Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic
Literature Review
Sergio Iván Ramírez Luelmo
, Nour El Mawas
and Jean Heutte
CIREL, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Éducation de Lille, Université de Lille,
Campus Cité Scientifique, Bâtiments B5 – B6, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Keywords: Machine Learning, Knowledge Tracing, Learner Model, Literature Review, Technology Enhanced Learning.
Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) techniques are being intensively applied in educational settings. They are employed
to predict competences and skills, grade exams, recognize behavioural academic patterns, evaluate open
answers, suggest appropriate educational resources, and group or associate students with similar learning
characteristics or academic interests. Knowledge Tracing (KT) allows modelling the learner's mastery of skill
and to meaningfully predict student’s performance, as it tracks within the Learner Model (LM) the knowledge
state of students based on observed outcomes from their previous educational practices, such as answers,
grades and/or behaviours. In this study, we survey commonly used ML techniques for KT figuring in 51
papers on the topic, out of an original search pool of 628 articles from 5 renowned academic sources,
encompassing the latest research, based on the PRISMA method. We identify and review relevant aspects of
ML for KT in LM that help paint a more accurate panorama on the topic and hence, contribute to alleviate the
difficulty of choosing an appropriate ML technique for KT in LM. This work is dedicated to MOOC
designers/providers, pedagogical engineers and researchers who need an overview of existing ML techniques
for KT in LM.
Evidence from several studies has long linked having
a Learner Model (LM) can make a system more
effective in helping students learn, and adaptive to
learner’s differences (Corbett et al., 1995).
LMs represent the system’s beliefs about the
learner’s specific characteristics, relevant to the
educational practice (Giannandrea & Sansoni, 2013),
encoded using a specific set of dimensions (Nakić et
al., 2015). Ultimately, a perfect LM would include all
features of the user’s behaviour and knowledge that
effect their learning and performance (Wenger,
2014). Modelling the learner has the ultimate goal of
allowing the adaptation and personalization of
environments and learning activities (El Mawas et al.,
2019) while considering the unique and
heterogeneous needs of learners. We acknowledge
the difference between Learner Profile (LP) and LM
in that the former can be considered an instantiation
of the latter in a given moment of time (Martins et al.,
Knowledge Tracing (KT) models students’
knowledge as they correctly or incorrectly answer
exercises (Swamy et al., 2018), or more generally,
based on observed outcomes on their previous
practices (Corbett & Anderson, 1994). KT is one out
of three approaches for student performance
prediction (Yudelson et al., 2013). In an Adaptive
Educational System (AES), predicting students’
performance warrants for KT. This allows for
learning programs recommendation and/or level-
appropriate, educational resources personalization,
and immediate feedback. KT facilitates personalized
guidance for students, focusing on strengthening their
skills on unknown or less familiar concepts, hence
assisting teachers in the teaching process (Juntao
Zhang et al., 2020).
Machine Learning (ML) is a branch (or subset) of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) focused on building
Ramírez Luelmo, S., El Mawas, N. and Heutte, J.
Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0010515500600070
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 60-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
applications that learn from data and improve their
accuracy over time without being programmed to do
so (IBM, 2020). To achieve this, ML algorithms build
a model based on sample data (a.k.a. input data)
known as ‘training data’. Once trained, this model can
then be reused with other data to make predictions or
ML techniques are currently applied to KT in vast
and different forms. The goal of this literature review
is to survey all available works in the field of
“Machine Learning for Knowledge Tracing used in a
Learner Model setup” in the last five years to identify
the most employed ML techniques and their relevant
aspects. This is, in general terms, what common ML
techniques and their relevant aspects, designed to
trace a learner’s mastery of knowledge, also account
for the creation, storage, and update of a LM.
Moreover, we aim to identify relevant ML aspects to
consider insuring KT in a LM. The motivation behind
this work is to present a comprehensive panorama on
the topic of ML for KT in LM to our target public. To
our knowledge, currently there is no research work
that addresses the literature review of ML techniques
for KT accounting for the LM.
Thus, we decided to focus our literature review on
the terms “machine learning”, “knowledge tracing”
and “learner model”, a.k.a. “student model” (SM).
Using the PRISMA method (Moher et al., 2009), we
performed this research in the IEEE, Science Direct,
Scopus, Springer, and Web of Science databases
comprising the 2015-2020 period. The thought
behind these choices is to obtain the most recent and
high-quality corpus on the topic.
This work differs from other literature reviews
(Das & Behera, 2017; Olsson, 2009; Shin & Shim,
2020) on two accounts. First, we focus exclusively on
ML techniques for KT accounting for the LM. That
is, we do not cover pure Data Mining (DM)
techniques, nor AI intended for purposes other than
KT, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP),
gamification, computer vision, learning styles
prediction, nor any processes that make pure use of
LP data (instead of LM data), nor other User Model
data, such as sociodemographic, biometrical,
behavioural, or geographical data
. Second, we do not
review nor compare the mathematical inner workings
of ML techniques: we feel (a) the research field and
the literature corpus found cover it extensively, and
(b) our target public might be unable to exploit
appropriately such complex form results. Instead, we
Please note that we did include such works, if they also
employed ML for KT (the core of this paper).
shift the focus to a pragmatic report on ML for KT in
a LM application and purpose(s).
The remainder of this article is structured as
follows. Section 2 of this paper oversees the
theoretical framework concerning this paper, namely
the definition of ML and its categorization. Section 3
details the methodology steps taken. Section 4
presents the findings of this research, Section 5
discusses the results and, finally Section 6 concludes
this paper and presents its perspectives.
In this section we present the theoretical background
put in motion behind this research, namely the
definition of ML and how it is categorized.
2.1 Machine Learning
ML is a branch (or subset) of AI focused on building
applications that learn from data and improve their
accuracy over time without being programmed to do
so (IBM, 2020). Additional research (Chakrabarti et
al., 2006; Schmidhuber, 2015) to this definition
allows us to present Figure 1 to illustrate and discern
the situation of ML against other common terms used
in the field.
Figure 1: Situational context of ML.
2.2 ML Methods / Styles / Scenarios
Although some authors (Das & Behera, 2017; Mohri
et al., 2018) admit several more ML methods (or
styles or paradigms or scenarios), we retain the
following categorization: Supervised ML, Semi
Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic Literature Review
Supervised ML, Unsupervised ML, Reinforcement
Learning, and Deep Learning (IBM, 2020). The first
three differentiate each other on the labelling of the
input training data while creating the model. The two
latter constitute special cases altogether (Brownlee,
2019; IBM, 2020; Mohri et al., 2018).
First, in Supervised Learning (SL) labels are
provided (metadata containing information that the
model can use to determine how to classify it).
However, properly labelled data is expensive
prepare, and there is a risk of creating a model so tied
to its training data that it cannot handle variations in
new input data accurately (“overfitting”) (Brownlee,
Second, Unsupervised Learning (UL) must use
algorithms to extract meaningful features to label,
sort and classify its training data (which is unlabelled)
without human intervention. As such, it is usually
used to identify patterns and relationships (that a
human can miss) than to automate decisions and
predictions. Because of this, UL requires huge
amounts of training data to create a useful model
(Brownlee, 2019).
Third, Semi Supervised Learning (SSL) is at the
middle point of the two previous methods: it uses a
smaller labelled dataset to extract features and guide
the classification of a larger, unlabelled dataset. It is
usually used when not enough labelled data is made
available (or it is too expensive) to train a preferred,
Supervised Model (van Engelen & Hoos, 2020).
Fourth, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a
behavioural machine learning model akin to SL, but
the algorithm is not trained using sample data but by
using trial and error. A sequence of successful
outcomes will be reinforced to develop the best
recommendation or policy for a given problem. RL
models can also be deep learning models (IBM,
Lastly, Deep Learning (DL) is a subset of ML
(all DL is ML, but not all ML is DL). DL algorithms
define an artificial neural network
that is designed to
learn the way the human brain learns. DL models
require a large amount of data to pass through
multiple layers of calculations, applying weights and
biases in each successive layer to continually adjust
and improve the outcomes. DL models are typically
unsupervised or semi-supervised (IBM, 2020). For
clarity reasons, the figure illustrating this ML
categorization is available in the Appendix.
Mostly in terms of computational resource allocation.
In this subsection we covered the ML definition
and a categorization of ML techniques. In the
following subsection we deepen into the relevant
aspects in ML for KT in LM.
2.3 ML for KT in LM
An overwhelming number of ML techniques have
been designed and introduced over the years (Das &
Behera, 2017). They usually rely on more common
ML techniques, within optimized pipelines. As such,
we identify the ML techniques (or algorithms) upon
which any new research is based.
Additionally to performing KT in LM,
researchers have acknowledged that ML techniques
can reliably determine the initial parameters when
instantiating a LM (Eagle et al., 2016; Millán et al.,
2015). This led us to consider this purpose when
reviewing ML techniques. Different ML techniques
are applied at different stages of the ML pipeline, and
not all stages are responsible for KT (other
applications can be NLP, computer vision, automatic
grading, demographic student clustering, mood
detection, etc.) We differentiate purposes related to
KT and/or learner modelling, specifically if the ML
technique is used for (1) either grade, skills, or
knowledge prediction (and hence later, clustering,
personalizing, or suggesting resources), (2) either for
LM creation (or instantiation), or (3) both.
Studies highlight the importance of justifying the
rationale when choosing a ML technique (Chicco,
2017; Wen et al., 2012; Winkler-Schwartz et al.,
2019). We note such rationale, when made explicit,
and contrast it to other authors’ rationale for
commonalities, on the same technique. This allows us
to present and weigh known, favourable, and
unfavourable features specific to ML techniques
applied to KT accounting for the LM.
Research studies stress the ultimate importance of
the input data (dataset) and the effects of the chosen
programming language software employed for ML
(Chicco, 2017; Domingos, 2012). Indeed, ML
techniques require input data for creating a model.
The feature engineering of this input data (dataset)
might be determinant for a ML project to succeed or
fail (Chicco, 2017). We compile and verify the
availability of all public datasets presented in the
reviewed articles. Furthermore, the choice of the
programming language for ML plays a role in
collaboration, licensing, and decision-making
A quite complete and updated chart of many neural
networks was made available by (van Veen & Leijnen,
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
processes: it helps to determine the most appropriate
choices for ML implementation (purchasing licences,
upgrading hardware, hiring a specialist, or
considering self-training). Hence, we highlight the
family of ML programming languages used by
researchers on their proposals.
Thus, based on this state-of-the-art, we identify
relevant aspects to consider in ML for KT in LM: the
ML technique employed, its purpose, the
contextual, known rationale for choosing it, the
programming language software used for ML, and
the dataset(s) employed for KT. We consider that
these aspects are relevant for our target public when
choosing a ML technique for KT in LM.
This review of literature follows the PRISMA (Moher
et al., 2009) methodology, comprising: Rationale,
Objectives & Research questions, Eligibility criteria,
Information sources & Search strategy, Screening
process & Study selection, and Data collection &
3.1 Rationale, Objectives & Research
The goal of this literature review is to present a
comprehensive panorama on the topic of ML for KT
in LM. This is, in general terms, what ML techniques
designed to trace a learner’s mastery of skill also
account for the creation, storage, and update of the
This article aims thus to answer the following two
research questions (RQ):
RQ1: What are the most employed ML
techniques for KT in LM?
RQ2: How do the most employed ML techniques
fulfil the considered relevant aspects (identified
in section 2.1.2) to insure KT in LM?
3.2 Eligibility Criteria, Information
Sources & Search Strategy
In this section we describe the inclusion and
exclusion criteria used to constitute the corpus of
publications for our analysis. We also detail and
justify our choice of in-scope publications, the search
terms, and the identified databases.
In this research, we focus on recent ML
techniques (and/or algorithms) that explicitly “learn”
(with minimal or no human intervention) from its data
input to perform KT, while accounting for the LM.
Thus, we do not cover all predictive statistical
methods (as they are not all ML), nor pure DM
techniques, nor AI intended for purposes other than
KT (such as NLP, gamification, computer vision,
learning styles prediction, etc.), nor any processes
that make pure use of LP data (instead of LM data),
nor other User Model data, such as
sociodemographic, biometrical, behavioural, or
geographical data.
On one hand, our Inclusion criterion are: Works
that present a ML technique for KT while accounting
for the LM, in the terms presented in the previous
paragraph. On the other hand, our chosen Exclusion
criterion consist of: Works written not in English,
under embargo, not published or in the works. We
choose to keep subsequent works on the same subject
from the same research team because they represent a
consolidation of the techniques employed.
We performed this research at the end of October
2020 in the following scientific databases: IEEE,
Science Direct, Scopus, Springer, and Web of
Science, comprising 2015-2020. The thought behind
these two choices is to have the most recent and
quality-proven scientific works on the subject. Our
general search terms were
(("learner model" OR
"student model" OR "knowledge tracing")
AND "machine learning")
, declined for the
specificities of each scientific database (search
engines parse and return verbal, noun, plural, and
continuous forms of search terms). We used their
‘Advanced search function, or we queried them
directly, if they allowed it. Some direct queries did
not allow for year filtering, so we applied it manually
on the results page. For accessibility reasons, we
explicitly selected “Subscribed content” results for
the scientific databases supporting it.
3.3 Screening Process & Study
The paper selection process happened as follows:
First, we gathered all the results in two known
Citation Manager programs to benefit from the
automatic metadata extraction, the report creation,
and duplicate merging. We also used a spreadsheet to
record, based on section 2.1.2, the following
doi, title, year, purpose,
ml_method, method_rationale, software,
data_source, and observations
. Second, we
screened the abstracts of all 708 results: three
categories appeared: obvious Out-of-scope results,
clear Eligible results, and Pending (verification
Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic Literature Review
needed) results. Third, using the institutional
authentication, we downloaded all the papers in the
Eligible and Pending categories. Fourth, we read the
full papers in the Eligible and Pending categories and
re-classified them as Eligible or Out-of-scope, as
We used the papers’ titles and keywords metadata
fields to discern if they satisfy the inclusion criteria,
when the abstract was ambiguous. We highlighted the
text in the abstract that made it Eligible. We
registered the reason(s) for rejection NO_ML: no ML
is involved but instead other prediction or classifying
mechanism, NO_KT: ML is not used for KT, and
NO_LM: no LM/SM accountability.
Figure 2 presents a PRISMA flow diagram of the
process presented in this section. From a total of 708
results from the five academic search engines, 628
articles were collected (i.e., duplicates removed) and
their abstracts read: 134 publications were thus
categorized either Eligible or Pending; 494
publications were excluded. After full text read, 83
publications were again removed as they were out of
scope, leading to a core of 51 papers.
Figure 2: PRISMA Flow diagram of the publication
screening process.
With more than five applications in the last five years.
3.4 Data Collection & Features
In this section we review the relevant features of
interest described in subsection 2.1.2 found in the
reviewed literature.
During the full text read, we extracted the
following information from the selected papers: (1)
ML technique employed; (2) purpose of the ML
technique; (3) rationale for employing that specific
ML technique; (4) software employed for ML; and
(5) dataset employed for KT, if any.
We note here that rarely a single, known
technique ML is employed, but it is rather
implemented in a pipeline, connected with another
secondary ML (probabilistical, or DM) techniques. In
such cases, we focused on the technique(s) employed
for KT and on the reasons given for choosing it over
other techniques acknowledged by the authors.
We surveyed the software used to perform the
calculation of ML and we grouped them by
programming language, which is a rather meaningful
description, compared to combinations of libraries
and platforms. We think this result shows a clear
tendency on the necessary requirements to implement
and perform ML for KT in LM.
We surveyed all datasets presented in the 51
reviewed papers and checked for their existence. We
understand that our target public may not have data
made available to perform ML for KT accounting for
the LM and we feel that this resource may be
invaluable when evaluating their results.
In this section we presented our literature review
methodology, the considered features, and the train of
thought behind them. The following section details
our literature review results.
We aggregated the data collected (described in the
previous section) to make it easier to digest.
First, we quickly present the seven most
ML techniques for KT in LM found in the
reviewed publications. These comprise based-upon
techniques for the paper proposal, techniques used as
baselines, and techniques used for comparison.
Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) (Corbett
& Anderson, 1994) is the most classical method used
to trace students’ knowledge states.
Deep Knowledge Tracing (DKT) was proposed
by (Piech et al., 2015) to trace students’ knowledge
using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), achieving
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
great improvement on the prediction accuracy of
students’ performance.
Long Short-Term (LSTM) is a special type of
RNN, effective in capturing underlying temporal
structures in time series data and long-term
dependencies more effectively than conventional
RNN (Mao et al., 2018).
Bayesian Networks (BN) are graphical models
designed to explicitly represent conditional
independence among random variables of interest and
exploit this information to reduce the complexity of
probabilistic inference (Pearl, 1988). They are a
formalism for reasoning under uncertainty that has
been widely adopted in AI (Conati, 2010).
Support Vector Machines (SVM) are one of the
most robust prediction methods, based on statistical
learning frameworks (Vapnik, 1998). The primary
aim of this technique is to map nonlinear separable
samples onto another higher dimensional space by
using different types of kernel functions (Hämäläinen
& Vinni, 2010). They distinctively afford balanced
predictive performance, even in studies where sample
sizes may be limited.
Dynamic Key Value Memory Network
(DKVMN) is a memory augment neural network-
based model, which uses the relationship between the
underlying knowledge points to directly output the
student's mastery of each knowledge point (Jiani
Zhang et al., 2017).
Performance Factor Analysis (PFA) is one
specific model from a larger class of models based on
a logistic function (Pavlik et al., 2009). In PFA, the
probability of learning is computed using the previous
number of failures and successes.
This list answers then RQ1. “What are the most
employed ML techniques for KT in LM?”. Figure 3
shows a yearly heatmap of the most used techniques:
the number indicates the total number of applications
in all 51 combined-and-reviewed papers, per year.
DKT was applied eight times in 2019 (emerging of
two consecutive zero years) while BKT was mostly
Figure 3: Yearly heatmap of the most employed ML
Programming and teaching the ML model with input data.
applied in 2016 and 2017, five and six times
respectively, decreasing since. LSTM peaked in
2017, with 7 applications, and has decreased since.
BN remains with a steady application since 2017. For
clarity reasons, the 29 ML techniques found in the 51
papers issued from this study are available in the
Second, we noted the rationale (if any) given by
authors when choosing a ML technique. We do not
account for the rationale of the paper’s unique ML
proposal if its improvements are related to parameter
fine-tuning, or if the justification is à posteriori.
Instead, we account rationale for the general
application of the original, unmodified technique.
Also, very few publications detail the shortcomings
of their choice. We grouped these rationales in the
following categories:
R1-Uses Less Data and/or Metadata. These
techniques handle sparse data situations better
compared to others, according to the authors, e.g.
DKT (Jiani Zhang & King, 2016).
R2-Extended Tracing. These techniques provide
additional attributes and/or dimensional tracing with
ease when compared to other techniques, according
to authors, e.g. LSTM (Sha & Hong, 2017).
R3-Popularity. These techniques were chosen
because of their popularity, e.g. BN (Millán et al.,
R4-Persistent Data Storage. These techniques
explicitly save their intermediate states to long-term
memory, e.g. DKVMN (Trifa et al., 2019).
R5-Input Data Limitations. These techniques have
been acknowledged to lack when the number of peers
is “too high”, e.g. BN (Sciarrone & Temperini, 2020).
R6-Modelling Shortcomings. Techniques in this
category face difficulties when modelling either
forgetting, guessing, multiple-skill questions, time-
related issues, or have other modelling shortcomings,
e.g. BKT (Crowston et al., 2020).
A heatmap illustrating the number of publications
mentioning each of these rationales, for each of the
most common ML techniques, is shown in Figure 4.
Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic Literature Review
Figure 4: Heatmap of most employed ML techniques,
categorized by Method (SL, UL, SSL, RL, DL) and number
of publications sharing a Rationale (R1-R6).
This heatmap includes the ML categorization
presented in 2.1.1 (SL, UL, SSL, RL, DL). BKT faced
mostly R6 rationales, englobing the whole of RL as
well. DKT and BKT were mostly commented on R1
and R2, respectively. This leads to the DL
categorization (DKT + LSTM + DKVMN) to be
extensively justified in the literature, while UL (PFA)
is sparsely commented, and SVM not at all, despite
its non-negligeable number of applications (7). BN
had the highest R3 count of all and carries all the
justifications related to SL.
Third, we looked over the intended purpose of the
ML implementation, besides KT. Out of the 51
publications reviewed, seven (~15%) employ ML for
initializing the LM (e.g., for another course, academic
year, or for determining the ML parameters in a
pipeline) by accounting previous system interactions,
grades, pre-tests or other data. 44 publications, the vast
majority (~85%) perform some form of prediction.
Finally, only one proposal (~2%) incorporates both a
prediction and/or recommendation mechanism as well.
A pie chart of ML techniques purpose distribution is
presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Pie chart distribution of ML purpose.
Fourth, we surveyed the software used to perform
the ML calculations. Note that many publications
(~50%) do not mention their software of choice.
Python (comprising Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch and
scikit-learn) is the largest group, with 13 papers. Ad-
hoc solutions follow with five papers, and finally C,
Java (-based), Matlab and R, with 2 publications each.
Outliers were SPSS and Stan, with 1 paper each. A
pie chart illustrating the distribution of programming
languages is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Pie chart distribution of ML programming
Fifth, we highlighted (and checked for existence)
the public datasets employed, shown in Table 1. All
the datasets we found in the literature were online and
accessible when reviewed. We made the version
Table 1: Public datasets found.
Name URL
DataShop: OLI
Engineering Statics -
1.14 (Statics2011)
The Stanford
MOOCPosts Data Set
Hour of Code
dataset - Synthetic-5
MOOC [Big Data and
Education on the EdX
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
distinction (yearly or topic) of datasets from the same
source (DeepKnowledgeTracing and ASSISTments,
respectively) because they differ on either number of
features, dimensioning, or creation method.
Thus, the elements presented here-in, namely the
ML techniques, their chosen rationale, their KT in
LM purpose, the most usual programming language
software employed, and the subsequent required
datasets, found in the 51 reviewed publications
constitute the answer to “RQ2: How do the most
employed ML techniques fulfil the considered
relevant aspects (identified in section 2.1.2) to insure
KT in LM?”
In this section we present our observations on the ML
techniques addressed in the precedent section, issued
from the 51 reviewed publications. This discussion
covers the five elements mentioned in subsection
ML Technique: We begin by noting that, in the
reviewed papers, rarely a clear, well-defined, single
ML technique is employed: very often additions or
variants are employed (which make the point of the
paper). Research teams seem to focus their attention
on fine-tuning parameters (to improve prediction)
rather than on expanding the application of ML for
KT to other educational data sources or contexts.
Authors recognize that additional features (or
dimensions) would encumber the learning phase for
limited gains, compared to parameter fine-tuning. As
such, many papers propose pipelines (‘chains’) of ML
techniques to optimize the process without increasing
the calculation load. Performance improvements
aside, this brings up two inconveniences: the
difficulty of identifying the ML technique suitable for
KT, and the difficulty to evaluate and compare any
two papers employing different pipelines, as the
intermediary inputs and outputs of the chain elements
are quite different between papers.
ML Purpose: We distinguish two families of
stated purposes in the reviewed ML techniques for
KT: prediction and LM creation. Prediction is often
portrayed as a probability, which can be interpreted
as a mastery (or degree) of a skill (0-100), a grade (0-
10), or a likelihood (0-1) of getting the answer right
(in binary answers). In LM creation, ML predicts
parameters for initializing the LM. We noticed that
clustering, personalization, and/or resource
suggestion (or other ML techniques, such as NLP)
were performed once the predicting phase had taken
ML Choice Rationales: We condense the
rationales exposed by the authors when choosing a
ML technique. We omit rationales based on novelty,
status-quo, or generalities, e.g., “nobody had done it
before”, “the existing system already uses this
mechanism”, “because it helps predict students’
performance”. The choice of BKT’s was mostly
driven by popularity, although it had issues on
learners’ individuality, multi-dimensional skill
support and modelling forgetting. BN also seemed to
be a common, popular choice. Its main advantage was
its ability to model uncertainty, although it seems to
reach its limits if the number of students is kept
relatively low. On the contrary, DKT may benefit
from large datasets and has proven being able to
model multi-dimensional skills, although lacking in
consistent predicted knowledge state across time-
steps. DKVMN (based on LSTM) can model long-
term memory and mastery of knowledge at the same
time, as well as finding correlations between
exercises and concepts, although it does not account
for forgetting mechanisms. LSTM appears to
additionally handle tasks other than KT satisfactory.
It also models forgetting mechanisms over long-term
dependencies within temporal sequences. It is then
well suited for time series data with unknown time lag
between long-range events. PFA does not consider
answers’ order (which is pedagogically relevant), nor
models guessing, nor multiple-skills questions.
Finally, RNNs are well suited for sequential data with
temporal relationships, although long-range
dependencies are difficult to learn by the model,
hence the resurgence of LSTM.
Software for ML: Python (frameworks and
libraries merged) is the most common programming
language employed for ML, more than doubling the
number of papers employing Ad-hoc languages. We
think that employing platform-specific programming
languages for ML assures lack of code portability
(licensing issues, steep learning curve, little
replicability, code isolation, etc.) and thus, little to no
adoption of these research proposals. However,
specialized ML software, designed by experts on the
field, tends to be performance optimized for diverse
hardware and software, which an ad-hoc solution
cannot compete with. We were taken aback by two
facts: the sparse use of specialized mathematical
software (Matlab, R, SPSS) in ML, and to learn that
about 50% of all reviewed publication do not specify
what software was employed for their ML
calculations, leaving little room for independent
replication, results verification, and additional
Machine Learning Techniques for Knowledge Tracing: A Systematic Literature Review
Datasets: We noticed that frameworks proposal
papers aim to prove the performance of their
approach using publicly available datasets. An
overview of the found public datasets is in Table 1, in
previous section. The chosen datasets are static,
mostly contain grades (or other evaluating
measurements), opposed to behavioural or external
sensor data, and provide the non negligeable
advantages of being explained in detail and having
their data already labelled, often by experts. This
contrasts with the “organic” data employed in
publications where ML is addressed for an existing,
live system, even if it is for testing purposes. Both
variants could benefit from each other’s approaches,
but this would require diverse, detailed, copious high-
quality data that many institutions simply cannot
afford to generate nor stock, let alone analyse.
One of most recurring datasets is the
ASSISTment (Razzaq et al., 2005) (employed in 11
publications), of which there are different versions. A
noteworthy fact is that this dataset has been
acknowledged to have two main kind of data errors:
(1) duplicate rows (which are removed if
acknowledged by the authors) and (2)
“misrepresented” skill sequences. Drawbacks of this
issue have been discussed: while this does not affect
the final prediction, it nevertheless might conduce the
learner to being presented with less questions on one
of the merged skills (the less mastered) because the
global (merged) mastery of skill is achieved mainly
through the mastery of the most known skill (Pelánek,
2015; Schatten et al., 2015). This raises the
importance of the data cleaning process (Chicco,
2017), which processing time is not negligeable and
should be accounted at early data mining stages.
This review of literature presents a current panorama
of ML techniques for KT in LM for the last five years.
To our knowledge, there is no research work that
addresses the literature review of such topic between
2015 and 2020. This study intents to fill in that gap
by reviewing the most recent and high-quality
academic publications on ML for KT that account for
the LM. Its primary goal is to survey currently used
ML techniques for KT in LM (methods and
algorithms), their intended purpose, and their
required software resources. It helps to paint a picture
of the current trends in the research field, and to
prepare the target public of this paper to the task of
selecting a ML technique based on an argued choice.
Out of an academic database search result pool of
628 publications, 51 papers were reviewed, their
employed ML technique extracted, and their
employment rationale highlighted. We found a large
variety of ML techniques, the most common ones are
BKT (18 applications), DKT (13 applications),
LSTM (12 applications), BN (11 applications), SVM
(7 applications), DKVMN (7 applications), and PFA (6
applications). We found authors rationale for favouring
one over another is seldomly described in publications,
or very lightly. Additionally, we highlighted that
combinations of ML techniques in pipelines are a
common practice, with the most recent research
focusing on optimizing combinations or parameter
tweaking, and not in new techniques. We also noticed
a steady use of public datasets, containing usually
grades or other evaluating metrics, but no other
pedagogical relevant data. Moreover, we insist that
additional pre-treatment and cleaning is often required
in these datasets before their use. Finally, our results
show that ML programming language of choice is
Python (libraries & frameworks combined).
This review of literature is inscribed in the context
of the “Optimal experience modelling” research
project, conducted by the University of Lille. This
research project (Ramírez Luelmo et al., 2020)
models and traces the Flow psychological state,
alongside KT, via behavioural data, using the generic
Bayesian Student Model (gBSM), within an Open
Learner Model.
The current challenge is to incorporate the ML
relevant aspects highlighted in this study, and the
behavioural and psychological aspects (log traces and
Flow state determination) specifically linked to the
project. Namely, a ML technique supporting the
gBSM, capable to initialize the LM and perform KT,
supported by the most common programming
language for ML, based on a sound rationale. The
originality of such research lies in the use of live,
behavioural, Flow-labelled data issued from the
French-spoken international MOOC “Project
This project was supported by the French government
through the Programme Investissement d’Avenir
managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche.
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The Appendix is composed of: (a) the ML
categorization figure, (b) the summary table of ML
for KT in LM (for clarity reasons, the extensive
column ‘rationale’ has been removed), and (c) the full
table of the 29 ML techniques.
It can be found at the following address:
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education