Protecting Notification of Events in Multimedia Systems
Eva Rodríguez, Silvia Llorente and Jaime Delgado
DMAG (Distributed Multimedia Applications Group)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Passeig de Circumval·lació, 8,
08003 Barcelona, Spain
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona, 1-3,
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Abstract. Protection of multimedia information is an important issue for cur-
rent actors in the multimedia distribution value chain. Security techniques exist
for protecting the multimedia contents itself, like encryption, watermarking,
fingerprinting and so on. Nevertheless, at a higher level, other mechanisms
could be used for the protection and management of multimedia information.
One of these mechanisms is the notification of events of actions, done by the
different actors of the multimedia value chain (from content creator to final
user), for the different delivery channels. It is possible to describe event notifi-
cations by standard means by using MPEG-21 event reporting. However, the
current standard initiative does not take into account the security of the events
being notified. In this paper we present a possible solution to this problem by
combining two different parts of the MPEG-21 standard, Event Reporting (ER)
and Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP).
1 Introduction
Piracy is a key problem for current actors in the multimedia value chain, since avail-
able security techniques are currently not enough to provide full protection against it.
Something that could help in fighting piracy is the notification of events being
done by users of multimedia systems. In this way, distributors of multimedia content
can be informed of the usage of the multimedia objects they have provided through a
web site, a downloading service for mobiles or whatever distribution mechanism
used. Afterwards, users illegally distributing content could be prosecuted by means of
these activity records. It is worth noting that privacy of users is preserved until an
illegal action from a user is detected.
By means of the chain of licenses defining the contractual relationships between
content creators, distributors and final users, not only distributors could be informed
of the events occurred, but also the rest of actors in the value chain. In any case, they
must have the appropriate permission to do so.
In the above situations, event notifications should be protected. We should guaran-
tee access and modification only the users who have permission. In this sense, and
ıguez E., Llorente S. and Delgado J. (2006).
Protecting Notification of Events in Multimedia Systems.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 153-162
based on MPEG-21 standard we propose an approach to provide protection to events
based on Event Reporting (ER) and Intellectual Property Management and Protection
This paper is organised as follows. First, we give some general information about
MPEG-21 and the parts of this standard relevant to this research paper. Then, we
make our proposal for protecting notification of events (or event reports), as known in
the MPEG-21 world. After this, we describe some use cases where event reports are
sent in different situations. Finally, we draw some conclusions and present some
future work.
2 Multimedia Information Representation Using MPEG-21
The MPEG-21 [1] standard is divided into several parts, which deal with different
aspects of multimedia information management. In the MPEG-21 context, the infor-
mation is structured in Digital Items, which are the fundamental unit of distribution
and transaction. Digital Items are digital documents written in XML according to a
XML Schema.
A Digital Item is defined in [2] as a structured digital object, including a standard
representation and identification, and metadata within the MPEG-21 framework. The
rest of this section presents some parts of the MPEG-21 standard.
2.1 Digital Item Declaration (DID)
The two major goals of the Digital Item Declaration part within MPEG-21 are first to
establish a uniform and flexible abstraction and interoperable schema for declaring
Digital Items and also to be as general and flexible as possible, providing hooks to
enable higher level functionality and interoperability. The Digital Item Declaration
(DID) technology [3] is defined in three normative parts: DID Model, Representation
and Schema. DID corresponds to part 2 of the MPEG-21 standard.
Within this model, a Digital Item is the digital representation of a work, and as
such, it is the thing that is acted upon.
The different elements inside a DI provide different functionality for the organisation
of multimedia information. The Container is a potentially hierarchical structure that
allows Items to be grouped together with their descriptors, components and resources.
The term “Item” should be understood as a declarative representation of a Digital
Among all DI elements, the Statement one provides the possibility of inserting data
in any kind of format, specially XML. This provides a wide field for including infor-
mation used to protect and process multimedia data, such as rights expressions, intel-
lectual property management and protection information or adaptation descriptors.
2.2 Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP)
The Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP), part 4 [4] of the
MPEG-21 standard, deals with the standardisation of a general solution for the man-
agement and protection of Intellectual Property.
In this part of the standard an interoperable framework for Intellectual Property
Management and Protection is being defined.
In IPMP the expression and enforcement of rights that are associated with digital
item distribution, management and usage by all members of the value chains is also
IPMP Digital Item Description language (IPMP DIDL) [4] is defined to provide pro-
tection and governance to any part of a Digital Item, from a complete Digital Item to
a specific asset.
ipmpdi dl:Contentsipmpdid l:Infoipmpdi dl:Identifier
Mand ator y c hild
Optio nal c hild
Ipmpdidl:IP MP DIDLChildGroup
ipmpdidl: ContentInfo ipmpdi dl:Contentsipmpdid l:Infoipmpdi dl:Identifier
Mand ator y c hild
Optio nal c hild
Ipmpdidl:IP MP DIDLChildGroup
ipmpdidl: ContentInfo
Fig. 1. Structure of IPMP DIDL elements for the DID model.
Digital Item hierarchy is represented in the Digital Item Declaration Language
(DIDL) [3], which is defined by an XML schema [3]. The IPMP DIDL encapsulates
and protects a part of the hierarchy of a Digital Item, and associates appropriate iden-
tification and protection information with it. For each entity in the DID model, an
IPMP DIDL element is provided as a protected representation of that entity, derived
from the abstract DID model types as defined in the DID model schema in ISO/IEC
21000-2. As both IPMP DIDL elements and DIDL elements extend abstract types
defined for the DID model, they are interchangeable within a Digital Item Declara-
Each of the IPMP DIDL elements has the same semantics as its DIDL counterpart
and contains the elements Identifier, Info, ContentInfo and Contents. The Identifer
element contains a unique identifier for the protected representation of the DIDL
element. The Info element contains information about the protection tools and the
rights expressions that govern the element. The ContentInfo element acts as a place-
holder for the protected contents. Fig. 1 presents the structure of IPMP DIDL ele-
2.2.2 IPMP Information
The information related to protection of a Digital Item falls into two categories. The
first is information that pertains to the whole Digital Item, including collections of
general Licenses and a list of tools used in the Digital Item. The second category is
information about the specific protection applied to a certain part of Digital Item
hierarchy protected with IPMP DIDL – i.e. specific tool applied, keys, licenses spe-
cific to that content, and so on. In the IPMP Info schema [4], these two categories of
information are expressed with two top-level elements: IPMPGeneralInfoDescriptor
and IPMPInfoDescriptor respectively.
The IPMPGeneralInfoDescriptor element contains general information about pro-
tection and governance related to a complete Digital Item. IPMP tool lists and li-
censes packaged in a Digital Item can be included under this element. The IPMPIn-
foDescriptor, on the other hand, is designed to contain information about governance
of a specific section of Digital Item hierarchy, and has to be attached to that section
through the use of IPMP DIDL.
The IPMPGeneralInfoDescriptor has two purposes: to allow a Digital Item author
to provide a list of IPMP Tools used in governance that can then be referred to from
IPMPInfoDescriptors; and to provide a container for Licenses carried in the Digital
On the other hand, the IPMPInfoDescriptor contains information about governance
that applies to a specific piece of content – generally a part of the Digital Item hierar-
chy. The Tool child element specifies a tool, which can be used to unprotect the con-
tent; the RightsDescriptor child element contains licenses governing the content. A
digital signature for the entire element may also be attached.
2.3 Event Reporting (ER)
Event Reporting [5] is required within the MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework to pro-
vide a standardised means for sharing information about Events amongst Peers and
Users. Such Events are related to Digital Items and/or Peers that interact with them.
In the MPEG-21 context, the reporting messages that include information about dif-
ferent aspects of media usage are called Event Reports.
Event Reporting could be useful when monitoring of the usage of copyrighted ma-
terial. The provider offering Digital Items for download would specify in an Event
Report Request that, whenever a Resource within a Digital Item is rendered (e.g.
played), he would receive an Event Report enabling him to manage his royalties.
Upon rendering, the Peer will generate an ISO/IEC 21000 Event Report which will be
delivered to the rights holder specified, in an Event Report Request, containing in-
formation about the Digital Item, the Resource, and the conditions under which it has
been rendered. In this sense, a core experiment has been contributed to MPEG-21
standard, for studying in which cases event reports should be generated [6].
Fundamentally, Event Reporting will facilitate interoperability between consumers
and creators, thereby enabling multimedia usage information to be both requested and
represented in a normalised way. Examples where Event Reports may be requested
include usage reports, copyright reports, financial reports and technical reports.
The basic model of Event Reporting indicates that Events that need to be reported
may be specified by interested parties through the use of an Event Report Request
(ERR). An ERR is used to define the conditions under which an Event is deemed to
have occurred. Events defined by ERRs trigger the creation of an associated Event
Report (ER), which contains information describing the Event, as specified in the
associated ERR.
The ER purpose is to indicate which Peer created it, define the data items that are
to be included in such an Event Report(s), provide a reference to the originating ER-
R, provide status information regarding its completion and creation, along with a
free-form description.
3 Providing Protection to Event Reports
Event Reporting standard specification [5] at its current stage does not provide a way
to ensure integrity and authenticity to the reported data (ER) neither to the request
data (ERR). On the other hand, it is not possible to encrypt partially or totally ERs
and ERRs.
This paper exposes how these goals can be achieved; it is based on the contribution
[7] made by the authors to MPEG-21 in form of input document to the 74
meeting. This contribution presents mechanisms that ensure authenticity and integrity
to Event Reports and Event Report Requests. Moreover, it also presents how to pro-
tect ERs and ERRs at any level, from a complete ER or ERR to specific elements or
data within them.
3.1 Providing Data Integrity and Authenticity
In order to ensure authenticity and integrity for the data to be requested and reported,
we propose the use of digital signatures for the appropriate elements within ERs and
ERRs. We can use the dsig:Signature [8] element (see Fig. 2) to digitally sign all the
metadata within ER and ERR elements, or if necessary the dsig:Signature element can
be used to sign concrete elements within ERs or ERRs. For example, it can be useful
to sign the reported data, that is metadata that describe the DI related operation per-
formed by the user, or it can be useful to sign requested data.
Then, it is important to study for which elements within ERs and ERRs this will be
useful. Then, we will add the dsig:Signature element as child element of each of them
that will contain the digital signature for its parent element. Fig. 2 shows how the
dsig:Signature element could be used to sign an ER.
Fig. 2. ER element including dsig:Signature.
The ERData element is a clear example of an element that could be signed in order
to provide authenticity and integrity of the data it contains. Nevertheless, further
discussion is needed to determine the rest of elements for which authenticity and
integrity will be provided.
In this way, once agreed the different elements within ERs and ERRs that will re-
quire to be signed, integrity and authenticity for the whole ERs and ERRs or for spe-
cific data within them will be guaranteed.
3.2 Data Encryption
If we want to protect, for example to encrypt, ERs and ERRs or elements within
them, we can do that at least in two different ways.
The first option is to define the equivalent encrypted elements for ER and ERR
elements and if necessary for other elements within them. Fig. 3 shows an example of
how the encryptedER element can be defined using W3C XML Encryption recom-
mendation [9].
Fig. 3. encryptedER element.
In this case it is also important to determine for which elements it is useful to pro-
vide this functionality.
The second option is to define the equivalent IPMP ER elements as done in IPMP
Components [4] standard specification for DIDL elements. This part of the standard
defines the IPMP DIDL schema that facilitates the representation of a protected
Digital Item structure within a DID document by encapsulating protected DIDL
elements and linking appropriate IPMP Info to them, allowing for encryption and
other forms of protection over DIDL hierarchy.
Then, it could be considered to define an IPMP ER schema, in order to provide
protection to the whole ER and ERRs or to elements within them. Using this solution
we can protect ER elements in different ways and it also allows to govern ER and
ERRs or elements within them.
Fig. 4. IPMP ER element.
Fig. 4 shows the ER IPMP element. The elements that form the IPMPERGroup are
Identifier, Info and Contents. The Info element contains information about the mecha-
nisms and licenses involved in the protection of the ER data and the access of this
data. This element may link directly to an existing rights expression or contain an
IPMPDescriptor from the IPMP Info schema presented in section 2.2.2. Finally, the
Contents element contains the protected ER data.
4 Event Reporting Usage Use Cases
In this section, we describe how event reporting can be applied to a real scenario
where a user wants to make use of multimedia content. In this scenario, several serv-
ers are involved. This scenario will be explained with two use cases. They are de-
scribed in detail in [10, 11, 12] in the context of the MIPAMS architecture.
In the MIPAMS architecture, the server mainly involved in event reporting is Su-
pervisor Server. This server keeps track of the actions or events occurred in the sys-
tem. We will describe here the generation of some events related to user actions,
especially content consumption, but others are possible (network/server errors, etc.).
Events stored by the Supervisor Server can be later analysed in order to extract
billing information, usage statistics, errors, blocking because of illegal actions, etc.
We will present this scenario with two use cases, one where the user is not allowed
to make use of content and other where user is authorised to perform the action.
To describe the two use cases we will make use of other servers from the
MIPAMS architecture [11]. They are Protection, Certification and Governance serv-
Fig. 5 shows the first use case, where the user is not authorised to perform the ac-
tion because it is blocked in the system for example because he performed a previous
illegal operation. The steps involved in this use case are as follows:
1. The user opens in the editing tool the digital object that contains the image.
2. The user tries to include it in his publication (“embed” image action).
3. The user tool connects to the Protection server in order to check if the user is
authorised. It sends the following information: requested operation (“embed”), object
identifier, user identifier, device identifier and tool identifier.
4. The Protection server sends the Certification server the received information.
5, 6. The Certification server queries its database and checks that the user and device
are registered and not blocked and the tool/plug-in integrity.
Reporting will be specified in an amendment to Part 15 of the MPEG-21 standard and
will take as basis the presented contributions.
The use of event reporting in a real scenario has been described in two use cases.
Future work we plan to do around the presented is to deep into the description of
event reporting protection, trying to include it as part of the standard and the imple-
mentation of the techniques proposed in order to check if its use is feasible. For more
details about Distributed Multimedia Applications Group (DMAG), see [13].
This work has been partly supported by the Spanish administration (DRM-MM pro-
ject, TSI2005-05277) and AXMEDIS [14], a European Integrated Project, funded
under the European Commission IST FP6 program.
1. MPEG-21, 2004.
2. ISO/IEC, ISO/IEC TR 21000-1 – Vision, Technologies and Strategy.
Edition FCD 21000-2 – Digital Item Declaration.
4. ISO/IEC, ISO/IEC FDIS 21000-4 – Intellectual Property Management and Protection
5. ISO/IEC, ISO/IEC FCD 21000-15 – Event Reporting.
6. Rodríguez, E., Cirera, M., Delgado, J. Core Experiment on use of Event Report Requests:
Specification of Use Cases. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2005/ M12299. July 2005.
7. Rodríguez, E., Delgado, J. Integrity and authenticity of Event Reporting information.
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2005/M12525. October 2005.
8. XML-Signature Syntax and Processing,
9. XML Encryption,
10. Torres, V., Rodríguez, E., Llorente, S., Delgado, J. Use of Standards for Implementing a
Multimedia Information Protection and Management System. 1
International Conference
on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution
(AXMEDIS 2005). November-December 2005.
11. Delgado, J., Torres, V., Llorente, S., Rodríguez, E. Rights and trust in multimedia informa-
tion management. Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2005). September 2005.
12. Delgado, J., Torres, V., Llorente, S., Rodríguez, E. Trust and rights in multimedia content
management systems. Web Technologies, Applications and Services (WTAS 2005). July 2005.
13. DMAG,
14. Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution