Psychological Perspectives and Challenges towards Information
Technology and Digital Health Interventions
Thomas Ostermann
Department of Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Health, Witten, Herdecke University, Germany
Keywords: Psychology, Psychotherapy, Digitalisation, e-Health, m-Health.
Abstract: Psychology is a quite young discipline in the field of medicine. Established from Wilhelm Wundt in the
second half of the 19th century it very soon got its first contacts to information technology. This keynote
outlines the relationship of psychology and information technology from the very beginning in the fields of
clinical and educational applications and human interaction aspects and illustrates the current development
towards a field of digital mental health. In particular, the use of Virtual Reality as a an approach in the
treatment mental disorders and diseases such as Anxiety disorders or Parkinson’s disease, the therapeutic use
of AVATARS in patients with auditory verbal hallucinations, the predictive power of digital drawing
applications i.e. to detect Alzheimer’s disease, or the attitude to robots in the health care system are spotlights
illustrating the growing interaction of these domains which are addressed in this keynote. But also critical
questions on the impact of digitalization on human identity i.e. in child development, working environment
or in the increased use of wearables and smart applications in leisure time fostering a need of quantification
of life are touched.
The terms “Telemedicine”, “E-health” and “M-
health” have become an integral part of almost all
health care systems with the advent of modern
information technology. While telemedicine refers to
the diagnosis and therapy by bridging a spatial or
temporal distance between doctor, therapist,
pharmacist and patient or between two doctors who
consult each other by means of telecommunication,
E-Health describes the integrated use of information
and communication technology for the design,
support and networking of all processes and
participants in the health care system. The term M-
Health defines the support of medical procedures and
health care measures through mobile devices such as
smartphones, tablets or other mobile technology such
as body sensors (Ostermann, 2017).
A recent bibliometric analysis of worldwide
scientific literature in m-health from 2006–2016
found a noticeable increase in publications in the
period under review (Sweileh et al., 2017). Today
these approaches are summarized under the umbrella
“digital health interventions” (Allgaier et al., 2020).
2.1 A Forgotten Pioneer
From the historical perspective the first step into
digitalisation in health care was done by Semen
Nikolaevich Korsakov, an officer in the Department
of Statistics in Russia. In 1832, he invented
mechanical instruments he called “Machines for the
Comparison of Philosophical Ideas” (Shilov &
Silantiev, 2015) which very much resembles the
concept of Karl Steinbuch’s “Learning Matrix” from
the early years of biological cybernetics almost 130
years later (Steinbuch, 1961). Based on the method of
information storage in punch cards, he was the first to
apply them in patient care almost a century before the
first punch card systems were used. Although his idea
was a more general one, he adopted it against the
background of the cholera epidemic of that time: to
find a suitable (homeopathic) drug for patients
quickly and efficiently (Ostermann, 2015).
In principle his idea can be described as follows:
Every drug is characterized by a number of
symptoms. These are marked on a wooden board by
Ostermann, T.
Psychological Perspectives and Challenges towards Information Technology and Digital Health Interventions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010468100070012
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2021) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 7-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-490-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
perforations or holes at an appropriate point, so that
each drug receives its binary code on a wooden board.
If a patient now describes his symptoms, a comb is
created with needles at the corresponding points of
the symptoms. If this comb is stroked over the
wooden plate, the comb clicks into place exactly
where a medicine is provided with the corresponding
"symptom holes": the machine "stops" and the
medicine can be identified (Fig.1). This process is
repeated until all drugs have been "combed through".
The principle is graphically illustrated again in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Semen Korsakoff's “Homeoscope” (adapted from
Velminski & Ernst (2008)). The comb has needles at points
4, 5, ... representing the patient's symptoms and correspond
to the drug “E”, which has perforations at the corresponding
However, his idea was forgotten and it took
almost 90 years before punch-card systems patented
by Hollerith in 1889 (Wahl, 2018) were introduced in
health science and in particular in psychology.
2.2 Early Psychological Use of Digital
Health Interventions: Punch-cards
Psychological research very early took advantage of
the punch-card system they quite early were used to
analyse census or opinion poll data as documented in
(Bingham, 1922) or (Gage & Remmers, 1948). While
these approaches mainly focussed on data procession
and counting, psychological research also used this
technique for automated calculation of statistical
measures such as correlations. between the age of
imprisoned persons in relationship to test scores of
the Rorschach test in which the perceptions of
inkblots (i.e. “it looks like a bat”) were analysed using
psychological interpretation (Pescor, 1938).
But also more complex statistical procedures at
the time like computing biserial correlation
coefficients (DuBois, 1942) or sorting and scoring of
questionnaire inventories i.e. the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Manson &
Grayson, 1946) were performed using punched
coding cards. An illustration from the original
publication of Manson & Grayson (1946) in
displayed in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: “XO card (front view)” for the item “Once in a
while I think of things too bad to talk about” of the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory from
(Manson & Grayson, 1946).
2.3 Mainframe Computers in
With the emergence of mainframe computers in
science starting from the 1950th, psychological
research also made use of this new technology.
Figure 3: IBM 701 operator's console. Retrieved from
780. Dan-Flickr: IBM 701.
According to a survey of computer usage in 109
Departments of Psychology and 26 Departments of
Sociology in the United States in 1960, 83
Psychology departments (76.1%) and 25 Sociology
Departments (96.2%) reported to have a computer
installation at their departments. They estimated a
mean of 75.4 hours of machine time within the last 12
month for the psychology departments and 156.0
hours for the sociology departments. In most of the
cases an IBM 650 (n=81; 75.0%) or an IBM 701
(n=25; 23.1%) was used (Fig. 3).
BIOSTEC 2021 - 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
According to a summary on computer use at that
time (Newell & Simon, 1963), most of the
procedures, the mainframes were used for were large-
scale statistical and numerical analyses, such as
cluster or factor analyses i.e. determining the factor
analytic structure of the House-Tree-Person-Test
(Digiammo 1962) where an IBM 650 was used to
perform a complete centroid method for the
extraction of factors.
2.4 Microcomputers in Psychology:
Clinical and Experimental
With the first emergence of microcomputers in the
the costs for using computational applications
decreased together with an easier handling in their
operation. Thus popularity during the late 1970s and
early 1980s exploded and as a consequence digital
applications also went into the field of clinical
psychology by means of decision support systems,
databases for documentation of patient records
(Hayward, 1981; Reynolds et al., 1985). Even the
idea of performing “online” patient interviews in a
man-machine interaction in a way that an emulated
“friendly doctor [is] asking questions requiring
simple YES or NO answers” was realized at that time
(Bevan et al., 1981) using a conventional BASIC
But also in the field of experimental psychology,
computers were used i.e. for computer-controlled
arithmetic problem solving tasks (Fig. 4) (Aaronson
et al., 1976) or the visual display and eye-movement
recording systems (Loftus et al., 1975).
Figure 4: A pupil solving arithmetic problems in a
computer-aided instruction project displayed in (Aaronson
et al., 1976).
2.5 Internet and Psychology: From
USENET to Online Therapy
At the same time when microcomputers found their
way into psychology, first ideas of connecting
networks shifted more and more into the centre of
interest (Schwartz, 1985). A first guide of
psychological resources was summarized in (Quinn,
1995) ranging from Online-Journals such as
“Psycoloquy”, a peer reviewed open access journal
published online from 1990 to 2002 by the American
Psychological Association (APA) to electronic news-
and discussion-groups like sci. cognitive”, a
newsgroup for cognitive psychology, or psyart”, a
discussion group for the psychological study of the
But also therapeutic electronic networks and data
sharing in the field of mental health using “Bulletin
Board Systems” were topics discussed (Miller, 1991)
very early.
Similarly concepts like virtual reality, in which
the computer serves “as a as mediator or imagination
enhancer” were introduced (Reid, 1994) alongside of
first case reports in the field of clinical psychology,
i.e. in the field of exposure treatment of acrophobia
(Rothbaum et al, 1995) using “a head-mounted
display (VR Flight Helmet) and an electromagnetic
sensor […] to track the head and right hand
(Ascension Technology Flock System)” or in the
construction of a virtual sand box for the diagnosis
and treatment of autistic patients (Kijima et al., 1994).
Twenty-five years later, most of the ideas and
concepts presented in the last chapters have been
enhanced and tested by means of clinical studies and
meta analyses.
Immersive virtual reality has become an accepted
treatment i.e. in the treatment of schizophrenia
spectrum diseases, where it has shown “safe,
tolerable, and long-term persistent” effects in the
treatment of “delusions, hallucinations or cognitive
and social skills” (Bisso et al., 2020). But also in other
fields like Parkinson’s disease (Dockx et al., 2016) or
traumatic brain injury rehabilitation (Aida et al.,
2018) reviews have shown its effectiveness.
The same holds for online-therapy. Current
clinical research i.e. found electronically delivered
cognitive behavioural therapy “at least as effective”
as face to face cognitive behavioural therapy in the
field of depressive disorders (Luo et al., 2020). Also
other psychotherapies like mindfulness based
Psychological Perspectives and Challenges towards Information Technology and Digital Health Interventions
interventions have been adopted into online formats
and shown its usefulness in particular in cases of
immobile or hard to reach patients (Jayawardene et
al., 2017).
However apart from optimising already known
concepts, recent trends in psychotherapy include new
forms of digital health interventions i.e. AVATAR
therapy for auditory verbal hallucinations in people
with psychosis (Craig et al., 2018) or the digital
analysis of bodily sensation maps (Volynets et al.,
2020). In the clinical context of the latter, Lyons et al.
(2020) were able to show, that depressive subject
showed distinctly reduced bodily sensation maps for
different emotions than healthy controls.
Another aspect is given by mobile devices like
smartphones, tablets and wearables, which are
currently used in clinical psychological diagnoses.
According to a position paper of Torous et al. (2017),
“new digital technologies [] can now explore new
dimensions of pathology largely inaccessible only a
few years before”.
One example is given by the digital tree drawing
test (dTDT). In this test, patients draw a tree with a
digital pen on a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 digitizer
(Fig. 5).
Figure 5: Examples of digital tree drawings of two healthy
controls and two early AD participants from (Ostermann et
al., 2020).
Statistical models identified the average painting
velocity in combination with the variation in the use
of colours and line widths as significant predictors for
early Alzheimer’s disease (Robens et al., 2019).
However, new technologies are not useful for
diagnosis but also for monitoring tasks. A recent
systematic review on the application of wearable
devices for Parkinson’s disease found that wearbales
were efficient in the analysis of body motion, motor
fluctuations and home-based long-term monitoring
(Rovini et al., 2017).
Finally, due to demographic changes and aging
society, the use of human like robots to support older
adults in everyday activities is another emerging field
of research. Although recent surveys have
demonstrated, that people across age groups though
of robots as being “useful” and disagreed that robots
were dangerous (Backonja et al., 2018), research on
attitudes towards robots is still at the very beginning.
Information technology nowadays has reached
almost every part of patient care. Although this
overview is far away from being exhaustive in terms
of having found all information technology
applications in psychological research and patient
care, it nevertheless was able to show, that
psychology has always been on the cutting edge of
information technology making use of the most
innovative technology available.
However, critical questions on the impact of
digitalization on human identity i.e. in child
development, working environment or the increased
use of wearables and smart applications in leisure
time fostering a need of quantification in life should
also be recognized in this rapidly growing area of
research (Meschner, 2020; Nagy & Koles, 2014).
Thus, a mindful integration and cautious adoption
of further developments in the field of information
technology in psychological research should be
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BIOSTEC 2021 - 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies