Beatriz Jiménez, Miguel Sánchez, Francisco L. Gutiérrez and Nuria Medina
Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of Granada
Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, E-18071 Granada, Spain
Keywords: Task models, hypermedia networks, collaborative systems.
Abstract: This paper presents a method for representing the task models of collaborative systems using hypermedia
networks. The aim is to represent these models flexibly and extensibly so that they may be managed in web
environments. This approach considers three relevant aspects of collaborative systems: the organization’s
structure (roles), the tasks to be performed by organization members, and the resources necessary for
carrying out these tasks. The AMENITIES methodology will be used to represent the initial models which
describe these three aspects in collaborative systems. These initial models will be the basis for representing
the transformation process for achieving our hypermedia network.
One important feature of current systems (Vernadat
1996) is the existence of collaborative processes
where different users communicate and cooperate in
order to achieve common aims. Unfortunately, when
we decide to specify a collaborative system we find
that the actor’s behavior and interaction to carry out
different tasks cannot be defined statically as a result
of the changing context of such systems. These
context changes have their effect on task
management, and while the development of a system
is complex, it is also necessary to pay special
attention to dynamic task management.
Our research group GEDES is currently working
on the development of a Web Service Architecture
(WSA) for collaborative systems (Gutiérrez et al.,
2006a), the main objective of which is to enable the
adaptation and evolution of system behavior and the
security and coordination of task management.
While task models allow us to pinpoint the problems
of such systems and to find solutions for them at a
conceptual level, they cannot be executed directly on
the proposed architecture and so another
representation is necessary. In this paper, we will
represent cooperative task models with hypermedia
networks to obtain a flexible, extensible and easy-to-
integrate representation with the different
architecture services at the execution level. Our idea
is to use hypermedia networks to control the
workflow generated between different data in our
Section 2 of this paper presents an existing
approach for workflow collaboration. Section 3
describes a task model approach that makes up a
complete model for collaborative system
specification. Section 4 details our approach for
representing task models using hypermedia networks
with an example. Finally, Section 5 outlines our
conclusions and our future lines of research.
Web services are components which are based on
SOAP (W3C-SOAP) industry standards, and enable
different organizations to be connected
independently of the platforms and languages used
in each one (Leymann, 2003). In recent years, many
workflow approaches have been developed and
these allow different processes in a system with
complementary skills to cooperate. These
approaches divide an application into two strictly
separate layers: the top layer (the business process)
which is written in the Business Process Execution
Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS or BPEL)
(Leymann & Roller, 2000) and represents the
application’s flow logic; and the bottom layer (the
web services) which represents the application’s
Jiménez B., Sánchez M., L. Gutiérrez F. and Medina N. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and e-Government /
e-Learning, pages 113-120
DOI: 10.5220/0001271801130120
function logic. This structure has several advantages
over more conventional approaches: firstly, both the
underlying business process and the invoked web
services can be changed with no impact on the other
web services within the application or on the web
services that the business process represents; and
secondly, the application can be developed and
tested in two separate stages: the business process is
developed and tested independently of the
development and testing of the individual web
services. As a result, it is therefore possible to easily
make changes to the application.
The advantages provided by web services have
been recognized by the UML community, and have
been taken advantage of for UML to BPEL mapping
and for the relations corresponding to Model-Driven
Architectures (MDA) (Gardner, 2003). None of
these web service standards and approaches,
however, provides support for the coordination of
activities where the sequence of activities to be
carried out is undefined - a typical situation in
collaborative systems. Correspondingly, our work
presents an approach to enable navigation within a
hypermedia structure by means of the flows of aims
and subaims which have not been pre-established, in
order to obtain effective coordination within
collaborative systems where the uncertainty
common to task models makes it impossible for a
pre-established sequence to be followed.
Task models are defined as logical descriptions of
the activities for obtaining the user’s aims and goals
and for showing how the user perceives the system
(Van der Veer & van Welie, 2000; Paterno, 2001).
Taking into account this definition and the need to
describe tasks in collaborative organizations, task
models are an ideal means of specifying what
information is used in task management and how
these tasks interrelate with each other.
Figure 1 shows a conceptual model diagram for
describing tasks in an organization. This model is
part of a complete model defined in the ADACO
research project for modeling collaborative systems
(Gutiérrez, 2006b). Tasks are classified into abstract,
individual, and team tasks. While abstract tasks are
tasks that gather other tasks, team tasks are one or
more tasks that are carried out by user groups
sharing common aims.
Both abstract tasks and team tasks eventually
consist of individual tasks. In team tasks, the
individual tasks will be performed by different team
members (always under the influence and dynamics
of teamwork) with a shared but not clearly assigned
responsibility. Individual tasks are considered to be
application tasks, interaction tasks, or user tasks .In
order to establish this classification we follow
Paternó’s CONCURTASKTREE approach (Paternó,
1999) for modeling collaborative tasks.
Figure 1: Task model.
By analyzing the conceptual model, we extract a
set of considerations to obtain a hypermedia
representation. Firstly, it is necessary to bear in mind
that the reason why a process is successful or not
will depend not only on its logic of application but
also whether the aims associated with each task have
been completed. Secondly, we must bear in mind the
relation between actors and tasks: a task is not
directly related with the actor, but the roles they
carry out show their responsibilities in the tasks to
be performed. There is therefore an indirect relation
between actors and tasks through the roles. Finally,
but just as important, another aspect in task
coordination in collaborative processes is the control
and presence of resources associated with actions in
a task. Protocol and session concepts, which are part
of the task model, will not be taken into account in
this work. In the following section, we will present
and provide examples of our approach for
representing task models using hypermedia
The advantages of a hypermedia representation are
that information structuring, navigation facilities,
and simultaneous use of resources (for example)
allow us to organize task model information in an
extensible and flexible way so that these models can
be managed in the web environment. From the
observations presented in the previous section, in
order to carry out a hypermedia representation of
task models, it is necessary to consider and represent
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
three relevant aspects: the organization’s structure
(roles), the tasks that must be performed by the
organization members, and the resources necessary
to carry out these tasks. For each aspect, we create a
particular hypermedia structure and by joining all
these structures together we obtain the global
hypermedia network which represents the
collaborative system.
In order to make the representation process more
comprehensible, all the steps will be illustrated by
studying a particular example which illustrates the
web version of the board game Pictionary. The
game is carried out as a collaborative task with
different users taking part and playing different
roles. In the game Pictionary, a user can either play
or watch other users play. It is necessary for users to
register in the system if they want to play a game but
not if they want to watch one.
A game will begin when there are at least four
registered users, divided into two or more teams of
two or more players. The player whose turn it is
throws the die, moves a counter and picks a card
from the pack. The drawing phase then begins and
players must then draw pictures for their team mates
(in the case of a “TeamPlay” card) or all the players
(in the case of an “AllPlay” card) to guess the word.
This stage finishes when a player guesses the picture
or the timer rings, and it is then another player’s
turn. The game continues until one team reaches the
finish and the team with the highest score wins. A
moderator watches the game throughout to ensure
that the rules are followed correctly.
The following sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 will
describe the representation of the organization’s
structure, the tasks, and the resources. In the three
cases, AMENITIES (Garrido, 2003), a structured
method for cooperative models, is used to represent
the initial models that describe the system.
4.1 Representation of the
Organization’s Structure
The first step in our hypermedia representation is to
analyze the actor’s behavior in the system: role
specification and role change in the organization.
Figure 2 shows the organization of the system by
means of an Organization Diagram used by
AMENITIES to describe organizations using a
special type of UML state diagram, where roles in
the organization are treated as states and role
changes as changes of state. The system that we
want to represent is structured as a general
organization (which we call Pictionary) and a more
specific suborganization (which we call Team).
In the Pictionary organization, we can identify
four roles: Moderator, URegister, UGuest, and
Observer. The rhombus joined to the initial state
(black dot) shows the initial possibility of acquiring
two different capacities. Any actor acquiring the
capacity guest? can carry out the UGuest role, but if
an actor acquires the capacity authorized?, they will
carry out the URegister role. The remaining roles
performed by an actor will depend on the capacities
acquired as the game evolves.
Actors carrying out the initial role URegister
could change to the Moderator role if they decide to
moderate a game (moderate? capacity), or to the
Observer role if they decide to observe a game but
not to play (observer? capacity), or to the Player
role in the Team organization if they decide to play a
game (play? capacity). Actors carrying out the
UGuest initial role could only change to the
URegister role when they acquire registered?
capacity. The cardinality 2..NMax in the Team
flowchart indicates that a game begins when there
are at least four registered users, divided into two or
Figure 2: Organization Diagram for Pictionary and Team.
Figure 3: Hypermedia network for organization Pictionary and Team.
more teams of two or more players. Actors with the
Player role could then change to the PTurn role after
they acquire the turn? capacity. This role allows the
actor to throw the dice, pick a card and draw a
picture. The remaining actors with the Player role
will change to the PActive role if they acquire the
response? capacity to guess a picture.
In order to represent the flowchart information
by means of a hypermedia structure, an ontological
representation of roles and transitions is necessary to
represent role changes. Consequently, two types of
nodes are defined in our hypermedia representation:
nodes to represent roles, and nodes to represent
capacities and/or laws that produce role changes.
There are also two types of transitions between
the states in the flowchart: non-additive transitions
(original role is left and cannot be recovered later)
which are represented by a single arrow in Figure 2;
and additive transitions (original role is recovered
later) which are represented by a double arrow in
Figure 2. In order to represent this information in
our hypermedia structure, in the case of non-additive
transitions, there is a single link from the node
representing the origin role to the node representing
the destiny role. In the case of additive transitions,
however, it is necessary for there to be two links in
opposite directions between the origin and destiny
roles with two intermediate nodes to represent the
changes to acquire the destiny role (see node
AModerate in Figure 3); and the changes to recover
the origin role and leave the destiny role (see node
LModerate in Figure 3). For organizations with no
single initial state (in the example there are two
different access modes URegister or UGuest
depending on the capacity that has been acquired),
we must include an additional node (see UPictionary
in Figure 3) to represent these initial role changes.
This initial node is represented by a double ellipse
Figure 3 shows the complete hypermedia graph
for the flowchart in Figure 2. The hypermedia model
obtained allows us to navigate through the possible
role sequence in the system. At execution time, it
can be used to control the user’s authorization to
change from a certain role to another.
4.2 Task Representation
The second step in our hypermedia representation is
to analyze task management in the system: tasks
carried out by a role, concurrent tasks, event
triggering, etc. In AMENITIES, the Role Diagram is
the connection between the organizational structure
and the tasks to be carried out by members in the
organization. Figure 4 shows the association
between tasks and roles for the specific role JTurn.
Figure 4: Role Diagram JTurn.
This role can carry out two tasks: a collaborative
task, Play, which we will describe later, and an
individual task, LeaveGame. The cooperative task
Play can be interrupted by the task LeaveGame at
any time. The cardinality of the cooperative task
Play establishes that a minimum of four players are
needed for a game to start. The representation of this
diagram produces a new graph (level Role-Task in
Figure 5) that will be the connection between the
organizational hypermedia graph (level Roles in
Figure 5) and the tasks to be carried out by members
in the organization (level Tasks in Figure 5). Each
task is represented by a node on the hypermedia
graph. A link can represent two different concepts:
execution or interruption. More specifically, there
will be a link from each task node to the role node
that executes it; there will also be a link from each
interrupted task node to the task node or nodes
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
which interrupted it (see Play and LeaveGame nodes
on the Role-Task level in Figure 5.
The next step will be to complete the
hierarchical task level by considering the detailed
specification of the execution of each task. Figure 6
shows the AMENITIES specification for the
cooperative task Play by means of a Task Diagram
and the subactivity TurnGame (which belongs to the
task Play) by means of a Subactivity Diagram.
AMENITIES uses the Task Diagram to describe the
action sequences for an activity. The cooperative
task Play comprises two actions (BeginPlay and
FinalizePlay) and one subactivity (TurnGame),
which is represented by two states joined by a
transaction in the bottom left-hand corner.
AMENITIES uses the subactivty term to define
work units composed by a set of actions and other
subactivities to structure tasks, The action term to
describe an atomic work unit. The times no-winner
clause shows us that TurnGame will be instantiated
while winner is not found. The subactivity
TurnGame is defined with two main concurrent
constructions (between solid lines).
The execution of the first set of
actions/subactivities ThrowDice, MoveCardGame,
PopCard, ThrowCrono DrawCard and
ResponserCard finish when all the
actions/subactivities have finished (transition with
no event), and the subactivity ModerateTurnGame
finishes when the event FinalizeTurnGame occurs.
The subactivity ThrowDice is executed by the role
PTurn. The subactivities MoveCardGame and
PopCard will be executed by the system. After
PopCard we can obtain two possibilities: if an
AllPlay” card is picked, the event AllPlay is
triggered; if a “TeamPlay” card is picked, the event
TeamPlay is triggered. The rest of the sequence is
defined with a new concurrent construction: the
subactivity DrawCard which is executed by the role
PTurn and the subactivity ResponseCard which is
executed by the role
PActive. Both subactivities
finish when all their actions/subactivities have
finished (transition with no event) or when the
CronoZero event is triggered.
In order to represent the information shown in a
Task Dagram by means of a hypermedia graph, an
ontological representation of actions/ subactivities
and the transitions between them is necessary. In this
case, we consider three types of nodes: nodes which
represent actions/subactivities; nodes which
represent sending of signs and events; and nodes
which represent the global aim associated with a
Figure 5: Hypermedia network for the role-task connection PlayerTurn-Play and for the task-subactivity connection
Figure 6: Task Diagram Play and Subactivity Diagram TurnGame.
In the previous sections, we have mentioned that
the success of a process will depend not only on its
logic of application but also on whether the aims
associated with each task have been completed.
There might be situations where rather than a task
being executed on the basis of a formal execution of
the tasks comprising its workflow, achievement of
the aims and subaims associated with the tasks will
be sufficient. Such a situation is typical in
collaborative processes where the sequence of
actions to be carried out by actors is not clear but the
desired aim is.
The links in the hypermedia structure represent
the flow between the subactivities of each task
taking into account the different laws of application:
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The sequential execution of instances
of a same activity is represented by means of a
cyclical link from/to the node representing the
subactivity (see the node TurnGame in Figure
Initial subactivities in a concurrent
flow are represented by means of an arc which
joins their respective links with the previous
subactivity prior to the concurrent section.
We therefore indicate that it is
necessary to visit all the concepts, i.e. all the
concurrent subactivities must be executed (see
the node BeginTurn in Figure 5).
For conditional flows, the initial
subactivity is the subactivity prior to the
condition in the diagram, and the destination
subactivities are each possible subactivity
after the evaluation of the condition (see the
node PopCard (origin), and AllPlay and
TeamPlay (destinations)). We use a dashed arc
to join the links from the possible origin
concept to the destination concept in order to
indicate that this concept can be reached from
any link, i.e. only an origin subactivity must
be executed (see the nodes ThrowCrono and
The shaded nodes on the Task and Task-
Subactivity level represent the aims associated to a
task (see the concept SolvedGame in Figure 5). The
navigational links between activity nodes and aim
nodes allow us to coordinate activities where the
sequence of activities is not clear, and we can
navigate through the sequence of activities or the
aims. This double path allows a more effective
coordination in collaborative systems where
uncertainty in task models is an important aspect.
The initial nodes for each level are represented by a
double ellipse and the links between the nodes at
different levels are represented with dashed lines.
If a task has more than one initial subactivity (in
the example, the subactivity TurnGame is initiated
with a concurrent section comprising two
subactivities), we must include an extra node (in the
example, the node BeginTurn) for play to start.
4.3 Resource Representation
The third step in our hypermedia representation is to
analyze the use of resources in the system. Next to
the task description it is possible to perform a
parallel description about the objects used by the
different tasks under different roles. In
AMENITIES, these objects can be of two types:
artifacts, i.e. technological units which support the
carrying out of certain collaborative actions - for
example the drawing board (see Resources:Board in
Figure 6); and information objects, i.e. entities with
information for carrying out certain actions - for
example to register the score (see
State:UpdatePunctuation in Figure 5). Both
concepts appear in the Activity Diagram that
describes the tasks and are represented using UML
class diagrams.
In Figure 6 we can see how the subactivity
ThrowDice uses the resource Dice in the cooperative
task Play. The subactivity DrawCard uses the
resource Board, and ResponseCard and
ModerateTurnGame use the resource Chat
concurrently. For hypermedia resource
representation, it is necessary to include on the
task/subactivity level a node for each resource and a
link to represent the use of that resource by a task.
The hypermedia graph on the Task-Subactivity level
is shown in Figure 7. The shaded nodes represent
resources nodes.
Figure 7: Hypermedia network task TurnGame.
In this paper we have presented an approach to
represent task models using hypermedia networks.
More specifically, we have constructed a
hypermedia structure for each of the three
fundamental aspects in a collaborative system: the
organization’s structure (roles), the tasks, and the
workflow in each task (subactivities). We have also
considered and integrated in these structures two
equally important elements: the resources needed to
perform the tasks, and the aims and subaims that
indicate whether the tasks have been satisfactorily
completed in situations where task execution cannot
be handled with the simple formal execution of their
The combination of the structures obtained as a
result of this process represents a single global graph
which enables us to obtain a dynamic specification
that is capable of adapting to changes in context, and
thanks to this, we are able to reflect changes in the
actors’ behavior. It is not necessary therefore for the
workflows to be pre-established, but rather the path
to be followed at any given time will be determined
by the achievement of the aims (conditioned by
changes in context).
Our future work will concentrate on the
inclusion of the hypermedia network obtained in our
web service architecture for the implementation of
collaborative systems. Within this architecture, we
propose a web service to coordinate workflows
which appear in the different existing applications.
The hypermedia network obtained will become the
information centre which the web service needs in
order to carry out all its activities in a flexible way.
Other studies will be focused to analyse the
integration of this representation into existing
approach such as UML activity diagrams or BPEL
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WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies