A Blockchain Approach to Support Vaccination Process in a Country
Andrei Carniel, Gustavo Leme, Juliana de Melo Bezerra and Celso Massaki Hirata
Computer Science Department, ITA, S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, Brazil
Vaccination, Blockchain, Reliability, Vaccine Administration, Ethereum.
Vaccines are important means to prevent diseases and save lives. Data related to vaccination process, such
as vaccine identification and number of vaccinated people, is critical to the production and distribution of
vaccines in a way to achieve the desired immunization in a country. We propose a reliable approach based
on Blockchain to manage vaccination data. We describe the roles played in a vaccination process as well
as their relations. Aiming to validate our approach with a prototype, we present the data required in two
scenarios, including the registration of a vaccine administration and the visualization of the vaccination history
of a citizen. We discuss the potential of our proposal, by indicating analysis that can be conducted with the
vaccination data, as well as challenges to be addressed in further investigations.
Vaccines are an essential instrument used for life
preservation and protection of people against different
and harmful diseases. Vaccines train the immune sys-
tem to create antibodies without the person come into
contact with the diseases. To get vaccinated is critical
not only to protect the own individual, but also to help
reduce the spread of diseases (WHO, 2021). In many
countries the vaccination process is a human right for
any citizen. A government has concerns about vac-
cination control, distributed batches and immunized
people. There is then a particular way to manage the
vaccination process of population (Brazil, 2020). To
accomplish its goals, a common practice is the cre-
ation of strategic vaccination plans (Anderson et al.,
However, just having a vaccine is not enough;
traceability is required in order to know production lo-
cation, storage locations, warehouse conditions, man-
ufacturer, and other information. This data provides
a way to ensure vaccine quality and safety in vaccine
supply chains (Yong et al., 2020). With data about
population and vaccination, it is possible to improve
the vaccine management and medical resources (An-
derson et al., 2012).
By analyzing short periods of time, vaccines pre-
vent disease dissemination and decrease the mortality.
When considering long periods of time, it is possi-
ble to identify people that tend to have better health
conditions, high rate of life expectancy and reduced
spends on medical care with a specific disease that has
a vaccine (Yong et al., 2020). Vaccines have an impor-
tant function to society in the immunization process,
since they aid to eradicate or control diseases that in-
jury people through years, being a cost-effective way
to protect people.
In a pandemic case, a vaccine can be the best
option as a countermeasure. Individuals are in gen-
eral prioritized to receive the vaccine based on their
risk profile and transmission rates. A good strategy
is essential for the success of an immunization pro-
cess (once the disease generally affects more specific
groups of people), always considering an effective use
of vaccine resources (
Ozaltın et al., 2014). The used
strategy is evaluated with behavioural mathematical
models (Brazil, 2020). Nevertheless, data regarding
vaccination is needed in order to have foundation for
accurate analysis and strategic plans. Obtaining such
data can be a problem to many countries (Palacio
et al., 2017). A common issue is to register vaccines
on a paper of each individual, without any backup
record. The main challenges in vaccination process is
then regarding traceability, lack of information, and
lack of patterns.
In this paper, we describe a reliable approach
to support the vaccination process of a popula-
tion, by registering vaccination data in Blockchain.
Blockchain consists of distributed ledgers, well-know
by the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but that also has the
attention of many different industries. In Blockchain,
data is distributed across the network, which makes
Carniel, A., Leme, G., Bezerra, J. and Hirata, C.
A Blockchain Approach to Support Vaccination Process in a Country.
DOI: 10.5220/0010520003430350
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 343-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
difficult a data tampering attack. There is also a
consensus mechanism among network nodes to de-
cide which blocks are stored in chains (Malik et al.,
2019)(Nofer et al., 2017). In our proposal, we de-
tail the existing roles in the vaccination process and
their relations. Roles are described considering their
responsibilities in recording and accessing data.
In the next section, related work is presented. In
Section 3, we describe a prototype that implements
the proposal, by focusing on vaccine administration.
In Section 4, there is a discussion about the implica-
tions regarding the proposal. In the last section, we
present concluding remarks and indicate future work.
Traditional vaccination methods consist of a tech-
nique called number labelling (Yong et al., 2020),
which does not allow accurate vaccine traceability.
Using number labelling, there is only estimated num-
bers of a situation, without a confirmation if these
numbers represent the reality. For instance, a gov-
ernment knows the vaccine doses number per region
and used doses; however, they do not know who is
vaccinated in a given neighbourhood or city.
Vaccination process faces challenges. For in-
stance, records can be forged in order to hide the real
numbers of vaccinated people or vaccines dosages can
be stolen (Yong et al., 2020). In the cases of large
amount of immunizations with no centralized data, it
is faced difficulties on data computation (Peng et al.,
2020). With a data tampering attack, it is possible
to lose relevant data (Peng et al., 2020). There can
also be cases in which people travel to another region
to get the vaccine, impacting the resource allocation
(Queiroz et al., 2020). It is important to have a coor-
dination between vaccine transportation and produc-
tion, providing vaccine distribution supervision (Hu
et al., 2019). Furthermore, the lack of registered
records can make more difficult a vaccination cam-
paign (Eisenstadt et al., 2020).
Yong et al. (2020) proposes a work that uses
Blockchain and machine learning in the management
system for the supervision of vaccine supply. The
main concern is to provide a reliable mechanism
where it is possible to trace problems during the vac-
cine production, such as vaccine expiration and vac-
cine record fraud. The mechanism also suggests a
vaccination recommendation, allowing to identify the
better vaccine in a given scenario. Despite of present-
ing an architecture, the authors do not describe roles
or protocols to be adopted by the tool.
Peng et al. (2020) present a work centered on
a safe vaccine production, using Blockchain method
for supervision. The idea is to keep private enterprise
data and public information with product records and
vaccine information (e.g. vaccine name, expiration
date). The work presents an initial application of
Blockchain; however it does not present details of the
roles in the suggested process.
Eisenstadt et al. (2020) describe an approach to
certification, using Blockchain and mobile devices.
The work aims to improve the development phase of
an antibody or a vaccine, in order to provide data to
the certification process (by preserving privacy). The
authors present briefly the roles when using their tool.
Due to Covid-19, Brazilian government created
the “Conecte SUS” app to have a digital record of
vaccination. It aims to trace the vaccination in pub-
lic and private institutions (Brazil, 2021). The work
describes and discusses usability and scalability of
Blockchain on mobile devices platforms. It provides
an explanation of the vaccination registry using a
smartphone, but the system as a whole is not detailed.
Here we describe our digital approach to aid the vac-
cination process in a country. We present a scheme
with roles and their relations, considering the process
since the production of a vaccine until its inocula-
tion. The goal is to address problems related to lack
of registration records and standardization of records,
which in turn can aid the definition strategic vaccina-
tion plan, as well as the coordination of vaccine pro-
duction and distribution. As a digital platform, we use
of Blockchain mainly due to its reliability character-
istic. So, it is possible to eliminate the lack of records
(since information about the vaccine is registered), to
avoid data tampering and to mitigate cases of forged
It is known that vaccination is a complicated pro-
cess, which can be different in distinct countries. In
this paper, we detail a general and reliable protocol.
Figure 1 shows the proposed approach. Roles are
needed to be defined in a way to control data manip-
ulation in the Blockchain. In order to control data
consistency, we delimit what kind of data each role is
allowed to register or fetch.
Government refers to the entity that controls and
coordinates processes around a society. Government
is the main role and it is allowed to access almost all
data. Person represents any individual in a society. A
Person can receive a vaccine. Enterprise is respon-
sible to develop, test and distribute vaccines. Vac-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Blockchain approach for vaccination with roles and relations.
cination Center is any medical center authorized by
Government to vaccinate people. Vaccination Center
receives and stores vaccines. It has Nurses who can
immunize Person using vaccines. Nurse refers to any
professional allowed to immunize people, who is reg-
istered in a Vaccination Center.
Blockchain represents the network that Govern-
ment, Enterprise and Vaccine Center access and
where data is stored. Data is classified into public and
private data. The main reason of using Blockchain
technology is because it is a decentralized public
ledger system and it has intrinsic consensus protocols
(Saito and Yamada, 2016). An attack to this network
requires a considerable cost and time, which so dis-
courages the attack. At the same time, by using de-
centralized records, it can be easy to access informa-
tion in a reliable way (Yang et al., 2019).
3.1 Roles in Detail
Here we better specify the roles of our approach, by
describing the expected interactions and permissions.
3.1.1 Government
Government plays a crucial role in assuring veracity
and integrity of data (stored in Blockchain) related to
other roles. The main reason is that governmental en-
tities must regulate processes regarding the approval
of vaccines, the registration of citizens, and the oper-
ation of companies.
We assume that there is only one Government in
this approach, including its various levels of hierar-
chy. Since everyone in society needs to follow rules,
the Government may have access to all the informa-
tion about the vaccine test and composition. It allows
fast analyses and accurate answer in many cases, such
as a pandemic case, or to create strategic vaccinations
Government accesses the following data: vaccine
to be certified, vaccine information, vaccine analy-
ses, vaccines stored in a Vaccination Center, and Per-
sons history. Government has privilege to register
the following data: Persons identification, Vaccina-
tion Centers, Enterprises, strategic plan, certified vac-
cines, Enterprise inspection, Vaccination Center in-
spection, and Person inspection.
Such information characterizes the core data used
A Blockchain Approach to Support Vaccination Process in a Country
by other roles, allowing the system to work properly.
The majority of this information needs to be public, in
a way to provide data visibility to everyone on eligible
legal places. Information regarding Person identifica-
tion needs to be private in order to keep individual
rights of privacy. Moreover, private data is all those
that can be linked and later used to identify a Person,
for instance, the information about who takes a given
3.1.2 Person
Person has its identification provided by Government,
which is used to access its personal history. It is ex-
pected to have cases where a given person has more
than one role, for instance every Nurse is also a Per-
son in society.
Person registers only its personal information,
such as telephone and address. It verifies in the sys-
tem all the administrated vaccines in his/her life his-
tory. Person accesses the public information about the
vaccination process, for instance: certified and stored
vaccines; inspections in Enterprise and Vaccination
Center; and vaccines’ information and analysis. The
goal is to provide means to Person to find relevant in-
formation about vaccines and to choose places to be
3.1.3 Enterprise
Enterprise is responsible for documentation, research
and production of vaccines. It is expected that a coun-
try has many authorized Enterprises, including na-
tional and foreign ones. Each Enterprise has its pri-
vate data (such as a detailed description of business
rules, and scientific methods) and contributes to pub-
lic data (such as tests and vaccine information) in
Regarding the privileges for data registry, Enter-
prise can provide data about vaccines considering dis-
tinct phases as: research, development, test, and cer-
tification. The objective here is to give to society
knowledge about the implications of the use of some
vaccines, mainly if a vaccine has side effects on a de-
termined group of people.
For Enterprise, it is specifically important to ac-
cess Persons inspection, in a way to support a market
analysis and start a vaccine production. The Enter-
prises private data needs to be accessible only by it-
self. In case of audit or vaccine certification, Govern-
ment can access some critical data provided by Enter-
3.1.4 Vaccination Center
Vaccination Center has access to all the Enterprises
public data and the Persons data. Vaccination Center
provides immunization records only of vaccines ap-
proved by Government. Vaccination Center accesses
the Persons information in order to provide the cor-
rect diagnosis for vaccine application.
Data that Vaccination Center can access includes
the certified vaccines. Besides, data regarding the
Vaccine Center inspection is useful to provide feed-
back for vaccine usage based on data statistics. As
privileges for data registry, Vaccination Center regis-
ters contracted Nurse and stored vaccines. The infor-
mation about stored vaccines needs to be public, since
it can be valuable to a citizen to search where vaccines
are available.
3.1.5 Nurse
Nurse has access to the vaccine’s public information
and the Persons information, since Person provides a
identification to receive a vaccine. Nurse registers in
the system the vaccines administrated to Person. In
this way, Person has its vaccination history available
at any time.
Nurse is responsible for administrating only the
necessary vaccines, given the provided Persons his-
tory and diagnosis. As well, Nurse has the compro-
mise to keep all the Persons data secure, aiming to
preserve privacy. Nurse also reports to Vaccination
Center about the consumed supplies and immunized
3.2 Blockchain Data
In order to describe the needed data to be kept in
Blockchain, we consider a specific phase of the vac-
cination process: the vaccine administration, which
means when someone is immunized with a vaccine.
The vaccine administration is an essential phase, since
it supports the extraction of accurate information to
make vaccination analysis.
The Blockchain data needed to the vaccine admin-
istration is the following:
1. Patient Identification: a record to identify a per-
son. All the person history is linked to this identi-
2. Vaccination Center Identification: a record to
identify a medical center. With this data, it is pos-
sible to identify the flow and demand for vaccine
3. Nurse Identification: a record to identify each
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
4. Vaccine Identification: each vaccine needs to
have its identification (e.g. vaccine for COVID).
5. Vaccine Manufacturer: identification of manu-
facturer, since Enterprise who produces the vac-
cine needs to be specified.
6. Vaccine Batch: each vaccine has a batch, be-
ing possible to have many batches of the same
vaccine. Enterprises should inspect all vaccines
batches and store their data.
7. Location: place where the person was immu-
nized, since it is necessary to know the correct lo-
cation given that Vaccination Center can change
its address later.
8. Date of Administration: the date when the per-
son received the vaccine.
9. Vaccine Expiration Date: the date in which the
vaccine is still valid.
All data stored in Blockchain network can be used by
approved governmental entities, which can conduct
specific studies and analysis, in benefit of all roles.
For instance:
Number of people immunized by a given vaccine:
It provides evidences about preference or usage of
a specific vaccine type.
Number and location of people immunized by a
given vaccine: It helps Enterprises to plan vac-
cine production. Besides, it assists Government
and Vaccine Centers to predict new purchases, and
to create distribution plans considering logistics
Number of people, location and vaccine identi-
fication: It aids the creation of a new vaccina-
tion campaign, the prediction of second pandemic
waves, and the distribution of medical suppliers.
Persons identification and vaccination history: It
is used to identify vaccines that need to be admin-
istrated to an individual.
Give all data stored in Blockchain, several data com-
binations can be made to extract information and
knowledge regarding vaccination in a country. We
presented only some examples above. The exploita-
tion of other combinations has potential to be ad-
dressed in future research.
This section describes an implementation of a pro-
totype that enacts the approach to manage the vac-
cination process. We implemented smart contracts
related to vaccination administration in Ethereum (a
Blockchan platform), using Solidity as programming
language. We used Remix (an Ethereum IDE) to im-
plement and deploy the smart contracts on a private
local Blockchain.
The private local Blockchain was supported by
Docker containers. Docker containers are considered
due to their easy usage and possibility of project scal-
ability, being more practical than working with virtual
machines. The Blockchain network has three mining
nodes. There was also a third party service for net-
work monitoring, named as Ethereum Network Sta-
tus (shown in Figure 2). The mining nodes were ac-
cessed through a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) in-
terface exposed to the host by the service containers.
The Ethereum Network Status was exposed through
the HTTP protocol on a host port.
The front-end layer was based on Next.js (a Re-
act Framework) and used the smart contracts exposed
by the Blockchain network through RPC, in a way to
provide data storage and retrieval. The prototype has
mainly two functionalities: to register a vaccine ad-
ministrated to a patient, and to provide visibility of a
patient’s vaccination history.
Figure 3 illustrates the usage of the vaccination
registration form, responsible to input data into the
Blockchain when a given vaccine is administrated to
a given individual. The following fields are required:
patient name (as ‘James Miller’), vaccination location
(as ‘297 Grant Avenue, Auburn NY 13021’), vaccina-
tion center (as ‘IVI - International Vaccine Institute’),
nurse (as ‘Patricia Williams’), and vaccine identifica-
tion (as ‘AZD122-Pfizer’).
Through the front-end application, it is also possi-
ble to check all vaccination history of a given patient,
which is illustrated in Figure 4. It is shown the patient
information: individual ID in the country (as ‘324-53-
9801’), and patient name (as ‘James Miller’). Later,
there is a table for each received vaccine. In this fig-
ure, there is one vaccine with the following informa-
tion: type (as ‘AZD1222’), manufacturer (as ‘Pfizer’),
batch (as ‘100’), expiration date, application date, ap-
plication location (as ‘297 Grant Avenue, Auburn NY
13021’). There is also data about the vaccination cen-
ter related to that vaccination, including: name of the
center (as ‘IVI - International Vaccine Institute’) and
nurse identification (as ‘Patricia Williams’).
Using Blockchain to support the registration of vacci-
nation data, we propose a reliable approach to coordi-
nate vaccination. It can solve or mitigate problems in
A Blockchain Approach to Support Vaccination Process in a Country
Figure 2: Ethereum Network Status monitoring the application.
Figure 3: Form to registry a vaccine administration.
the entire vaccination cycle, mainly related to the lack
of data. All vaccines of a given person are available
to improve diagnosis in cases of a disease.
All stored data can be used by specialists to create
strategic vaccination plans to better assist population,
using only the required resources. By controlling in-
ventories based on vaccine expiration date and asso-
ciating it with vaccines’ distribution, it is possible to
avoid wastes. In cases of problems in a vaccine batch,
Government or Enterprises can coordinate the detec-
tion and removal of such a vaccine; while people who
took the vaccine can be identified and warned.
Following the proposal, new opportunities related
to vaccination arise. Supposing that a certified vac-
cine has a recent study that unfortunately shows that it
can be nocuous to children, so such a vaccine needs to
be suspended. With a Blockchain system, the vaccine
certification is revoked by Government and all roles
have the updated information about the vaccine, for
instance the system can alert Vaccination Centers that
they are not allowed to use this vaccine any longer to
that specific public.
As limitations of the proposed approach, we high-
light the need of cooperation among partners, includ-
ing Government, Enterprises and Vaccination Centers
to implement and maintain this service correctly.
Distinct strategies can be established to add peo-
ple in the Blockchain system. Hospitals can register
newborns and their initial vaccines just when they are
born. After that, their profiles are updated in a regular
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: The vaccination history of a patient.
way when they need further vaccines. Other citizens
can be included by Government and requested to go
to a Vaccination Center with their paper vaccination
cards in order to update the system. Other possibil-
ity for unregistered citizens is to have their vaccines
computed in the system only when they take a new
As a future implication, if a person needs to travel
to other country that requires a vaccine inspection,
he/she can retrieve his/her vaccination identification
from the system, since it is already certified by Gov-
ernment. Other possibility is to include in the system
a specific role to other countries or embassies, so they
can verify in the system the vaccination history of the
traveller. In the same way, any person (with his/her
vaccines records) can verify if it is possible to go to
a specific country, considering that the countries’ en-
trance requirements are already defined in the system.
We propose an approach, based on Blockchain, to
store and maintain data around the entire vaccination
process. The main goal of the approach is to provide
correct and updated data for aiding citizens (for in-
stance, in cases of disease diagnosis or vaccine in-
spection in a travel) and for supporting institutes (for
example, with the creation of strategic plans for vac-
cine distribution and population immunization).
Blockchain provides a reliable structure for the
approach due to its proof-tamper characteristic, so
data can not be corrupted, and also the entire track of
data is available. In the approach, we describe roles
in the vaccination process and their relations and priv-
ileges. Considering the vaccine administration (the
procedure of registering a vaccine administration in
a person), we present the required Blockchain data,
including patient identification and vaccine informa-
Aiming to validate our approach, we developed
a prototype using Ethereum Blockchain. We imple-
mented a contract to register a administered vaccine
and other to access patient history with all received
vaccines. We understand that, depending on the de-
sired functionality or analysis, other data can be con-
sidered in the approach. For future work, we intend to
specify other scenarios related to vaccination in order
to improve the definition of the required data. Inves-
tigations need to be conducted with existent institutes
(such as medical centers and enterprises) in order to
identify their expectations and needs, to support more
relevant analysis.
An additional study should consider data privacy
and authorization, which will provide details to clas-
sify data and refine roles’ privileges. Other important
work is to create a basis to store information regarding
the research and development process of a vaccine,
A Blockchain Approach to Support Vaccination Process in a Country
which is essential in the certification process. Eval-
uation with real users playing all the proposed roles
is also of interest. The definition and development of
the entire approach is a challenge, however the ex-
pected benefits are enormous, arising then interesting
opportunities of future work.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems