Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based
Internet of Things Applications
Dalton C
ezane Gomes Valadares
1,2 a
, Newton Carlos Will
3 b
, Marco Aur
elio Spohn
4 c
Danilo Freire de Souza Santos
, Angelo Perkusich
2 d
and Kyller Costa Gorgonio
2 e
Federal Institute of Pernambuco, Mechanical Engineering Department, Caruaru, PE, Brazil
Federal University of Campina Grande, Informatics and Electrical Engineering Center, Computer Science,
Campina Grande, PB, Brazil
Federal University of Technology - Paran
a, Dois Vizinhos, PR, Brazil
Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Chapec
o, SC, Brazil
Trusted Execution Environments, Internet of Things, Intel SGX, ARM TrustZone, Fog Computing, Security.
Cloud services and fog-based solutions can improve the communication and processing efficiency of the In-
ternet of Things (IoT). Cloud and fog servers offer more processing power to IoT solutions, enabling more
complex tasks within reduced time frames, which could not be possible when relying solely on IoT devices.
Cloud and fog computing benefits are even better when considering sensitive data processing once IoT devices
can hardly perform complex security tasks. To improve data security in cloud/fog-based IoT solutions, Trusted
Execution Environments (TEEs) allow the processing of sensitive data and code inside protected and isolated
regions of memory. This paper presents a brief survey regarding TEEs’ adoption to protect data in cloud/fog-
based IoT applications. We focus on solutions based on the two leading TEE technologies currently available
in the market (Intel SGX and ARM Trustzone), pointing out some research challenges and directions.
The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has gained
power when combined with the cloud or fog comput-
ing paradigm. Such a combination alleviates the con-
cerns regarding the IoT devices’ typical constraints,
such as limited memory and processing capabilities,
by allowing applications demanding complex and fast
processing to run in fog/cloud servers. Despite these
benefits of fog and cloud computing, concerns remain
when cloud/fog-based IoT applications deal with sen-
sitive data.
Among the commonly employed solutions to pro-
tect data generated by IoT applications, we find the
use of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). TEE
can be defined as a tamper-resistant processing en-
vironment, running in a separate kernel, which pro-
vides an adequate level of authenticity, integrity, and
confidentiality for the executed code (Sabt et al.,
2015). A TEE should supply a remote attestation
process, enabling third-parties to prove its trustwor-
thiness. Nonetheless, TEE is not a bullet-proof so-
lution for systems security: an adversary can still ex-
plore Side-Channel attacks
. Since 2010, Global Plat-
is responsible for TEE standardization through
its TEE System Architecture and API specifications,
which comprise TEE Client API, TEE Internal Core
API, TEE Secure Element API, among others
To investigate how TEE intends to protect data in
cloud/fog-based IoT applications, we defined the fol-
lowing research questions:
1. What are the current proposals regarding the use
of TEE in IoT applications?
Attacks based on particular hardware characteristics, such
as timing information, power consumption, electromag-
netic leaks, and sound, requiring a good technical knowl-
edge about the internal operation of the system.
Valadares, D., Will, N., Spohn, M., Santos, D., Perkusich, A. and Gorgonio, K.
Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based Internet of Things Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0010480701110121
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), pages 111-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-510-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. What sort of IoT solutions is TEE currently in
To answer these questions, we performed a basic lit-
erature review, searching for related papers in some
of the main Computer Science scientific repositories
(e.g., Scopus
, IEEE Digital Library
and ACM Dig-
ital Library
). For this search, we used the follow-
ing keywords as search topics: “Internet of Things”
AND “Trusted Execution Environment” AND “Secu-
rity”. We have taken into account only the main TEE
technologies available in the market: ARM TrustZone
and Intel SGX. We decided to focus on ten selected
papers for each TEE technology, which is enough to
get an overview of the developed research and get
insights/directions to guide future works. Our main
contributions are listed as follows:
A survey on TEE, applied for protecting
cloud/fog-based IoT applications, presenting rel-
evant related papers;
A discussion regarding the challenges in the adop-
tion of TEE for IoT applications and key research
A starting point to carry out a Systematic Litera-
ture Review regarding the research questions.
This work is the first review regarding the use of TEE
in IoT applications to the best of our knowledge. The
remainder of this paper has the following organiza-
tion. Section 2 presents the fundamentals of ARM
TrustZone and Intel SGX, meanwhile in Section 3 we
present works employing Intel SGX in their propos-
als, while Section 4 focuses on works related to the
context of ARM TrustZone. Section 5 presents the
main vulnerabilities of the two TEE technologies un-
der consideration. In Section 6, we present relevant
challenges and directions to the application of TEE in
IoT, and we discuss related works in Section 7. Con-
clusions are then laid out in Section 8.
This Section presents a brief description of the two
leading TEE technologies currently available in the
market, Intel Software Guard Extensions and the
ARM TrustZone, some differences between both, and
common scenarios for IoT applications.
2.1 Intel Software Guard Extensions
Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) is an ex-
tension to the x86 architecture instruction set that al-
lows applications to run in a protected memory area,
called enclave, which contains the application code
and data. An enclave is a protected area in the applica-
tion’s address space that guarantees the confidential-
ity and integrity of the data, preventing this data from
being accessed by malware and even other software
with high execution privileges, such as VM monitors,
BIOS, and the operating system (McKeen et al., 2013;
Jain et al., 2016; da Rocha. et al., 2020). We describe
an SGX enclave’s attack surface, as shown in Fig. 1.
Hardware Hardware
App App App App App App
Attack Surface
Attack Surface Without Enclaves Attack Surface With Enclaves
Figure 1: Attack surface of a security-sensitive application
without SGX enclaves (left) and with SGX enclaves (right).
Memory encryption employs standard algorithms
containing protections against replay attacks. The en-
cryption key is stored in registers inside the CPU,
not accessible to external components, and is changed
randomly at each hibernation or system restart event
(Intel, 2016b). Each enclave has a certificate signed
by the enclave author containing information that al-
lows the Intel SGX architecture to detect whether any
part of the enclave has been tampered with. However,
the hardware only checks the enclave’s measurement
when loaded (Intel, 2016a).
Applications can also request a specific key (seal-
ing key) to the enclave to protect their keys and data
when they want to save them outside the protection
of the enclave, such as on disk. Enclaves can also at-
test to each other, enabling establishing a secure com-
munication channel for sharing sensitive information
(Anati et al., 2013).
The main goal of SGX is to reduce the Trusted
Computing Base (TCB), allowing only sensitive parts
of the application to be within enclaves. Splitting the
application into two components brings some advan-
tages, with fewer failure points in the trusted part of
the application, resulting in safer software.
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
2.2 ARM TrustZone
ARM TrustZone is a hardware architecture that ex-
tends the security aspect to the entire system design,
allowing any part of the system to be protected. Trust-
Zone technology provides a basic infrastructure that
allows SoC designers to choose a range of compo-
nents that can assist with specific functions within a
secure environment. The architecture’s main goal is
to enable the construction of a programmable envi-
ronment that allows the confidentiality and integrity
of almost all assets to be protected from specific at-
tacks and can be used to build a set of security solu-
tions that are not possible with traditional methods.
(ARM, 2009).
With the ARM TrustZone architecture, the system
can be isolated in two logical states: a secure world
and a normal world (Fig. 2). These states are also
signaled to all peripheral devices via the system bus,
allowing them to make access control decisions based
on the system’s current state. The mechanism respon-
sible for exchanging context between the two states is
called monitor.
Normal world
User mode
Normal world
Privileged modes
Secure world
User mode
Secure world
Privileged modes
Normal world Secure world
Figure 2: Execution modes in the ARM TrustZone archi-
When an application runs in a secure world, it can
isolate parts of the memory for its use, preventing ap-
plications running in an ordinary world from access-
ing these locations. The memory controller using the
TrustZone architecture premises guarantees such iso-
lation, providing access control for memory regions
based on the current state. This memory partitioning
can be static or programmable at runtime.
Secure world applications can also force specific
interrupts or exceptions to be caught only in a secure
world, and this control is also in charge of the inter-
rupt controller. The system can also block access to
particular devices for applications that are not running
in a secure world, ensuring these devices’ exclusivity
only to secure applications (Lesjak et al., 2015).
2.3 Differences between ARM
TrustZone and Intel SGX
Table 1 presents a comparison between ARM Trust-
Zone and Intel SGX TEE technologies’ main char-
acteristics. We can notice that Intel SGX technol-
ogy covers the main characteristics necessary for the
development of secure applications without the need
to trust the operating system or other high privileged
components. At the same time, ARM TrustZone can
provide a trusted communication path to compatible
Table 1: Comparison between the ARM TrustZone and In-
tel SGX TEE technologies.
ARM TrustZone Intel SGX
Architecture ARM x86-64
Secure Storage X
Attestation X
Memory Isolation X X
Cryptographic Accelerator X X
Trusted I/O X
While Intel SGX technology aims to offer a com-
plete solution in terms of CPU and memory compo-
nents’ communication, ARM TrustZone lacks a com-
ponent capable of offering a trusted code measure-
ment. A device-unique key is the basis of the secure
storage and attestation mechanisms. In conjunction
with a TPM, or another module capable of providing
a unique key and code measurement, it is possible to
offer such features.
On the other hand, the Intel SGX technology is fo-
cused only on the CPU and the communication with
the memory, offering no native feature to enable se-
cure communication with I/O devices, unlike ARM
TrustZone. It is necessary to combine Intel SGX with
other solutions to enable the before-mentioned secure
communication, such as hypervisor-based trusted
path architectures (Weiser and Werner, 2017).
2.4 Common IoT Scenarios
In general, IoT applications consist of distributed sys-
tems involving various devices, systems, and servers.
As already mentioned, to deal with the constraints
of the known devices, the different IoT scenarios de-
mand cloud, fog, and edge computing paradigms. We
show the common IoT scenarios considering these
paradigms in Fig. 3.
The main entities are the IoT devices that collect
data from the environment. These data can be pro-
cessed locally on the devices or sent to an edge gate-
way, a fog server, or a cloud server. Whenever us-
Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based Internet of Things Applications
Fog Computing
Edge Computing
Cloud Computing
Figure 3: Common Scenarios for IoT Applications.
ing an edge gateway, it can also communicate with a
fog or cloud server when it demands more process-
ing, memory, and storage. The fog servers can also
exchange data with the cloud servers. The arrows in
Fig. 3 represent the communication possibilities be-
tween the devices and the edge, fog, and cloud layers.
Knowing these common scenarios, we can think
of applying TEE to protect sensitive data in any of the
possible combinations. The TrustZone is more suit-
able to IoT since its architecture is available in many
devices based on ARM processors, including micro-
controllers. Unlike TrustZone, SGX only is supported
by computers running Intel processors. This way,
the solutions employing trusted applications to pro-
tect data in these IoT scenarios commonly apply TEE
to edge gateways or fog/cloud servers.
IoT solutions can combine ARM TrustZone and
Intel SGX technologies. The first one is used to en-
sure trusted operations in IoT and edge devices, and
the second one in fog and cloud servers. Cryptog-
raphy techniques and secure protocols (e.g., Trans-
port Layer Security) are employed to protect data in
transit after leaving the devices. If the devices do
not have enough capabilities to process such secu-
rity tasks, they can run in a closer edge gateway. In-
tel SGX provides mechanisms to perform a remote
attestation procedure with third parties, enabling a
fog/cloud server to attest IoT/edge devices and cre-
ates a trusted communication channel between them.
Milutinovic et al. (Milutinovic et al., 2016) presented
a blockchain that uses a proof of lucky consensus pro-
tocol. Low-latency in the transaction validation, low
energy consumption, and deterministic confirmation
time is reached through a random number generation
based on a Trusted Execution Environment. The au-
thors applied the Intel SGX capabilities for this and
explained the protection provided by this solution.
Liang et al. (Liang et al., 2017) proposed using
Intel SGX and blockchain to protect sensitive health
data, achieving accountability for data access. A Per-
sonal Health Data Management system is proposed,
with a user-centric approach, allowing patients to
collect and manage their health data. According to
the authors, the proposal achieves self-sovereign data
ownership, permanent data record with integrity, scal-
able processing, decentralized and distributed privacy,
access control, and trusted accountability.
Sampaio et al. proposed a data dissemination plat-
form. (Sampaio et al., 2017), providing data security
and privacy levels. The proposed solution gives full
control to data producers over consumers’ access; i.e.,
producers allow or deny the consumers access to sen-
sitive data and set the granularity level. Thus, sensi-
tive data can be produced and repeatedly anonymized
or aggregated by trusted entities, using Intel SGX, and
then consumed by untrusted applications, ensuring
original data privacy. The use of Intel SGX makes the
solution more feasible than homomorphic encryption.
The authors evaluated the solution, which achieved a
lower overhead and can be useful for medium-scale
systems with small data dissemination volumes.
SGX is also used to enforce user privacy in
location-based services since sharing location traces
with untrusted service providers may have privacy
implications. Kulkarni et al. (Kulkarni et al., 2017)
described an architecture where the user device (IoT,
mobile phone, or a GPS enabled device) initiates an
attestation process with an enclave that runs in an
untrusted provider, establishing a secure channel be-
tween the device and the enclave and allowing a se-
cure information exchange. All user data are pro-
cessed within an enclave, avoiding data leakage to
an untrusted cloud. The authors evaluated the solu-
tion with a marginal overhead while providing near-
to-the-perfect results, describing it as a better solu-
tion than currently available, as spatial-cloaking with
Nguyen et al. (Nguyen et al., 2018) proposed
LogSafe, a distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant, and
trusted logger for IoT devices data. Using Intel SGX,
the proposed logger satisfies confidentiality, integrity,
and availability and provides tamper detection, pro-
tecting against replay, injection, and eavesdropping
attacks. Experiments demonstrated that LogSafe has
high scalability, which allows it to work with a high
number of IoT devices and a high data transmission
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: Summary of Intel SGX solutions.
Title Year Solution
Proof of Luck: an Efficient Blockchain Consensus Protocol (Milutinovic et al., 2016) 2016 Blockchain Consensus Protocol
Towards Decentralized Accountability and Self-Sovereignty in Healthcare Systems (Liang et al., 2017) 2017 Personal Health Data Management system
Secure and Privacy-Aware Data Dissemination for Cloud-based Applications (Sampaio et al., 2017) 2017 Data Aggregation and Dissemination Platform
Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Services by Using Intel SGX (Kulkarni et al., 2017) 2017 Secure Architecture for Location-based Services
LogSafe: Secure and Scalable Data Logger for IoT Devices (Nguyen et al., 2018) 2018 Trusted logger
Decentralized IoT Data Management Using BlockChain and Trusted Execution Environment (Ayoade et al., 2018) 2018 Descentralized Data Management system
BASTION-SGX: Bluetooth and Architectural Support for Trusted I/O on SGX (Peters et al., 2018) 2018 Bluetooth Trusted I/O
Security and privacy aware data aggregation on cloud computing (Silva et al., 2018) 2018 Smart Metering Data Aggregation
Achieving Data Dissemination with Security using FIWARE and Intel Software Guard Extensions (Valadares et al., 2018) 2018 Trusted Architecture
Enabling Security-Enhanced Attestation With Intel SGX for Remote Terminal and IoT (Wang et al., 2018) 2018 Security-enhanced Attestation
Ayoade et al. (Ayoade et al., 2018) proposed a de-
centralized system for data management in IoT appli-
cations using blockchain and TEE technologies. The
idea is to enforce access control by using blockchain
smart contracts and storing only data hashes in the
blockchain while keeping raw data in a TEE appli-
cation. The authors implemented the proposal using
Ethereum blockchain and Intel SGX, including exper-
iments regarding the processing costs at blockchain
and SGX application (gas usage, throughput, and
CPU time considering the primary operations). The
obtained results demonstrate that the solution has an
acceptable efficiency.
Peters et al. (Peters et al., 2018) proposed
BASTION-SGX, architectural support for Bluetooth
trusted I/O using Intel SGX. This work has the goal
of protecting I/O data even when considering adver-
saries with high-level privileges. Authors described
challenges regarding the design and implementation
of “trusted I/O”, presenting a possible solution and
describing the implementation of a proof-of-concept,
which extends the existing Bluetooth security to an
SGX enclave, securing the data between it and the
Bluetooth controller. The solution includes a secure
tunnel between an SGX enclave and the Bluetooth
Silva et al. (Silva et al., 2018) presented an archi-
tecture for data aggregation in cloud computing, con-
sidering two approaches for data security and privacy.
The proposed architecture comprises four main com-
ponents: message bus, producers, aggregators, and
consumers. Proofs of the concept were implemented
and evaluated regarding the response time to process
routine operations in smart metering, such as instant
energy consumption and monthly bill calculations.
Two different aggregators were implemented: one
considering the Intel SGX technology and one con-
sidering a homomorphic encryption technique. Tests
were performed considering the host machine, vir-
tual machines, and containers. The achieved results
demonstrate that Intel SGX enables lower response
times than the homomorphic encryption technique.
The authors also presented advantages and disadvan-
tages for each approach and presented a security anal-
ysis for both.
A trusted architecture using Intel SGX to protect
sensitive data in IoT applications was proposed by
Valadares et al. (Valadares et al., 2018). The pro-
posal adds security components to a common pub-
lish/subscribe architecture, including authentication,
authorization, cryptography and trusted processing
with a TEE. When compared to a solution without
any security mechanism, the authors implemented a
prototype and performed experiments to verify the
proposal’s time overhead. The results presented low
overhead regarding all the communication flow with
the security processes and indicated an excellent scal-
ability level.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2018) proposed a
security-enhanced attestation for remote terminals
and IoT devices, suitable to use the “bring your own
device” policy in enterprise networks. The solution
achieves shielded execution for measurements and at-
testation, with a small trusted computing base and dy-
namic attestation based on multiple enclaves. It also
provides a policy-based measurement mechanism that
enables administrators to collect and monitor the run-
time status in a trusted way, ensured by SGX. The
evaluated prototype shows a little overhead in the at-
testation procedure.
In Table 2, we present all these ten papers that
used Intel SGX to provide some data security solu-
tions in fog/cloud-based IoT applications.
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2014) presented Trust-E,
a trusted embedded operating system architecture,
compliant with Global Platform TEE specifications.
The authors designed and implemented the Trust-E
solution and implemented a mobile payment applica-
tion as a demo to test their solution regarding correct-
ness and effectiveness. According to the authors, the
results demonstrated that the proposed solution could
effectively meet the security requirements.
Lesjak et al. (Lesjak et al., 2015) proposed a se-
curity solution for industrial maintenance scenarios,
Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based Internet of Things Applications
Table 3: Summary of ARM Trustzone solutions.
Title Year Solution
Trust-E: A Trusted Embedded Operating System Based on the ARM Trustzone (Yang et al., 2014) 2014 Trusted Embedded Operating System Architecture
Hardware-security technologies for industrial IoT: TrustZone and security controller (Lesjak et al., 2015) 2015 Device Snapshot Authentication System
CacheKit: Evading Memory Introspection Using Cache Incoherence (Zhang et al., 2016) 2016 Processor Cache Exploitation through a Rootkit
OPTZ: a Hardware Isolation Architecture of Multi-Tasks Based on TrustZone Support (Dai and Chen, 2017) 2017 Multitask Hardware Isolation Architecture
TM-Coin: Trustworthy Management of TCB Mveasurements in IoT (Park and Kwangjo Kim, 2017) 2017 Trustworthy TCB Measurements Management System
LTZVisor: TrustZone is the Key (Pinto et al., 2017) 2017 Hypervisor to Assist Virtualization
Secure Edge Computing with ARM TrustZone (Pettersen. et al., 2017) 2017 Trusted Edge Computing Platform
A TrustEnclave-Based Architecture for Ensuring Runtime Security in Embedded Terminals (Chang et al., 2017) 2017 Runtime Security for Embedded Terminals
TruApp: A TrustZone-based authenticity detection service for mobile apps (Demesie Yalew et al., 2017) 2017 Mobile App Authenticity and Integrity Checker
Building a Trustworthy Execution Environment to Defeat Exploits from both Cyber Space and
Physical Space for ARM (Guan et al., 2019)
2019 Shield System for Legacy Applications
designing and implementing a device snapshot au-
thentication system. This solution was implemented
with ARM TrustZone and Security Controller, com-
paring both technologies. The results indicated that
the TrustZone solution presents greater flexibility and
performance, while the Security Controller solution
presents better protection against physical attacks.
The authors concluded that the chosen technology de-
pends on the use case. They proposed a hybrid ap-
proach, using both technologies, which maximizes
performance and security: employing TrustZone with
software components that demand more processing
power and Security Controller within software com-
ponents demanding more security.
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2016) presented a sys-
tematic study about a cache incoherence behavior be-
tween regular and secure worlds in the ARM Trust-
Zone, and proposed a rootkit called Cachekit to show
the feasibility of including malicious code in the pro-
cessor cache, keeping it hidden. Due to the incoher-
ent state between regular and secure worlds, allowing
the rootkit to evade introspection from detection tools
was possible. The authors compared the Cachekit
with other rootkits regarding detection methods. It
proved to be the best, without any detection, since the
malicious code completely hides inside the cache.
Dai and Chen (Dai and Chen, 2017) proposed the
design and implementation of OPTZ (Open Trust-
Zone), a multitask hardware isolation between reg-
ular and secure worlds, with an architecture com-
posed of a secure OS (for the secure world), a stan-
dard OS (for the ordinary world), secure services and
a communication mechanism. The authors focused
on the communication between regular and secure
worlds through the secure monitor, considering a sys-
tem interrupt design and a multitask hardware iso-
lation. They implemented the architecture with the
TrustZone technology and carried out experiments to
verify its correctness, testing the physical memory ac-
cess. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the
proposed hardware isolation.
Park and Kim (Park and Kwangjo Kim, 2017)
proposed a trustworthy management system for TCB
(Trusted Computing Base) measurements from IoT
applications. Authors called the solution TM-Coin,
which uses TrustZone and blockchain. They pre-
sented the protocol and transactions flow to distribute
the TCB measurements in the blockchain securely.
TrustZone was used to generate and protect the TM-
Coin transactions containing the TCB measurements.
The solution applied a remote attestation mechanism
and evaluated its performance overhead through ex-
periments carried out with an implemented prototype.
Pinto et al. (Pinto et al., 2017) proposed LTZVi-
sor, a hypervisor that uses TrustZone to assist virtual-
ization. The authors presented the hypervisor archi-
tecture and details of its implementation, which was
experimentally evaluated considering three metrics:
memory footprint, performance overhead, and inter-
rupt latency. The experimental results demonstrated a
low-performance overhead, satisfying strict require-
ments for real-time environment virtualization when
running unmodified rich operating systems.
Pettersen et al. (Pettersen. et al., 2017) used both
ARM TrustZone and Intel SGX to create a generic
platform that enables IoT, mobile, and cloud systems
from different vendors to seamlessly connect and in-
tegrate into a privacy-preserving and secure manner.
The proposed architecture has three vertically stacked
layers. The top-most layer has an ARM TrustZone en-
abled client device. The middle layer is also a client
device, in the same administrative domain, with ARM
TrustZone or Intel SGX capabilities, such as a fog de-
vice or an enterprise cloud server. The third layer is
the public cloud, with Intel SGX enabled. The so-
lution achieves a secure design to integrate IoT edge
devices to back-end cloud servers with a small over-
Chang et al. (Chang et al., 2017) proposed the
use of TEE to address runtime security problems ef-
ficiently since it uses hardware isolation technology.
They presented the TrustZone architecture, explain-
ing its basic working, divided into regular and secure
worlds (untrusted and trusted, respectively). They
tested a TrustZone-enabled hardware device, evaluat-
ing the proposal, which achieved experimental results
demonstrating its effectiveness and feasibility.
Yalew et al. (Demesie Yalew et al., 2017) pre-
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
sented TruApp, which validates the authenticity and
integrity of a mobile app by checking some measure-
ments and static/dynamic watermarks, and a verifi-
cation key issued by the TruApp provider or the app
vendor. TruApp is protected since it executes mostly
in a TrustZone secure world and verifies the part run-
ning in the insecure world. The authors implemented
the proposal and carried out experiments, concluding
that the measurements are more effective in detecting
not authentic apps but incur higher overhead costs.
They proposed to analyze means of optimizing the
TruApp as future works.
Guan et al. (Guan et al., 2019) proposed Trust-
Shadow, a new system to shield legacy applications
running on multiprogramming IoT devices from un-
trusted OSes. It uses ARM TrustZone technology, se-
curing critical applications through a lightweight run-
time system responsible for the communication be-
tween the applications and the OS running in the or-
dinary world. This runtime system does not provide
system services. However, it forwards the untrusted
ordinary world’s requests, verifying the responses and
employing a page-based encryption mechanism to
protect all the data segments from a security-critical
application. Whenever an encrypted page is accessed,
the page is decrypted in the internal RAM, immune
to physical exploits. It is not necessary any modifi-
cations to legacy applications. The authors tested the
proposed solution with microbenchmarks and real ap-
plications, which presented negligible and, in a few
cases, moderate overhead when running real applica-
We list all these ten published papers and their so-
lutions in Table 3, which considered ARM Trustzone
to provide or improve data security in IoT applica-
Intel SGX and TrustZone do not consider side-
channel or reverse-engineering attacks in their threat
model. The Intel Software Guard Extensions Devel-
oper Guide (Intel, 2016a) points out that it is up to de-
velopers to build enclaves resistant to these types of
attacks. Side-channel attacks could generate enough
information for the attacker to infer the sequence of
running instructions or passive address translation at-
tacks that could give information from the attacker to
memory access patterns with page granularity. These
threats are classified into four attack vectors by (Wang
et al., 2017): power statistics, cache miss statistics,
branch timing, and page accesses via page tables. Al-
though the enclave is cryptographically protected in
the EPC, in SGX applications, the data inside cache
memory are in plain-text. The same occurs for Trust-
Zone applications, even considering that the secure
cache lines are not accessible by the untrusted world
(ordinary world) (Lesjak et al., 2015; Cerdeira et al.,
Several works in the literature were able to extract
sensitive information from enclaves by side-channel,
such as a key from RSA processing (Schwarz et al.,
2017; Brasser et al., 2017) and AES keys (Moghimi
et al., 2017). Spectre vulnerabilities can also be used
to infer secrets contained in an SGX enclave (Chen
et al., 2019a) or TrustZone trusted applications (Guan
et al., 2019). Seeking to mitigate the effects caused
by side-channel attacks in applications that use SGX,
Shih et al. (Shih et al., 2017) propose T-SGX. The
resources provided by Transactional Synchronization
Extensions (TSX) are employed to isolate attempts to
unauthorized access to the enclave data, eradicating
the effects of known side-channel attack techniques.
Weichbrodt et. al. (Weichbrodt et al., 2016) also
addresses thread synchronization issues in enclaves,
using techniques such as use-after-free and time-of-
check-to-time-of-use, allowing the attacker to hijack
the flow of control or bypass enclave access controls,
interrupting threads and forcing segmentation failures
in enclaves.
The use of TEE brings some challenges that one must
take into account when developing robust and effi-
cient solutions. However, the Intel SGX architec-
ture provides efficient mechanisms to ensure the se-
curity of an application’s data. Side-channel attacks
or reverse-engineering attacks are not in the architec-
ture’s threat model. Therefore, the SGX architecture
is vulnerable to Spectre attacks: applications outside
the enclave can influence an enclave’s code execution
prediction. The control flow of the enclave can be
manipulated to execute instructions leading to observ-
able cache state changes, which an adversary can use
to learn secrets from the memory of the enclave or its
registers (Chen et al., 2019b).
Thread synchronization problems in enclaves are
also addressed by using techniques such as use-after-
free and time-of-check-to-time-of-use, allowing the
attacker to hijack the control flow or bypass enclave
access controls, interrupting threads, and forcing seg-
mentation failures in enclaves (Weichbrodt et al.,
2016). Some challenges to enforcing remote attesta-
Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based Internet of Things Applications
tion protocol to build secure and scalable applications
with SGX are discussed by (Beekman and Porter,
The ARM TrustZone architecture also suffers
from side-channel attacks, as demonstrated by Lipp
et al. (Lipp et al., 2016), where the authors use the or-
dinary world to monitor activities performed in Trust-
Zone secure world. Besides, there are several secu-
rity bulletins related to TrustZone, such as bugs in
kernel and drivers, and also hardware-related vulner-
abilities, which affect different hardware parts of the
platform (Pinto and Santos, 2019).
Software developers may assume that TEE is
100% secure, but it is not, and they must consider
bugs and vulnerabilities in hardware and software
components. Also, they must consider performance
issues in both Intel SGX and ARM TrustZone. A
broad range of views of the challenges about TEEs
is discussed by Ning et al. (Ning et al., 2017).
Regarding the directions for new researches, we
could group the critical solutions found in the se-
lected papers for both Intel SGX and ARM Trust-
Zone, as seen in Fig. 4. We noticed that both dis-
cussed TEE technologies had been employed to pro-
vide security for data aggregation and management
systems among the proposed solutions. Considering
only the Intel SGX solutions, we identified proposals
related to trusted architectures, attestation, and trusted
logging and I/O operations systems. When consider-
ing only ARM TrustZone solutions, we identified pro-
posals related to authentication and authenticity sys-
tems, trusted OS and hypervisor, rootkit, trusted plat-
form for edge computing, and protection for embed-
ded terminals and legacy systems.
Securing the firmware update process of IoT de-
vices is paramount for any IoT ecosystem. One
should employ a reliable and secure mechanism for
updating the firmware of any IoT device while allow-
ing it to roll back to a previous working instance in
case of update failure (resulting from an accidental
or intentional error). In this context, Surdu (Surdu,
2018) presents a method based on TEE that isolates
the main entities involved in the firmware update
process. The new firmware is properly instantiated
in a staged TEE region, interfacing with emulated
drivers during the upgrade process to avoid any in-
terference with the current working system. Once the
new firmware is fully functional, the system transi-
tions to the new configuration; otherwise, it continues
to operate with the previous working firmware.
As seen, many topics can be explored, and many
solutions can benefit from using TEE. Blockchain is
a related topic that was identified among the solutions
with both SGX and TrustZone, emphasizing the fol-
lowing aspects:
1. Data are encrypted and stored securely locally or
in a protected server (e.g., fog or cloud);
2. The data hashes are stored in the blockchain in-
To this end, TEE is an option to keep cryptographic
keys secure and perform operations on sensitive data
(encryption, decryption, and processing). We suggest
applying TEE for the most critical portions of the ap-
plication, which can be explored as a target by inter-
ested adversaries without access permission.
Works have been done exploring trust and security is-
sues in the Internet of Things, proposing solutions,
and exploring different technologies for these solu-
tions. Based on this potential and broad research area,
surveys and reviews were executed to map these trust
and security works as expected.
In terms of surveys, Aly et al. (Aly et al., 2019)
focused on listing and discussing works related to se-
curity threats and challenges in general terms. Other
surveys, such as Kouicem et al. (Kouicem et al.,
2018), and Di Martino et al. (Di Martino et al.,
2018), present more general research and discussion
about different aspects of IoT, such as interoperabil-
ity and architecture, making a parallel about how each
cited work relates to trust and security issues. How-
ever, none of these surveys present works related to
Trusted Execution Environment and its application on
Edge/Fog solutions.
Coppolino et al. (Coppolino et al., 2019) pre-
sented a survey of hardware-assisted security solu-
tions, focusing on edge computing scenarios. Differ-
ent types of hardware-assisted security technologies
are presented in their work, including the potential use
of Trusted Execution Environments. However, it is
not presented a specific survey of works that explore
TEE technologies in their solutions, including its use
in Edge and Internet of Things scenarios.
This way, to the best of our knowledge, currently,
there is no published survey, mapping, or review re-
garding the different uses of TEE for IoT applications.
In this work, we carried out a literature review to
gather relevant papers related to the use of TEE in
the cloud and fog-based solutions to improve security
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 4: Key solutions found in the selected papers.
for IoT data applications. We summarized the solu-
tions and analyzed possible challenges and directions
for future work. For this study, we focused on 20 pub-
lished papers: 10 TrustZone based and 10 SGX based
We presented a summary for each selected paper
and a discussion about the main challenges related to
the use of TEEs. Besides, we also carried on a con-
cise discussion regarding the main research topics ad-
dressed by TEEs usage and their improvements: se-
cure and private data processing, secure storage, au-
thentication, virtualization, among others. As future
work, we plan a Systematic Literature Review focus-
ing on all the relevant papers published in the top con-
ferences and journals.
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Trusted Execution Environments for Cloud/Fog-based Internet of Things Applications