Framing Early Alert of Struggling Students as an Anomaly Detection
Problem: An Exploration
Eitel J. M. Lauría
School of Computer Science & Mathematics, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, U.S.A.
Keywords: Early Detection, At-risk Students, Anomaly Detection, Learning Analytics, Predictive Modeling, Machine
Abstract: This exploratory study analyses the feasibility of implementing an early-alert system of academically
vulnerable students using anomaly detection techniques for cases in which the number of struggling students
is small in comparison to the total student population. The paper focuses on a semi-supervised approach to
anomaly detection where a first stage made up of an ensemble of unsupervised anomaly detectors contributes
features to a second-stage binary classifier. Experiments are carried out using several semesters of college
data to compare the predictive performance of this semi-supervised approach relative to stand-alone
classification-based methods.
In the last fifteen years the domain of academic and
learning analytics has flourished, with many
initiatives and projects being put in place to analyze
and monitor the academic performance of students.
Higher education has benefited from these
implementations, that help students improve their
academic performance and their chances of academic
success, as well as aiding academic institutions in
reducing student attrition, an issue that has direct
impact on both the reputation and bottom line of
colleges and universities. Most of these systems use
predictive modeling and machine learning techniques
to build models that help identify academically
vulnerable students using student academic data,
student demographic data, and student activity in the
course (Arnold & Pistilli, 2012; Benablo et al., 2018;
Jayaprakash et al., 2014; Lauría et al., 2016, 2019;
Martins et al., 2019; Romero et al., 2013; Sheshadri
et al., 2019; Zafra & Ventura, 2012).
The early alert of students at risk of poor
performance and academic failure has the virtue of
enabling early intervention, and early intervention
enhances the chances of student success, as has been
repeatedly demonstrated in the literature as well as
through our work (Dodge et al., 2015; Harackiewicz
& Priniski, 2018; Herodotou et al., 2019; Jayaprakash
et al., 2014; Lauría et al., 2013; Lauría & Baron,
2011; Smith et al., 2012; Yao et al., 2019).
Different machine learning algorithms have been
used by researchers to help improve the accuracy of
their models, ranging from traditional statistical
approaches like logistic regression (Campbell, 2007),
to decision trees (Guleria et al., 2014), Support Vector
Machines (Cardona & Cudney, 2019; Pang et al.,
2017), Bayesian methods (Hamedi & Dirin, 2018),
neural nets (Calvo-Flores et al., 2006; Okubo et al.,
2017), the XGBoost algorithm (Chen & Guestrin,
2016; Hu & Song, 2019) and stack ensembles (Lauría
et al., 2018).
All of these approaches have a common theme:
implement a supervised learning framework, where
models learn from past data and supervised learning
is accomplished by labeling the data with the student
performance in the form of numeric or letter grades,
which can give way to regression or multiclass
classification; or more typically through the recoding
of the grades by establishing a minimum satisfactory
threshold, such that students that perform below that
threshold are considered at risk. The task of detecting
struggling students can then be framed as a binary
classification problem. Historically, this is the
approach that has been followed by most institutions
implementing early detection systems. The approach
is valid, relevant, and relatively easy to implement in
those institutions with moderate or large numbers of
academically vulnerable students, as in that case the
proportions of students in good standing and at
academic risk are comparable in size -there is not a
Lauría, E.
Framing Early Alert of Struggling Students as an Anomaly Detection Problem: An Exploration.
DOI: 10.5220/0010471900260035
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Suppor ted Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 26-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
large difference in proportions- and therefore the
success of the implementation is influenced by the
quality of the training data, the accuracy of the
algorithms used to train the models, and their
reliability in terms of the bias-variance trade-off
(successful algorithms try to keep low bias, while
keeping variance at bay).
But in those institutions, like ours, where the
proportion of at-risk students in any given semester is
small or very small compared to the students in good
standing (our College, for example has historically
remained below 7%, with mean values slightly above
5%), the binary classification problem described in
the previous paragraphs has the additional wrinkle of
having to train models with a very high imbalance
between both classes. Searching for potential at-risk
students is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Classifiers naturally tend to identify patterns in the
majority class in detriment of the minority class. The
small amount of training data tied to the minority
class may limit the ability of the classification
algorithms to produce reliable model parameter
estimates (He & Garcia, 2009). Different approaches
have been considered to address this issue, including
the most popular one of balancing the training data
through oversampling the minority class,
subsampling the majority class, or a combination of
both; but the topic of data balancing remains
controversial in the machine learning community
(Provost, n.d.). Still, results have been surprisingly
good considering the difficulty of the problem, but
evidently more research is needed.
One possible consideration, and the one discussed
in this paper, is to regard the minority class as an
anomaly or outlier. Anomaly detection is the task of
detecting patterns that deviate atypically from what is
expected. A typical characteristic of anomalies or
outliers is that they are rare occurrences. Although
anomaly detection can be considered as an extreme
case of imbalanced classification (Kong et al., 2020),
there is not much research that considers the
possibility of shifting the classification paradigm in
highly imbalanced data settings to one of anomaly
detection, or improving it with the aid of anomaly
detection outcomes. The latter approach, especially
useful in the presence of labeled data, uses the
outcomes of unsupervised anomaly detector models -
called anomaly scores- as features to be added to the
labeled training data in a subsequent binary
classification stage, to try to improve the predictive
performance of the classifier. This method has a
recent implementation in the semi-supervised
XGBOD algorithm (Zhao & Hryniewicki, 2018) and
is the subject of this paper.
In this paper we therefore investigate the
following research questions:
Is a semi-supervised anomaly detection
method a feasible approach for early detection
of academically at-risk students?
How does this approach compare to stand-
alone classification methods?
The paper makes two main contributions: 1) it
describes a methodology for implementing a two-
stage semi-supervised anomaly detection algorithm
in for early alert of small populations of struggling
students, where an ensemble of unsupervised
anomaly detection algorithms feeds a subsequent
binary classifier; 2) it empirically compares the
predictive performance of this approach with those of
well-established and state of the art classification
We begin with a brief review of the extant
literature on anomaly detection, its applications and
algorithms, focusing on unsupervised anomaly
detection methods currently in use. Then we explain
the semi-supervised methodology we chose to apply
anomaly detection in our specific domain. We follow
with a description of the experimental setup,
including details of the input data, and the algorithms
used in each of the different experiments. We present
and discuss the experiments’ results. Finally, we close
the paper with comments on the limitations of the
research and our conclusions.
Anomaly detection has proven to be especially useful
in a broad range of applications, including fraud
detection, intrusion detection, fault detection, and
identification of rare diseases in medical data.
Outstanding values in credit card transactions may
help analysts detect credit card fraud (Sharmila et al.,
2019). Anomalous traffic patterns in network data can
help identify malicious attacks (García-Teodoro et
al., 2009). And the automated analysis of medical
images using outlier detection techniques can help
detect brain tumors (Wang et al., 2020).
As mentioned before, an anomaly or outlier is an
observation that strongly deviates from the normal
expectation. This means that an anomaly detection
method should identify a decision function that
separates normal from anomalous. But the task is
challenging for several reasons: (i) the boundary
Framing Early Alert of Struggling Students as an Anomaly Detection Problem: An Exploration
between normal and abnormal may not be clear cut;
(ii) the notion and magnitude of an anomaly may be
domain specific; (iii) data may be noisy; (iv) labeled
data for training and validation purposes is usually
Numerous anomaly detection algorithms have
been developed, drawn from traditional statistics,
machine learning and lately deep learning. Their
formulation is determined by the problem domain, the
characteristics of the data (structured / unstructured),
and availability of labeled data. It is not the purpose
if this paper to provide a survey of anomaly detection
methods, we refer the audience to (Chandola et al.,
2009). In this paper we will focus on a set of
unsupervised algorithms (unsupervised anomaly
detection is the most common approach as it does not
require labeled training data) and XGBOD as a semi-
supervised technique. The anomaly detection
algorithms considered, given the structured nature
and limited dimensionality of the data are the
K-nearest neighbors, (Knorr et al., 2000),
referred to as KNN, a distance-based method,
and closely related to the classifier of the same
name. This family of methods assumes that
normal observations occur close to each other
whereas anomalies occur far away from their
closest neighbors.
Isolation Forest (Liu et al., 2008) uses
recursive partitioning to create a tree structure
to isolate anomalous data points -anomalies
are easier to isolate and therefore have shorter
tree path length. The process is repeated over
multiple random trees and an average path
length is computed, which is used as the
outlier detector decision function.
Local Outlier Factor, or LOF (Breunig et al.,
2000) computes a score (called local outlier
factor) that measures the local deviation of the
data point with respect to the surrounding
neighborhood, and with it its degree of
One-class SVM (Schölkopf et al., 2001) is an
unsupervised extension of support vector
machines that learns from a dataset containing
data of only one class, and with it is able to
identify anomalous data (outliers).
Unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms are
sensitive to noise. Therefore combining them in an
ensemble typically provides more stable results, an
approach that follows the well-established ensemble
methodology in supervised learning (Lauría et al.,
2018; Zimek et al., 2014). The idea of extracting
representations from the data through anomaly
detection and inserting them as features in a
classification setting was introduced by (Micenková
et al., 2014) and (Aggarwal & Sathe, 2015). The
XGBOD algorithm (Zhao & Hryniewicki, 2018)
follows this same approach and derives its name from
its use of the state of the art XGBoost classifier (Chen
& Guestrin, 2016) in its second stage. In this paper
we use XGBoost, but we also implement Random
Forests (Breiman, 2001) and logistic regression as
alternative second-stage classifiers with the purpose
of widening the analysis of the predictive
performance of this semi-supervised ensemble
technique. We also consider different ways of
combining multiple anomaly scores: averaging,
maximization, straight forward use of all anomaly
scores or feature selection (for details of the algorithm
see section 3).
We implement a two stage semi-supervised approach
to train the models, with a first stage made up of an
ensemble of anomaly detectors and a second stage
given by a binary classifier.
In training mode: (see Figure 1)
In Step(i) k anomaly detection algorithms
AAare applied on training dataset
and learn anomaly scores and decision
functions algorithms
11 ,
, ...
cdf scdf
In Step(ii) anomaly scores are chosen using
some criterion
( .. )
: all scores, the
average of the scores, the best anomaly score,
or a feature selection of anomaly scores. In the
original XGBOD paper, the selection of
anomaly scores is made by using a metric that
balances the accuracy and diversity of the
ensemble of anomaly detectors See (Zhao &
Hryniewicki, 2018) for details.
In Step(ii), data set
D is supplemented with
the selected anomaly scores
( .. )
resulting in
[;( .. );]
trn k
sc sc y
D .
Step(iii) Training Classifier: use data set
[;( .. );]
trn k
sc sc y
D as input data to
train model
M using classifier C .
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(i) Train Outlier Detectors
[ ; ] ... [ ; ]
trn trn trn k
Xy Xy
11 ,
ii) Choose anomaly scores
Apply where
( .. )
( .. ),
( ..
( .. )
, ...
.. :
( .. ),
sc sc
sc sc
sc sc
sc sc
cdf scdf
sc sc
sc sc
() ()
iii) Augment
(iv) Train Classifier
Train (2nd Stage)
[ ; ] [ ; ( .. ); ]
[;( .. );]
trn trn k
aug aug
trn trn k
Xy X sc sc y
 
Figure 1: Training mode.
In prediction mode:
In Step(i), decision functions
df df are
applied on data set
D to compute predicted
psc psc
In Step(ii) predicted anomaly scores are
chosen using the same criterion
( .. )
psc psc
used during training mode.
In Step(iii), data set
D is supplemented with
predicted anomaly scores
( .. )
psc psc
resulting in
[;( .. );]
tst k
psc psc y
D .
Step(iv) In it, binary classification model
is applied on data set
D to make
predictions. The classifier reports predictions
and probability of predictions
( ; )
tst tst
In the experiments we investigated whether the semi-
supervised ensemble approach described in section 3
(i) Predict with anomaly detector decision functions
[ ; ] ... [ ; ]
tst tst trn k
ydf Xy df
ii) Choose anomaly scores Apply
iii) Augment
.. : ( .. )
[ ; ] [ ; ..
tst tst
sc psc
csc scsc
Xy Xpsc psc
() ()
(iv) Predict with classifier
Predict (2nd Stage)
[ ; .. ; ]
aug aug
tst tst k
Xpsc psc y
( ; )
tst tst
Figure 2: Prediction mode.
when compared to binary classifiers. The goal is to
learn from the data in order to detect early on in the
semester (6 weeks into a semester of 15 weeks) those
students that are struggling in their course.
4.1 Datasets
For the purpose of this study we used four semesters of
undergraduate 15-week courses, corresponding to Fall
2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019 and Fall 2020, enriched
with student academic data, some demographics and
course activity metrics collected from the LMS logs.
Data was extracted from four sources: (i) student
demographic and aptitude data; (ii) course related data
and students’ final grades in those courses; c) student
activity data logged by the LMS, corresponding to the
first six weeks of each semester; (iv) a composite score
aggregating grades on assignments, projects, exams
and any other activities contributing to the student’s
final grade in the first six weeks of the semester, logged
by the LMS’s gradebook tool. Data was subsequently
transformed and cleaned into a complete unit of
analysis without missing values.
The LMS activity data (number of LMS logins,
number of access to LMS resources, and total activity
over all LMS tools) was aggregated weekly into
frequency values computed as ratios between the
student activity and the average class activity, to
account for potential variability among different
Framing Early Alert of Struggling Students as an Anomaly Detection Problem: An Exploration
Data was pre-processed and aggregated into a unit
of analysis -students’ data in each course over four
semesters. The binary label for each record in the unit
of analysis was computed by recoding the student’s
final grade in the course: those students with a final
letter grade C or more were considered in good
standing, whereas those students with less than a final
letter grade C were considered academically
vulnerable (at risk) students. Table 1 depicts the file
structure of the unit of analysis.
Table 1: File structure of the unit of analysis.
Predictors Data type
Enrolment Numeric
Online Categorical
e Numeric
GPA Numeric
titude Score
Class (Fresh, Soph, Jr, Sr) Categorical
LMS Total Activity (weeks 1-6) Numeric x 6
weeks 1-6 + sum
Numeric x 6
Content Read
weeks 1-6 + sum
Numeric x 6
Gradebook Composite Score (wks 1-6) Numeric
Target feature: Academic_Risk (1=at risk; 0=good
The full unit of analysis contained data of all four
semesters (Fall 2018 Spring 2020) with the following
proportions of good-standing and at-risk students (see
Table 2):
Table 2: Data per semester.
Semester Total
Percent at
Fall 2018 10809 6.6%
2019 14133 6.8%
Fall 2019 11089 6.1%
2020 17206 3.0%
4.2 Methods
Each experiment was performed by randomly
selecting a semester and subsequently partitioning the
semester into training and testing data using an 80/20
ratio. We selected 30 randomly chosen (semester,
partition) pairs, creating 30 dataset pairs (training and
testing) to perform experiment runs, using 4 anomaly
detection methods with varying parameters, 3
selection criteria for anomaly scores (all, average,
max) and 3 binary classifiers. We also implemented a
feature selection criterion of the anomaly scores prior
to the XGBoost classifier as presented in the XGBOD
original paper.
Additionally, we trained all three classifiers with
balanced data for comparison purposes (see section
4.2.3). This amounted to a total of 16 experiments
repeated over 30 runs, for a total of 480 experiments
(for details see section 4.3 and Table 3).
4.2.1 Anomaly Detection Algorithms
Four detection algorithms were used in the experiment:
KNN: K nearest Neighbours with mean,
median and largest distance to the kth
neighbour and with
k=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15, ..,100].
LOF: Local Outlier Factor with k=[1,2,34,5,
IForest: Isolation Forest with number of base
estimators = [10, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200,
OCSVM: One-class Support Vector Machines
with radial basis kernel and different upper
bound on the fraction of training errors.
A total of 115 anomaly scores were added to each
4.2.2 Classifiers
We used three classification algorithms as second stage
XGB: The XGBoost algorithm
RF: Random Forests
LOG: regularized logistic regression.
The XGBoost classifier (Chen & Guestrin, 2016),
a tree-based classification algorithm, is currently one
of the most powerful supervised methods and a
popular choice in Kaggle competitions.
The Random Forests algorithm (Breiman, 2001)
is a well-regarded ensemble learning technique that
builds multiple random CART trees and outputs the
most frequently predicted class.
Logistic regression is the workhorse of traditional
statistics and an effective classifier when dealing with
data that holds both numeric and binary data.
For both XGBoost and Random Forests we fixed
the number of estimators to 600. We did not perform
any further hyperparameter tuning, to reduce the
computational cost of the experiment.
4.2.3 Balanced Data
For comparison purposes, the three classifiers were
also trained with balanced data, after balancing the
proportions of good-standing and at-risk students, for
each of the 30 randomly generated datasets, The
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
SMOTE algorithm (Bowyer et al., 2011) was used for
balancing the data. SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-
sampling Technique) is an oversampling method that
augments the minority class by synthesizing new
minority samples instead of using a simple duplication
of samples.
4.2.4 Computational Details
The models were coded in Python 3.7 using several
libraries. All the unsupervised anomaly detection
algorithms were implemented using the PyOD library
(Zhao et al., 2019). Although PyOD provides a turn-
key implementation of XGBOD, we decided to code
our own version of the algorithm to have better
control and add flexibility to the execution process,
including other second-stage classifiers besides
XGBoost, and different anomaly scores selection
criteria. For the classifiers we used the Scikit-learn
library (Pedregosa et al., 2011), including its API for
XGBoost. The experiments were run on an Intel Xeon
Silver server, 20 cores 3.00GHz, 2 threads per core,
32GB RAM, 1 GPU (Quadro P4000 8GB). Parallel
processing features were used when available for both
the first stage (anomaly detection) and second stage
(binary classification) algorithms to make use of the
multi-core platform and with it reduce the execution
time of the experiments.
4.2.5 Assessment
At prediction times the following predictive
performance metrics were collected:
ROC_AUC: the AUC (area under the curve)
of the receiver operating characteristics
(ROC) curve, that plots TP rate vs FP rate, is
the most widely used metric to summarize
binary classification performance. Although it
is still the most popular metric in imbalanced
classification it has received criticism in the
case of highly imbalanced settings as it can be
overly optimistic due to unreliability of the
estimates under class rarity (Fernández et al.,
PR_AUC: The AUC of the precision-recall
curve assesses the performance of the
classifier on the minority class and can
therefore be more informative of the algorithm
performance than the ROC AUC metric
(Davis & Goadrich, 2006).
Training and Prediction execution time,
measured in seconds: this could be relevant,
particularly for prediction, as the large
ensemble of anomaly detectors can introduce
a considerable overhead.
Table 3: Predictive Performance Results.
Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
XGB 0.9511 0.0012 0.5990 0.0219 1.78 0.06 1.35 0.06
XGBOD 0.9502 0.0012 0.5946 0.0229 320.96 21.77 99.35 14.42
ALL_XGB 0.9508 0.0012 0.5959 0.0217 320.31 26.51 99.27 7.78
XGB 0.9514 0.0012 0.5998 0.0217 322.71 18.00 102.14 12.22
BEST_XGB 0.9510 0.0012 0.5984 0.0219 315.24 21.47 95.19 11.06
SMOTE_XGB 0.9430 0.0014 0.5346 0.0267 2.73 0.12 2.73 0.12
RF 0.9433 0.0017 0.5914 0.0198 3.58 0.02 3.58 0.02
ALL_RF 0.9246 0.0022 0.5523 0.0205 318.25 31.36 105.84 9.44
AVG_RF 0.9435 0.0017 0.5912 0.0202 319.51 29.13 114.39 8.91
RF 0.9433 0.0017 0.5918 0.0200 329.42 26.86 99.18 11.12
SMOTE_RF 0.9426 0.0014 0.4900 0.0209 4.48 0.07 4.48 0.07
LOG 0.9261 0.0028 0.5178 0.0206 1.12 0.02 1.12 0.02
LOG 0.8513 0.0075 0.3007 0.0162 315.98 24.03 105.44 11.09
AVG_LOG 0.8861 0.0075 0.3866 0.0213 314.58 26.37 96.24 8.56
BEST_LOG 0.9023 0.0063 0.4501 0.0224 312.50 25.41 103.46 9.34
LOG 0.9343 0.0019 0.5535 0.0211 1.93 0.03 1.18 0.03
Framing Early Alert of Struggling Students as an Anomaly Detection Problem: An Exploration
4.3 Results and Discussion
Table 3 displays the assessment of mean predictive
performance of the different configurations of the
semi-supervised approach considered (second stage
trained by adding all anomaly scores, by adding the
average anomaly score, by adding only the maximum
anomaly score, and by using the feature selection
criterion on the anomaly scores described in the
XGBOD paper), as well as the mean predictive
performance of the stand-alone classifiers trained
with both the original training data, and after
balancing the training data:
XGB, RF, LOG: no anomaly detection scores
used by second stage classifier (stand-alone
classifier, original training data)
anomaly detection scores were used by the
second stage classifier.
average anomaly detection score was used by
the second stage classifier.
maximum anomaly detection score was used
by the second stage classifier.
XGBOD: the XGBOD algorithm with
anomaly score feature selection as proposed
by (Zhao & Hryniewicki, 2018).
stand-alone classifiers trained after balancing
the original training data (as described in
section 4.2.3).
For the XGBoost algorithm, adding the average
anomaly score slightly improved both ROC_AUC
and ROC_PR: ROC_AUC for AVG_XGB was
0.9514 and PR_AUC was 0.5998, compared to
ROC_AUC=0.9511 and PR_AUC=0.5990 for the
XGBoost stand-alone classifier, trained without
anomaly scores. The other approaches (XGBOD,
ALL_XGB, BEST_XGB) degraded the performance
instead of improving it. All algorithms performed
better in both metrics than the balanced alternative
(SMOTE_XGB). Random Forests had mixed results:
AVG_RF performed slightly better only for
ROC_AUC (0.935 vs 0.9433), but the rest of the
approaches had either the same or worse performance
metrics than RF. All classifiers performed better than
the balanced alternative (SMOTE_RF), except
ALL_RF for the ROC_AUC metric.
We ran the Wilcoxon signed test for both
XGBoost and Random Forests comparing the metrics
of the classifier trained without anomaly scores with
each of the different methods for choosing anomaly
scores, and the tests were not strong enough to
identify significant differences (p>0.4 in all cases).
There were though significant differences in all cases
(p<0.001) between all unbalanced configurations and
the balanced configurations for both XGBoost and
Random Forests (SMOTE).
For logistic regression, the addition of anomaly
scores to the training data generally degraded the
performance metrics. The balanced data approach
also outperformed all other approaches, including
training the model without anomaly scores:
ROC_AUC was 0.9343 for SMOTE_LOG compared
to 0.9261 for LOG. And PR_AUC was 0.5535
compared to 0.5178 for LOG.
Execution time exposes the overhead of running
115 unsupervised anomaly detectors on the data
before training the classifier or using it for prediction.
Table 3 shows that it took about 3 seconds per outlier
detector in training mode and a little less than a
second per outlier detector in predict mode. Instead,
the execution time of the binary classifiers was
negligible in comparison. Training time is not an
actual issue given that training does not typically
happen in real time; but larger execution times in
prediction mode could pose a problem. This is of
course a relatively minor issue as it is dependent on
the hardware platform used to train and implement
the prediction models, but is worth mentioning when
comparing the anomaly detection approach with
binary classification approaches, which do not require
the computation of added anomaly scores.
In summary, the anomaly detection models did not
seem to be able to learn representations that
efficiently contribute to the second-stage classifiers.
It is a reasonable assumption that the effectiveness of
the semi-supervised approach could be dependent on
the domain in which it is applied. Anomalies are rare
events by definition, but a small proportion of at-risk
students may not necessarily qualify as a set of
anomalies; the difference between good-standing and
struggling students may not be big enough and
therefore those struggling students may not
necessarily qualify as outliers, the patterns of
academic struggle being subtler, which in turn would
require more fine tuning of the thresholds that
determine anomaly scores.
The current research has several limitations. We
did not perform any hyperparameter tuning of the
classifiers to limit the execution time of the
experiments (XGBoost and Random Forest, would
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
have benefitted from performance tuning). Also, the
study imposed four unsupervised outlier detection
algorithms. They are among the most relevant
algorithms for the type of data considered, and we did
vary their parameters to produce multiple anomaly
outcomes, but still, the choice was limited. Other
algorithms could also be included to increase the
variety of the outlier detectors. Subsampling could be
applied to the data used to train the anomaly detection
algorithms as proposed by (Aggarwal & Sathe, 2015).
And anomaly scores resulting from the anomaly
detection algorithms could be subjected to
dimensionality reduction, consequently inducing
features to be used by the second-stage classifier,
rather than directly adding the anomaly scores as new
The objective of the study is exploratory and has
the purpose of exemplifying the approach applied to
early detection of small populations of students at risk
and providing a proof of concept, as well as
empirically testing its performance. The results are
non-conclusive as to the benefits of this approach, but
nonetheless, the study is an initial application of the
use of a semi-supervised framework int this domain
that combines anomaly detection and binary
Hopefully, this paper will open a research avenue
for other researchers and practitioners towards new
methods in early detection of academically at-risk
students using machine learning techniques.
The author would like to thank Ed Presutti and the
rest of the Data Science & Analytics team at Marist
College for their continuous collaboration. Maria
Kapogiannis provided and double checked the
datasets used in the experiments.
Aggarwal, C. C., & Sathe, S. (2015). Theoretical
Foundations and Algorithms for Outlier Ensembles.
SIGKDD Explor. Newsl., 17(1), 24–47.
Arnold, K. E., & Pistilli, M. D. (2012). Course signals at
Purdue: Using learning analytics to increase student
success. Proceedings of the 2nd International
Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge.
Benablo, C. I. P., Sarte, E. T., Dormido, J. M. D., &
Palaoag, T. (2018). Higher Education Student’s
Academic Performance Analysis through Predictive
Analytics. Proceedings of the 2018 7th International
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