Cristian Paez
Oscar Avila
Dario Correal
Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, School of Engineering, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota and Colombia
Cloud Computing, Cloud Customization, Personalized Services, Configurable Services, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS.
Cloud Technology
Enterprise Information Systems
Technology Platforms
Cloud computing is becoming an important tool that is offering multiple opportunities to organizations. However, cloud providers can not always offer personalized services that fully match customers’ needs. This occurs for several reasons, the most important is the level of investment required to design and operate personalized services considering the great number of customers and the diversity of their needs. In this context, this work presents a literature review to identify what are the main contributions made in the research literature to carry out such assessment. This review is made by defining three context and five customization research questions, making an analysis of each one of them in a filtered set of customization papers and finding families or categories that can answer the research questions proposed. The objective is to provide an overview of this research area and help researchers to develop new contributions for cloud service customization.