Sustainable Transport in the "Green Economy" System
Larisa D. Petrenko
Department of management of construction and housing and communal services, Institute of service and industry
management, Industrial University of Tyumen, Volodarsky st., 38, Tyumen, Russia
Keywords: Sustainable Transport, Green Transport, Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Decarbonization,
Electric Car.
Abstract: The actualization of global ecological problems necessitates transformational reformations in the transport
sector. The strengthening of global trends in decarbonization is leading to some deformations in the transport
sector. Greening the transport sector is due to the ecologization of global development and will be long-term,
what is due to its cost reduction and the achievement of appropriate energy efficiency indicators. The features
of the development of the transport sector are characterized by a decrease in the level of energy intensity, as
well as the active development of the "green" sector of electric cars. The intensive growth of the green
transport sector is largely supported by state financial backing as part of the implementation of sustainable
development strategies. Further development of the "green" transport sector will take place in the context of
expanding the use of market-based support instruments, that ensure the introduction of energy-efficient
technologies for vehicles; development of logistics technologies, that reduce the frequency and distance of
transportation; increasing the availability and sustainability of low-carbon fuel types.
Climate change issues are a key trend, predetermining
global economic development over the coming
decade (Anseretal, 2020; Barrett, 2020; Carattinietal,
The ecological trend involves meeting the current
needs of people without affecting future generations
and the ecosystem of the planet and is supported by
the need to implement the Sustainable Development
Goals for the period up to 2030, as well as the Paris
Agreement on Climate (Sustainable development
goals, 2015; The Paris Agreement, 2015). The need
to implement these targets is due to the need to reduce
the level of inequality in the global economy and in
the transition to socio-economic development, taking
into account environmental restrictions (Brechetetal,
2016; Chanetal, 2019). The transformation of the
global transport sector plays a special role in
achieving these goals (Lorenteetal, 2020; Ravettietal,
2020; Sepehretal, 2019).
Long-term development strategies of countries
are based on the concept of a humane environment,
ecological compatibility, and safety, and transport
infrastructure plays an important role in this aspect.
The need for a transition to sustainable development
predetermines the actualization of mobility issues
when the transport infrastructure acts as a field shaper
of the country's united area. In the world, transport is
developing within the framework of achieving the
required level of comfort, ecological compatibility,
and safety, which determines the future of sustainable
development (Anderssonetal, 2020; Zenghelis, 2019;
Vitaetal, 2019).
At the beginning of the 21st century, a
breakthrough was outlined in the transport
infrastructure, associated with a change in the socio-
economic landscape. The deteriorating ecological
situation, the low level of safety, and the lack of equal
availability of space for the entire population
redetermined the vector of development of mobility.
The existing transport system is being reformed
towards progressive forms of movement - electric
cars and electric buses, which in the near future will
form the basis for a humane environment (Barbier,
2020; Kapustin and Grushevenko, 2020;
Anastasiadou and Vougias, 2019; Habich-
Sobiegallaetal, 2019).
Petrenko, L.
Sustainable Transport in the "Green Economy" System.
DOI: 10.5220/0010585200050009
In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure (ISSDRI 2021), pages 5-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-519-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The emergence of the term “green” or sustainable
transport is considered, as a logical extension of the
concept of “sustainable development”, describing
types of transport and transport planning systems, that
are consistent with broader sustainability issues.
"Green" transport has a positive impact on the
ecological, social and economic sustainability of
society and ensures the mobility of both socio-
economic tides and the population as a whole. The
actualization of the problems of ecological
compatibility of transport is due to the very
significant volumes of energy consumption and
carbon dioxide emissions, leading to negative
ecological changes. The ecological footprint of
transport is due to not only air pollution and the
depletion of non-renewable resources, but also by the
presence of problems with its disposal and hazardous
waste (batteries, etc.) (Herberz et al., 2020; Hansson,
2020; Wang et al., 2020; Jin et al. al., 2020; Sun et al.,
The article studies the features of the development
of the global transport sector. The research is based
on extensive scientific literature, that allows
comparisons, giving corresponding examples, and
extrapolation of ideas and results. The purpose of the
research is to study the features and identify
opportunities for the development of global transport
in the context of an eco-friendly trend.
The research methodology was based on methods of
calculating the dynamics of indicators, characterizing
data on the development of the global transport
sector, as well as on a comparative analysis. To
achieve the purposes in hand and assess the results,
specific data from the International Energy Agency
(IEA) were used on CO2 emissions in the transport
sector, on the energy intensity of the transport sector;
the share of electric cars in global transport; their
technological and territorial distribution; market
share of electric cars by country.
Sustainable ("green") transport is considered as an
affordable, cheap and efficient type of transportation,
that minimizes environmental damage and
contributes to reducing the ecological and social
impact of its use. The types of such transport are:
pedestrian and bicycle traffic, eco-friendly cars,
transit-oriented development, vehicle rental,
economical urban transport systems, etc. Through the
development of sustainable transport, the needs of
people, companies, and society for reliable and
affordable means of transportation, without harm to
human health and the ecosystem as a whole, are met.
Ideally, it uses energy from renewable ("green")
resources (hydropower, solar energy, etc.).
Expanding the use of such transport contributes
to: reducing greenhouse gas emissions; reducing the
use of energy-consuming types of transport; the
transition to low-carbon fuel types; expanding
electrification in the transport sector; stimulating
research for affordable storage batteries, etc.
Sustainable transport is meant to improve the
ecological situation, providing consumers with a
decrease in exhaust gas toxicity, an affordable cost,
and a high level of its technical performance.
The development of sustainable transport can
ensure the ecological, social, and economic
sustainability of society as a whole, as well as an
increase in the number of socio-economic tides and
increased mobility of people. The increase in mobility
indicators cannot be considered in isolation from the
ecological, social, and economic costs of transport
systems. Social costs of transportation include
accidents, air pollution, reduced physical activity,
vulnerability to fuel price increase, and others. In the
economic context, traffic jams and blocks, resulting
in serious temporary losses in all sectors. Ecological
costs are associated, first of all, with significant
volumes of greenhouse emissions (lead, sulfur, solid
aldehydes, carcinogens, etc.), leading to oxygen
starvation, as well as significant energy intensity and
ecological imbalance in connection with the
production and use of transport means and
The scaling of research in the development and
creation of "green" transport indicates a high level of
interest of the authorities at different levels in the
development of the ecological aspect. Ecological
humanism, which predetermines the world agenda,
implies a high level of culture of consumption, careful
attitude to natural resources, and is of a long-term
It is difficult to overestimate the degree of the
environmental impact of transport. The share of
transport in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion is
about 25%. It is important to note, that positive
dynamics of such emissions has been observed over a
long period. So, in 2019 their increase was by around
0.5%, suggesting a decrease of positive dynamics,
which is caused by improved energy efficiency,
increased electrification (over 7 million electric cars
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
in 2019 in the world), and increased use of renewable
energy sources in the global transport sector. The
largest share in the structure of emissions (about
75%) is accounted for by motor vehicles. Along with
this, there is a positive trend in CO2 emissions in the
aviation and shipping sectors. (Transport, 2020)
According to the sustainable development
scenario, measures to improve efficiency and reduce
energy demand are highly relevant in achieving the
global climate goals in the transport sector. At the
same time, there is an increase in emissions from the
motor vehicles sector, which is due to a number of
reasons. Most of the vehicle markets are
characterized by increased purchases of larger and
heavier vehicles. So, in a number of regions, the share
of cross-country vehicles was about 50%. (Tracking-
Transport-2020, 2020) In addition, there is a high
level of demand for road transportation due to the
expansion of the e-commerce and delivery services
The global slowdown in economic development
was reflected in a decrease in the energy intensity of
the global transport sector (by 2.3% in 2019).
However, the expected rate of decrease in accordance
with the goals of the sustainable development
scenario was not achieved. (Tracking-Transport-
2020, 2020) In this regard, the degree of importance
of measures to improve energy efficiency with an
increase in demand for mobility and freight
transportation with reducing CO2 emissions is being
updated. Improving energy efficiency in the global
transport sector can be achieved by: introducing
energy-efficient technologies for vehicles and fuel
types; developing of logistics technologies to reduce
the frequency and distance of transportation;
improving the energy efficiency of vehicles;
increasing the availability and sustainability of low-
carbon fuel types, etc. In addition, meeting the
sustainable development scenario targets for
improving air quality requires stricter emission
control standards for vehicles, as well as increased
availability of low-carbon fuel types.
Fiscal policy, that stimulates development in the
field of reducing emissions and improving air quality,
can be an effective regulatory tool. The mechanism of
adoption of taxes, reflecting social costs and the cost
of ecological damage, is an effective regulatory tool
for the mobility of passenger and freight
transportation. The features of making transport
decisions are influenced by taxation, associated with
the purchase and turnover of vehicles, which can
stimulate consumer activity in the sector of "green"
The active development of "green" transport is
observed in the electric car sector. So, in 2019, their
sales exceeded 2.1 million units (+6% compared to
2018) against a backdrop of a global contraction of
the car market. In addition, there is an increase in the
share of electric cars in the global structure of the car
market to 2.6% in 2019, which indicates the
consolidated sustainable development of this sector.
(Electric-Vehicles, 2020) The sustainable
development scenario implies the expansion of the
share of the electric car park in the world to 13% by
In 2019, the leaders in electric car sales were
China (1.06 million vehicles); Europe (560 thousand
cars); the USA (326 thousand cars). Their share in the
overall market structure exceeded 90% of all sales.
Against a backdrop of increased decarbonization
requirements for the economy, there was an increase
in sales of battery electric cars (including battery-
electric cars and plug-in hybrid electric cars). So, in
2019, their share in the total sales structure was about
In the second half of 2019 there was a slowdown
in global demand for electric ars due to the
deformation of direct subsidy policy in key markets.
However, the total amount of electric cars in the
world reached 7.2 million in 2019. At the same time,
about 47% of all cars are used in China. (Electric-
Vehicles, 2020)
The most popular in the global market are battery
electric cars. In 2019 there was a drop in hybrid
vehicle sales of 11%. Along with this, it is important
to note, that the share of such cars in the overall
structure of the electric car market is about 30%. The
most active sales of these cars are observed in China
(40% of the world market) and Europe (36%).
The development of "green" technologies is
becoming a characteristic trend for other types of
transport as well. The two-wheeled car sector
(scooters and bicycles) is actively developing, 25% of
which are electric and the most developed in China
(over 95% of the market). The market of electric
buses in the world as of 2019 exceeds 513,000 units
(+17% by 2018). China is the leader in this sector too.
The active expansion of the electric bus park is also
typical for Europe, India, and Latin America. The
segment of medium and heavy electric trucks is
expanding, especially in China, where sales grew by
more than 6,000 units in 2019. There is an
improvement in electrification processes in shipping
and aviation, especially in Europe and China.
(Electric-Vehicles, 2020)
Sustainable Transport in the "Green Economy" System
Achievement of the required indicators of sustainable
development in the "green" transport sector must be
accompanied by the implementation of appropriate
state policy. Among the key mechanisms for
stimulating the development of the electric transport
market are the tools of subsidizing and tax incentives.
In 2019, in Europe, a new fuel economy standard
for passenger cars and vans and a CO2 emission
standard for heavy vehicles was adopted, reflecting
the requirements or preferences for the electric
transport segment, that have a stimulating effect on
the sector. In 2020, in China, its fuel economy
standard for light vehicles was updated, also aimed at
stimulating the development of this sector. India
conducts a policy of stimulating the development of
electric transport, mainly in the two-wheeled car
sector. The development of this sector is actively
supported in Canada, Chile, New Zealand, Costa
According to research in 2019, over 50 countries,
participating in the global car market, which share is
about 90%, provided direct stimulating regulation of
the development of the electric car sector. However,
there is a gradual elimination of the implementation
of direct stimulating measures at the national level in
leading markets (China, USA, etc.) and a transition to
indirect regulatory measures (for example, building
norms for the installation of charging infrastructure,
The stimulating mechanisms, that provide the
development of battery technology in the electric car
sector forms a progressive battery cost reduction (-
13% in 2019). Since the basis of the cost of electric
cars is namely the car battery, an investment policy is
being actively implemented at the national levels,
aimed at developing innovative activity in the field of
battery technologies (increasing the size of the battery
pack, changing the chemical composition of batteries,
reducing costs due to the expansion of production
facilities, etc.).
In the early stages of the electric car market
(introduction and distribution), procurement
subsidizing policy was implemented at national levels
to demonstrate such technologies and intensive
growth of production, providing cost reduction.
Indirect regulation through tax incentives to increase
purchasing power in this sector, as well as additional
measures, that increase the value of daily driving of
electric cars (for example, discount parking rates,
discounts on toll roads and low-emission zones) play
a key role in attracting consumers and enterprises to
electric cars in an early market stage.
The next stage of the development of the electric
car sector implies increased requirements for both
CO2 emissions in relation to consumers and a
minimum share of cars with zero or low emissions in
relation to manufacturers. An important condition for
enhancing electrification of the transport sector is the
sustainable scaling of the battery industry, which
must be supported by appropriate policy at the
national levels (reducing investment risks, fuel
economy standards, zero or low emission mandates,
maintaining battery production value chains,
developing innovative technologies in this area, etc.).
Sustainable transport afflicts minimum damage to the
environment and helps to reduce the ecological and
social consequences of its use. Its use provides:
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; transition to
low-carbon fuel types; expansion of electrification in
the transport sector, etc. Sustainable transport is
meant to improve the ecological situation, providing
consumers with an affordable cost and a high level of
its technical performance.
In the current period, the scale of the negative
impact of transport on the environment is very
impressive and is constantly increasing. The share of
transport in CO2 emissions from fuel combustion is
about 25%. In the current period, there is a decrease
in the level of energy intensity of the global transport
sector, the pace of which is not sufficient to achieve
the goals of sustainable development. In this regard,
there is an active development of "green" transport,
especially in the electric car sector. The most popular
in the global market are battery electric cars.
Achievement of the required indicators of
sustainable development in the "green" transport
sector must be accompanied by the implementation of
appropriate state policy. In the early stages of the
electric car market, a procurement subsidizing policy
was implemented at national levels to demonstrate
such technologies and intensive growth of
production, providing cost reduction.
The next stage of the development of the electric
car sector implies increased requirements for both
CO2 emissions in relation to consumers and the
minimum share of cars with zero or low emissions in
relation to manufacturers, and implies the
implementation of appropriate state policy as part of
the expansion of the use of market support tools, that
ensure the introduction of energy-efficient
technologies for vehicles; development of logistics
technologies, that reduce the frequency and distance
ISSDRI 2021 - International Scientific and Practical Conference on Sustainable Development of Regional Infrastructure
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