Jan Guynes Clark
, Nicole Beebe
and Andrew G. Kotulic
The University of Texas at San Antonio 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX 78258
Kent State University P.O. Box 5190, Kent, OH 44242-0001
Abstract. Security and privacy issues are often an afterthought when it comes
to system design. However, failure to address these issues during analysis and
design could result in catastrophic effects. We propose a conceptual model for
creating subsystems of security and privacy that are integral parts of the
overall system architecture.
Keywords. Security, Privacy, System Design
1 Introduction
System analysts and designers strive to provide a system that meets the budgetary and
business needs of an organization. While they may spend hours tracing the flow of
data, few designers pay much attention to the potential security and privacy issues
related to the system. We purport that these issues need to be addressed, starting at
the earliest stages of analysis and design, progressing through the life of the system.
Otherwise, the end result could be a costly, non-aligned system that fails to meet the
business needs of the organization. Admittedly, the initial cost of the system would
be greater, and the design time would be extended. However, the overall
improvement in system efficiency, effectiveness, security, and privacy would be well
worth the increased time and effort expended on the design. Additionally, the
organization should consider the consequences of not considering security and
privacy issues during system design. These could include exorbitant legal costs and
civil penalties, along with reduced stakeholder trust.
We propose a conceptual model for system design based upon the integration and
interaction of three primary subsystems: business processes, security, and privacy.
For this paper, we will focus on the security and privacy subsystems. While no
system can maintain maximum privacy and ensure security at all times, this should
not prevent us from trying to attain these goals.
Security and privacy goals may seem conflicting and incompatible, especially if
they are approached in the later stages of design, or after system implementation.
However, if these issues are addressed in the early stages of design, both privacy and
security can be attained at a reasonable level.
Guynes Clark J., Beebe N. and G. Kotulic A. (2004).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Information Systems, pages 33-46
DOI: 10.5220/0002659400330046
2 The Systematic Approach
We followed Rechtin’s [7] systematic approach to model building: 1) aggregate
closely related functions, 2) partition the model into subsystems, and 3) integrate the
subsystems into a functioning system. As you will see, there is considerable
redundancy in our model. This was intentional. We contend that one’s view of a
component differs when considering how it relates to the business process, security,
and/or privacy subsystem. For example, assume you are designing a patient billing
system. While each of the subsystems is concerned with patient data, their view of
the data is quite different. The business process subsystem utilizes patient data to
charge a given patient for services provided; the security subsystem attempts to
prevent patient information from being modified or accessed by unauthorized people;
and the privacy subsystem attempts to limit the number of authorized people who can
access the data.
We propose that one or more (depending upon project size) members of the design
team be assigned responsibility for ensuring compliance with the security and privacy
subsystems. Thorough analysis of these subsystems will provide a better
understanding of the environment and aid in determining an acceptable level of risk.
It will also provide justification for the need for additional expenditures in regard to
security and privacy.
Since there is heavy interaction of the components of the system, there should be
some degree of overlap among analysts and designers of the subsystems.
Additionally, analysis of the components of each of the subsystems should be well
documented and stored in a system knowledge database.
Although there is a close relationship between knowledge and data management,
they are not the same. Knowledge is frequently fragmented, and signifies the
relationships among information, or one’s perception or understanding of a given
concept. Both are concerned with acquisition and manipulation of data. However,
knowledge management focuses on people, culture, and organizational structure,
rather than technology.
Knowledge obtained during the system development process should not simply be
stored in a database for archival purposes, never to be retrieved. Instead, it should be
viewed, updated, and manipulated throughout the lifetime of the system, thus
potentially enhancing the success of both current and future system development
projects. Lessons learned should be included, because one frequently learns more
from failure than success.
Our system framework centers around a shared knowledge base, accessible by
everyone who has the need to know. Sharing of information and knowledge enables
the analysts and designers to view their given subsystem in light of the other
subsystems. This may aid in a better understanding of the system as a whole, and
assist in alleviating or mitigating problems from the onset. Building the correct
system is not enough. One must also build the system correctly.
2.1 Security Subsystem
The primary focus of the security subsystem (Figure 1) is protection of the
organization’s information assets. These assets include information and data,
software, hardware, people and procedures. In order to provide the appropriate
balance between efficiency, effectiveness, security, and privacy of a system, the
following components should be addressed:
2.1.1 Security Risk Analysis
The level of security applied to a system, or its components, should be commensurate
with the level of assumed risk. Therefore, the system analyst and/or designer must be
aware of the potential threats and vulnerabilities associated with the system. Many
organizations, such as the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) [9]
provide information on threats and vulnerabilities, along with steps to be taken to
mitigate risks. However, these should be viewed only as guidelines. More pertinent
information related to the given system should be obtained from the organization’s
stakeholders. Once threats and vulnerabilities are determined, one must objectively
evaluate the qualitative and/or quantitative impact of a given threat or vulnerabilities.
Some threats may seem so remote that they simply are not worth considering, while
others may seem imminent. For example, the designers should include password
protection on a web-based system that provides access to customer accounts, but not
necessarily on one that provides publicly available information. The steps in security
risk analysis include the following:
Identify the system functions, boundaries, and criticalities
Identify security threats and vulnerabilities
Evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative impact
Calculate relative risk factors
Design cost-effective controls for those threats and vulnerabilities with the
greatest relative risk
Document results of the security risk analysis in the system knowledge
2.1.2 Data Evaluation
Systems exist in order to manipulate data. Data in some contexts may appear quite
innocuous, yet when combined with other data, may be far more revealing. For
example, most user ID’s are related to an individual’s name and can often be
determined by simply viewing one’s email address. That by itself is not a major
security threat. However, a perpetrator could also access the passwords associated
with the user ID’s of pertinent personnel, potentially resulting in a major threat. Also,
data may be considered secure within storage, but how secure is it when it is
transmitted from one location to another? Security concerns of the following factors
need to be considered:
Determine the type of each data element within the proposed system –
static, dynamic, or derived
Determine how each data element is to be manipulated – create, store,
access, process, transmit, print, and archive
Classify the data according to access type -Public, Internal, Confidential,
Document the data evaluation in the system knowledge database
2.1.3 Security Policies
Steps should be taken to protect data and information assets from unauthorized
persons. Clearly defined policies and procedures help to emphasize management’s
commitment to maintaining security and privacy and instill a more secure culture
within an organization. The need for these policies is greatly enhanced in
organizations that interact with other entities by way of internetworks. Policy steps
include the following:
Review the security risk analysis to determine its impact on stakeholders
Review and modify existing security policies, procedures, and
documentation based on results of the security risk analysis
Receive stakeholder approval, where appropriate, of new and/or updated
policies, procedures, and documentation
Distribute the revised policies to the appropriate personnel and stakeholders
Assure that third parties are aware of the security policies pertaining to the
proposed system
Document security policy changes in the system knowledge database.
2.1.4 Security Legislation and Regulation
System designers must be aware of changes in the legal environment which may
impact system requirements. This is always a daunting task, but compounded with
organizations that conduct business across national borders. Some regulations, such
as the United States’ Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
apply only to one country, or group of countries. Others may be more pervasive, such
as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which applies to all corporations (regardless of physical
location) which are publicly traded on the U.S. financial markets [6]. We propose
that a team approach be used to monitor the activities of the following bodies in order
to deal with the many facets of this problem. The members should come from the
security, audit, legal, management, IS/IT and HRM areas, as well as any other
functional area, based on the impacted system.
Review government agencies (Local and Foreign) for changes in security
Review industry regulatory groups for proposed changes in security practices
and legislation
Review international standards groups, such as the ISO, to assure
compliance with the most current and proposed guidelines
Revise security policies if deemed necessary
Document changes in the system knowledge database
2.1.5 Security Architecture
As previously stated, security measures are not foolproof. Therefore, overlapping
controls should be available to assure an adequate level of protection for the
organization’s information assets. The existing security architecture and supporting
infrastructure should be reviewed and modified, as deemed necessary. A secure
architecture requires assessment of every aspect of the system as well the network
under which it operates. This includes:
Review Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans
Review Best Practices of the industry and organization
Review business and system requirements
Review physical and environmental protection procedures
Review physical and system access controls
Review computer system and application control
Review information classification, access, and disposal controls
Review network security infrastructure controls
Document the changes to the security architecture in the system knowledge
2.1.6 System Security Integration
System integration is the ability to seamlessly share data and resources across a
variety of systems and platforms. Systems security integration takes this one step
further by incorporating security into the process. The system designer must ensure
that the proposed system security is not negatively impacted by other systems and/or
platforms with which it may come in contact. Many organizations have formed
strategic alliances which require fully integrated system communication throughout
the supply chain. Therefore, the designer must consider the potential security
consequences when systems are integrated. The following must be considered:
Review integration of other systems and platforms within the organization
Review integration with other systems and platforms external to the
Review potential security risks
Assess degree of access. Are you providing too much access?
Assess potential legal and/or ethical ramifications of providing access across
multiple platforms and/or organizations
Establish a record of accountability
Revise security policies as deemed necessary
Revise security architecture as deemed necessary
Document changes in the system knowledge database
2.1.7 Security Training
Policies and controls are of no value if the people expected to abide by them either do
not know that they exist, or are not aware of their importance. Approximately 80% of
all security breaches occur as a result of user actions (or inactions) that subsequently
introduce vulnerabilities into the system [1]. Those who are aware of the
consequences of a security breach are more likely to follow safe security practices.
Therefore, it is imperative that all potential users be well informed of the importance
of maintaining the security of the system, as well as potential consequences of failing
to do so.
Security awareness training must be ongoing and should include all levels of the
organization, including the top management team. Additionally, partners with whom
information from the proposed system will be shared should be required to institute
similar programs. The following factors should be considered.
Provide security-based training to those individuals responsible for creating,
storing, accessing, transmitting, printing, and/or archiving sensitive data
Assure that all legal requirements have been met. For example, select
industries such as healthcare and finance are required to provide select
security awareness training
Customize the training, incorporating appropriate policies and procedures
Document security training (who, what, when, etc.) in the system knowledge
2.1.8 Knowledge of Security Subsystem
As previously stated the knowledge gained from preparing the security subsystem is
to be stored within the system knowledge database. This knowledge can potentially
be referenced by system analysts working on the current system, as well as future
systems. While some systems may remain relatively static for long periods of time,
they are all, to some degree, dynamic. We therefore do not suggest that the
knowledge database be your only source of information. Instead, it is to be
considered a composite of knowledge regarding data, risk assessments, policies,
legislation, training practices, and system architecture and integration over a given
period of time.
2.2 Privacy Subsystem
The primary goal of privacy is to ensure the proper handling of personal information,
such as one’s finances or health status. Organizations can better build trust and
customer loyalty if they can show the customers that their personal information is
being protected. As with security, total privacy simply cannot be attained unless one
lives in total isolation. The primary focus of the privacy subsystem (Figure 1) is to
attain an acceptable level of stakeholder privacy. This should ensure that the
organization in return merits the level of trust required to conduct its day to day
operations with the stakeholder community. In order to provide the appropriate
balance between efficiency, effectiveness, security, and privacy of a system, the
following components should be addressed:
2.2.1 Privacy Risk Analysis
Potential risks to privacy of the individual and/or organization could arise with the
introduction of a new system. Care should be taken in regard to the type of data
related to the organization and its stakeholders, and how it is collected, stored, and
disseminated. Designers must also consider how manipulation of this data might
impact stakeholder perceptions of privacy protection. There appears to be a growing
mistrust of consumers toward how organizations protect their personal information.
Results in a recent survey showed that consumer confidence in how well businesses
handled their personal information dropped from 65% in 1999 to 42% in 2003 [8] .
The steps in privacy risk analysis are the same as those in security risk analysis.
However, the focus is on privacy, rather than risk. Those steps include the following:
Identify privacy threats and vulnerabilities
Evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative impact
Calculate relative risk factors
Design cost-effective controls for those threats and vulnerabilities with the
greatest relative risk
Document results of the privacy risk analysis in the system knowledge
The analysts and designers should also make note of the following do’s and don’ts
in an effort to improve the overall system, as well as improve stakeholder trust:
Provide a means for stakeholders to determine what information is collected
about them, and how it is used
Provide a means for individuals to correct erroneous information about
Provide a means for individuals to opt in or out of the information collection,
processing, or dissemination processes
Obtain stakeholder consent before disseminating personal data with other
Do not share personal data with untrusted partners
Assure the handling of personal data satisfies privacy legislation and abides
by the organization’s privacy policies
Review and/or update privacy policies
Document results of the privacy risk analysis in the system knowledge
2.2.2 Data Evaluation
Systems that maintain, use, or disseminate individually identifiable information
should be designed in a manner to assure confidentiality, integrity, availability, and
non-repudiation of the data. The old adage of “garbage in, garbage out” still applies.
Data must be obtained from reliable sources, utilizing reliable data collection
methods. Control mechanisms also need to be in place to protect against accidental or
unauthorized data manipulation. Analysts and/or designers will evaluate the same data
characteristics as described in the security subsystem, but their focus will be on data
privacy, rather than data security:
Determine the type of each data element within the proposed system –
static, dynamic, or derived
Determine how each data element is to be manipulated – create, store,
access, process, transmit, print, and archive
Classify the data according access type -Public, Internal, Confidential,
Ensure proper protection and treatment of all personally identifiable data.
Classify according to risk, value, ownership, and flow within the proposed
system [4]
Establish an audit trail
Restrict information flow, when possible, when the risk of privacy loss is
Document the data evaluation in the system knowledge database
2.2.3 Privacy Policies
There is increasing privacy concern of internetworked systems. We have experienced
an exponential rise in invasive software employed by third parties to collect user
keystrokes and track their movement throughout the Internet [2]. While many
marketers view this as a legitimate way of conducting business, most consumers
consider this a violation of their privacy. Analysts and designers must be aware of
these potential privacy invasions and take steps to mitigate them. Additionally, the
designer must review the organization’s privacy policies and design the system
Ensure the existence of a privacy policy that includes clear delineation and
agreement with expectation of privacy “rights”
and Regulation
Figure 1: Security and Privacy Subsystems
Determine ownership and responsibility for the policy
Review the privacy risk analysis to determine its impact on stakeholders
Review and modify existing privacy policies, procedures, and documentation
based on results of the privacy risk analysis
Receive stakeholder approval, where appropriate, of new and/or updated
policies, procedures, and documentation,
Distribute the revised policies to the appropriate personnel and stakeholders
Assure that third parties are aware of the privacy policies pertaining to the
proposed system
Document privacy policy changes in the system knowledge database.
2.2.4 Privacy Legislation and Regulation
As with security issues, system designers must be aware of changes in the legal
environment that may impact how privacy issues should be considered when
designing systems. Customers are becoming increasingly concerned about the data
collected about them and how this data is disseminated. The EU is far advanced in
preserving the privacy of the individual, while the United States is just beginning to
address this issue. Regulations such as HIPAA and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
(protection of financial data) are helping to close the gap between the United States
and the EU in this regard [5]. Again, we propose that a team approach be used to
monitor the activities of the following bodies in order to deal with the many facets of
this problem. The members should come from the security, privacy, audit, legal,
management, IS/IT and HRM areas, as well as any other functional area, based on the
impacted system.
Review government agencies (Local and Foreign) for changes in privacy
Review industry regulatory groups for proposed changes in privacy practices
and legislation
Review international standards groups, such as the ISO, to assure
compliance with the most current and proposed guidelines
Ensure compliance with regulations by reviewing procedures for conducting
privacy audits, reporting sensitive data, and handling breaches in privacy
Determine the data to be protected – where is it? Who controls it? How is it
Determine the consequences of breaches in privacy – how was it breached?
How, and to whom, should the breach be reported? How can we prevent this
occurring again?
Revise privacy policies if deemed necessary
Document changes in the system knowledge database
2.2.5 Privacy Architecture
The privacy architecture attempts to address privacy concerns as they arise and find
ways to introduce privacy-enhancing components into the system architecture. At a
recent Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) workshop, the participants concluded
that PETs should 1) provide the highest degree of anonymity possible, 2) minimize
the amount of data collected about an individual, 3) focus on systems and
infrastructures as well as tools, and 4) be designed within a system, rather than added
at a later date [3]. Steps include the following:
Determine privacy requirements
Formulate potential solutions to the requirements
Select the best solution, based upon needs of your organization and the data
Integrate the solution with the system design criteria
Document changes to the privacy architecture in the system knowledge
The designer must ensure that the technologies being incorporated into the system
do not violate the existing internal and external privacy policies. All too often,
designers either assume that stakeholder privacy is not compromised, or simply are
not aware of its importance. One should pay particular attention to such technologies
and procedures as web server log files, cookies, known software bugs and patches,
and sophisticated data mining algorithms.
2.2.6 System Privacy Integration
We define System Privacy Integration as the ability to seamlessly share data and
resources across a variety of systems and platforms while concurrently protecting
stakeholder and corporate privacy.
It is important that organizations routinely monitor and/or evaluate their privacy
practices, as well as those of their business partners. The following must be
Review integration of other systems and platforms within the organization
Review integration with other systems and platforms external to the
Review potential privacy risks
Revise privacy policies as deemed necessary
Revise privacy architecture as deemed necessary
Document changes in the system knowledge database
2.2.7 Privacy Training
Individuals must understand how to protect the privacy of data. They must also
understand the consequences of what could happen when privacy has been breached.
Individuals that interact with the proposed system must be aware of all pertinent
privacy policies and be expected to abide by them. The need for privacy awareness
training must be ongoing and should include all levels of the organization, as well as
partners with whom the system information will be shared. The same factors
considered for security should be considered for privacy.
Provide privacy-based training to those individuals responsible for creating,
storing, accessing, transmitting, printing, and/or archiving sensitive personal
Customize the privacy awareness training, incorporating appropriate
regulations, policies, and procedures
Document privacy training (who, what, when, etc.) in the system knowledge
2.2.7 Knowledge of Privacy Subsystem
Please note that the system knowledge database may contain a lot of data pertaining
to stakeholder privacy and organizational business practices. Therefore, it should be
well protected from potential misuse. Only those with the need to know should be
provided access to the knowledge database.
3 System Integration/Optimization
One must bear in mind that the privacy, security, and business process subsystems
must be fully integrated (Fig. 2). This is a highly iterative process. A change in any
of the components in any of the given subsystems requires review of all other
components within the system in order to assure efficiency, security, and privacy of
the system as a whole. This need for system integration further highlights the
necessity of having an updated system knowledge database.
System design knowledge has traditionally been managed via system design
documents and configuration management (CM) systems and processes. Such
mechanisms, however, seldom document information protection objectives and
matrix subsystem design components to those objectives. Traditional configuration
management mechanisms primarily serve as inventory management aids, as well as
organizational tools in software development environments.
Conversely, the systems knowledge database is intended to be a decision support
tool. It helps analysts and developers who have different and sometimes
contradictory information protection goals to make sound subsystem design decisions
by considering the overarching information protection goals and the impact of
changes on other subsystems.
A systems design knowledge database should store security and privacy objectives;
results of the risk analysis, including asset identification and valuation, threats and
vulnerabilities, and risk management decisions; and resultant subsystem design
components implemented. Each design component should be mapped to a set of
technical capabilities, as well as the overarching information protection goal(s)
addressed by each component. This will facilitate better decision making in later
design reviews. When new components are being proposed and legacy components
are being considered for removal from the system design, the system knowledge
database can be polled and assist in providing detailed information regarding the
impact of such system design additions and deletions.
While optimizing the subsystems, the analysts and designers may note conflicts
among the subsystems. Complying with one set of regulations or demands may result
in the unintentional violation of others. Some conflicts can be addressed without
negatively impacting system efficiency, security, and/or privacy, while others may
not. As a result, trade-off decisions must be made, and one or more of the
subsystems may have to be sub-optimized. Which is more important – security,
privacy, or efficiency of the business process? There is no easy answer as to this
question. We must be able to efficiently and securely collect, process, and store data
while protecting the privacy rights of an identifiable entity. This dilemma is further
compounded when one considers where this data is located, and where it may be
disseminated. If it crosses national borders, the privacy and security concerns and
regulations of each of the involved countries must be addressed.
Given a choice, most organizations would probably prefer to compromise the
privacy subsystem. Why? Privacy generally impacts its stakeholders, rather than the
organization itself; increased privacy controls can, and often do, impact system
efficiency; and it is costly and time-consuming to protect stakeholder privacy.
the organization runs the risk of losing stakeholder trust, which could have a very
strong negative impact on the viability of the firm.
Although there is no easy answer to this question, we suggest the following:
Consider the stakeholders and their level of involvement in the given system
Identify stakeholder data which has security and/or privacy characteristics (i.e.
patient medical records)
Identify locations internal and external to the organization in which this data
could be disseminated
Perform security and privacy risk analyses
Evaluate current regulations, policies, and best practices as they relate to the
co-located data
Categorize security, privacy, and business risks
Address the risks in each category which can be mitigated in a costly manner
Continually monitor the system throughout the life cycle for changes in
security, privacy, and business process
Figure 2: Fully Integrated System
4 Conclusions
As shown in Figure 1, while the components of the security and privacy subsystems
are identical, the focus on these components is quite different. While we can never
achieve maximum system efficiency within a totally secure and private environment,
we can attempt to improve each of these subsystems by addressing them from the
onset of system design.
This should lead to a functional system that has taken into consideration the
Concerns for security and privacy should not be considered a necessary evil; instead,
they should be incorporated within the organizational culture, and viewed as
arequirement for maintaining viability of the organization
Although security and privacy breaches are
inevitable, we must strive to reduce them and mitigate consequences of those
that occur
One’s employees remain the greatest security risk. Most security violations
are unintententional, while others are the result of disgruntled employees.
Therefore, organizations should assure their employees are well trained and
satisfied with their jobs.
Security is everyone’s responsibility – from the CEO to the first line employee
The optimal level of security for an organization should be based upon the
evaluation of the costs related to obtaining an acceptable risk level
The major tradeoffs between cost, flexibility, and ease of use should be
considered when designing the overall system.
Security and privacy are shared responsibilities. By integrating these susbystems
with the business process during the early stages of system design, and by following
the basic guidelines, the resulting system should be far more secure, effective, and
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