Santtu Toivonen
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O.Box 1000, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland
Heikki Helin
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj, P.O.Box 970, FIN-00051 Helsinki, Finland
Information retrieval, context-awareness, user-generated content.
In mobile Web usage scenarios, taking advantage of user context in information retrieval (IR) and filtering
becomes evident. There are multiple ways to approach this, of which we present some alternatives and discuss
their performance independently and in combination. The investigation is restricted to Semantic Web like
structured content consisting of statements. The discussed approaches address relative importances of state-
ments constituting the content, dependencies between statements, and close matches. Simulated results of the
various approaches are provided.
Information overload, a phenomenon envisaged as
early as in the 1970s (Toffler, 1970), was in essence fi-
nally confronted in the 1990s. This was mainly due to
the birth and expansive growth of the Web. Since the
Web is an open environment where anyone can create
content, people accessing it continuously come across
material created by someone unknown to them. Of
this information people do not typically know a priori
whether it is useful for them or not.
Two current and emerging phenomena bring this
information overload problem even further. The first
of them is called Web 2.0, which “refers to per-
ceived or proposed second generation of Internet-
based services–such as social networking sites, wikis,
communication tools, and folksonomies–that empha-
size online collaboration and sharing among users
In Web 2.0, it is even easier than before for anyone
to create and share content. The second phenomenon
is related to the advent of smart phones and mobile
access to Web content. It poses unique new require-
ments for information retrieval and filtering. As op-
posed to desktop PCs, mobile phones are often used
while on the move. This, implying the fact that the
Source (retrieval date: 9.1.2007): 2
user has to simultaneously pay attention to occur-
rences taking place around her, calls for effective con-
tent retrieval capabilities. Otherwise the user would
be swamped with useless information, through which
she had no time to go. We recognize these phenomena
and turn them into a design principle. By doing this
we contribute to the rise of mobile Web 2.0 (Jaokar
and Fish, 2005).
The fundamental requirement we are addressing
is: Access to Web content should respect that mobile
users’ cognitive tasks and attentional resources are
discontinuous and short (Miller, 1956; Cowan, 2001),
around four seconds by some studies (Oulasvirta
et al., 2005). In practice, this principle shows in our
work by putting emphasis on information retrieval in
general, and investigating the retrieval of relatively
small and compact pieces of information in particular.
We are harnessing the backbone of Web 2.0, namely
user-generated content, to assist mobile users in their
cognitive tasks. Such user-generated content is subse-
quently referred to as Semantic Notes (Toivonen et al.,
2005; Toivonen and Riva, 2006).
Our research focus is in the area of context-aware
retrieval (CAR); see, for example (Jones and Brown,
2000; Brown and Jones, 2001; Rhodes, 1997). We ac-
knowledge that the current activity of a user is often
the most important context attribute to be recognized
in CAR. However, since the focus is on mobile users,
Toivonen S. and Helin H. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 162-169
DOI: 10.5220/0001264001620169
our research includes also other context attributes, and
therefore extends many CAR research efforts such
as (Rhodes, 2000; Lieberman, 1995; Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 1999). We try to a priori specify these
relevant context attributes of a mobile user, such as
her location and social surroundings. In this respect
our methodology departs from the majority of CAR,
which can more easily apply techniques of case-based
reasoning (Schank, 1983) for trying to determine a
stationary user’s browsing context.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
the next section, we summarize the baseline informa-
tion retrieval approach, which will later be modified
in other approaches. Section 3 outlines the three pro-
posed alternative approaches and is followed by Sec-
tion 4 discussing their evaluation. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper and outlines some future work.
In this section the concept of Semantic Note is de-
fined and discussed. In addition, the general useful-
ness determination process of an arbitrary Semantic
Note is formalized. This is based on the approach de-
scribed in (Toivonen et al., 2005; Toivonen and Riva,
2006). Semantic Notes are entities used for knowl-
edge sharing among distributed cognitive processes
involving the Web. Although not all Web 2.0 content
are tagged with rich semantic descriptions, it is obvi-
ous that having such is useful for many tasks (Gruber,
2006; White, 2006; Lawrence and Schraefel, 2006).
Therefore, in order to assist further retrieval and usage
of Semantic Notes, they are serialized in a structured
form with well-defined semantics.
A Semantic Note stores and transmits some mean-
ingful piece of information, such as a definition of a
complex concept or instructions for completing a pro-
cedure. The domain of information stored in Seman-
tic Notes is unrestricted. As a consequence, Seman-
tic Note is better defined functionally as capturing the
state of a cognitive process’s subprocess, which is dis-
tributed (Hutchins, 1996) to involve the Web.
A Semantic Note (n) can be decomposed into its
constituents, namely statements (s). The terms (tm) in
a statement can be organized in the subject-predicate-
object model of RDF, and conform to concepts in an
ontology. This kind of machine-accessibility is espe-
cially important for software agents and other deci-
sion support systems. Combining the notion of state-
ments and the approach adopted in (Williams and
Ren, 2001), an agent can be said to understand a state-
ment found in a Semantic Note, as long as it under-
stands all the terms found in the statement.
The level of understanding a Semantic Note (n)
is represented by n
. Let S
be the set of statements
in n so that s
n, where k = |S
|. n
ceives values between 0 and 1 based on the number
of understood statements (s
n) divided
by the number of all statements in the Semantic Note
|) as follows:
0 n
1 S
= 0 S
There are many alternatives for computing the rel-
evance of a Semantic Note, of which our work falls in
the category of rule-based approaches. These user-
specified rules connect the information content, of
which the relevance is to be determined, with the
user’s context (cf. (Jones and Brown, 2000)). Both the
information content—that is, the Semantic Notes—
and the user context are realized as sets of statements.
If there exists a term (tm
) in a statement found
in the user context, as well as a term (tm
) in a state-
ment found in the Semantic Note so that both of those
conform to respective concepts (φ
) which are nav-
igable from the concepts (φ
) found in the rule (r),
the rule is said to be applicable (r
). Navigability
means that there exists a network of concepts and re-
lationships, realized as one ontology or several con-
nected ontologies, which enables navigating between
the two concepts. A positive match indicates that an
applicable rule is found, as well as suitable values to
satisfy it. Negative match means that there exists an
applicable rule, but that the statements plugged in it
do not have suitable values. In order to assign rele-
vance values for the Semantic Notes utilizing the ap-
plicable rules, the following function is defined:
) = r
1 positive match
0 negative match
The function app is realized as various concrete
rules, that determine the relevance assignment (r
where m indicates “match”). The applicable rules (r
as well as the match value (r
) are utilized in the rel-
evance equation for Semantic Notes. Let R
be the
set of applicable rules so that r
, where
k = |R
|. The Semantic Note relevance (n
) can re-
ceive values between 0 and 1 as the ratio between
the sum of the match values (r
) and the
number of applicable rules (|R
0 n
1 R
= 0 R
Finally, the usefulness of a Semantic Note for an
agent is defined as consisting of both understanding
the Semantic Note and considering it relevant. The in-
formation usefulness variable (n
) also receives val-
ues between 0 and 1, and is formalized as follows:
= a n
+ b n
where 0 a+ b 1 and a,b R
. Parameters a and
b indicate the application-specific weights that are as-
signed to the understanding (n
) and relevance (n
This section investigates information retrieval ap-
proaches other than the baseline approach presented
above. Note that the focus is on information rele-
vance only, that is, information understanding of the
baseline approach is left untouched. The motivation
for considering other approaches arises in cases where
the baseline approach selects too many or too few re-
sults, and if those results turn out not to be relevant
enough. There are three major subjects in this sec-
tion, which are:
1. Acknowledging that some statement kinds are more im-
portant than others.
2. Acknowledging dependencies between statements.
3. Acknowledging close matches in addition to exact ones.
Next, these three subjects will be separately ex-
plained in more detail. In Section 4, their capabili-
ties of finding relevant results among Semantic Notes
will be evaluated and contrasted with the baseline ap-
proach. In addition to contrasting them separately, a
combination of all three approaches will be included.
3.1 Assigning Important Weights for
Statement Kinds
In principle the importance weights to various state-
ments can be assigned either based on their semantics,
or their position in the Semantic Note. As an exam-
ple of importance arising from semantics, consider a
sailboat traveling in a remote location with very few
points of interest. The captain needs to fill up the re-
frigerator of his boat. In this case location is an impor-
tant statement kind, since it is useful for the captain
to have information about basically all grocery stores
relatively close to him. And suppose another case,
where the captain with the same need is in an area
equipped with many services, say a busy guest harbor
of a big city, but happens to arrive there very late in
the evening. Here (opening) time(s) is a much more
important statement kind. The user can teach the sys-
tem about the importances of various statement kinds
via a relevance feedback loop (Chakrabarti, 2002).
There are alternative approaches to the semantics-
based importance assignment, where the user and/or
the system has to have a priori insight on which state-
ment kinds are more important than others. The par-
ticular approach considered below in more detail is
based on the structural position of the statement in the
content currently under inspection. The simple ratio-
nale behind this approach is that the further deep the
statement in the content, the smaller its importance
with regard to the big picture. In achieving this, we
introduce a new variable d for indicting this depth:
0 n
d |R
1 R
= 0 R
where d Z
. Parameter d indicates the depth of the
statement from the first level. d = 1 indicates the first
level and d = 2 the second, that is:
<Note rdf:ID="">
This is the first level with d=1
This is the second level with d=2
Applying the d parameter to the information rel-
evance calculation probably makes little difference if
the content structure is very flat. However, in some
cases there can be several layers of embedded con-
tent. In these situations using d is envisaged to turn
out useful, given that the statements closer to the sur-
face can concern larger themes than the ones deeper
within the structure, and therefore be considered more
important. Besides depth, another metric would be
to consider the amount of information “contained” by
the statement under inspection. In this model, two
statements on the same depth would receive different
relevance weights if they would have differing num-
ber of sub-statements.
3.2 Recognizing Dependencies Between
A statement in a Semantic Note can be dependent on
some other statement. For example, consider a boater
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
docked in a guest harbor, with the intention of go-
ing to a restaurant for a dinner. She has two atomic
rules in her profile. The first of them states that she
is interested in content created by people she knows.
The other one says that she is interested in restau-
rants rated four stars or higher. Moreover, she has
a metarule in her profile stating that while engaged
in such activity, she is interested in restaurants which
are ranked four stars or more, if the review/rating is
created by a friend of hers.
Various logical connectives can be introduced for
expressing different dependency kinds between state-
ments and used in matching (Ranganathan and Camp-
bell, 2003). In the example above, there is an impli-
cation relationship between the statements. In other
words, the relevance of the rating statement depends
on the statement expressing the creator, but not vice
versa. There could also be an equivalence, which
would entail a mutual dependency.
So, to continue with the example: Suppose there
are two restaurants in the neighbourhood with 4-star
ratings each. One of the rating annotations is created
by someone unknown to the boater, while the other
one by someone she knows. Say that there are only
these two statements in each annotation (one about
the stars, and the other expressing the creator). The
relevances for these would be 0 and 1, respectively.
In the absence of the implication rule the relevances
would be 0.5 and 1.
3.3 Coping with Close Matches in User
We now introduce two alternative versions of the
) function. The motivation is to cope with
close and partial matches of the information found in
user context and in the content to be provided. The
first of the functions is applicable in cases when there
exists a taxonomy, for example a yellow page like ser-
vice categorization. The function is based on an algo-
rithm called “Object Match” (OM) (Stojanovic et al.,
2001), and is formalized as follows:
) = r
) uc(φ
) uc(φ
where uc refers to the “upwards cotopy” func-
tion (Stojanovic et al., 2001). uc returns the dis-
tance of the currently analyzed concept from the on-
tology’s root concept. In the case of services in yel-
low pages such concept would be SERVICE. More
specifically, the uc(φ
) indicates the distance
between the concept found in the user context and the
root concept, whereas uc(φ
) means the distance
app (r )=2/5=0.40
om a
Figure 1: An example hierarchy of concepts.
between the concept found in the Semantic Note and
the root concept. Figure 1 depicts an example case of
this algorithm.
If the terms in the user context and the Semantic
Note have numerical values, the difference between
these values can in some cases be used as a measure
of relevance. The latter function we present fits these
cases. For example, in the case of locations, suppose
that the user is interested in content referring to enti-
ties close to her, as is often the case. Now, the further
away the content in question is from her, the less rel-
evant it can be said to be. The following formula cap-
tures this simply by dividing one with the distance of
the two numerical values (one in the context and one
in the Semantic Note); should their distance be 0, the
value would return an exact match as 1:
) = r
1+ dfr(tm
where the function dfr denotes calculating the differ-
ence between the values of tm
and tm
The above-mentioned approaches were evaluated and
their performances compared with each other, as well
as with the baseline approach. Note that the intention
is not to find out the single best approach, but instead
to show that approaches other than the baseline one
can in some cases turn out to be useful alternatives,
especially if combined.
4.1 Evaluation Setup
Due to the lack of a common test set, the evaluations
were conducted as simulations so that 500 Semantic
Notes, each containing 4-10 statements (based on ran-
dom assignment), were created. Each statement was
randomly assigned to be relevant or not relevant. In
addition, each statement was assigned a depth, which
is recognized by the “relative” approach. The re-
striction was that a statement’s depth could not ex-
ceed the number of statements in the Semantic Note.
Note that assigning a depth to a statement has im-
pact on the depths of the rest of the statements in
the respective Semantic Note. The range of the first
statement’s d is 1 d
| + 1), the next one’s
1 d
| + 1 d
), and so on. Furthermore,
each statement was randomly assigned as being de-
pendant on some other statement or not. This has im-
pact on the “dependant” approach.
When generating the relevance values at the Se-
mantic Note level, the basic (baseline) relevance was
first calculated by summing up the relevances of the
statements, and dividing them by the number of all
statements in the respective Note. The relative rel-
evance was calculated in the same manner, but in-
stead of summing up the plain statement relevances,
their relative values were instead used. In the case
of dependency relevance, it was first checked whether
the statement in question is relevant or not. If yes,
it was checked whether the statement it was labeled
dependant on was relevant or not. If that was true
as well, the statement was labeled as “dependency-
relevant”. Finally, the “OM relevance” was simulated
as follows: If the statement currently under inspection
was not relevant, it did not automatically receive a 0
relevance value, but some randomly assigned floating
point between 0 and 1. This represents the inclusion
of close matches to the calculation.
To complement the above-mentioned relevance
kinds, the system randomly—and regardless of
the above relevance values based on statements’
relevances—labeled each Semantic Note as “really”
relevant or not. This was representing the user’s ac-
tual consideration of the Semantic Note, whereas the
above-mentioned relevance values represent the deci-
sion support capabilities of our system. The differ-
ence between the “real” relevance and the statement-
based relevance kinds was tested as-is (with 0 corre-
spondence), with 0.5 correspondence, and with 0.9
correspondence. This consideration was justified
since it is envisaged that the rules stored in the user
profiles have some correlation with the actual rele-
vances. That is, if the user creates a rule stating that
she is interested in ice cream, it is indeed justified to
assume that (all other things equal) she will be more
interested in an ice cream parlor than a hot dog stand.
For generating the test set, we modified three
things: First, the likelihood of correspondence (Lhc)
was set to be 0, 0.5, or 0.9. Secondly, either half
or one quarter of the statements were labeled as “re-
ally” relevant (likelihood of relevance, Lhr). Third,
the “real” relevances were reassigned based on base-
line relevance values, based on combined relevance
values, or not at all reassigned. The same value which
was used as a threshold for retrieving content through-
out the tests, namely 0.5, was also used as a thresh-
old for reassignment. By combining these options,
we came up with 18 different test cases, with each of
them having 500 generated Semantic Notes.
4.2 Evaluation Results
We now present some results of the simulations. In
the following Tables, the approaches are referred to
as “Baseline”, “Relative”, “OM”, “Dependant”, and
“Combined”. The “Combined” approach is the av-
erage of “Relative”, “OM”, and “Dependant” ap-
proaches. Naturally, we could have considered other
combinations, too. However, contrasting the alter-
native approaches with “Baseline” separately and as
one combination is enough for giving us guidelines
on their performance.
Basic instruments of information retrieval, namely
precision, recall, and the F-measure, were used in the
evaluation. As for relevant documents, we used the
“real” relevance, that is, the relevance which was not
derived from the number of statements considered rel-
evant. This way we could compare the decision sup-
port of the system with the (simulated) true relevance
considered by the user. In doing this, precision came
to indicate the number of documents which are both
retrieved and (“really”) relevant divided by the num-
ber of retrieved documents. Recall indicates the num-
ber of documents which are both retrieved and (“re-
ally”) relevant divided by the number of (“really”)
relevant documents. Finally, the F-measure is the har-
monic mean of precision and recall, with the formula
of F = 2 precision recall/(precision+ recall).
Table 1 depicts the precision values in the case
where none of the “real” relevance values are tam-
pered. There exists no significant variation among the
approaches; the average standard deviation (SD) be-
tween the approaches in different cases is 0.05. If Ta-
ble 1 is contrasted with Tables 2 and 3, it is visible that
more variation among the approaches emerges. Cor-
responding SD average for Table 2 is 0.12 and for Ta-
ble 3 it is 0.15. Naturally, for the first two rows, where
the likelihood of correspondence (Lhc) is 0, this does
not hold. But once the likelihood grows to 0.5 and
especially 0.9, differences start to show. This is espe-
cially true in the case where the rearrangement of the
“real” relevance values is done based on the combined
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Comparing the precision values of the various approaches when no “real” relevance values are tampered.
Not rearranged Baseline Relative OM Dependant Combined
Lhc=0, Lhr=0.5 0.50 0.32 0.50 0.41 0.53
Lhc=0, Lhr=0.25 0.32 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.35
Lhc=0.5, Lhr=0.5 0.36 0.38 0.42 0.36 0.48
Lhc=0.5, Lhr=0.25 0.20 0.23 0.21 0.21 0.20
Lhc=0.9, Lhr=0.5 0.59 0.79 0.48 0.58 0.69
Lhc=0.9, Lhr=0.25 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.22
Table 2: Comparing the precision values of the various approaches when “real” relevance values are set to correspond to the
basic (baseline) relevance values.
Basic rearranged Baseline Relative OM Dependant Combined
Lhc=0,Lhr=0.5 0.47 0.67 0.37 0.55 0.50
Lhc=0,Lhr=0.25 0.19 0.18 0.22 0.20 0.17
Lhc=0.5,Lhr=0.5 0.83 0.90 0.56 0.82 0.92
Lhc=0.5,Lhr=0.25 0.58 0.56 0.34 0.57 0.56
Lhc=0.9,Lhr=0.5 0.97 1.00 0.54 0.98 0.94
Lhc=0.9,Lhr=0.25 0.89 0.91 0.49 0.89 0.87
relevance values.
The combined approach starts to outperform the
other approaches, when the “really” relevant values
conform with the combined relevance. This is also
visible from the last two rows of Table 3. Note that in
the case where the comparison is based on the basic
relevance, the combined approach performs almost as
well as the baseline approach (last two rows of Ta-
ble 2). The relative approach performs also well, but
lags behind in with regard to recall, as is visible from
Table 4.
The reason for OM approach having significantly
lower precision values than the other approaches is
due to the fact that it retrieves so many Semantic
Notes, causing many labeled as “really” irrelevant to
be included. Naturally, this has an inverse impact on
the recall values, since the more retrieved documents,
the more chance for “really-relevants” to get included.
Table 4 depicts the numbers for various approaches,
as far as recall is concerned. The OM approach has
the highest average and median values, meaning that
it has absorbed more “really” relevant documents than
the other approaches. This could be easily prevented
by restricting the search space. In other words, the
whole taxonomy would not be examined each time,
but instead a set of concepts with a prespecified max-
imum distance from the concept under inspection.
In order to examine the mutual effect of precision
and recall, we used the F-measure. Precision is a more
important factor than recall in context-aware informa-
tion retrieval systems. This is because not too many
results can be simultaneously provided to the user,
and the few results that end up being provided should
indeed be relevant. If there were 50 possible Semantic
Notes which are at the time are passing the threshold
of relevance as reasoned by the system, it is not likely
that the user will go through all of them, but instead
only a small portion. For that reason, it is important
that the precision of “real” relevance among these 50
is as high as possible; recall is less important. This
is why in addition to using the harmonic F-measure,
we also tested the results with a F
-measure, which
weights precision twice as much as recall.
We grouped the evaluation sets into the follow-
ing three segments: (i) The first segment consisted
of all the 18 cases as presented the above; (ii) The
second segment consisted of the cases where no rele-
vance values were rearranged, as well as all the cases
where the likelihood of correspondence (Lhc) was 0;
(iii) The third segment represents the cases left out
from the second segment, namely the cases where the
relevances were rearranged based on either the basic
relevance or the combined relevance. In general, the
approaches perform a little better in terms of the F
measure than the F-measure, as Table 5 depicts.
The most evident message that was found
emerged by comparing the SD values of the F-
measure averages, especially between the second and
the third segment. The second segment, where the rel-
evance values had not been tampered, showed a 0.04
Table 3: Comparing the precision values of the various approaches when “real” relevance values are set to correspond to the
combined relevance values.
rearranged Baseline Relative OM Dependant Combined
Lhc=0,Lhr=0.5 0.45 0.60 0.49 0.45 0.56
Lhc=0,Lhr=0.25 0.27 0.29 0.27 0.24 0.28
Lhc=0.5,Lhr=0.5 0.45 0.59 0.32 0.47 0.61
Lhc=0.5,Lhr=0.25 0.59 0.50 0.21 0.55 0.60
Lhc=0.9,Lhr=0.5 0.49 0.73 0.28 0.58 0.91
Lhc=0.9,Lhr=0.25 0.51 0.90 0.28 0.67 0.97
Table 4: Recall trends for different approaches.
trends Baseline Relative OM Dependant Combined
Avg 0.31 0.12 0.38 0.19 0.19
Median 0.16 0.07 0.27 0.09 0.10
SD 0.26 0.12 0.24 0.19 0.19
average on the SD values of the approaches. In the
third segment the corresponding value was 0.18, in-
dicating a significantly greater variance. (The cor-
responding numbers for F
-measure were 0.06 and
0.18.) This means that if the “real” relevance val-
ues correspond to the relevance values as reasoned
by the system, there is greater variance between the
approaches and choosing an appropriate one is more
important. This is a valuable finding and justifies fur-
ther work on this subject, since it can be assumed, that
there is indeed correspondence between what a ratio-
nal user states as interests in her profile, and what she
really considers interesting.
Finally, we examined more closely the perfor-
mance of different approaches in the cases grouped
to the third segment presented above. In particu-
lar, we considered the differences between how the
approaches perform with regard to the proportion
of “really” relevant Semantic Notes. It is notewor-
thy that most of the approaches perform better when
the proportion of “really” relevant Semantic Notes
is smaller (0.25). The only exception for the har-
monic F-measure is the OM approach, where in 3
out of 4 cases it performs better when the propor-
tion of “really-relevants” is larger (0.5). This is due to
OM approach’s relatively good recall values in these
cases. We also noted that even though the precision
values of the approaches are smaller in the 0.25 case
when rearranging based on basic relevance (see Ta-
ble 2), their F-measure due to better recall is larger.
Moreover, this phenomenon gets amplified when re-
arranging is based on the combined relevance (with
the exception of OM, which was explained above).
This paper presented some approaches for context-
aware information retrieval. The approaches departed
from the so-called baseline approach, which has
been presented in our previous work in more detail.
The approaches put emphasis in importance weights
of statements, interdependencies between statements,
and close matches in finding appropriate content.
Simulated evaluation results for the performances of
these approaches were also presented.
The particular approaches presented in this paper
are merely a start for considering intelligent retrieval
of semantically described content for mobile Web 2.0.
In the future we are going to examine new atomic ap-
proaches and consider their performance in various
cases. In addition, our future work among the area
will concentrate on more intelligent ways of com-
bining various approaches. This paper introduced a
rather straightforward way of averaging over the se-
lected approaches, but more advanced ways could be
introduced. For example, a correlation between the
“relative approach” and the “OM-approach” can be
envisaged. A statement’s relative relevance consid-
ered in this paper arises from its position in the Se-
mantic Note. It can be assumed that it is somehow
also semantically related to the statements close to it
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 5: Comparing the averages with regard to F-
Averages Segment i Segment ii Segment iii
F-measure 0,28 0,15 0,45
-measure 0,31 0,18 0,48
in the structure. Now the terms in these neighboring
statements have corresponding concepts in the ontol-
ogy. OM-relevance is based on close matches, and the
concepts corresponding to the terms in these neigh-
boring statements could be considered.
We would like to thank Mikko Laukkanen and
Matthieu Molinier for their useful comments.
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