An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and
Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government Agency
Edna Dias Canedo
1 a
, Ana Paula Morais do Vale
, Rog
erio Machado Gravina
Rafael Leite Patr
2 b
, Leomar Camargo de Souza
1 c
, Vinicius Eloy dos Reis
abio L
ucio Lopes Mendonc¸a
2 d
and Rafael T. de Sousa Jr.
2 e
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia (UnB), Bras
ılia, DF, Brazil
National Science and Technology Institute on Cyber Security, Electrical Engineering Department,
University of Bras
ılia (UnB), Bras
ılia, DF, Brazil
General Coordination of Information Technology (CGTI), Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE),
ılia, DF, Brazil
Macroprocesses of ICT Management and Governance, Risk Identification, Provide ICT Governance, Provide
ICT Infrastructure, Tools and Techniques.
Risk management is of great importance, both in the risk management of private organizations and in public
administration organizations. Thus, in order to guarantee effective risk management and properly aligned
with the organizational objectives, it is necessary to map and continuously evaluate the possible risks that
may impact the organization’s service provision. This work presents the identification of the risks of the
Macroprocesses of Management and Governance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of a
federal public administration agency. The identification and classification of risks were carried out using the
integrity and risk management support system (AGIR). The classification of ICT risks carried out will support
stakeholders in decision making, allowing for a better assessment and quality of ICT services provided by the
organization to its users.
The process of providing Information and Communi-
cation Technology (ICT) governance contains several
uncertainties. One way to address the uncertainties
involved in this process is to understand how the risks
are inserted in the internal and external context of the
organization. Risks are the effects of uncertainty on
organizational goals, leading to a deviation from what
is expected, which can be positive (an opportunity) or
negative (Barafort et al., 2019). The ICT governance
risk assessment process, together with specific tools
and techniques, assists managers in decision making,
allowing them to understand the exposure and the po-
tential impact of risks tool organizational objectives.
It is the responsibility of the ICT manager to align
her/his actions to the organization’s strategic plan and
to seek techniques and tools to support it. This is done
so that decision-making guarantees the best evalua-
tion, the best performance, or the best agreement be-
tween the stakeholders’ expectations.
Joint Normative Instruction (INC) No. 1, of May
10, 2016, provides for the internal controls, risk man-
agement, and governance of ICT, which defines that
the agencies and entities of the Brazilian federal ex-
ecutive power must implement, maintain, monitor,
and review the risk management process, compatible
with its mission and its strategic objectives, observ-
ing the guidelines established in the INC. In addition,
it is defined that the bodies can use ISO/IEC 31000
(ISO/IEC, 2018b) and COSO (Moeller, 2007) as risk
management references.
The ISO/IEC 31000 guidelines and implementa-
tion guide are applicable to all types and sizes of orga-
nizations, as they all face external and internal influ-
ences and factors that may interfere with the achieve-
Canedo, E., Morais do Vale, A., Gravina, R., Patrão, R., Camargo de Souza, L., Reis, V., Mendonça, F. and Sousa Jr., R.
An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government Agency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010475902720279
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 272-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ment of their objectives. According to ISO/IEC
31000 (ISO/IEC, 2018b), risk management must be
based on outlined principles, structure, and processes.
Regarding the structure of risk management, the stan-
dard defines that its purpose is to support the organi-
zation in the integration of risk management in sig-
nificant activities and functions, this requires the sup-
port of interested parties, mainly from senior manage-
ment. The development of the risk structure includes
integration, design, implementation, evaluation, and
improvement of risk management through the organi-
zation (ISO/IEC, 2018b).
In view of the scenario of the federal public ad-
ministration agencies, we present in this article the
risk identification of the Macroprocess entitled: Man-
agement and Governance of ICT. This is a compe-
tency of CADE’s General Coordination of Informa-
tion Technology (CGTI) and the tool used for the as-
sessment was the Support System Integrity and Risk
Management (AGIR). The risk mapping will allow
the organization’s risk management officer to find
ways to minimize the risks in ICT management and
governance, offering a decision model to support the
manager in the provision of ICT services, in his con-
stant and routine assessment and decision making on
existing alternatives for the provision of ICT services.
Managing risks is an interactive activity and assists
organizations in establishing strategies to achieve
their goals and decision-making (ISO/IEC, 2018b). In
addition, managing risks contributes to the improve-
ment of organizational management systems (Hang-
graeni et al., 2019). Managing risks is part of all ac-
tivities associated with an organization and includes
interaction with stakeholders. Managing risks con-
siders the external and internal contexts of the organi-
zation, including human behavior and cultural factors
(ISO/IEC, 2018b).
The purpose of risk management is to create and
protect value, improving performance, encouraging
innovation, and supporting the achievement of or-
ganizational objectives. Principles are the basis for
managing risks and need to be considered when es-
tablishing the organization’s risk management struc-
ture and processes (Otto, 2020). The effectiveness
of risk management depends on its integration with
ICT governance and with all other organization’s ac-
tivities, including decision making (de Ara
ujo Lima
et al., 2020). Risk management requires the sup-
port of stakeholders, in particular, senior management
(Bernard, 2012). It is important that senior manage-
ment and supervisory bodies (where applicable) en-
sure that risk management is integrated with all ac-
tivities of the organization (Ghani and Farisya, 2019).
Senior management is responsible for managing risks,
while supervisory bodies are responsible for supervis-
ing risk management (ISO/IEC, 2018b).
In ICT management, concern about risks is a key
aspect, as it ensures that strategic business objectives
are not put at risk by ICT failures. The risks asso-
ciated with technical problems are increasingly evi-
dent on the managers’ agendas, given that the impact
on the business of this type of failure can have seri-
ous consequences, especially in the case of organiza-
tions with high strategic dependence on ICT (Netto
and Fernandes, 2013). In this sense, the investigation
of the elements of risk analysis, with regard to the
economic issues of the organization, has become an
area of importance, as there are rare situations where
economic decisions are made in ideal scenarios (Rana
et al., 2019). The sources of uncertainty are diverse
and extensive, and include risks related to the most
diverse concepts (Bejinariu, 2020). Because of this,
decisions made under risky situations, both public and
private, are of considerable interest (Chavas, 2004).
The information security risk regulation
(ISO/IEC, 2018a) provides pertinent informa-
tion on how the interactivity of risk management
activities takes place. According to the document, it
is necessary initially to establish the context and then
carry out the risk assessment process. The result of
this process is then subjected to an assessment with
the purpose of verifying whether the information
generated is sufficient to determine the necessary
actions to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. If
sufficient this step is completed and the risk treatment
process can be followed, if not, a new iteration is
performed, again evaluating the context, and criteria
used, possibly in limited parts of the scope (ISO/IEC,
It is important to note that the effectiveness of the
risk treatment process depends on the results obtained
in the assessment stage. To carry out this process, it
is necessary to apply in a cyclical manner the activ-
ities of (i) evaluating a risks treatment, (ii) deciding
whether the residual risk levels are acceptable, (iii)
generating a new treatment of the risk if the levels of
risks are not acceptable and (iv) evaluate the effective-
ness of the treatment (ISO/IEC, 2018a). At the end
of the treatment, there is a possibility that the resid-
ual risk level obtained is not satisfactory in this case
another iteration of the risk assessment process may
be necessary, with the aforementioned recommenda-
tions, but with the addition of an additional treatment
step of risks (ISO/IEC, 2018a).
An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government
For a risk to be accepted, residual risks must be
explicitly accepted by stakeholders, especially when
there are important decisions about whether or not
to implement controls. Therefore, for there to be ac-
cepted, it is important to communicate correctly about
the whole process, from identification and treatment,
so that interested parties can manage possible inci-
dents and also provide assistance in activities involv-
ing these steps (ISO/IEC, 2018a).
In the private sector, large audit institutions al-
ready use the concept of risk in their audit models
or work processes, alongside sampling and the evalu-
ation of internal controls, as tools to minimize eco-
nomic restrictions on audit activity (Freitas, 2002).
Most risk considerations are common among public
and private organizations, however, some differences
between risk approaches in the public and private sec-
tors are that, while in public companies the focus is
on agencies and programs, the private sector priori-
tizes the business. . This is due to the public sector
having systemic risk, where there is dependence on
various organizations. Another consideration is that,
while the public sector aims at the continuity of ser-
vices, private companies focus on profit, that is, value
for the customer instead of public value (value for the
citizen) (Hood and Rothstein, 2000).
The main goal of this article is to present the stages
of risk identification of the ICT management and
governance Macroprocesses of the General Coordina-
tion of Information and Communication Technology
(CGTI). We will present in detail the risks identified
for the processes: a) Provide ICT Governance; and b)
Provide ICT infrastructure. For the risk identification
stage, there are several techniques and tools that can
be applied to assist those responsible for this activity,
and each has its particularities. At different times in
the cyclical risk management process, different tools
may be needed. In addition, understanding which is
the best technique is an important step of the context
setting stage. Each organization must analyze which
of the existing tools is best suited to their organiza-
tional needs.
The ISO/IEC 31000 (ISO/IEC, 2019) standard, re-
ferring to techniques for the risk assessment process,
presents some recommendations of tools and tech-
niques, both for the risk identification step and for the
subsequent steps, such as risk assessment and analy-
sis. Borges (Borges, 2018) classified the main tech-
niques and tools of the ISO/IEC 31000 standard, ac-
cording to their applicability in each stage of the risk
assessment process. According to this classification,
and in the recommendations presented in ISO/IEC
31000 (ISO/IEC, 2019), we select the techniques that
are suitable for the risk identification stage, as shown
in Table 1.
Table 1: Tools and Techniques (Borges, 2018; ISO/IEC,
2018b; ISO/IEC, 2019).
Tools and Techniques Risk Identifica-
Brainstorming Strongly Suitable
Verification List Strongly Suitable
Structured or semi-
structured interviews
Strongly Suitable
Human reliability analysis Strongly Suitable
Delphi Strongly Suitable
HAZOP Strongly Suitable
Ferreira (Ferreira, 2017) presented a consolidation of
the techniques and tools most used in the risk assess-
ment process. The author proposed a risk manage-
ment model/process that used the technique of agile
methodologies to assess the identified risks. Table
2 presents the techniques consolidated by the author,
with the most suitable techniques and tools in the risk
identification stage and their use frequency. In this re-
search, we used the techniques presented in Table 2 to
carry out the risk assessment. It is possible to check
Table 2: Use frequency of techniques and tools for risk as-
sessment (Ferreira, 2017).
Tools and Techniques Use frequency
Semi-structured interviews 5
Brainstorming 4
Literature review based on sci-
entific articles
Historical database of typical
risks (owned or shared)
Questionnaire 3
through the information presented in Tables 1 and 2
the recurrence of some techniques. This is an im-
portant fact that can contribute to the initial choice of
methodology to carry out risk identification in an or-
ganization. Thus, this recurrence impacted our choice
of the techniques and tools selected to carry out the
identification and validation of risks in our case study.
3.1 Organization Overview
The General Coordination of Information and Com-
munication Technology (CGTI) is one of the coor-
dinations that make up CADE’s Administration and
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Planning Directorate (DAP). The Information Tech-
nology Master Plan (PDTI) 2017-2020 is the strategic
reference of the coordination, which comprises the
mission, vision and values of the ICT unit. CGTI’s
strategic objectives are established in the PDTI, with
a view to contributing to the organization’s objectives.
Figure 1 shows CGTI’s strategic planning ICT.
Figure 1: ICT Strategic Planning.
CADE has an ICT governance structure so that each
organizational unit and its risk managers periodically
identify, prioritize, monitor, and report to the In-
tegrity, Risk Management, Governance and Internal
Controls Committee (CORISC), the main risks and
mitigation actions that were planned. In addition, the
president of CADE and the general superintendent are
primarily responsible for establishing the organiza-
tion’s strategy and risk management structure. The
risk management process can be applied to the strate-
gic, operational, program, or project levels in the or-
4.1 Provide ICT Governance
According to ISO/IEC 38500 (ISO/IEC, 2018c), ICT
governance is the system by which the current and
future use of ICT is directed and controlled in the or-
ganization. Within the scope of CADE, the Manage-
ment Services and Governance (SEGOV) has as one
of its attributions to manage the risks related to ICT
management and governance, its other attributions are
presented in Table 3.
In its PDTI, CGTI also listed its ICT needs regard-
ing the strategic objective of Promoting ICT Man-
agement and Governance, which were considered at
the stage of establishing the context for identifying
risks, which are: 1)Implement and formalize the ICT
Risk Management processes, ICT Business Continu-
ity, Contracting and Management of ICT Goods and
Services Contracts, ICT Governance, Portfolio Man-
Table 3: SEGOV responsibilities.
SEGOV Responsibilities
Plan, coordinate and guide the procurement and
contract management actions related to manage-
ment and governance.
Manage projects related to ICT management and
Deploy and sustain management and governance
Identify, evaluate and propose technology solu-
tions to support CADE’s final activities.
Propose policies and guidelines regarding the
planning, implementation and maintenance of ac-
tivities related to ICT governance.
Formulate and maintain ICT governance and man-
agement model.
agement and ICT Projects and ICT Service Man-
agement; 2)Knowledge management project; 3)Stan-
dardization of Contracting Artifacts and Acquisition
of ICT assets and; 4)Implementation of the data qual-
ity and integration solution. In a case study carried out
within the scope of CADE by Canedo et al. (Canedo
et al., 2020), after applying a questionnaire to CGTI
members/employees, the authors identified among the
processes not defined and not implemented, the ICT
Service Continuity processes, ICT project manage-
ment and ICT Service Management. In addition, the
authors identified the absence of some artifacts related
to the ICT processes that were already implemented at
Thus, based on the strategic objectives of the
PDTI, the needs of ICT and the assignments of
SEGOV, we started the identification of risks in the
process of Providing Management and Governance of
ICT. In this initial phase, we use the Brainstorming
technique with the CGTI team, the Table 5 presents
the identified risks, their causes and possible effects,
the typology of the risk event, as well as pointing out
internal controls that already exist CGTI referring to
each identified risk. Once the risk events related to
the ICT management and governance process were
identified by the CGTI team, the risk assessment pro-
cess defined by the ISO 31000 (ISO/IEC, 2018b) stan-
dard can proceed to the next step, risk analysis, which
aims to understand the nature and characteristics of
the risks identified.
4.2 Provide ICT Infrastructure
In CADE’s context, ICT management and governance
is a macro-process that has several linked level 1 pro-
cesses. Among them is the process of Provide ICT
An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government
Infrastructure. The CGTI has subordinate sectors re-
sponsible for exercising attributions that help the de-
velopment of its macro-process, and the unit respon-
sible for the process Provide ICT Infrastructure is the
Security and Infrastructure Service (SESIN) The ap-
plication of the Risk Management process accord-
ing to ISO/IEC 31000 (ISO/IEC, 2018b) has several
stages, and it is important that the activities inherent
to each phase of the process are respected.
The context-setting phase reinforces the need for
specific techniques and tools, as well as the approach
and important documentation definition to help iden-
tify risks. Among the identified inputs, we have the
PDTI, from which information was extracted. This
information was related to CADE’s ICT needs involv-
ing the ICT strategic objective related to Providing
ICT Infrastructure and ICT Management and Gover-
nance. In addition, we also analyzed the ICT Strategic
Plan (PETIC), as there is a capillarity of the informa-
tion provided in both documents, PDTI and PETIC,
since the strategic objectives of ICT are defined in
In addition to these documents, the factors consid-
ered important to be included in the ICT risk identifi-
cation stage were extracted from the ISO/IEC 310000
(ISO/IEC, 2018b), these factors can be seen in Table
4. The identification of risks took into account the du-
ties of SESIN to define the risks inherent in the pro-
cess Provide ICT Infrastructure, and through the ap-
plication of the defined techniques and tools (Tables 1
and 2) and based on the factors listed in the standard,
the risks described in Table 6 were identified within
CADE’s infrastructure team. It is important to high-
light that, for the risks of the process of Provide ICT
Infrastructure, only the first identification stage was
carried out, where it is necessary to submit the items
to critical analysis so that the risks are validated by
the managers. The risks identified in the Provide ICT
Infrastructure sub-process will be monitored and vali-
dated with the teams involved in SESIN’s assignment
activities and, if necessary, possible adjustments will
be made. In the future, we will propose a contingency
plan to mitigate the identified risks.
The present work has some threats that can limit or
even compromise our results. The first is related to
the difficulty of communication with the members
of CADE’s ICT governance team, as this factor may
have contributed to different factors, such as: (i) sur-
vey of irrelevant or superficial risks to the context of
the organization; (ii) potential risks ignored due to lit-
Table 4: Factors to be considered when identifying risks.
Risk Identification: Factors
Tangible and intangible sources of risk
Causes and events
Threats and opportunities
Vulnerabilities and capabilities
Changes in external and internal contexts
Emerging risk indicators
Nature and value of assets and resources
Consequences and their impacts on objectives
Limitations of knowledge and reliability of in-
Time factors
Biases, hypotheses and beliefs of those involved
tle knowledge of the areas involved; and (iii) the com-
plete non-validation of all risks identified during the
risk identification process. To try to mitigate these
risks, we held several meetings with the organiza-
tion’s ICT governance participants to present and dis-
cuss the risks identified. It is also important to high-
light a possible external risk that is related to the cadre
of people that make up CADE’s ICT team, where cur-
rently, the majority of the team is made up of non-
effective employees and with that, some risks may
not have been identified in our research, due to the
lack of knowledge of some employees in relation to
the organization’s ICT Management and Governance
processes. However, in order to mitigate this risk,
we held meetings with managers to validate the risks
identified and discuss the perception of employees.
Finally, the last threat is related to the fact that ICT
processes are not fully mapped by the ICT manage-
ment and governance team. This can give members
of the ICT governance team a limited view of the pos-
sible risks related to their activities and their impacts
on the organization.
This work allowed those involved to understand the
initial steps regarding the risk management process.
The study of the regulations was important to know
the activities corresponding to the definition of the
context and identification of the risks of ICT. It was
possible to verify that with the development of the
steps for defining techniques and tools for the iden-
tification of risks, it was possible to obtain important
inferences and insights with the stakeholders in the
definition of the factors to be considered to identify
the risks relevant to the context of the organization.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Risk Events Identified in the ICT Management and Governance Process.
Events Causes Effects Typology Internal Con-
R01. Failures
in the im-
of the Risk
process at
1. Lack of knowledge and
awareness about risk man-
agement for all team mem-
1.Exposure to risks that
may affect the business
Operational 1. Ordinances
and rules re-
garding risk
management at
2. Failure to prioritize the
risk management process
2. Non-compliance
with best practices and
regulations (compli-
3. Failure to implement the
AGIR system
3. Accountability
R02. Non-
of project
1. Team members with
experience in projects
cause non-prioritization of
the process
1. Delay in project de-
2. Some members lack ba-
sic knowledge on projects
2. Failure to achieve the
expected results
3. Low standardization of
project management con-
3. Non-standard in
project management
R03. Failures
in the man-
agement of
ICT human
1. Lack of corporate people
management systems
1. High turnover of
Operational 1. Norms re-
lated to people
2. Failure in setting new
2. Difficulties in the
continuity of processes
3. Lack of performance
measurement procedures
3. Low performance of
4. Development of leaders
on topics related to people
R04. Non-
of knowledge
1. Low culture of knowl-
edge management
1. Loss of organiza-
2. Lack of process defini-
2. Discontinuity
3. Failure to prioritize
knowledge management
3. Rework in training
new employees
R05. Failure to
deliver CGTI
value to the
1. Failure in the strategic
alignment between busi-
ness and ICT
1. Failing to deliver ex-
pected results and ac-
Strategic 1. Governance
2. Failure in how the ICT
area communicates its rel-
evance to senior manage-
2. Failure in budget ex-
3. Failures in the gover-
nance structures of CADE
3. Impact on achieving
the objectives of the or-
4. Understanding effort
and resources in non-
relevant initiatives
An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government
Table 6: Risk Events identified in the Provide ICT Infrastructure process.
Work Process Risk
Plan, coordinate and guide the acquisition and
management of infrastructure contracts
1. Lack of technical knowledge of the product or
equipment to be purchased
2. Lack of knowledge of laws and regulations
3. Failure to communicate project requirements
and needs
4. Poorly dimensioned service provision contracts
related to ICT activities
5. Lack of budgetary resources for acquisitions
Manage infrastructure-related projects 1. Poorly designed project scope
2. Poorly sized team for managing demands
Deploy and sustain communication and connec-
tivity solutions
1. Lack of training for the responsible team
2. Difficulty in accessing the organization’s sys-
tems and resources
3. Failure of network assets
4. Internet link unavailability
5. Failure to back up data before deploying a so-
Manage infrastructure-related risks 1. Unavailability of systems
2. Longer incident response time
3. Failure in the institution’s logical or physical
Identify, evaluate and propose technology solu-
tions to support CADE’s final activities
1. Hiring obsolete technology solutions
2. Lack of access to systems and resources due to
lack of licensing
3. Poor assessment of the needs of the final areas
by the ICT area
4. Data exposure due to acquired solution vulner-
Coordinate the support of ICT assets 1. Lack of maintenance contracts
2. Lack of trained personnel to support ICT assets
3. Lack of help desk contracts
Assist users in the operation of ICT assets 1. Lack of knowledge of the help desk in relation
to some organization’s systems
2. Lack of communication regarding the operation
of ICT assets
Maintain operability of the CADE secure room 1. Interruption of electricity supply
2. Air conditioning equipment failure
3. Failure in the standby generator in the event of
a power interruption
4. Lack or failure of preventive maintenance
5. Unauthorized physical access
6. Difficulty in physical access to the secure room
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This allows for standardization and decentralization
of activities inherent to the process, allowing model-
ing to be carried out in such a way that the organiza-
tion is able to define a standard, according to its needs.
In our findings, it is possible to conclude that, due to
the cyclic nature of the risk management process it
is possible to apply different techniques in the same
steps, but in different situations, that is, it is not nec-
essary to define a specific technique for each step of
the process, but to define a set of techniques and tools
at different times for the same stage. As future work,
we will carry out the identification of the risks of the
other processes at level 1, and analyze whether the
techniques and tools used will also adhere to the other
processes. In addition, we will apply the risk identi-
fication process to other organizations and carry out a
comparison of the results, ranking the techniques and
tools most adherent to each process.
The authors would like to thank the support of
the Brazilian research, development and innova-
tion agencies CAPES (grants 23038.007604/2014-
69 FORTE and 88887.144009/2017-00 PROBRAL),
CNPq (grants 312180/2019-5 PQ-2, BRICS2017-591
LargEWiN, and 465741/2014-2 INCT in Cybersecu-
rity) and FAP-DF (grants 0193.001366/2016 UIoT
and 0193.001365/2016 SSDDC), as well as the co-
operation projects with the Ministry of the Econ-
omy (grants DIPLA 005/2016 and ENAP 083/2016),
the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of
the Republic (grant ABIN 002/2017), the Adminis-
trative Council for Economic Defense (grant CADE
08700.000047/2019-14), and the General Attorney of
the Union (grant AGU 697.935/2019).
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An Applied Risk Identification Approach in the ICT Governance and Management Macroprocesses of a Brazilian Federal Government