Victor Santos
ISCAC, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Bencanta Quinta Agrícola, 3040 – 280, Coimbra, Portugal
LGE / LCT, University of Coimbra, Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos 3030 - 290 Coimbra, Portugal
Edmundo Monteiro
LCT, DEI, University of Coimbra
Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos 3030 - 290 Coimbra, Portugal
António Gomes Martins
LGE, DEEC, University of Coimbra
Pólo II - Pinhal de Marrocos 3030 - 290 Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Business to Business, Business to Client.
Abstract: In the last decade the electric energy market as changed is structure in several countries, mainly in the most
developed, ones where the regulated activity of electrical companies where a monopoly or an oligopoly of
all sectors from generation to the distribution. Changes brought new structures and new markets. The first
market is between the generation plants and the wholesalers. The second market takes pace in the wholesale
market where the retailers acquire the electricity that will sell to their clients the third market. To support
this new reality advanced information systems are needed. This paper addresses the use of e-Commerce
systems to support the electricity markets. The main requirements of the technological structure for an
electricity retail company in a deregulated electricity market are identified and evaluated. The purposed
solution is based on a B2B (Business–to–Business) structure to deal with the relations between the retailer
and the wholesale side, and a B2C (Business–to–Client) dealing with the relation between the retailer and its
clients that could be in the industrial, commercial, social or even domestic sectors.
The small profit margin, the associated risk, and the
price spikes at the power exchange markets are the
ingredients that electricity retail companies have to
deal with on a daily basis. Retailers are the agents
dealing with the bottom part of the electricity value
chain, the clients / electricity consumers, who are the
ultimate source of income of the rest of the chain.
The electricity retailers have mainly three types
of clients, industrial, commercial and domestic, all
of them with different needs in quantity, capacity
and quality of service. Understanding each client's
needs and characteristics of consumption is crucial
for the retailer to forecast its power and energy
purchase requirements. An adequate technological
support is fundamental to take timely decisions.
The competition retailers have to cope with
force them to judiciously decide on the best way of
purchasing energy and power and, at the same time,
to diversify their supply portfolio of options to
clients, namely by offering other energy products as
gas and petrol, by providing several associated
services as energy management, remote or on site
energy audits, or even by selling energy efficient
This paper addresses the use of e-Commerce
systems to support the electricity markets. The main
requirements of the technological structure for an
electricity retail company in a deregulated electricity
market are identified and evaluated. The purposed
solution is based on a B2B (Business–to–Business)
Santos V., Monteiro E. and Gomes Martins A. (2004).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on E-Business and Telecommunication Networks, pages 300-305
DOI: 10.5220/0001394203000305
structure to deal with the relations between the
retailer and the wholesale side, and a B2C
(Business–to–Client) dealing with the relation
between the retailer and its clients that could be in
the industrial, commercial, social or even domestic
The rest of the paper is structures as follows.
Section 2 discusses the requirements of the e-
Business model for the electricity retailer. Section 3
discusses the technological requirements. Section 4
discusses existing standardization activities and
compatibility issues. Finally, Section 5, presents
some conclusions and directions for future work.
This section discusses the requirements of the e-
Business model for the electricity retailer. The
requirement analysis is divided in B2B requirements
and B2C requirements according to the model
presented in Figure 1.
In the B2B part the interactions between the
retailers and the wholesale electricity market are
discussed. These include the relation with the Power
Exchange Market regulated by the Independent
Systems Operator (ISO).
In the B2C side the interactions involve the
retailer and the final clients, either domestic
commercial or industrial.
2.1 B2B Requirements
The B2B requirements are of two kind,
technological and business requirements. The
technological structure to develop has constraints of
different kind: time, reliability and security of both
sides of the business are retailer’s main concern.
At B2B side retailers have two main goals, buy
energy at the lowest price they can get and to ensure
the supply of the needed amount of energy each day
to their clients. In a deregulated market retailers
have several ways to buy electrical energy. At a
power exchange where there are several schedules
and regulations to use the electrical structure known
as the transmission and the distribution and
establishing contracts with the wholesalers.
Electricity as a commodity is ideal to online
trading because it is traded independent of his brand,
the information needed to sell it to the final user
could be easily managed online, and the speed of the
transaction is without question faster than a usual
trade. Nevertheless this type of transaction involves
participating in a centralized electronic marketplace
with different types of structures, where online
transactions represent faster and cheaper
Figure 1: Electricity Retailer a two side business with time constraints
Independent System Operator
Re taile rs
Real time
Electricity Contracts
Wholesale Market
Automatic or
User controled
Figure 2: Main connections on the B2B side
The main difference from other commodities is that
electricity could not be stored, only small amounts
are possible or in an indirect way by controlling a
hydro storage plant, possibilities that do not permit
to make an increase of supply immediately. This
particular issue demands that retailers have to know
in advance the value that insures their compromises
with their costumers. And to acquire a superior value
that represents the margin that we never know when
it will be needed. With an e-business system
structure represented at Figure 1 is possible to adjust
the inputs reflecting the demand on the B2C side, in
real time and with quantities of adjustment that
never would be possible without an e-business
Retailers have a short margins of profit, around
2 to 3%, which means that a small change of price at
the B2B side will represent an adjust on time at the
B2C price. Hence delays could represent a severe
lost to economic healthy of a retailer.
There are three types of market structures that
can be adopted by the countries or states where
electricity deregulation is implemented. They are
Poolco, Bilateral Exchange and Power Exchange. In
Poolco there is only one buyer, a governmental
agency that sells to everyone, the Poolco operator
also runs the power system. The second type of
market is the Bilateral Exchange where individual
buyers and sellers make their deals privately.
However they might be forced to reveal part of their
agreements, because the Independent System
Operator must know and build the power schedules
based on that type of transactions. The third type is
the Power Exchange market where there is a
marketplace where buyers and sellers make their
bids and the independent system operator coordinate
the marketplace and the power system. These three
types of market structures are not mutually
exclusive, as it has been said above and it is possible
to have some common characteristics of them in a
market, depending of the structure adopted by the
region, country or state (Philipson, 1999).
Besides the above, there are multiple ways
retailers can buy electricity. To characterise these
transactions some parameters must be known. Price
and quantity are defined in some markets, where
others only define capacity, independent from the
price (United Kingdom). Besides the electrical
structure is de-regulated there is always a market
operator (deals with the economic structure) that can
also be the system operator (physical structure).
Also we can find different types of operators, some
more centralised others, more liberal. The market
operator known also as the Independent System
Operator - ISO (Rahimi, 2001), runs the electrical
transmission network, that usually belongs to a
regulated or state entity, that is independent from
any business intervenient. ISO also ensures that
buyers at the Power Exchange have the best price
usually obtained at a reverse auction where sellers
state their prices.
To retailers, electricity could be bought at
different periods of time, from an hour to a few
months, depending of the market design. The most
common is the day-ahead market to dispatch before
the operation day, next may be a long period market
preceded by an hour-ahead market. Besides the
electricity marketplace there is another way for
retailers to buy electricity, making several types of
contracts that could have public and financial
representation at the marketplace. The structure is
identical to a common financial market with
financial products, where there are several types of
contracts which goal is to minimize the risk. There
are also bilateral contracts between sellers and
buyers negotiated outside the market, although same
parameters necessary to be revealed to the ISO. This
way congestion avoidance is granted to all the
electrical structure, meaning to system retail that it
could be possible to have some contracts that are
ISO dependent. Retailers supply about 80% of their
needs with contracts of a few to six months, and buy
the rest at the electricity marketplace.
Figure 2 depicts all the significant entries to the
B2B. Next we will analyse the B2C outputs and the
requirements that could be improved by different e-
business models. An online structure for both sides
(B2B and B2C) is a must to the retail system.
There are basically three types of online
transactions: bilateral, market make exchange and
the multilateral exchange. The first one involve two
entities that which to make a trade The second one
market make exchange, basically is a market where
several buyers made bids to get a product, in this
case the transaction only occurs when the seller
agrees with the price offered. The multilateral
exchange several buyers and sellers trade at a market
where they are anonymous and in a neutral place.
This is the ideal platform for a power exchange
where retailers are buyers and wholesale or
generators are sellers.
2.2 B2C Requirements
After bought the electricity how is built the price for
retailers costumers? Basically we have four
elements, the network price (transmission and
distribution use-of-system charges), electricity
losses, market fees (including ancillary service fees)
and retail gross margin (profit plus remaining retail
costs). To better explain the strategy for the B2C
side some questions must be answered.
What are retailers needed for? For generators
and wholesale power entities retailers represents the
costumers will. For industrial, commercial, small
business and residential clients retailers provide the
different needs in quantity, capacity and price.
Additionally, retailers provide complementary
products (energy efficient products, financial
products), services like energy management
consultant and energy procurement (warnings,
energy saving programs, industrial and commercial
electricity projects).
How can retailers improve the services they
offer? Besides the services mentioned above new
value-added products like green power (solar, wave
and wind energy), bundle products like gas, water,
telephone and internet services. New services that
could change entirely the way this business is made.
An e-Business system is a better system then the
traditional? An e-Business structure is the right one
from perspectives, retailer and clients. Marketing
and billing savings, customization of services is now
possible. A fundamental point is to massively
implement remote metering, creating incentives for
clients who acquire smart meters, which will be the
master piece to complete the all structure of an e-
business retailer system. Smart meters will represent
the better end from generation to the final consumer,
passing wholesale market, the retailers and reflecting
at the end the market variations.
Indus trial
Com er cial
Dom e s t ic
Clie nts
Re taile rs
Se rv ic es , energy ma nagement, e-pr ocuremen t
Bundle products, gas, telephone, internet
Energy efficient products
Electronic billing
Client customization
Quantities, Capacity, Quality, Services demand
Remote meter ing
Figure 3: Main connections on the B2C side
Nowadays using internet over the power line
will permit real time prices, real time algorithms
important instruments to build and treat historical
data from retailer’s client’s profile, without
additional costs, once it is possible to read, send and
process data at retailer centre all over power line.
With this structure retailers could say to his client
not only how much electricity they consume, but
when and what cost will pay with time constraints.
Figure 3 summarizes the connections between
retailers and their clients.
Both sides of the e-Business electricity retail
structure require different technological supports for
implementing a reliable, interactive and secure
system. The connections between the B2B and the
B2C sides are quite important to timely decisions,
requiring fast answers to external changes of the
markets and/or the client’s needs. At the B2B side
there are three types of connections, first between
the retail system and the marketplace, a second
connection must exist in a parallel way to the
independent system operator (the entity that operates
the financial and physical structure). This connection
is crucial and must function as a permanent line
since all limitations, and problems of the physical
structure are anticipated by a direct ISO connection.
Third a web site must exist for bilateral contracts are
establish between retailers and wholesale electricity
sellers. This site will enable bilateral online
transactions in private, automatic or by means of
human intervention.
At the B2C side retailers could develop several
types of services but technological requirements will
depend first of the client connection or induced
connection that could be sold as a service bundle
with other products among electricity. Nowadays
Internet over power lines is a reality and this
technology put retailers services at domestic client’s
home. Remote real time electricity connections
make several services like energy management and
e-procurement possible to commercial and industrial
costumers. Retail connections to large clients like
industries, commercial, social and state buildings are
important if they could be permanent, for timely
decisions. Data communications over power line
with Internet connection have a physical medium
well known to retailers. Besides Internet services
associated, this connection will permit a better client
support to electrical client facility, opening the door
to remote services, like energy audits, energy
management services, electronic billing.
Several efforts have been made to allow the
definition of new standards already established for
different areas of energy management information
systems, also the creation of open communication
architectures trying to join different communication
needs of the distribution system (CEIDS DER/ADA
Project Plan, 2003), or also the standardisation of
consumer appliances and equipment in an advanced
communication networks could improve the
transformation of the energy system (Bosquet,
One important characteristics of a retailer e-
business structure is the need to manage the same
information but in different contexts. This means
that the same information used as a market
information data, can also be important to retailer
costumer or even to other different entities of the
deregulated electricity system like the ISO, the
wholesalers or at the head of the process to the
generators. As an example we could thought that the
amount of electricity that has been negotiated
between a retailer and his costumer will be billed
depending of the day ahead electricity value paid by
the retailer at the wholesale market, which is
influence by supply demand market balance. In the
end the Energy Management System of the retailer
client, or his smart metering system could also
respond (load management) to the increase/decrease
of electricity price. The faster the information
spreads the faster the reaction of all the players, all
depending of the communication system. If this
communication structure could have a common
message structure will improve system behaviour to
all kind of situations. Nowadays we have a high
number of standards all of them context depending,
meaning that we have several areas where the same
information is classified in the context of the
standard where it is applied. Areas like Residential,
Commercial, Buildings, IT, Telecommunications,
Market, Trading, Business, Industry, Systems,
Control, and Energy, Electric Generation,
Transmission & Distribution do have common
information at the deregulated electric system. The
creation of common standard or a common
communication e-business architecture is the
research main problem to the ubiquity of electricity
information in its system.
E-Business structures are fundamental to improve
transparency price policy with the benefits that it
represents to all. The electricity production chain
can reduce costs if costumers are inducing to a better
energy use all over the world. Smart meters have an
important roll in the e-business retail structure
because permits real time lecture, in a short time
periods, representing fundamental information for
historical data client profile implementation, and
future forecast consumes. Internet over power lines
made possible cost reduction for the e-Business
retailer structure since it don’t need an external
physical structure for data communications. E-
Business is the natural structure for electricity
retailers definitely.
Several benefits of the e-Business retail system
where presented. In the retail company infrastructure
costs are reduced, common software represents less
costs and a better adaptation and easy training to the
e-business system. Most of the times the hardware
used could be reused. Better adaptation to clients
needs means customization due to online services. In
competition with other companies, where time-to-
market improvement meaning a cost-effective
market entry in B2B and B2C sides. Improve
customer service and a faster costumer response,
increase revenue due to sales and marketing
efficiencies based on a B2C structure. Finally brand
dissemination has here a fundamental tool.
The definition of a common communication e-
business standard could eliminate information
redundancy at standard definition, widen application
areas, reduce information misunderstanding, and
optimise information distribution among all
deregulated electric system. For sure a research
subject for future developments.
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