Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Marcirio Silveira Chaves 1 and Winnie Picoto 2

Affiliations: 1 Universidade Atlântica, Portugal ; 2 Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão – ISEG, Portugal

Keyword(s): Model-Driven Engineering, Metamodel, UML, Online Reviews.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: MetaModeling ; Models ; Paradigm Trends ; Software Engineering

Abstract: User-Generated Content (UGC) such as online reviews are freely available in the web. This kind of data has been used to support clients’ and managerial decision making in several industries, e.g. books, tourism or hospitality. However, the challenge is how to represent this information in a structured way in order to leverage on the information provided by the use of Web 2.0 applications. To deal with this challenge, models and metamodels have been used to support a set of concrete applications in several sub-domains into Computer Science and Information Systems body of knowledge (Karagiannis and Höfferer, 2006). This paper focuses on the model-driven engineering and introduces a new multidomain and multilingual conceptual data model to represent UGC. This model is based on a characterization of online reviews and aims to capture all the facets of these reviews. The characterization of the reviews’ sentences extends previous models (such as Martin and White, 2007; Ding et al., 2008; Liu, 2010). Applications build on the model proposed in this paper may allow in-depth analysis of the fine-grained and disperse knowledge existent in the UGC. Furthermore, as this model is domain-independent it can be used to represent multiple types of reviews. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Silveira Chaves, M. and Picoto, W. (2012). A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends - ICSOFT; ISBN 978-989-8565-19-8; ISSN 2184-2833, SciTePress, pages 14-23. DOI: 10.5220/0004021800140023

author={Marcirio {Silveira Chaves} and Winnie Picoto},
title={A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends - ICSOFT},


JO - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends - ICSOFT
TI - A Multidomain and Multilingual Conceptual Data Model for Online Reviews Representation
SN - 978-989-8565-19-8
IS - 2184-2833
AU - Silveira Chaves, M.
AU - Picoto, W.
PY - 2012
SP - 14
EP - 23
DO - 10.5220/0004021800140023
PB - SciTePress