LAVA: A Case Study in System Design
K. Getchell, J. Nicoll, C. Kerbey, A. Miller, C. Allison
School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, FIFE, KY16 9SX, Scotland
R. Sweetman, J. Complin
School of Classics, University of St Andrews, Swallowgate, Butts Wynd, St Andrews, FIFE, KY16 9AL, Scotland
R. Michaelson
Department of Accountancy and Business Finance, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 4HN, Scotland
Keywords: Explorative learning, e-learning, collaboration, gaming, groupware, archaeology.
Abstract: This paper presents an approach to utilising computer game technologies and methodologies to support
explorative learning. This approach has particular relevance to subjects such as archaeology and geography
which contain a significant fieldwork component. A detailed case study, the LAVA project, is presented and
the design decisions taken discussed. LAVA was motivated by the need to provide support for explorative
learning and an understanding of fieldwork for classes of students in the face of the very few opportunities
available for participating in real archaeological excavations. The aim of LAVA is not to replace real world
fieldwork, but rather to provide realistic simulations that allow students to better prepare for any
involvement with a real excavation. These objectives have initially been achieved through the combination
of a 3D game engine, 2D maps and a group-based learning environment.
Computer games are engaging for their audience.
They have a series of objectives which must be
achieved by a player in order for the overall
objective of the game to be realised. They utilise the
concept of progression and advancement through the
separation of objectives into a series of contiguous
stages or levels and encourage exploration and
character development through trial and error. In
short computer games are good at providing an
environment within which a player can learn how to
achieve the game’s final objective. Most importantly
however, games are able to successfully engage with
their target audience and encourage a player to
progress forward.
The level of engagement that players have with
computer games is often coveted by those charged
with developing learning materials (Savery and
Duffy 1995; Merrill 2002). There have been a
number of attempts to harness the engaging power
of computer games in ‘edutainment’ (educational
entertainment) titles (Wikipedia); however most of
these products have had difficulty integrating the
game play and educational dimensions, and have
consequently struggled to attract the desired level of
interest from their target audience (Okan 2003). In
many ways these failures are not surprising as there
are marked differences in the way computer games
and educational materials are designed.
This paper proposes, through the use of a case
study, an alternative approach to the development of
educational resources which allows more emphasis
to be placed on the aspects of computer games that
make them appeal to their target audience. It is
hoped that this alternative approach will facilitate
the development of more engaging and interactive
explorative learning resources. Section 2 of this
paper discusses the aims of good educational
practice and how these can be met by games and
learning environment technologies. Section 3
Getchell K., Nicoll J., Kerbey C., Miller A., Allison C., Sweetman R., Complin J. and Michaelson R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 470-476
DOI: 10.5220/0001290204700476
introduces the Laconia Acropolis Virtual
Archaeology (LAVA) excavation simulator, initially
focussing on the educational problem the simulator
addresses before describing the software from a
student’s perspective. Section 4 outlines the
architecture, design and current implementation
while section 5 provides a brief overview of related
work before the paper concludes in section 6.
The excavation simulator has been shaped to meet
four pedagogical goals. The system should:
Be engaging.
Be realistic.
Provide support for cooperative working.
Promote self paced learning.
Computer games were used as a starting point for
the design as they provide high levels of audience
engagement. Realism is achieved by deploying a
range of technologies from 3D virtual worlds to high
definition photographs and maps, as shown in figure
1. A group-based framework for learning
environment composition and deployment is used to
provide teamwork support and to aid the integration
of the different technologies in use. This is all
delivered via a web interface, so “anytime
anywhere” access and consequently self-paced
learning is supported.
As discussed by Malone (Malone 1980),
computer games can be dissected into a series of
contiguous goals which challenge and stimulate the
user. For a goal to be effective it must be possible
for the user to identify with the knowledge domain
in question and to judge their performance with
respect to reaching the final objective (Malone
1980). Within each goal, the outcome of game play
should be uncertain. This can be achieved in a
variety of ways:
1. Through the development of different levels of
difficulty that act to challenge the user.
2. By hiding and selectively revealing information
within the game environment, thereby
controlling the way in which the user is able to
access information that assists them in fulfilling
the game objectives.
3. By introducing randomness into the game play
so that each time a specific scene is reached by
the player, the outcome cannot be pre-empted.
Whilst the game play has a degree of randomness, it
is important to ensure that the attainability of game
objectives is matched to the player’s ability and skill
level. Successfully achieving a goal can increase a
player’s self-esteem and therefore have an affect on
their motivation to continue, with failure in small
quantities acting to enhance this drive. However, if
players perceive game goals to be impossible to
achieve, they will become disillusioned by repeated
failures and hence become increasingly de-
motivated by the game (Barendregt, Becker et al.
2006). Obtaining the optimal level of informational
complexity (Piaget 1952; Berlyne 1965) is of real
importance when considering in-game engagement;
a player needs to be able to understand the gaming
environment if they are to engage with it. By closely
aligning the game goals and educational objectives,
LAVA seeks to encourage players to unknowingly
advance their educational progress by developing
skills that satisfy the in-game challenges presented.
The LAVA project virtual excavation scenario is
based around the work undertaken by the British
School at Athens at the Sparta Acropolis Basilica,
Greece during the 2000/1 seasons (Sweetman 2000-
2001; Sweetman and Katsara 2002). It has been
developed to provide students with experience in
dealing with the type of issues that arise during
Figure 1: 2D Map, 3D Model and Photographic Artefact Screenshots.
archaeological excavation work. This aim
encompasses both the practical considerations
relating to the way in which the excavation is
planned and managed, as well as the way in which it
is undertaken.
By modelling the activities undertaken on an
excavation, LAVA is able to provide students with a
realistic idea of what fieldwork entails, prior to them
actually taking part in a real-world excavation.
During the development of the virtual
excavation, there was a strong emphasis on building
the stages to closely mimic the concept of levels
found in many popular computer games, with each
having distinct start and end states as well as specific
learning objectives and metrics against which a
group’s relative success can be judged. As with
computer games methodology, only when a group
has achieved the requisite level of competence
within a given stage can they progress to subsequent
stages, thereby integrating into the virtual excavation
the concept of progressive skills development; a
concept which is used in computer games as well as
when teaching students practical archaeology on real
excavation projects.
In order to complete a virtual excavation, a
group must complete 5 stages within the simulation:
Stage 1: Background work; groups perform an initial
review of the Sparta region to identify areas
of archaeological interest.
Stage 2: Funding Application; groups undertake a
virtual site visit, using the information they
obtain to write a formal funding application.
Stage 3: Site Excavation; once funding is secured
each group undertakes their excavation
work using the excavation simulator. It is
the design of this part of the LAVA
software that is the main focus of this paper.
Stage 4: Publication Preparation; following the
completion of the excavation work the
groups are required to prepare publications
to disseminate the site data discovered
during their excavation projects.
Stage 5: Reflection and Feedback; the final stage of
the excavation process is used to allow the
groups to reflect on their performance. It
also allows the students to be formally
assessed by the course coordinator.
This paper focuses on the design and
implementation of the simulator used during stage 3.
Further information regarding the other components
of the LAVA system can be found in (Getchell,
Miller et al. 2006), whilst (Getchell, Nicoll et al.
2007) (to be published March 2007) discusses the
evaluation of the LAVA system carried out to date.
There are 5 main components within the simulator:
1. A bespoke browser which provides a unified
interface to all simulation components.
2. A virtual learning environment which provides
support for resource development, group work
and authentication.
3. A 3D game environment which provides
support for collaboration and site exploration.
4. A set of 2D resources for management,
exploration and reporting.
5. A database engine which maintains the state of
the excavation for each group.
From a student perspective there are two views into
the excavation: A set of 2D maps and resources that
expose management related processes and support
exploration, and a 3D first person game-based view
which allows students to investigate and explore the
excavation site from a first person perspective. The
two distinct interfaces have been adopted to allow
time to be managed by the students in a flexible
way. The high-level web-based management
interface allows groups to undertake time consuming
processes quickly, i.e. removing top soil from the
site, by short-circuiting the actual work processes.
When an area of interest needs to be explored in
more detail, the 3D first person perspective interface
can be used, offering groups the ability to
cooperatively investigate a scene in real-time. This
approach allows the students to concentrate their
focus on more interesting aspects of the excavation
whilst getting an overview of the entire process.
To allow groups to control the excavation work,
a three step process has been implemented:
Step 1: The 2D management interface is used by
the group to control how much virtual time,
personnel and equipment are allocated to
each task being undertaken.
Step 2: The simulator short-circuits the work
process, automatically performing the work
required based on the time, personnel and
equipment constraints specified by the
group. If the group assigns too much time
to the work, then equipment utilisation is
low and resources are wasted. If the group
assigns too little time to the work, then the
work is rushed and the quality of the
material culture uncovered degraded.
Step 3: Once the tasks have completed, the group
are able to investigate the materials
uncovered using a 2D map based interface.
Within the map a series of hotspots are used
to highlight any discoveries made. Group
members can click on the hotspots to bring
up graphical and textual descriptions of the
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
finds. The level can also be explored from a
3D perspective, thereby allowing the group
to gain a more detailed spatial
understanding of the entire excavation site.
In the following sections we discuss the 3D Based
exploration, game logic and underlying data
structures that support the simulation engine.
4.1 3D Exploration
The 3D game-based viewport provides students with
a first person perspective of the excavation site.
Within the viewport they are able to interact with
each other and explore detailed areas of the
excavation site. The aim is to allow students to
collaboratively study, at close range, areas of
significant interest within the excavation. Whilst in
the 3D viewport the students are able to
communicate textually with each other and view
each other’s avatars.
The 3D viewport offers exceptional first person
perspective views of the excavation site. As has been
discussed by (Haggren, Junnilaninen et al. 2004),
sequencing of static images can help students to
build a more detailed understanding of an
environment. On one level, the virtual environment
displayed by the 3D viewport is directly equivalent
to a large number of static images sequenced
together to provide an overview of an environment.
The main difference between sequenced images and
the game world, is that the user perspective within
the game world can be moved and adjusted, thereby
allowing students to focus in on areas of specific
interest. It should also be noted that, unlike statically
sequenced images, the students of a particular group
share their 3D virtual environment will all other
group members and can, through their representative
avatars and the variety of in-game communication
tools, interact both with each other and also the
environment as a whole.
Within the 3D viewport time is modelled in an
inelastic fashion; it is not possible for individual
group members to jump forward in time as this
would cause problems with other group members
who were not intending to progress time forward so
quickly. In order to maintain consistency between
group members, time is modelled in a uniformed
fashion within the 3D environment. This poses a
problem when it comes to undertaking slow and
repetitive work; either group members will be
required to undertake the work in real time, else they
will have to depart from the 3D environment prior to
any leap forward in time which is intended to short
circuit the work process. In the current
implementation, the group is provided with the 3D
environment following the completion of the
(possibly drawn out) preparation work which is
undertaken using the 2D management interface. This
separation allows the group members to jump in and
out of the virtual environment as required.
During the investigatory work undertaken to
determine how best to build the simulation system, a
comparison between a number of popular game
engines was undertaken. There are broad similarities
between each of the engines in terms of capabilities
as discussed in (Bishop, Eberly et al. 1998; Stang
2003). Whilst there is a whole raft of commercial
game engines available, the Quake (IDSoftware) and
Unreal (EpicGames) engines seem to be the most
developed in terms of flexibility and usability, with
both benefiting from active and responsive
developer communities. It is true that there are
engines such as Everquest’s LichTech engine (Sony)
that are able to offer enhanced performance and
increased visual quality over Quake and Unreal,
however, during a number of tests the performance
and capabilities of the open-source Quake 2 engine
was found to be adequate for the purposes of the
project; the excavation simulations in LAVA are
more concerned with faithful maintenance of the
player-, object- and terrain-location relationship than
of the ability to construct photorealistic
When deciding on an engine upon which to base
the simulations, the open source nature of the Quake
2 engine had a number of benefits: Not only could
the engine be used without royalties, it could also be
modified to more accurately fulfil the requirements
of the LAVA project at a lower level than merely
applying game modifications (mods). Unlike game
mods, which are generally developed to slot into the
top two levels of the modular game engine structure
shown in figure 2 (Gamespy; ModDB), the LAVA
excavation simulator has a strong educational
motivation behind it. If one considers the model of
an archaeological excavation outlined in section 3,
there are clear areas in which the first person
perspective of modern games fits in well; for
example during the excavation work undertaken in
stage 3. However, there are also areas in which a
direct game ‘mod’ would be unsuitable; much of the
Virtual Worlds
Game Code
Graphics Drivers
Operating System
Reprogramming Game Behaviour
Level/Environment Model Editing
Figure 2: Modular Game Client Structure.
paperwork exercises undertaken in stages 2 and 4 for
example. With these differences in mind a hybrid
solution has been developed. This solution combines
the advantages of 2D and 3D perspectives, with
integration into our institutional Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE), Module Management System
(MMS) (Allison, Bain et al. 2003), allowing the
simulation software to read directly from
institutional data sources. This greatly reduces the
need to manage user authentication and access
control from within the excavation simulation itself,
as many of the required protections are provided
automatically by the MMS VLE.
There are two components of the 3D viewport;
the client software which runs on the client machine
using Java WebStart technologies and the server
software which runs on the MMS server and
integrates with the MMS database using an XML
based API. In the current implementation, both
software components are based on a Java
implementation of the Quake 2 engine. A Java
implementation was chosen in preference to the
original C implementation as the rest of the MMS
framework has been developed in Java and by
having a unified development language, component
integration was more straightforward.
Within the 3D viewport students are able to
explore and interact with the excavation
environment, but are unable to instigate changes to
it. This limitation is due to the way in which the
MMS management interface and 3D viewport
coexist. The API presented to the 3D environment
allows data from the MMS database to be read, but
does not allow the 3D viewport to submit changes to
the environment to the MMS database. This
separation of management and exploratory work
helps delineate the roles that the members of an
excavation team perform within the site itself by
forcing the students to adopt a role suitable for the
task in hand.
4.2 Game Logic
The game logic allows the success of the excavation
to be scaled in relation to the appropriateness of
resources applied to it, and introduces a level of
randomness that ensures that no two excavations
will be carbon-copies of each other. As discussed in
section 2, this randomisation is used to reduce the
predictability of each stage of an excavation,
therefore enhancing the learner’s interest in the
outcome of their decisions.
The game logic iterates through each day that the
students have allocated to the current task and
performs the following calculation:
1. For each allocated person select a piece of
equipment with the highest skill level, matching
their skill, that isn't already in use.
2. Iterate through the hours of each day.
3. During each hour, test up to 4 artefacts that have
not yet been found or identified, and whose find
or information skill matches the person’s skill.
The probability of someone finding or identifying an
artefact is calculated by comparing the skill levels of
the person and any equipment they are using, with
the difficulty level of the artefact. Each person and
piece of equipment calculates their find probability
using the following expression:
p = 0.4 + ((person/equipment skill -
artefact difficulty) * 0.1)
In the case of a person having a piece of equipment,
the two probabilities are combined using:
p = 1 - ((1 - person probability) * (1 -
equipment probability))
This probability is then compared to a random
number in the range 0 to 1. The artefact is found
and identified if the probability is greater than this
random number.
4.3 Data Layer
The data layer maintains a consistent game state.
This enables multiple learners to progress through a
changing environment. It ensures that learners who
are part of the same group receive the same view of
the game at all times. The views of each learning
group are, however, distinct.
The game state consists of 6 key data types;
artefact, asset, game, group, skill and stage. The
relations of these data types are shown in figure 3.
Game represents a single simulation instance,
containing key data such as the length of the
simulation and a reference to the logic to be
used in calculating the success of each stage.
Assets, groups, skills and stages are associated
directly with a simulation instance, in a many to
one mapping. The only objects not directly
associated with a specific simulation are
G roup
belongs to
belongs to
belongs to
Artefac t
Figure 3: Relationship between key LAVA data types.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
artefacts; these are related to stages in a many to
one mapping, meaning, like all other objects,
they only exist in a single simulation.
Artefacts are items that students can find in an
excavation. They have basic and detailed
descriptions, a find skill, an information skill,
and a difficulty level for each of those skills.
The find skill is the skill required to locate the
artefact; by default this is digging, but the
mechanism provides scope for artefacts that are
too fragile or difficult to be excavated by
anyone without a specific skill. Finding an
artefact automatically reveals its basic
description. The information skill is the skill
required to get the detailed description of an
artefact. If the artefact is found by someone
without this skill level, then only the basic
information is made available.
Assets are people or items that help with the
excavation. Three core classes of asset are used;
accommodation, equipment and people.
Accommodation is not directly used to help
with the excavation, but is required in order for
the excavation to proceed (this not only includes
tents, but also items such as pots and pans, food,
etc.). Equipment objects help directly with the
excavation and require a person with the
relevant skill to use them (for example, shovels,
trowels, dental equipment). People are the
workers excavating the site. Equipment and
people both have a single skill and associated
skill level, although there are plans for people to
have multiple skills in later revisions.
Groups are the objects to which students are
associated, and are used to keep track of the
number of days spent on the excavation so far,
original and remaining budget, assets bought
and hired, and artefacts found.
Skills are a name string, and are used to store
the authoritative list of skills that equipment and
people involved in the excavation can have.
Stages store the maps to be shown to students as
they progress through the excavation, as well as
an explanation of what tasks the next part of the
excavation involves (for example, clearing
topsoil). These also have a list of skills that are
required in order for the task to be completed,
for example a survey skill is required for a
group to progress past the first stage.
The potential for computers to be used in the
teaching of archaeology and related disciplines has
been widely recognised. Not only has software been
developed to allow students to gain an appreciation
of spatial relationships within a site through the
development of virtual walkthroughs based on a
series of site photographs (Raynier 2006), but it has
also been used to allow students to practice their
ability to interpret the material culture they may see
within a site (Goodrick and Earl 2003). Other
software projects have focussed on the use of
VRML (Wikipedia 2007) and its successor X3D
(Web3D 2007), which have been widely used in the
field as the toolset with which to reconstruct
archaeological sites. The reconstruction of Avebury,
an important Mesolithic site discussed in (ACRG
2006) and (Pitts 2001) shows how successful VRML
reconstructions can be. Additionally VRML has
also been used in museum display reconstructions
(Terras 2006).
Unlike LAVA, these types of reconstruction, as
well as those used in popular television series such
as Time Team (Channel4 2006), are static
representations of archaeological scenes and as such
cannot be easily modified by educators or students.
Whilst they are constructed using data from real
world archaeological excavations, in much the same
way as the LAVA simulators, they are difficult to
integrate with other types of archaeological data, and
show only a single, static representation of an
excavation site.
In this paper we have presented the motivation for
the design and implementation aspects of a computer
games approach to exploratory learning. The domain
we have operated in is archaeology, but we believe
that the approach taken is applicable to a number of
other domains, including geography and history.
The system integrates 3D game engines with 2D
exploratory interfaces, document management
systems and a novel VLE that provides support for
group-based working. The combination of these
technologies with digital resources sourced from real
excavations allows us to provide an engaging,
realistic and pedagogically sound environment for
enhancing students’ learning of archaeology.
An initial prototype implementation of the
LAVA software platform has been developed and
trialled within an accredited University Degree
program. More rigorous evaluation of the LAVA
platform is currently ongoing, and we are actively
pursuing the opportunity to evaluate the
effectiveness of the LAVA platform in alternative
educational domains: Of particular interest are the
fields of geography and geology owing to their
potential for virtual fieldwork.
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies