprise model in a
SOA-driven application model, the services (which
would be identified) would inevitably be tightly
coupled because (normally) there is a dependency of
the services provided by one entity on services
provided by other entities. As concluded in
(Shishkov et al., 2006b), this could be resolved, by
introducing ‘in between’ an ADDITIONAL
‘Orchestrator’) THAT HAS THE TASK OF
COORDINATION. The Orchestrator is application-
specific (as the coordination is application-specific).
The (subordinate) services, however, which are
coordinated by the Orchestrator, may be useful for
many different types of applications. Their
description may hence be published through a public
(or corporate) registry, such that they can be
discovered, and selected for invocation by an
orchestration component. Related to its coordination
tasks, the Orchestrator could sometimes supply to
one service the result of another service, if this is
necessary for the service to perform its task(s).
This paper proposes improvements to the business-
application alignment, particularly in the context of
SOA. Reporting work-in-progress, the paper has
only identified (relevant) application desirable
properties and corresponding solution directions.
According to the first solution direction, the SOA
application model must be developed as a
refinement of a corresponding essential enterprise
model. According to the second solution direction,
the application functionality must be specified
consistent with the (service) infrastructure. These
two solution directions are relevant (in combination)
to the objective of overcoming (especially in the
context of SOA) the semantic gap between business
logic and application logic. As for the third solution
direction, it mainly concerns the usage of generic
services, which characterizes SOA. In particular, it
is suggested that an additional application
component is introduced to handle the (application-
specific) coordination activities with respect to
(subordinate) services, in delivering application’s
We expect that this paper and the discussion it
opens would be useful to the on-going SOA
developments aiming at putting SOC on a more
solid (theoretical) background.
This work is part of the Freeband A-MUSE project
( Freeband is sponsored
by the Dutch government under contract BSIK
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ICSOFT 2007 - International Conference on Software and Data Technologies