Future ERP Systems: A Research Agenda
Benedict Bender, Clementine Bertheau and Norbert Gronau
Department of Business Informatics, University of Potsdam, August Bebel Str. 89, 14489 Potsdam, Germany
Keywords: ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise System, Three-tier Architecture, Reference Architecture
Model, Problems, Research Agenda.
Abstract: This paper presents a research agenda on the current generation of ERP systems which was developed based
on a literature review on current problems of ERP systems. The problems are presented following the ERP
life cycle. In the next step, the identified problems are mapped on a reference architecture model of ERP
systems that is an extension of the three-tier architecture model that is widely used in practice. The research
agenda is structured according to the reference architecture model and addresses the problems identified
regarding data, infrastructure, adaptation, processes, and user interface layer.
The digital transformation as well as the further
development of existing products and services set
new requirements to the dominating class of
enterprise systems in companies, the ERP systems.
These requirements stem partly from problems that
are related to the architecture of ERP systems, the
way the systems are implemented which is tightly
related to the aspect and degree of customization.
Except for challenges related to the systems
themselves, the changing business landscape poses
new requirements on ERP systems. For instance, the
emergence of the Industrial Internet of things (IIoT)
allows processes and decision-making to be
supported by data that was gathered throughout
operation (Lazarev and Nekrasov 2017; Bragalia et
al. 2019).
So far, research on ERP systems to a great extent
focussed on the implementation and post-
implementation phase and corresponding critical
success factors (e.g. Mahraz et al., 2020; Poluektova
et al., 2018; Zare Ravasan and Mansouri, 2016).
While this lifecycle-oriented perspective is of great
importance for practice, problems related to the
architectural design of current-generation ERP
systems are of minor importance in previous
considerations. As such, the problems of ERP are not
addressed holistically. This leads to the issue that the
system design, which might be the root of many
problems during system implementation and
operation, may not be attributed to the relatively
stable architecture of ERP systems.
By means of a literature review, problems with the
current ERP system generation were systematically
identified and mapped to a reference architecture
model of ERP systems. Related findings are
integrated into a research agenda. The integration of
the lifecycle and architecture perspective may guide
the conceptualization of the next-generation
enterprise systems.
The paper is structured in four sections. The
following selection introduces the architectural
framework and attributes the problems identified in
the literature. Section three presents the research
agenda, while section four concludes the paper.
The research agenda on the future ERP systems is
centered around a reference architecture model of
ERP systems. In contrast to previous approaches, the
idea is to systematically group the identified issues
according to the different levels of systems
architecture. Thereby, this approach allows to
attribute related challenges to the respective research
domains and develop solutions accordingly. Finally,
the integration of findings allows fostering the
discussion on the future generation of ERP systems in
terms of architecture.
Bender, B., Bertheau, C. and Gronau, N.
Future ERP Systems: A Research Agenda.
DOI: 10.5220/0010477307760783
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 776-783
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Theoretical Background
The reference architecture model by Andresen and
Gronau (2005) that is considered in this article is an
extension of the three-tier architecture that is widely
used in practice. The three-tier architecture followed
the generation of two-tier ERP systems, a simple
client-server division (Bahssas et al., 2015). For a
three-tier ERP architecture, more layers are specified.
Those are presentation or user interface, application,
and database (Bahssas et al., 2015; Qin and Wei,
2013). The user interface or presentation layer forms
the connecting piece between the system and the user.
The dialog triggered by the user via the user interface
is admitted at this layer. The application or
functionality layer combines the central algorithms of
the software. Software components are structured on
this layer and resources and transactions are executed
and managed here. This includes the processing of the
data, which is read from and written to the database.
On the database layer, manipulations are made to the
stored data. The data is managed in a database system,
which is usually relational in the current generation
of ERP systems (Plattner 2009).
The extended reference architecture model was
introduced by Andresen and Gronau (2005) to
address the lack of adaptability that comes along with
the traditional design of ERP systems (see Figure 1).
According to the authors, an ERP systems
architecture (should) specify additional levels besides
the layers mentioned. These additional layers are the
control layer, located between the presentation and
functionality layer, the infrastructure layer which is
below the database layer, and the adaptation layer
which is a cross-section layer. The control layer is
where business processes should be monitored, and
internal consistency is ensured. The control layer
should provide the possibility to model business
processes with a specific modeling language.
Depending on the architecture of the respective ERP
systems, processes are mapped via workflow engines,
which are part of the application layer. The
infrastructure layer includes decisions concerning
distribution and topology. The cross-section to all
layers is the adaptation layer which covers all
adaptations that were implemented individually for
companies (ibid.).
2.2 Findings from Literature
To gain an understanding of the current state of
research on problems rooted in the selection,
implementation, and lifecycle of ERP systems as well
as its design and architecture a literature review was
conducted. For this purpose, the database Web of
Science was queried. Keywords included “ERP” OR
“Enterprise Resource Planning” AND “problems”
OR “issues”. Since the focus of the review lied in
current literature the time span was limited to the past
five years (2016 - 2020). Moreover, central influential
articles were identified through backward reference
research. The literature review was intended to be
representative and therefore to serve as a basis for
developing a research agenda (Cooper 1988).
Completeness was not aimed at.
In the following, the literature which identified
problems with ERP systems or tackled these is
presented. The problems are centered according to the
problem domains and phases.
Figure 1: Enterprise System architecture layers according
to Andresen and Gronau (2005).
2.2.1 Problems Related to Customization
Although ERP systems are standard software
packages, also known as commercial off-the-shelf
products (COTS), some customization always
becomes necessary to meet the functional and process
requirements of the implementing organization. This
topic is therefore of great interest in the research
community (Daneva, 2014; Light, 2005;
Parthasarathy and Sharma, 2017; Zare Ravasan and
Mansouri, 2016). Customizations can be manifold
and the widely used terminology that distinguishes
between configuration and modification is not
sufficient to estimate the associated efforts required
for implementation and maintenance (Brehm et al.,
2001). To customize an ERP system can be
problematic in various ways because it raises the
complexity of the software itself and the
implementation project. With customization the risk
for deployment and upgrade difficulties increases.
Heavy customization can even lead to project failure
(ibid.). Database and source code customization in
particular can cause issues with regards to software
quality (Parthasarathy and Sharma, 2017).
Future ERP Systems: A Research Agenda
2.2.2 Problems Related to ERP Selection
ERP selection is comprehensively researched as a
complex multi-criteria decision-making problem to
find the ERP system that matches the processes of an
organization best without the need for modifications
in terms of customization efforts (Ayağ and
Yücekaya, 2019; Hinduja and Pandey, 2019).
Naturally, quite some research deals with misfits of
ERP systems after selection which is a common
problem in practice (Wu et al., 2007). The increasing
use of cloud computing also influences the ERP
market. Companies that select a new ERP system are
faced with the decision of whether to operate it on-
premise or in the cloud. Recent research is devoted in
part only to cloud ERP systems and corresponding
implications and risks like functionality fit and
customization, data migration, organizational change,
reliability as well as data security and integrity
(Hinduja and Pandey, 2019; Saa et al., 2017; Şener et
al., 2016; Sørheller et al., 2018).
2.2.3 Problems Related to ERP
After a successful selection of an ERP system, the
next challenge for companies constitutes the
implementation phase which can be even more
complex, difficult, and risky, especially for SMEs
(Leu and Lee, 2017; Poluektova et al., 2018). Factors
that lead to failure include among others: heavy
customization efforts, poor business process
reengineering, poor consultant quality, and the lack of
top management support (ibid.).
2.2.4 Problems Related to ERP Usage
After implementation, in the usage phase, some
companies have difficulties in realizing the benefits
of implementing an ERP system. This is because
companies lack the competencies to define benefits to
be expected before implementation and to monitor
success and failure (Anaya, 2019). Key users can play
an important role as knowledge managers for the
realization of benefits in this phase (Maas et al.,
2016). ERP upgrading being a typical maintenance
process in the usage phase is considered just as a
complex problem as ERP selection (Goman and
Koch, 2018). It includes similar steps like
requirements engineering, the evaluation of options,
and the identification of dependencies (ibid.). Related
to this is a challenge for companies to find the right
time for a systems’ switch because the status of
alignment between business and system often is
unclear over time despite customization decision in
the early phase of implementation (Huang and
Yokota, 2019).
2.2.5 Further Problems
Other problems that are discussed in the literature
concerning ERP systems are (master) data quality
issues (Zong et al., 2017) and master data
management (Schäffer and Leyh 2016). Other
research focuses on poor usability that is hindering
productivity gains (Babaian et al., 2017) and
interoperability and integration problems that can be
due to semantic interoperability (Badr et al., 2016)
and environmental, technical, managerial as well as
organizational aspects (Banaeianjahromi et al.,
Considering the specifics of the manufacturing
industry, further problems occur. For instance, ERP
systems seem to not support the monitoring of
production processes sufficiently because they only
provide synthetic information about the inputs and
outputs of processes. That makes it necessary to close
the gap between ERP and production management
systems (Krótkiewicz et al., 2019). The increasing
importance of industry 4.0 that entails among others
more available information brings new requirements
for ERP systems that are not met in practice yet
(Braglia et al., 2019; Lazarev and Nekrasov, 2017)
like higher security standards (Elkhawas and Azer,
2.3 Problem Mapping
Apart from the lifecycle-oriented consideration of
ERP systems, which dominates previous literature,
most problems identified in the literature can be
mapped to the layers of the reference model (Table
1). The following overview is filtered for problems
that can be attributed to a specific layer of ERP
systems. This focus allows to further develop the
architecture of enterprise systems which may help to
resolve the origin of potential issues on the
architectural level of enterprise systems.
As such aspects that solely focus the ERP project
as such are not considered for the research agenda on
the architectural issues of the current ERP systems
Table 1 shows that the problems identified in the
literature mapped with the architecture reference
model (see section 2.1).
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Problems identified in literature per layer.
Problem References U P F D I A
Data quality Zong et al. (2017) x x
Poor usability Babaian et al.
Integration and
Badr et al. (2016)
et al. (2016)
Elkhawas and
Azer (2018)
x x x
x x x
Levels of
Brehm, Heinzel
and Markus (2001)
x x
from Industry
Bragalia et al.
Lazarev and
Nekrasov (2017)
x x x
Cloud ERP Hinduja and
Pandey (2019)
Sorheller et al.
Saa et al. (2017)
Şener et al (2016)
x x x x
quality issues
Parthasarathy and
Sharma (2017)
x x
Ibrahim et al.
Daneva (2014)
Ravasan and
Mansouri (2016)
Light (2001)
Amount 1 1 7 7 4 2
While previous literature focussed on specific phases
of the ERP lifecycle, we call for a consideration of the
architectural layers of modular ERP systems to
resolve prevailing challenges. Assuming that many of
the existing challenges are rooted in the architectural
foundations of ERP systems, system providers are
interested in how ERP systems can be further
advanced to fulfil the newer requirements of
This very first analysis of the problems of the
current ERP system generation showed that the most
pressing problems occur around databases and data
models. The equal number of problems are related to
the functional layer. Next in line are problems related
to the infrastructure layer followed by the adaptation
layer. Fewer problems occur around user interfaces
and the storage and the control layer, which is not
even available for all existing ERP systems.
3.1 User Interface
The user interface of ERP systems lags behind other
system categories concerning the adaptability to the
requirements of individual users. In this regard, future
developments may focus on the needs for special user
groups, such as young and old users or beginners and
advanced users. So far, the individualization of
enterprise systems is commonly bound to the use of
favourites and the like. Holistic concepts focusing on
adoption are rarely available. Nonetheless, the
importance of usability for ERP systems for
acceptance and project success has been highlighted
(Masa’deh et al., 2019).
With the increasing possibilities and demands
towards mobile operation, the group of ERP systems
may add responsive designs and web-based
approaches in their portfolio. While many systems
still rely on rich client architectures, the newer
generation of enterprise systems focuses on web-
based frontends such as HTML5-based approaches
which require only a standardized browser
environment for operation.
Finally, the group of ERP systems may support
newer forms of interaction, that do not only rely on
predefined forms. Available technologies in the form
of speech recognition may allow for more interactive
operation with ERP systems. Providers of ERP
systems are well-advised not to develop their own
solutions, but to provide specialized domain skills for
their systems to combine established technologies
with domain particularities.
3.2 Control of Business Processes
Business Processes vary between companies. While
some domains such as financial accounting are highly
regulated and standardized, operations in domains
such as logistics and manufacturing vary between
companies. These differences may constitute the
competitive advantage of companies (Lengnick-Hall
et al. 2004). ERP systems need to support and
maintain the competitive advantages of companies.
Especially for companies with individually
developed software, maintaining their competitive
advantage is a major concern when considering the
use of standardized software packages, such as ERP
systems (Lengnick-Hall et al. 2004).
To support the adaptability of individual
enterprise operations, ERP systems should allow for
reconfigurable processes. To do so, ERP systems may
provide their standard processes as a combination of
micro-services that are combined towards business
processes using modelling approaches. For this,
Future ERP Systems: A Research Agenda
standardized notations such as BPMN may contribute
to common sense within the respective system
category. The approach of “modelling instead of
programming” may guide future progress in the
domain of ERP systems. More and more system
providers add the functionality of workflow designers
in their systems. This allows system users to add
specialized procedures to existing standard processes.
However, especially regarding the core processes in
ERP systems, the easy adaptability to specialized
conditions is limited.
3.3 Functionality
Concerning the functionality of ERP Systems,
different aspects are of interest from an academic and
business standpoint. With the emergence of highly
specialized software systems, for instance, for
logistics and manufacturing as well as customer-
related CRM-systems, the question regarding the
future role of ERP systems emerges. While from the
early generations of ERP systems different business
functions were combined, future setups may involve
less integrated enterprise systems with additional
specialized systems. The ERP then serves as the
central point of integration. This also poses
requirements regarding the interoperability of ERP
systems and their specialized counterparts.
Even though the standardization of ERP systems is
a major advantage, a major success factor of system
operation is the fulfilment of specialized domain
requirements such as in the automotive or health
industry. So far, an industry-standard ERP
implementation strategy has not been developed in the
past (Ali and Miller 2011). In this regard, the right level
of standardization and specialization remains an
important challenge for system providers. Also, system
concepts that allow for generic functionality with
domain specialization deserve further attention. With
the emergence of software platform architectures,
future system generations might also allow for third-
party contributions in the form of software modules
(e.g., extensions, add-ons) as part of the modular
software infrastructures (Tiwana et al. 2010).
3.4 Database / Data Model
Many of the identified issues are related to the data
layer and related data models that are to be addressed
in future research. The data layer in ERP systems
serves as the permanent representation of business
transactions. To do so, enterprise systems typically
rely on relational database systems. Relational
database systems have long been the standard in the
enterprise application field (Plattner 2009). However,
relational databases recently reveal weaknesses
concerning new requirements. Increased data
volumes constitute a challenge concerning analytical
requests on existing database architectures. From a
broader perspective, requests in enterprise systems
can be categorized into transactional (OLTP) and
analytical (OLAP) processes. While relational
databases perform well on transactional processes
they do not on complex analytics requests (Plattner
2009). So far weaknesses were usually counteracted
with increased resources in terms of hardware and
approaches such as in-memory databases. While
increased resources allow for faster processing of
database requests, they do not address the structural
problem of relational databases concerning analytical
requests (Meyer et al. 2015). Future research may
provide concepts to provide integrated or hybrid data
environments that allow for the required performance
regarding transactional and analytical requirements.
Enterprise systems and databases in specific are
faced with the field of tension between
standardization and individualization. With the aim of
ERP systems to integrate different products into one
coherent data model, they might fail to address the
individual specifics of related domains. While for
instance, one product might be a food product
stemming from a recipe, another product might be a
machine being composed of a bill of materials. While
standardization provides many advantages
concerning the uniform treatment of related products,
it might fail to cover the ever-increasing complexity
and specialization of products. New forms that allow
for a combination of standardization and covering the
particularities of products are to be identified in future
Databases of ERP systems need to be more
adaptive and self-automatized. While many database
approaches rely on predefined structures, the
potential of recognizing patterns in existing data
structures and data entries is not fully realized yet.
Master data management for a long has been a
challenge of enterprise systems. To improve related
issues, corresponding functions can be implemented
on the level of the data model. Therefore, findings
from related fields such as AI and machine learning
are to be adapted to the context of enterprise systems
data structure.
With the rising complexity of nowadays system
landscapes, interoperability becomes another urgent
topic. Not all companies have Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI) tools available and ERP system
typically offers few possibilities to manage and adapt
interfaces to other systems.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.5 Infrastructure
Concerning the infrastructure layer, three aspects
were identified. Modern hardware infrastructures
provide enhanced power for processing. For example,
new processor architectures allow for massively
parallel processing (Wust et al. 2012). Modern
enterprise systems should be able to utilize related
advantages for their operation. To do so, the software
architecture of an ERP system needs to be adapted
accordingly. In this regard, future research could
analyse the architecture of the systems and asses how
far ERP systems currently use related possibilities.
Moreover, the conception of architectural archetypes
allows deducting design principles for modern
systems architecture.
ERP systems as a central software instance in
companies should allow for the scalability of related
business operations. Scalability is required over the
long term, for instance when companies grow over
time, as well as in a short period, for instance in times
of high transaction volume such as Christmas
shopping. Moreover, scalability is required up- and
downwards. Future studies might identify which
system architectures do well with regard to scalability
and develop architectural principles that contribute to
ERP system’s scalability.
With the emergence of cloud-based software
provision and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings,
current and potential ERP users are faced with the
question of which is the most suitable type of
provision for them (Hinduja and Pandey 2019). While
some requirements, as well as regulations, may
restrict the use of cloud services, the option may be of
interest to many users. In this regard, research and
practice are requested to develop decision models that
allow for the identification of the ERP provision that
best fits their targets.
3.6 Adaptation
The possibilities of adoption in the ERP domain are
important for the implementation as well as the
operation phase.
During system implementation, the design of
ERP systems needs to allow for the adoption of the
system as a whole as well as on each layer. For
instance, the adoption of the user-experience layer
may allow for user-specific needs to enable more
effective system usage. Adoption of the business
process level involves reconfigurable business
processes. In terms of enterprise systems
functionality, it might be possible to add extra
functionality or include specialized systems. From an
overall perspective, ERP systems should balance their
power of standardization with the possibilities to
support individual companies, their operation, and
During the operation stage, systems need to be
adaptable to newer circumstances. So far, the
implementation of a newer system version still is a
common issue in ERP system operation (Barth and
Koch, 2019). Related upgrades are often considered
extensive projects with many costs involved (ibid.).
This position paper proposes a research agenda to
address problems that exist with the current
generation of ERP systems. Recent problems were
identified within the literature and presented
according to the traditional ERP lifecycle-oriented
Many of the problems during ERP selection,
implementation, and usage can be attributed to the
system’s design and architecture. As such, the authors
call for the consideration of the architecture of
enterprise systems as the root of related issues. To do
so, existing problems were mapped on a five-layer
reference architecture model. By that, future research
might be devoted to related issues in more specialized
domains rather than a consideration of ERP systems
as a whole. Specialized solutions can afterwards be
integrated into the overarching systems architecture.
Issues were identified for the infrastructure,
database, functional, control of business processes,
user interface, and adaptation layer. Indications for
further research are given. The research agenda
presented might foster the discussion on the future
role and architecture of ERP systems.
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Future ERP Systems: A Research Agenda