Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Jonathan Lejeune 1 ; Frederico Alvares 2 and Thomas Ledoux 2

Affiliations: 1 Sorbonne Universités-Inria-CNRS, France ; 2 IMT Atlantique, France

Keyword(s): Cloud Computing, Cloud Modeling, Cloud Self-management, Constraint Programming, XaaS.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Cloud Computing ; Cloud Computing Enabling Technology ; Xaas

Abstract: Autonomic Computing has recently contributed to the development of self-manageable Cloud services. It provides means to free Cloud administrators of the burden of manually managing varying-demand services while enforcing Service Level Agreements (SLAs). However, designing Autonomic Managers (AMs) that take into account services’ runtime properties so as to provide SLA guarantees without the proper tooling support may quickly become a non-trivial, fastidious and error-prone task as systems size grows. In fact, in order to achieve well-tuned AMs, administrators need to take into consideration the specificities of each managed service as well as its dependencies on underlying services (e.g., a Sofware-as-a-Service that depends on a Platform/Infrastructure-as-a-Service). We advocate that Cloud services, regardless of the layer, may share the same consumer/provider-based abstract model. From that model we can derive a unique and generic AM that can be used to manage any XaaS service defin ed with that model. This paper proposes such an abstract (although extensible) model along with a generic constraint-based AM that reasons on abstract concepts, service dependencies as well as SLA constraints in order to find the optimal configuration for the modeled XaaS. The genericity of our approach are showed and discussed through two motivating examples and a qualitative experiment has been carried out in order to show the approache’s applicability as well as to point out and discuss its limitations. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Lejeune, J., Alvares, F. and Ledoux, T. (2017). Towards a Generic Autonomic Model to Manage Cloud Services. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER; ISBN 978-989-758-243-1; ISSN 2184-5042, SciTePress, pages 175-186. DOI: 10.5220/0006302801750186

author={Jonathan Lejeune and Frederico Alvares and Thomas Ledoux},
title={Towards a Generic Autonomic Model to Manage Cloud Services},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER},


JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - CLOSER
TI - Towards a Generic Autonomic Model to Manage Cloud Services
SN - 978-989-758-243-1
IS - 2184-5042
AU - Lejeune, J.
AU - Alvares, F.
AU - Ledoux, T.
PY - 2017
SP - 175
EP - 186
DO - 10.5220/0006302801750186
PB - SciTePress