Pei-Jeng Kuo, Terumasa Aoki and Hiroshi Yasuda
University of Tokyo, Research Center of Advanced Science 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Ontology, Databases and Information Retrieval, MPEG-7, Spatial-Temporal, Digital Library Designs l,
metadata, Semantic Web, semi-automatic annotation.
Abstract: In previous publications, we have proposed the DDDC architecture which annotates multimedia data with
twelve main attributes regarding its semantic representation. In addition, we also proposed machine-
understandable “Spatial and Temporal Based Ontologies” representation for the above DDDC semantics
description to enable semi-automatic annotation process. PARIS (Personal Archiving and Retrieving Image
System) is an experiment personal photograph library, which includes more than 80,000 of consumer
photographs accumulated within a duration of approximately five years, metadata based on our proposed
MPEG-7 annotation architecture, Dozen Dimensional Digital Content (DDDC), and a relational database
structure. In this paper, we explain our proposed spatial and temporal coordinated Ontologies constructed
based on personal related photograph preferences. As personal digital photograph libraries have specific
characteristics and are particularly Spatial and Temporal associated, we envision various novel retrieval
possibilities at semantic level can be developed based on the proposal described in this paper.
With the proliferation of image devices such as
digital video cameras, digital cameras, and mobile
phone cameras, an increasing number of users are
building up their private multimedia repositories. At
the same time, the fast growing of hard drive
capacity and digital image device resolution also
results in an ever increasing size of personal
multimedia collections. Currently, people who
regularly take digital photographs, from general
users, amateur photographers to professional
photographers, are more or less accumulating their
own photograph collections one way or another. e
can see the trend that the number of photographs
taken would soon exceed the critical amount for
being simply manageable.
While immeasurable amount of multimedia
information is accumulating in digital archives, from
mobile terminals, on the web, in broadcast data
stream and in personal and professional database,
the value of the information depends on how easily
we can manage, find, retrieve, and filter it.
Because of the pervasive of consumer imaging
devices, building personal digital photograph
libraries became an increasingly interested domain.
Personal digital photograph collections have specific
characteristics compare to general purpose image
databases. Hence, annotation architecture specially
designed for that plays an important role in building
an interoperatable data repository for future
indexing, browsing and retrieving purposes. We
propose a MPEG-7 based multimedia content
description architecture, Dozen Dimensional Digital
Content (DDDC), which annotates multimedia data
with twelve main attributes regarding its semantic
representation. In addition, we also proposed a
machine-understandable “Spatial and Temporal
Based Ontology” representation for the above
DDDC semantics description to enable semi-
automatic annotation process.
The special address on integrated spatial and
temporal features in terms of consumer photograph
database embraces different approaches compare to
traditional general purpose image database retrieval
researches. PARIS (Personal Archiving and
Retrieving Image System) is an experiment personal
photograph library constructed according to our
proposed semantic annotation structure.
Kuo P., Aoki T. and Yasuda H. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 347-350
DOI: 10.5220/0001289403470350
While an increasing amount of people are building
their online photo albums with the aid of off the
shelf digital album tools as well as web album
hosting sites, an effective and semantic way of
retrieving context relevant images from the large
repository of personal digital archives has yet
Previously, only commercial photograph
database can reach this scale. Hence little research
effort has been focused on large scale personal
photograph collections. At current stage, general
users tend to give simple text annotations based on
folders of photograph categorized by related subject,
event or date. But we can see a trend that the
number of digital photographs taken would soon
exceed the critical amount for being simply
Without constant organizing efforts, allocating a
single photograph such as: “A photograph of mine
that was taken around 5 years ago with three other
friends in a beautiful coffee shop near the bank of
Seine River at Paris during my 10 day summer
vacation in Europe” would soon become a difficult
task similar to look for old time photos stacked on
shoeboxes. And it is almost impossible for any
individual to annotate each of their photographs
manually. (Platt , J. et al., 2002 ; Graham, A et al.,
Most people make more photographs while they
visit some new locations or during special events.
As a result, the spatial and temporal attributes of
personal digital photographs could contain some
very relevant context information which was not
addressed by most general purpose image archive
The burst structure within collections of personal
photographs tends to be recursive, while small bursts
exist within big bursts as shown in Figure 1. And
this recursive structure can be represented as a
cluster tree, where photographs are stored only at the
leaf nodes. (Graham, A et al., 2002)
In previous researches (Platt , J. et al., 2002 ;
Graham, A et al., 2002; Stent, A. et al., 2001), semi-
automatic event segmentation based on the recorded
time tags made possible by most recent image
devices were enabled. While our research
emphasizes the importance of an integrated
approach utilizing spatial information in addition to
the ready-to-retrieve temporal information, we have
designed metadata description architecture, DDDC
(Dozen Dimensional Digital Content) (Kuo, P.,
Aoki, T. and Yasuda, H., 2004), extended from
MPEG-7 multimedia description schema for
annotating personal digital assets.
We also proposed the concept of “Spatial and
Temporal Based Ontology” (Kuo, P., Aoki, T. and
Yasuda, H., 2004), constructed based on the special
pattern of personal photograph collections as we
argue that time and location are two most important
attributes in terms of personal photograph retrieval.
Figure 1: Personal Digital Photograph Clusters Tree
Digital camera has become popular in the past few
years, which means, a majority of people have only
digital photograph collections accumulated within a
limited time span of a few years. If we envision a
continuous lifetime digital photograph archiving
process, one might recalls, for example, his or her
several trips to Paris a few years ago and one trip to
Tokyo during Christmas season, but could not
clearly memorize the exact year or dates.
Rodden, K., and Wood, K. talked about the two
most important features of an efficient, reliable and
well-designed system for managing personal photo-
graphs are: automatically sorting photos in
chronological order, and displaying a large number
of thumbnails at once. While people are familiar
with their own photographs, laborious and detailed
keywords annotating are not specifically motivated
for most people.
In addition to time, location has been argued as
one of the strongest memory clues when people are
recalling past events. In analyzing our prototype
database raw data, we also find that most folder
names contain words related to geographic
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
information such as “Asakusa”, “Yokohama”,
“Boston”, NYC”, “Fukoka”, and “Paris”, as well as
temporal information such “France National Day”,
“Christmas”, or “ Winter”. All of the folder names
start with temporal information and 673 out of the
711 folders contain geographical related words,
which is about 93% in percentage.
While our prototype system only contains images
from a single person, we also conducted oral
interviews with morn than 10 active digital image
users to ensure an unbiased presumption towards
common user naming convention. The interview
results show that all of the interviewees store their
digital photographs in different folders roughly
named by location, event, and time period, for
example, “A trip to Europe_June_2004”, “Birthday
Party with Nico_20040125”, etc.
According to the above discussion, we see a
strong association between the image context and its
respective spatial and temporal clues for personal
digital photograph collections. With the aid of
recent GPS receiving devices, it is also possible to
embed geographic information in GPS format onto
digital image data. Although the recorded device
GPS information does not guarantee the exact
location of subjects appeared in the photographs as
we had discussed in our previous publications,
utilize GPS information as a retrieving attribute
greatly reduce the human effort compare to manual
Figure 2 and 3 shows examples of our proposed
spatial coordinated Ontology and Temporal
Coordinated Ontology. In Figure 2, we can see that
from year 2001 to 2006, groups of photographs were
taken at major period of times, such as: the first few
days of a year, the season of cherry blossoming,
days around the kichijouji autumn festival, the
season of foliage, etc..
While those groups of photographs do not exist
in every single year, most of the groups happened
more than twice or three times over the past six year.
This is around 33%~50% in ratio. The repeating
pattern of similar topics or subjects taken around
similar time in a year reveals the photographer’s
personal history and preference on photographing
In Figure 3, temporal coordinated events which
are important to the specific photographer can be
found in the burst photograph structure as we
discussed in previous section.
In PARIS system, we annotate our archived
photographs with sets of Spatial and Temporal
Coordinated Ontologies.
Figure 2: Example of Proposed Temporal Coordinated
Figure 3: Example of Proposed Temporal Coordinated
Extended from the StructuredAnnotation Basic Tool
of MPEG-7 Multimedia Description Schemes
(MDS), we propose a semantic description tool of
multimedia content. The proposed content
description tool annotates multimedia data with
twelve main attributes regarding its semantic
representation. And the twelve attributes include
answers of who, what, when, where, why and how
(5W1H) the digital content was produced as well as
the respective direction, distance and duration (3D)
information. We also define digital multimedia
contents including image, video and music
embedded with the proposed semantic attributes as
Dozen Dimensional Digital Content (DDDC). Due
to limited space, detailed explanation and example
codes can be found in our previous publications.
PARIS (Personal Archiving and Retrieving
Image System) provides an image annotation
methodology based on our proposed MPEG-7
annotation architecture, Dozen Dimensional Digital
Content (DDDC). In annotating process, we also
utilize a proposed Spatial and Temporal Ontology
(STO) designed based on the general characteristic
of personal photograph collections.
To minimize the frustration of tedious manual
inputs, we propose to build location specific
“Domain Ontology” for popular tourist stops such as
the city of Paris, Tokyo and New York based on
their respective spatial and temporal attributes.
Figure 4 shows the prototype structure of PARIS
Figure 4: PARIS System Prototype Structure.
In PARIS system, we try to construct a semi-
automatic spatial and temporal coordinated personal
photograph database with the following steps:
1. Construct common annotation architecture
for building personal digital photograph libraries
with our proposed “Dozen Dimensional Digital
Content (DDDC)” architecture.
2. Construct a machine-understandable
“Spatial and Temporal Based Ontology” with our
proposed “Spatial and Temporal Based Ontology
(STO)” representation for the above DDDC
semantic description thus give a common
background towards personal photograph
3. Enable semi-automatic annotation process
according to previous annotated photographs. When
recurrent patterns within collections of personal
photographs can be found, a semi-automatic
annotation process is possible base on similar spatial
and temporal features.
As personal digital photograph libraries have
specific characteristics and are particularly Spatial
and Temporal associated, we envision various novel
retrieval possibilities at semantic level can be
developed in our future works.
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Kuo, P., Aoki, T. and Yasuda, H. 2004. MPEG-7 Based
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Media Serv er
Text KeywordsInput
Search Result
WindowsXP WindowsServer2003
Xquery Exchange
Ana lysi s Softwar e
Text Conversation
WEB search I nterface
XML Matadata
WEB Upload Interface
Thumbnai l
Original Media
( Video, Image) File
Thumbnail and
part of Matadata
Original Media
Original Media
( Video, Image) File
Thumbnai l
Meta data
Metada ta
Media Serv er
Text KeywordsInput
Search Result
WindowsXP WindowsServer2003
Xquery Exchange
Ana lysi s Softwar e
Text Conversation
WEB search I nterface
XML Matadata
WEB Upload Interface
Thumbnai l
Original Media
( Video, Image) File
Thumbnail and
part of Matadata
Original Media
Original Media
( Video, Image) File
Thumbnai l
Meta data
Metada ta
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies