Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases
Hong Guo
1,2 a
, Jingyue Li
, Shang Gao
and Darja Smite
School of Business, Anhui University, No. 111 Jiulong Road, Hefei, People's Republic of China
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
School of Business, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Department of Software Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Use Case, Enterprise Architecture Management, Agile.
Abstract: Despite benefits Enterprise Architecture (EA) has brought, EA has also been challenged due to its complexity,
heavy workload demands, and poor user acceptance. Researchers and practitioners proposed to use EA in an
agile and "business outcome-driven" way. This means that EA should not primarily be developed and used
according to a pre-defined framework. Instead, EA should be developed and used for specific business
purposes and by means of concrete deliverables. By doing so, a more effective and efficient way of EA
application could be enabled. However, there is no common agreement on what types of business goals can
be expected to be achieved by using EA (The What) and how to achieve these goals through EA solutions
(The How). To address these issues, we analysed the information provided by leading EA tool vendors
available on their websites to get inspiration. The results showed that Use Cases (UCs) are used generally to
motivate potential EA users by focusing on specific business issues. Then, EA solutions to address such
business requirements or challenges are scoped and derived accordingly. We expect relevant findings could
bring inspiration to agile EA engineering, change the EA “heavy-weight” reputation, and improve the
application of EA even among its sceptics.
Although Enterprise Architecture (EA) has brought
many kinds of benefits, EA was also challenged due
to its complexity, heavy workload demand, and poor
user acceptance (Guo, Li, and Gao 2019). There is a
trend to use EA in a more agile way (Gampfer et al.
2018), such as business outcome-driven EA (Gartner
Research 2017). This means that EA should not first
be developed and used according to a pre-defined
framework. Instead, EA should be developed and
used for specific business purposes and by means of
concrete deliverables (artifacts) in a more effective
and efficient manner. However, there is no consensus
on what types of business goals can be expected to be
achieved by using EA (The What) and how to achieve
these goals through EA solutions (The How).
This research proposes that Use Cases (UCs)
could be leveraged as an effective medium to bridge
business expectations and EA deliverables.
Traditionally in software engineering or system
engineering, UCs are used to get requirements by
analysing the interaction between users and systems.
In the EA domain, we assume it could be leveraged
for a similar purpose: to address business
issues/requirements and to derive EA solutions.
Interestingly, leveraging UCs to facilitate the
agile way of applying EA is hardly reported in the
academic literature, while being advocated by many
leading EA tool vendors in the industry. In this
research, we analyse how these EA tools use UCs. We
reviewed and analysed relevant content about 3
different UCs covered by 6 leading EA tool vendors
on their websites. The remaining sections of this
article are organized as follows. Section 2 briefly
introduces some background information. Section 3
introduces the research method. Then in Section 4, we
present the results. We discuss the results in Section
5 and conclude the paper in Section 6.
Guo, H., Li, J., Gao, S. and Smite, D.
Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases.
DOI: 10.5220/0010534705010509
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 501-509
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Enterprise Architecture
EA is often referred to as a blueprint for enterprise
composition and enterprise operating systems. Despite
many kinds of benefits EA might bring (Winter et al.
2010), one main role of EA is to provide the service of
understanding and communicating enterprise
interaction patterns through abstract and graphical
expressions and to facilitate the alignment of business
and information systems (Korhonen et al. 2016).
EA usually exists in the form of a set of abstract
graphics. They cover the high-level content of the
enterprise, across areas such as strategy, business,
information, and technology. We call these
abstractions EA artefacts, EA documents (usually
in more textual form), or EA models (usually in
graphical form).
Despite benefits brought by EA, applying EA in
practicing is also facing challenges (Hinkelmann et
al. 2016). One major challenge is its complexity.
Traditional approaches of EA Management (EAM)
follow formal processes and are separated from other
projects. It follows pre-defined frameworks and
pursues rigid and extensive upfront planning
(Kotusev, Singh, and Storey 2015). This might bring
a heavy workload. As changes are happening more
and more rapidly nowadays, such prescribed and
proactive ways of using EA (Kotusev, Singh, and
Storey 2015) could not meet the flexibility
requirement well.
To address such issues, relevant theories were
investigated, and agile EA practices were proposed
in academia and industry. Complexity Theories were
used (Gampfer et al. 2018). Systems Approaches
(Reynolds and Holwell 2010) were also applied
(Nurmi et al. 2018). For instance, according to Soft
System Theory (Platt and Warwick 1995), for
unstructured problem situations, a lens can be utilized
to narrow and focus perspective so that the problem
can be focused and structured further.
More agile approaches of EAM (Kotusev, Singh,
and Storey 2015) were proposed, such as MIT (Ross,
Weill, and Robertson 2006) and DYA (Wagter et al.
2005). Compared with more traditional EAM
approaches, they follow informal or no specific
process, develop and use EA when needed (business
changes severely, for instance) (Kotusev, Singh, and
Storey 2015). DYA also advocates “just enough, just
in time” architecture and does not design EA until
there is a need for it. In the industry, Gartner also
proposed Business Outcome Driven EA (Gartner
Research 2017).
Such efforts conform to the agile framework
Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
also, which believes the philosophy “that any project
must be aligned to clearly defined strategic goals and
focus upon early delivery of real benefits to the
business” (Agile Business Consortium Limited
2021). And among the eight principles of it, the first
is “Focus on the business need” (Agile Business
Consortium Limited 2021).
2.2 Use Cases
Use cases (UC) originate as a method for capturing
the user interaction with a piece of software or the
system under development in the field of user-centred
software and system engineering. The main idea
behind this concept is to obtain requirements by
analysing user scenarios and guide subsequent
software or system development. UCs are a simple,
straightforward, and very powerful way to express the
functional requirements/behaviour of a system. UCs
have gained wide acceptance as they make
requirements less ambiguous by specifying when and
under what conditions certain behaviours occur
(Bittner and Spence 2003) and help to manage
complexity, since they focus on one specific usage
aspect at a time (Lee and Xue 1999). As a result, those
who effectively employ UCs to model their systems
are said to deliver projects on time, within budget, and
with fewer defects (Bittner and Spence 2003).
2.3 Use Cases in (Agile) EA Practices
Traditional EA applications are increasingly facing
the challenges of complexity and difficulty in
adapting to various changes. To address these two
challenges, scholars investigated complexity and
systems theories to propose more lightweight EA
approaches adaptable to dynamic environments. But
there is no widely agreed method to implement them
or sufficient practical validation yet. Relevant
research gaps here include the types of business
issues that could potentially be solved/facilitated by
EA solutions (The What), and how to solve these
business issues through a lightweight EA (The How).
To address these gaps, we suggest exploring UCs
as a potential solution to define business goals and
derive EA solutions. UCs can be used to define
business problems accurately. Basing on the analysis
of UC definitions, an EA solution (a process with a
set of EA artifacts) could be derived. In industry, this
approach of using UCs has been used by several
leading EA management tools to promote how these
tools can help potential users solve specific and
MDI4SE 2021 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
important business problems and to show what the
solutions and EA artifacts to solve these problems are
like, with predictable and some kind of predictable
workload. But in academia, this method has not been
formally raised yet. Some researchers investigated the
possibilities to use EA together with use cases
(Miranda et al. 2018), but differently from us.
Therefore, this study observes how UCs are
leveraged by industrial leading EA tools, aiming to
answer two Research Questions (RQs) as below. Here
we assume if an EA solution implies a clear process
consisting of limited steps, and for each step of the
process, the workload is predictable, then the overall
workload is predictable.
RQ1: Can UCs be used to clearly define business
issues that can potentially be solved by EA?
RQ2: Can EA solutions with predictable
workloads be derived/outlined to solve business
issues that are defined with UCs?
In this research, we analyse how leading EA tools
leverage UCs to address business issues and derive
EA solutions. To achieve this goal, we selected
relevant content about three UCs from websites of six
EA tools. As such, our analysis qualifies as a review
of grey data sources. Grey literature and sources,
such as commercial tools and tool vendors’ entries,
webinars, and guidelines, have been empirically
found to provide substantial benefits in certain areas
of research, especially when the evidence they bring
is experience- or opinion-based, i.e., outlying the
state-of-the-practice (Garousi, Felderer, and Mäntylä
2016). We used content synthesis (Cruzes and Dyba
2011) to extract and synthesize the results. In the
following, we explain our strategy of choosing UCs
and vendors, extracting relevant content, and the
synthesis process.
We investigated how UCs are used by leading EA
tools. Tools are both instrumental and very important
in the EA discipline (Korhonen et al.). Features of
such tools were investigated in other scientific papers
such as (Nowakowski, Häusler, and Breu 2018). But
to the best of our knowledge, there is no
comprehensive study about how they utilize UCs in
particular. The vendors were selected from the
vendor list in Gartner’s (Forbes Media LLC. 2021)
annual report named “Gartner Magic Quadrant for
Enterprise Architecture Tools” (Gartner 2020), where
long-established manufacturers, as well as insightful
new challengers, are included. We believe the fact
about how they are applying EA represents the
current trend of first-line EA applications. Some other
scientific papers also use the report for evaluating EA
tools (Nowakowski, Häusler, and Breu 2018).
Among the 16 vendors, we chose 6 vendors to be
included in our study. The reasons for the selection
are: First, the included vendors should use the term
“use case” explicitly. Some vendors use other
relevant terms, such as “solutions” or “features,”
which turn out to be more diverse and have mixed
irrelated information. Second, UCs should be used to
describe external use scenarios encountered by
potential EA users. Some vendors use the term
referring to more internal requirements, such as
generating EA documents according to some notable
EA frameworks. Such scenarios are not in the present
research scope. Third, there should be sufficient
description (relevant texts or figures) explaining how
these UCs are implemented. In this way, we could
extract information of interests and answer the
research questions. As a result, the six vendors we
included in this study are Avolution, Mega, Ardoq,
Orbus, LeanIX, ValueBlue (See Table 1 for more
detailed information).
The six vendors present many UCs. We selected
3 UCs for detailed analysis. The main selection
criterion is that at least two out of the six vendors
should support such UCs in a comparatively similar
way. This is to avoid analysing niche UCs that are
named from different perspectives and at a different
abstraction level due to the nature of grey literature so
that it is difficult for us to further extract and
synthesize information. The three chosen UCs are
Application Portfolio Management (APM), Data
Privacy Compliance (DPC) (Rozehnal and Novák
2018), and Strategy Planning (SP). These UCs can be
thought as to address typical challenges in different
phases of digital transformation (Capgemini
Consulting and the MIT Center for Digital Business
2011). They are also related to the three typical parts
of EA according to the notable TOGAF framework:
application, data, strategy (The Open Group 2020).
Thus, we think these three UCs are representative of
EA usage scenarios.
To extract data, we focus on three types of
information for each UC for each tool: 1) textual
description about the UC definition or usage
scenarios, 2) textual description about the UC
implementation, including process, sample EA
artifacts and visual representations, 3) figures about
the UC implementation. We used textual information
and figures in a complementary way. This is because,
on the one hand, textual information might not
include some implementation details, such as EA data
used, which might be derived according to sample
Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases
Table 1: Reviewed EA Tool Vendors and The Websites.
Vendor Tool Website
Avolution Abakus https://www.avolutio
HOPEX Platform
Ardoq AS. Ardoq
Orbus https://www.orbussof
LeanIX LeanIX Enterprise
Architecture Suite
ValueBlue BlueDolphin
figures. On the other hand, sample figures with low
resolution might look blur sometimes. The textual
content could help us to identify and extract important
For the extracted data, we analysed the
commonalities and differences in UC definitions and
implementations. For the definitions, we manually
compared the keywords in relevant sentences. For the
implementations, we identified the process
statements or figures and coded the steps for each
process. Then we compared the steps to identify
commonalities. The results of our analysis are
presented in the form of comparison tables. We then
summarize the results in Table 3, 5, 7 to answer our
RQ1 and Table 4, 6, 8 to answer the RQ2.
The three UCs are supported by different vendors. In
Table 2, for each UCs, we listed if they are supported
by each vendor and the total number of supported
vendors (last column). More detailed information for
each UC is introduced in the following sub-sections.
Table 2: UCs Supported by Different Vendors.
Avolution Mega Ardoq Orbus LeanIX Value
Y Y Y Y Y Y 6
Y Y N N N N 2
Y Y Y Y N Y 5
4.1 UC1: Project Portfolio
Management (PPM)
According to Ardoq, PPM is thought to be “The
foundation for digital transformation in your
organization”. Six vendors have similar definitions
for this UC, which mainly refers to decisions about
whether and to what extend to invest in applications,
technologies, or more general projects based on how
they support strategic business needs. Among the six
vendors, four address “application” while the other
two address “IT” or “project/IT”. as described by
Avolution: “Project Management Office (PMO)
practitioners must consider both legacy applications
and infrastructure and new technologies including
mobile, cloud, IoT and big data.” Four vendors
propose “portfolio management” while the other two
propose “rationalization”.
Due to the comparatively clear and limited scope
of this UC, the implementation proposed by six
vendors are also similar and could be regarded as a 4-
step process. The first step is to make some
preparations, such as setting more specific goals. The
second step is to integrate relevant data required for
achieving the goals. Then, the third step is to analyse
the data for relevant purposes, such as gaining insight
about indicators regarding the goals. And the fourth
step is to benefit from the results by means of various
activities such as visualizing and facilitating
communication, enabling planning, and answering
Table 3: UC1-Project Portfolio Management (PPM).
UC1 Name UC1 Description
Project/IT Portfolio
“Managers can take control of their inventory and move quickly to rationalize and
plan portfolios. They can also calculate how technical investments map over to
the company’s business strategy.”
IT Rationalization “IT rationalization is the process by which an organization identifies and assesses
the value of business applications to determine which ones to keep, update, or
Application Portfolio
“Get application overview” “oversee application owners”, “control application
investment”, “run cost savings”, “manage business risk.”
“The number, nature and cost of applications should all be focused around the
business value they offer.”
Application Portfolio
“Ensure application support for your business capabilities.”
Application Portfolio
“Identify the applications that support your business functions eliminate
overlap and decrease complexity.”
MDI4SE 2021 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
Table 4: A 4-Step Process to Implement UC1.
Avo Mega Ardoq Orbus LeanIX ValueBlue
1 Prepare
Buy in from business
Show output
2 Integrate Data
Integrate data
Data Data
Import Map data
Build portfolio
Add in a reference
Build on
Validate with
Assess data
More data to answer
3 Analyse Data
Rank Analyse Analyse
Align with
Benefit from the
results (visualize,
plan, answer, act)
Present and
Communicate Visualize
Answer APM
Goal and
Plan and track
Review and
Table 5: UC2-Data Privacy Compliance (DPC).
UC2 Name UC2 Description
Data Privacy
and Control/
“Gain visibility of, and be proactive about data flows and data-management”, “provide
up-to-date and end-to-end information about data flows and storage of personal
information across departments, processes, and systems”, “understand who holds
decision rights and accountabilities how that information can be used.”
“To comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies
must rethink the way they capture, manage and process personal data”, “have a
comprehensive understanding of their compliance level and to efficiently produce
regulatory documentation.”
To summarize, this UC addresses a comparatively
simple, specific, and prevalent business need.
Vendors share commonalities when defining the case
and designing reference EA solutions. Some exempts
from the vendors’ websites regarding the use case
definition are presented in Table 3. The
implementation process used in reference solutions is
summarized and normalized in Table 4.
4.2 UC2: Data Privacy Compliance
Two vendors explicitly support the UC of DPC,
which is about governing data and demonstrating
compliance with local and international laws and
regulations. As described in Avolution, “Global CIOs
and their teams need to think holistically about data
governance. Building trust and demonstrating
compliance with local and international laws and
regulations is becoming a key part of strong
enterprise architecture”.
The implementation looks similar and can also be
looked at as a four-step process. However, the overall
scope of relevant data is more diverse in types and
tangled than that in PPM. This will probably bring
much more overall workload than that of PPM.
To summarize, although the business issue
involved in the DPC case is clear and prevalent, the
implementation is much more complicated and
potentially involves a much heavier workload than
that of PPM. Only two vendors explicitly support it.
Despite the similar UC definitions, reference
solutions exhibit differences in terms of the overall
process and EA artifacts involved. Exempts about the
definition of this UC are presented in Table 5. And
the implementation process could be seen in Table 6.
Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases
Table 6: A 4-Step Process to Implement UC2.
Avolution Mega
1 Prepare
Audit information Build company organigram and roles & responsibilities
2 Integrate Data
Model interdependencies and data
Document the Record of processing activities
3 Analyse Data
Prioritize data by risk and value Identify compliance gaps & reduce existing risks
Discover Shadow IT
4 Benefit
Report Implement remediation actions
Roadmaps for strong compliance
and innovation
Table 7: UC 3-Strategic Planning (SP).
UC3 Name UC3 Description
“Color or ‘heatmap’ your business capability maps or technology landscapes to
show WHAT is changing.”
IT Strategic
“Based on an initial assessment of the IT landscape, and a thorough understanding of
the business strategy, IT departments can create an IT roadmap that best supports
business initiatives.”
Strategic Planning
and Execution
“Connect your Strategic Objectives to your Project Portfolio or Capability Map to
identify your ability to execute.”
Application and
“Roadmaps communicate and influence change, earning buy-in from key
stakeholders and providing a plan of action to achieve particular goals, or in this
case, implement new applications and technology solutions.”
Agile Business
“Enables CIOs and Enterprise Architects to plan and manage their business
transformation, combining architectural insights with operational agility,” “structure
these improvements so that we can reduce the risks, improve the effectiveness and
enhance the efficiency of the transformation process.”
Table 8: A 5-Step Process to Implement UC3.
Avolution Mega Ardoq Orbus ValueBlue
1 Prepare
Establish goals Strategy
2 Integrate Data
(current state)
Identify technical
Current state
3 Plan
(future state)
Colour business
Create IT
Objectives Determine the
target state
(Propose change
Future state
4 Analyse Data (the
Gap between
current and
future states)
Define new IT
Impact analysis Execution Gap analysis
(Feasibility and
Build a
portfolio of
5 Benefit
Ensure portfolio
level alignment
4.3 UC3: Strategic Planning (SP)
The SP use case is widely mentioned which is
proposed to address the complexity issue when
organizations plan strategic (digital) transformation.
SP usually consists of strategic planning, roadmapping
and execution which involves management of
applications, information technologies (IT) or more
general technologies. Due to different perspectives on
this UC, vendors define it with different names. See
Table 7 for more details.
The implementation of SP in general consists of
five steps as summarized in Table 8. Different with
PPM and DPC use cases, one extra step of “plan”
MDI4SE 2021 - Special Session on Model-Driven Innovations for Software Engineering
appears between “Integrate Data” and “Analyse
Data”. This is because SP not only integrates existing
data (“as is” or “current state” data), but also creates
new data (“to be” or “future state” data). Although the
data analysis (“gap analysis”) work sounds simple
which focuses on comparing the gap between two
states, the actual work might be very complex and
time-consuming. This is because “states” might imply
all aspects of an organization that can be involved at
different levels and tangled. Therefore, one vendor,
namely Avolution, proposes both a fundamental
solution which consists of two steps and other
optional steps (presented in brackets in Table 8),
which could be included in a more comprehensive
solution. In addition, this process can be executed in
an iterative way as maintenance is needed. This is
partly indicated by ValueBlue and Mega. See italics
in Table 8 for details.
To summarize, the roadmap UC has been widely
provided due to the trends of global digital
transformation. Five vendors explicitly support it.
The general solution to this UC is to design and
execute projects that are identified based on a gap
analysis that stems from a strategy evaluation.
Compared with PPM and DPC, SP might indicate a
much more complicated and time-consuming
process. This also might indicate coupling relations
between SP and other UCs such as PPM and DPC.
However, there is space for users to choose the
appropriate level of implementation according to
different vendors’ provision.
5.1 Feasibility (Answering the RQs)
Our RQs were proposed to address if UCs could be
used to clearly characterize relevant business issues
(RQ1) and to derive EA solutions with predictable
workload (RQ2). In general, we tend to say yes to
RQ1 and RQ2. As presented in Section 4, for all three
UCs, the four vendors presented clear descriptions of
business issues/requirements. Based on the
requirements, specific EA solutions with predicable
workload were also proposed. This means that a
process with limited steps was proposed. And for
each step, the tasks are clear and involves a
predictable workload.
5.2 Commonality
According to our analysis, we noticed that some
common UCs exist which address similar business
issues. For example, all the vendors we surveyed
support PPM. In contrast, other UCs such as
Technical Debt (supported by Avolution) are less
standardized and supported by fewer vendors.
Therefore, vendors encourage novice users to start
with simple and general UCs like PPM and try more
advanced, less standardized, and more customized
UCs like SP.
Regarding the EA solutions proposed, there seems
to be some common overall process (four or five steps
as presented in Table 4, 6, 8).
By establishing such connections between
business issues and EA solutions, users could be more
aware of the available options to use EA in a business
outcome-driven way (Gartner Research 2017). As
advocated by Ardoq, “Each of Ardoq's use case
modules comes with a pre-configured setup with
everything you need to get started and the flexibility
to expand on this effortlessly in-app.”
5.3 Diversity
Despite the commonalities of UCs that involve
common business issues and/or common processes to
solve them, we also noticed the space of diversity.
Vendors propose diverse UCs. Detailed definitions,
perspectives, and requirements for one similar UC
might also differ. Even for the simplest UC such as
PPM, core deliverables proposed, data to capture,
algorithms used to analyse, and the
presentation/visualization methods might differ.
To summarize, diversity might exist at four below
Use case. There are different use cases. Detailed
perspective for one similar use case might differ.
For example, Mega focuses on IT roadmap
instead of general roadmaps, which Avolution
and Ardoq prefer. While Orbus focuses on
applications and technologies roadmap. In
addition, some use cases might include other
Use cases. For instance, SP often includes PPM.
EA Implementation process. Vendors suggest
implementation processes of different
complexity or granularity for one UC. In
addition, one vendor might provide such
different options for one UC for their users to
choose. An example is Avolution, which
provides four types of SP solutions.
EA Deliverables. Core deliverables involved in
EA implementation might be different.
Auxiliary artifacts are of the same. For SP, the
five vendors proposed quite different artifacts
when capturing and analysing data.
Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases
EA Visualization. For instance, although all
vendors use a similar EA deliverable for one
simple UC PPM where the technical fit and
business fit of applications are evaluated,
vendors choose different ways to visualize it.
5.4 Related Works
There are a few studies that are also related to
analysing usage scenarios or use cases and tools in the
EA field. However, they are not addressing similar
RQs and have employed different methods.
In (Niemi and Pekkola 2017), 15 scenarios to use
EA were identified. However, some of them are
characterising how EA was used internally. Different
from this study, we observe UCs for business goals as
this is the key of agile EA. In (Nowakowski, Häusler,
and Breu 2018), seven EA tools were surveyed about
how they support eight capabilities including analysis
of scenarios and planning of scenarios. But the aim of
the research is to analyse how these tools support
industry 4.0 transformation planning, instead of
general use case utilization. (Miranda et al. 2018) also
discussed about the relation between EA and UC.
However, their proposal is that EA artifacts can be
useful to construct UCs for software development.
In this paper, we observe how 3 UCs are leveraged by
6 leading EA tools. The results showed that it is
possible to use UC as an approach to define business
expectations/issues on one hand and to derive EA
solutions on the other hand. We found that there exist
some common UCs and a common process to derive
EA solutions for UCs. But there is still space for
diversities where different UC details, EA artifacts
and visualizations could apply. The limitation of the
present research is that the observation is not very
systematic (although representative). For instance,
we have only investigated vendors that Gartner
recommends. We plan to review relevant content in a
more systematic way and validate the result in the
This research is financially supported by The European
Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
(ERCIM) ( This work has been
partially supported by NFR 295920 IDUN.
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Agile Enterprise Architecture by Leveraging Use Cases