Menur Wahyu Pangestika
Zalilah Aziz
Razulaimi Razali
College of Computing Informatics and Media, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Blood Management, Optimization Algorithm, Blood Transportation.
Blood is an important element that benefits every human being and is the most valuable resource in any health institutions. Blood transfusion service to patients is one of the health efforts for disease healing and health recovery which urgently requires the availability of blood and blood components. These blood components need to be sufficient, safe, easily accessible, and affordable by the community. Blood management is a series of activities that involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the provision of blood at the blood centre. The activities started from donating the blood, securing and processing the blood components, storing and distributing of blood to hospitals that requires the blood. In this paper, 45 articles published from 1973-2021 that discussed the problems that exist in the problem of blood management were reviewed. Optimization algorithms related to solving the blood problems were also observed. Discussion on other related topics such as blood
organization, blood transportation, and factors for clinical blood loss were also included.