Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators
in Assignment Preparation
Raul Gabrich M. de Freitas, Carla Delgado, Jo
ao Carlos P. da Silva, J
onatas C. Barbosa
and Jean S. Felix
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Recommendation Systems, Computer Supported Education, e-Learning.
Recommendation systems have been used to assist the decision-making processes in a wide variety of fields,
such as entertainment, e-commerce and web search engines. Whereas few works have made efforts to assist
educators in the elaboration of course assignments, the web system presented in this paper aims at integrating
educational metadata and recommendation techniques to support this task. Besides reducing the time required
to prepare an assignment, the system can improve the educators’ perception of the educational objectives
behind it.
School evaluation is one of the most important and
relevant concepts in the teaching-learning process.
From evaluation results, educators can plan, adapt and
redesign their teaching activities (Lib
aneo, 2017). In
general, evaluation in educational situations is treated
merely as the act of preparing evidence, measuring
and making notes, when in fact, it is a broader and
more complex process. Under the view of (Stiggins,
2002), the evaluation preparation process should be a
continuous evolution of collecting feedback from stu-
dent results, in order to improve both the learning pro-
cess as much as future assignments.
To have quality assignments, (Stiggins, 2002) says
that: (1) student achievement goals (also known as
learning goals, educational objectives and educational
goals) must be understood and communicated in ad-
vance, (2) the teacher must become instructed in eval-
uation and assignment preparation, being able to pro-
pose exercises and questions that accurately reflect
the student’s performance, (3) assignments must be
used also to build students’ confidence in themselves
and help them take responsibility for their own learn-
ing, in order to establish a basis for lifelong learning,
(4) the results of assessments should constitute fre-
quent descriptive feedback for students (rather than
critical feedback), (5) instructions should be contin-
ually adjusted based on the results of classroom as-
signments, (6) students should be involved in reg-
ular self-assessment, so that they can observe their
progress over time and feel in charge of their own suc-
cess and (7) there should be active communication be-
tween students and teachers about their development,
status and improvement. In short, the effect of evalu-
ation on learning, as in the classroom, is that students
do not give up in frustration or hopelessness, but con-
tinue to learn and remain confident that they can reach
productive levels.
Thinking of helping educators to produce better
assessments, the Probatio system was created. Pro-
batio is a system that aims to assist educators in the
management and use of a question bank (assignment
items database) and in the preparation of assignments,
using artificial intelligence.
The objectives of the Probatio system are:
1. Assist educators to build assignments that are
more effective (of better quality) in a more effi-
cient way. This is a short-term goal, as can be
achieved since the first use of the system;
2. Improve educators’ understanding of the relation-
ship between educational objectives and the qual-
ity of assignments, gradually and non-invasive,
trying to avoid or minimize resistance. We be-
lieve that this is a medium-term goal, as it might
be achieve with continuous usage of the system;
3. Offer subsidies and influence teachers to promote
re-orientations aimed at improving students’ per-
formance in their courses. This is considered a
long-term goal, as educators must become confi-
dent in the system before accepting it to influence
M. de Freitas, R., Delgado, C., P. da Silva, J., Barbosa, J. and Felix, J.
Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators in Assignment Preparation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010494203680375
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 368-375
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
their practices.
We consider effective the assignments whose results
(grades obtained) can accurately indicate students’
knowledge acquisition level or expected skill devel-
opment at a certain stage of the course. Quality as-
sessments must be, according to educational objec-
tives, well sized to the expected level of the course,
the time available, age and maturity of students – just
to mention some of the aspects to be considered. The
elaboration of assignments can be facilitated by an
interface where the educator easily sees information
that pedagogically characterizes an assignment item,
such as domain knowledge and cognitive level. This
information, as well as information regarding the na-
ture of the item (like time expected to find the cor-
rect answer, if it is multiple choice or direct answer)
is what we call pedagogical metadata. Though meta-
data is usually not present in question banks, some
can be automatically or semi automatically extracted
from the statement of the item or from other metadata.
The selection of questions to compose an assign-
ment can be greatly facilitated and streamlined by a
recommendation system. The idea is that, when us-
ing the system, the educator is exposed to a series of
pedagogical concepts, making her or him reflect on
them and, over time, come to a more conscious and
intentional use of these concepts during the process
of elaborating assignments.
The contributions of this work are: the gathering
of information made with educators about the process
of preparing assignments and their willingness to use
an information system to assist them in this process;
and the presentation of the Probatio system, a recom-
mendation system to support assignment preparation.
In its current stage, the Probatio system has manual
and semi-automatic means to provide metadata for
questions. The recommendation engine uses all types
of metadata available and is prepared to take advan-
tage of other types of metadata to be include in the
Regarding educators’ awareness of assignment
quality, we consider that the current version of Pro-
batio already brings advances. Currently, Probatio
presents the criteria (pedagogical metadata) that can
influence the recommendations, so that the user se-
lects the ones to be used. Our results indicate that
even this initial stage is already an advance in the rou-
tine process of preparing assignments.
The rest of this work is organized as follows: sec-
tion 2 presents ground work on the subjects of prepar-
ing assignments and recommendation systems; in sec-
tion 3 related works are discussed; in section 4 the
Probatio system is presented: interface, architecture
and main functionalities; section 5 reports the data ob-
tained after a survey conducted with educators from
all levels of formal education in Brazil. Results and
conclusion are presented in section 6.
2.1 Educational Objectives and Their
Impact on the Development of
One of the initial stages of an educational action
is to establish educational objectives (Okoye et al.,
2013). Educational goals are guidelines that define
the expected goal of a curriculum, course or activ-
ity in terms of skills, attitudes or knowledge
will be acquired by a student as a result of the pro-
cess (Krathwohl and Anderson, 2009; Okoye et al.,
2013; Simpson, 1966). One way of presenting these
skills, knowledge and attitudes is through the elabo-
ration of phrases that have action verbs characterizing
the performance or behavior expected by the student
in a specific area. Bloom’s taxonomy is a widely used
reference for choosing these verbs and actions (Krath-
wohl, 2002).
In an introductory programming course, for ex-
ample, we could establish the following educational
goals: (1) understand the operation and output pro-
duced by short programs that use only the basic pro-
gramming structures and simple data structures. (2)
create simple programs from detailed specifications
that produce correct results for low complexity prob-
lems belonging to the student’s universe of knowl-
edge. Thus, from the establishment and dissemina-
tion of educational objectives, the teaching-learning
process is outlined, including the preparation of as-
signments (Ferraz et al., 2010).
2.2 Evaluation in the Teaching-learning
Although the evaluation process can be seen superfi-
cially as the creation and application of assignments
(exams), this activity has a much deeper meaning
and importance. An evaluation process (assessment)
can be defined as an analysis of relevant data in
the teaching-learning process that helps educators to
make decisions about their work (Luckesi, 2014).
According to (Lib
aneo, 2017), an evaluation con-
sists of three stages: verification, qualification and
Experts generally use the acronym SKA (Skills, Knowl-
edge e Attitudes) to establish educational goals.
Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators in Assignment Preparation
qualitative assessment. The verification step consists
of collecting data on student achievement through
tests, tasks, exercises and other assignments. The
qualification stage is the proof of the result obtained
in relation to the educational objectives proposed by
the educator (when grades are also awarded). Finally,
in the qualitative assessment stage, there is a reflec-
tion of the work carried out together with the verifi-
cation of progress and the difficulties encountered in
the teaching-learning process as a whole. It is usu-
ally at this stage that the actions that lead to didactic
replanning are taken. When we take the view of di-
dactic planning as a strategic act, the Probatio system
can be considered a decision support system. Probatio
assists the teacher directly in the initial two stages of
the evaluation process and influences the results that
must be analyzed in the third stage.
2.3 Recommendation Systems
Recommendation systems have become a powerful
tool to mitigate the problem of information overload
(Yang et al., 2003) and boost e-commerce sales (Ricci
et al., 2015), assisting users in the process of decision
making. In addition to recommending assignment
questions, which we will discuss in the following
section, recommendation systems have already been
used in the context of teaching-learning. (Tan et al.,
2008) presents a platform for recommending online
courses for users looking for teaching materials suited
to their needs and interests. (Vialardi et al., 2009)
proposes a system for recommending itineraries so
that students can choose properly which courses they
should enroll based on their past experiences, such
as the level of performance in subjects of a certain
type or the performance when the weekly workload
of courses taken reaches a certain level.
According to (Ricci et al., 2011), the main
techniques used for recommendation are content-
based recommendation, collaborative filtering and
knowledge-based recommendation. In the first, the
system is based on items similar to other items that
the user has been interested in in the past. In the case
of recommending assignment items (questions, activ-
ities or problems), such a system could be based on
items similar to those used by the teacher in past ex-
ams, for example. In collaborative filtering, the sys-
tem uses information from users with similar interests
to recommend items that these users liked / used in the
past. In our context, the system could search for ques-
tions used by teachers of similar disciplines. Finally,
in the knowledge-based recommendation, the system
recommends based on the characteristics of the item
to be recommended that meet the needs or preferences
of the user. Examples are: difficulty level of the ques-
tion and time needed to answer the question.
Cadmus (AIMEUR, 2005) is a hybrid recommenda-
tion system to recommend exam questions that uses
knowledge-based and content-based recommendation
techniques in addition to collecting implicit and ex-
plicit feedback from the user to improve their recom-
mendations. Cadmus uses the hybrid recommenda-
tion technique (Boulis and Ostendorf, 2005), with a
architecture composed of two levels: first level con-
sists of a content-based filter and second level consists
of a knowledge-based filter. The content-based sys-
tem will reduce the search for questions with content
relevant to the educator’s needs, and the knowledge-
based system will order these questions according
to the educator’s preferences. We consider that the
Cadmus assignment preparation process is tiring and
repetitive. This is because in addition to specifying
the search criteria for the questions, a weight must
also be defined for each of the criteria used. Thus, the
user needs to fill in more than eight fields, including
the definition of weights, to get a recommendation.
Platform PARES (Kaburlasos et al., 2004) was
created to deal with the assessment of students in
higher education and the absence of continuous as-
sessment throughout the semester. Its goal is mak-
ing the learning and assessment process a continu-
ous and consistent interaction throughout course time,
avoiding that evaluations are concentrated at the end.
PARES also proposes to prevent students from pla-
giarizing their results, generating a set of questions of
the same level of difficulty but different in terms of
content or ordering in the assessment. However dif-
ferent from Cadmus and Probatio, PARES does not
function as a system for recommending questions or
using any mechanisms of artificial intelligence or in-
formation retrieval to classify the stored questions. It
only acts as a facilitator to the teacher in the elabora-
tion of tests, providing an adequate space and model
for its creation, and to the students, as a platform used
to carry out these evaluations. It is worth noting that
PARES was a system developed in mid-2004, about a
year before Cadmus.
Several articles (Liu et al., 2018) (Ramesh and
Sasikumar, 2010) (Pel
anek, ) deal with similarity be-
tween issues, but this is not the focus of our work.
Other works (Jayakodi et al., 2015) (Sangodiah et al.,
2016) (Bindra et al., 2017) directly address the issue
of automatic question classification, whether in rela-
tion to the level of difficulty, content addressed in the
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
questions or other criteria. These surveys contribute
to the study of meta-data on assignment items that
can be used as criteria for recommending questions.
However, these works in isolation do not address the
problem of recommendation or even their association
with educational objectives, which is the focus of our
Probatio is a system that aims to assist teachers in the
management and use of a question bank (assignment
items’ database) as well as in the process of preparing
assignments. In short term, Probatio meets the ob-
jectives of (1) helping teachers to build better quality
assignments in less time, what means a (2) more effi-
cient assignment construction process. In the medium
and long term, we have more ambitious and subjective
objectives for Probatio, such as: (3) improving edu-
cators’ understanding of the relationship between the
educational objectives of the courses and the quality
of assignments; and (4) encourage the continued use
of the system so that the educators are able to develop
better assessments based on past results. This will
contribute not only to the production of better assign-
ments, but also, to better align educators’ expectations
regarding evaluation scores with the skills developed
by their students throughout the course.
4.1 Usability
The main use case for Probatio is the assignment as-
sembling workflow. This workflow is supported by
the use of recommendation techniques to select ques-
tions based on criteria established by educators. Pro-
batio’s interface provides groups of criteria of various
levels of abstraction - from the most objective, such as
the expected time to solve a question - to more sophis-
ticated ones, such as the competence or skill involved
in the item. Observing the criteria, educators face dif-
ferent aspects regarding assignment items (what in the
least case, increases awareness).
Technically, each instance of these criteria are
considered metadata, and mapped to a tag in Proba-
tio. Examples of such tags can be seen in table 1.
Note that this are just examples, more tags actually
instantiate each criteria. Also, not all criteria apply to
all items. What happened is that an item is tagged just
with the tags that are applicable, with no compromise
to cover all criteria. This flexibility is interesting as
the perception an educator has regarding the applica-
bility of a criteria to an item might not come at the
time an item is created, but after it has been used a
couple of times.
A flexible representation makes it easy to add new
metadata to the system. Also, there is no require-
ment that a criteria is hierarchically superior to an-
other, or that two tags in the same category are mutu-
ally exclusive. A lecturer can consider the following
criteria to request recommendations: “5 to 10 min-
utes”, “Computer programming”, “Nested Loops”,
“create”, “medium”. Conceptually, the metadata cho-
sen are possible instances of the following criteria:
“time”, “knowledge area”, “knowledge”, “cognitive
skill level” and “level of difficulty”, respectively (Ta-
ble 1). The cognitive level tags are related to edu-
cational objectives (taken from Bloom’s taxonomy as
explained in section 2.1).
Besides a selection of tags, an educator might also
provide keywords of his or her free choice, which will
be searched in the text of the items. The Probatio in-
terface displays, at each stage, the tags and keywords
that are being used to generate recommendations. The
user has a clear view of the criteria being used to set
up the current assignment.
The system also has a item creation workflow.
This workflow exposes the user to pedagogical infor-
mation applicable in the process of creating a new
item, which will be used later by the recommenda-
tion engine in the assignment assembling workflow.
This workflow is used to insert new items in the item
bank. In figures 1 and 2 we can see an example of a
question being created and the association of its meta-
information. The item insertion use case foresees
that not only freshly created items will be inserted,
but also items that are available in other repositories.
At insertion time, data like authorship, type (multi-
ple choice or direct answer) and text of the item must
be provided. The user can also select related tags (or
even create a new tag) and decide whether this item
is to be shared with other system users or should be
kept private to the creator. All information provided
can be changed or complemented later. There is an
alternative variation of this workflow: the item ver-
sion creation workflow. This was included in the sys-
tem as educators said they often create items that are
versions or variations of previous items. A relation
among versioned items is stored in the item bank.
4.2 System Architecture
The Probatio architecture was based on the Cadmus
architecture (AIMEUR, 2005), where the recommen-
dation system has two levels. The two levels interact
using the feature augmentation technique, in the same
way as Cadmus. Unlike Cadmus, however, the Proba-
tio user profile is extremely simple. It consists of stor-
Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators in Assignment Preparation
Table 1: Examples of tags that instantiate some criteria group in Probatio.
criteria (description) tags
time (expected time to answer the item) 1 minute or less; 1 to 3 minutes; 5 to 10 minutes;
knowledge area (as perceived at the institution) Computer programming; Calculus;
knowledge (formal knowledge involved in the item) Nested Loops; modularization ; linear function derivative
cognitive skill level (process used to solve the item) Remember; understand; apply; analyze; evaluate; create
level of difficulty (perceived from past use of the item) easy; medium; difficult;
Figure 1: Probation system screenshot: Question creation interface.
ing all the assignments and items already used by the
user. Given a user, it is possible to obtain: what as-
signment has already been issued by him; what items
he has created; what items were used in his assign-
ments; and what criteria were previously chosen by
that user in the process of recommending items for as-
sembling assignments. Probatio’s architecture is out-
lined in figure 3.
Probatio’s first level of recommendation is a
content-based filter that is responsible for generat-
ing a set of candidate questions for the assignment
being assembled. In this filter it is possible to se-
lect items based on a selection of tags and keywords.
The second level of recommendation is a knowledge-
based filter, responsible for receiving the candidate
items generated by the content-based filter and or-
dering these items according to their relevance to the
user. This relevance will be calculated from the com-
parison between the set of tags for each item and the
set of tags that are part of the user profile.
Consider that the users of Probatio are lecturers,
teachers, teaching assistants, reviewers, course coor-
dinators or anyone involved in the creation of ques-
tions or exams. From a given user, it is possible to re-
trieve how many times he used a particular tag when
preparing his assignments. The more a tag was used
by a particular user, the greater the relevance of that
tag to him. This information is used to choose the tags
that make up the user’s profile. Viewing a user’s pro-
file allows you to highlight the criteria he or she uses
to set up assignments.
In order to better understand the research hypothe-
ses that guided the conception of the Probatio system,
we developed a questionnaire whose target audience
were educators. Our intentions were: to collect in-
formation related to the use of educational objectives
during the process of preparing assignments; access
the point of view of educators regarding present and
future features of Probatio; and validate if there would
indeed be an interest in using the system. A question-
naire was prepared with 25 questions, some multiple
choice and others discursive. The survey counted with
the contribution of 29 educators, 80% of them lectur-
ers of undergraduate courses.
90% of educators stated that written exams were
the main resource used in the evaluation of their stu-
dents. During the process of preparing an assign-
ment item, 72% of educators create and reuse their
own items, 69% use items found on the internet, 55%
search for textbook items and only 13.8% accept sug-
gestions from colleagues. These first results already
show the importance of using written exams in the
evaluation process used by teachers, as well as point-
ing out a possible need for a digital platform for better
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Probation system screenshot: Association of tags (metadata) to a question.
Figure 3: Probatio’s system architecture.
storing and managing their items. Thus, when ask-
ing whether these educators use any digital medium to
store their old exams, 96.4% of respondents said yes.
72.4% think it is a good idea to have a specific web
platform capable of storing their assignments (exams,
exercise sheets,..) and previously created/used items
to be used as a reference in future assignments.
Regarding the establishment of educational objec-
tives for an assignment, 51.7% of the educators stated
that they always set these objectives, 35.4% marked
that most of the time yes and the rest never or almost
never. After elaborating the assignment, 59% states
that he or she never had his assignment reviewed by
anyone before handing it over to students. Many find
the assignment assembling process time consuming
(60.7%), but important (71.4%). It is interesting to
note that, in addition to the majority agreeing that the
assignment preparation process takes time, practically
everyone believes that this process does not get faster
with time (96.4%). Although many educators per-
ceive the time invested and the importance of prepar-
ing a good assignment, only 42.9% see a direct rela-
tionship between the time spent on preparing the as-
signment and the results obtained by the students.
At the end of the questionnaire, we elaborated
some questions aimed exclusively at evaluating Pro-
batio’s functionalities. With regard to question shar-
ing, 58.6% say they often share their questions with
other teachers and 89.3% likes or finds it useful to
have other teachers share their questions. Regard-
ing the recommendation of these questions stored in a
bank, 65.5% would like to receive recommendations
for questions, 27.6% marked this option as “perhaps”
and only 6.9% would not.
Finally, we left a space for suggestions or restric-
tions that the interviewees considered important for
the platform to have. Some suggestions such as ques-
tion authorship, validation of the teacher’s identity to
Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators in Assignment Preparation
separate him from the students, a friendly interface
and an efficient search filter to search for questions
are among the most relevant answers. Thus, this re-
search was of great value for a brief validation of the
current state of the platform and targeting future fea-
The data collected endorse the hypotheses that
guided the conception of Probatio. With the use of
Probatio, the time used in preparing a test can be dras-
tically reduced. This is due to the ease of handling and
retrieving questions, the reliability of the stored ques-
tions, due to the revisions that the questions could un-
dergo by educators, in addition to the use of the rec-
ommendation system added to the platform. In addi-
tion to the main recommendation feature, other fea-
tures provided for in Probatio also appear to be on
the teachers’ “wish list”. The questions stored in the
bank could be reviewed and evaluated by the teachers
who use it, thus increasing the reliability in using that
particular question.
We see Probatio as an innovative tool. In its cur-
rent state, Probatio allows questions to be stored in its
question bank and retrieved both by a search process
and by recommendation. Tags and keywords are used
to recommend items through a content-based filter
and later, as a knowledge-based recommender. Users
can retrieve items to prepare their assignments using
a simple interface where they state “what they want”
(criteria for the recommendations) and select, amount
the retrieved items, the ones he or she wants in the
Our recommendation system is already able to
deal with several metadata, but by now, metadata are
manually associated to items. As future work, we
intend to implement automatic extraction of relevant
metadata from the items’ text. We are currently eval-
uating the use of machine learning to categorize ques-
tions in the cognitive levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Many works already investigated such categorization
of questions written in the English language (Bindra
et al., 2017; Sangodiah et al., 2016; Sangodiah et al.,
2014). As the system is being used in Brazil, a clas-
sifier for Portuguese language is needed. Each new
metadata made available in Probatio must be explic-
itly incorporated in the interface, so that the link be-
tween the chosen criteria and educational objectives
is always in focus.
Automatic feedback could be used in the future to
improve semantic information. For instance, the col-
lection of the percentage of students who correctly an-
swered each question could help to classify the ques-
tions as ”easy”, ”medium” or ”difficult”, or even in
more sophisticated categories in case the type of mis-
take could be automatically identified.
It is also in our agenda the creation of simple dash-
boards where users of the system can have a glimpse
of the tags associated to each item, the most relevant
tags in an assignment, and the tags most used by an
It is believed that the application of an information
system to support assignment creation and the man-
agement of assignment items has a positive effect not
only for educators, but also for students and educa-
tional institutions. The item bank itself, storing items,
educational metadata and relations among them is a
valuable asset for the institution. Users of the system
are expected to improve their educational skills with
time. Our most ambitious goal is for teachers to learn
more about educational objectives and criteria for set-
ting up assignments, and to make better use of the
feedback that an assessment can provide. In the long
run, it is expected that the continued use of the system
will provide a maturation of educators’ understanding
and perception of the results of his evaluations.
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Probatio: A Recommendation System to Assist Educators in Assignment Preparation