Hybrid Prototypical Networks Augmented by a Non-linear Classifier
Anas El Ouardi, Maryem Rhanoui, Anissa Benlarabi and Bouchra El Asri
IMS Team, ADMIR Laboratory, Rabat IT Center, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Text Classification, Meta-learning, Few-shot Learning.
Text classification is one of the most prolific domains in machine learning. Present in a raw format all around us
in our daily life Starting from human to human communication mainly by the social networks apps, arriving
at the human-machine interaction especially with chatbots, text is a rich source of information. However,
despite the remarkable performances that deep learning achieves in this field, the cost in therm of the amount
of data needed to train this model still considerably high, adding to that the need of retraining this model to
learn every new task. Nevertheless, a new sub-field of machine learning has emerged, named meta-learning
it targets the overcoming of those limitations, widely used for image-related tasks, it can also bring solutions
to tasks associated with text. Starting from this perspective we proposed a hybrid architecture based on well-
known prototypical networks consisting of adapting this model to text classification and augmenting it with a
non-linear classifier.
When getting to learn a new task with few training ex-
amples and then using this gained knowledge to learn
a different task, the human brain is the most power-
ful and efficient tool suitable for this purpose. For the
lasts decades, artificial intelligence algorithms were
given the ultimate objective of mimicking human in-
telligence, achieving performances in some tasks that
exceed it. However, arriving at the prior cited charac-
teristics of human intelligence these algorithms stand
far from their objective since deep-learning models
need huge amounts of data to learn a singular task
and can not exploit this acquired knowledge to learn
a new task.
In the optic to resolve this issue a sub-domain of
machine learning has emerged called Meta-learning,
it consists of training models on small data sets and
over multiple tasks at the same time seeking to ac-
quire the ability to generalize over new unseen tasks
not over new data as in regular machine learning mod-
els(Mishra et al., 2017).
Meta-learning models are grouped under 3 major
categories :
Model-based. This category of models table on
their internal architecture to achieve a fast con-
vergence using a few training examples, (Santoro
et al., 2016) introduced one of the most successful
approaches in this category named Meta-Learning
with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks con-
sisting in augmenting the Neural Turing Machines
(Graves et al., 2014) with external memory.
Optimization-based. Generally composed of 2
related neural networks, the learner that takes in
input data and produced the gradients of the losses
and the meta-learner that takes these gradients
as input producing the updated weights for the
learner, playing a role similar to the role of the op-
timizer in classical machine learning models. The
architecture proposed by (Ravi and Larochelle,
2016) follows this description where the learner
is a convolutional neural network (CNN) based
and the meta-learner is a long short-term mem-
ory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)
based neural network, however for the training of
this architecture they introduced an episodic man-
ner ( that can be seen in details in 2.2 ). In the
same category, we can also cite (Mishra et al.,
2017) with their proposition that combines tem-
poral convolutions and causal attention.
Metric-based. The core idea of this last group
is the use of a model capable of approximating a
projection function from the input space to an em-
bedding space (E.S) where all elements belonging
to the same class should be near to each other. The
proximity in the (E.S) is measured by a distance
metric like euclidean distance (Snell et al., 2017;
Vinyals et al., 2016).
El Ouardi, A., Rhanoui, M., Benlarabi, A. and El Asri, B.
Hybrid Prototypical Networks Augmented by a Non-linear Classifier.
DOI: 10.5220/0010498307900794
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 790-794
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
One of the domains that can be modeled as a meta-
learning problem is text classification, been one of
the major tasks in natural language processing. Many
papers (Wang, 2018; Sun et al., 2020; Yamada and
Shindo, 2019; Yang et al., 2019; Zaheer et al., 2021)
has tackled this problem with a deep architecture that
needs larges datasets to be trained one, large datasets
that can not be found in the majority of fields where
text classification is solicited, also these models are
task-specific which means that once trained for a task
they can not be used to generalize over an other task.
Taking into account these elements the need for a
meta-learning model for text classification can be felt.
In this paper we introduced a new simple architec-
ture deriving from metric-based meta-learning, seek-
ing to propose a solution for the lack of data in the
text classification field. Our proposal is based on the
prototypical networks (Snell et al., 2017) we adapted
this model on the few-shot text classification task by
adding an embedding layer aiming to transform sen-
tences received in input to a usable format and by sub-
stituting the softmax layer applied to distance vector
(between the classes centers and the query examples
) after the passage of the query examples through the
prototypical network by a non -linear classifier.
In this section, we introduce the main notions and def-
initions necessary to understand the framework and
the context of our proposal.
2.1 Few-shot Classification
Few-shot learning (FSL) is the most known meta-
Learning problem. It’s a powerful paradigm dealing
with tasks suffering from the lack of training exam-
ples, it involves training models on a bunch of similar
tasks and testing their ability to generalize over new
different tasks. Unlike deep learning classical models
that require huge amounts of data to train on a single
specific task and in which the knowledge gained in
the training is not usable to generalize over new tasks,
few-shot architectures are trained over a large number
of similar tasks (text classification for example) with
few examples for each task and the effectiveness of
these models measured on their ability to generalize
over new but similar tasks. Few-shot classification is
the most important application of the FSL, consist-
ing of applying FSL to achieve classification tasks. In
recent years few-shot classification has been highly
correlated with the notion of episodes. Introduced by
(Vinyals et al., 2016) an episode can represent a clas-
sification task composed of the training set (support
set) and the testing set (query set). The support set
contains K examples from N classes sampled for ev-
ery episode. We thus talk about N-way-K-Shot clas-
2.2 Task Definition
In the machine learning/deep learning field Datasets
used to train the models are regularly sampled into
3 sub-sets: The train set D
used to update the
weights of the model during the training, the test set
disjointed from the training set used to evaluate
the generalization power of the model at the end of the
training and the validation set D
used to select the
hyper-parameters of the model before the training or
to approximate the generalization power of the model
during the training.
However, for few-shot classification due to the
lack of data another sampling strategy that introduces
the notion of metasets is used. A metaset M is com-
posed from the two main regular sub-sets (D
). We thus talk about new type of sets, the meta-
train, meta-test and meta-validation sets (M
, M
and M
respectively ). To compose these metasets, a
widely adopted strategy proposed by (Vinyals et al.,
2016) is applied, it consists in sampling at every
epoch a n
number of episodes from a M
set ( j
can be train, test or val), such that for every episode
we select a subset V of N classes from L
set of classes
available in M
V will be used to compose the support set S (S =
) by selecting randomly K elements from each
class present in V from the M
in the same way the
query set Q (Q = D
) will be composed only this
time we select t elements from every class in V .
2.3 Prototypical Networks
Prototypical networks for few-shot learning is a pow-
erful algorithm proposed by (Snell et al., 2017). This
model belongs to the metric meta-learning models
and despite its simplicity, it achieves respectable per-
formances in k-shot learning task (achieves the state
of the art in zero-shot learning).
A prototypical network (Snell et al., 2017) is
based on the idea that there is an embedding space
where all the elements that belong to the same class
represented in this space are grouped around a single
prototype representative of this class. The prototype
of a class c
is calculated using the equation 1:
Hybrid Prototypical Networks Augmented by a Non-linear Classifier
where S
= (x
, y
). . . (x
, y
) is the subset elements
that belongs to the class n in S and Ψ is the embedding
The algorithm learns a non-linear mapping Ψ of
the input to the embedding space (E.S) and use a con-
volutional neural network to estimate Ψ parameters
Every query element q represented in the (E.S)
will be affected to one class of the N classes avail-
able that have the highest probability calculated by
the formula 2:
= n | q
) =
), c
), c
with (q
, u
) Q
The loss function is then computed using the equa-
tion 3 for every episode and then used to update the φ
parameters of the embedding function Ψ
J(θ) =
= k | q
In the few last years, meta-learning has emerged as
modeling for an artificial intelligence more human
intelligence-like and a solution for lack of data prob-
lem while training deep learning models. (Vinyals
et al., 2016) produced Matching Networks as a meta-
learning architecture for few-shot and one-shot learn-
ing. Similar to a weighted K-nearest neighbor it aims
to classify new elements based on a small support set
using the cosine distance. (Snell et al., 2017) pro-
posed the Prototypical Networks (Proto-net) which
learn projection function from the input space to an
embedding space where every new unseen element is
grouped around a unique prototype relative to each
class. This prototype represents the mean vector of
the projections of the support points representative of
every class. A loss function based on squared Eu-
clidean distances was used to train this network. At
the opposite of the two previous methods which uses
fixed metric (cosine and euclidean distances) to dis-
criminate unlabeled elements, the Relation Network
consists on using a deep neural network to learn a
non-linear distance metric which has the utility of
properly classifying the query examples based on the
given support examples (Sung et al., 2018).
Unlike few-shot image classification, the text few-
shot classification was not widely discussed in the lit-
erature, For instance, (Gao et al., 2019) tackled the
problem of noisy few-shot text classification (Rela-
tion classification) by creating hybrid network atten-
tion based on prototypical networks, composed of
three components: the first one is an Instance En-
coder used to encode the sentences, the second one
is the Prototypical Network to compute the classes
prototypes and the last one is called Hybrid Atten-
tion composed of two modules instance-level atten-
tion and feature-level attention that aims to speed-up
the convergence and make the classification more re-
liable (Gao et al., 2019).
In the same direction, (Sun et al., 2019) proposed
a modified version of the (Gao et al., 2019) archi-
tecture, especially in Hybrid Attention level making
it composed of three components (Feature Level At-
tention, Word Level Attention, and Instance Level
Multi Cross Attention ) make it less sensitive to noise.
These architectures integrate a lot of components that
made them more sophisticated for catching text se-
mantic however they are very complex models when
arriving at decision making since.
Starting from the same philosophy we adapted the
Proto-net to text classification tasks by adding an em-
bedding layer at its beginning based on the Word2Vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013), at the opposite of (Sun et al.,
2019; Gao et al., 2019) who used in this layer the
Glove encoding (Pennington et al., 2014) and also we
augmented the Proto-net with a non-linear classifier
seeking to generate the probability vector making our
architecture more simple than what the two had pro-
In this section, we introduce the three components of
our model namely the Instance encoder that has the
role of formatting the input data from the raw textual
shape to the vector shape, the Prototypical Network
which is the kernel of the model the aim of this com-
ponent is to produce the distance metric vector be-
tween the classes prototypes and the queries elements,
and the last part of our model Non-linear Classi-
fier that generate the probability distribution over the
4.1 Instance Encoder
An instance is a sentence, by definition, it’s composed
of a sequence of words. In there, raw format (string)
words are impossible to fit into a neural network for
the classification tasks purpose forexample. To rem-
edy this issue, every word is mapped to a unique real
numbers vector that catches its semantic. Let x be an
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
instance x = {w
, w
, ..., w
, w
, ..., w
} of T words,
we produce an embedding vector v
of each word in-
stance x by applying the Word2Vec algorithm to every
word of this instance (Mikolov et al., 2013) such
= V ({w
, w
, ..., w
, w
, ..., w
where V is the projection function used by the
Word2Vec algorithm .
4.1.1 Prototypical Network
As seen previously in 2.3 the prototypical networks
consist in generating a unique prototype specific to
each class c
by computing the average vector of all
the embedding vectors v
present in the support set
belonging to this class following the equation 1.
After this step, the algorithm produces a distribu-
tion vector over the distance set between the projec-
tion of the query element q in the embedding space
and the classes prototypes following the equation 2.
The training then consists in minimizing the loss
function 3 by approximating the projection function
to an embedding space where the queries are grouped
around the prototype c
of their respective classes and
far from the other classes prototypes.
In our approach we keep the same architecture ex-
cept that we skip the step of getting the probability
distribution using the softmax function, keeping only
the vector of distances at this level.
4.1.2 Non-linear Classifier
At this part, the model received a metric vector con-
taining the distances between the element q and the
center of all classes c
present in the episode using
the euclidean distance. The goal here been the use
of this distance metric to calculate a probability dis-
tribution necessary to classify q the original proto-net
uses the softmax function to do this, Contrary we pro-
pose to push furthermore this idea by adding a neural
network before the softmax unit constituting the Non-
linear Classifier the target of this network is to train
over the distances received at every episode. Using
an empirical way, the following configuration shows
the most promising results. As we can see in Figure
1 our classifier is composed of an LSTM layer fol-
lowed by a dropout layer (to control the overfitting),
a fully connected layer, and at the end a softmax cell
that generates the probability distribution.
Figure 1: Non-linear Classifier.
In this paper, we proposed a prototype of a hybrid ar-
chitecture based on the prototypical networks, by first
adding to it an embedding layer making it compati-
ble with text classification tasks and then augmenting
it with a non-linear classifier seeking to collect more
information while training necessary to generate the
best probability distribution over classes. We tested
our proposed model on a dataset that we composed
from user tweets and got promising results. Our next
step consists of testing this model over the benchmark
datasets to prove its efficiency.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems