Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep
José Almeida
and Fátima Rodrigues
Polytechnic of Porto, School of Engineering, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, Porto, Portugal
Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC), Polytechnic of Porto, School of Engineering, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Stress Detection, Emotion, Facial Expression Classification, Convolutional Neural Networks.
Abstract: Stress is the body's natural reaction to external and internal stimuli. Despite being something natural,
prolonged exposure to stressors can contribute to serious health problems. These reactions are reflected not
only physiologically, but also psychologically, translating into emotions and facial expressions. Based on this,
we developed a proof of concept for a stress detector. With a convolutional neural network capable of
classifying facial expressions, and an application that uses this model to classify real-time images of the user's
face and thereby assess the presence of signs of stress. For the creation of the classification model was used
transfer learning together with fine-tuning. In this way, we took advantage of the pre-trained networks VGG16,
VGG19, and Inception-ResNet V2 to solve the problem at hand. For the transfer learning process two
classifier architectures were considered. After several experiments, it was determined that VGG16, together
with a classifier based on a convolutional layer, was the candidate with the best performance at classifying
stressful emotions. The results obtained are very promising and the proposed stress-detection system is non-
invasive, only requiring a webcam to monitor the user's facial expressions.
Demanding jobs are a significant cause of stress in
people. Situations like frequent exposure to danger,
short deadlines, rigorous tasks or even repetitive tasks
are some stress originators.
Nearly one in three workers in Europe and the
United States report that they are affected by stress at
work. Work-related stress, depression, and anxiety
can result in reduced work performance and
absenteeism, costing an estimated 3% to 4% of gross
national product (Dewa & Hoch, 2015). Also, about
61% of European institutions participating in the
2019 EU-OSHA study (EU-OSHA, 2019) reported
that a reluctance to talk openly about these issues
seems to be the main difficulty for addressing
psychosocial risks.
There is evidence that stress conditions are both
preventable and treatable in the workplace and that
workers who receive treatment are more likely to be
more productive (Carolan et al., 2017). Hence, non-
intrusive stress sensing tools that continuously
monitor stress levels, with a minimal impact on
workers’ daily lives, could be used to automatically
initiate stress-reduction interventions. In stressful
work settings, these applications could not only lead
to more timely and reduced-cost interventions, but
also to more productive environments where workers
could better manage their workload.
1.1 Facial Expressions and Stress
Every day, people communicate with each other, not
only verbally, but also with gestures and facial
expressions. Often these gestures and facial
expressions are automatic, and the transmitter does
not even realize that he/she is executing them. This
unintentional information is the primary way to know
the transmitter's emotions in a non-invasive way.
There are facial expressions that express the same
emotion universally. These are called universal facial
expressions of emotion. There is ample consensus in
the scientific community (Ekman, 2016) about the
universality of five emotions: anger, disgust, fear,
happiness and sadness. In this same study, scientists
also agreed on the relationship between emotions and
Almeida, J. and Rodrigues, F.
Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0010474202560263
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 256-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
moods. Like other emotions and moods, stress can
also be manifested from facial expressions, gestures,
and even from the voice. Stress does not have an
universal facial expression of emotion however, there
are studies (Dinges et al., 2005), (Lerner et al., 2007)
where the feeling of stress was validated by the
increase in cortisol levels and cardiac activity, that
confirm the relationship between facial expressions
and stress. In these studies, the negative emotions
anger, disgust, and fear were unquestionably related
with stress.
1.2 State of the Art in Stress Detection
Automatic stress detection has been studied for many
years. From some intrusive approaches, such as saliva
or blood tests, to less intrusive approaches, with the
collection of images.
One of those works are the study (Gao et al.,
2014) where a camera mounted inside the dashboard
of a car collected images of the driver face for the
detection of stress. Using Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) trained in public facial expression datasets,
the collected images were then classified into one of
six facial expressions. An algorithm would
subsequently count the classifications within a time
window. If the number of anger and disgust
classifications exceeds a specific threshold, the driver
would be considered under stress. The best classifier
obtained was trained, not only with the images from
the public datasets but also with images of the
subjects posing for the stress classification. In this
way, the models could adapt to the way these subjects
show their facial expressions. They obtained an
accuracy of 90.5% for the stress classification.
In another work (Maaoui et al., 2015), was
developed a system that collects Remote
Photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals using the
computer's webcam for the detection of stress. The
rPPG signals were then translated into a sinusoidal
wave, which represents the heart rate. An SVM
classifier presented the best results with 94.40%
The group (Giannakakis et al., 2016) developed a
system capable of detecting stress/anxiety emotional
states through video-recorded facial cues. Applying a
multitude of techniques, such as Active Appearance
Models, Optical Flow, and rPPG they extracted the
most relevant features that were used for the stress
classification. The best classification accuracy of
87.72% was obtained with a K-NN classifier.
In the study (Viegas et al., 2018) was proposed a
system capable of detecting signs of stress through
Facial Action Units (FAUs) extracted from videos.
They performed binary classification using several
simple classifiers on FAUs extracted in each video
frame and were able to achieve an accuracy of up to
74% in subject independent classification and 91% in
subject dependent classification.
The system use case is to detect and notify the user
that he shows signs of stress using facial expressions
detected only with video images. The advantage of
using video for personal stress detection is the easy
accessibility to webcams when working with
computers. The program will run in the background,
monitoring the user's facial expressions, and will
notify him/her when (s)he is showing signs of stress.
In Figure 1 are presented the various modules
composing the system.
Figure 1: Overview of the modules composing the stress
detection system.
The system's first module will be responsible for
capturing images in real-time, from the computer's
webcam, and sending these images to the second
module. In the second module will be determined the
user's face's location, using a Haar-like feature
selection technique and cropped. The face will then
be resized to 299x299 pixels and normalized, by
dividing the value of all pixels by 255 so that all have
values between 0 and 1. The Emotion Classification
module, consisting of a trained classification model,
will classify the face and return a list of seven
probability scores, one for each facial expression. The
facial expression with the highest probability will
then be fed to the fourth module (stress assessment).
The various classifications made over time will be
recorded and based on the parameters provided to the
program, it will then determine whether the user is
under stress.
The program only requires three parameters:
1) the "frequency" of the program, which
determines the time interval, in milliseconds, between
each image extraction from video's webcam, and
consequently, the remaining modules' execution;
Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep Learning
2) the "time window" in seconds, which indicates
the period of past classifications that will be
considered in the stress assessment process;
3) a "threshold" that indicates the percentage of
negative emotions needed to determine, within the
time window, if the user is under stress.
For example, if the time window is 900s (or 15
min.) and the threshold is 75%, it means that if in the
last 15 minutes, 75% or more of the classifications are
for stressful emotions, then the system determines
that the user shows signs of stress and it will be
displayed a notification alerting for that fact. If the
user wishes, he has the possibility to confirm this
notification. Also, if the user permits, the images
collected by the webcam will be saved on disk and
those positively classified by the model will be
labelled with stress and its timestamp. The goal to
collect these images is twofold, first to create a real
dataset of images labelled with stress/non stress, as
far as we know, from the research carried out, there
aren´t any public dataset with such characteristics
accessible; and also make these images available to
be analysed by experts.
For the development of this project, was follow the
CRISP-DM methodology (Wirth & Hipp, 2000) that
provides guidelines for data mining and machine
learning process in general.
3.1 Business and Data Understanding
To tackle the stress detection problem there were two
possibilities. Address the problem with data classified
as stress or non-stress (preferable approach), or with
data classified with the seven facial expressions.
Unfortunately, datasets classified directly as stress or
non-stress are few and not publicly available.
Therefore, tacking in consideration the direct
correlation between specific facial expressions and
stressful situations, two datasets were requested.
The Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces
(KDEF) (Lundqvist et al., 1998) is a dataset created
by the Karolinska Institute, bringing together 4900
images of seven human facial expressions, 700 for
each one. The facial expressions collected coincide
with the five facial expressions of emotion accepted
by the scientific community, plus neutral and
surprise. Despite we will consider these seven
emotions, only anger, disgust and fear will be
associated with stress, since only these are accepted
as related to stress. Although complete and well
uniformed, KDEF is a very homogeneous dataset,
where the subjects are all of the same age group, same
race, without any facial modification such as glasses
or beard, and the images were all captured in a
controlled environment
As such, to counteract this homogeneity, it was
decided to obtain the CK+ dataset and also to create a
new dataset with images collected by us from the
internet (here called Net Images), to train the models
with more heterogeneous data. With the use of these
three datasets, it is expected to obtain a more realistic
training and assessment of the models and hopefully
closer to the real world.
The CK+ dataset is the result of an extension of
the CK dataset (Kanade et al., 2000) that aimed to
promote research into automatically detecting
individual facial expressions (Lucey et al., 2010). The
CK+ dataset has a total of 327 sequences of images
and the number of each facial expression in the
dataset varies a little presenting a distribution of 45
sequences of anger, 18 of contempt, 59 of disgust, 25
of fear, 69 of happiness, 28 of sadness and 83 of
The dataset created by us, Net Images, consists of
twenty images for each emotion (same emotions as
KDEF) in a total of 140 images. These images were
collected from searches on two search engines
(Google and DuckDuckGo) and free stock images
sites (unsplash.com; pexels.com; shutterstock.com;
freepik.com). Then, were selected images where the
face was visible, and the emotion was unmistakably
present. We tried to obtain very heterogeneous
images, from people of different ages, races, and with
and without a beard and the same for glasses. Images
with watermarks, with visible image edition and in
which the facial expression could be interpreted as a
mix of emotions, as mentioned in (Ekman & Friesen,
2003) were avoided.
3.2 Data Preparation
After collecting the datasets, the images were
prepared for training the models. One of the first
changes was to adapt KDEF to the problem. Given
that this project will use the user's computer webcam
to capture user's facial expressions, it was decided to
use only the half-left profile, straight, and half right
profile images to train the neural network. The first
reason was that the full profile images contain little
information about facial expressions, which can
hinder learning for the neural network. Furthermore,
by default, the webcams will be pointing at the user's
face from the front, capturing mainly the straight and
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
half profiles. With this adaptation, the dataset was
reduced to 2940 images, 420 for each emotion.
In the CK+ dataset, the sequences' images were
reorganized for two reasons. It had the contempt
facial expression, which was not present in the other
datasets, and it does not have the separation of the
neutral facial expression images. Therefore, the
reorganization consisted of:
Extracting the first image of every sequence
(which is always a neutral facial expression) to
form a new neutral class;
Elimination of all images except the last six
images of each sequence, since the
intermediate images do not have very
pronounced facial expression.
After this reorganization, the CK+ includes 270
images of anger, 354 of disgust, 150 of fear, 414 of
happiness, 309 of neutral, 168 of sadness, and 490 of
surprise, in a total of 2155 facial expressions.
Once the dataset was adapted, all the images were
cropped around the face and scaled to 299 by 299
pixels. Contrary to the KDEF dataset, the distribution
of classes in CK+ is quite different with a certain
imbalance between classes.
Lastly, following the hold-out method the
training, validation, and test sets were created. The
datasets were merged and divided into 80% training,
10% validation and 10% test. But for the partitioning
of the datasets, it was considered the works of (Gao
et al., 2014; Viegas et al., 2018) where the models
showed an ability to adapt to people's faces, or even
to the way they express their emotions. Therefore, for
the separation of the datasets in training, validation
and test data, the divisions were made in such a way
that images of a specific person only existed in one of
the datasets. As a result, the models will be trained
and tested, not only with different images but with
different persons, as images of the same person only
exists in one of the datasets. Table 1 presents the
number of facial expressions in each dataset, train,
test and validation.
Table 1: Number of each facial expression in train,
validation and test datasets.
Train Test Validation
anger 568 68 74
disgust 632 80 80
fear 469 56 62
happiness 682 86 86
neutral 597 76 74
sadness 490 56 62
surprise 730 92 92
3.3 Modelling
For the classification of facial expressions
convolutional neural networks (CNN) were explored.
As there are not many images to train those CNNs, it
was also decided to use pre-trained neural networks
and apply transfer learning.
In all, were selected three neural networks created
based on the ImageNet Large Scale Visual
Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) (Russakovsky et
al., 2015). The selected neural networks were the
VGG16 and VGG19 proposed in (Simonyan &
Zisserman, 2015) and the InceptionResNetV2
(Szegedy et al., 2016). VGG16 and VGG19 were
selected because they are very simple and
straightforward architecturally and are often referred
to as the main networks used for transfer learning.
InceptionResNetV2 was also selected as it is
mentioned in (Hung et al., 2019) presenting good
results in a facial expression classification task.
The two pre-trained networks VGG16 and
VGG19 differ only in the number of layers of the
convolution base. The convolution base is made of
convolutional and max-pooling layers. The
convolutional layers use a 3x3 pixels filter, padding
and stride of 1 pixel. For the max-pooling layers were
used a 2x2 pixels window and a stride of 2. In all
layers is used the ReLU activation function, except
for the Dense layer output of the classifier that uses
At an architectural level, Inception-ResNet V2 is
a more complex network than the VGG, wider, with
filters of different sizes, and organized in different
types of blocks. Inception-ResNet modules are only
made of convolution layers, while reduction modules
are made of both convolution layers and max-pooling
layers in order to reduce the image size across the
network. The activation function used in the network
is ReLU, with the exception of the output layer that
uses Softmax and some layers in the Inception-
ResNet modules that do not use activation function.
Due to the size of the train dataset, it was
necessary during the training process applied data
augmentation to the training images. This data
augmentation consisted of:
rotations of up to 20 degrees;
10% and 15% translations for width and height,
brightness changes between 0.2 and 1;
zoom-out up to 10% and zoom-in up to 20%;
horizontal flips.
No data augmentation was made to the images in
the validation or test set.
Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep Learning
3.3.1 Transfer Learning
Transfer learning reuses characteristics learned in
solving a general problem as a starting point for
solving another problem. With this technique, it is
possible to leverage learning to solve a problem in
fewer iterations than those that would be necessary
without the previous knowledge. The most common
case found in computer vision is the use of pretrained
networks, which are trained on a large benchmark
These pre-trained networks are divided into two
parts, convolutional base and classifier. The
convolutional base, commonly composed of stacks of
convolutional and pooling layers, aims to generate
features from the image. This process is called feature
extraction. The classifier, often composed of fully
connected layers, classifies the image based on the
features extracted by the convolutional base.
The typical transfer learning workflow in
computer vision is:
Select a pre-trained network that solves a
problem similar to the one intended to be
Replace the classifier with a new one to be
trained in the new dataset;
Freeze the convolutional base and train the
neural network in the new dataset.
The first step taken in creating the models was the
definition of classifiers architecture for the transfer
learning process. Were tried two different
approaches, one classifier based on a global average
pooling (GAP) layer and a second with a convolution
layer. The two architectures can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Classifier architecture of the two tried approaches.
For the Global Average Pooling approach was
used only a GAP layer together with a fully connected
layer with seven neurons and Softmax as the
activation function. With this architecture, there are
no hyperparameters to define.
The second approach is made up of a convolution
layer, followed by a flatten layer, that reshapes all the
filters in a single array of one dimension, a 50%
dropout to reduce overfitting along with two fully
connected layers. The activation function ReLU
composes the first fully connected layer and the last,
which serves as the output layer that uses a softmax
function with seven neurons. For this approach, there
are a set of hyperparameters that need to be selected.
Therefore, were trained a set of different classifiers to
select the most suitable values.
Essentially, we tried to determine the best value
for the number of filters in the convolution layer and
the number of neurons for the penultimate densely
connected layer. Giving four different configurations:
A: 64 filters with 256 neurons;
B: 64 filters with 512 neurons;
C: 128 filters with 256 neurons;
D: 128 filters with 512 neurons.
To understand the best configuration for each of
the pre-trained networks, four configurations were
trained and tested with each one of them. For the
training of these classifiers, it was necessary to select
an optimizer. Initially, was tried the optimizer Adam,
however, sporadically, he lost what he had learned so
far and dropped to high loss values. Therefore, it was
decided to use the Mini-batch Gradient Descent,
which corresponds to Keras' SGD, with a momentum
of 0.9 and Nesterov Accelerated Gradient active.
After training the various models with only
transfer learning, that is, with the training only
habilitated to the classifier layers, the following
results were obtained with the validation images.
Table 2: Accuracy of the pre-trained networks for each one
of the configurations.
Configurations VGG16 VGG19
Resnet V2
A 0.7412 0.6770 0.8132
B 0.7198 0.6868 0.8249
C 0.7665 0.7062 0.8152
D 0.7626 0.7257 0.7996
As can be seen, for VGG networks, the
configurations with more filters, C and D, were those
that presented the highest performance, being the
opposite for the Inception ResNet V2, where the
configuration with 64 filters, showed some
advantage. Based on the results presented in the Table
2, the models to be created with the pre-trained
network are: VGG16 with configuration C; VGG19
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with configuration D; and Inception ResNet V2 with
configuration B.
3.3.2 Fine Tuning
For the fine-tuning process, first it is necessary to
determine how much of the convolutional base to
train. It is essential to bear in mind two factors, the
similarity between the target and source domain, as
well as the size of the dataset to classify (Marcelino,
Even though that the source domain, the ILSVRC,
presents images for more than 1000 different classes,
none of them refers to people or their facial
expressions, our target domain. Therefore, it will be
necessary to consider the two domains as non-similar,
justifying the use of fine-tuning. Regarding the size
of the target domain's dataset, we will have to
consider our train dataset a small dataset, so it is
necessary to fine-tune most of the pre-trained
network's layers.
Since both networks are structured in blocks, the
division of the layers to train followed that structure.
For the VGG were fine-tuned the last three
convolution blocks, conv5, conv4, and conv3, and for
the Inception-ResNet V2, were fine-tuned the
Inception-resnet-C, Reduction-B, and Inception-
3.3.3 Created Models
Since were selected three pre-trained neural networks
and defined two different classification architectures,
six classification models were trained:
VGG16: The pre-trained network VGG16,
with the convolutional layer classifier,
following the configuration C.
VGG19: The pre-trained network VGG19,
with the convolutional layer classifier,
following the configuration D.
IRNV2: The pre-trained network Inception-
ResNet V2, with the convolutional layer
classifier, following the configuration B.
VGG16 GAP: The pre-trained network
VGG16, with the global average pooling layer
VGG19 GAP: The pre-trained network
VGG19, with the global average pooling layer
IRNV2 GAP: The pre-trained network
Inception-ResNet V2, with the global average
pooling layer classifier.
The implementation was made with Keras and the
models were trained and validated at the end of each
epoch with images from the validation dataset. Once
trained and fine-tuned for the best possible result in
the validation data, they were evaluated with the test
All models were trained on Google Colab, with
the free version that allowed access to Nvidia K80s
GPUs, 12 GB of RAM, 68 GB of disk space and runs
of up to 12 hours. The used version of Keras was 2.3.0
and Python 3.
3.4 Evaluation
To evaluate the performance of the models, confusion
matrices were used. Once in possession of this source
of information, it is then possible to extract several
metrics to evaluate the models. Two kind of models
will be evaluated: multi-class classification to predict
the seven facial expressions and binary classification
to classify stress/non-stress. The distribution of the
seven facial expressions in the three datasets doesn't
differ too much, so the accuracy and F1-score
(harmonic mean of precision and recall) metrics will
be used to evaluate the models.
3.4.1 Multi-class Evaluation
Once trained and fine-tuned with the validation
dataset for the best possible result, the six models
were tested with confusion matrixes presenting each
one of the seven facial expressions.
In Table 3 the overall accuracy and F1-score
metrics of each of the six multi-class models are
Table 3: Multi-class classification overall models metrics.
Models Accuracy F1-score
VGG16 89.6% 89.7%
VGG19 89.4% 89.5%
IRNV2 82.8% 82.4%
VGG16 GAP 84.5% 84.6%
VGG19 GAP 86.2% 86.3%
IRNV2 GAP 81.5% 81.4%
Analysing the performances obtained, clearly the
GAP network is superior to Inception-Resnet V2 and
for both of these approaches, the combination with
convolution layer works better than with the global
average pooling layer. The difference between the
performance of the two best models, VGG16 and
VGG19, is not significant, so the VGG16 will be used
since it is simpler than VGG19.
The multi-class VGG16 model has an overall
accuracy of 89.6%. The performance of the model for
each one of the seven facial expressions is shown in
Table 4.
Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep Learning
Table 4: Performance metrics for the seven facial
expressions with the VGG16 model.
Precision Recall F1-Score Support
anger 90.6% 78.4% 84.1% 74
disgust 97.3% 90.0% 93.5% 80
fear 77.1% 87.1% 81.8% 62
happiness 100% 93.0% 96.4% 86
neutral 82.1% 93.2% 87.3% 74
sadness 86.2% 90.3% 88.2% 62
surprise 92.5% 93.5% 93% 92
Happiness, disgust and surprise are the facial
expressions better recognized with very high F1-
score (more than 92%). Concerning the three
emotions related with stress, fear is the facial
expression with lower accuracy and F1-score. This
may be due to less examples associated with this
3.4.2 Binary Evaluation
Despite the models having been trained for multiclass
classification, stress detection is a binary problem, as
such, it is necessary to evaluate the performance of
the models for classification between stress and non-
stress. For this binary evaluation, the test images were
separated between stress and non-stress, relating
anger, disgust, and fear with stress and the remaining
as non-stress.
The VGG16 model presented an accuracy of
92.1%. Table 5 presents the precision, recall and F1-
score metrics of the VGG16 model for stress/non-
stress classification.
Table 5: Performance metrics for stress/non stress with the
VGG16 model.
Precision Recall F1-Score Support
stress 91.8% 88.4% 90.1% 216
not stress 92.2% 94.6% 93.4% 314
Precision is a measure of confirmation, when the
classifier indicates stress, how often it is in fact
correct. So, 91.8% of precision means 8.2% of
persons were flagged as stress were in fact not. Recall
is a measure of utility, how much the model finds
stress persons. Most stress persons are in fact tagged
(we have high recall 88.4%) and precision is
emphasized over recall, which is appropriate for the
stress application.
We developed a system capable of capturing real-
time images of the user's face and, using a facial
expression classifier, assess if the user presents signs
of stress, notifying him/her in such case.
For the creation of the classification model was
used transfer learning together with fine-tuning. The
pre-trained networks VGG16, VGG19, and
Inception-ResNet V2 were considered with two
different classifier architectures.
Despite the best model presenting an accuracy of
92.1%, this was based on the association between
facial expressions and stress, to overcome the lack of
a dataset directly classified in terms of stress or non-
stress. This relationship must be supported with more
data and case studies. Thus, as future work, we will
collect feedback from users concerning the alerts that
our system sends them. This will permit to validate if
the system correctly classifies stressful situations,
thereby increasing the confidence in the association
between negative emotions and stress.
Another proposal for future work is the
improvement of the classification models, training
them with more data collected from our users. The
migration of the classification module to a server
where it could take advantage of centralized
processing with graphics cards (reducing the impact
on users' device) will also be considered.
The authors would like to thank to the creators of
KDEF and CK+ for giving us access to use these
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Facial Expression Recognition System for Stress Detection with Deep Learning