Ecoprofessional Consciousness as an Innovative Component in the
Educational Standards of the Future for the Sustainable Development
of Society
Natalia V. Solovova
, Victoria Levchenko
and Elena I. Cherdymova
Samara National Research University (SSAU), Samara, Russia
Keywords: Ecoprofessional Consciousness, Students, Education, Sustainable Development.
Abstract: This article studies the ecoprofessional consciousness of specialists. In the era of scientific and technological
progress the negative impact of some technologies on the environment and individual is significant; in that
case aspiring specialists should cultivate ecoprofessional consciousness, which helps to solve problems
connected to the co-evolution “a Man and Nature” concepts. This article explains the term ecoprofessional
consciousness and discusses the structure of consciousness development. The structure of the specialists’
ecoprofessional consciousness consists of four parts: the cognitive component, value-motivation component,
orientation component, conative component. The given study shows all the components’ content as
professional oriented skills. The authors argue that the ecoprofessional consciousness development of
specialists exerts a considerable impact on society.
In order to ensure the sustainable development of
society and the co-evolution of “a Man and Nature”,
the authors discuss the idea of the individual
consciousness (Bakharov, 1999; Los, 2000;
Solovova, 2018; Biryukov, 2004; Ursul, 1993;
Efimova, 2019).
Consciousness is the functional unit of the mind
that makes the decision to understand and execute
that very decision (Vundt, 1976; Solomkina, 2000;
Sorokoumova, 2014).
The concept of ecoprofessional consciousness is
complex, encompassing a number of characteristics
that have been studied separately in Russian
pedagogical psychology, but not considered in a
single context. People act on the basis of needs,
motives, interests, goals and ideas. In other words,
they are acting consciously (Andreeva, 2005; Spirkin,
1960). Human consciousness includes the totality of
knowledge about the surrounding world. The
structure of consciousness includes the most
important cognitive processes by which people
constantly enrich their knowledge (Bekhterev, 1999;
Bueva, 1968; Myasishev, 1966).
The ecoprofessional consciousness is based on
ecoprofessional knowledge, self-awareness as part of
Nature. The understanding of the surrounding world
through the lens of ecoprofessional relations lies in
the field of positive attitudes towards the rational use
of natural and human resources, intentions that ensure
environmentally and professionally sound activities
for sustainable development and co-evolution of “a
Man and Nature” are the guiding principles.
The cognitive component of ecoprofessional
consciousness is the cognitive and accumulative
function of the personality of students. That
component includes scientific knowledge of nature,
human interactions with nature; the balance between
the prevailing environmental situation and
professional activity; and the environmental
regularities of the situation in the technosphere. The
value-motivation component of ecoprofessional
consciousness reflects reflexively-generating
functions that include values and ideals based on
Solovova, N., Levchenko, V. and Cherdymova, E.
Ecoprofessional Consciousness as an Innovative Component in the Educational Standards of the Future for the Sustainable Development of Society.
DOI: 10.5220/0010596907430748
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 743-748
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ecoprofessional attitudes, social norms and rules that
regulate daily life and work.
The orientation component of ecoprofessional
consciousness is the ecoprofessional orientation and
the instructions to predict the impact of professional
activity on the environmental situation. Instructions
for obtaining, searching and development reduce the
negative impact of the techno sphere and to use it
creatively in their practical professional activities.
The most important component of
ecoprofessional consciousness of students is
conative. The intentions to conduct practical research
and draw conclusions on the man-made burden are
professional activities. The students` intention is to
pursue a professional activity in accordance with the
environmental imperative by using special
ecoprofessional knowledge in specific professional
The criteria for development are defined for each
component of ecoprofessional consciousness. High
cognitive levels are characterized by: systemic
ecoprofessional knowledge; in-depth scientific
knowledge of nature; understanding of the
relationship of human professional activity to nature;
advanced ability to see other than straight, but also
backward ecological linkages, not only immediate but
also remote effects on nature, of professional actions;
development of ecological thinking, the ability to
apply ecoprofessional knowledge in the analysis of
the environmental situation and professional activity.
The high level of the value-motivational
component development is characterised by the
existence of: interest in animals, plants and
phenomena of nature; positively oriented emotions
from communication with nature and negative
perception of damage caused by professional activity.
The high level of the orientation component
development is characterised by the presence of: a
stable motivation, beliefs, needs, interests, attitudes
towards knowledge and conservation of nature
through professional activities; a sustainable need for
self-realization to solve ecoprofessional problems.
The high level of the conative component
development is characterized by: a willingness to
engage in professional environmental and worthwhile
activities; an active, autonomous, responsible and
proactive attitude to environmental activities;
promoting the environmental awareness in
professional activities. The average level of cognitive
component development is characterised by: lack of
systemic ecoprofessional knowledge; insufficient
ability to see not only forward but backward
environmental connections; not only the immediate
but also the long-term effects on the nature of the
professional activity: a lack of in-depth and complete
knowledge of the norms and rules of environmental
behavior and environmentally oriented professional
activities. The average level of development of the
value-motivation component is characterized by the
presence of: expression of not systematic interest in
animals, plants, natural phenomena; positively
oriented emotions from communication with nature;
negative perception of the harm done to the Nature by
the professional activity.
The average level of the orientation component
development is characterised by: insufficient need for
ecoprofessional knowledge and skills; unsustainable
situational need for self-realization to solve
ecoprofessional problems. The average level of the
conative component development is characterised by
a lack of readiness to engage in professional
environmental and worthwhile activities; a lack of
activity, autonomy, responsibility and initiative in
ecoprofessionala ctivities; promoting environmental
awareness in professional activities. The low level of
the cognitive component development is
characterised by: lack of exhaustiveness and depth of
ecoprofessional knowledge; limited theoretical
ecoprofessional knowledge to characterize the
relationship between professional activity and
ecology. The low level of the value-motivational
component development is characterised by: lack of
interest in animals, plants, natural phenomena; lack of
positive emotions from communication with the
Nature; lack of interest in professional environmental
activities. The low level of the orientation component
development is characterised by a lack of knowledge
of the environmental professional behaviour norms
and rules; criteria for assessing the natural
environment state; poor environmental management
skills. The low level of the conative component
development is characterised by: lack of desire to be
ecologically oriented in professional activities;
carrying out an ecoprofessional task, but without
The “Unfinished Sentences” questionnaire was used
to conduct the ecoprofessional consciousness
research. This questionnaire measures the level of
ecoprofessional consciousness structural components
indicators` development such as: knowledge, attitude,
instructions and intention. The questionnaire consists
of thirty-three unfinished sentences. The analysis of
the results of the questionnaire can be carried out in
terms of qualitative and quantitative methodology,
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
where the taking the number of positive and negative
responses were taken into account. Here the examples
of the “Unfinished Sentences” questionnaire:
1. I feel that the environmental impact of
professional duty is now …
2. In order for specialists to consider the
environmental consequences in their
professional activities, it is necessary to....
3. When I receive information about environmental
impacts from someone else's professional
activities, I…
4. I think that studying environmental
consequences in my professional activity…
5. I am concerned with environmental standards in
my professional activity....
6. If the specialist knew the environmental norms it
would be necessary to
7. If they announce a beautifucation day at work, I
8. I would participate in environmental activities at
work if…
9. I consider myself to be a specialist in Nature….
10. I believe that the specialist towards Nature
objects is….
11. If, in the process of achieving a professional goal,
I have to harm the environment I would…
12. When I see the consequences of professional
activities on our environment I….
13. Compared to my colleagues` attitude toward
nature I….
14. The features of the interaction of my professional
activity with the objects of nature are as
15. When I have some trash at my workplace I
16. Combining professional management practices
with environmental control....
17. I feel that performing my professional duties with
environmental implications…
18. I believe that professional and environmental
19. If I were asked to participate in environmental
actions I would
20. If there is a subject in the curriculum that reveals
the relationship between environmental and
professional intent in professional activity
21. My ecological consciousness compared to the
ecological consciousness of others
22. As a professional I could help our
23. My contribution as a specialist is …
24. I would take part in the protection of our
environment, if....
25. My desire to take environmental impacts into
account in my professional work....
26. In my professional activity, environmental
awareness takes the form of…
27. For a better organization of environmental
awareness in my professional activity, I could
28. I might be able to better express myself in
relation to Nature if…
29. Environmental components in my professional
activity include …
30. My attitude to the environment as a specialist in
the next six months can…
31. The main obstacles on my way to environmental
awareness are…
32. If I had the opportunity to participate in an
environmental event at work, I would…
33. If I see that my colleagues ' professional actions
is harming nature, I will …
34. The first-year, third-year and fifth-year students
took part in the research. They were divided into
4 groups by their studying interests:
humanitarian, natural-sciences, technical and
The results of the “Unfinished Sentences”
questionnaire included: low level of cognitive
component development among fifth-year students
from humanitarian group is 48%, from natural-
sciences group 74,4%, from economics 21,6% and
from technical group is 4% respectively compared to
the first-year students of each group (44,5%, 62, 5,
26,3%, 11%) and third-year students of each group
(43,3%, 56,6%; 30%; 13,4%). A comparative study
of cognitive component development among first-
and third-year students was conducted using the
statistical criterion by K.Pearson (χ2). The cognitive
component valid differences were found reliably
(р≤0,05). A comparative study of cognitive
component development among first- and fifth-year
students was conducted using the statistical criterion
by K.Pearson (χ2). The cognitive component valid
differences were found (р≤0,05). The mentioned
above data may mean that first- and fifth-year
students show a low level of ability to offer
constructive options for solving environmental
problems through professional activities. Third-year
students have a high rate of negative responses.
However, among the first-, third- and fifth-year
students regardless of their major, the number of
positive responses is 64.5 per cent; negative 25.9 per
cent; and non-response 9.6 per cent in order of
cognitive component development. The overall
percentages for the cognitive component among all
Ecoprofessional Consciousness as an Innovative Component in the Educational Standards of the Future for the Sustainable Development of
students show the following results: positive - 64.5
per cent; negative - 25.9 per cent; non-response - 9.6
per cent. Consequently, it can be argued that students
are generally able to demonstrate ecoprofessional
knowledge and offering constructive solutions to
environmental problems, however, most of the
students believe that increasing the number of
garbage cans and fines for littering is the only
effective measure to fight for a clean environment. A
comparative study of the value-motivation
component development among students of the
technical group and economics was conducted using
the statistical criterion by K.Pearson (χ2).The valid
differences were found (р≤0,05). A comparative
study of the value-motivation component
development among students of the humanitarian and
natural-sciences groups was conducted using the
statistical criterion by K.Pearson (χ2). The valid
differences were found (р≤0,05). The low-level of
value-motivation component among fifth-year
students of humanitarian group is 47,6%; of technical
group is 77%; of economics is 18,3% and of natural-
sciences group is 14,7%.
The assessment of the surrounding (natural)
world, the evaluation of other people (their peers) and
the self-esteem of the ecoprofessional activities
among first- and fifth-year students are more positive
than among third-year students. We can prove it by
showing that the third-year students answers high
percentage of negative, as well as a reduced rate of
positive. The average response rate among the first-,
third- and fifth-year students, regardless of their
major, show the following results: positive - 64.8 per
cent; negative - 23.8 per cent; non-response 11.4 per
cent according to the value-motivation component. A
comparative study of the value-motivation
component development among students of the
humanitarian and natural-sciences groups was
conducted using the statistical criterion by K.Pearson
(χ2). The valid differences were found (р≤0,05). A
comparative study of the value-motivation
component development among students of the
technical group and economics was conducted using
the statistical criterion by K.Pearson (χ2). The valid
differences were found (р≤0,05). The following
results have been obtained about the orientation
component development. The fifth-year students
gave 76.6 per cent of positive responses; 16 per cent
negative; and only 7.4 per cent did not respond at all.
While the responses of the first- year students were:
71%; 22.6%; 6.4% respectively, and the third-year
students were: 66%; 23%; 11%, respectively. There
is a slight quantitative advantage (in percentage) but
despite this, the first- and third-year students` answers
correspond to the average level of the orientation
component development. The above data may mean
that the first- and fifth-year students have a higher
percentage of positive emotions towards plants,
animals, nature in general than third-year students.
The average response rate among the first-, third- and
fifth-year students, regardless of their major, show the
following results: positive – 71.2 per cent; negative –
20.5 per cent; non-response 8.3 per cent according to
the orientation component. A comparative study of
the orientation component development among
students of the humanitarian and natural-sciences
groups was conducted using the statistical criterion by
K.Pearson (χ2). The valid differences were found
(р≤0,05). A comparative study of the orientation
component development among students of the
technical group and economics was conducted using
the statistical criterion by K.Pearson (χ2). The valid
differences were found (р≤0,05). According to the
conative component development the responses of
fifth-year students are 78 per cent are positive; 17.3
per cent are negative; and 4.7 per cent respond
refusals. Compared to the responses of first-year
students (76.6 per cent; 18.6 per cent; 4.8 per cent,
respectively) and those of third-year students (76 per
cent; 16.6 per cent; 7.4 per cent, respectively). There
is a slight quantitative advantage (percentage). The
above data may mean that first-, third- and fifth-year
students assume that they may show great readiness
to take positive practical professional action with
regard to the environment. The average response rate
for first-, third- and fifth-year students, regardless of
their major, show the following results: positive
responses 76.8 per cent; negative - 17.5 per cent; non-
response - 5.7 per cent according to the conative
component. A comparative study of the conative
component development among third- and fifth-year
students was conducted using the statistical criterion
by K.Pearson (χ2). The valid differences were found
(р≤0,05). A comparative study of the conative
component development among fifth- and first-year
students was conducted using the statistical criterion
by K.Pearson (χ2). The valid differences were found
The participated in survey students are generally able
to offer different solutions to environmental
problems, they also have a positive assessment of the
environment, other people and self-esteem, and are
very positive towards nature and its representatives;
they are ready to take part in environmental volunteer
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
actions. We could observe among first-, third- and
fifth-year students trend of decreasing
ecoprofessional indicators level and its structural
components, however, these parameters are slightly
higher among the first- and the fifth-year students
respectively. Describing the third-year students, the
decreasing level of all the above indicators may be
due to an increasing amount of studying and training
activities or other factors The fifth-year students have
higher level of developed component indicators it can
be explained in a way that they have a higher level of
environmental issues awareness. The above data may
mean that students of the humanitarian and natural
sciences groups, regardless of their studying year, are
generally more responsible towards the environment
in all its aspects. Most the third- and fifth-year
students of group of economics are less responsible
towards the environment in many aspects and
therefore have the lowest level of ecoprofessional
intent. However, the first-year student of group of
economics show the results with high ratings for the
overall level of ecoprofessional intention
development, which may mean that they are more
responsible towards nature, compared to the third-
and fifth-year students of group of economics.
Students of technical group can offer as effective
ideas for solving environmental problems as students
of natural science group can. However, the third-year
students of technical group have the lowest level of
ecoprofessional intent, due to external and internal
barriers to professional, environmental action; and a
negative assessment of the environmental situation in
the city, an underestimation of the importance of
one’s own efforts and strong negative emotions
associated with the perception of litter in the Nature.
The third-year students do not focus on obstacles
to professional, environmentally-oriented activities,
but they focus on ways to overcome these obstacles,
and at the same time on means of motivation, we can
prove with the help of their answers: “laziness” or “no
time”. Those answers show a clear or implicit lack of
motivation and interest. Students of science and
economics groups want to help Nature through
professional activities, while students of technical
group are not interested in that. The third- and fifth-
year students from the technical group have a low
level of motivation for a professional environmental
activity. It can be proved by their attitude to the
Nature, where one positive attitude is not enough to
seek practical, useful action with respect to the
Nature. An exception is made for the first-year
students who, in addition to being positive towards
Nature, are willing to take part in conservation
Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from
the results of the pilot study: students of humanitarian
and natural science groups, regardless of their
studying year, are more responsible towards the
environment than technical and economics groups’
students. The cognitive component of the
ecoprofessional consciousness is better developed
among the first-year students compare to different
year of studying, where the level of cognitive
component development is decreasing. It can be
proved by the decreasing of scientific knowledge of
nature, human interaction with nature, the balance
between the prevailing environmental situation and
professional activity, and the environmental
regularity of the situation in the techno sphere.
In our opinion, during the students' studying at
higher educational institutions, more attention should
be paid to the students` ecoprofessional
consciousness of students as an innovative
component in the educational standards of the future
for sustainable society development. For this purpose,
active forms of education such as: case-stage,
business and role-playing games, ecoprofessional
discussions, simulation of ecoprofessional situations
can be used.
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