Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain
Network for Industry 4.0
Charles Tim Batista Garrocho
, Karine Nogueira Oliveira
Carlos Frederico Marcelo da Cunha Cavalcanti
and Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira
Minas Gerais Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Ouro Branco, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Computing Department, Federal University of Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Vale Company, Parauapebas, Para, Brazil
Methodology, Definition, Deploying, Blockchain, Smart Contract, DApp, IIoT, M2M, Industry 4.0.
The Industrial Internet of Things is expected to attract significant investments for Industry 4.0. In this new
environment, blockchain has immediate potential in industrial applications, providing immutable, traceable
and auditable communication. Blockchain gained prominence in the academy, being developed and evaluated
in several application areas. However, no study has presented methodologies to definition blockchain networks
in the industrial environment. To fill this gap, we present a methodology that presents paths to follow and
important aspects to be analyzed for the definition and deployment of a blockchain network architecture. This
methodology can help in the appropriate choice of platforms and parameters of blockchain networks, resulting
in a reduction of costs for the factory and safety in meeting deadlines for industrial processes.
Today, at the start of the fourth industrial revolution,
the role of industrial networks is becoming increas-
ingly crucial, as they are expected to meet new and
more demanding requirements in any new operational
context (Vitturi et al., 2019). A notable example in
this regard is the widespread adoption of Industrial
Internet of Things (IIoT), which requires a fast and re-
liable connection to all industrial systems and equip-
ment, especially real-time systems. This scenario re-
quires connectivity security even for the most remote
field devices through adequate communication sys-
tems and interfaces.
Communication networks applied in an indus-
trial environment are used to monitor conditions,
manufacturing processes, predictive maintenance and
decision-making. These networks have typical con-
figurations, traffic and performance requirements that
make them different from traditional communication
systems generally adopted by applications in homes.
Thus, industrial networks are designed to meet the re-
quirements derived from their various fields of appli-
cation, as well as the new scenarios generated by IIoT.
The most critical requirements are: time, reliability
and flexibility (Felser, 2005).
Unlike many network protocols and information
systems already widely adopted in homes and busi-
nesses, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication
protocols and Industrial Process Automation Systems
(IPAS) are designed for specific industrial environ-
ments. IPAS are usually based on a five-level hierar-
chy, widely known in the automation field as the IPAS
pyramid (Sharma, 2016). These systems are generally
adopted for continuous industrial processes, such as
oil and gas distribution, power generation and man-
agement, chemical processing and treatment of glass
and minerals.
The vertical and horizontal integration of IPAS
causes the traditional view of the IPAS pyramid to dis-
appear. Systems, such as business management, and
manufacturing, will change dramatically, while others
will be replaced by applications that quickly emerge
within the scope of IIoT platforms (P
erez-Lara et al.,
2018). When integration is automated, all informa-
tion can be collected and sent automatically from the
various systems implanted in a factory to any of the
parties involved. In this context, blockchain can de-
centralize or support decision-making in internal pro-
cesses of a factory and external processes in a supply
chain. This approach can make industrial automation
systems fully decentralized and automated.
Garrocho, C., Oliveira, K., Cavalcanti, C. and Oliveira, R.
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain Network for Industry 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0010525701380147
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 138-147
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Blockchain-based M2M communication can ben-
efit the horizontal and vertical integration of IPAS,
creating an immutable IIoT data flow from the con-
trol and production level to the decision-making lev-
els (Wang et al., 2020). In addition, the inherent char-
acteristics of blockchain in integration can ensure that
industrial processes are auditable, generating greater
confidence in decision-making. However, the incor-
poration of the entire blockchain network infrastruc-
ture to control processes in the industrial environment
without careful analysis, can lead to a loss of time and
resources, and even compromise time-sensitive indus-
trial processes.
Given this research problem, this work aims to
discuss several aspects related to the industrial en-
vironment in relation to blockchain. In view of this
discussion, a methodology for the proper definition
of blockchain networks in an industrial environment
is presented. This methodology presents aspects of
applicability, analysis, and parameters of blockchain
networks according to specific contexts of the in-
dustry. This approach facilitates the deployment of
blockchain networks, avoiding waste of resources or
that the deadlines of industrial processes are compro-
mised by the performance of the blockchain network.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the background for under-
standing this work. Section 3 presents the related
work. Section 4 presents blockchain issues and chal-
lenges in the industrial context. Section 5 presents the
proposed methodology. Section 6 presents an appli-
cation of the methodology in an industrial proof of
concept. Finally, Section 7 presents conclusions.
Industry 4.0 refers to the revolution that transforms
manufacturing systems into cyber-physical systems,
introducing emerging information and communica-
tion paradigms.
2.1 Integration of Industry
One of the concepts of industry 4.0 is to have greater
integration between processes and sectors in factories
exchanging information in a faster and more efficient
way for faster decision-making in order to increase
productivity, decrease losses, optimize resources and
lead to digital transformation. Therefore, integration
is one of the pillars of industry 4.0 and aims to con-
nect different areas, in order to extract information
that will be used to make continuous improvements
throughout the production process (Xu et al., 2018).
Each process of the factory dynamics generates
and is supplied with data. In an environment with-
out integration, there is the work of capturing all the
information generated by one stage of the manufac-
turing process and supplying the next, this is often
done manually, inefficiently and analogically. The
lack of integrated systems also means that manage-
ment levels have a much greater work of analyzing
whether what is being manufactured really matches
the demand received and whether suppliers and dis-
tributors are aligned with this production (P
et al., 2018).
As the processes are diverse and involve different
agents in a factory, the concept of integration aligned
to industry 4.0 was divided into horizontal and verti-
cal integration. As shown in Figure 1, horizontal in-
tegration concerns the entire production chain, while
vertical integration integrates the functions developed
in the factory. To achieve the best results, there must
still be an interaction between vertical and horizontal
integrations to unite processes and optimize produc-
tion as a whole.
For the factory, horizontal integration represents
synchrony, loss reduction, and a saving of resources
as the demand of suppliers is adjusted to the demand
of customers. Besides, the higher quality of the prod-
ucts increases the consumer confidence index towards
the factory, which generates customer loyalty. Also,
with delivery control and distribution monitoring, it is
possible to be sure that deadlines are met and also to
generate data to predict more accurate deliveries.
Vertical integration creates a flow of data between
all IPAS levels more quickly and efficiently, reducing
the time for decision-making and improving the in-
dustrial management process. Therefore, vertical in-
tegration is in place when the employees, computers,
manufacturing machines are linked with each other,
communicate automatically with each other, and their
interaction exists not only in the real world but also in
virtual reality, in the model of the entire system.
Figure 1: Horizontal and vertical integration of industry.
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain Network for Industry 4.0
2.2 IPAS Hierarchy
IPAS comprises many devices, logically positioned
at various hierarchical levels (see Figure 2) and dis-
tributed over large geographic areas (Sharma, 2016).
The field device level contains sensors and ac-
tuators. The process control level consists of Pro-
grammable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Distributed
Control Systems (DCS) that provide an interface for
Internet Protocol (IP)-based network communication.
At the supervision level, the processes are moni-
tored and executed by factory workers through sys-
tems such as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisi-
tion (SCADA). Finally, corporate and factory man-
agement levels make decisions based on production
level data through the Manufacturing Execution Sys-
tem (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
At the top of the IPAS pyramid, the systems are
asynchronous, while at the bottom of the pyramid the
processes are mainly synchronous and critical in real
time. At the bottom of the pyramid, control systems
have evolved into a state where they are distributed
and controlled by M2M communication. Blockchain
can guarantee decentralized and reliable M2M com-
munications, in which network nodes do not need a
reliable intermediary to exchange messages.
2.3 Blockchain and Smart Contracts
The blockchain network is a decentralized P2P net-
work, without failure points, whose transactions can-
not be deleted or altered. Blockchain is highly scal-
able, and all transactions are encrypted, making them
secure and auditable. As illustrated in Figure 3, at
the heart of this technology, there are consensus al-
gorithms, which are protocols designed to achieve
reliability in a network of multiple untrusted nodes
(Banerjee et al., 2018). Currently, there are two types
of consensus algorithms:
Crash Fault Tolerance (CFT): regular fault-
tolerant algorithms, when it occurs to system mal-
functions in network, disk or server crash down,
they can still reach agreement on a proposal. Clas-
sic CFT algorithms include Paxos and Raft which
has better performance and efficiency and tolerate
less than a half of malfunction nodes;
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): Byzantine
fault-tolerant algorithms, besides regular mal-
functions happen during consensus, it can toler-
ate Byzantine fault like node cheating (faking ex-
ecution result of transaction, etc.). Classic BFT
algorithm includes Practical Byzantine Fault Tol-
erance (PBFT), which has lower performance and
tolerates less than one third of malfunction nodes.
Figure 2: IPAS hierarchy levels.
Blockchain can be permissionless or permissioned
ust and Gervais, 2018). In the permissionless net-
work, transactions are validated by public nodes. In
a permissioned network, transactions are validated by
a group of nodes approved by the blockchain owner,
providing a more scalable and faster approach, but it
is more centralized. Permissionless systems are open
for all nodes to participate and thus provide a more
decentralized approach where the trade-off is speed
and scalability. Generally, permissionless network, to
increase network security and stability, consensus al-
gorithms apply a mining process that requires effort
from participants. For a permissioned network, where
all nodes are known and configured individually, there
is no inherent need to incentive miners.
A smart contract is a computer protocol intended
to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negoti-
ation or performance of a contract. Ethereum, Hy-
perledger (Fabric, Sawtooth), and Corda are popular
smart contract platforms that are contributing signifi-
cantly to the generation of Decentralized Applications
(DApps) (Voulgaris et al., 2019). As illustrated in Fig-
ure 3, DApp query the blockchain network through a
network node that executes the smart contract for the
ledger access. A decentralized oracle network (DON)
is used to establish a reliable connection with the ex-
ternal blockchain. External communication follows
the rules of a protocol that encourages all nodes to
tell the truth and punishes them for lying.
Figure 3: Blockchain-based smart contracts operation.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Blockchain can increase the automation and security
of industrial processes. In this sense, following the
protocol of (Kitchenham, 2004), a research was car-
ried out to identify methodological solutions for the
integration of blockchain in the industrial context.
The results of this review showed that several arti-
cles propose methods to facilitate the blockchain de-
velopment process. Through research and situational
method engineering, the work (Fridgen et al., 2018)
proposes a method for the development of blockchain
use cases. The work (Wessling et al., 2018) pro-
poses an approach to decide which elements of a sys-
tem can benefit from the use of blockchain. In the
work (Jurgelaitis et al., 2019), a method based on
Model Driven Architecture is proposed, which can be
used to define and specify the structure and behav-
ior of the blockchain. Finally, the work (Bett
et al., 2018) presents a methodology for integrating
blockchain into the food industry supply chain, in or-
der to understand the product life cycle.
As can be seen in recent related work, the main
objectives are to understand how to relate the prod-
uct process to the functioning of the blockchain and
to analyze the benefits of this integration. Thus, de-
spite a great theoretical context presented by the re-
lated works and the discussion of some aspects related
to blockchain structure and technologies, it is not pre-
sented in depth how to define, develop, configure and
deploy blockchain architectures and networks in prac-
tice. Another important aspect is the metrics and sce-
narios for evaluating such approaches. As seen in re-
cent studies (Fan et al., 2020), performance evalua-
tions are often based on metrics like transactions per
second on the blockchain network. However, these
metrics do not take into account delays generated by
encrypting data and creating transactions on IIoT de-
vices that can have a greater influence on performance
and affect the timelines of time-sensitive processes.
It is understood, therefore, that the problems
presented may make it difficult or even impossi-
ble to deploy a blockchain network in an industrial
plant. In this context, this work seeks to fill this re-
search gap, presenting a methodology for implement-
ing blockchain networks in the industrial environ-
ment. Unlike related works, this proposed method-
ology presents paths to follow and important aspects
to be analyzed during the study for the definition of
a blockchain network. In addition, the methodology
presents important parameters and technologies to as-
sess the performance of the blockchain network in
order to identify the feasibility of implementing this
technology in time-sensitive industrial scenarios.
Despite the advantages that blockchain can offer, its
adoption is a challenge mainly for traditional indus-
tries due to the difficulty in accepting changes and
also the high costs. The final cost of deploying a
blockchain includes not only the costs related to the
software and hardware, but also the cost of the time
required to understand the underlying business pro-
cesses and to define precise smart contracts. In this
new context, the general agreement in the blockchain-
based IIoT ecosystem requires that all stakeholders
commit to investing and using this new technology.
In addition to the problem of investment in in-
frastructure, there is another problem of investment
in staff qualification. Automation engineers and tech-
nicians are familiar with the use of ladder logic and
do not understand the scripting language, so they feel
comfortable working with today’s easy-to-use, reli-
able, proven functional and necessary industrial pro-
cess control systems. Therefore, while new technolo-
gies allow for higher levels of scalability, traceability,
integration, manufacturing capacity and autonomous
collaboration with other systems, the lack of skills and
understanding to explore IIoT and blockchain will
bring challenges.
According to (Khan et al., 2017), industrial au-
tomation is becoming complex gradually, and the data
generated in manufacturing alters to big data. Robots,
sensors, actuators, switches, industrial devices, and
M2M communication are the ore of big data in In-
dustry 4.0. Heavy usage of IIoT brought an immense
commute in the era of industries. Industry 4.0 is a
blend of modern smart technology and systems which
creates a deluge of data, which is quite challenging
to handle with classical tools and algorithms. There-
fore, in addition to the problems of investment in in-
frastructure and qualification of the professional team,
there is a significant challenge in the transfer and stor-
age of large amounts of IIoT data between the various
systems of the IPAS hierarchy.
Recently, big data analysis tools have been pro-
posed for Industry 4.0, which aim to facilitate the
cleaning, formatting, and transformation of industrial
data generated by systems by different levels of IPAS
hierarchy (Rehman et al., 2019). However, localiza-
tion and data processing becomes a significant chal-
lenge, as the centralized communication architectures
used have high network traffic and high latency, due to
the large volume of IIoT data. For decentralized com-
munication architectures, the impact on network traf-
fic and latency is greater due to the consensus among
nodes of a blockchain network.
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain Network for Industry 4.0
In the vast majority of recent approaches to cyber-
physical systems, the blockchain network is deployed
from the level of process control devices in the IPAS
hierarchy, allowing integration between synchronous
and asynchronous systems. However, in this new con-
text, synchronous IIoT applications acquire new fea-
tures (data encryption, transaction creation, genera-
tion and storage of public and private keys) that can
negatively influence the energy consumption of IIoT
field devices that are deployed for long periods of time
(Barki et al., 2016). Thus, new encryption schemes
and techniques or new lightweight, efficient and ro-
bust encryption algorithms must be designed with the
aim of reducing energy consumption in IIoT devices.
Some recent work, through the results of exper-
imental evaluations, points out that there are prob-
lems related to the high and variable blocking time
when changing a state in the blockchain network,
from the request (made by a requesting client device)
to a blockchain node to the commit of the transac-
tion which is the confirmation among all blockchain
nodes that the state has been inserted or changed in
the ledger (Pongnumkul et al., 2017). These results
show that the problem is due to the standard opera-
tion of the blockchain and its consensus algorithms.
Thus, defining fast and reliable consensus algorithms
is the key to enabling critical, real-time process con-
trols for IIoT devices. However, seeking the low la-
tency and reliability of a consensus algorithm at the
same time is a challenging task. The problem is fur-
ther compounded by slower and less reliable wireless
connectivity compared to wired connections assumed
in traditional consensus algorithms.
The communication delay is very sensitive in the
lower layers of IPAS, and can mainly influence the
monitoring and control of processes. Monitoring, car-
ried out at the supervisory level by shop floor op-
erators, is less sensitive, however, deadlines from
data collection to visualization by HMI cannot be
changed, with risks of compromising the entire prod-
uct process. At the process control level, the control
performed by PLC is highly sensitive, with low la-
tency and strict deadlines, here a single deadline break
can compromise the entire production process chain.
Blockchain-based solutions that guarantee execution,
control, monitoring and decision-making without in-
fluencing the real-time systems deadlines, can provide
a breakthrough in industry 4.0 (Garrocho et al., 2020).
In order not to affect the time and strict dead-
lines of industrial process control systems, some ap-
proaches store IIoT data outside the blockchain net-
work and reduce latency with new paradigms. Re-
cent works in the literature apply concepts of fog and
edge computing in M2M communication approaches,
in which gateways are used close to field devices as
a communication bridge for IIoT data collection and
IIoT data hashing only for storage on the blockchain
network (Wang et al., 2020). However, gateways can
increase the delay in delivering sensor and actuator
data to higher levels of IPAS, compromising decision-
In addition to the problems of high and variable
block time, other evaluations have shown that some
blockchain platforms such as Ethereum do not allow
parallel operations (Sch
affer et al., 2019). However,
serial execution seems to be necessary: smart con-
tract sharing state and smart contract programming
languages have serial semantics in the current oper-
ation of the Ethereum system and its four testnets.
Although several works in the literature present new
ways to enable miners and validators to execute smart
contracts in parallel, this is still an open problem in
this area of research.
Finally, with IIoT devices in constant motion,
communication with the blockchain network will face
high dynamism and, consequently, large amounts of
connectivity failures (Lucas-Esta
n et al., 2018). This
scenario will contribute to the reduction of communi-
cation opportunities with the blockchain network, in-
creasing the communication delay between IIoT de-
vices and blockchain network. Also, if the process
control is in the blockchain network or higher layers,
production may be compromised.
The problems become challenges for the definition of
a blockchain network in the industrial environment.
Therefore, this work presents a methodological ap-
proach (see Figure 4) divided into three layers: the
first layer has to do with applicability and parts in-
volved; in the second layer, the analysis of aspects
involving the industrial process is presented; finally,
the third layer presents the steps for the development,
testing, deployment and monitoring of the blockchain
network. Each layer step is presented below:
0. Has the Team Knowledge of Blockchain Tech-
nologies Involved? As simple as it may seem,
this is a baseline and It is important that profes-
sionals involved in defining the blockchain net-
work have a thorough understanding of the tech-
nologies involved. Unlike cloud architectures and
others, blockchain needs more attention due to
its distributed characteristics, which can lead to
a waste of time and resources;
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
1. Are Blockchain Technologies Suitable?
Blockchain characteristics are not be applied in
some cases. An applicability survey will ensure
that blockchain technologies will attend and pre-
serve all functional and temporal requirements.
Example: blockchain databases are based on
key/value for shorter response times; the data
replication between blockchain nodes makes data
with large volumes unsuitable for storage; smart
contracts do not generate external calls;
2. Has Agreement with Horizontal Parts, Part-
ners and Stakeholders? If the blockchain is to
be used for horizontal integration, all parties in-
volved must comply with the inherent character-
istics that the blockchain will apply in its inter-
nal processes. All horizontal elements will have
to invest in this new approach. Thus, contracts
establishing partnerships are essential to prevent
one of the elements of the supply chain don’t ac-
cept such changes after the implementation of the
blockchain network;
3. What Are the Real-time Requirements that
Must Be Met and How Critical Are They? In-
dustrial processes are time sensitive and may re-
quire tight deadlines of 100 ms for communica-
tion. In this case, fewer interactions with the
blockchain network are desirable. More important
process information can be chosen for on-demand
storage, while less relevant information can be left
out of the blockchain network. Another alterna-
tive is to deploy a device that monitors other de-
vices that are time sensitive, retrieving informa-
tion and reporting to the blockchain network;
4. Where Blockchain Will Be? The positioning of
blockchain network nodes can influence commu-
nication latency. In this context, edge comput-
ing approaches can be applied: depending on the
case, the blockchain network can be placed as a
new communication layer and the devices are just
DApps; in other cases, the blockchain network
can replace existing communication, making each
device a blockchain node. Turning a device into
a blockchain network node may represent greater
investment, but it also represents less latency as
element will be removed from communication;
5. Is the Fault Model and Blockchain Compati-
ble? Failure model analyses is critical step es-
pecially if the process is time sensitive. In some
industrial processes the mobility is small, while
in other processes the mobility can be extreme.
The main problem may be the loss of connection,
either due to characteristics of the industrial envi-
ronment, or due to limitations of wireless commu-
nication technology. In this context, it is impor-
tant that there is a failure model so that the system
tolerates the lack of connectivity to the blockchain
network and continues to function normally;
6. Which Type: Permissionless or Permissioned?
For horizontal integration, both suppliers and
customers can participate in the communication,
significantly increasing the number of elements
in the network. In this case, permissionless
blockchain networks like Ethereum are the best
choices, but time-sensitive processes will not be
able to use this type of network because of the
poor performance they provide. As for vertical
integration, communication is internal and there-
fore all elements are known and reliable. In this
case, permissioned blockchain networks like Hy-
perledger Sawtooth or Fabric are the best choices,
providing times and latency closer to real-time
Figure 4: Blockchain network definition methodology for the industrial environment.
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain Network for Industry 4.0
7. Which Consensus Method/Approach? The
choice of the type of blockchain network can di-
rectly affect the choice of the type of consensus
algorithm. For the permissionless blockchain net-
work, the most appropriate distributed consensus
is based on effort. Examples of such algorithms
are the BFTs. In permissioned blockchain net-
works, where nodes are identified, the use of a
vote-based consensus algorithm is relevant, as the
nodes involved trust each other, thus being able to
reach an agreement through a voting process. Ex-
amples of such voting algorithms are the CFTs;
8. Which Parameters Must Be Configured? The
configuration of the blockchain platform is related
to the desirable parameters: define whether the
platform will perform the serial or parallel pro-
cessing of the blocks; define timeouts for DApps
and blockchain network; set manual or automatic
key sharing; define the number of nodes in the
blockchain network; define the types of metrics
to be evaluated, which allow analyzing the perfor-
mance of the blockchain network;
9. Which Blockchain Apps Must be Developed?
The development of smart contracts and DApps
are based on analysis of industrial process charac-
teristics. The smart contract can be used as: com-
munication intermediary; registration of informa-
tion; etc. DApp is the means of relating directly to
the industrial process, however, many devices are
like black boxes (in which the code is closed). In
this case, the ideal is to monitor data from these
devices, or to design new embedded devices;
10. The Blockchain is Tested? Deploy It! During
development, the blockchain network must be de-
ployed in test mode. This means that a consen-
sus simulation is performed in order to facilitate
development and testing. Thus, an alternation is
made between testing and development. The in-
jection of data simulating the industrial process
over long periods of time is necessary to assess
the long-term performance of the blockchain net-
work. After the tests, the production mode is de-
ployed, in which the chosen consensus algorithm
comes into action in all blockchain nodes;
11. Are the Blockchain and All System Perform-
ing? With the blockchain network in production
mode, monitoring the status of each blockchain
node should be performed in order to assess the
performance of: processing, memory, network la-
tency, consensus latency, etc. All nodes must
have similar performance, otherwise, a hardware
or software problem must be identified and cor-
rected. Corrected the problem, the blockchain
node re-incorporates the blockchain network and
updates its database with the newly inserted
The Dynamic Railway Scale (DRS) is one of the most
used resources in iron ore plants, in which wagons
are weighed in motion. Generally the PLC of a DRS
are closed boxes and the cost of maintenance is ex-
pensive. Developing of an open source PLC for DRS
would bring hardware and software openness, cost re-
duction and flexibility. However, the ease of making
changes to the control logic becomes a point of atten-
tion with regard to the integrity of the data measured
by the DRS and, consequently, the measurement re-
sult may not be reliable due to the changes made.
To solve this problem, it is proposed to apply the
blockchain to the immutable record of any change in
the control logic or change in the calibration coef-
ficients in the DRS, making the system transparent
and auditable. Thus, through this DRS system, the
methodology proposed in this work will be demon-
strated. Table 1 shows the DRS case study using our
methodology and Figure 5 illustrates the organization
of PLC devices in the DRS system.
Figure 5: DRS system environment and equipment.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Definition of the blockchain network for the DRS system through the methodological approach.
0. Has the Team Knowledge of Blockchain Technologies Involved? Yes. In this case, the iron ore miner main-
tains academic and professional agreements with a prestigious university and its graduate program in computing
and engineering. Its employees are trained in engineering and computing subjects. Blockchain is one of research
lines of this program, where this proof of concept is one of the prototypes under development.
1. Are Blockchain Technologies Suitable? Yes. The main objective will be to monitor operations (for example,
changes to control logic, calibration parameters, and weighing) performed by PLC of the DRS ensuring log records
on the blockchain. Using an IIoT device (in our case, Raspberry Pi 4 board) the monitored data is recorded on
the blockchain network through an intelligent contract. Data sent to the blockchain network does not take up much
storage space (about 0.5 kB each transaction). Thus, the blockchain network is used as an immutable storage system
for DRS operations.
2. Has Agreement with Horizontal Parts, Partners and Stakeholders? Yes. As the company only needs to
record all the control information of the DRS system in order to guarantee traceability and greater reliability in its
wagon measurements, the integration is only vertical between the levels of process control and supervision of the
IPAS pyramid. The agreement is done in level of system permissions that was done with success.
3. What Are the Real-time Requirements that Must Be Met and How Critical Are They? Industrial processes
are usually time sensitive. In this specific case, all logics (represented by structured text or ladder diagram) for
controlling the industrial process that are sensitive to time, continues to be executed directly by the PLC and not
by a smart contract on the blockchain network. Therefore, the strict time requirements of the DRS system are not
compromised. Then, all real-time requirements are in conformity.
4. Where Blockchain Will Be? Due to the constraints of external connectivity to the DRS environment, all
blockchain components are deployed directly to each DRS device avoiding conflicts between legacy PLC and
blockchain network. The aim is to reduce communication latency by applying concepts of edge computing. There-
fore, DApps communicate directly with the Rest API of the blockchain deployed on the IIoT device, with no
communication network delay. The reduced number of devices and the low cost of hardware that is supporting
blockchain system make the investment low by the company.
5. Is the Fault Model and Blockchain Compatible? Yes. As shown in Figure 5, the control devices of the DRS
system are installed close to the rails and protected from rain and sun. Therefore, there is no mobility on the devices
or on blockchain nodes that are deployed on the devices. In addition, a communication failure model is defined,
in which Rest APIs are deployed in all blockchain nodes, ensuring continuity of operation in case one of the Rest
APIs stops working.
6. Which Type: Permissionless or Permissioned? Permissioned. The integration is vertical between the levels
of process control and process supervision of the DRS, and all devices are known and reliable. Therefore, the best
choice is a blockchain network with permission. The Hyperledger Sawtooth has fewer internal components and
better performance compared to other platforms.
7. Which Consensus Method/Approach? CFT type algorithm. Considering that the platform chosen was Hyper-
ledger Sawtooth and the type of network is permissioned, consequently the choice of the consensus algorithm will
be a CFT type algorithm. In this case, the Raft algorithm is defined for consensus.
8. Which Parameters Must Be Configured? Looking for less delay in block processing, a parallel processing
parameter is defined; due to the characteristics of the embedded systems, key sharing is performed manually on each
node; three blockchain nodes are defined: two for the monitoring of the PLC of the DRS; and one for a workstation
that represents a blockchain network HMI device. Each node in the Sawtooth network is configured to generate
metrics and send them to the workstation that has Influxdb ( and
Grafana (
9. Which Blockchain Apps Must be Developed? DApps for monitoring and Smart contracts for receiving transac-
tions and secure access. DRS DApps are designed to monitor PLC operations and submit this data to the blockchain
network. HMI DApps are designed to monitor changes in the blockchain network and provide visualization to a
shop floor operator. Smart contracts are developed to receive transactions from DApps, validate access to the de-
vice using keys and store this new state (with control logic, parameters and execution information) on the Sawtooth
blockchain network.
10. The Blockchain is Tested? Deploy It! As DApps and smart contracts are developed, the Hyperledger Sawtooth
platform’s non-consensus development mode is used. Block simulations with transactions that represent control
information are submitted to Sawtooth nodes and their behavior is evaluated by the HMI workstation using Grafana.
After performance testing and analysis, the consensus is changed to Raft, and each hardware receives its respective
11. Are the Blockchain and All System Performing? Yes. With the Sawtooth network and all other systems
in place, the performance monitoring of each device is performed through Grafana on the HMI workstation. Any
problem, a blockchain node can be interrupted and, after correcting the problem, the node can be deployed again
and communication with the Sawtooth network is restored with all blocks being recovered.
Towards a Methodological Approach for the Definition of a Blockchain Network for Industry 4.0
6.1 Scenarios and Metrics
Two DRSs are separated by a distance of 200 meters.
Each DRS has a PLC that is monitored by a Raspberry
Pi 4 (Quad core Cortex-A72 1.5 GHz, 4 GB of RAM).
A third device is a workstation (Intel Core i5-4200
2.60 GHz, 8 GB of RAM) for monitoring. Thirty ex-
ecutions were carried out in each scenario:
Tranquility: sending to the blockchain network of
changes in control logic or calibration parameters
in the PLC of the DRS is considered. Thus, delays
involving only one transaction from each device
to the blockchain network were assessed;
Stress: sending to the blockchain network of all
executions and measurements performed by the
PLC of the DRS is considered. Thus, delays were
assessed by sending 1000 transactions from each
device to the blockchain network.
An Ethernet/IP network with a rate of 100 Mbps is
used for communication between the three devices.
The following metrics were measured:
Submit : total IIoT board delay for preparation
(hash generation, payload encoding) and transfer
of the transaction to the blockchain network;
Latency: total delay from Rest API until confir-
mation that the transaction has been confirmed by
all blockchain nodes;
Query: total delay in querying a transaction to
blockchain network and decoding the payload.
6.2 Results
The operations delays (submit, latency, and query)
found in the DRS blockchain system successfully es-
tablished from the methodology are illustrated in Fig-
ure 6. There is a slight increase in the time of the
stress scenario compared to the tranquility scenario.
This increase is related to a greater number of trans-
actions submitted to the blockchain network, which
generates a longer processing time to create the trans-
action, send data in the communication network and
process the transaction between the blockchain nodes.
Figure 6: Total time of blockchain operations.
In addition to the total time of each scenario, Fig-
ure 7 show the time and standard deviation of each
operation, which represents the variability of the data.
Considering the behavior of the latency operation in
the stress scenario, it is possible to observe an in-
crease in time in this scenario. The 1000 transac-
tion load has a greater effect because the operations
are replicated between the 3 nodes of the blockchain
network, generating a delay related to processing and
consensus time between the validator nodes.
The standard deviation for submit operation is
quite small, because this variation is only related to in-
terruptions caused by the board’s processor and mes-
sage forwarding over the network. The high variation
in latency operation is related to consensus and load
replication between nodes on the blockchain network.
Finally, the average variation of the query operation
is related to message forwarding and receiving over
the network, query processing on the blockchain net-
work, and decoding the message on the IIoT board.
Therefore, although the latency operation has a
short execution time, in the industrial scenario, the
standard deviation of this operation can make the sys-
tem unsafe. The variability of the data makes the
system unstable, especially in the scenario of stress.
Each time an operation is performed, it will result in
a high degree of unpredictability for its conclusion.
This variation in time in the stress scenario can affect
the fulfillment of the deadlines by which tasks must be
completed. In industrial systems, this time is not suit-
able for processes where it can delay decision-making
and compromise system time constraints.
So, for the tranquility scenario, the average exe-
cution time and the standard deviation of blockchain
operations can guarantee a time of around 100 ms.
However, in the stress scenario, data variability makes
communication inaccurate. Therefore, the applica-
tion of blockchain for M2M communication in time-
sensitive IIoT applications, has its operation affected
by the amount of interactions to be carried out on the
blockchain network. However, this problem does not
affect the DRS system, as the blockchain network is
used only for monitoring, and the process control that
is time sensitive remains on the PLC of the DRS.
Figure 7: Time of operations with standard deviation.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Blockchain has the ability to revolutionize the indus-
try. In this context, we present a methodology for
defining blockchain networks for the industrial envi-
ronment. This step-by-step methodology is easy to
follow and to be applied in the industry as well as
outside the industrial environment. In this approach,
aspects related to the strict and specific requirements
of industrial processes were addressed. As a future
work, we intend to extend the studies and discussion
of the methodological approach, incorporating new
distributed ledger technologies such as Tangle and
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
- Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001, the Con-
selho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tec-
ogico (CNPQ), the Instituto Tecnol
ogico Vale
(ITV), Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (IFMG), and
the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP).
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