Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning
Ross Greer
1 a
and Shlomo Dubnov
2 b
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
Department of Music, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
Gaze Estimation, Convolutional Neural Networks, Human-Computer Interaction, Distance Learning, Music
Education, Telematic Performance.
Nonverbal communication, in particular eye contact, is a critical element of the music classroom, shown to
keep students on task, coordinate musical flow, and communicate improvisational ideas. Unfortunately, this
nonverbal aspect to performance and pedagogy is lost in the virtual classroom. In this paper, we propose a
machine learning system which uses single instance, single camera image frames as input to estimate the gaze
target of a user seated in front of their computer, augmenting the user’s video feed with a display of the esti-
mated gaze target and thereby restoring nonverbal communication of directed gaze. The proposed estimation
system consists of modular machine learning blocks, leading to a target-oriented (rather than coordinate-
oriented) gaze prediction. We instantiate one such example of the complete system to run a pilot study in a
virtual music classroom over Zoom software. Inference time and accuracy meet benchmarks for videocon-
ferencing applications, and quantitative and qualitative results of pilot experiments include improved success
of cue interpretation and student-reported formation of collaborative, communicative relationships between
conductor and musician.
Teaching music in virtual classrooms for distance
learning presents a variety of challenges, the most
readily apparent being the difficulty of high rate tech-
nical synchronization of high quality audio and video
to facilitate interactions between teachers and peers
e et al., 2020). Yet, often left out of this dis-
cussion is the richness of nonverbal communication
that is lost over teleconferencing software, an element
which is crucial to musical environments. Conductors
provide physical cues, gestures, and facial expres-
sions, all of which are directed by means of eye con-
tact; string players receive eye contact and in response
make use of peripheral and directed vision to antici-
pate, communicate, and synchronize bow placement;
wind and brass instrumentalists, as well as singers, re-
ceive conducted cues to coordinate breathe and artic-
ulation. While the problem of technical synchroniza-
tion is constrained by the provisions of internet ser-
vice providers and processing speeds of conferencing
software servers and clients, the deprivation of non-
verbal communication for semantic synchronization,
that is, coordination of musicians within the flow of
ensemble performance, can be addressed modularly
to restore some pedagogical and musical techniques
to distance learning environments.
This problem is not limited to the musical class-
room; computer applications which benefit from un-
derstanding human attention, such as teleconferenc-
ing, advertising, and driver-assistance systems, seek
to answer the question ‘Where is this person look-
ing?’ (Frischen et al., 2007). Eye contact is a power-
ful non-verbal communication tool that is lost in video
calls, because a user cannot simultaneously meet the
eyes of another user as well as their own camera,
nor can a participant ascertain if they are the target
of a speaker’s gaze. Having the ability to perceive
and communicate intended gaze restores a powerful,
informative communication channel to inter-personal
interactions during live distance learning.
The general problem of third-person gaze estima-
tion is complex, as models must account for a contin-
uous variety of human pose and relative camera posi-
tion. Personal computing applications provide a help-
ful constraint: the user is typically seated or stand-
ing at a position and orientation which stays approxi-
mately constant relative to the computer’s camera dur-
Greer, R. and Dubnov, S.
Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010539806980708
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 698-708
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Even though these chamber musicians may look
to their concertmaster Alison (upper left) during video re-
hearsal, her gaze will appear arbitrary as she turns her eyes
to a particular player in her view. If she tries to cue by look-
ing at her camera, it will incorrectly appear to all players
that they are the intended recipient of her eye contact. From
this setup, she is unable to establish a nonverbal commu-
nicative connection with another musician.
ing and between uses. Gaze tracking becomes fur-
ther simplified when the gaze targets are known; in
this way, the system’s precision must only be on the
scale of the targets themselves, rather than the level
of individual pixels. As an additional consideration,
for real-time applications such as videoconferencing
or video performances, processing steps must be kept
minimal to ensure output fast enough for application
requirements. In this work, we present a system de-
signed to restore eye contact to the virtual classroom,
expanding distance pedagogy capabilities. Stated in a
more general frame, we propose a scheme for real-
time, calibration-free inference of gaze target for a
user-facing camera subject to traditional PC seating
and viewing constraints.
2.1 Eye Contact in the Music Classroom
Many students and educators experienced firsthand
the differences between traditional in-person learning
environments and synchronous distance learning en-
vironments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Studies report lower levels of student interaction and
engagement, with “the absence of face-to-face contact
in virtual negotiations [leading] students to miss the
subtleties and important visual cues of the non-verbal
language.” (de Oliveira Dias et al., 2020). These sub-
tleties are critical to musical education, with past re-
search examining this importance within a variety of
musical relationships.
Within the modality of teacher-ensemble relation-
ships, in review of historical research and their own
experiments of conductor eye contact for student en-
sembles, Byo and Lethco explain the plethora of mu-
sical information conveyed via eye contact, its impor-
tance in keeping student musicians on task, and its
elevated value as musician skill level increases (Byo
and Lethco, 2001). In their work, they categorize
musical situations and respective usage of eye con-
tact, ranging from use as an attentive tool for group
synchronization or an expressive technique for styl-
ized playing. A study by Marchetti and Jensen re-
states the importance of nonverbal cues as fundamen-
tal for both musicians and teachers (Davidson and
Good, 2002), reframing the value of eye contact and
directed gestures within the Belief-Desire-Intention
model adopted by intelligent software systems (Rao
et al., 1995), and pointing to nonverbal communica-
tion as a means to provide instruction and correction
without interruption (Marchetti and Jensen, 2010).
Within the modality of student chamber music, a
study of chamber musicians led to categorization of
nonverbal behaviors as music regulators (in particu-
lar, eye contact, smiles, and body movement for at-
tacks and feedback) “demonstrated that, during musi-
cal performance, eye contact has two important func-
tions: communication between ensemble members
and monitoring individual and group performance”
(Biasutti et al., 2013). In a more conversational duet
relationship, a study of co-performing pianists found
eye contact to be heavily used as a means of sharing
ideas among comfortable musicians by synchronizing
glances at moments of musical importance (Willia-
mon and Davidson, 2002).
Within the modality of improvised music, an ex-
amination of jazz students found eye contact to be
a vehicle of empathy and cooperation to form cre-
ative exchanges, categorizing other modes of com-
munication in improvised music within verbal and
nonverbal categories as well as cooperative and col-
laborative subcategories (Seddon, 2005). Jazz clar-
inetist Ken Peplowski remarks in The Process of Im-
provisation: “...we’re constantly giving one another
signals. You have to make eye contact, and that’s
why we spend so much time facing each other in-
stead of the audience” (Peplowski, 1998). Even im-
provisatory jazz robot Shimon comes with an expres-
sive non-humanoid head for musical social communi-
cation, able to communicate by making and breaking
eye contact to signal and assist in musical turn-taking
(Hoffman and Weinberg, 2010).
Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning
Figure 2: In previous works, a typical pipeline for regression-based gaze estimation methods may involve increased feature
extractions to provide enough information to learn the complex output space. Some models discussed in the related works
section estimate only up to gaze angle, while others either continue to the gaze point, or bypass the mapping from gaze angle
to gaze point and instead learn end-to-end.
2.2 Personal Computing Gaze
Vora et al. have demonstrated the effectiveness of
using neural networks to classify gaze into abstract
“gaze zones” for use in driving applications and at-
tention problems on the scale of a full surrounding
scene (Vora et al., 2018). Wu et al. use a similar
convolutional approach on a much more constrained
scene size, limiting gaze zones to the segments span-
ning a desktop computer monitor (Wu et al., 2017). In
their work, they justify the classification-based model
on the basis that the accuracy of regression-based
systems cannot reach standards necessary in human-
computer interaction (HCI). In their work, they pro-
pose a CNN which uses a left or right eye image to
perform the classification; to further improve perfor-
mance, Cha et al. modify the CNN to use both eyes
together (Cha et al., 2018).
While these approaches are effective in determin-
ing gaze to approximately 15 cm by 9 cm zones, this
predefined gaze zone approach contains two major
shortcomings to identifying the target of a user’s gaze.
First, multiple objects of interest may lie within one
gaze zone, and second, an object of interest may lie
on the border spanning two or more gaze zones. Our
work addresses these issues by constraining user gaze
to a particular target of interest mapped one-per-zone
(in the case of the classroom, an individual student
2.3 Gaze Estimation by Regression
In contrast to gaze zone methods, which divide the
visual field into discrete regions, regression-based
methods better address user attention by opening gaze
points to a continuous (rather than discretized) space,
but at the expense of taking on a more complex learn-
ing task, since the mapping of input image to gaze
location becomes many-to-many instead of many-to-
few. To address this complexity, many regression
models rely on additional input feature extractions
from the user image, and regress to estimate the gaze
angle, rather than target, to eliminate estimation of an
additional uncertainty (distance from eye to object of
fixation). Fig. 2 shows an example pipeline for re-
gression approaches to this problem; though specific
works may include or exclude particular features (or
stop at gaze angle output), there is still an apparent
increase in complexity relative to the end-to-end clas-
sification models.
Zhang et al. and Wang et al. use regression ap-
proaches with eye images and 3D head pose as input,
estimating 2D gaze angle (yaw and pitch) as output
(Zhang et al., 2015), (Wang et al., 2016). In our work,
we generate direct estimation of 2D gaze target coor-
dinates (x, y) relative to the camera position. Zhang
et al. contributed a dataset appropriate to our task,
MPIIGaze, which contains user images paired with
3D gaze target coordinates; in their work, they use
this dataset to again predict gaze angle (Zhang et al.,
2017). Though we develop our own dataset to meet
the assumption of a user seated at a desk, with the
optical axis approximately eye level and perpendicu-
lar to the user’s seated posture, the MPIIGaze dataset
could also be used with our method. Sugano et al. use
a regression method which does map directly to target
coordinates, but their network requires additional vi-
sual saliency map input to learn attention features of
the associated target image (Sugano et al., 2012).
Closest to our work, Krafka et al. created
a mobile-device-based gaze dataset and end-to-end
gaze target coordinate regressor (Krafka et al., 2016).
Their input features include extracted face, eyes, and
face grid, which we reduce to extracted face and 4
bounding box values. They report a performance of
10-15 fps, which falls behind the common videocon-
ferencing standard of 30 fps by a factor of two. In
CSME 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
Figure 3: Our pipeline reduces input feature extractions and learns a 2D gaze target coordinate. The simplified model performs
with accuracy and speed suitable for videoconferencing applications.
contrast to the previous methods illustrated in Fig. 2,
our proposed system marries the simplicity of end-to-
end, minimal feature classification approaches with
the continuous output of regression models to create
a fast and accurate solution to gaze target estimation
suitable for videoconferencing applications.
2.4 Gaze Correction
Some applications may seek to artificially modify
the speaker’s eye direction to have the appearance
of looking directly at the camera, giving the im-
pression of eye contact with the audience. A tech-
nology review by Regenbrecht and Langlotz evalu-
ates the benefits of mutual gaze in videoconferencing
and presents proposed alterations of workstation se-
tups and hardware to make gaze correction possible.
Such schemes include half-silvered mirrors, projec-
tors, overhead cameras, and modified monitors with a
camera placed in the center, all of which, while effec-
tive, may exceed constraints on simplicity and phys-
ical environment for typical remote classroom users
(Regenbrecht and Langlotz, 2015).
Without modifying hardware, researchers at In-
tel achieve gaze correction using an encoder-decoder
network named ECC-Net (Isikdogan et al., 2020).
The model is effective in its task of modifying a user
image such that the eyes are directed toward the cam-
era; it is therefore reasoned that the system interme-
diately and implicitly learns the gaze direction in the
training process. However, their work has two clear
points of deviation from our research. First, ECC-
Net does not take into account distance from the user
to the camera, so though a gaze vector may be pos-
sible to infer, the gaze target cannot be directly esti-
mated. Second, while the impression of eye contact
is a valuable communication enhancement, our work
seeks to communicate to whom the speaker is look-
ing, which is negated if all users assume the speaker
to be looking to them. This intermediate step of target
determination is critical to communicating directed
cues and gestures to individuals. To make this dis-
tinction with gaze correction, it becomes necessary to
stream a separate video feed of the speaker to each
participant with an appropriately corrected (or non-
corrected) gaze toward the individual, which is not
practical for integration with existing videoconferenc-
ing systems that may allow, at best, only for modifi-
cation of the ego user’s singular video feed.
3.1 Network Architecture
Illustrated in Fig. 3, our proposed system takes a sam-
pled image or video stream as input. The image is first
resized and used as input to a face detection system.
From this block, we receive extracted facial features
to be passed forward in parallel with cropped facial
image data. The cropped facial image data is itself
passed through a convolutional neural network which
extracts further features. The output of the convolu-
tional neural network block is concatenated with the
earlier parallel extracted facial features, and passed
to a fully-connected block. The output of this fully-
connected block corresponds to a regression, mapping
the input data to physical locations with respect to the
camera origin. Finally, this regression output is fed
to a block which determines the user gaze target from
a computed list of possible gaze targets. Primarily,
our innovations to address gaze detection are in the
reduction to lightweight feature requirements and the
computation of possible gaze targets (i.e. student mu-
sicians in a virtual classroom). In the Implementation
Details section, we outline one complete example in-
stance of our general system, which we used in a pilot
study with undergraduate students in a remote intro-
ductory music course and trained musicians in a re-
mote college orchestra.
3.2 From Gaze Point to Gaze Target
Conversion of the regression estimate to gaze target
requires scene information. As our work is intended
Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning
for videoconferencing applications, we have identi-
fied two readily available methods to extract scene in-
Process a screencapture image of the user display
image to locate video participant faces using a
face detection network or algorithm.
Leverage software-specific system knowledge or
API tools to determine video participant cell lo-
cations. This may use direct API calls or image
processing over the user display image.
From either method, the goal of this step is to generate
N coordinate pairs (x
, y
) corresponding to the esti-
mated centroids, measured in centimeters from cam-
era (0, 0), of the N target participant video cells t
Additionally, a threshold τ is experimentally selected,
such that any gaze image whose gaze point is located
further than τ is considered targetless (t
). The gaze
target t is therefore determined using
= argmin
{(x x
+ (y y
} (1)
t =
(x x
+ (y y
A consequence of this method is that the predicted
gaze point does not need to be precisely accurate to its
target– the predicted gaze point must simply be closer
to the correct target than the next nearest target (and
within a reasonable radius).
3.3 Implementation Details and
In our experimental instance of the general gaze target
detection system, we use as input a stream of images
sampled from a USB or integrated webcam, with res-
olution 1920x1080 pixels. Each image is first resized
to 300x300 pixels, then fed to a Single-Shot Detector
(Liu et al., 2016) with a ResNet-10 (He et al., 2016)
backbone, pre-trained for face detection. From this
network, we receive the upper left corner coordinates,
height, and width of the found face’s bounding box,
which we map back to the original resolution and use
to crop the face of the original image. This face-only
image is then resized to 227x227 and fed to a mod-
ified AlexNet, with the standard convolutional lay-
ers remaining the same, but with 4 values (bounding
box upper left corner position (x
, y
), bounding box
height h, and bounding box width w) concatenated to
the first fully-connected layer. Our architecture is il-
lustrated in Fig. 4. We propose that the face location
and learned bounding box size, combined with the
face image, contain enough coarse information about
head pose and 3D position for the network to learn the
mapping from this input to a gaze point. The 2D out-
put of AlexNet represents the 2D coordinates (x, y),
in centimeters, of the gaze point on the plane through
the camera perpendicular to its optical axis (i.e. the
computer monitor), with the camera located at (0, 0).
For the modified AlexNet stage, our neural net-
work is implemented and trained in PyTorch (Baydin
et al., 2017). We use a batch size of 32 and Adam
optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015), using the standard
mean squared error loss function. The combined face
detection and gaze target model is run in Python using
the publicly available, pretrained OpenCV ResNet-10
SSD (Bradski, 2000) for the face detection stage.
3.3.1 Dataset
Data was collected from a group of five male and fe-
male participants, ages ranging from 20 to 58, with
various eye colors. Three of the subjects shared one
desktop setup, while the remaining two used individ-
ual desktop setups, giving variation in camera posi-
tion and orientation relative to the subject (in addition
to the variation associated with movement in seating
position). 91 gaze locations relative to the camera po-
sition are defined, spanning a computer screen of di-
mension 69.84 cm by 39.28 cm. Subjects with smaller
screen dimensions were given the subset of gaze loca-
tions which fit within their screen. Participants were
asked to sit at their desk as they would for typical
computer work, and to maintain eye contact with a
designated spot on the screen while recording video
data. Participants were free to move their head and
body to any orientation, as long as eye contact was
At this stage in data collection, the participants’
videos were stored by gaze location index, with a sep-
arate table mapping a gaze location index to its asso-
ciated displacement from the camera location (mea-
sured in centimeters displacement along the hori-
zontal and vertical axes originating from the camera
along the screen plane). Each frame of the video for
a particular gaze location was then extracted. From
each frame, the subject’s face was cropped using the
aforementioned SSD pretrained on ResNet-10, then
resized to 227x227 pixels. The location and dimen-
sions of the facial bounding box are recorded. The
dataset is thus comprised of face images, and for each
image an associated gaze position relative to the cam-
era and bounding box parameters.
A total of 161634 image frames were annotated
with one of 91 gaze locations. These images were di-
vided into 129,103 frames for training, 24,398 frames
for validation, and 8,133 frames for testing. The
CSME 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
Figure 4: An illustration of one possible facial-image-based convolutional neural network block (the second stage to our
system). For our experiments, we use an augmented AlexNet architure. Before the typical fully-connected layers, a 4-vector
representing the position and size of the facial bounding box is concatenated to the flattened convolutional output.
Figure 5: The data capture setup, including a sample da-
tum. The computer monitor displays different indexed gaze
locations for which the subject maintains eye contact. The
camera captures a video of the subject for each gaze loca-
tion. Frames are extracted, with the face then detected and
cropped. With each facial image, we store the bounding box
parameters (red) as well as the gaze location (yellow).
data collection setup with an example datum from the
training set is shown in Fig. 5.
3.3.2 Processing Video Layout
Our system was deployed for experiments over Zoom
videoconferencing services (Zoom Video Communi-
cations Inc., 2019). Because Zoom offers a set aspect
ratio for participant video cells, a consistent back-
ground color for non-video-cell pixels, and a fixed lo-
cation for video participant name within each video
cell, we were able to use the second listed method of
Section 3.2 (leveraging system knowledge and image
processing) to extract gaze targets with the following
1. Capture the current videoconference display as an
2. Filter the known background color to make a bi-
nary mask.
3. Label connected components in the binary mask.
4. Filter out connected components whose aspect ra-
tio is not approximately 16:9.
5. Find the centroid of each of the remaining con-
nected components
To associate each target with a corresponding in-
dex (in the case of our musicians, their name), we
crop a predefined region of each discovered video
cell, then pass the crop through the publicly avail-
able EasyOCR Python package to generate a name
label. Depending on the underlying videoconference
software employed, such names may be more readily
(and accurately) available with a simple API call.
3.3.3 Augmenting User Video with Gaze
To communicate the user’s gaze to call participants,
the user’s projected video feed is augmented with an
additional text overlay. This overlay changes frame-
to-frame depending on the estimated gaze target, us-
ing the name labels found in the previous section.
For our example system, we extract each frame from
the camera, add the overlay, then feed each modi-
fied frame as a sequence of images to a location on
disk. We then run a local server which streams the im-
ages from this location, and using the freeware Open
Broadcaster Software (OBS) Studio, we generate a
virtual camera client to poll this server. The virtual
camera is then utilized as the user’s selected camera
for their virtual classroom, resulting in a displayed
gaze as illustrated in Fig. 6.
Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning
Figure 6: With our system running on her device, concert-
master Alison (upper left) is able to nonverbally commu-
nicate to the ensemble that she is looking towards Walter
(second row, center). When any students observe Alison’s
video feed for cues, they will see continuous updates as her
gaze changes, establishing nonverbal communication with
the ensemble.
Table 1: Test Set Error from Gaze Estimate to Truth.
MSE 1.749 cm
Average Horizontal Error 0.678 cm
Average Vertical Error 1.457 cm
4.1 Computational Performance
4.1.1 Inference Time
Using the Python performance counter timing library,
we tested the time for the program to pass a cam-
era image through the face detection and gaze regres-
sion model for 1000 trials. The average inference
time was approximately 0.03235 seconds, equivalent
to 30.9095 frames per second. This satisfies our de-
sired benchmark of 30 fps.
4.1.2 Regression Metrics
The first metric we report is the MSE, i.e. the mean
absolute distance from the ground truth gaze location
to the predicted gaze location, measured in centime-
ters relative to the camera. Included with this measure
in Table 1 are the absolute distance between truth and
prediction in the horizontal (x) direction and the ver-
tical (y) direction. These results show stronger dis-
crimination along the x-axis, motivating the structure
of our next video-conference based metrics.
The second metric we use is video user hit rate.
For each sample, we form a truth target (the nearest
video cell to the known gaze point), and a predic-
tion target (the nearest video cell to the estimated gaze
point). If these two targets are equal, we classify the
sample as a hit, otherwise, a miss. We perform this
experiment over two configurations (Zoom Standard
Fullscreen Layout and Horizontal Full-Width Lay-
out), over a range of 2 to 8 displayed users. In the
Horizontal Full-Width Layout, the video call screen
is condensed along the y-axis but kept at full-width
along the x-axis, causing all video cells to align in
a horizontal row. We maintain this window at the
top of the computer screen for consistency. As sug-
gested in Table 1, because model performance is bet-
ter at discriminating between gazes along the x-axis,
the horizontal layout shows better performance than
the fullscreen layout. These hit-rates are provided
in Table 2. As more users are added to the system,
the target points require greater accuracy to form a
hit, so performance decreases. Additional variance
in performance within a layout class occurs due to
the reshaping of the video cell stacking geometry as
the number of users change; for example, non-prime
numbers of participants lead to a symmetric video
cell arrangement, while prime numbers of partici-
pants cause an imbalance between rows. When these
shapes are well-separated and align around the trained
gaze markers, the model performs better, but chal-
lenges arise when the video cell layout places borders
near trained points.
4.2 Classroom Performance
4.2.1 Telematic Soundpainting Pilot Setup
Our system was evaluated among an undergraduate
introductory music course, Sound in Time. Most stu-
dents in the survey course are interested in music, but
do not have extensive prior musical training.
Prior to the pilot study, all students in the course
were presented with a brief overview lecture of com-
poser Walter Thompson’s improvisatory composi-
tional language, Soundpainting (Thompson, 2016).
In Soundpainting, a conductor improvises over a set
of predefined gestures to create a musical sketch;
students interpret and respond to the gestures using
their instruments. For the pilot, student volunteers
were assigned at random to one of eight performing
groups, with 8-9 students per group (and a final over-
flow group of 15 musicians), for a total of 72 student
subjects. Each of these performing groups was led
through a Soundpainting sketch by a conductor using
the augmented gaze system.
CSME 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
Table 2: Experimental hit-rate of estimated gaze to known targets.
Number of Displayed Users: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fullscreen Layout Hit Rate: 0.982 0.917 0.711 0.865 0.715 0.689 0.693
Horizontal Layout Hit Rate: 0.975 0.967 0.868 0.943 0.908 0.885
Throughout each sketch, the performers observed
and followed the directions of the conductor, keeping
either a conductor-only view or a gallery view on their
screens. Within the sketch, students performed from
a set of gestures which referred to different group-
ings of performers, selected from whole group, indi-
viduals, and live-defined subgroups. For whole group
play, the conductor would join his hands over his head
in an arch, with no specific eye contact necessary. In
the case of individuals, the conductor would look at
and point to the individual expected to play. In the
case of live-defined subgroups, the conductor would
look at an individual, assign the individual a sym-
bolic gesture, and repeat for all members of this sub-
group. Then, the subgroup’s symbol would later be
presented, and all members of the subgroup are ex-
pected to play. For individual cues and live-defined
subgroup formation, the name of the individual be-
ing addressed via eye contact is displayed over the
conductor, communicating the conductor’s intended
recipient to the group.
Four of these group performances were recorded
for quantitative analysis, and all students completed
a post-performance survey for qualitative analysis.
Though the survey was administered by an experi-
menter outside of the course instructional staff, it is
always possible that there may be bias reflected in
student responses. Additionally, students unfamiliar
with Soundpainting may provide responses which ad-
dress a combination of factors from both the aug-
mented gaze system and their level of comfort with
the Soundpainting language. This same unfamiliarity
may have also affected students’ ability to respond to
gestures for quantitative analysis; a student who for-
gets a gesture’s meaning may freeze instead of play-
ing, even if they recognize it is their turn.
4.2.2 Quantitative Measures
During the sketches of the four recorded performing
groups, a total of 43 cues were delivered from the con-
ductor to the musicians. For each cue and for each
musician, a cue-musician interaction was recorded
from the following:
Hit (musician plays when cued)
Miss (musician does not play when cued)
False Play (musician plays when not cued)
Table 3: Student-Cue Response Statistics (n = 114).
Hit Rate 0.851
Miss Rate 0.149
Precision 0.990
Accuracy 0.952
Correct Reject (musician does not play, and musi-
cian was not cued)
In cases where the student was out of frame and
thus unobservable, data points associated with the
student are excluded. In total, 114 cue-musician in-
teractions were observed. Binary classification per-
formance statistics are summarized in Table 3. Hit
Rate describes the frequency in which students play
when cued, while Miss Rate describes the frequency
in which students fail to play when cued. Precision
describes the proportion of times a musician was play-
ing from a cue, out of all instances that musicians
were playing (that is, if precision is high, we would
expect that any time a musician is playing they had
been cued). Accuracy describes the likelihood that a
student’s action (whether playing or silent) was the
correct action. While there is no experimental bench-
mark, our statistics suggest that the musicians were
responsive to cues given to individuals and groups
through nonverbal communication during their per-
In addition to recorded performance metrics, stu-
dent responses to the post-performance survey in-
dicated that 87% of respondents felt they estab-
lished a communicative relationship with the con-
ductor (whose gaze was communicated), while only
42% felt they established a communicative relation-
ship with other musicians (who they could interact
with sonically, but without eye contact). Reflecting
on previously cited works discussing the importance
of eye contact in improvised and ensemble music, our
experimental results suggest that having eye contact
as a nonverbal cue significantly improves the estab-
lishment of a communicative relationship during per-
formance in distance learning musical environments.
4.2.3 Qualitative Results
Overall, students were able to successfully perform
Soundpainting sketches over Zoom when conducted
with an augmented gaze system. In addition to under-
graduate students in the pilot study, trained student
Restoring Eye Contact to the Virtual Classroom with Machine Learning
musicians of a college orchestra gathered on Zoom to
give a similar performance. The group of trained mu-
sicians responded positively to the performance, com-
menting that this was the first time they felt they were
partaking in a live ensemble performance since the
beginning of their distance learning, since previous
attempts at constrained live performance tended to be
meditative rather than interactive. Student feedback
towards performing with the augmented gaze system
include the following remarks:
Able to effectively understand who [the conduc-
tor] was looking at”
“Easy to follow because the instructions were vis-
“It was as good as it would get on Zoom, in my
opinion. We were able to see where [conductor]
was looking (super cool!) and I think that allowed
us to communicate better.
“...Easy for us to understand the groupings with
the name projection...
“I was able to communicate and connect with the
conductor, because it was essentially like a con-
versation, where he says something and I answer.
All I had to do was pay attention and follow”
To an ensemble musician, these remarks suggest
a promising possibility of interactive musicianship
previously lost in the virtual classroom by restor-
ing channels of nonverbal communication to the dis-
tanced ensemble environment.
To improve technical performance of the gaze tar-
get system in both precision and cross-user accuracy,
a logical first step is the extension of the training
dataset. Collecting data on a diverse set of human
subjects and over a greater number of gaze targets can
provide greater variance to be learned by the model,
more closely resembling situations encountered in de-
ployment. Augmenting our miniature dataset with
the aforementioned MPIIGaze dataset may also im-
prove model performance and provide an opportunity
to compare performance to other models.
In addition to increasing the number of subjects in
the dataset, there is also room for research into op-
timal ways to handle pose diversity. Musicians per-
form with different spacing, seating, and head posi-
tion depending on their instrument, and having a gaze
system which adapts according to observed pose for
increased accuracy is important for use among all mu-
To improve inference time of the system, future
research should include experimentation with multi-
ple neural network architectures. In this work, we use
an AlexNet base, but a ResNet or MobileNet architec-
ture may also learn the correct patterns while reduc-
ing inference time. Other extracted features may also
prove useful to fast and accurate inference.
Further experiments that would provide informa-
tion about system performance in its intended en-
vironment would include testing on computer desk
physical setups which are not part of the training
dataset to capture a diversity of viewing distances and
angles, and testing the system on human subjects who
are not part of the training dataset to measure the sys-
tem’s ability to generalize to new faces and poses.
From an application standpoint, there is a need
to expand communication channels from conductor-
to-musician (or speaker-to-participant) to musician-
to-musician (or participant-to-participant). While the
current system was designed around a hierarchical
classroom structure, peer-to-peer interaction also pro-
vides value, and adding this capability will require
changes in the indication design to avoid overwhelm-
ing a student with too many sources of information.
Practically speaking, development of a plugin which
integrates with existing video conferencing software
and works cross-platform is another area for further
In addition to musical cooperation, another appli-
cation of the system lies in gaze detection to man-
age student attention. Such a system could provide a
means for a student to elect to keep their camera off to
viewers, while still broadcasting their attention to the
presenter. Such a capability would allow teachers to
monitor student attention even in situations when stu-
dents wish to retain video privacy among their peers.
Finally, ethical considerations of the proposed
system must be made a priority before deployment in
any classroom. Two particular ethical concerns which
should be thoroughly researched are the ability of the
system to perform correctly for all users (regardless of
difference in physical appearance, skin color, or abil-
ity), and provisions to protect privacy on such a sys-
tem, including the readily available option for a user
to turn off the gaze tracking system at any time.
In this paper, we introduced a fast and accurate system
by which the object of a user’s gaze on a computer
screen can be determined. Instantiating one possi-
ble version of the system, we demonstrated the ca-
pability of an extended AlexNet architecture to es-
CSME 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education
timate the gaze target of a human subject seated in
front of a computer using a single webcam. Possi-
ble applications of this system include enhancements
to videoconferencing technology, enabling communi-
cation channels which are otherwise removed from
telematic conversation and interaction. By using pub-
licly available Python libraries, we read video user
names and cell locations directly from the computer
screen, creating a system which both recognizes and
communicates the subject of a person’s gaze.
This system was then shown to be capable of
restoring nonverbal communication to an environ-
ment which relies heavily on such a channel: the mu-
sic classroom. Through telematic performances of
Walter Thompson’s Soundpainting, student musicians
were able to respond to conducted cues, and experi-
enced a greater sense of communication and connec-
tion with the restoration of eye contact to their virtual
music environment.
The authors would like to thank students and teach-
ing staff from the Sound in Time introductory music
course at the University of California, San Diego; mu-
sicians from the UCSD Symphonic Student Associa-
tion; and students of the Southwestern College Or-
chestra under the direction of Dr. Matt Kline.
This research was supported by the UCOP Innova-
tive Learning Technology Initiative Grant (University
of California Office of the President, 2020).
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