Benoit Combemale, Xavier Cr
2, rue Charles Camichel, BP 7122
F-31071 Toulouse Cedex 7
Alain Caplain, Bernard Coulette
5, allee Antonio Machado
F-31058 Toulouse Cedex 9
Process engineering, Model engineering, SPEM, Semantics, OCL.
Modeling software process is a good way to improve development and thus quality of resulting applications.
The OMG proposes the SPEM metamodel to describe software processes. Its concepts are described through
class diagrams. Unfortunately, it lacks a formal description of its semantics that makes it hard to use. So, we
propose a specialization of SPEM that clarifies it and we use OCL to formally express constraints on it.
A software application is a complex product which
must be elaborated using a specific method : the soft-
ware development process. The main aim of such a
process is to guarantee the development of reliable
software, conforming to their specification within ex-
pected deadlines and costs. Mastering the software
appears to be a necessity because of the growing com-
plexity and critical aspects of software. This must be
done with the aim of obtaining better quality and im-
proving reuse. The industrialization of software de-
velopment began with methods like OMT and grew
at the end of the 90’s with unification proposals such
as UML and RUP. Today, the last step is the use of
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) for working on the
complete lifecycle of software artifacts.
ezivin, 2004) appeared with OMG propos-
als such as MOF (omg, 2002) and MDA (Miller and
Mukerji, 2003). It tries to unify processes detailing
with the crucial aim of reusing them. SPEM (Soft-
ware Process Engineering Metamodel) (omg, 2005)
is one of the OMG proposals. It is a metamodel for
software development process specification that gives
a rigorous syntax but only partly formalizes the se-
mantics (thus implying some ambiguities), and does
not offer any help on how to build a process model. It
is why we have defined a specialization for its rigor-
ous exploitation (Combemale, 2005). We first present
the main concepts of SPEM (section 2) and then our
specialization of SPEM (section 3). Before the con-
clusion, we present related works on section 4.
SPEM is a metamodel used for the specification of
concrete software development process. It offers an
object oriented approach using the UML notation. As
an OMG proposal, SPEM is integrated in the pyrami-
dal architecture of MDA organization as a MOF meta-
model and as a UML profile (Breton and B
2001). SPEM takes up a great deal of UML diagrams
(packages, use cases, classes, activities, sequences,
statechart), excludes some elements (node, compo-
nent, etc.) (omg, 2005, §11.1) and adds several stereo-
types that are presented hereafter (omg, 2005, §11).
SPEM is based on the idea (fig. 1) that a software
development process is a collaboration between active
abstract entities called roles which perform operations
called activities on concrete and real entities called
Figure 1: SPEM conceptual model.
Combemale B., Crégut X., Caplain A. and Coulette B. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 530-533
DOI: 10.5220/0002455205300533
Figure 2: Process Structure package of SPEM.
work products. The different roles act upon one an-
other or collaborate by exchanging products and trig-
gering the execution of certain activities. The objec-
tive of a process is to lead a set of products to a well
defined state.
In fact, the SPEM metamodel is more complex.
The extract given on fig. 2 proves it. SPEM defines
the concept of WorkDefinition which can be decom-
posed reflexively. Beside the activities there are other
specializations which are not drawn on fig. 2: Lifecy-
cle which is a sequence of Phases and Iterations to de-
fine a complex work. An Activity can be divided into
Steps. A step is a specialization of ActionState (fig. 2)
which implies a partial order (omg, 2004, §4.12).
Each WorkDefinition is under the responsibility of
a unique role (ProcessPerformer). In the case of an
Activity, a set of other roles (ProcessRole) can assist
the main role for the realization.
SPEM also defines two important concepts :
Process and Discipline. A Process corresponds to the
root of a process model from which a tool can do the
transitive closing of a complete process. A Discipline
allows, within the process, to partition activities ac-
cording to a common “theme”. The output products
of each of the activities of a discipline must be cate-
gorized under this same theme.
Using SPEM is difficult because the OMG proposal
is very generalist and provides no directives on how
to use it. Furthermore, its semantics is essentially
expressed in natural language that leads to the con-
struction of inconsistent process models because of
the lack of a formal definition of concepts. For ex-
ample, the ProcessPerformer is a concept known as
being ambiguous (Bendraou et al., 2005).
So, we have decided to define a specialization of
the SPEM metamodel whose purpose is to clearly de-
fine concepts and formally express their semantics
with OCL (omg, 2003). Being more directive, our
proposal brings more assistance in the industrial con-
struction of a process and more facility in the use
of SPEM. Thanks to the restrictions put on SPEM,
it is possible to ensure the coherence of its models.
Our proposal being a restriction of SPEM, our mod-
els conforms to SPEM.
3.1 SPEM Metamodel Specialization
Our metamodel (fig. 3) divides process models ac-
cording to two main views. The structural view shows
the process hierarchy : a process is associated to a
lifecycle cut out in phases, themselves made up of ac-
tivities (and iterations). The descriptive view details
work definitions. It makes possible to classify them
according to process roles and thus disciplines. Work
definitions are specified through preconditions, goals
and products used or realized.
As in SPEM, WorkDefinition metaclass is a con-
crete class. It allows to instantiate WorkDefinitions
which will not be typed yet and thus not yet semanti-
cally defined in the process (e.g. analysis phase).
Because ProcessPerformer (fig. 2) has no clear
semantics in the initial SPEM metamodel, we have
merged it with ProcessRole. This merge avoids con-
Figure 3: Extract of our specialization of SPEM metamodel.
fusion between ProcessPerformer and ProcessRole
by only defining role which is a set of capabilities.
In addition, most of the relations of our proposal
are taken again from the original metamodel, either
as is or by specialization. Thus, associations between
Lifecycle, Phase, Iteration and Activity metaclasses fit
to the redefinition of reflexive relation of the WorkDe-
finition metaclass of SPEM (fig. 2). We have con-
strained the multiplicity of the source of “0..*” by “1”
(thus giving the composition semantics).
The relations which are not directly taken from
SPEM metamodel are inherited or deduced from
UML 1.4 (from the Core package, (omg, 2004, p.22)).
For example, the reflexive relation on WorkProduct is
a deduction of the relations that link Classifier meta-
classes in UML. The “use” and “realize” relations be-
tween WorkDefinition and WorkProduct are also de-
duced from UML as shown on fig. 2. They allow
to make explicit the relations described in the SPEM
conceptual model (fig. 1).
3.2 Semantic Details with OCL
Because syntactic added is not suffisant to seman-
tically define the metamodel, we have used OCL
(as recommended by the OMG) to add formal con-
straints. These constraints limit the possible instan-
ciations and thus the valid process models. Here is
an example of such a constraint : A role must be re-
sponsible for all the products carried out by activities
of which he is in charge, and reciprocally”.
context ProcessRole inv :
let productsActivities : Set{WorkProduct} =
Definition of the WorkProduct set made by
the activities of which ’self is responsible select(a:WorkDefinition |
a.oclIsT ypeOf (Activity)).
oclAsT ype(Activity).output asSet()
self.workProduct = productsActivities
Another OCL constraint formalizes the merge of
ProcessPerformer and ProcessRole (sec. 3.1) in pro-
hibiting the instanciation of the ProcessPerformer:
context ProcessPerformer inv :
self.allInstances() size() = 0
The static checks that we made are not sufficient
and there should be extra dynamic checks. For exam-
ple, it is impossible to ensure before enactment that an
activity will respect its time limit but it can be checked
during enactment. Furthermore, this kind of check
is meaningful only during real project enactment and
not during process model simulation. Let us note that
a process model can not generally be completely de-
fined before the project starts. If the great stages of the
development are generally known, the detail of their
realization depends on the difficulties encountered at
the time of their realization. It could then be neces-
sary to reinforce a team, to consider other solutions
or another approach.
The process modelling domain has been very ac-
tive during the 90’s. There was a strong separation
between Process Description Languages (PDL) and
process enactment engines. PDL could be classified
into different categories: some of them were based on
programming languages (ProcessWise/PML (Green-
wood et al., 1992) or RHODES/PBOOL (Cr
egut and
Coulette, 1997)), others on rules (MARVEL/MSL
(Kaiser et al., 1988), ADELE/TEMPO (Warboys,
1994) or EPOS/SPELL (Warboys, 1994)), others on
petri nets (SPADE/SLANG (Bandinelli et al., 1995)),
and the others are hybrid solutions. Each of these lan-
guages had its own specific tools.
The actual tendancy is to unify PDL. Let us quote
for example SPEM metamodel suggested by the
OMG and XML-based languages like XPDL (XML
Process Description Language) (WfMC, 2005) pro-
posed by the WfMC(Workflow Management Coali-
tion) or BPML (Business Process Management Lan-
guage) (Arkin, 2002) proposed by the BPMI (Busi-
ness Process Management Initiative). All these ap-
proaches define LDP’s concepts (Breton, 2002) by
proposing a syntax in the form of a metamodel for
SPEM or a XML schema for XPDL and BPML. Se-
mantics is only described informally (in natural lan-
guage). Furthermore, process enactment is not for-
mally defined even if there are specific engines for
specific targets (e.g. BPEL4WS & BPEL-J).
In this article, we have presented our work on the
modelling of software processes. Because the SPEM
metamodel lacks rigorous and formal definition, we
have proposed a restriction of SPEM that remains
compatible with the standard and puts the focus on hi-
erachical decomposition of workdefinitions (the struc-
tural view) and the categorization of process com-
ponents (roles, products and workdefinitions) accord-
ing to disciplines (the descriptive view). Semantics
that are not graphicaly captured are expressed using
OCL constraints either at the metamodel level or at
the process level. Our SPEM specialization has been
used to model a UML based method called MACAO
(Combemale et al., 2006).
Unfortunately, OCL can only capture structural
constraints. Our future work is to define an opera-
tional semantic for SPEM in order to enact a process
model described in SPEM. So we are investigating
several approaches including the ones that describe
operational semantics for metamodel such as Ker-
meta, Xion and xOCL.
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