Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Realizing the Right to
Education: Sustainable Development Trends and Potential Risks
Maria A. Lipchanskaya
and Tatiana N. Balashova
State University of Management, 99 Ryazansky Prospekt, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms, The Right to Education, Information and Digital Reality, Artificial
Intelligence, Sustainable Education, Educational Standards of the Future.
Abstract: In the Russian legal doctrine, attempts to systematically approach the regulation of artificial intelligence
technologies have not been made for a long time. The long absence of fundamental research on this issue is
due, among other things, to the novelty of social relations. At the same time, the need for a balance in the
legal regulation and development of digitalization, artificial intelligence and the preservation of generally
recognized constitutional values is of particular importance. Technologies and systems of artificial
intelligence are purposefully introduced into all spheres of society and the state, their influence is becoming
more noticeable and tangible in the implementation of human rights, including basic social rights guaranteed
by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The systems of health care, education, social assistance and
support are currently integrating the achievements of information technology and digitalization, striving to
ensure a barrier-free environment and high-quality implementation of human rights in the social sphere. The
article is devoted to the study of the problems of using artificial intelligence technologies in the
implementation of the right to education in the context of information and digital reality. The study pays
considerable attention to the problems of risks that citizens face when exercising their right to education, due
to the new digital reality and the use of artificial intelligence technologies. The work was carried out in
accordance with the principles of the systemic approach, dialectical interdependence, behaviorism, and
political hermeneutics. To solve the problem posed in the study, a complex of such mutually complementary
scientific methods as the systemic and socio-cultural analysis was used; structural and functional method;
analysis of documents and sources; interdisciplinary analysis.
The large-scale plans of the Russian state for the
introduction and use of digital technologies and
artificial intelligence systems in all spheres of
society's life objectively actualize the need for
understanding, scientific substantiation, and adequate
legal regulation of these processes. For a long time,
there have been discussions among legal scholars
about assigning the legal status of "electronic
persons" to robots (Yastrebov, 2017), about
recognizing them as a full-fledged cyber subject of
society, about the possibility of granting legal
personality to virtual persons (Polich, 2018), about
endowing one or another system with the status of a
subject of law (Gabov, 2018), on the recognition of
the AI system as a subject of copyright and patent
rights (Morkhat, 2018), the use of AI in justice
(Afanas'yev, 2020), in the implementation of social
human rights is discussed (Lipchanskaya and
Zametina, 2020).
In the domestic legal doctrine, attempts to
systematically approach the regulation of artificial
intelligence technologies have not been undertaken
for a long time. The long absence of fundamental
research on this issue is due, among other things, to
the novelty of social relations. Currently, there are
publications devoted to the problems of conceptual
understanding of the regulatory problems of artificial
intelligence, where it is rightly noted that “the tactics
of regulatory promotion ... do not raise objections,
provided that the changes will be complex,
Lipchanskaya, M. and Balashova, T.
Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Realizing the Right to Education: Sustainable Development Trends and Potential Risks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010597107570763
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 757-763
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interconnected, which is impossible without the
development of at least the most general principles
with an awareness of the dynamics of regulatory
efforts” (Gabov and Khavanova, 2018).
Of particular importance is the need for a balance
in legal regulation and the development of
digitalization, artificial intelligence and the
preservation of generally recognized constitutional
It is no coincidence that the strategic documents
of the Russian Federation, defining the main vector of
development of artificial intelligence technologies
and the tasks of their regulation, formulate not only
principles but also basic ethical norms, which
include: the priority of human well-being and
security, protection of their fundamental rights and
freedoms; a ban on causing harm to a person at the
initiative of artificial intelligence systems and
robotics; controllability to a person; prevention of
unlawful manipulation of human behavior.
In the last decade, futuristic ideas have been very
actively implemented into reality and provoke serious
challenges to the legal system of the Russian
Federation, the public administration system, and
society as a whole, since the development of artificial
intelligence technologies cannot be assessed
unambiguously, it is necessary to foresee,
scientifically substantiate and minimize the risks
associated with these processes.
The systems of health care, education, social
assistance and support are currently integrating the
achievements of information technology and
digitalization, striving to ensure a barrier-free
environment and high-quality implementation of
human rights in the social sphere. Of course, in the
conditions of the information society and the
introduction of artificial intelligence technologies,
there is a transformation not only of the
implementation of basic human rights but also a
change in their established content, new powers
appear or are supplemented by existing "digital"
specifics. This study focuses on the analysis of the
implementation of the constitutional right to
education in the context of information and digital
reality and the development of artificial intelligence
The methodological basis of the research was formed
by the dialectical materialist method, as well as the
most important general methodological principles
and methods of cognition of social reality. In order to
form the conceptual and methodological foundations
of the study, the analysis of the concept of artificial
intelligence is carried out.
The use of systemic and structural-functional
methods made it possible to consider the trends and
prospects for the implementation of the constitutional
right to education in the context of information and
digital reality and the use of artificial intelligence in
the educational process.
The work was carried out in accordance with the
principles of the systemic approach, dialectical
interdependence, behaviorism, and political
hermeneutics. The theoretical and methodological
basis of the study is the synthesis of the general theory
of security and modern theories of the analysis of
social phenomena.
3.1 Implementation of the
Constitutional Right to Education
in the Russian Federation in the
Context of Digital Reality and
Artificial Intelligence
Currently, there is no special legislative regulation in
the Russian Federation that takes into account the
specifics of the use of artificial intelligence
technologies in the field of education.
In this situation, a conceptual dilemma arises: is it
appropriate to advance legislative regulation of the
imperative use of artificial intelligence technologies
in the educational process or the gradual application
of modern information technologies should be
flexible depending on the economic, resource,
national, and other characteristics and capabilities of
the educational organization and other subjects of the
educational process?
It is worth noting that in the Concept for the
development of regulation of relations in the area of
artificial intelligence and robotics technologies until
2024, the first task is to create the foundations of legal
regulation of new social relations, which are formed
in connection with the use of artificial intelligence
systems and robotics, which are mainly stimulating in
nature. Based on this, we can conclude that the
Russian state is focused on creating legal regulators
of a “soft imperative” nature, which create conditions
and motivate subjects of legal relations to use
artificial intelligence technologies.
Determining in the Concept the priority sectoral
directions for regulating the use of artificial
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
intelligence, the education sector is unreasonably
ignored. The list of the main industry areas requiring
legal regulation of the implementation of artificial
intelligence systems includes the legislation of the
Russian Federation in the area of public health
protection; state and municipal administration; legal
regulation of artificial intelligence in the field of
transport, urban planning activities, including the
implementation of the concept of a "smart city" and
in the industrial field. This is a comprehensive list. It's
safe to assume at least two options for such a
situation. First, the Concept, adopted until 2024, does
not in fact imply the development of educational
legislation taking into account artificial intelligence
technologies in this area in the next few years.
Secondly, it is in the field of education that a flexible
step-by-step option for the introduction of artificial
intelligence is supposed to be applied at the discretion
of the educational organization itself, using a risk-
based approach based on assessing the size of
potential harm and the need to take measures to
minimize the corresponding risks.
Within the framework of this study, we do not aim
to conduct a detailed analysis of available
technologies and innovative artificial intelligence
systems currently used in education. There are a lot
of them and their number is constantly increasing. Let
us express our opinions regarding the relations arising
from the implementation of the right to education
with the use of artificial intelligence technologies
guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian
Federation. Of course, in this context, we are not
talking about AI as a subject of the constitutional right
to education, the article proposes to consider artificial
intelligence in the following aspects:
1. artificial intelligence as technologies to
improve the learning process
2. artificial intelligence as an object of study
within the educational process.
The normative legal act specifying the
implementation of the constitutional right to
education is the Federal Law of December 29, 2012,
No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian
Federation”. Analysis of this law has shown that until
now it does not use the terms "artificial intelligence
technologies", "artificial intelligence systems" and
other phrases formed with the construction of
"artificial intelligence". It contains an article that
establishes the concepts and procedure for the
implementation of educational programs using e-
learning and distance learning technologies.
Thus, the state policy in the field of education
allows the use of such innovative forms of
educational activities as e-learning and distance
technologies. At the same time, e-learning is
understood as the organization of educational
activities using the information contained in
databases and used in the implementation of
educational programs, all kinds of information, and
telecommunication networks that ensure the transfer
of information through communication lines, the
interaction of students and teaching staff.
Distance learning technologies are understood as
educational technologies implemented mainly with
the use of information and telecommunication
networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction
between students and teachers. Simultaneously with
the use of e-learning and distance technologies, the
educational organization undertakes to create an
electronic information and educational environment
that provides certain conditions for high-quality and
barrier-free development of the educational program
by students.
The first practices of introducing e-learning in the
Russian Federation already exist. For example, in
Moscow, MES is actively used - the Moscow
Electronic School. Most educational organizations, in
the face of constraints caused by the 2020 pandemic,
were forced to implement e-learning and distance
learning at an operational and accelerated pace.
However, it is important to understand that this is not
AI yet, but already the first attempt to automate the
educational process. First, it is necessary to provide
each student with a personal digital device, and only
after that "it is possible to obtain a digital educational
footprint and a basic technological foundation for
building individual educational trajectories using
artificial intelligence".
It is easy to note that neither e-learning nor
distance technologies involve artificial intelligence
systems in a broad sense. We believe that electronic
technologies, distance educational technologies, and
artificial intelligence technologies are close but not
identical concepts. The definition of the first two is
contained in the federal law "On Education in the
Russian Federation", and the legal concept of
artificial intelligence for the first time in our state was
formulated in a by-law - Decree of the President of
the Russian Federation of October 10, 2019, No. 490
"On the development of artificial intelligence in the
Russian Federation", later it migrated to Federal Law
No. 123-FZ.
The National Strategy for the Development of
Artificial Intelligence for the Period up to 2030
indicates that the use of AI technologies in the social
sphere contributes to the creation of conditions for
improving the living standards of the population,
including by improving the quality of services in the
Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Realizing the Right to Education: Sustainable Development Trends and Potential Risks
field of education. At the same time, the National
Strategy specifies what is meant by improving the
quality of services in the educational environment.
Namely: adaptation of the educational process to the
needs of students and the needs of the labor market, a
systematic analysis of learning efficiency indicators
to optimize vocational guidance and early
identification of children with outstanding abilities,
automation of knowledge quality assessment, and
analysis of information about learning outcomes. In
the future, these processes will be implemented by
artificial intelligence systems.
Conventionally, the legal conditions for
stimulating the introduction of artificial intelligence
technologies in the field of education include
experimental and innovative activities, the definition
and content of which is enshrined in Article 20 of the
federal law on education. Of course, the purpose of
these activities is focused on the modernization and
development of the education system.
Hypothetically, assuming that modernization and
development are currently not conceived without the
inclusion of artificial intelligence technologies in the
educational process, we can talk about the "hidden
content" of the listed types of activities in the field of
A new project of the Government of the Russian
Federation on the formation of a digital educational
environment can become a serious development in
the implementation of the constitutional right to
education in modern conditions. Its main goal is to
provide free access on the principle of "one window"
for all categories of citizens, including those studying
in educational programs of higher education and
educational programs of additional professional
education, to online courses implemented by various
organizations carrying out educational activities, and
educational platforms.
Noteworthy is not only the formation of a unified
public digital educational environment, stimulated by
the Government of the Russian Federation, but also
for the first time introducing in the regulatory field of
Russia such terms as educational platforms, online
courses, a passport, and examination of an online
course, a personal educational trajectory, a portal and
others reflecting the transformation the right to
education in the context of information and digital
However, these are only the first steps in the legal
regulation of the use of artificial intelligence
technologies in the implementation of the right to
3.2 Barriers and Risks of Digital
Transformation of Education
Digital transformation processes are becoming a part
of reality today, a modern trend, and cover almost all
social and economic relations. It is no coincidence
that one of the priorities in the development of
Russian education is the creation of a modern and safe
digital educational environment.
It is difficult to dispute the fact that digital
technologies today create and provide a set of
opportunities for improving the quality of education.
However, integrating them into the educational
process is far from an easy task. It is impossible to
achieve high educational results only by providing
educational organizations with new digital
technologies. The digital transformation of education
is possible if the problem of bridging the digital
divide is solved. The digital transformation of the
education industry is a qualitative change in both the
educational process itself and educational activities
based on the development of breakthrough
information technologies. With the help of digital
technologies, it is easier to use new models of
organization and conduct of educational work, which
were not previously used due to the complexity or
impossibility of their implementation through
traditional technologies of interaction and work with
At the same time, the creation of a modern and
safe digital educational environment is associated not
only with the introduction, use, and development of
modern digital information technologies within the
educational process, but also implies the need to study
the emerging legal and organizational barriers to the
introduction and use of such technologies, and is also
associated with a certain kind of risks.
One of such serious barriers to the digital
transformation of education is the digital divide that
appears in all areas where digital technologies are
introduced. Schools and universities are no exception.
At the same time, the emerging digital divide
exacerbates the "traditional" educational inequality
associated with the different cultural and social
capabilities of children belonging to different social
groups. Currently, educational organizations in
Russia are equipped with digital equipment to one
degree or another. However, inequalities in access to
it still persist. At the same time, the availability of
equipment does not mean that it will be actively and
effectively used in the educational process.
Another, no less serious barrier to the introduction
of digital technologies is the access of students to the
Internet. However, its availability often varies
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
significantly depending on the region of the country,
as well as on the types of settlements. Residents of
medium and large cities generally do not experience
problems with Internet access, which cannot be said
about rural areas. But despite some positive dynamics
that have emerged in the work to connect schools to
the Internet, inequality still persists. Today in the
Russian regions there are still many educational
institutions that do not have access to the Internet.
Thus, measures to create material conditions for the
digital transformation of education should continue.
In addition, high-speed Internet is not available to all
educational organizations today, especially at the
level of general education schools. High-speed
Internet access is a necessary condition not only to be
able to receive additional educational resources from
the Internet but also to provide educational services
that meet the needs of the modern information
The risks associated with the digital
transformation of education seem to be no less
In its resolution 55/63, the UN General Assembly
expressed concern that technological advances have
created new opportunities for criminal activity, and in
particular for the criminal use of information
technology. The report on the right to education
prepared according to UNGA Human Rights Council
resolution 26/17, covers in some detail the problems
and challenges in the field of the right to education in
the digital age. The report notes that the use of digital
technologies carries the risk of diminishing the
importance of universal values in education and
undermining the quality of education. Digital
technologies negatively affect the function of
education, reducing the ability of students to think
logically and critically, diminishing the importance of
universal values, and paving the way for the
commercialization of education. The misuse of
technology can lead to cyberspace bullying, criminal
activity, and even terrorism. Sexual abuse or sexual
exploitation of minors was identified as the most
serious risk.
Studies on the prospects for the digital
transformation of education in the Russian Federation
also contain a critical analysis of the risks of using
digital technologies in education. In particular, such
negative changes in the development of the brain and
consciousness as "digital dementia" are called, when
cognitive functions of the brain are impaired and its
individual parts are affected. Moreover, experts
associate the worldwide growth of autism with
computer learning. According to the director of the
Center for Geopolitics of the Institute for
Fundamental and Applied Research, Chetverikova,
O.N., the replacement of the physical world with a
virtual digital environment leads to atrophy of certain
parts of the brain, loss of cognitive functions, loss of
thinking skills and inability to concentrate and not
only memorize but even understand what has been
Kasperskaya, N.I., an expert in the field of IT
security, also outlined the main risks of digital
colonization and widespread implementation of such
technologies in all areas of life. A breakthrough in
artificial intelligence, the analysis of "big data" is
associated, in her opinion, with the imposition of
Western technologies, the degradation of one's own
competencies, the loss of basic cognitive
competencies, a decrease in the quality of education,
a reduction in personal contacts, the growth of
conflicts, the "leakage" of talented youth and teachers
abroad, etc.
This is not a complete list of the barriers and risks
of digitalization of education.
Digital transformations of the system of modern
Russian education represent a kind of core around
which new pedagogical innovations and
methodologies should be formed and a qualitative
improvement in the effectiveness of the educational
process should take place. However, at present, the
main problem is the lack of a clear understanding of
the ways to reform the Russian education system.
The problems of digital transformations and the use
of artificial intelligence in the area of realizing the
right to education are widely discussed in the
scientific community.
Zametina, T.V., Kombarova, E.V., Balashova.
E.Yu. consider the introduction of artificial
intelligence as an objective process affecting human
rights, which are the highest value recognized both at
the national and international levels (Zametina et al.,
2020). As a priority, they call the improvement of
state regulation in the field of informing the
population about the possibilities of using artificial
intelligence technologies, the development of the
competence of all citizens in the development of new
forms of interaction with artificial intelligence.
Researchers Keshalava, A.V., Budanov, M.P.,
Rumyantsev, V.Yu. predict a significant impact on
society and the digital economy of mobile, cognitive,
and cloud technologies, Internet of Things, and big
data technologies (Keshelava et al., 2017).
Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Realizing the Right to Education: Sustainable Development Trends and Potential Risks
In a study by Aslam, Abdul Azis Wahab, Purnam
Syae Purrohman, Zulherman, Evi Segaravati Ampri
(Abdul Azis Wahab et al., 2020), of the behavior of
Internet users and social networks in the learning
process, it is noted that the majority of users use the
global network for activities aimed at getting
pleasure, and only after that - for learning. The
authors conclude that learning behavior using social
networks and the Internet is quite positive in the
perception of the younger generation.
In a study by E. Dobrolyubova, O. Alexandrova,
A. Efimova (Dobrolyubova et al., 2017), dedicated to
the prospects of digital transformation, emphasize the
need to remove legal and organizational barriers as a
factor in the success of digital transformation in
certain industries, including education.
The research of Strekalova, N.B. (Strekalova,
2019), in which, along with the positive aspects of the
digitalization of education, possible negative changes
in this area are analyzed (loss of basic cognitive
competencies, a decrease in the general level of
competence, a reduction in the need for an
"intellectual" specialist, high requirements for the
psychological qualities of a specialist, a reduction in
personal contacts, an increase in conflicts, "leakage"
of talented youth and teachers abroad, a reduction in
the contingent of higher education, the loss of the
status of domestic higher education).
The conducted research allows us to draw the
following conclusions.
Artificial intelligence is essential for the
development of educational standards of the future.
At the same time, it is rather early to talk about
artificial intelligence as a subject of educational legal
relations, although algorithms for creating chat bots
for forming and adjusting an individual learning path,
creating textbooks and teaching aids by artificial
intelligence are being actively discussed. Currently,
in the field of education, artificial intelligence is
manifested in two aspects: as a technology for
sustainable development of education and as an
object of study within the educational process.
Analysis of the Federal Law of December 29,
2012, No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian
Federation" showed that it does not use the terms
"artificial intelligence technologies", "artificial
intelligence systems" and other phrases formed with
the construction of "artificial intelligence". Despite
the fact that the law contains an article that establishes
the concepts and procedure for the implementation of
educational programs using e-learning and distance
learning technologies, it should be reported that
neither e-learning nor distance technologies involve
artificial intelligence systems in a broad sense.
Despite the progress made, inequalities of
opportunity persist in higher education. Digital
technologies are omnipresent only in principle, in real
life their presence is fragmented due to the existence
of the “digital divide”.
The use of digital technologies carries the risk of
social stratification in society. The use of information
and communication technologies can lead to the
deprivation of educational opportunities, especially
for the disadvantaged population.
Government should take steps to protect children
from online harassment, including bullying or sexual
grooming. Finally, care must be taken to ensure that
children are not involved in illegal activities, financial
schemes, or terrorism.
The authors express their gratitude to the RFBR for
financial support of scientific research No. 20-011-
00765 "Constitutional and legal mechanisms for the
implementation of social rights and freedoms using
artificial intelligence: problems of legal regulation,
limits, and responsibility", within the framework of
which this article was prepared.
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Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Realizing the Right to Education: Sustainable Development Trends and Potential Risks