Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions
Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities
Max Ulloa
, Daniela Prado-Cabrera
and Priscila Cedillo
Department of Computer Sciences, Universidad de Cuenca, Av. 12 de Abril, Cuenca, Ecuador
Keywords: Disability, Internet of Things, IoT, Physical, Intellectual, Cognitive.
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a revolutionary technology. It allows hundreds of devices to connect
and collect information, send and receive data over the internet, and other activities. The IoT has been applied
in various fields; one of them is to support people with disabilities. The interconnection of devices has allowed
people to develop activities autonomously, improving their quality of life. Although it is an emerging
technology and there are several secondary studies about the collection of evidence on IoT devices, very few
are applied to people with disabilities. Based on the systematic review results, taxonomies related to the
addressed topic determine research gaps for scientific progress and non-duplication of existing solutions. Thus,
this article present the planning stage of a future study presenting IoT solutions applied to people with
disabilities, aiming to answer the following research question: What Internet of Things solutions exist for
people with disabilities? The results are presented, and the discussion describes the principal features of the
IoT solutions oriented to people with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Worldwide, more than 1000 million people suffer
some kind of disability, of which between 110 and
190 million have affections that limit their daily tasks.
Unfortunately, these numbers rise due to the aging
population and the increase in chronic diseases
globally (OMS, 2017). In Ecuador, there are 418.392
people registered with some kind of disability, from
which 46,34% represents the people with a physical
disability, 22,60% with intellectual, 14,05% auditory,
11,60% visual, and 5,41% psychosocial problems
(CONADIS, 2020). These numbers indicate a fairly
wide percentage of people who need assistive
technologies to preserve their independence as much
as possible and support health personnel during their
activities. Moreover, according to Holloway and
Dawes, people with disabilities can be helped by
assistive technology to improve their well-being
(Holloway & Dawes, 2016).
In this context, the IoT solutions could provide
assistive technology based on connecting everyday
objects to the internet. IoT devices and components
exchange and process information collected through
sensors and provide value added services to end-users
(Barrio, 2018). Therefore, people with disabilities and
health personnel can be supported by IoT technology,
which can solve problems in several areas.
Health is one of the most popular fields supported
by IoT, it plays a very important role in improving the
precision, reliability and productivity of the electronic
elements used in this area (Joyia et al., 2017). Also,
in the disabilities scope it has also provided support
and improved the quality of life of people with visual,
hearing and physical problems, among others, since it
has proven to be a powerful tool that contributes to
the independence and participation of people
(Domingo, 2012). In the context of the mIoT (medical
Internet of Things) and disabilities, several
technological solutions for people have emerged,
which have been oriented towards the design of
assistive technologies and improved rehabilitation
practices (Holloway & Dawes, 2016). There are a
wide variety of tools created using IoT technology.
Thus, it is necessary to condensate their existence in
a study that evidences the existing solutions into a
Ulloa, M., Prado-Cabrera, D. and Cedillo, P.
Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0010480902280235
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2021), pages 228-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-506-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
secondary contribution, which provides insights for
engineers, researchers, and health personnel.
This study aims to carry out a systematic literature
review that addresses the information and answers the
following research question: "What Internet of Things
solutions exist for people with disabilities?". This
question will be answered by focusing on the
extraction criteria and the final discussion on how IoT
solutions support, enable or improve various
problems whether they are minor, moderate or severe.
Also, defining how the IoT technology benefits
children, adolescents, adults, older adults, among
other actors from the health area. All of this
emphasizes the kind of support, the type of
instruments created, and the patient's characteristics.
Finally, this paper is structured as follows: Section
2 presents the related work, where it has been
explained the existence of secondary studies related
to IoT devices to disabilities. Then, in Section 3, the
systematic literature review is presented, its protocol,
execution and results; finally, Section 4 presents the
conclusions and further work.
Over the years, systematic reviews have addressed
IoT-related topics in various fields. On the one hand,
some reviews emphasized general aspects of IoT
technology; for example, Madakam, Ramaswamy &
Tripathi (2015) provided an overview of IoT
architectures and their use in people's daily lives;
however, they do not emphasize solutions for people
with disabilities. Other reviews, such as the one
presented by Aqeel (2020) and Tiwari (2017)
presented a complete overview of the components of
IoT and various security problems typical of
emerging technologies. These studies represent a
significant contribution because they are focused on
determining the high degree of trust in IoT
applications. However, similar to previous authors,
those studies do not address IoT solutions for people
with disabilities.
On the other hand, there are studies focused on the
use of technology for disabilities, such as the study by
Colpani & Homem (2015) in which they perform a
systematic review related to the treatment of
disabilities with technology, gather virtual reality
solutions and augmented reality for the treatment of
people with cognitive impairment. Also, Cedillo,
Sanchez, Campos & Bermeo (2018) proposed a
secondary study on Ambient Assisted Living (AAL),
which seeks to establish hardware and software
relationships that solve specific disabilities. Although
there are secondary studies that collect health-
oriented IoT solutions; the existing literature on IoT
solutions for people with disabilities has not been
addressed, nor has any classification been presented
to guide the healthcare professional in selecting the
best IoT device to support their clinical activities.
A systematic review of the literature seeks to follow
a scientific, repeatable, and replicable method to
collect information on a specific topic. It is necessary
to follow a set of tasks to get a solid foundation and
potential gaps in the field of study. For this specific
case, the topic is related to IoT solutions focused on
solving problems for people with disabilities. This
study follows the Kitchenham & Charters (2007)
methodology, which covers the three phases: (i)
planning the review, (ii) conducting the review, and
(iii) the review report.
Finally, this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 presents the related work, where it has been
explained the existence of secondary studies related
to IoT devices to disabilities. Then, in Section 3, the
systematic literature review is
3.1 Planning the Review
The following sub-tasks or activities make up the
planning stage: 1) defining the research questions, 2)
the strategy to be followed for the search of primary
studies, 3) establishing the criteria for the selection of
primary studies, 4) assessing the quality of the
studies, 5) establishing the data extraction strategy, 6)
defining the synthesis strategy.
3.1.1 Research Question
Here is stated the question that covers the entire
research. For this study, the main research question
is: "Which Internet of Things solutions exist for
people with disabilities?" In order to answer this
question, the following sub-questions are also
Which disabilities have been supported by
IoT technology?
RQ2. What kind of IoT devices and applications
are the most used in the IoT area for health care?
RQ3. How have studies of disabilities that rely
on IoT technologies been addressed?
Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities
3.1.2 Data Sources and Search Strategy
The search strategy will be performed in two different
ways: automatic search and manual search.
Automatic searches require a combination of words
based on the research questions, and manual searches
are applied in relevant conferences, journals, and
For the automatic search the following digital
libraries have been selected: IEEE Xplore Digital
Library because it is a research database on Computer
Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering
applied to various areas; ACM Digital Library, which
has a complete collection of articles that cover fields
of computer science and information technology: and,
lastly, PubMed featuring biomedical and life science
literature. The search string defined to retrieve the
articles from the mentioned libraries is: (Disability
OR Handicap) AND (Internet of Things OR IoT). In
order to obtain a more significant number of existing
solutions and to be able to evaluate them later, it will
be carried out according to the methodology of
Kitchenham (B. Kitchenham, 2007), which proposes
that the search be performed considering
coincidences in the title, abstract and keywords and if
the library allows it in the complete text. This string
will be adapted to each digital library.
For this systematic review, all scientific articles
were considered regardless of their year of
publication, this for two reasons, on the one hand, IoT
technology is emerging and, on the other, being an
exploratory study, it seeks to find the development
milestone of IoT suitable for disabilities.
Additionally, the journals were the manual search
was performed were Disability and Rehabilitation:
Assistive Technology Journal (Q2), Technology and
Disability (Q4), for the conferences the selected ones
were VAAT, i-CREATe, W4A'18 and ICSC . They
provide relevant studies on technology and
disabilities. This search was performed to
complement the automated search to cover the cases
in which the conference proceedings or journals did
not appear in the digital libraries.
3.1.3 Extraction Criteria
This strategy will attempt to answer each sub-
question raised in the research. The strategy will
ensure that data extraction criteria are met and will
also facilitate classification. The complete list of
extraction criteria is presented in Table A at the
following URL:
Selection of Primary Studies. The articles must go
through a selection process, there they will be
evaluated by different established inclusion and
exclusion criteria. All the excluded articles will be
considered to verify the inclusion and exclusion
criteria among the research group's people.
Inclusion criteria: Studies that meet any of the
following criteria will be included in the research:
Studies dealing with related topics on the Internet
of Things for health intervention to people with
any disability.
Studies containing Internet of Things technology
architectures and solutions for people with
Exclusion criteria: The articles that will not be
considered in this study are:
Articles dealing with disability and technology
but not oriented to the Internet of Things.
Duplicate studies, in which case the complete
study will be chosen.
Short papers (less than five pages)
Studies that are written in a different language
than English.
Quality Assessment. Two aspects have been
considered to evaluate each study's quality: i) The
relevance of the conference or journal in which the
article is published. In this case, the articles have been
classified into three categories, as shown in the web
annex, Table B. ii) The number of citations the article
has. The classification is also done in 3 categories:
high, medium, and low. Citations are considered,
according to Google's academic citation count. To not
penalize potentially useful papers, they have been
classified according to the year, as shown in the web
annex on Table C and Table D. The URL to access
the web annex is:
3.2 Conducting the Review
Preliminary results are presented in Fig 1. Selected
studies were chosen after applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria. In total, 104 articles were obtained,
of which 19 were selected. Of these, 12 are from
IEEEXplore, four from PubMed, two from ACM, and
one from manual search.
3.2.1 Methods of Analysis and Synthesis
The analysis methods and synthesis show the
systematic review results; the statistical tables show
individual results of each criterion concerning the
number of studies that speak or are related to that
subject, which can be seen in this link:
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
230 The bubbles presented on Fig. 2
and Fig. 3 are generalized results.
Synthesis and Results. Results are presented in Fig.2
and Fig. 3. These figures are represented by a pair of
coordinates (X, Y). Fig. 2 shows the axis of the
ordinates represented by EC3: Population, in the axis
of the abscissa, is represented by EC 7: Use of IoT.
Then in Fig.3. EC1 represents ordinates axis: Type of
disability, and EC7: Use of IoT; besides, on the axis
of the abscissa EC5: Hardware or devices and EC6:
Figure 1: Found papers.
Discussion Criteria per Criteria.
EC1. Type of Disability. Most of the solutions are
aimed at people with physical or motor disabilities.
Some of them combine with mental or cognitive
rehabilitation systems (Alapetite & Hansen, 2017;
Brik et al., 2018; Iyswariya et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2019). Others emphasize their intervention in
disabilities associated with speech difficulties; for
example, Malavasi et al. (2017) developed low-cost
experimental systems for environmental control
through simplified and accessible user interfaces, and
many of the activities focus on automatic speech
While others develop solutions aimed at people
with visual disabilities, for example, combine the
benefits of the IoT and existing devices such as mobile
phones, Husing & Lim (2020) proposed a system
called InWalker to extend the typical white cane's
functionality. They introduced several new features
that improve security and trust among blind people.
Finally, other solutions are geared towards
rehabilitation, either at home (Agyeman et al., 2019;
Agyeman & Al-Mahmood, 2019) or in clinical
environments (Errobidart et al., 2017; G. Postolache
et al., 2019).
EC2. Degree of Disability. Regarding the degree of
disability, it was found that very few solutions
precisely specify this attribute of the population. Two
of the nineteen articles indicate that the IoT devices
they present are aimed at people with moderate
disabilities. Errobidart et al. (2017) offer a prototype
that has been installed in a Public Rehabilitation
Center. Moreover, Bissoli et al. (2019) point out
instead that people with motor disabilities can be
supported by employing an eye-tracking solution so
that they can control and monitor a smart home;
which has a positive effect on their independence;
particularly this type of solution is suitable for this
degree of disability as it involves the constant need
for supervision.
Figure 2: Comparison between EC3: Population and EC7:
Use of IoT.
EC3. Age Group. The majority of the research
involved in this systematic review is not directed at a
specific population group. Aljahdali et al. (2018)
directed their study to older adults, in which designed
a smart walking assist device for frail and visually
impaired people to reduce the risk of falls and costly
emergency interventions and hospitalizations; the
proposed device is based on the Internet of Things
(IoT) concept to determine and communicate the
location and path of the person for possible action in
Although the study found that the IoT device is
aimed at older adults who require particular care, the
IoT principle can be used to help the same age group
in their daily activities, not necessarily in
emergencies. For example, with reminder services,
such as taking medicine, turning off the kitchen,
closing the window when leaving the apartment,
location coordinates of things and people. Other types
of monitoring services, such as chronic disease status;
Searching res ults : (+66)
Manual searching (+38)
Filtering by inclusion and exclusion
criterio (-83)
Filtering by full-text
scanning (-2)
Primary studies
Older adults
General public
EC3. Population
EC7. Use of IoT
Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities
Figure 3: Comparison between EC1: Type of disability, EC5: Hardware or devices, and EC6: Software.
or social services, help maintain contact with other
people (Sharma et al., 2013).
Other studies propose solutions-oriented to adults
(Li et al., 2019; Postolache et al., 2020). Li et al.
(2019) propose Riobot, a design tool for generating
mechanisms that can connect, motorize, and actuate
static objects to perform simple physical tasks; users
only need to take a short video to manipulate an object
to demonstrate intended physical behavior.
Furthermore, Postolache et al. (2020) develop an
IoT device whose objective is to monitor physical
rehabilitation. It combines strategies of serious games
of virtual reality and wearable sensor network to
improve the patient's commitment during physical
rehabilitation and evaluate its evolution.
EC4. Type of Solution. In this extraction criteria, it
can be seen that it is essential to have software to
manage the IoT hardware. That is why all the selected
roles have coincided in the same.
EC5. Hardware or Devices. In this extraction
criteria, it is showed that most of the solutions have
been oriented to the use of smart devices (Agyeman
et al., 2019; Agyeman & Al-Mahmood, 2019;
Alapetite & Hansen, 2017; Aljahdali et al., 2018;
Amiri et al., 2017; Hung et al., 2019; Husin & Lim,
2020; Iyswariya et al., 2020; Mulfari et al., 2014; O.
Postolache et al., 2020; Ranjan et al., 2020; Singh et
al., 2015).
Alapetite & Hansen (2017) develop devices that
can interact with the user through voice and gaze
recognition. Other solutions implement wearable
technologies with game aids to rehabilitate people
with disabilities in the upper extremities (Agyeman &
Al-Mahmood, 2019; G. Postolache et al., 2019). Also,
daily use objects oriented to people with disabilities
has been presented. An example is a smart walking
device that helps users walk by themselves (Aljahdali
et al., 2018).
The hardware technology that is also widely
applied for people with disabilities is home
automation, which allows users to function efficiently
in their daily activities (Bissoli et al., 2019; Brik et al.,
2018; Errobidart et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019; Malavasi
et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2015).
Finally, the use of biosensors is a rarely used
hardware technology, since, as can be seen in the
research carried out, only 3 of the studies are focused
on its use (Grigoriadis et al., 2016; G. Postolache et
al., 2019).
EC6. Software. Regarding the software, in general,
IoT is composed of monitoring systems (Alapetite
& Hansen, 2017; Aljahdali et al., 2018; Brik et al.,
2018; Errobidart et al., 2017; Grigoriadis et al., 2016;
Hung et al., 2019; Mulfari et al., 2014; G. Postolache
et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2015). This reality is
understandable because biosensors, home
automation, and smart devices generate information
that needs to be operated from a specific system.
Other articles refer to the use of serious games to
treat certain types of disabilities (Agyeman et al.,
2019; Agyeman & Al-Mahmood, 2019; O.
Postolache et al., 2020).
EC7. Use of the IoT. In this extraction criteria, it is
presented that most of the IoT solutions are used as
assistive devices. The vast majority of which belong
to home automation solutions and smart devices
Vis ual
Co gnitive/
Smart devices
EC1. Type of disability
EC5. Hardware or devices EC6. Software
ICT4AWE 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
(Alapetite & Hansen, 2017; Aljahdali et al., 2018;
Bissoli et al., 2019; Brik et al., 2018; Chand et al.,
2019; Errobidart et al., 2017; Husin & Lim, 2020;
Iyswariya et al., 2020; Malavasi et al., 2017; Mulfari
et al., 2014; Singh et al., 2015). Moreover, some
solutions are oriented to the use of devices for
treatment and rehabilitation (Agyeman & Al-
Mahmood, 2019; Agyeman et al., 2019; Amiri et al.,
2017; Grigoriadis et al., 2016; Hung et al., 2019a; G.
Postolache et al., 2019), and, finally, one of the
articles was classified as "other", it is because it is a
device that allows generating IoT devices for people
with disabilities (Li et al., 2019).
EC8. Phase(s) in Which the Studies are based. In
the case of the phases of the studies analyzed, the vast
majority have gone through the analysis, design, and
implementation, but very few have been able to be
tested. Some of the articles whose implementation
has been tested are those that include home
automation solutions or use smart devices (Amiri et
al., 2017; Bissoli et al., 2019; Errobidart et al., 2017;
Husin & Lim, 2020; Iyswariya et al., 2020; Li et al.,
2019; O. Postolache et al., 2020).
EC9. Type of Validation. As for the type of
validation, the vast majority have used prototypes, the
same ranging from domotics houses to automate and
facilitate access to certain features of the houses
(Bissoli et al., 2019; Errobidart et al., 2017; Li et al.,
2019) to prototypes that include the development of
smart devices (Agyeman et al., 2019; Agyeman & Al-
Mahmood, 2019; Alapetite & Hansen, 2017;
Aljahdali et al., 2018; Amiri et al., 2017; Husin &
Lim, 2020; Iyswariya et al., 2020; Mulfari et al.,
2014; O. Postolache et al., 2020; Ranjan et al., 2020).
Into this minority, the revised articles have been
written to deepen the concepts or develop
EC10. Approach Scope. Even though IoT devices
are of great interest to the industry, such as hospitals
or are designed for direct users; most of the articles
that are part of this work are oriented to the academy
This be due to the fact that being emerging
technologies, they are not yet in commercial
distribution; or, failing that, it is still exclusive for
particular sectors, as is the case of smart bulbs by
Philips (2020).
Moreover, the solution presented by Grigoriadis
et al. (2016) shows an IoT solution-oriented to people
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
EC11. Methodology. Of the 19 articles reviewed,
only one paper is the extension of previous research.
Malavasi et al. (2017) develop a solution that is the
continuation of an existing project called cloudCAST
(Clinical Applications of Speech Technology); the
authors present the development of low-cost
experimental systems through the use of automatic
speech recognition systems, while the other articles
reviewed propose their methodologies starting from
the design and architecture of their solutions.
EC12. Area of Study. The articles that were part of
this systematic review belong to computing and
electronics, and they complement the developments
with extensive knowledge of the health area,
particularly medicine.
EC13. Country. The demographic results show that
most studies were originated in India. Iraq, Italy,
Portugal, and the USA. Latin American countries like
Argentina and Brazil also presents solutions. In this
context, this study provides insights into the
relationship between a country and the use and study
of IoT technology-oriented to people with disability.
EC14. Year. The studies reviewed are on the time
range from 2014 to 2020. After it, the year 2014
represents a milestone for developing these devices;
this article presents the use of integrated systems for
multiple devices in intelligent environments that
allow care and support to people with disabilities
(Mulfari et al., 2014).
In this study, the systematic review of the literature
on IoT solutions for people with disabilities was
presented. It was developed based on the Kitchenham
methodology; and, three sub-research questions were
raised, which allow to answer the question of What
Internet of Things solutions exist for people with
Among the results, we can highlight that all the
solutions found include hardware and software
together. Similarly, researchers have focused on the
development of home automation solutions to
provide greater accessibility to the various elements
that homes have. In addition, smart devices have also
been developed to make life activities easier for
people with specific disabilities, such as mobility or
reduced visibility.
The use of IoT technology in treatment and
rehabilitation is essential, since this has been
achieved by implementing smart devices and
biosensors in order to obtain more effective results;
primary studies have relevant information. However,
Systematic Literature Review of Internet of Things Solutions Oriented to People with Physical and Intellectual Disabilities
in an extended version of the article, new extraction
criteria must be added to better segment the results,
such as the term disability, which can be treated as
limitations in carrying out activities or restrictions on
participation in normal environments; All this so that
the information can be classified in a formal
taxonomy so that health professionals can use it, so it
is necessary to complete these activities in later work.
This work is part of the research project: “Design of
architectures and interaction models for assisted
living environments aimed at older adults. Case
study: playful and social environments” Therefore,
we thank DIUC of Universidad de Cuenca for its
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