Social Complex Systems as Multiscale Phenomena: From the Genome
to Animal Societies
Ilvanna Salas and Sebastián Abades
GEMA Center for Genomics, Ecology & Environment, Facultad de Estudios Interdisciplinarios, Universidad Mayor,
Santiago 8580745, Chile
Keywords: Social Complexity, Genome Complexity, Genome Architecture, Complexity Trade-off, Sociogenomics,
Comparative Genomics.
Abstract: For decades, researchers have studied animal social phenomena and aimed to answer: What is social
complexity? Are some animals more socially complex than others? However, social complexity concepts are
far from agreed and the field is still open to new research approaches. In this position paper, we propose to
frame social complexity as a problem of organized complexity (whereby multiple scales and interactions
across components produce patterns and organization). To improve our understanding of sociality, we
encourage building a “social complexity theory” at the intersection of complex systems, behavioral ecology,
and social systems concepts. This manuscript highlights the importance of considering social complexity as
a multiscale phenomenon and raise the presence of trade-offs between scales. We illustrate the relationship
between complexity and scales with examples from genomic to population scale in animal societies. Moreover,
we suggest giving special attention to genome-scale studies to provide a common ground for comparing
complexity among animal species and put forward comparative genomics as an approximation to drive the
understanding of the evolution of social complexity.
In 1947, Warren Weaver proposed to divide scientific
problems into three levels of complexity depending
on how variables are treated. The first level named
“the two-variable problems of simplicity” deals with
pairwise relationships and is exemplified by the
physical science before 1900. The second level is
represented by “problems of disorganized
complexity”, wherein methods can deal with billions
of variables using probability theory and statistical
mechanics (e.g., the motion of the stars which form
the universe, or the fundamental laws of heredity)
(Weaver, 1948). These approaches are two extremes
in a complexity range that leaves the impression that
scientific inquiry has concentrated its efforts in an
extremely incomplete two-variable description of the
world or, in the opposite extreme focusing on dealing
with an astronomical number of variables. Despite the
number of variables, the outcome seeks the same: to
provide a simplified view of the world that overlooks
the diversity of complex phenomena.
According to Weaver (1948), the middle area
of the range has been devoid of attention. The main
feature of this middle region does not regard the
number of variables but on its interactions and their
tendency to produce patterns and organization. Here
lives Weaver’s third level of complexity problems,
called “problems of organized complexity”, which
deal simultaneously with a sizeable number of
variables interconnected into an organic whole.
Waver suggests that these problems cannot be
handled with statistical techniques aimed at
simplicity; instead, science must embrace these
problems of organized complexity differently if
intended to answer questions such as: Is a virus a
living organism? How do genes organize to express
all the features of an individual? Do molecules “know
how” to replicate their pattern?
In this position paper, we elaborate on some
ideas important to the study of animal sociality from
the perspective of complex systems. Here we propose
that social complexity is a problem of organized
complexity and raise social complexity as a
multiscale phenomenon. In our view, this approach
may get us closer to address questions such as: What
is social complexity? Can social complexity be
measured? Are some animals more socially complex
than others? And if this is the case, why?
Salas, I. and Abades, S.
Social Complex Systems as Multiscale Phenomena: From the Genome to Animal Societies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010492801000106
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2021), pages 100-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-505-0
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
For decades, researchers have tried to establish links
between evolution, ecology, sociality, and cognition
to explain why some species evolved to form
complex societies. However, social complexity is still
poorly understood (Hobson et al., 2019). The
complexity of social systems seems to vary across
species. Animal societies vary in size, composition,
number of social units, reproductive skew, parental
care, cooperation, and competition. This diversity is
the outcome of multiple social solutions that could
have originated from different evolutionary paths to
fit in a wide range of niches. (Hobson et al., 2019;
Kappeler, 2019; Kappeler et al., 2019).
According to Freeberg et al. (2012), complex
social systems can be defined as “those in which
individuals frequently interact in many different
contexts with many different individuals, and often
repeatedly interact with many of the same individuals
over time”. This definition emphasizes interactions
among agents as the core aspect underlying socially
complex instances. Therefore, it is a fertile conceptual
substrate to explore alternative definitions based on
complex system concepts.
Different authors have provided multiple
definitions of social complexity, some examples are:
1) More complex societies are those with many
individuals; 2) More complex societies are those
where groups have social roles, such as members of
morphologically different castes; 3) Complex
societies are those with multiple levels of social
groups; 4) Complex societies are those where social
relationships between group members can be
individually differentiated (Bergman and Beehner,
2015; McShea and Brandon, 2010; Freeberg et al.,
2012; Kappeler et al., 2019; Rubenstein and Abbot,
In line with multiple definitions, multiple
approaches have been used to estimate social
complexity, mostly based on taxonomic dependent
traits, making comparative studies hard to implement
or even unviable. Some recent attempts have been
made to unify concepts and make social complexity
studies more accurate. Kappeler et al. (2019)
proposed a framework for the systematic study of
social complexity based on four components: social
organization, social structure, mating system, and
care system. Despite this framework provides a
comprehensive set of recognizable features useful to
characterize and compare social species, it does not
deepen on how to conceptualize and quantify
complexity in this context (Hobson et al., 2019).
A different proposal was made by Holland and
Bloch (2020), who argues that “we need to switch the
measure of complexity in individual social traits from
semantic discussions to quantitative social traits that
can be correlated with molecular, developmental, and
physiological processes within and across lineages of
social animals”. To achieve this goal, they suggest
combining key social complex traits into
multidimensional lineage-specific quantitative
indices, thus enabling comparisons across species.
However, Hobson et al. (2019) point out that,
although multidimensional approaches may improve
comparisons of social systems, combining these
measures is unlikely to provide additional
information on social complexity.
Empirical studies on social complexity are
becoming common. Therefore, it is important to
notice that an appropriate conceptualization of social
complexity is critical before “jumping into
quantifying it”. The main behavioral characteristics
of any complex system are emergence, adaptability,
and dynamism. But currently, social complexity
studies based on single traits fail to account for
system-wide organizing properties and limit the
understanding of the social system as a whole,
resulting in a mischaracterization of large-scale
behavior (Aziza et al., 2016; Hobson et al., 2019;
Siegenfeld & Bar-Yam, 2020).
Besides theoretical problems, according to
Kappeler (2019), questions concerning distribution
and determinants of social complexity represent
important open questions for future research.
Therefore, efforts to improve understanding of social
complexity are needed; and comparative studies can
advance understanding of which traits and
mechanisms influence, or are influenced by, the
evolution of social complexity (Holland and Bloch,
Hobson et al. (2019) affirm that one way to
evaluate and compare the level of complexity of
animal societies is to incorporate some of the
fundamental concepts of complex systems
theory(Hobson et al., 2019)(Hobson et al., 2019).
These authors highlight three concepts that apply to
animal social systems: (1) Scales of organization:
scales, levels, and perspectives that constitute
complex systems, from which they can be described;
(2) Compression: an information-reduction process
that summarizes or abstracts patterns in observations
and (3) Emergence: local interactions between
components give rise macro-level order phenomena,
like those documented in animal movement and
problem-solving studies. These concepts are not
intended to be direct measures of social complexity,
Social Complex Systems as Multiscale Phenomena: From the Genome to Animal Societies
but rather should be used as a guide when using or
developing approaches to social complexity.
A practical way to study social complexity is with
computational simulations, defined as “the imitation
overtime of the operation of a real-world system or
process”. Systemic approach simulations consider the
system as a whole and focus on the dynamic
relationships between its components, allowing to do
virtual experiments to test different scenarios and
make predictions of the behavior of a system (Aziza
et al., 2016)
When talking about social complexity, it is
important to keep in mind that the description of a
system depends on the level of detail used to describe
it. To fully characterize a system it is necessary to
understand it across multiple scales (Siegenfeld and
Bar-Yam, 2020). Therefore, we consider it is
important to recognize social complexity as a
multiscale phenomenon and that this notion is useful
to reconcile the diversity of definitions that abound in
the literature.
“As far as I am able to judge, the conditions of life
appear to act in two ways --directly on the whole
organization or on certain parts alone and indirectly
by affecting the reproductive system. With respect to
the direct action, there are two factors: namely, the
nature of the organism and the nature of the
conditions… The former seems to be much the more
important; for nearly similar variations sometimes
arise under, as far as we can judge, dissimilar
conditions; and, on the other hand, dissimilar
variations arise under conditions which appear to be
nearly uniform. There can, however, be little doubt
about many slight changes, such as size from the
amount of food, colour from the nature of the food,
thickness of the skin and hair from climate, etc.”
(Darwin, 1859).
In this quote from The Origin of the Species,
Darwin mentions two factors that can directly affect
organisms, the nature of the organism and the nature
of the conditions -Also referred to as Nurture and
Nature respectively, terms coined by Richard
Mulcaster in 1581, and later used on the long
opposition debate about the relative importance of
heredity and environment on behaviors- (Pinker and
Pinker, 2014). The nature-nurture controversy is still
ongoing. Biologists have accepted that genes, the
environment, and interactions between them affect
behavioral phenotypes; however, it “retains the flavor
of the nature-nurture dichotomy”, which influences
research in this field (Robinson, 2004). Thus far,
nature and nurture have been raised as two different
phenomena, each one explaining a relative part of
social behaviors. But what if they were both
expressions of the same phenomena at different
Social behaviors are complex phenotypes
exhibited by individuals that belong to complex
systems, and complex systems deploy through many
spatio-temporal scales. Sociality is composed of
micro-level actions that aggregate to produce meso-
and macro-level phenomena. Depending on how
individuals interact with each other at the micro-
social level, different types of social states can be
produced at the macro-level (Hobson et al., 2019).
To illustrate the importance of scales when
studying complex systems, consider the following
example: if we compare a human and a gas containing
the same number of molecules that are in the human
body, but with no particular arrangement, which
system is more complex? (Siegenfeld and Bar-Yam,
On a microscopic scale, it is more difficult to
describe the positions and velocities of all the
molecules of the gas than it is to do the same for all
the molecules of the human (thus, the gas seems more
complex). At the human scale, a gas looks quite
simply, because behaviors will only be perceived
when involving trillions of molecules, and there are
few behaviors of gases involving so many molecules
(thus, complexity seems lower). On the other hand,
human behaviors get more complex as the level of
detail increase, “the description will first include the
overall position and velocity of the human and then
the positions and velocities of each limb, followed by
the movement of hands, fingers, facial expressions, as
well as words that the human may be saying”
(Siegenfeld and Bar-Yam, 2020).
If we use the same approach to describe a society,
from macro to micro scale, its description starts on
societies, moving to individuals, individuals are built
from organs and these are composed by tissues, which
in turn are constituted by individual cells. At scales
smaller than that of a cell, complexity further
increases as one sees organelles, followed by large
molecules such as proteins and DNA, and then
eventually smaller molecules and individual atoms.
This incredible multiscale structure is a defining
characteristic of complex systems (Siegenfeld and
Bar-Yam, 2020)
Social scales can be useful to compare sociality
across species, to describe different levels of their
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
organization, to highlight the features of sociality
(Hobson et al., 2019), and to better contextualize
studies based on specific social traits.
The advances in genome sequencing and
comparative genomics provide the opportunity to
move forward the nature-nurture debate. Nowadays it
is clear that DNA is both inherited and
environmentally responsive, and that behaviors are
“orchestrated by an interplay between inherited and
environmental influences acting on the same
substrate, the genome” (Robinson, 2004).
“For complexity at larger scales, there must be
behaviors involving the coordination of many
smaller-scale components“ (Siegenfeld and Bar-
Yam, 2020). According to this statement, to produce
socially complex behaviors, the genome components
must be somehow organized to ensure this
coordination under ever-changing environmental
A genome provides all the information the
organism requires to function (Nature education,
2014). The genome has a non-random architecture
(Lynch, 2007b; Wolf, 2003). Koonin (2009) defined
‘genome architecture’ as the totality of non-random
arrangements of functional elements in the genome
(e.g., genes, regulatory regions). This architecture is
not fixed; it is shaped by evolutionary forces like
recombination, mutation rate, and transposable
elements that give place to differences in the genome
architecture (e.g. ploidy levels, gene copy number
variation, chromosomal inversions, and novel genes)
(Gokcumen et al., 2013; Koonin, 2009; Rubenstein et
al., 2019; Yeaman, 2013). The variations in the
genome architecture can be evidenced within the tree
of life; from small and packed genomes with
overlapping genes in viruses (Firth and Brown, 2006),
to compact genomes organized in operons with
intergenic regions and few gene overlap in
prokaryotes (Lillo and Krakauer, 2007; Rogozin et
al., 2002), to genomes with protein-coding sequences
organized in intron-exon structure in eukaryotes
(Lynch, 2007a; Lynch, 2007b).
But how does genome architecture influence the
complexity of the genome? The zero-force law of
evolution states that any evolutionary system with
variation and heredity will tend to diversify and
increase in complexity because these are both
variance quantities that spontaneously increase as
errors accumulate in time (McShea and Brandon,
2010). Michael Lynch’s theory (Lynch, 2007a; Lynch
2007b; Lynch and Conery, 2003) states that genetic
changes that increase the complexity of genome
architecture are slightly deleterious and fixed only
when purifying selection is weak. In large
populations, purifying selection is strong, so the
“complexification threshold” cannot be surpassed,
producing compact genomes. On the contrary,
genomes of small populations (e.g. eukaryotes) are
beyond the threshold, so the complexification of the
genome is possible (Koonin, 2009).
But under which circumstances is complexity
beneficial? According to the Law of Requisite
Variety, an effective system must be at least as
complex as the environment to which it must react. If
a system must be able to provide a different response
to each of the 100 environmental possibilities it is
presented with, then that system should at least
explore 100 possible actions (Valentinov, 2014).
Under this scenario, how is this “complexity
threshold” regulated? Following complex systems
notions, macro-level dynamics emerging from micro-
level interactions can ‘feedback’ to constrain micro-
level interactions and dynamics within the range of
variability that ensures persistence (Hobson et al.,
2019). This negative feedback stabilizes not only
micro and macro-level behaviors but also imprints
tradeoffs between traits at different scales of the
As social complex behaviors are influenced by
numerous genes (McShea and Brandon, 2010), it is
reasonable to ask how did independent genes evolve
to ensure the level of coordination needed to sustain
sociality? One hypothesis is that genes are clustered
together within a region of a chromosome and
inherited as a single unit, potentially regulated in
concert, as supergenes, such as the case of the non-
recombining portions of the sex chromosomes
(Campagna, 2016; Rubenstein et al., 2019). These
supergenes play a key role in the evolution of
complex adaptive variation (Brelsford et al., 2020).
For example, the White-throated bird coloration and
Social Complex Systems as Multiscale Phenomena: From the Genome to Animal Societies
mating behavior are determined by a supergene
(Campagna, 2016), and also is the polymorphic social
organization of Formica ants (Brelsford et al., 2020).
These cluster genes phenomena also admit an
explanation based on complexity theory, which
explains that complexity at large scales requires the
coordination of many smaller-scale components. Due
to this coordination, complexity at a small scale is
limited, because the coordination depends on
interdependencies between the interacting parts
(Siegenfeld and Bar-Yam, 2020)
Sociogenomic studies also support the idea that
behavioral phenotypes are underpinned by clustered
and organized genes, as the so-called "toolkit" genes,
a set of deeply conserved genes that consistently
regulate the development of similar morphological
phenotypes across many species(C. C. Rittschof &
Robinson, 2016; Clare C. Rittschof et al., 2014; Shell
& Rehan, 2019). Toolkit genes related to odorant
receptors ordered in tandem have been found in
several social species such as honeybees and ants,
possibly linked to chemical communication(Kent et
al., 2019). Gene expression studies of vertebrates
suggest the existence of behavioral gene sets for male
polymorphisms (for FoxP2 and its orthologs),
possibly related to speech, song, and other types of
vocalizations. Other studies have found gene clusters
in multiple complex phenotypes, some examples are:
homeobox genes, enzymes of the same metabolic
pathway, olfactory receptors, vertebrate immune
system, and plant-pathogen response(Bear et al.,
2016; Ebstein et al., 2010; Koonin, 2009). Overall,
evidence suggests the convergent evolution of genetic
toolkits, calling attention to its underappreciated role
in the evolution of complex traits(Bear et al., 2016;
Donaldson & Young, 2008; Liu et al., 2016; C. C.
Rittschof & Robinson, 2016; Clare C. Rittschof et al.,
According to “the agency theory” all living organisms
pursue a goal (Walsh, 2015), and to achieve it, they
must find solutions. As unique solutions are rarely the
case, social systems explore simultaneously multiple
solutions and give place to trade-offs that enable
organisms to exploit resources and to respond
differentially to environmental pressures. These
solutions can vary from apparently simple ones to
those that appear more complex (Hobson et al., 2019).
As we discussed in the previous section, the
existence of a tradeoff due to feedback loops between
scales underlies organized complexity. For example,
social animals can exhibit complex behaviors as
organized societies if their genome is organized
enough to enable the orchestration of all the genes
responsible for that behavior. Animals’ complexity
tradeoffs can also explain why some animals become
adaptive while others become efficient (Siegenfeld
and Bar-Yam, 2020).
Adaptability encompasses many independent
actions taken in parallel (a situation in which the
system is overly complex). On the other hand,
efficiency occurs when many parts of a system
manage to work in concert (Giving place to
specialized systems). Because of the tradeoff
between complexity and scale, an adaptable system
can become more complex, but predominantly at
smaller scales, while an efficient system will have a
complexity profile with lower complexity but
extending to larger scales (Siegenfeld and Bar-Yam,
Following the later statement, it is timely to
rethink our current framework to classify social
complexity, as it is now reasonable to say that solitary
animals fit in the description of adaptability, while
group-living animals appear as efficient systems. The
key idea is that when speaking about complexity we
must consider the scale. To this end, we cannot assert
that a solitary animal is less complex than a group
living organism; instead, we could say that they are
both complex at different scales. This could help
reconcile the lack of consensus in the definitions and
findings throughout studies of social complexity. To
prevent this from further happening, studies on
animal social complexity should make explicit the
scales at which social traits are being studied and
Social complexity is a problem of organized
complexity that must be approached as a multiscale
This approach considers multiple scales and
interactions across components of the system and
enables to study the phenomena as a whole. In our
view, this way may get us closer to address questions
such as: What is social complexity? Can social
complexity be measured? Are some animals more
COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
socially complex than others? And if this is the case,
Social complexity studies are becoming more
frequent, and a strong theoretical framework is
needed to integrate new findings. We believe that a
good approach is to work towards a theory of social
complexity that integrates concepts of complex
systems, behavioral ecology, and social systems.
Also, future animal social studies should include
the molecular scale -e.g., the complexity of genome
architecture- which allows comparing social
complexity, within and between species, because this
scale of organization is shared by all living
organisms. Comparative genomics and systemic
approached simulations might be helpful to answer
the mentioned questions and to improve our
understanding of social complexity.
Funding: ANID FONDECYT 1170995 and
Universidad Mayor Doctoral Scholarship.
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COMPLEXIS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk