Towards a Blockchain Architecture for Animal Sanitary Control
Glenio Descovi
, Vin
ıcius Maran
, Denilson Ebling
and Alencar Machado
Technology Center, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Polytechnic College, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
Laboratory of Ubiquitous, Mobile and Applied Computing (LUMAC), Federal University of Santa Maria,
Animal Sanitary Control, Epidemiology, Blockchain, Consensus Algorithms.
It is known that Blockchain technology is widely used in cryptocurrency transactions, the technology has
become popular with Bitcoin but recently, it has been applied in many areas, including the animal sanitary
control. It can be said that Blockchain is an immutable ledger, where systems can store transactions, docu-
ments, history, countless data generated in any process. In Brazil, an animal sanitary control platform called
Plataforma de Defesa Sanitaria Animal (PDSA-RS) was recently proposed and is widely used in the state of
Rio Grande do Sul. Actually, the PDSA-RS uses a centered server with relevant information for the animal
sanitary control process. This work presents the process of defining and integrating the PDSA-RS with a pri-
vate Blockchain managed by a software architecture. The main goal of this integration is to give traceability,
immutability and transparency in the existing process and the data generated in the certification of poultry
establishments that are part of the animal sanitary control. In the evaluation of the integration process, it
was possible to observe that it the blockchain extension offered persistence, anonymity and auditability of the
information related to the animal sanitary control.
Blockchain recently attracted attention from indus-
try and academia, becoming popular with cryptocur-
rencies, specifically Bitcoin (Kosba et al., 2016).
Blockchain is on the rise, where it is not only be-
ing applied to cryptocurrency transactions, but also
in other areas, such as document management, as it is
versatile and has numerous applications. Its charac-
teristics, such as security, immutability, transparency,
make it a great tool for managing and auditing infor-
mation. Due to this growth in applications involving
Blockchain technology, there has been a huge growth
in demand for blockchain engineers in recent years.
The technology was developed to solve some
problems that have existed for some time, such as, re-
liability of transactions (banking or not), immutability
of information, that is, permanent (the data informed
will never change), document management, a single
repository of information, among others (Zheng et al.,
2018), implemented in a network distributed in pub-
lic blockchains and in a single network in private
blockchain. However, some problems arise as vul-
nerabilities and scalability according to the amount of
information contained in it.
The epidemiological control of diseases has prob-
lems that the Blockchain usage fits to solve. There
is great importance in the epidemiological control of
diseases worldwide, which was even more evident
with COVID-19 pandemy. The transmission of dis-
eases often occurs through contact with infected an-
imals and with the increase in meat consumption the
risks of spreading diseases increase even more (Arora
and Mishra, 2020). This shows the importance of epi-
demiological control of diseases in animals so that
humans are not infected by existing pathogens that
put people’s lives at risk. To archive this goal, the
information related to this control must be secure, im-
mutable and transparent (Arora and Mishra, 2020).
Continuing in this context of epidemiological con-
trol, an Plataforma de Defesa Animal do Rio Grande
do Sul (PDSA-RS) is being implemented in Brazil,
which begins its operation in September/2020. The
PDSA-RS acts directly on the traceability of informa-
tion related to certification of breeding birds in the
Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Is this context,
this work proposes the integration of the Blockchain
to give immutability to information and crete a unique
repository for research or auditability of the data gen-
erated in the poultry health of the state of Rio Grande
Descovi, G., Maran, V., Ebling, D. and Machado, A.
Towards a Blockchain Architecture for Animal Sanitary Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0010483303050312
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 305-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
do Sul in the PDSA-RS. First, the work addresses a
brief explanation of what it is a Blockchain, its archi-
tecture and operation and where it is intended to be
used, in this case in the certification of poultry farms
(genetics) of breeding birds in the state of Rio Grande
do Sul, to guarantee the immutability of the data gen-
erated in this process, thus improving the auditability
of the information
With the goal of understand the operation and ap-
plicability of the Blockchain for animal health, in
which the objective is to obtain a high confidence
traceability of the information generated in the pro-
cess, confidence based on the characteristics of the
Blockchain, thus maintaining the information im-
mutable, facilitating the auditability and traceability
of the data generated in the process. Immutable, in
this context immutability is one of the main charac-
teristics of Blockchain technology, it is about main-
taining the data once entered in the ledger without
changes, ensuring that the information never under-
goes changes (Zheng et al., 2018). With this objec-
tive, a software architecture was defined and proto-
typed. The prototype was applied in a scenario based
on the real data, generated by the PDSA-RS.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,
we present the main related concepts necessary for
the article. In Section 3, we present the context of the
research itself. In Section 4 we present the case study
carried out by the research and the discussion of the
lessons learned in the integration process. In Section
5 we present the conclusions of this work and future
research possibilities.
This section contextualizes the basic concepts used in
the research and implementation of the prototype in-
tegrated to the PDSA-RS.
2.1 Blockchain
Blockchain is a technology on the rise in which it
was first proposed in mid-2008 and implemented in
2009 (Nakamoto and Bitcoin, 2008). It can be con-
sidered as a ledger, where each transaction is regis-
tered in a block chain, a chain in which it grows grad-
ually when inserting new blocks to it (Zheng et al.,
2018). The Blockchain technology has some charac-
teristics that make it popular: Decentralization, Per-
sistence, Anonymity and Auditability of the informa-
animal/programas-de-saude-animal/pnsa (portuguese)
tion contained in the block chain. Technology can
work in an decentralized environment since it uses se-
curity techniques (cryptographic hash, digital signa-
ture based on asymmetric cryptography) and the dis-
tributed consensus mechanism (Zheng et al., 2018),
thus reducing costs and improving the efficiency of
transactions, without the need for a mediator, such as
a registry office.
2.1.1 Blockchain Architecture
It is a chain of blocks or sequence of blocks, which
contains the record of transactions carried out and
added to the blockchain (Wang et al., 2019a). Each
block has a reference to the previous block, the ref-
erence is a hash value for the entire block (Zheng
et al., 2018), so if there is a change in the block,
the change will be noticed. According to (Zheng
et al., 2018), the block has the following elements:
header and body. The Header element has the fol-
lowing information: (i) Block version, (ii) Hash of
the parent block, (iii) Hash value of all transactions
in the block, (iiii) Timestamp of block creation, (iiiii)
, value added to the block to give variability to
the hash value (Miers et al., 2019);
The body of the block is composed of a transac-
tion counter, the blockchain uses an asymmetric en-
cryption mechanism to validate the authentication of
transactions (Omohundro, 2014). Within the architec-
ture, it is necessary to talk about the digital signature,
where each user has a pair of keys, one public and one
private, in which the private key is used to sign the
transactions. The most widely used block chain al-
gorithms like the digital signature blockchain include
the elliptic curve algorithm (ECDSA) (Johnson et al.,
2.1.2 Blockchain Main Pillars
Blockchain technology has some fundamental pillars
(Wang et al., 2019b):
Has a Ledger, which is a base of data that stores
information and is configured in a distributed
manner. Therefore, this Ledger also guarantees
the transparency and immutability of the informa-
Cryptography, each participant within the net-
work, as well as each transaction is encrypted by
Nonce: Unique random number that in Bitcoin is used
in the validation of blocks. It is used to find a valid hash
value, the greater the difficulty of the nonce, that is, the
greater the number of zeros to the left of the nonce num-
ber, the number of possible valid hashes decreases. (Miers
et al., 2019)
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the participant himself, he has a digital certificate
with which he will sign these transactions. There-
fore, the entire transaction within a blockchain is
privately and encrypted;
Smart Contracts, are the business rules that are
applied to this data;
Consensus, guarantees stability and validates the
transactions to guarantee a transactional order
within the blockchain network, for that there are
consensus algorithms.
2.1.3 Consensus Algorithms
In this section, we will focus on four consensus algo-
rithms. Private Blockchains are best advised to man-
age an organization’s internal information. All nodes
in a blockchain have an exact copy of the blocks that
make it up (Miers et al., 2019). For a new block to be
inserted, the blockchain uses consensus algorithms.
The three algorithms presented in this paper are:
Proof-of-Work (PoW): This algorithm is cur-
rently used in Bitcoin, it has a huge energy expen-
diture. All nodes in the network need at all times
to calculate a specific Hash using different nonces,
when finding this Hash the node informs the other
nodes, they must confirm this Hash and then vali-
date the transaction. Because of this behavior, this
algorithm is called mining (Miers et al., 2019).
Proof-of-Stake (PoS): Compared to PoW, PoS
saves more energy and is more effective, because
instead of requiring nodes to mine, in this algo-
rithm the highest possibility of mining the next
block is from those who have a larger amount of
coins. Some blockchain networks in order not
to favor the wealthier use randomization mecha-
nisms to choose the next node that will validate
the block (Zheng et al., 2018).
Proof-of-Authority (PoA): This algorithm is
used in private blockchain networks. It is a con-
sensus where a set of authorities are responsible
for validating transactions, and to submit or create
a valid block, the person responsible for creating
the block requires the approval of all authorities
involved in this blockchain network (Miers et al.,
2.2 Animal Sanitary Control in
Reproduction Birds
Poultry health is a major concern and a high strate-
gic priority for poultry companies. Diseases are a
potential risk to livestock production in any coun-
try. The lack of sanitary control on farms can have
consequences such as (i) reduced productivity of lots,
(ii) total slaughter of birds, (iii) interdiction of farms
thus increasing the cost of production, loss of mar-
ket, among others. In Brazil, the Brazilian National
Poultry Health Program (Brazil, 2021) highlights that
the main objectives of the program are: (i) Prevent
and control diseases of interest in poultry and public
health, (ii) Define actions that enable the health certi-
fication of the national poultry stock, (iii) Encourage
the development of healthy poultry products for the
internal and external market;
Thus establishing the prevention, control and
surveillance measures of the main poultry diseases
that impact public and animal health, which are: (i)
Avian influenza, exotic in Brazil (never identified),
(ii) Newcastle disease, latest occurrences in 2006, (iii)
Salmonelosis (Gallinarum, Pullorum, Enteritidis and
Typhimurium), (iiii) Mycoplasmosis (Galliseptcum,
Synoviae and Meleagridis (turkeys)).
2.3 Plataforma de Defesa Sanit
Animal do Rio Grande do Sul
The PDSA-RS platform aims to provide better in-
formation and process management and automation
for the existing animal health control process. It in-
tegrates agents from different areas, the integration
between the existing sectors characterizes a public-
private management model that brings improvements
to epidemiological surveillance. The PDSA-RS is
presented to users in five main portals: (i) Rio Grande
do Sul State Veterinary Service Portal (SVE), (ii)
Technical Responsible Portal (RTs), (iii) Agricultural
Laboratory Portal (Laboratory), (iv) Brazilian Min-
istry of Agriculture Portal (MAPA) and (v) Admin-
istration Portal (Admin);
The PDSA-RS follows the Brazilian epidemiolog-
ical surveillance standards and the National Poultry
Sanitation Program (Brazil, 2021).
2.4 Related Work
The section is dedicated to present related work with
this proposal. (Tripoli and Schmidhuber, 2018) pre-
sented a general idea in which the applicability of the
blockchain covers the process of the food and supply
chain as a whole, that is, from production on the farm
to sale to the final consumer through the retailer. In
contrast, the research of this work covers only part
of the process, that of animal sanitary control, where
at the end of it, the establishment responsible for the
animals receives a sanitary certificate.
Towards a Blockchain Architecture for Animal Sanitary Control
The research (Makkar et al., 2020) states that the
attributes of blockchain technology make it ideal for a
number of applications in the animal production and
animal health sectors, sectors in which this work is
included in. Another work that is related is the re-
search (Feng et al., 2020). It proposes a sustain-
ability flowchart for traceability systems based on
blockchains. Therefore being related to this research
because it is also about traceability of animal sanitary
control. The work (Vingerhouts et al., 2020) presents
a case study of software modeling for the traceabil-
ity’ of animals from birth to the arrival at the final con-
sumer’s plate, identifying and keeping all the stages in
which the animal went through its life.
All the works identified are related to at least one
part in which this research has joined, but none has a
case study implemented in a real environment.
Blockchain technology has great potential to change
the existing workflow and processes (Ko
al et al.,
2019). The animal health process can be part of this
change identified using Blockchain. Adding the in-
formation generated in the animal health process to
a Blockchain apparently becomes appropriate, as its
main characteristics support speed, accuracy, reliabil-
ity and immutability, requirements necessary to audit
information and generate reports.
3.1 Process of Blockchain Integration
The use of Blockchain technology for the animal san-
itary control process will not replace, for now, the
current process, but in the near future there are great
possibilities for this replacement, with the idea that
each process carried out to generate a certificate will
be recorded in the Blockchain, thus, available to offi-
cial agents and international authorities.
By making the process more transparent, eas-
ier and safer, bringing benefits as in the case of an
outbreak of animal or plant disease, contaminated
animals can be tracked more quickly (Tripoli and
Schmidhuber, 2018). Figure 1 represents a simpli-
fied blockchain system for animal sanitary control of
breeding birds, illustrates the process in the physi-
cal, digital flow and how the data produced in this
process is stored in the Blockchain. The data is
stored block by block, generating a network of inter-
connected blocks, thus producing the benefits men-
tioned above, such as traceability, immutability, trans-
parency and a history of the process.
Implementing Blockchain in the traceability of
records generated in animal sanitary control has great
potential, but it can be a challenge. Blockchain can
become slow according to the amount of data inserted
in it (Ko
al et al., 2019), in the same way it will
require a complete reflection of the agents involved
in animal health, of how they approach the processes
and activities involved in the process.
3.2 Software Architecture Definition
The architecture definition of this research was based
on the existing software structure used for the PDSA-
RS process. Figure 2 illustrates the current PDSA-RS
architecture and the blockchain architecture incorpo-
rated in the platform. The architecture extension com-
ponents (presented in Figure 2) are described below:
Service (1) has certain rules and definitions so that the
information and access permissions are correct, so it
requests access (2) to the Blockchain management
API (3). Upon obtaining access, the service sends the
generated data to API (3), the data is then verified and
encrypted with the authority’s private key (4). After
this process, the authority (4) is asked to create a new
block to insert the information. For this creation re-
quest to occur, the Proof-of-Authority algorithm (5)
is executed, thus ending the flow by inserting the data
into the Blockchain (6).
In Figure 2, the item (5) is marked with a red cir-
cle, representing that the algorithm is not currently
being implemented. In place of this algorithm for
carrying out implementation tests, we used Proof-of-
Work alghoritm. The following section will present
the case study of the scenario of the first tests of the
proposed architecture, where some points were iden-
tified in the process in which the blockchain architec-
ture could act.
To evaluate the prototype that implements the theory
of this work, the sanitary control certification process
of poultry establishments in the state of Rio Grande
do Sul was mapped, an animal health process for
breeding birds.
4.1 Case Study Definition
The process was mapped using the Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN), thus obtaining the cen-
tral points where the architecture proposed by the
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Simplified view of Blockchain application in animal health for breeding birds.
Figure 2: Existing / preliminary architectural overview.
work would act. With the mapping it was defined
which data to store and at what time to store, as the
mapped process was very large, it was divided in two,
represented in Figures 3 and 4. Therefore, the points
identified to store the generated data were, respec-
tively: (i) Data filled in the harvest form, (ii) Data
contained in the report issued by the agricultural lab-
oratory, (iii) Certificate (information processed from
raw data from previous steps);
With this data set collected, a health certificate is
issued. And each step is contained in a block of the
Blockchain. The next section will describe the pro-
totype implemented to perform the insertion of steps
1,2 and 3.
4.2 Application and Discussion
After the mapping process, we prototyped the soft-
ware architecture to integrate blockchain in PDSA-
RS. In the prototype, the information generated in
the steps mentioned above 1, 2 and 3 were inserted
in the Blockchain of the same. With the use of this
prototype, it was identified that the data recovery
started to become increasingly slower as the block
chain increased. For this reason a log schema was
implemented in a relational database, this strategy
is to supply the need for information consumption
by the end user, where all information stored in this
schema is inserted into the blockchain. Therefore, en-
suring security, immutability and auditability of the
blockchain and the speed and scalability of the rela-
tional database.
Another strategy adopted was to reduce the num-
ber of blocks generated, where each step of the pro-
cess was transformed into a block, generating a quan-
tity of 3 blocks for each certificate issued. To re-
duce this amount, it was adopted that each step of the
process is a transaction, where at the end we have 3
transactions: (i) data from the harvest forms, (ii) data
from the reports and (iii) data processed from the pre-
Towards a Blockchain Architecture for Animal Sanitary Control
Figure 3: Process to obtain a sanitary report on the moment of life of a poultry batch.
Figure 4: Process to obtain a health certificate from the nucleus of a poultry establishment.
vious steps, contained in a single block, facilitating
auditability, forming a certificate and reducing from
3 blocks to 1, a significant 66.66% reduction in the
block size. The block is created using the Proof-of-
Authority algorithm. Finally, a smart contract was de-
veloped to ensure that transactions actually meet the
necessary specifications, in other words, if you really
have all the information (data) needed to issue a cer-
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Sequence diagram of certification process in PDSA-RS with the Blockchain extension.
tificate. However the recovery of the data contained
in the blockchain has been recovered consistently, en-
suring a reliable history of the data of the health cer-
tification process of poultry establishments.
Figure 5 represents a simplified sequence diagram
that wraps Figure 4, 5 and adds blockchain func-
tionality. From activity 5.1.1 of the sequence di-
agram, blockchain functionality begins to emerge:
5.1.1 Smart Contracts, when analyzing the data and
issuing the certificate via the platform, the smart con-
tracts are triggered verifying that all the data neces-
sary for the certificate to be sent to the blockchain
were provided by the PDSA-RS platform. Once veri-
fied, they are sent to the blockchain (5.1.2).
The following code is a small example of a code
snippet from a smart contract for Ethereum, using the
Solidity, high-level object-oriented programming lan-
guage designed to implement Smart Contracts (Dan-
nen, 2017), used to validate the data mentioned in step
5.1.1, in which it is triggered when a certificate is is-
sued via the platform. After the end of the contract
execution, the data are sent to the blockchain.
pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.6.0;
contract ValidadeData {
// Simplified structure of a Certificate
struct Certificate {
string harvest_term;
string age_birds;
string protocol;
uint lot_number;
string responsible_harvest;
Certificate c;
function validade() public {
// business rules
} Encrypts the data, the data when sent is en-
crypted to be inserted into the blockchain block. 6
Consensus algorithm, while the data is encrypted, the
consensus algorithm is called, creating a new block
(6.1). Then the data is written to the block (6.1.1) and
thus remains available and immutable forever. After
this action, the blockchain returns a successful trans-
action response and the platform provides the certifi-
cate to the requester (7, 7.1, 7.1.1).
We know that blockchain technology is on the rise,
not just in the financial or cryptocurrency area, where
it has become popular, but in other areas. This work
described the main characteristics of a blockchain, ex-
plaining its architecture and functioning and its con-
sensus algorithms. Demonstrated how it can be ap-
plied to the traceability of animal sanitary records
because of its characteristics, an immutable ledger,
where you have the entire process in a safe way and
Towards a Blockchain Architecture for Animal Sanitary Control
complete like this improving the management and au-
ditability of the records, making it transparent to the
official bodies involved. A case study mapped with
BPMN of the health certification of poultry establish-
ments in the state of Rio Grande do Sul for breeding
birds was presented. Mapping that made it possible
to apply the knowledge acquired for the implemen-
tation of a blockchain integration prototype with the
already existing PDSA-RS platform, with the objec-
tive of storing the data generated in the certification to
obtain traceability and auditability of high confidence
and of added value.
Therefore, the prototype fulfilled its objective by
bringing to the certification process the benefits that a
blockchain provides us, such as transparency, agility,
immutability, security and reliability, but at the same
time, it brought us a problem of poor performance
when recovering data according to blockchain size
increase. The problem was solved with a change in
how to insert the data in the blockchain and with a log
schema implemented in a relational database, witch
gives better data recover performance and query ca-
pabilities, uniting the benefits of both (blockchain and
Future works envisaged so far are: (i) Compare
performance and benefits of different blockchains im-
plementations, like Ethereum and Hyperldger, in the
context of private blockchains, (ii) Develop more
Smart Contracts, to automate more parts of the pro-
cess and make it more and more intelligent, (iii) Im-
prove Smart Contract performance and correctness
and (iiii) Identify and map similar processes with the
potential for implementing blockchains.
This work is part of ”Research and Development of
Innovative Technologies Focused on Agribusiness”
(n. 051568) and is financed by FUNDESA.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems