On the Evaluation of Classification Methods Applied to Requests for
Revision of Registered Debts
Helton Souza Lima
, Damires Yluska de Souza Fernandes
, Thiago José Marques Moura
and Daniel Sabóia
Instituto Federal da Paraíba, 720 Avenida Primeiro de Maio, João Pessoa, Brazil
Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional, Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco P, Brasília, Brazil
Keywords: Government Data, Tax, Supervised Learning, Imbalanced Data.
Abstract: Tax management is a complex problem faced by governments around the world. In Brazil, in order to help
solving problems in this area, data analytics has been increasingly used to support and enhance tax
management processes. In this light, this work proposes an approach which uses supervised learning in order
to classify requests of an administrative service. The requests at hand are named as Requests for Revision of
Registered Debt (R3Ds). The service underlying such requests is offered by the Brazil’s National Treasury
Attorney-General's Office and usually deals with a high volume of registrations. The experimental evaluation
accomplished in this work presents some promising results. The obtained classification models present good
levels of accuracy, area under ROC curve and recall. Four evaluation scenarios have been experimented,
including imbalanced and balanced data. The Random Forest model achieves the best results in all the
evaluated scenarios.
Failure to comply with tax obligations may have a
negative impact on the quality of life of citizens. This
is due to the fact that without tax revenue it is not
possible to maintain essential public services, such as
health services, sanitation, mobility, security,
education, among others (Mathews et al., 2018). Once
the legal deadline for paying a tax has expired, the
debt can be claimed by the government through the
Judiciary, i.e., by the system of courts of justice in a
country. Particularly in Brazil, according to the
country’s National Treasury Attorney-General's
Office (hereafter called as PGFN abbreviated from
Procuradoria-Geral da Fazenda Nacional”), the
Federal Active Debt
(FAD), in early 2019,
accumulated 2.4 trillion reals (Brazilian currency),
from 4.9 million debtors
Brazilian tax enforcement processes take too long
and may have a low resolution rate. According to the
Brazil’s National Council of Justice
, the average
processing time for a tax enforcement process is
usually about 8 years. These processes represent 39%
of total pending cases, and 70% of pending
executions, with a congestion rate of 87%. This
means, for instance that, in 2019, for every hundred
tax enforcement proceedings, only 13 of them were
closed. Thereby, debts usually reach the Judiciary
after the administrative means of collection are
exhausted, what implies in a hard task to recover their
In this context, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
techniques have been progressively used to support
and improve some Brazilian tax enforcement
processes (Souza and Siqueira, 2020). Specifically in
the area of tax justice, there is an initiative of the
National Council of Justice on using AI that aims to
reduce the time for the outcome of tax enforcement
Lima, H., Fernandes, D., Moura, T. and Sabóia, D.
On the Evaluation of Classification Methods Applied to Requests for Revision of Registered Debts.
DOI: 10.5220/0010498403350342
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 335-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The PGFN currently offers the Request for
Revision of Registered Debt
(hereafter called as
R3D), which is a service available since 2018. It is an
administrative claim, that allows taxpayers to request
a reanalysis of the situation of their debts registered
at FAD. It is an important way for reducing the rate
of new tax enforcement processes, aiming to avoid
the judicialization of erroneous processes. According
to the Federal Services Monitoring Panel
, R3D is the
most requested service in the light of the PGFN,
which highlights the high volume of requests to be
analyzed by the institution: approximately 44
thousands were registered in 2019, involving nearly
44 billions reals. Enhancing activities related to
administrative tax processes may lead to an increase
of tax recovery.
There is a dataset prepared by the PGFN that
includes a lot of information about R3Ds.
Understanding this dataset and analyzing it can
indeed generate important insights for the PGFN.
Particularly, classifying the likelihood of an R3D
being approved or rejected can help PGFN to improve
its processes and streamline results. Considering this,
the dataset is labeled with two possible classes:
approved R3D or rejected R3D. Nevertheless,it has
been realized that the two classes have a level of
imbalance that must be addressed.
With this scenario in mind, we define three main
problems that have guided this work, as follows: (i)
the need to indicate the likelihood for an R3D to be
approved or rejected based on the use of supervised
classification models; (ii) to evaluate some
supervised classification models regarding important
measures with respect to the context of this scenario
and (iii) to analyze strategies and apply some of them
to deal with the imbalance of existing classes.
Thus, historical data of the R3Ds are used to train
some supervised classification models. The five
generated models are evaluated with respect to the
measures Accuracy (ACC), Recall (REC) and area
under the ROC curve (AUC). To this end,
experimental scenarios have been defined taking into
account hold out and cross-validation strategies as
well as imbalanced versus balanced data. The results
obtained are promising and demonstrate good scores
for the evaluated metrics. In particular, the model
produced with the Random Forest method has
obtained the best measure scores. Regarding the use
of class balancing strategies, there has been no change
in relation to the results of the obtained models.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
provides some theoretical background; Section 3
describes some related works; Section 4 presents the
applied methodology; Section 5 discusses the results
which have been obtained, and Section 6 concludes
the paper and suggests some future work.
In this section, we provide some concepts regarding
the tax management business domain in our country
and also some principles with respect to Supervised
2.1 Request for Revision of Registered
The Request for Revision of Registered Debt (R3D)
is an administrative claim that allows taxpayers to ask
for a reanalysis of the situation of their debts. It can
be used in cases of payment, instalment, suspension
of request under judicial decision, administrative
decision, judicial deposit, offset, correction of
statement, filling the statement inaccurately, formal
defect in the credit constitution, decay or prescription,
issues related to situations where the active debt
enrolment is prohibited and any extinction or
suspension cause of tax or non-tax debt.
Once the request for revision is granted, its
registration may be cancelled or rectified. The
demand for the debt may also be suspended. The task
of analysing and answering R3Ds is actually a time-
consuming task. Nowadays it is accomplished in
about 30 days. And it is completely human-
2.2 Cross Industry Standard Process
for Data Mining
The Cross Industry Standard Process (CRISP-DM) is
a methodology which is usually used by data
scientists in order to ensure quality on knowledge
discovery project results (Chapman et al., 1999). The
process is tool-independent and can be used across
various business domains. It is based on iterative and
incremental principles.
In this light, in order to extract knowledge from
data of a given domain, the CRISP-DM guides data
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
scientists to (i) identify and give a solution to a
problem with the use of data mining techniques, (ii)
understand the underlying data and their
relationships, (iii) extract a suitable dataset, (iv)
create machine learning models in order to solve the
identified problem, (v) evaluate the performance of
the obtained new models, and (vi) demonstrate how
these models can be used and, eventually, be
deployed in the given business context. We use this
process in the light of our problem domain, i.e., with
respect to the R3D classification problem.
2.3 Supervised Learning
Machine Learning is an area of the Artificial
Intelligence (AI) whose objective is the construction
of systems capable of acquiring knowledge
automatically (Rezende, 2005). A subarea of
Machine Learning (ML), named Supervised
Learning, is composed of systems able to provide
predictions based on previous specific situations
stored on a dataset (Mitchell, 1997).
In supervised learning, one predictive task is
classification. Classification algorithms predicts
qualitative values, which will be assigned in
predefined categories (Mohri et al., 2018). In this
work, we deal with a two-class classification
problem, thus we aim to learn a class from its positive
and negative examples.
In the light of this work, an example (instance) is
positive in case of a rejected R3D (request). On the
other hand, negative examples regard accepted
requests. For two-class problems a variety of
performance measures has been proposed. For a
positive example, if the prediction is also positive,
this is a true positive (TP); if a prediction is negative
for a positive example, this represents a false negative
(FN). For a negative example, if the prediction is also
negative, we have a true negative (TN), and we have
a false positive (FP) if we predict a negative example
as positive (Alpaydin, 2010).
The measures used in this work are Accuracy
(ACC), Recall (REC) and Area Under Receiver
Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC). They are
defined in accordance with the following formulas
(Hossin and Sulaiman, 2015):
ACC = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN) (1)
REC = TP / (TP + FN) (2)
AUC is calculated through the plot of the
ROC curve, where the TPR is in y-axis and
the FPR is in x-axis
Some reasons for choosing such measures are
described as follows.
The Accuracy (ACC) measures the ratio of correct
predictions over the total number of instances
evaluated. Accuracy is the most used evaluation
measure in practice either for binary or multi-class
classification problems. It is easy to compute and easy
to understand by human (Hossin and Sulaiman,
In addition to accuracy, the AUC measure may be
used to present an overall view of a binary
classification model performance. It describes the
relationship between sensitivity (recall)
and specificity measures. The AUC has been proven
theoretically and empirically better than the accuracy
metric for evaluating some classifiers performance
(Huang and Ling, 2005; Alpaydin 2010).
One point that deserves attention is the cost
involved in making incorrect predictions: it is less
costly to predict a rejection when the request should
be accepted than to predict an approval when the
request should be rejected. In the dataset used in this
work, the positive value (1) indicates a rejected
request, and the negative value (0) indicates an
accepted one. This is the reason why the recall
measure (REC) is the most important (not
exclusively) one in the evaluation accomplished in
this work. Classifiers with a large recall don’t have a
high index of false negatives (Harrington, 2012).
The supervised classification methods used in this
work are Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Naive
Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector
Machines (SVM). They are briefly described as
The Naive Bayes classifier is inspired by
Thomas Bayes Theorem. It estimates the
classification of new examples through a
probabilistic algorithm (Rish, 2001). It is called
“naïve” for making no assumption among the
Support Vector Machines classify data by
building a separating hyperplane to distinguish
and identify two types of different classes. To
this end, they determine points between two
domain universes, usually drawing a line (or
vector) and differentiating the data on both
sides (Gonzalez et al., 2005).
Artificial Neural Networks are models inspired
by the human brain. They are composed by a
net of interconnected units called Perceptrons
(Mitchell, 1997), which are organized in layers.
The network receives the training examples
and uses error functions to calculate weights in
order to maximize the correct prediction.
On the Evaluation of Classification Methods Applied to Requests for Revision of Registered Debts
Random Forests are a combination of decision
trees. Each tree has a different behaviour by the
effect of a randomly function applied in all
trees in the forest (Breiman, 2001). For every
classification, the majority vote of all trees
determines the models’ classification.
These methods have been chosen due to some
Regarding a NB classifier, one of the major
advantages is its short computational time for
training. NB provides the probability of an instance
to belong to a class, rather than simply providing a
classification (Kotsiantis et al., 2007). This is an
information that must add value to the prosecutor’s
decision. Thus, it is desirable to be achieved in our
The SVM method has been considered interesting
since it usually fits the available data well without
overfitting (Bhavsar and Panchal, 2012).
With respect to ANNs, they outperform other
methods in many different business domains (Paliwal
and Kumar, 2009). One of the important advantages
of this method is that it can automatically
approximate any nonlinear mathematical function.
This aspect is useful when the relationship among the
variables is not known.
Random forests are fast and easy to implement.
They produce highly accurate predictions and can
handle a very large number of input variables without
overfitting (Biau, 2012). They can also provide the
most important variables of the dataset considered for
the model. They can be useful on a future
dimensionality reduction task.
Another usual issue in classification tasks regards
imbalanced classes. A two-class dataset is said to be
imbalanced when one minority class is under-
represented with regard to the majority class
(Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002). The application of
re-sampling techniques to obtain a more balanced
data distribution is an effective solution to the
imbalanced class problem (He and Ma, 2013).
Among a diverse set of re-sampling methods, we
briefly describe the two ones used in this work:
Random Undersampling and SMOTE. The former
removes a random set of majority class examples. It
is one of the simplest re-sampling approaches.
Although it can eliminate useful examples, it requires
less computational effort (Branco et al., 2016). The
latter, which means Synthetic Minority Oversampling
TEchnique, over-samples the minority class by
generating new artificial data. The synthetic data are
created using an interpolation strategy that introduces
a new example along the line segment joining a seed
example and a user-defined number of nearest
neighbours (Chawla et al., 2002);
These methods have been used and evaluated in
several related works (Branco et al., 2016).
In this section, we briefly resume some relevant and
related work which applies machine learning in the
data domain of tax management.
One of the works regards classifying companies
as contumacious tax debtors or not (Soares and
Cunha, 2020). In this work, the dataset used was built
from a data warehouse system of a brazilian city. The
work aimed to help tax auditors on prioritizing the
taxpayers that have higher risks of service tax default.
They evaluated LightGBM, Logistic Regression and
Random Forest models with respect to accuracy and
AUC measures. Results were considered better than
their previous work.
The work of Dias and Becker (2017) conducted a
study to classify invoices as potential audit candidates
or not. It used data extracted from the electronic
invoice system of Porto Alegre city finance secretary,
in Brazil. Results were considered as promising since
they presented a high precision rate using the SVM
Another related work aimed to help decision-
making in government taxes audit plans by using
historical data from previous audits (Ippolito and
Lozano, 2020). It tried to predict service tax crimes
against the tax system of the city of São Paulo, Brazil.
The target variable contained the information whether
the taxpayer committed a crime against tax system or
not, in previous tax audits. Six algorithms were
applied: Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, Decision
Trees, Logistic Regression, Random Forest and
Ensemble Learning. Random Forest yielded the
highest scores in the majority of the performance
metrics utilized.
López et al., (2019) used data from the Spanish
Revenue Office, with the goal of identifying
taxpayers who evade tax. Their study applied Neural
Networks and reached a good level of correct
Another recent work proposed a customized loss
function, assigned to a social cost, to evaluate the
performance of some models (Battiston et al., 2020).
The proposition was validated through the use of a
dataset provided by the Italian Revenue Agency, with
information of income tax of more than 600 thousand
individuals over 5 years. The Random Forest model
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
was considered the best classifier, achieving the
lowest value for the defined loss function.
Silva et al., (2015) worked on building predictive
models on the results of specific claims in a tax
administration process in the Brazilian Federal
Revenue (BFR). This is the most similar work to ours.
It classified credit compensation requests as
“granted” or “rejected”. The dataset included
information built from several transactional and
analytical BFR’s systems. Random Forest was
identified as the algorithm selected for the
deployment phase with the argument that it was more
accurate in the most important class: it is less costly
to predict a rejection when the request should be
granted than to predict a grant when the request
should be dismissed.
Comparing these works with ours, some different
aspects are identified as follows. One aspect is that,
differently from the works of López et al., (2019) and
Battiston et al., (2020), this work does not deal with
fraud detection. Another aspect is that our work deals
with historical data filled with manual analysis in
order to label the target variable. It is not set by
specific automatic business rules like the ones of two
brazilian cities (Soares and Cunha, 2020; Dias and
Becker, 2017). The third aspect is that this is the first
work that deals with this PGFN’s specific dataset,
with its own characteristics and business rules. For
example, the size of the dataset, with 70.780 cases is
significantly bigger than the 151 cases of tax crime
detection presented in Ippolito and Lozano (2020).
Other example regards the fact that the dataset used
in this work represents all regions of Brazil and not
only one specific jurisdiction such as the work of
Silva et al., (2015). Futhermore this work observes
the effects of class balancing methods on the
performance of the models, and none of the related
works registered this observation.
In the following subsections we present details on
how the steps of the CRISP-DM methodology is
applied in this work. The steps applied are: Business
Understanding, Data understanding, Data
preparation, Modelling and Evaluation.
4.1 Business Understanding and
Research Questions Definitions
This initial phase focuses on understanding the
business objectives and is used to define some
research questions. The PGFN’s business main
objectives are to improve taxpayer assistance and also
to increase tax recovery. In order to help achieving
these objectives, our approach has been specified to
assist decision-making of analysts of the Requests for
Revision of Registered Debts. Thereby, there should
be an increase of the assertiveness of the requests’
results as well as a decrease of the response time of
the requests answering.
With this scenario in mind, besides que questions
presented in Section 1, some additional ones are
included as follows:
Q1 - In order to allow a better understanding of
the factors that influence decisions, what are
the main statistics, relationships, and
correlations between the variables?
Q2 - Are there any anomalies or unexpected
behaviours that require attention from the
central administration?
4.2 Data Understanding
We have collected the dataset from the PGFN. The
dataset has been created by a team composed of
domain experts and systems analysts, that gathered
data from several PGFN data sources, including
transactional and analytical systems. The available
historical data of the R3Ds have been included, by
considering the period of November 2018 and June
The dataset has 23 independent variables and a
total amount of 70.780 R3Ds instances, containing a
nationwide representation. Personal or business
identification information and any other variable
considered as sensitive were disregarded.
The independent variables regard the following
information: (i) the request itself; (ii) the taxpayer;
(iii) some of the taxpayer’s relationship in the real
world; (iv) information describing the debt (e.g.,
value, age, type, and situation); and (iv) some history
of actions and situations associated with PGFN
processes. The dataset also contains the analysis
result of the request, i.e., the dependent variable
indicating approval or rejection. For the sake of
security and confidentiality, details regarding the
variables are not mentioned in this work.
Each variable was analysed with respect to its
main statistics, in order to observe the data
distribution, maximum and minimum values,
existence of outliers, temporal distribution and
correlation with other variables. Tasks concerned
with cleaning or transformation were verified and
executed to assure a better model creation. Despite
these issues, no missing values were detected, and no
outliers were removed.
On the Evaluation of Classification Methods Applied to Requests for Revision of Registered Debts
With respect to the target variable, the dataset has
a 70/30% proportion between the two classes. Even
though it’s not a strong imbalance problem, we
decided to apply some re-sampling techniques in
order to observe the behaviour of the classification
4.3 Data Preparation
The data preparation phase usually covers all
activities to construct the final dataset from the
collected data. The transformations made to the data
involved the following actions:
A normalization of all data in a standard scale
between 0 and 1.
Two pairs of variables presented a correlation
coefficient equals to 1, i.e., they presented the
same values for every dataset example. Since
this situation was not expected, one variable of
each pair was removed.
4.4 Modelling and Evaluation
In the modelling step, the classification models are
created according to four experimental scenarios. For
each scenario, the measures evaluated are Accuracy
(ACC), AUC and Recall (REC).
The classification methods which have been
applied are: Neural Networks, Naive Bayes, Random
Forest and Support Vector Machines. All the models
are trained using the default parameters from SciKit-
Learn library. These parameters are as follows::
Multilayer Perceptron: activation=’relu’,
learning_rate=’constant’, max_iter=4000,
solver=’adam’, and tol=0.0001.
GaussianNB: priors=’None’, and
Random Forest: bootstrap=True,
criterion=’gini’, min_samples_leaf=1,
min_samples_split=2, and n_estimators=100.
SVC: C=1.0, cache_size=200,
decision_function shape=’ovr’, degree=3,
kernel=’rbf’, shrinking=True, and tol=0.001.
The first scenario of the modelling step is a
random stratified hold-out, using 80% of the available
data for the training set and 20% for the test set.
The second scenario is built considering a 10-fold
cross-validation, using the stratified shuffle split
method. It is defined, for every iteration, the same
80% of the available data for the training set and 20%
for the test set.
In the third scenario, we include balancing
methods. Thus, at this one, a 10-fold cross-validation
is executed applying a Random Undersampling class
balancing method at each iteration. In the fourth
scenario, a 10-fold cross-validation is executed
applying the SMOTE technique at each iteration.
The Data Understanding step brings some results, by
means of answering the questions defined at the
Business Understanding step (Section 4.1). Thus, in
order to answer Q1, the correlation matrix has been
plotted. It shows low correlation among most of the
variables, except for two pairs of variables that
presented a correlation coefficient equals to 1. One
variable of each pair has been removed due to such
high correlation.
In order to answer Q2, through some statistical
analysis, it is possible to identify some anomalies.
One of them regards 110 registered debts in a peculiar
situation: each one of them is composed by more than
20 requests. This situation shows a possibility of
using a R3D service just to postpone the debt’s
payment. Therefore, it requires attention from the
central administration to better evaluate cases like
In the Modelling and Evaluation steps, the results
obtained in the first scenario (random hold-out) are
presented in Table 1. The highest scores for each
measure are presented in bold. The first scenario
brings these results: The Random Forest model
showed the highest ACC and AUC among the
evaluated models, followed by Neural Networks,
SVM and Naive Bayes. Regarding REC, the SVM
achieved a slightly (only 1%) higher rate than the
Random Forest.
Table 1: Random stratified hold-out results.
Classifier ACC AUC REC
Neural Networks 81% 88% 84%
Naive Bayes 60% 72% 49%
Random Forest
88% 94%
SVM 69% 72%
The results obtained in the second, third and
fourth scenarios are presented in Table 2, including
the mean and standard deviation obtained for each
metric. The results after applying the class balancing
techniques are presented with an arrow up when the
measure has more than one percent of variation.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Results before and after applying class balancing methods in 10-fold cross-validation scenarios.
Unbalanced Scenario After Under Sampling After SMOTE
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
(Std Dev)
79% ↓
78% ↓
82% ↓
Naive Bayes
55% ↓
38% ↓
33% ↓
66% ↓
65% ↓
64% ↓
60% ↓
The second scenario (cross-validation with
unbalanced data) confirms Random Forest with
higher scores of ACC, AUC and REC, followed by
the same order of models presented in the first
scenario. Although SVM presented a lower ACC
comparing to Neural Networks, it has a higher REC,
and can be considered a better estimator to this study.
The third and fourth scenarios show that the
application of Random Under Sampling and SMOTE
techniques decreased the ACC and REC. It can be
explained that, in both techniques, there is an increase
on the representation of the negative class. The
negative class is the minority class in this work. Then,
the models tend to increase the predictions on this
class, and the number of False Negatives and True
Negatives also increase. Consequently, it may
decrease ACC and REC. Weiss and Provost (2003)
concluded that, when ACC is the priority
performance measure, the best class distribution for
learning tends to be near the natural class distribution,
and when AUC is the priority performance metric, the
best class distribution for learning tends to be near the
balanced class distribution. With respect to standard
deviations, the application of class balancing
techniques did not cause significant changes.
This work has presented an approach to predict if
R3Ds should be accepted or rejected. The evaluation
of the created classification models indicates
promising results mainly with regards to the Random
Forest model. It achieves the best performance in
terms of the most important measures considered in
this work (ACC, AUC and REC). Cross-validation
strategies have been used and show that the Random
Forest model performs a good generalization. The
class balancing techniques employed in this work do
not improve the models’ performance. This is due to
the kinds of data we deal with, i.e., increasing the
number of false negatives cases is costly than
increasing the number of false positives cases.
The solution provided by this work may be useful
to support decisions of the prosecutor who registers
the result of a request application. It may not only
increase the decision assertiveness but also decrease
the response time.
As future work we point out some tasks to be
done: (i) to experiment different hyper-parameters for
the algorithms with the best performances (Random
Forest and Neural Networks); (ii) to apply XGBoost
method or other one evaluated with good
performance on financial data (Pugliese et al., 2020);
(iii) to reduce the number of variables used in training
models, and then checking the impact of them on the
observed created models; and (iv) to deploy the
classification model which best fits the real PGFN
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems