Modernization of Peripheral Region's Economy in Implementing
Geostrategic Priorities
Vladimir D'yachenko
and Viktoriya Lazareva
Economic Research Institute of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 153 Tikhookeanskaya St.,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Amur State University, 21, Ignatievskoe Highway, Russia
Keywords: Modernization, Peripheral Territory, Geostrategic Territory, Regional Periphery, Regional Policy, Economic
Space, Transport System, Far East.
Abstract: Economic modernization has recently become an integral part of regional policy. Along with that, the expert
community consider solving tasks of modernizing peripheral regions' economy, including the Far East, to be
one of the tough problems. In giving new impetus to the modernization of the regional economy, an important
role is assigned to spatial transformations, for which the Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian
Federation until 2025 identifies geostrategic territories, within which the state uses a wide range of tools. This
paper doesn't consider the determination of geostrategic territories as an element of a selective regional policy
aimed at using the potential of the federal centre for implementing the goals of integrated regional
development, but primarily as space within which conditions are created for implementing economic projects
that ensure achieving state geostrategic goals. As a result, less-developed peripheral regions become centres
of economic activity of large economic entities. For the Far East, one of the most important geostrategic goals
is the creation of an export transport infrastructure that ensures integration into the Asia-Pacific Region. As
part of this work, an attempt is made to assess the dynamics of processes taking place as large transport
investment projects being implemented. The Amur Region, which has all the peculiarities of the regional
periphery, was chosen for the research. Particular attention is paid to the remaining problems, including
significant limitations in transport accessibility, a high deterioration of the transport infrastructure.
The main target of regional strategies is economic
recovery, modernization and improvement of the
structure of the economic complex. However, after
assessing the findings one can come to a
disappointing conclusion that a regional state policy
is not clear, and the problem of modernization of the
archaic spatial organization of the economy and
society as a whole is still not solved. As noted by
academician P.A. Minakir: "there is no practical
sense in these constructions, the simultaneous desire
of all territorial subsystems to build some ideal
economies in the complete absence of real resources
only indicates designing a virtual additive system
parts of which are not connected to each other either
a 0000-0002-4661-0328
b 0000-0001-9181-9393
hierarchically or by cooperative interactions"
(Minakir, 2015).
Therefore, one of the main issues in determining
the spatial development strategy is to assess the
potential of internal (endogenous) and external
(exogenous) growth drivers. It seems to us that during
such an assessment two aspects, based on an analysis
of existing practices, should be taken into account.
First, the actual investments are spatially
distributed primarily according to sectoral and
corporate interests, so only a very small number of
regions with certain market advantages can rely on
exogenous growth drivers. Accordingly, the rest of
the regions can only rely on endogenous drivers,
focusing their attention, when developing strategies,
on finding ways to use them most effectively.
Dyachenko, V. and Lazareva, V.
Modernization of Peripheral Region’s Economy in Implementing Geostrategic Priorities.
DOI: 10.5220/0010588101930198
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 193-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Secondly, the analysis of the accumulated
experience of the regions, which are forced to rely
only on internal growth drivers, shows that without
the help of the centre, they can hardly count on high
positive results. Various forms of "ethno-economy"
replace investment resources due to their lack,
thereby forming powerful mechanisms of inertia and
counteracting modernization (Popov, 2010).
The peripheral regions are in a particularly
difficult situation. The ongoing regional polarization
increases the economic weakness of regional
outsiders, the instability of territorial evolution and
financial and investment dependence on the federal
centre. Thus, the opportunities to modernize the
regional periphery's economy at the expense of
endogenous drivers are significantly narrowed, not
allowing counting on high positive results. Lacking
the market advantages that make the region attractive
to large corporations, most of the peripheral
territories cannot rely on external drivers of economic
growth and modernization.
An important consequence of economic weakness
is a high dependence on external influences
(Eskelinen and Snickars, 1995), which often makes
peripheral regions' strategic programs a pile of
sectoral and corporate decisions, changes in which
determine the need for the documents fixing the
strategic guidelines to be systematically revised. As a
rule, there are virtually no attempts to analyze the
problems and prospects of growth in a new light.
Thus, the question of responsibility for the initially
accepted obligations loses all meaning.
A new attempt to implement institutional
innovations in regional development was the
determination of geostrategic territories, the priority
of which is characterized by their essential
importance for ensuring sustainable socio-economic
development, territorial integrity and security of the
Russian Federation
(Strategy of Spatial, 2019).
In recent years, attempts have been made to find
out if belonging to geostrategic territories can be used
to improve regional strategies (Buchwald and
Valentic, 2019; Mitrofanova et al., 2019). The
analysis carried out only allowed identifying
additional arguments in favour of the conclusion
made by P.A. Minakir, who noted that "geostrategic
territories" could be considered objects of spatial
strategizing, "if they did not occupy almost half of the
entire area of the Russian Federation". The result is a
situation where "there is simply no real object of
strategic planning for this area" (Minakir, 2018).
Determining geostrategic territories doesn't
practically involve so much achieving the goals of
integrated regional development, but rather isolating
them as space within which conditions are created for
implementing economic projects that ensure reaching
state geostrategic goals. Expanding the backbone
infrastructure and implementing major transport
infrastructure projects are some of the priorities of
national importance for the Far East to be developed.
For this purpose, new institutions were introduced.
They were designed to create the most favourable
conditions for large corporations to invest in projects
implemented as part of integration into the Asia-
Pacific Region (territories of advanced development
(TAD); free ports; some tariff preferences) (Ivanov
and Buchwald, 2019; Gudkova, 2016).
In these conditions, it makes practical sense to
analyze the state and dynamics of transformations
taking place in a region's transport complex, it will
allow judging the course of a region's socio-economic
development, implementation of decisions and their
This research attempts to assess the
transformations taking place during the transport
system modernization in the Amur Region, one of the
most economically weak regions of the southern Far
East that has significant growth prospects.
The development level of the route network in a
region and its condition are the most important factors
in the development of other types of economic
activity. The volume of transport services is in turn
contingent on the FEA structure of the region and the
economic situation in it. They determine the demand
for the services of the transport complex. Thus, the
main results of transport activity reflect the economic
trends in a region's economy.
Besides, it should be taken into account that the
state of the transport system significantly affects the
current situation in a region, revealing and limiting
the availability of goods and services and thereby
affecting the differentiation of territorial localities.
A region's route network is important to observe
because modernization taking place in it is the result
of the economic activity of different types of
economic entities that differ in many ways, which
creates conditions for assessing their regional
modernization potential.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
3.1 Characteristics of the Amur Region
as a Regional Periphery
The Amur Region is a typical representative of the
regional periphery in many of its characteristics
(Novotný et al., 2015; Marada and Chromý, 1999;
Kaibicheva, 2018; Chromý and Jančák, 2005). Along
with that, the combination of some qualities makes
the region a unique object that has specific features
distinguishing it so significantly that using general
patterns for developing regional periphery cannot be
correct with it in making management decisions and
determining the prospects for socio-economic
Among the issues that deserve attention in this
regard, it is necessary to assess both the general and
special characteristics of the region as a peripheral
one. The importance of such a detailed analysis has
been repeatedly emphasized in ongoing research
(Granberg, 2009).
Among the most significant characteristics of the
situation in the region, there is its low population,
dispersion and small-scale settlement, significant
territorial spaces equated by natural and climatic
conditions to the Far North, limited significantly on
their economic growth and not considered as a place
of permanent residence (Burlayev at el., 2018).
An important geopolitical feature of the south of
the region is its bordering on China. In the initial
period of the region's development, the border
position, the presence of a unique settlement
development on both banks of the Amur River
directly opposite each other, were an important
advantage, ensuring the active development of
foreign economic relations, the penetration of
Russian capital into the border areas of China and the
wide opportunities for using Chinese labour in
economic activities in the border areas of Russia. As
inter-country relations were getting more
complicated, the growing tension in the border area
has largely become a determining factor in deterring
the deployment of large industrial enterprises,
primarily of the military-industrial sector, on the
territory of the region. Nowadays, the tendency of
returning to a situation where bordering contributes to
developing positive economic trends in the region is
becoming more relevant (Dyachenko, Lazareva,
3.2 Development of the Amur Region
as an Element of the Geostrategic
In the structure of the gross regional product, the
largest share is occupied by transport and
communications - 16.3%, mining - 15.8%,
manufacturing - 3.4%, agriculture, hunting and
forestry - 8.0%, wholesale and retail trade - 11.0%.
The structure of industrial production has energy and
raw material orientation (Amur Statistical Yearbook,
Over the past two thousand years, the funds of
mining and quarrying organizations have increased
annually in the total value of basic assets in the region
(from 1% in 2005 to 5.4% in 2018) (Basic Assets,
The region has recently implemented such major
transport projects as building the Eastern Siberia-
Pacific Ocean oil pipeline, the Amur and the Lena
federal highways (within the federal target program),
the construction and reconstruction of rail transport
facilities (the access track to the Elginsky coalfield,
bridges over the Zeya and Bureya Rivers), building
the Power of Siberia gas pipeline in the region, and
the construction of the Chinese-Russian highway
bridge Heihe Blagoveshchensk. In "electric-power
industry", construction of the Bureyskaya HPP and
the Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP, electric and gas
distribution networks in the region; in "mining and
quarrying", the "Pokrovsky mine" and "Berezitovy
mine" facilities, the "Olekma" processing plant, the
ore mining enterprise of the Kuranakhskoye field,
"Malomyrsky Mine" Ltd. The Amur Oil Refinery
Plant for oil refining and transportation of petroleum
products, gas processing and gas chemical complexes
were built.
3.3 General Characteristics of the
Route Network in the Amur Region
The transport complex is one of the economic sectors
in the Amur Region, which occupies a leading place
in the region's GRP structure.
The development of the route network is
determined by its transit functions, the location of
production facilities, and the economic specialization
of territorial localities. Due to the region's bordering
position, an increasing role in its transport complex is
played by the route network elements that ensure the
development of international transport and economic
relations, thanks to which pipeline has been registered
in the region, the highway infrastructure of
Modernization of Peripheral Region’s Economy in Implementing Geostrategic Priorities
international transit is being built up, and
international transportation by water is conducted.
The Amur Region's transport complex includes
infrastructure facilities of railway and highway
transportation, inland waterways, and civil aviation
facilities (Table 1).
Table 1: Length of communication routes, km.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
tracks 3,134 3,123 3,113 3,112 3,110
s, includin
17,09917,397 17,147 17,32017,171
paved roads, among
12,64712,936 12,851 12,92312,992
roads of federal
significance 1,483 1,483 1,494 1,494 1,494
roads of regional or
nificance 6,072 5,698 5,678 5,713 5,709
roads of local
4,801 5,318 5,259 5,242 5,302
Inland waterways,
2,572 2,572 2,572 2,572 2,572
with guaranteed
track dimensions 1,923 1,923 1,923 1,923 1,923
The significant investments made in the
development of the region's transport system were not
aimed at increasing the length of roads but at their
modernization, improving the quality through repair
work. Along with focusing on the condition of roads
in agglomerations and between main settlement
centres, significant efforts were directed to improving
those parts of transport routes in the worst condition.
The region's transport system was modernized
under the State Program "Development of the
Transport System of the Amur Region for 2014-
2020" and the National Project "Safe and High-
Quality Highways", which includes the regional
projects "Road Network", "System-Wide Measures
for the Development of the Road Facilities" and the
implementation of a comprehensive plan for
modernization and expansion of the backbone
infrastructure. Among the most important tasks of the
program is to promote the activation of updating basic
assets and increase the length of highways that meet
regulatory requirements.
3.4 Analysis and Evaluation of the
Activities of Sectoral Transport
Complexes in the Amur Region
3.4.1 Railway Transport
Railway transport plays a leading role in providing
international and interregional communication. The
location of the region between the main economic
centres of the Far East and the central regions of the
country determines the high importance of the
region's transit function. The modernization of the
railway network in the region is carried out by
"Russian Railways" JSC under the Strategy for the
Railway Transport Development in the Russian
Federation until 2030.
In recent years, significant investments have been
made in the development of railway transport in the
region. Thus, according to the government of the
Amur Region, in 2020, Russian Railways invested
almost 34 billion rubles to develop the capacity of the
BAM and Trans-Siberian Railway (Transport and
Communications, 2020). This allows increasing the
traffic volume to 180 million tons by 2024. For
comparison, 114 million tons of cargo were
transported in 2019.
Commuter rail service continues to play a primary
role in ensuring the citizens' mobility in the region
while remaining accessible through state regulation
of tariffs. The subsidies provided in 2018 from the
regional budget to compensate for lost income,
resulting from the fixed tariffs below the
economically reasonable level, amounted to 144,301
million rubles. A subsidy of 4,053 million rubles was
provided for preferential travel for students and a
certain category of citizens. In 2018, commuter rail
service in the Amur Region was carried out on 13
routes, including between localities where this type of
transport is main and non-alternative.
The main problems of the development and
functioning of railway transport in the region include:
- insufficient carrying capacity, limiting the
ability to use the country's railway network in
providing international transit;
- high deterioration of funds, primarily of
rolling stock, track facilities, repair facilities, as
well as low safety of movement and
transportation of rolling stock.
3.4.2 Road Transport
Highways are the most important component of the
industrial and social infrastructure of the region. The
development of the region's economy, the expansion
of markets for goods and services, and the expansion
of inter-municipal relations expand the scope of truck
transport, increasing the importance of highways in
the socio-economic development of the region.
The development of road communication was
active throughout the entire period of development.
Only in the period from 2010 to 2018, the length of
public roads increased from 8,464 km to 16,462 km.
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
Of the total length of public roads, the length of paved
roads has increased from 7,795 km to 12,927 km
(Transport and Communications, 2020). The most
significant step in the region's transport development
was the construction of the "Amur" federal highway,
thanks to which a through highway service became
available connecting the south of the Far East and the
western regions of the country.
At the same time, the level of road infrastructure
development in the region is characterized as low.
Unpaved roads, the condition of which depends on
weather conditions, make up 24% in the region, about
half of the roads (51%) are gravel (slag) roads and
require frequent repairs.
The road network is unevenly allocated about the
region (Table 2) (Transport and Communications,
Table 2: Proportion of local public roads with improved
pavement in the length of paved roads
2015 2017 2018 2019
Total by region 24.0 25.6 26.6 26.7
59.2 58.3 58.3 58.5
41.7 64.5 64.7 64.8
Zeya 57.1 57.1 63.1 63.1
26.9 26.9 26.9 26.9
Svobodniy 100 100 100 100
nda 100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100
urban-type settlement of
100 100 100 100
11.0 11.6 12.2 11.8
21.6 - - -
20.4 19.3 19.8 19.7
Bureysky 20.1 21.0 21.7 23.7
Zavitinsky 21.9 18.7 41.1 38.2
7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2
12.0 28.4 28.4 28.0
38.0 42.0 44.5 40.6
Magdagachinsky 23.2 10.1 9.0 8.9
Mazanovsky 9.3 8.2 8.2 8.2
- 9.3 9.3 9.2
- - 36.5 38.8
5.1 5.0 5.0 5.6
- 100 100 100
Selemdzhinsky 8.3 3.1 3.1 3.3
Seryshevsky 19.3 14.2 14.2 14.6
3.8 4.6 4.5 4.6
44.5 43.1 43.1 43.1
- - - -
Szymanovsky 9.8 9.8 17.2 17.2
The highest density of the road network is in the
southern part of the region and it is concentrated
around the regional centre and major cities. The road
network in the north and north-west of the region is
much less developed.
3.4.3 Air Transport
Air transport is an important part of the integrated
transport system in the Russian Federation and the
Amur Region.
Blagoveshchensk Airport is an airport of federal
significance, used for domestic and local
communications. It is connected by transit and direct
airlines to the central regions of the country and has
access to international air transportation services. The
northern remote settlements of the region are served
by airports located in the cities of Zeya, Tynda and
the village of Ekimchan.
Most airports located on the territory of the region
have a low level of equipment, the condition of
runways and other ground infrastructure does not
meet up-to-date requirements. The requirements for
flight safety and the quality of public services are also
increasing. To ensure sustainable passenger air routes
and the safety of passenger transport, the state should
actively participate in the reconstruction and overhaul
of airport complexes and ground infrastructure.
3.4.4 Pipeline
Pipeline facilities are included in transport facilities
besides road, rail and air ones.
Adding the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean oil
pipeline to the region's route network with access to
China of the Selemdzhinsky District and the Power of
Siberia gas pipeline gives not only large-scale export
opportunities but also prospects for developing gas
processing and oil refining. Currently, the capacity of
the gas pipeline is being expanded, which will allow
starting full-scale gasification works in the region.
The total level of gasification of the Amur Region is
planned to be raised from 0% to 11.6%.
Using the region's transit potential as a territory of
geostrategic importance gave rise to its transport
system in developing the Far East backbone transport
network, providing access to the countries of the
Asia-Pacific Region.
Among others, the priority task is to develop the
backbone infrastructure, the main elements of which
include the Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur railway
lines, which are a key link in ensuring transport
communications between Europe and Asia, realizing
the railway transit potential of the Russian
Modernization of Peripheral Region’s Economy in Implementing Geostrategic Priorities
Federation, and developing international transport
corridors. Measures for railway infrastructure
development, oriented to increasing the volume of
cargo and passenger traffic, include the elimination of
"bottlenecks", the construction of second and third
tracks in the main directions.
Large-scale results have been achieved in the
development of road transport in recent years. The
most significant step in the region's transport
development was the construction of the "Amur"
federal highway, thanks to which a through highway
service became available connecting the south of the
Far East and the western regions of the country. At
the same time, highway service in the region is not
sufficiently developed. In the regional settlement
system, there are still significant limitations in
transport accessibility. One of the main problems of
the transport infrastructure is a high deterioration of
the main production assets of road transport, which
limits their carrying capacity and requires a constant
inflow of investments for repair work. Among the
acute problems in the route network of the region,
there is a low technical condition and poor
development of the route network of local
significance. In general, the existing transport
infrastructure does not correspond to the current
trends in passenger and cargo transportation
Important elements of the transport infrastructure
in the region are bridges and overpasses, facilities for
improving road safety, gas stations, etc. Many of the
artificial structures are in poor technical condition,
including a bridge crossing connecting the regional
centre with the southern districts of the region.
The bordering position of the region creates
conditions for expanding international cooperation,
increasing the volume of export-import and passenger
traffic. In 2020, the border bridge crossing of 1.3 km
in length over the Amur River in the area of
Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region) and Heihe was
brought into service. To further increase the foreign
economic potential of the region's transport system, it
is necessary to significantly increase the logistics
centres that meet domestic and international
In the region's transport complex, despite the
large-scale transformations, there are still systemic
problems that indicate the necessity to eliminate the
infrastructure limitations in the region for socio-
economic development and performance of transit
functions in interregional and international
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ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure