Liam M. Mayron and Oge Marques
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Rd., Boca Raton, FL, USA 33431
Image retrieval, image annotation, web-based interface.
In this work we present a new interface for image retrieval system that highlights the potential of a real-time,
Web-based application. This system, the Perceptually-Relevant Image Search Machine (PRISM), combines
the capabilities of content-based, content-free, and semantic annotation-based image retrieval. Each of the
aforementioned image retrieval methods has its own strengths, weaknesses, and impracticalities. It is our hope
that the PRISM interface, by enabling the simultaneous expression of all three methods, will lead to more
robust image retrieval systems.
Image retrieval systems have long been in develop-
ment, but limitations still exist. Many implementa-
tions remain prototypes and fail to address the funda-
mental issues facing image retrieval, namely the se-
mantic gap and sensory gap.
This work outlines the development of a new in-
terface for image retrieval. It is motivated by the
identification of a shortcoming of existing image re-
trieval systems, the interface gap. We define the in-
terface gap as the loss of expressiveness due to an im-
age retrieval system’s interface. To address this we
present the Perceptually-Relevant Image Search Ma-
chine (PRISM), first demonstrated in (Mayron et al.,
2006). PRISM was developed with many capabil-
ities normally not available in combination in im-
age retrieval systems, notably the ability to combine
content-based, content-free, and semantic annotation
information into a single query and the ability to
accommodate multiple concurrent and discontinuous
user sessions.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents relevant background information. Section 3
discusses the functionality and implementation of the
PRISM interface. Section 4 presents applications of
the new interface. Finally, Section 5 concludes the
There are two well-known and unresolved issues in
image retrieval: the semantic gap and the sensory
gap (Smeulders et al., 2000).
The semantic gap is the difference that exists be-
tween the user’s interpretation of an image and what
can be determined based on the physical properties of
that image (Smeulders et al., 2000). For example, a
human might see a picture of a car and identify it as
such based on past experiences and memories. This
is a complex task that is extremely difficult to model
computationally, where only modifications of pixel
values are available. In summary, a user’s descrip-
tion and a computer’s description of the same visual
data are likely to differ significantly.
The sensory gap is brought about by the transla-
tion of our 3D world onto a flat, two-dimensional,
discrete array of pixel values (Smeulders et al., 2000).
Information is lost during this translation which is dif-
ficult to reproduce. Making sense of a 3D environ-
ment from a single 2D projection is a challenge for
image retrieval systems (when photographs and natu-
rally occurring scenes are considered, such as in this
We have identified a third gap for image retrieval,
the interface gap (see Figure 1). The process of trans-
lating the user’s motivation into physical actions (typ-
M. Mayron L. and Marques O. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 328-333
DOI: 10.5220/0001288003280333
Figure 1: The interface gap.
ically mouse clicks) and then reconstructing those ac-
tions results in a loss of expressiveness. Once expres-
siveness is lost it is very difficult to interpolate, result-
ing in the interface gap. Our motivation for creating
PRISM was to allow for more expressive queries, thus
narrowing the interface gap.
PRISM introduces a new type of interface for im-
age retrieval systems that combines content-based,
content-free, and semantic annotation-based query
capabilities. Its functionality and implementation de-
tails are presented in this section.
3.1 Functional Description
A user must create a unique profile before using
PRISM. It is also possible to use a guest account.
Each user account is protected with a password. The
purpose of a unique account is to allow user activity
to be recorded individually. This information can then
be aggregated and used to improve the image retrieval
(for example, to aid in content-free analysis). In this
case it is possible to be able to suspend the session
and resume later. This is helpful if a user wants to use
PRISM solely for image organization they may not be
able to complete the task in a single session. Finally,
inferences can be gained by observing how a user’s
activity progresses across multiple sessions.
Once the user has created an account, or if they are
Figure 2: The PRISM interface.
resuming a previous session, they may sign in using
the credentials they established.
The initial, default view of the PRISM desktop is
divided into three distinct horizontal partitions (Fig-
ure 2).
The top of the screen provides information on
the current session, access to documentation, and the
ability to save and terminate the session.
The middle section, referred to as the “filmstrip”,
is an important part of the PRISM interface. The
metaphor of a filmstrip is useful in describing the
function of this portion of the interface and is rein-
forced with visual elements. The filmstrip is the only
source of new images in PRISM. The user drags im-
ages from the filmstrip into anywhere on the main
content area. An image may be deleted from the film-
strip by dragging it to the trash can icon in the lower-
right corner of the screen. When an image is removed
from the filmstrip the images behind it move up and
the vacant space is immediately filled with a new im-
age. Thus, the filmstrip is an always-full collection of
images for the user to assess.
The third section of the PRISM interface is the
largest the tabbed content area (also referred to as
the workspace). It is within this area that images are
organized. These organized images form the basis for
the content-based, content-free, and semantic queries
that may be posed. The workspace is crowned by a
variable number of tabs. It is significant that these
tabs can be individually labeled this information
can be used in semantic retrieval. Tabs have become
a popular interface construct, and for good reason.
They expand and segment the functional area while
occupying a minimal amount of space. In PRISM,
tabs are used to organize individual groups of images,
expanding the total available work area, while avoid-
ing overwhelming the user with too many images vis-
ible at once.
A small number of controls have been placed at
the bottom of the workspace. To the left are two
buttons labeled “Random Images” and “Related Im-
ages”. Both of these buttons will empty the filmstrip
and replace it with either random images from the im-
age database, or related images. As mentioned earlier,
PRISM can accommodate queries that are content-
based, content-free, or semantic annotation-based. To
the right is the trash can icon. For consistency, it was
decided that dragging images to this area would delete
images, rather than using separate buttons on each im-
age for deletion. Images can be deleted directly from
the filmstrip, or from the workspace after they have
been placed.
The workspace is used for arranging images. Im-
ages can be placed anywhere and moved to new lo-
cations after their initial assignment by clicking and
dragging. This action was inspired by the method one
might use to arrange a shoe box full of images. In
PRISM the intention is for the user to place related
images closer together. It can be inferred that images
that are placed close together within a tabs and, to a
lesser degree, images that share a tab, are related. This
functionality enables content-free queries. If, across
many users, the same images occur together their like-
lihood of being related increases. This can be judged
regardless of content (hence, content-free).
Within the workspace images can also be scaled
larger or smaller. It is our intention that users will
make more relevant and important images larger, and
vice versa. In content-based queries larger images can
be given more weight. This capability replaces the
relevance feedback found in other systems. Addition-
ally, since the smaller and images is, the more difficult
it is to view details, image size can be used to distin-
guish determine is a user is intrigued by the content of
the whole image (the gist of a scene (Oliva, 2005)) or
a specific region of interest. Scaling is accomplished
by clicking on the “+” and “-” icons that appear when
the cursor is moved over an image. Placing these con-
trols in an overlay that is only visible when needed
reduces the complexity of the interface.
Finally, the workspace allows the annotation of in-
dividual images (as well as the tabs the images belong
to). Previously annotated images (by the same user or
other users) can be recalled based on an analysis of
the annotations in the current workspace. Images are
annotated by changing the text in the same overlay
that appears to resize images.
In summary, the functionality of PRISM is sim-
ply described and demonstrated, yet enables expres-
sive queries without requiring knowledge of the inner
workings of the system.
Figure 3: General architecture.
3.2 Implementation
The PRISM interface was implemented using con-
temporary technologies and design methodologies.
From the beginning, it was intended that PRISM
would be a web-based applications. Ultimately, this
provides the broadest platform. Accessibility is of
paramount importance to any interface, and designing
for widely-used Web browsers helps satisfy this need.
The client-server architecture allows query process-
ing to occur on the remote server, freeing the client
of processing and storage requirements. The image
database communicates independently with both the
client and server, providing images as requested. The
client-server architecture also helped fulfill the multi-
user requirement of the implementation.
Figure 3 shows the general architecture of the sys-
tem. The client and server communicate using AJAX
(more generally, XML). The server has access to the
MySQL database for storing and retrieving user ses-
sions. Both the server and client have the ability to
retrieve images from the image database.
On the client-side JavaScript, CSS, and the DOM
(Document Object Model) realize the interfaces func-
tionality (collectively known as DHTML). Ajax
(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is used through-
out to communicate with the PHP-based server,
MySQL relational database, and the image database.
Additional functionality was incorporated from the
popular (, 2006) and
Xajax (xajax, 2006) libraries.
The client instantiates each image as an object
contained within a standard HTML division (div) with
a unique ID to facilitate access and tracking through
the DOM. CSS is used heavily throughout to template
common elements and to reduce the amount of code
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
generated by each new image. DHTML is used to
move images and communicate with the server using
the XMLHttpRequest Object (Ajax). Image position,
size, and annotation is stored in JavaScript objects un-
til it is committed to the server’s database.
DHTML has been widely used for several years
and is well-known. However, Ajax (Asynchronous
JavaScript and XML) is relatively new. Ajax is a pow-
erful method of communicating with a remote server.
It an implementation of a remote procedure call us-
ing XML as the common data format. In PRISM it
enables many relatively complex operations to occur
in realtime without refreshing the entire view (which
would consume a large amount of bandwidth and be
quite inefficient). It also provides a structured way to
transfer background data (that is not part of the dis-
play). Essentially, Ajax allows a web-based applica-
tion to behave like a realtime, event-driven applica-
tion (and be written like one as well). This is a funda-
mental and significant departure from web-based ap-
plication architecture of the past.
The server was written in PHP and obtains data
from a MySQL database. The back-end is nearly en-
tirely event-driven except for the necessary initializa-
tion code. The Xajax library is used extensively to fa-
cilitate communication between the client and server.
Indeed, it makes the implementation of many func-
tions trivial. All it must do in this case is assign no
content to the container object, in effect clearing it.
User information is stored in the MySQL data-
base. Accesses to the database are kept to the absolute
minimum. One access is made when the user con-
nects to the system. When (and only when) the user
leaves their session is written to the database.
Several applications of the PRISM interface are pre-
sented in this section.
4.1 Content-based Image Retrieval
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) determines
which images to retrieve based on physical (pixel-
based) properties. Color, intensity, and texture are
common similarity measures, although others exist.
Similarity is determined by the distance of the re-
trieved images to the query. There are a variety of pos-
sible query types in CBIR systems that include, but
are not limited to, interactive browsing, visual sketch
(a drawing of the intended target), query-by-example,
and query-by-specification of visual features (Mar-
ques and Furht, 2002). In many systems relevance
Figure 4: A representative content-based query.
feedback, the process of having the user refine results,
is employed to improve results.
A query method that has not yet been explored
in detail is query-by-multiple-example. In this query
method multiple example images are provided. The
is the method we have implemented in PRISM (Fig-
ure 4). In our solution the user is able to select as
many images as they desire to compose their initial
query. Then, instead of a good-bad-neutral classifier
for relevance feedback (as is very common), images
may be scaled to indicate relevance. The larger a use
makes an image, the more relevant it is considered to
be, and vice-versa. The result is a query that is com-
posed of multiple images, with each image being as-
sociated with its own relevance. A key benefit of this
new interface is that, despite the detailed and expres-
sive query that is generated, the user does not need
expert knowledge of the system and can compose the
query with minimal instruction.
4.2 Content-free Image Retrieval
Content-free image retrieval (CFIR) is a newer ap-
proach than CBIR. Rather than analyzing the specific
properties of images, it relies on past information re-
garding the relations between images (Liu and Chen,
2006). In a CFIR system a user may associate related
images together. A query will judge image similarity
based on the history of the images appearing together.
PRISM was also designed to allow for content-
free queries (Figure 5). Images can be arranged to-
gether as the user desired in order to express their re-
lation. Because content-free retrieval requires (and is
refined by) past history, the ability to pause, save, and
resume sessions was introduced, as well as support
for multiple, concurrent sessions. Multiuser scenarios
Figure 5: A representative content-free query.
are not typically considered by image retrieval appli-
cations the general focus is on the experience of the
individual user. In the case of PRISM, information
from other users can be used in a content-free way to
improve results. Being web-based greatly reduces the
barriers for using the image retrieval system.
In PRISM, content-free relevance is established at
several levels. At the broadest level, images placed
on the same tab are related. At a finer level of gran-
ularity, the organization of images within a tab can
be inspected. PRISM allows for individual clusters
of images to be created. Images may also overlap to
indicate pronounced inter-image relevance.
Through simple actions the user is able to quickly
generate a complex set of content-free relationships.
4.3 Semantic Annotation
Semantic annotation is certainly among the most
powerful ways to retrieve information. Its major in-
convenience, however, is that it typically requires that
the annotation be generated by human users. In many
applications, including image retrieval, this is not a
practical solution, which is why so much research has
been performed along automatic and semi-automatic
retrieval. Still, the PRISM interface does accommo-
date the incorporation of annotating an image data-
base and retrieving images based on their semantic
Annotation is added to images by human users
based on the semantic meaning they perceive (Mar-
ques and Barman, 2003). While an image of a play-
ground may be interpreted by its physical proper-
ties in a CBIR system (e.g. blue, brown, and green
colors), this does not necessarily reflex the semantic
meaning of the image (which may be, in this case, a
playground, children, outside, or childhood). It would
be very difficult to specify a set of physical properties
that would retrieve a set of images of a playground,
despite the common semantic meaning.
In this case, PRISM allows both tabs and individ-
ual images to be annotated (Figure 6). In Figure 6 the
semantic query is “objects on tables”. In this case,
the retrieved images have been previously annotated
and retrieved regardless of their physical similarity.
The annotation of tabs allows for broader (category-
level) information to be appended to a group of im-
ages. Then, individual images may be annotated with
specific information. While it is not practical or desir-
able for a single user to annotate thousands of images,
because PRISM supports multiple users semantic an-
notation is a relevant addition to its functionality.
4.4 Future Work
Because the PRISM interface allows for these queries
to be performed not only independently, but simul-
taneously as well, new possibilities emerge. We are
eager to investigate the new types of queries that are
made possible by combining content-based informa-
tion, content-free information, and semantic annota-
We anticipate that the combination of these three
broad methods of retrieval will result in a more robust
query that is able to compensate for the shortcomings
of individual methods. For example, both content-
free retrieval and retrieval based on semantic anno-
tation require a volume of existing, human-generated
information to be practical. In a new system, content-
based information could be used in the absence of
such information. In another example, content-free
information could be used to help determine in a more
accurate way, which are the common features a user
wished to base their retrieval on.
We encourage research in the field of image re-
trieval to investigate the rich, new possible queries
that are enabled by the presented interface.
The PRISM interface enables a unique combination
of content-based image retrieval, content-free image
retrieval, and image retrieval based on semantic anno-
tation. Each method of retrieving images has its own
strengths and limitations. By creating a new interface
for image retrieval that allows, in a simple and intu-
itive fashion, the combination of these three retrieval
methods we hope to increase the expressiveness af-
forded to the user, thus narrowing the interface gap.
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: A representative query based on semantic annotation.
The new interface was realized using current web-
based technologies. The benefits of these tools are
clearly apparent, particularly in making the applica-
tion portable and widely accessible.
The interaction of the query elements afforded by
the PRISM interface will be the subject of our future
work. Ultimately, we intend to create a complete, ver-
satile, yet simple-to-use image retrieval system based
on perceptually-sound principles.
This research was sponsored by the Office of Naval
Research (ONR) under the Center for Coastline Se-
curity Technology grant N00014-05-C-0031.
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