Maksym Bilousenko
Serhii Shcherbyna
Vasyl Popovych
Yana Popovych
Anna Brutman
Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, 64, Zhukovsky st., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine
Personality, Social Tension, COVID-19 Pandemic, Quarantine, Social Isolation, Psychological Well-Being, Social Work, Social Services.
The article highlights the features of the social tension manifestation in society in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the priority areas of social work (the example of the Zaporizhzhia region). It is determined what is characterized by such manifestations as: the growth of the social fears’ intensity and the emergence of new ones; depression of the population; alcoholization and drug addiction of the population; increase in crime; strengthening of protest moods; social and psychological maladjustment, a factor of which today is the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine measures. The negative consequences of the pandemic and quarantine impact of a socio-economic (unemployment, financial difficulties, a drop in production, etc.) and a socio-psychological nature (negative psychological and emotional states, an increase in addictive and suicidal behavior, sensory and psychological deprivation, etc.) are highlighted. Among the public spheres that are negatively affected by the situati
on with the pandemic, the following are identified: the sphere of interaction between the state and society, the socio-economic sphere, the sphere of medical care, the educational sphere, the psychological state and interpersonal relations. The priority areas of social work in the context of a pandemic and quarantine measures related to the provision of social services in a distance (electronic) form, employment services, psychological services, and distance learning services are highlighted.