Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Lieven Billiet 1 ; Borbála Hunyadi 1 ; Vladimir Matic 1 ; Sabine Van Huffel 1 ; Michel Verleysen 2 and Maarten De Vos 3

Affiliations: 1 KU Leuven and iMinds, Belgium ; 2 Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium ; 3 Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany

Keyword(s): Single-trial ERP BCI, Mobile BCI, Tensors, Subspaces.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Applications and Services ; Artificial Intelligence ; Biomedical Engineering ; Biomedical Signal Processing ; Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics ; Data Manipulation ; Detection and Identification ; Health Engineering and Technology Applications ; Human-Computer Interaction ; Medical Image Detection, Acquisition, Analysis and Processing ; Methodologies and Methods ; Neurocomputing ; Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics ; Pattern Recognition ; Physiological Computing Systems ; Sensor Networks ; Soft Computing

Abstract: Subspace methods have been applied in various application fields to obtain robust results. Using multilinear algebra, they can also be applied on structured tensorial data. This work combines this principle with the power of non-linear kernels to investigate its merits in single trial classification for a mobile BCI ERP classification task. The accuracy difference with regard to more conventional vector kernels is evaluated for sitting and walking condition, increasing training data set and averaging over multiple trials. The study concludes that in general, the tensorial approach does not yield any advantage, though it might for specific subjects.


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Paper citation in several formats:
Billiet, L., Hunyadi, B., Matic, V., Van Huffel, S., Verleysen, M. and De Vos, M. (2015). Single Trial Classification for Mobile BCI - A Multiway Kernel Approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSTEC 2015) - BIOSIGNALS; ISBN 978-989-758-069-7; ISSN 2184-4305, SciTePress, pages 5-11. DOI: 10.5220/0005163000050011

author={Lieven Billiet and Borbála Hunyadi and Vladimir Matic and Sabine {Van Huffel} and Michel Verleysen and Maarten {De Vos}},
title={Single Trial Classification for Mobile BCI - A Multiway Kernel Approach},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSTEC 2015) - BIOSIGNALS},


JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSTEC 2015) - BIOSIGNALS
TI - Single Trial Classification for Mobile BCI - A Multiway Kernel Approach
SN - 978-989-758-069-7
IS - 2184-4305
AU - Billiet, L.
AU - Hunyadi, B.
AU - Matic, V.
AU - Van Huffel, S.
AU - Verleysen, M.
AU - De Vos, M.
PY - 2015
SP - 5
EP - 11
DO - 10.5220/0005163000050011
PB - SciTePress