Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of
Medical System Database Application
Pierrette Annie Evina
, Faouzi Jaidi
, Faten Labbene Ayachi
and Adel Bouhoula
University of Carthage, Higher School of Communication of Tunis (Sup'Com), LR18TIC01 Digital Security Research Lab,
Tunis, Tunisia
University of Carthage, National School of Engineers of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia
Arabian Gulf University Department of Next-Generation Computing, College of Graduate Studies, Kingdom of Bahrain
Keywords: Anomaly Detection, Vulnerability Mask, Access Control, Databases Security.
Abstract: In Information Systems (IS) and specifically in databases, both internal and external attacks require a lot of
attention. Due to inadequate manipulations in these systems, the access control policy (ACP) which is
designed to control and protect resources from non-authorized users, may be subject to diverse alterations in
its expression with significant anomalies. In the present paper, we study and establish basic scenarios that
are encountered in such circumstances. We discuss other advanced scenarios based on correlation cases
between basic ones. We mainly consider three basic concepts: Hidden User, Corrupted User and ACP
vulnerability. Our contribution consists in the definition of a vulnerability mask, which makes it possible to
calculate all the critical objects and to classify malicious users. This allows fine and reliable configuration of
the risk management systems and the audit system as well as an objective and optimized analysis of log files
and audit data. We present the architecture of our approach for the detection of anomalies in a correlated
risk management context. Our contribution specifically considers groups of anomalies for which
occurrences are linked both temporally and spatially.
Databases (DB), as central nodes in Information
Systems (IS), are particularly concerned by security
measures. So, several procedures and actions can be
taken or initiated for that purpose and the access
control policy makes it possible to filter or control
users in systems and installations.
According to “insider threats report of 2019”, a
significant majority of organizations (60%) have
experienced one or more insider attacks within the
last 12 months. The term Insider Threat is often
associated to employees with malicious intentions to
directly harm the company through theft or
sabotage. In truth, negligent employees or
contractors can unintentionally pose an equally high
risk of security breaches and leaks by accident. But
insider threat solutions should detect and address all
insider threats, regardless of the underlying
motivation or cause (Insider threats report, 2019).
So, by monitoring the database activity, intrusions
and malicious users are regularly detected leading to
a better an adequate risks assessment.
Regarding the implementation of the access
control policy, we handle this problem for a
relational database system. We scrutinize the access
control policy and we address the attacks scenarios
that appear when the access control policy evolves
over time. Using log files, we develop a message
filtering mechanism to retrieve the necessary
messages. We consider different intrusion scenarios
in order to establish a comparison between them.
From this comparison, an assessment of the risk
factor of each object in the system follows according
to the intrusion scenarios in which they are involved.
Our contribution highlights an attack scenario
construction that takes into consideration the
correlations, as described in (Evina et al., 2018),
between anomalies that occur in an access control
policy during its evolution. It consists in defining a
vulnerability mask which makes it possible to
calculate all the critical objects and to classify
malicious users for a fine and reliable configuration
of the risk management systems and the audit
system. We propose an approach which goes deeply
in the expression of a security policy, considers its
Evina, P., Jaidi, F., Ayachi, F. and Bouhoula, A.
Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of Medical System Database Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0010475303480355
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2021), pages 348-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
evolution and formally identifies the different
classes of anomalies in the expression of the policy
because we believe that the cohabitation of several
anomalies can initiate more complex attack
scenarios. The architecture of the anomalies
detection approach in a correlated risk management
context is also presented in the present paper.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follow: in section 2, we present the state-of-the-art.
In section 3, we present our detection approach for
the specific case of inconsistency anomalies and
partial implementation anomalies. In section 4, we
discuss our solution and present some perspectives.
In section 5 we conclude and give an overview of
the work in progress.
The existing solutions in the insider threat field can
be categorized according to the strategy for threat
detection into signature-based solutions, rule-based
solutions and user behavior analytics. The signature-
based technique concerns the misuse detection. It
has a predefined repository that contains the set of
patterns that describe the different misuse scenarios.
This technique fails to account for unknown threats.
The rule-based technique relies on a set of rules for
detecting intrusion scenarios. The user behavior
analytics is a technique which studies the user
behavior in order to detect potential threats. These
techniques differ from each another by used
algorithms in each approach. Anyway, various
works exist in each particular field.
For intrusion detection (ID) in relational
database management system (RDBMS), the
proposed approach in (Senthil et al., 2013) defines
an ID mechanism that consists of two main elements
tailored for RDBMS: an anomaly detection system
(ADS) and an anomaly response system (ARS). In
the ADS, the construction of database access
profiles of role and users and the use of such profiles
for the AD tasks are concerned. Alongside their
paper, the authors describe the response component
of their intrusion detection system for a DBMS that
response to an anomalous user request.
Considering malicious insiders, authors in (Khan
et al., 2018) take a sequence of queries rather than
one SQL query in isolation and a model behavior to
detect malicious RDBMS accesses using frequent
and rare item sets mining. They consider their
approach as an alternative to the conventional
anomaly-based detection approach because auditing
log for data mining needs are not anomalies free and
can already contain possible anomalies. They extend
their approach with the conventional anomaly-based
detection approach in order to detect the mimicry
attacks or frequent attacks query pattern.
In (Ramachandran et al., 2018), authors propose
a novel method of anomaly detection in role-
administrated relational database”. They produce a
mechanism for finding the anomalies in RBAC
policies by using machine learning technique such as
classification using a support vector machine (SVM)
classifier. The detection is made through three
phases: the profile creation; the training phase; and
the intrusion detection phase.
In (Sallam et al., 2016), authors propose to detect
anomalies in user access by learning profiles of
normal access patterns in different database
management systems. Database exfiltration attempt
from insiders is particularly concerned. They make a
classification of detected anomalies by using a naive
Bayesian and the multi-labeling methods. The
related architecture is presented in the paper. An
internal representation of the queries is also
presented followed by the description of the use of
classification and clustering to detect anomalies.
In “Detection of Temporal Insider Threats to
Relational Database”, Sallam et al. propose
techniques for detecting anomalous accesses in
relational databases, that are able to track users
actions across time. In order to detect correlated
ones that collectively flag anomalies, they deal with
queries that retrieve amounts of data larger than
normal (Sallam et al., 2017).
Although anomalies detection is an effective
technique for flagging early signs of insider attacks,
modern techniques for the detection of anomalies in
databases are not able to detect several sophisticated
data updates and aggregation of data by insider that
exceeds his or her need to perform job functions
(Sallam et al., 2019). In their paper, the authors
propose an anomaly detection technique designed to
detect data aggregation and attempt to track data
updates. Their technique captures the normal data
access rates from past logs of user activity during a
training phase (Sallam et al., 2019), then they build
profiles for DB tables and tuples. This technique
operates in two phases: training and detection.
Authors in (Grushka-Cohen, 2019) present Data
Activity Monitoring Systems (DAMS) that are
commonly used by organizations to protect the
organizational data, knowledge and intellectual
properties. A DAMS has two roles: monitoring
(documenting activities) and alerting anomalous
activities. Generally, such systems are just using
sample of activity due to the high amount of data.
Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of Medical System Database Application
They redefine the sampling problem as a special
case of multi-armed bandits (MAB) problem. Their
algorithm explores randomly and uses expert
knowledge to analyze the effect of diversity on
coverage and downstream event detection tasks
using simulated datasets. DAMS are used to help
implementing security policies and detecting attacks
and data abuse. The authors suggest the
incorporation of the concept of diversity into logging
policies. They use MABs as a strategy for policy
setting based on sampling for decision-making, to
set data collection policy in their anomaly detection
system. In this work, authors suggest the viewing of
the diverse problems for DAMS sampling strategies
as a MAB problem, where the risk of the
transactions logged is used as the reward function.
Studies on attack scenarios are usually completed
and reinforced by the assessment of the risk of
occurrence of anomalies in access control policies.
Several authors have looked into that issue.
The authors in (Atlam et al., 2020) present
traditional Access Control (ACL, DAC, MAC, and
RBAC are the common and popular approaches or
examples of traditional access control) and Dynamic
Access Control (Risk-based access control, trust-
based access control, and combination of risk with
trust are common examples of dynamic access
control). They recall that dynamic access control
adaptive to unpredicted situations and conditions
that policies could not expect. Resolving risks and
threats in real time, especially when handling a
previously unidentified threat is important. So, they
provide a systematic review and examination of the
state-of-the-art of the risk-based access control
A synthetic study of risk-based access control
approaches was also presented in (Evina et al.,
2020). In order to compare the different approaches
encountered in the literature, the specificities of each
approach have been highlighted through some
defined criteria.
The authors of (Cao et al., 2020) propose an
effective access control framework and risk
assessment approach for policy enforcement to
assess user’s behaviors. The user's risk value is
calculated based on their historical behavior and the
current access request.
The authors of (Costante et al., 2013) for
example, have developed a machine learning system
that automatically acquires knowledge related to
normal user behavior during database manipulation.
Their system compares the user's SQL requests
exchanged with the database server and also
evaluates the sensitivity of the data manipulated in
order to avoid data leaks in the database. In
(Darwish, 2016), the author proposes to detect
anomalies using the correlation between queries in
DBMS transactions with log records.
In the context of IoT, authors in (Cramer et al.,
2018) propose an approach to detect anomalous
behavior of devices by analyzing event data. In fact,
data is analyzed to detect automatically unusual
behavior patterns. The paper is concerned with
transaction caused by devices with servers. They
develop a general purpose analysis template for the
detection of anomalies through feature generation,
data aggregation and data analysis.
Literature provides very little work that deals
with technical problems related to an unauthorized
modification in the expression of ACP. Our
approach deals with the formal identification of
different classes of anomalies in the expression of
the policy because we believe that the cohabitation
of several anomalies can initiate more advanced
attack scenarios. Our intention is to define and
characterize a risk management system based on the
investigation of anomalies taken individually and the
investigation of possible correlations between
certain anomalies.
3.1 Principle and Anomalies
As previously explained, an ACP is subject to
delinquency or misconduct by malicious users, when
in use.
So, let (U, P, R, AUR, APR, ARR) be a state of
the ACP denoted ACP
assumed to be a reference
state because it is valid at an instant T
and such
• U: all users with authentication parameters.
• R: all valid roles.
• P: the set of valid permissions.
• AUR: all valid assignments of roles to users.
• ARR: the valid role hierarchy.
APR: all valid assignments of permissions to
Over time, the access control policy has
undergone various changes.
Let ACP’ = (U’, P’, R ’, AUR’, APR’, ARR’) be
a state of the ACP at a time T’ assumed to be the
current state and such that:
• U’: all defined users.
• R’: all roles.
• P’: all permissions.
• AUR’: all roles assignments to users.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
• ARR’: all roles assignments to roles.
APR’: the set of permissions assignments to
The observed deviations in the expression of
ACP’ relative to ACP
are referred to as
nonconformity anomalies and are of four types:
inconsistency anomalies, redundancy anomalies,
contradiction anomalies and partial implementation
anomalies (Jaidi et al., 2019). We are interested in
the last two types of anomalies because the value of
the risk factor that these anomalies generate is from
As for inconsistency anomalies, one of the
following conditions is verified:
- New users, permissions and / or roles not
defined in ACP
are defined in ACP’.
- New assignments (assignments of permissions
to roles and / or roles to users) not valid in ACP
defined in ACP’.
- The role hierarchy in ACP’ covers the valid
role hierarchy in ACP
The formal calculation of the gap between the
two policies in this case makes it possible to
highlight the following components:
• Set of hidden users noted HU so that:
HU = U’ - U.
• Set of hidden permissions noted HP so that:
HP = P’ - P.
• Set of hidden roles noted HR and so that:
HR = R’ - R.
• Set of hidden assignments of permissions to
roles noted HAPR and so that:
Set of hidden role assignments to roles denoted
HARR and so that:
• Set of hidden role assignments to users denoted
HAUR and so that:
The inference system which makes it possible to
calculate each of these set respectively is correct and
complete. The HAUR set can be developed to
distinguish the following assignments:
- Assignment of hidden roles to valid users.
- Assignment of valid roles to hidden users.
- Assignment of hidden roles to hidden users.
We therefore introduce the additional and invalid
pseudo-politics (HU, HP, HR, HAPR, HARR,
Otherwise, partial implementation anomalies
occur whenever we notice the absence of one or
more components of the ACP’ compared to the
components of the same category present in ACP
The following conditions are verified:
- Users previously defined in the ACP
specification) but not referenced in ACP '.
- Roles initially identified in ACP
but not
defined in the implemented policy.
- Missing segments in the role hierarchy.
- Missing assignments of valid permissions to
valid roles.
- Missing assignments of valid roles to valid
The analysis of the difference calculated between
and ACP’ makes it possible to highlight the
following new components:
Set of missing users. This set is denoted MU
such that:
MU = U - U’
• Set of missing roles noted MR such as:
MR = R - R’
Set of missing assignments of permissions to
roles noted MAPR and such as:
The pseudo-policy (MU, MP, MR, MAPR, MARR,
MAUR) is normally valid but not deployed in ACP".
Table 1 summarizes the different cases of
anomalies in the policy.
Table 1: Current implemented policy.
Valid ACP
Initial and
Policy ACP”
(with missed
ACP’ (not
(current or
3.2 Masks and Vulnerabilities
When a permission is mentioned in the access
control policy, it defines an action authorized by the
security administrator on a given object of the
database which is then said to be visible object.
Let (U, P, R, AUR, APR, ARR) be the reference
access control policy and let perm 𝜖 P. perm is a
valid permission and corresponds to an authorization
Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of Medical System Database Application
to perform an action a on an object o of the database.
We denote it by perm = (a, o).
Now, we consider (HU, HP, HR, HAUR, HAPR,
HARR) the hidden and invalid access control policy
section and perm’ ϵ HP.
We analyze the pair (user, permission), also
noted (user, (action, object)), when it is related to a
hidden permission. At this stage we talk about a
vulnerability because the illegal granting of
privileges to users is a security breach and an
uncontrolled opening to the outside.
We identify, in table 2, the following masks to
discuss possible vulnerabilities.
Table 2: Identification of masks.
Class Vulnerability
(u, (ă, o))
Authorized user u who is
granted an illegal action ă on
a visible object o.
(u, (, õ))
Authorized user u granted
unauthorized permission
(…, õ).
(ũ, (ă, o))
Unauthorized user ũ to
whom an illegal action ă has
been assigned on a visible
object o.
(ũ, (, õ))
Unauthorized user ũ with an
unauthorized permission
(..., õ).
(ũ, (a, o))
Unauthorized user ũ who is
assigned a valid access
permission (a, o).
The security mechanisms deployed in the
database servers record only the actions performed
by users of the database objects. Assuming that these
vulnerabilities have been exploited by users, it is
appropriate to investigate the log files. The
identified masks make our task easier because they
allow us to calculate the filters for browsing these
Vulnerability masks highlight two types of users
to watch out for:
Users known to the access control system but
considered corrupt or "insiders" be-cause they are
capable of performing illegal actions on the
Unauthorized users or intruders”, initially not
specified in the reference ACP and are therefore
These two sets of users are calculated by the
following algorithm (Algorithm 1), where leaf (r) is
a function that returns all the leaves of the root tree
Algorithm 1: Insiders and Intruders Computing.
Step 1 :
Calculate the set of roles that can be reached
from hidden permissions
FirstLevelRoles =
{r R HR / perm HP ˄ (perm’, r)
Step 2 :
For each element in FirstLevelRoles find all the
terminal roles (leaves) associated with it by
LeafRoles = {r R HR / r leaf (r) ˄
Step 3:
Calculate the two sets
Insiders = {u U / (u, r) ARR HARR ˄ r
Intruders = {u HU / (u, r) ARU HARU
˄ r LeafRoles}
For simplificaion reasons, we consider the
following sets represented in figure 1, that
materialize the five categories of users.
Figure 1: Users categories.
Wecan now easly check that:
• Insiders U
• Intruders HU.
In addition to being hidden users, thieves have
illegal permissions on the database.
• Class (5) highlights hidden users which belongs
to the (HU – Intruders) set.
3.3 Algorithms
Taking into account the coexistence of anomalies as
well as the correlation between these anomalies, we
defined “compositional abnormalities”.
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Compositional anomalies are the reason of our
scientific contribution in our research activities.
They refer to any anomaly, resulting from the
association of one or more basic non-compliance
Portions of detection codes are given below.
The first one shows the procedure of basics
anomalies detection, and is expressed as follows for
some basic anomalies.
The following code shows the procedure of
detection of compositional anomalies.
We implemented our approach and highlighted
the relevance of our solution based on a review of
obtained results, from a real world context of a
medical system application called “SanPlus App”
used by the medical center “Clinique Santé Plus” for
managing employees, patients, services, etc.
Figure 2, as an example, is a screenshot showing
the identification of a hidden user. Much
information is retrieved such as the number of such
anomaly, its name, its type, its description, the date
of occurrence, the intrusion scenario, etc. In the next
section, we illustrate how we evaluate the risk
associated to such anomaly and even the correlated
risk when another anomaly appears concomitantly.
Our attacks scenarios module is part of our
Correlated Risk Management System deployed in
our “Santé Plus App”.
In our risk assessment approach, we consider the
residual risk which is defined here as the difference
between the risk of a compositional anomaly and the
resultant risk of anomalies when occurring alone.
We think that the mentioned residual risk is not
insignificant when it is mastered and therefore, it
makes it possible to minimize the impact of
anomalies on the integrity of information system
resources. Consequently, we assess the overall risk
of anomalies during the evolution of the expression
of the ACP by taking into account on the one hand
the risks of appearance of the various anomalies
taken one by one and on the other hand the residual
risk resulting from the cohabitation of anomalies.
nomalyInterceptor(userAction) !=
initialize(anomaly) ;
gth() >= 2){
anomaly.setType( ‘Compositional
anomaly) ;
Var tabBasicAnomalies :[1…] list
of basic anomalies;
Var tabTransactionAnomalies :
[1…] list of transaction anomalies ;
Var i,j :entier ;
i 1 ;j1 ;
i i+1;
un()==null) ;
j j+1;
}while(detection_anomaly_trans.a ;
tabTransactionAnomalies) ;
anomaly ”);
AnomalyInterceptor(userAction) !=
anomaly =
ns(user) AND anomaly.getRoles()==
AND ! tabUsersImp.contains(user)){
if(!tabUsers.contains(user) AND
Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of Medical System Database Application
Figure 2: Identification and risk assessment of hidden users.
In figure 2 above, the risk of a particular
anomaly has been evaluated. Particularly here, is the
value of the hidden user anomaly.
The risk associated with the presence of
anomalies in the access control policy at a given
time is given by the formula (1) where Ri (An)
represents the risk associated with each Anomaly
and Ri (Att) represents the risk of an attribute
defined in the ACP and preserved in the ACP'.
× 𝟏𝟎𝟎 (1)
The correlation risk r, computed according to
formula (2), is such that:
R is the value of the risk associated with the
presence of anomalies in the access control
policy at a given time
Ri corresponds to the value of risk associated
with each Anomaly
N represents the number of defections in ACP.
| | is an operator denoting the absolute value. |x|
denoting the absolute value of the quantity x.
The study allows us to highlight critical objects and
thus determine the incident users with a given
authorization. Thus, we can evaluate the security
impact associated while assigning permission to a
given user. To do so, a defined vulnerability mask
undoubtedly allows us to prevent incidents or
events. Thanks to the vulnerability mask, the
exploration of log-files is a little easier and the
detection of anomalies is technically less difficult.
From a risk management perspective,
vulnerability removal involves disabling roles
associated with invalid permissions and updating the
access control policy by removing invalid
assignments. It will also be a matter of closing the
gates by adjusting the audit parameters to monitor
and record the future activity of corrupt users
(insiders) and control the actions on critical database
The identified masks make our task easier
because they allow us to calculate the filters for
browsing log-files.
Throughout this work, we are interested in attack
scenarios that appear in access control policies
during their evolution. Indeed, an ACP which
evolves in time can have its expression that does not
match with the expression initially known or
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
implemented. This fact reveals a certain number of
anomalies known as non-conformity ones. We
developed an intrusion detection approach that takes
into account the correlation that may exist between
these anomalies, with our “correlated threats
management system (CORMSYS)”. This is a
novelty as many works exist in the field of anomaly
or threat detection which do not especially explore
that aspect of correlation. In our future work, we
intend to manage the risk related to such anomalies,
according to identified users’ behavior, by
developing the RMS subsystem which is briefly
described here.
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Attacks Scenarios in a Correlated Anomalies Context: Case of Medical System Database Application