Formation of Intercultural Pedagogical Communicative Competence
of Future Teachers by Means of Project Activities as a Factor of
Sustainable Development of Education
Elena Rudakova
and Andrey Leifa
Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
Keywords: Intercultural Pedagogical Communicative Competence, Project Activities, Future Teachers, Pedagogical
Lyceum, International Telecommunication Project, International Information Project, Creative Project.
Abstract: The aim of the present research is to substantiate the use of project activities in the formation of intercultural
pedagogical communicative competence of future teachers studying in the lyceum based at pedagogical
university. The relevance of the use of project activities from the point of view of training future teachers at
the pre-university stage and the development of intercultural communication in an educational environment
is discussed. The types of projects used for the development of primary pedagogical and communicative skills
of interaction with the subjects of the educational process are also presented, taking into account their national,
cultural, psychological and physiological features. Within the framework of this study, the stages of project
activities used in work with the students of the lyceum based at pedagogical university are highlighted.
Currently, in contemporar educational contexts, the
formation of intercultural pedagogical
communicative competence is one of the prime
directives of training future teachers at the pre-
university stage for their future professional activity.
The project method is one of the most effective means
of forming the primary pedagogical and
communication skills of future teachers, because the
main aspect of organizing the process is research and
group work of the participants in both online and
offline formats (Kiryakova, 2017).
Participants of the project have the opportunity to
start a dialogue with other pedagogical cultures,
which means not only meeting in a multicultural
space of similar educational communities, but also
networking with many social partners interested in
the quality result of project activities. Undoubtedly,
the skills and abilities acquired as a result of such
work experience contribute to building better social
contacts with the subjects of the intercultural
educational environment, as well as the formation of
an idea of the working conditions in the framework of
blended learning (Masalimova, 2014). A special role
in this process is played by the subject, "Foreign
Language," since the possibility of realizing the
acquired professional and intercultural knowledge by
means of a foreign language in project-related work
removes communication barriers and increases self-
esteem of future specialists via the implementation of
the tasks set within the framework of the project and
close interaction with representatives of different
cultures in the course of teamwork and cooperation.
The issue of the research is to prove the necessity
of the application of the project-based learning in
formation of intercultural pedagogical
communicative competence of future teachers which
has not been widely studied yet. Furthermore, the
essential point is to reveal the methodology of the
application of this method as well as the results and
the effectiveness of this application in the educational
process in terms of the future teachers` preparation
for the professional activity.
Rudakova, E. and Leifa, A.
Formation of Intercultural Pedagogical Communicative Competence of Future Teachers by Means of Project Activities as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010594706070612
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 607-612
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The aim of the study was the formation of
intercultural pedagogical communicative competence
of future teachers by means of project activities in the
lyceum based at a pedagogical university.
Research methods: scientific literature analysis
and synthesis, practical experience, project- based
learning, questionnaire survey, observation and
generalization of the data obtained.
Table 1: The extra- curricular activity "Organization of
project activities"
Theoretical part Practical part
1. Introduction. What is a
project? Types of
2. Stages of organizing
project activities. The
result of project activities.
3. Formulation of the
hypothesis, goals and
objectives of the project.
4. Use of information and
computer technologies in
the organization of project
5. Teamwork, its features
and role in project
6. Intercultural
communication in project
1. Training on the
development of teamwork
2. Project activities.
Taking into account the Federal component of the
state standard of general education (Federal
component of the state standard of general education,
2004), the multicomponent structure of project
activities and the stage-by-stage work on its
organization, we have included in the extracurricular
activities of the main educational program of the
Lyceum BSPU the extra- curricular activity,
"Organization of project activities," in order to teach
future teachers the basics of joint work and the
implementation of intercultural dialogue in the
process of the project realization. The content of
optional classes was determined by the fundamentals
of intercultural pedagogical communicative
competence, its role in organizing project activities,
and the specifics of the professional training of future
teachers regarding their work in a multicultural
educational space (Leifa, 2012). The program of
optional classes was divided into two parts:
theoretical and practical (Table - topics). The
theoretical part included classes aimed at clarifying
the concept of "project," the role of teamwork, and the
possibilities of using computer and online
technologies in project activities. These didactic units
were of particular importance since the unification of
students aged 15 to 17 into one common team to work
on a new project took time to prepare. It required
taking into account their psychological and age-
related characteristics and interests.
The practical block was aimed at developing
teamwork skills among future project participants,
helping them coordinate their joint actions through
specially designed trainings, and directing practical
experience of working on the project itself. This
experience assumed reliance on theoretical
knowledge gained, as well as interdisciplinary
knowledge formed in the framework of studying the
subjects of the school curriculum.
Taking into account the content of the projects we
have implemented, as well as the classification
proposed by E.S. Polat (Metod proektov, 2000), we
have defined the types of the projects we have
implemented. There is an international
telecommunication project, an international
information project, and a creative project. The
implementation of each project took place in three
stages: the preparation stage, the implementation
stage and the summing up stage.
We consider the “international
telecommunication project” based on the definition of
E.S. Polat (Metod proektov, 2000), we consider that
joint educational and cognitive tasks, research,
creative or play activities of partner students from
different countries and regions of the world—
organized on the basis of computer
telecommunications—a common problem, goal and
method aimed at achieving a joint result.
In contrast to simple letter-correspondence, a
specially organized and purposeful type of joint work
by students in the network can give a higher
pedagogical result due to the functionality of the
information space making it possible to form more
effective professional and intellectual competences of
future teachers; it creates the preconditions for the
application of innovative methodological ideas in
their work with students (Soboleva, 2000).
The most effective form of organizing joint
projects of students is the cooperation of students
from different schools, cities and countries, which
usually requires the deep integration of knowledge.
Thus, students will use not only knowledge of the
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
relevant subject of the problem being investigated,
but also knowledge of the peculiarities of the partner's
national culture, and the peculiarities of their
mentality—which presupposes a dialogue of cultures.
At the same time, the content of the "Professional
Teacher Standard" (Professional'nyj standart
pedagoga, 2019) and the requirements of the Federal
State Educational Standard for a modern teacher
(Jakushev, 2016), proves that the effectiveness of
teaching intercultural interaction in an educational
environment and the assimilation of professional
knowledge and skills by future teachers at the initial
stage of training largely depends on the variety of
methods that could contribute to the development of
creative thinking and involves active communication
in the learning process with the use of different
communication styles and techniques (Leifa, 2012).
Taking into consideration the experience of
applying project-based learning in educational
activities by such specialists as O.E. Lomakin and T.I.
Gustomyasova, M.S. Podukova, M. Yu. Minenkov
and others, as well as the high potential of this method
for the formation of intercultural pedagogical
communicative competence of future teachers at the
pre-university stage of training, we have developed a
series of international telecommunication projects
("Let's talk about Blagoveshchensk on five
continents"; "Blagoveshchensk - Saint-Quentin: the
dialogue cultures ";" Francis Jammes: Symbolism of
life and creativity"). This series of projects included
projects involving communication between students
of the Lyceum BSPU with francophone students from
the lyceums of different countries and cities of the
world (France, Cuba, Algeria, Paraguay, Thailand) by
means of postcards, videos, and the use of social
networks in which the participants told about
themselves, their hometown and educational
organization where they study.
In addition to using the method of international
telecommunication projects, we propose the inclusion
of international information projects in the
educational process, which are initially aimed at
collecting information about an object, phenomenon,
analyzing it and summarizing the facts intended for a
wide audience and represented in the media
(Rudakova, 2020). Such projects require a well-
thought out structure and the possibility of systematic
adjustments during the work on the project.
Since September 2018, together with high school
students of the Lyceum BSPU in Blagoveshchensk,
the electronic English-language magazine SUNRISE
was created, which is an international information
project, as well as a unique creative and information
space in English, which unites over 10,000 readers
around the world and which is published with the
support of the international editorship consisting of
representatives of the university environment,
Cambridge-certified English teachers, writers,
journalists, professional artists, and photographers.
This printed edition is published 3 times a year
(November, February, May) and actively collaborates
with authors living in Blagoveshchensk and beyond
it, including the representatives of different
nationalities, ages, and professions who speak
English. Among the authors and editorial staff there
are representatives from Russia, France, England,
Poland, Spain, Great Britain, Switzerland, America,
and Canada, who share with readers around the world
their personal discoveries, positive experiences and
creative works on various topics, including teaching
the English language and education. English, in turn,
plays a key role in this project, since its study reveals
the creative and intellectual potential of an individual,
forming his communicative and intercultural skills.
Created in the city of Blagoveshchensk, Amur
Region, the English-language magazine SUNRISE
tells the world not only about Russia and its culture,
but also about the city of Blagoveshchensk, its
inhabitants and history popularizing the region and its
The magazine can be used not only as entertaining
reading, but also as an additional teaching aid in an
English classroom to expand horizons, form planetary
thinking, and develop students' speech and language
skills. Moreover, this magazine is a platform for the
exchange of pedagogical experience and learning
experience, which can serve as an additional source
of information and self-development for teachers,
future teachers, and lovers of the English language.
The purpose of the international information
project was to develop the intercultural pedagogical
communicative competence of future teachers at the
pre-university stage of training through the ability to
use subject knowledge, the ability to work with
information, make generalizations, conclusions, and
work with a variety of reference material.
In the work on the project, we adhered to the fact
that the topic of each issue should be relevant and
meet the interests of its readers, including the
professional training of future teachers at the pre-
university stage of education, as well as to take into
account various types of activities of the authors, the
practical, theoretical, and cognitive significance of
the content and the expected results of the joint work
of the members of the editorial board and authors.
These future teachers united to work on the issues
of the magazine and initiative groups were
determined, each of which had its own list of
Formation of Intercultural Pedagogical Communicative Competence of Future Teachers by Means of Project Activities as a Factor of
Sustainable Development of Education
responsibilities. We identified the group "Authors"
(Year 9 - 5 people; Year 11 - 4 people; Year 10 - 3
people), whose task was to prepare articles for
publication, the group "Information Bureau" (Year 10
- 4 people; Year 11 - 4 people), which was looking
for additional sources of information to help the
authors, "Designers" (Year 11 - 4 people; Year 10 - 4
people; Year 9 - 4 people), whose task was the
preparation of the illustrative materials in the form of
photographs and drawings, " Editorial Board "(Year
10 - 2 people; Year 11 - 3 people), whose
representatives were included in the professional
editorial staff due to their high level of English
proficiency, and the group "SMM managers "( Year
8 - 2 people; Year 10 - 3 people), who were
responsible for helping a professional editorial board
maintain the magazine's Instagram and Facebook
pages. This assistance included the publication of
posts in English and Russian about the latest news
from the life of the magazine, communication with
potential authors and conducting live broadcasts with
the partners of the magazine in an online format.
It is also worth noting that each of the groups was
selected according to the hobbies of the students and
their level of proficiency in a foreign language. Thus,
the students who spoke English at the B2-C1 level
were included in the "Editorial Board" group, since
they were required to have special knowledge of
grammar and lexical units to work with the text, and
those who knew how to express their thoughts in an
interesting manner in a foreign language were united
into the "Authors" group. The “Information Bureau”
was presented by the students who, in addition to their
interests in the field of learning foreign languages,
also had a solid knowledge base in the field of
literature, art, history, education, etc. in order to help
the authors select the necessary material and advise
on specific issues. SMM managers were chosen from
among those students who had an understanding of
the work of social networks, which implied the ability
to put into practice various applications and programs
that could make the content on the pages of the
magazine on social networks colorful, informative
and corresponding to the latest trends of the modern
online environment. Among the "Designers" were
students who were able to draw and photograph
professionally, which was a necessary skill for the
design of the magazine pages.
The preparation of a fresh issue traditionally took
place in several stages of organization. First, at the
preparatory stage, together with the students and the
professional editorial board, the main topic of the
issue, the goals and objectives of joint work were
determined, then those responsible for maintaining
each section were selected and an approximate work
plan was drawn up, including the deadlines for
completing the assignment. During the project
implementation period, the participants were also
coordinated through regular offline and online
meetings using the Zoom online conference platform
and a WhatsApp group, where current issues and
interim results were discussed. During this period, the
students who needed advice or help in preparing the
material had the opportunity to receive appropriate
recommendations from not only the professional
editorial staff, but also their classmates or high school
students, who possessed more information and could
provide the necessary guidance for work.
At the final stage of preparing a fresh issue, a
presentation of the issue took place, which implied its
release on the pages in social networks, mailing of the
printed copies to authors and readers, announcing the
results of work in the media, as well as organizing a
mass cultural event with the invitation of the partners,
authors and everyone involved in the work above the
fresh issue. For this event, the students also prepared
a creative presentation of their material, an exhibition
of drawings and photographs published in the issue.
At the final stage, within the team, the work was
analyzed, the assessment of general and individual
results was given.
Another form of organizing joint activities of
future teachers was their work on a creative project,
which was presented in the form of meetings of the
Book Club, which were held every two weeks and
assumed the format of an open and free discussion
with students from the Faculty of Foreign Languages
and professional speakers from the mass media.
It should be noted that creative projects involve
the appropriate design of the results. As a rule, they
do not have a detailed structure of joint activities of
the participants; this is only roughly outlined and
develops later, guided by the logic of joint activities
adopted by the group and the interests of the project
participants (Metod proektov, 2000). In this regard,
the meetings of the Book Club were carried out in an
informal atmosphere, which contributed to the
activation of the communicative and creative skills of
the participants. Each meeting was dedicated to a
specific book, so its discussion involved dividing the
course of the discussion into blocks: a narration about
the author, exchange of views on the content of the
book in a game format, watching a thematic video or
listening to an audio file, or making a creative product
(an illustration, postcard, origami, map, letter etc.).
The involvement of the future teachers in the work on
the project meant the division of responsibilities. The
person responsible for helping in organizing the event
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
was appointed according to the main topic—as well
as their own interests and skills—which made them
feel more confident during the meeting and allowed
them to share their experience with those who were
younger in age and did not have relevant knowledge
in that or another area. As a part of the meeting, the
future teachers had the opportunity to try themselves
in the role of a leader or instructor, receiving primary
pedagogical experience of interacting with other
participants in the course of establishing the
necessary communication. Just as well, they are able
to increase their knowledge with useful information
from the fields of education, pedagogics, psychology,
travel and culture, which is an important component
of intercultural pedagogical communicative
competence (Leifa, 2016).
Figure 1: Indicators of COS of the future teachers before
participating in the projects.
Figure 2: Indicators of COS of the future teachers after
participating in the projects.
The analysis of communicative and
organizational skills (hereinafter COS) of future
teachers according to the method of V. Sinyavsky and
B.A. Fedorishina (Ocenka kommunikativnyh i
organizatorskih sposobnostej lichnosti, 2017) showed
that in comparison with the results that were obtained
before the above-mentioned projects, the level of
CBS has increased significantly (Figure 1,2). So, the
initial indicators from 35% low and 65% below
average rose to 27% below average, 55% average,
18% above average. This means that future teachers
strive for contacts with people, do not limit their
circle of acquaintances, defend their opinions, and
plan their work. They strive to expand the circle of
their acquaintances, are engaged in social activities,
help relatives and friends, show initiative in
communication, take part in the organization of social
events with pleasure, and are able to make an
independent decision in a difficult situation. They do
all this not under compulsion, but in accordance with
their inner aspirations.
Also, an increase in the level of intercultural
pedagogical communicative competence was
established during the observation of students during
the classes. The students began to show openness to
foreign language communication and communication
in general. The lyceum students stopped getting lost
and embarrassed at the moment of entering into
communication in a foreign language and were ready
to start responding without prior preparation. In open
classes with foreigners in online and offline formats,
the children were also able to demonstrate their
wiliness to communicate, which was expressed in the
fact that they relatively freely understood the
questions addressed to them, answered them
correctly, and even took initiative in communication
by asking their own questions. Moreover, future
teachers demonstrated the best level of preparation
for practical exercises in which they needed to act as
a teacher or a head of the event involving young
Thus, the totality of the projects we have
implemented is an integral structure included in the
educational activities of the Lyceum BSPU and
represents a special basis for the formation of
intercultural pedagogical communicative competence
of future teachers at the pre-university stage of
training in the system of lifelong pedagogical
Formation of Intercultural Pedagogical Communicative Competence of Future Teachers by Means of Project Activities as a Factor of
Sustainable Development of Education
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure