Establishing End-to-End Secure Channel for IoT Devices
through an Untrusted C-ITS Network
Simon Bouget
, Shahid Raza
and Martin Furuhed
RISE Research Institute of Sweden, Isafordsgatan 22, Kista 16440, Sweden
Technology Nexus Secured Business Solutions, Telefonv
agen 26, H
agersten 12626, Stockholm, Sweden
IoT, ITS, OSCORE, Network Security, Vehicular Network, Tamarin, Formal Verification.
Critical infrastructure is becoming increasingly connected, with tighter integration to the Internet of Things
(IoT). Transportation systems in particular are getting smarter with increased cooperation between vehi-
cles and the supporting infrastructure (V2X communications), and with intelligent devices introduced in the
ecosystem, either tightly integrated to the vehicle (e.g. ECUs, cameras, ...) or external sensors (e.g. tem-
perature sensor in an attached container, smart traffic light, ...). A number of communication and security
protocols are being standardized for this Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). However, using
the current C-ITS standards, the security of individual devices may terminate at the gateway of a vehicle, and
consequently in most existing vehicles, individual systems leak sensitive data across vendors.
In this paper, we propose an end-to-end security architecture between C-ITS devices and back-end servers,
in which sensitive data from individual devices can be transmitted without trusting third-parties providing the
communication infrastructure (e.g. proxies, vehicle gateways, routers). The proposed solution is a standard-
based integrated system that exploits recent IoT security standards and ensures inter-operability between C-
ITS protocols and conventional Internet protocols. We perform a formal analysis of our architecture using
the Tamarin Prover and show that it guarantees the secrecy and authenticity of the communications under
adversarial settings.
Today’s environment in the automotive sector is very
heterogeneous, with various software stacks coexist-
ing and with various medium of communication in-
volved. Further, the current major standard on smart
vehicles —the Cooperative Intelligent Transport Sys-
tem (C-ITS) standard (Festag, 2014)— offers no secu-
rity guarantee by default for communication between
vehicles (or ITS Units), in order to give each Unit
more flexibility on how to handle incoming commu-
nication and relay messages. Picture for instance the
following situation: a smart vehicle has external inter-
faces to multiple mutually un-trusted services/appli-
cations such as the infotainment platform, the OEM
servers, the vehicle sensors, etc., and serves as a sin-
gle gateway to put them in relation with each oth-
ers. To this purpose, it may need to translate mes-
sages between several incompatible protocol stacks,
repackage messages before forwarding them to their
intended destination, etc., thus breaking security ses-
sions in the process. A recent addition to the C-ITS
standard, ISO 21177, proposes an optional mecha-
nism to establish and authenticate a secure session
between ITS Units, but it relies on two crucial as-
sumptions: a) it requires (D)TLS 1.3 support; and b)
there is a pre-existing trust relationship between de-
vices (either directly or through brokering). Both of
these assumptions are problematic. First off, some
of the physical devices that interact in a C-ITS net-
work are extremely resource-constrained, with lim-
ited battery life and hardware capabilities, resulting
in very hard constraints on: processing power, mem-
ory, and communications. This makes (D)TLS not
properly suited for the context. Second, requiring a
pre-existing trust relationship in order to establish a
secure session only pushes the issue one step further.
Thus, even with ISO 21177, it is still challenging to
successfully secure a connection going through a C-
ITS vehicular network end-to-end: from the point of
view of an application trying to reach a distant back-
end server, even if its connection to the truck is secure,
it has no clear picture of how its messages will be pro-
cessed and routed beyond that point. They may be re-
Bouget, S., Raza, S. and Furuhed, M.
Establishing End-to-End Secure Channel for IoT Devices through an Untrusted C-ITS Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0010462305620570
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2021), pages 562-570
ISBN: 978-989-758-513-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
layed through other neighboring vehicles, or through
a nearby roadside unit, all third-party entities that the
application has no reason to trust. The OSCORE pro-
tocol (Object Security for Constrained RESTFul En-
vironment) (Selander et al., 2019), recently standard-
ized by the IETF, solves the first point by replacing
(D)TLS with an application-layer encryption scheme
that is very resource-efficient and compatible with a
large number of transport protocols. However, sim-
ilarly to ISO 21177, the OSCORE standard assumes
that the two parties trying to communicate have estab-
lished a common security context beforehand.
The traditional solution to establish this trust re-
lationship/security context would be to use a PKI
(Public Key Infrastructure), but this is in itself a
very resource-intensive process, relying on asymmet-
ric cryptography and large payload which are expen-
sive to send via radio communication. Consequently,
establishing an OSCORE security context between a
constrained IoT device and a distant back-end server
while going through a C-ITS vehicular network re-
quires to adapt the process to the limitations of this
specific ecosystem.
Motivating Example 1: Container with Sensi-
tive Material. Some sensitive material needs to be
shipped over a long distance. It is transported in a
container with built-in sensors to monitor some criti-
cal parameters, e.g. temperature for frozen food, no
tampering or excessive humidity for a piece of art,
level of radiation for nuclear wastes, etc. The man-
ifest of the container also needs to be securely stored
and transmitted, e.g. to customs. This container may
cross multiple countries using various transportation
methods (boat, rail, road, ...) and may not have ac-
cess to its own long-range communications and rely
on the transporting vehicle to serve as a relay. Being
designed with transportation in mind from the start, it
is reasonable to assume such a container would im-
plement the latest standards used in the transport in-
dustry, such as the ISO C-ITS family.
Motivating Example 2: Passenger Health Sensor.
A passenger with a serious health condition is us-
ing a wearable device to monitor health status. This
device handles private and sensitive data, and may
need access to the Internet for instance to store back-
up data on a distant server with more memory or to
alert healthcare professionals if the patient gets crit-
ical. This health sensor will have to cooperate with
the vehicle to establish a secure communication, but
still does not want the intermediaries (vehicle, road-
side infrastructure, etc.) to get access to the data, only
the final end-point of the communication. In this case,
since the health sensor is not directly related to the
automotive sector, there is no reason to assume it im-
plements any of the relevant standards.
Contribution: In this paper, we present an architec-
ture and workflow that complements C-ITS security
standards (ISO 21177) and enables full end-to-end
security between a back-end server and an IoT de-
vice embedded in a smart vehicle, whether this de-
vice is compliant with the current C-ITS standard or
not, such as in the two use-cases above. Our solution
is fully standard-based, notably leveraging the recent
IETF standard OSCORE. We also performed a for-
mal security analysis of our solution and proved that
it achieves OSCORE prerequisites.
In the rest of this paper, we give relevant back-
ground on the state of the art for automotive networks
security and the various technologies we use (Section
2), we present the overall architecture of the proposal
(Section 3) and discuss the security guarantees it pro-
vides (Section 4), before concluding (Section 5).
Security in automotive networks and transport infras-
tructures is a very active area. The stakes are im-
mense, with the value of the global intelligent trans-
port system market estimated at more than $20 bil-
lions in 2018 and expected to keep growing in fu-
ture years
, with national and international institu-
tions pushing for more concerted efforts and standard-
ization (Shan et al., 2019). Moreover, automotive net-
works require novel solutions to solve their specific
challenges, such as: very heterogeneous networks,
with a lot of stakeholders and competing vendors that
do not trust each others; difficulties to coordinate due
to communication nodes (vehicles) quickly moving
geographically; need to update over the air (Vasenev
et al., 2019); very large attack surface (Stabili et al.,
2018) and difficulties to use asymmetric cryptogra-
phy due to real-time constraints (La
stinec, 2017). On
top of that, integrating constrained devices in an au-
tomotive network adds another layer of compatibility
issues, since both domains developed separate tech-
nologies to solve their specific issues, without regards
for the other one.
2.1 Automotive Networks
Automotive networks are complex entities that gather
very different devices with varying capabilities and
Intelligent Transport System Market Forecast (2020
- 2025), IndustryArc, 2018,
Establishing End-to-End Secure Channel for IoT Devices through an Untrusted C-ITS Network
constraints. Vehicles are the basic units, and can com-
municate either P2P in a mesh network composed
of other vehicles, or with a road-side infrastructure
which has a wired connection and can relay the com-
munication to its final destination. The choice of
which type to use generally depends on the applica-
tion. For instance, safety information needs to be ex-
changed with close vehicles in real time, while traffic
statistics can be sent to a central for aggregation and
analysis at a more relaxed rhythm.
To ensure that all these units can cooperate, var-
ious standardization organizations (ISO, ETSI, etc.)
have developed the C-ITS standards (Festag, 2014),
for Collaborative Intelligent Transport Systems, itself
based on the ITS standard (Nowacki et al., 2012).
While ITS focuses on the intelligence at the level of
a single unit (a vehicle or a roadside unit), C-ITS ex-
tends it to the communications between these systems
to provide additional benefits, such as advanced warn-
ing in case of accident or reduced traffic congestion.
C-ITS is built around the functional concept of
ITS Station (ITS-S), physically implemented in a Sta-
tion Unit (SU), itself composed of one or various Sta-
tion Communication Unit (SCU), each providing a
specific function. According to ISO 21217, a SCU is
organized in several modules, separated in 4 layers
which can be loosely tied to the standard Communica-
tion layers defined by the IETF (RFC 1122) used on
traditional Internet: Access (IETF Link layer), Net-
work & Transport (IETF IP and Transport layers), Fa-
cilities (no direct equivalent), and Application (IETF
Application layer)— and 2 cross-layers categories,
Security and Management, as illustrated by the var-
ious Stations in Figure 2. The two cross-layers mod-
ules are further defined in ISO 21177 (Security) and
ISO 24102 (Management). C-ITS Stations Units and
SCUs are further classified based on the type of net-
work connections they possess: internal to a single
SU, to other C-ITS SU, or to an external (non C-ITS)
network. The last type in particular is designed as a
Station Gateway, and is in charge of the translation
between the C-ITS stack and other external protocol
stacks (such as OSI-based web stacks).
A notable limitation of the C-ITS model is that
security properties are by default only defined for
point-to-point communications between two SCUs,
but each SCU is free to repackage incoming com-
munications before relaying them. Furthermore, the
optional mechanisms defined in ISO 21177 rely on
(D)TLS 1.3 and are tailored for communications be-
tween two SCUs inside the same SU, or between the
ITS-SU and the proprietary network embedded in the
same smart vehicle, but not for transient IoT devices
which would connect at the edges of a C-ITS network.
This gives much needed flexibility to the complex au-
tomotive ecosystem, but makes it hard to provide any
End-to-End security guarantees to IoT devices, and
further in this paper, we propose Application-layer
encryption as a solution (Section 3).
2.2 IoT Devices
A lot of the devices composing the Internet-of-Things
possess limited capabilities due to physical con-
straints, be it bandwidth, communication range, bat-
tery life, etc. To cater to those specific needs, new
protocols have been designed, tailored for machine-
to-machine communication and better efficiency. In
particular, two networks stacks have been standard-
ized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force),
that we describe here.
2.2.1 CoAP
CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) (Shelby
et al., 2014) is a subset of HTTP designed specif-
ically for machine-to-machine communication and
the Internet of Things, to be cheaper and more effi-
cient. Security, if enabled at all, is established in the
transport layer, generally using DTLS (Rescorla and
Modadugu, 2012) over UDP (Postel, 1980), and a se-
cure CoAP session ran on top of it. This is cheaper
than the classic HTTPS stack using TLS over TCP,
but still too expensive, and more importantly it has
issues with heterogeneous networks, and security is
usually broken at proxies and relays.
2.2.2 OSCORE
Alternatively, the OSCORE (Selander et al., 2019)
stack establishes security in the application layer, us-
ing CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation)
(Bormann and Hoffman, 2013) and COSE (CBOR
Object Signing and Encryption) (Schaad, 2017) on
top of raw CoAP. As this happen in the uppermost
layer, data can go through the translation process be-
tween proxies and relays using different stacks while
still remaining secure. Moreover, OSCORE uses
symmetric encryption, which is much less resource
intensive for the constrained devices comprising the
Internet of Things. In Table 1, we summarize the cor-
respondence between the C-ITS model and the proto-
col stacks developed for IoT devices.
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 1: Comparison between standard web and IoT-dedicated protocol stacks IoT use specific protocols, tailored for
machine-to-machine communications and efficient use of resources, but there is a loose correspondence between the various
Basic Web stack: IPv4/v6 TCP HTTP
Basic IoT stack: 6LowPAN IPv6 UDP CoAP
Secure Web stack: IPv4/v6 TCP TLS HTTPS EST
Secure IoT stack (CoAP-S): 6LowPAN IPv6 UDP DTLS CoAP-S EST-CoAPS
ITS-Station design: Access Network. & Transp. Facilities
Securing end-to-end communications for a resource-
constrained IoT device participating in a vehicular
network cannot be done at the Network & Transport
layer because each C-ITS Unit relaying a message
might break the (D)TLS session. In this Section, we
describe how to use OSCORE as an Application-layer
encryption mechanism instead to provide End-to-End
security in automotive networks while being compat-
ible with C-ITS standards.
3.1 End-device as a C-ITS Station
In our first motivating example in the Introduction,
a container with sensitive material would obviously
come in contact with a vehicular network while it
is being transported, so it would make sense for the
manufacturer to build its communication capabilities
as a C-ITS Station Unit. More generally, in cases
when the end-device is assumed to participate in a
vehicular network (container, traffic monitor, etc.), it
should be made compliant with the C-ITS standards.
To secure its communications, such a device has
to include an OSCORE module in its Facilities layer
that the Applications can call on to encrypt their con-
tent, and a module to manage relevant Certificates and
Security Contexts in its Security section, as shown in
Figure 2 in the top-right. The encrypted OSCORE
payload is then sent out on the C-ITS network just as
any other message, and only the final destination of
the message, which knows the corresponding Secu-
rity Context is able to decrypt the payload and access
its content. We give more details on establishing the
Security Context further in Section 3.3.
3.2 Connection through a Gateway
In our second motivating example, a health sensor
worn by a patient with a chronic condition that needs
to be continuously monitored, the sensor is not nec-
essarily used in a vehicle, and most of the time will
connect through the hospital or patient’s home WiFi,
so its manufacturer will not have strong incentives to
make the sensor compliant with the C-ITS standard.
However, the sensor may want to rely on a vehicu-
lar network advanced connectivity while the patient
is being transported. More generally, when a device
is not targeted for use in vehicular networks and does
not implement the C-ITS standard, but can sometimes
come in contact with one, it needs an entry point into
the C-ITS network to benefit from its capabilities.
In that case, the device has to rely on the C-ITS
Station Gateway of the host vehicle. The Gateway
has to implement the translation process from the OS-
CORE stack used by the end-device to whichever pro-
tocol stack it uses to communicate with the rest of the
C-ITS network, as illustrated in Figure 1. After this,
the Gateway forwards the re-packaged encrypted OS-
CORE payload to the rest of the C-ITS network and
once again it is transmitted as any other message to
its final destination, which is the only one able to de-
crypt it with the corresponding Security Context. As
in the first case though, initially establishing the Se-
curity Context is still the responsibility of the end-
device, not of the Gateway.
3.3 Establishing a Security Context for
In both cases described previously, we mentioned that
encrypting and decrypting the OSCORE payload re-
lies on the two end-points sharing an OSCORE Se-
curity Context. It is needed since OSCORE uses
symmetric encryption, which is less resource inten-
sive than asymmetric encryption and better suited to
constrained IoT devices, but requires establishing a
shared secret between the two ends of the commu-
nication. The OSCORE specification assumes that
the Security Context has already been established be-
tween the two end-points of a communication. The
IETF working group LAKE (Lightweight Authenti-
cated Key Exchange) is currently at work on standard-
izing this process, and has an active draft for a proto-
col named EDHOC (Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over
Establishing End-to-End Secure Channel for IoT Devices through an Untrusted C-ITS Network
IETF IoT stack (OSI-based)
CoAP (Constrained App. Prot.)
Key esta-
Net & Transp
Translation process
ITS station-internal network
External Network
ITS Station Gateway
Figure 1: Translation needed to bridge the ITS and OSCORE worlds.
Net & Transp.
ITS station-internal network
& Transport
ITS-S Router
ITS-S Host
in-vehicle network
Net & Transp.
ITS-S Gateway
layer 7
layer 1
Vehicle ITS Station
Net & Transp.
ITS-Compliant device
ITS Transp UDP
security contexts
Net & Transp.
ITS station-internal network
& Transport
ITS-S Router
ITS-S Host
Vehicle ITS Station
Sensitive cargo
with built-in sensors
Net & Transp.
ITS-S Host
Roadside ITS Station
& Transport
ITS-S Border Router
layer 3
layer 1
& Transport
ITS-S Router
Service with an
OSCORE-enabled server
C-ITS Network
General ITS network
Figure 2: Example of a C-ITS automotive network integrating OSCORE-enabled devices — Two possibilities: a) the device
is ITS compliant, and can seamlessly integrate the C-ITS network (truck cargo with built-in sensors); or b) the device is not
ITS compliant and has to connect through a Gateway which can handle the translation process for it (health sensor worn by a
passenger in the car).
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Certificate Authority
Root CA
Provides root
factory certificate
Device in use
EDHOC server
Securely pre-install
factory certificate
Net & Transp
Vehicle C-ITS
Gateway Station
Net & Transp
C-ITS Station
Border Router
(typically contained in a
roadside infrastructure)
(CoAP messages)
EDHOC client
(e.g. wearable
health sensor)
EDHOC server
OSI stack
layer 3
layer 1
Figure 3: Architecture of an ITS/OSCORE system – A de-
vice is provisioned with a factory certificate by its man-
ufacturer. It connects to a C-ITS Network via a Gate-
way, which relays the CoAP messages containing ED-
HOC/EST/OSCORE payloads up to a Border Router con-
nected to the general Internet, where the messages can reach
their final destination, either a Certificate Authority or a Ser-
COSE (Selander et al., 2020a)). EDHOC is a Key Ex-
change protocol, i.e. a method to securely establish
a shared secret known only by the two participants,
that is targeted towards IoT devices and optimized for
small message sizes, in order to save radio communi-
cation and power consumption. It also has the advan-
tage to be based on COSE, just like CoAP/OSCORE,
thus being able to share libraries with the other proto-
cols and to reduce the memory footprint of the stack.
Other Key Exchange protocols may be used if better
suited to a specific context, such as cTLS (compact
TLS, with an active draft in the TLS working group)
(Rescorla et al., 2020) in protocol stacks where TLS is
already used for another reason. But in general, using
EDHOC is the simplest way to establish an OSCORE
Security Context, and we will focus on this case in the
rest of this paper. The typical life-cycle of a device, as
illustrated in Figure 4, would be the following: (i) Ini-
tially, a manufacturer pre-installs a “factory” or “boot-
strap” certificate that will uniquely identify a device
for the entirety of its existence. (ii) When used for
the first time, a device will use its factory certificate
to authenticate at a Certificate Authority (CA) of its
choice and enrolls for a new “working” certificate.
This CA should run an EDHOC server, which the de-
vice will contact to derive symmetric keys and estab-
lish an OSCORE context. This context is then used to
run a certificate enrollment procedure thanks to EST-
OSCORE (Selander et al., 2020b), a method using
the payloads defined in the EST standard (Enrollment
over Secure Transport (Pritikin et al., 2013)) and pro-
tecting them with OSCORE. (iii) With the newly en-
rolled certificates, a device can then contact and au-
thenticate to any service they want and run EDHOC
to generate an OSCORE context, and then communi-
cate securely with the service using OSCORE. Dif-
ferent CAs can also be used to issue further certifi-
cates, either re-using the factory certificate again, or
using one of the certificates enrolled through the first
CA and executing the same EDHOC + EST-OSCORE
In Figure 3, we summarize the relationships be-
tween the various actors involved in that life-cycle:
the Manufacturer is responsible for securely installing
on each Device a factory certificate provided by the
Root Certificate Authority. The Device ultimately
wants to establish a secure channel to a given Service
or Application, and can do so through the connectiv-
ity provided by the C-ITS Network. The Device typi-
cally connects through a Gateway Station and sends
CoAP messages (carrying EDHOC/OSCORE/EST
payloads) that are relayed by the C-ITS Networks un-
til they reach a Border Router, which can forward the
messages to the general Internet. The C-ITS network
serves as a bridge between the Device, the Service,
and the Certificate Authority that allows them to au-
thenticate each-others.
We used the Tamarin prover (Meier et al., 2013) to
analyze our proposed architecture. Tamarin has been
widely used to analyze protocols’ security features,
such as TLS (Cremers et al., 2017), 5G (Basin et al.,
2018a), or voting protocols (Basin et al., 2018b).
4.1 Introduction to Tamarin
Tamarin is a symbolic analysis tool using multi-
set rewriting rules —to encode a protocol specifica-
tion and the adversary’s capabilities— and first-order
Establishing End-to-End Secure Channel for IoT Devices through an Untrusted C-ITS Network
1. Certificate Enrollment0. Factory set-up
2. Service Initialization 3. Active Use
IoT Device
Root CA
(Offline set-up)
Factory Cert.
Factory Cert.
IoT Device
EDHOC client
Cert. Auth.
Exchange of Key Material
with EDHOC
authenticated by Factory Cer
Cert. Auth.
Enrollment for a
Security Context
IoT Device
Security Context
Key Material
Factory Cert.
Working Cert.
Working Cert.
IoT Device
EDHOC client
Exchange of Key Material
with EDHOC
authenticated by Factory Cer
Device has a secure
end-to-end channel
with Service
Security Context
IoT Device
Security Context
Key Material
Working Cert.
* Note: paired Security Contexts for OSCORE / EST-oscore are derived from the Key Material exchagned through EDHOC
Offline Comm. Communication possible through untrusted network
Secure channel
Figure 4: Typical life-cycle of an IoT device in our use-case 1) A device contact a CA, using its pre-installed factory
certificate as authentication, and exchange key material with EDHOC; it derives an OSCORE security context and uses
it to enroll for a new working certificate with EST-oscore; 2) the previous procedure is repeated, now using the working
certificate to authenticate to a desired service instead; 3) in the end, the device and the service are connected with a secure and
authenticated channel protected by OSCORE.
logic formulas —to define security properties. These
rewriting rules induce a transition system describing
the potential executions of (unbounded numbers of)
protocol instances in parallel, allowing us to cover the
potential interactions of enrolling at many CAs and
using various services concurrently. Tamarin’s default
adversary model corresponds to a Dolev-Yao(Dolev
and Yao, 1983) adversary who has complete control
over the network. Users can also extend this default
model, either to give more capabilities to the adver-
sary or limit what it can do on the network.
Tamarin also includes an automatic solver that
can analyze this transition system and generate for-
mal proofs of the properties This automatic solver re-
lies on a formal semantics and is guaranteed to be
correct but may not always terminate. In that case,
the protocol specifications and/or the properties to
prove need to be modified until the tool is able to
reach termination. Alternatively, the user can man-
ually guide the tool instead of relying on the auto-
matic heuristics. When the solver reaches termina-
tion, it generates either a proof that a property is valid
or a counter-example that exhibits why it is invalid.
Counter-examples are presented in a graphical inter-
face and can be used to guide corrections or further
refinements of the model. Proofs, however, are not
supposed to be human-readable and consist of hun-
dreds of lines of formal logic statements and exhaus-
tive enumeration of all possible cases. Consequently,
with correctness being guaranteed by the tool itself
added to the lack of readability, discussing the proofs
has little value, and the difficulty in such formal anal-
yses is to ensure that the model is a reasonable ap-
proximation of the reality and that the security prop-
erties defined actually correspond to the real world at-
tacks a protocol aims to protect against. This is what
we will do in the rest of this section.
4.2 Model and Specification
Our full specification is available at https://github.
blob/main/general.spthy and can be checked with
Tamarin auto-prover using the default heuristic in
a few seconds on a common laptop. We modeled
three different kind of actors: (a) Devices, with
a pre-installed factory certificate, modeled as a
private/public key pair. (b) Certificate authorities
(CA), which can deliver new working certificates,
modeled as a private/public key pair based on a fresh
nonce and signed by the CA. (c) Services that a
device may want to use, modeled as entities with
an easily verifiable public key and controlling the
corresponding private key. Additionally, we do not
assume any trust in the C-ITS network infrastructure,
which has been modeled as an attacker with full
control over network communications, which is
equivalent to the attacker being in control of any
relaying node in the C-ITS infrastructure. However,
we assume that the adversary cannot physically
tamper with the end-devices and access the long-term
keys stored there, nor can it corrupt the Certificate
Authorities. We modeled the workflow to establish a
secure OSCORE session starting with only a factory
VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
certificate, described in the previous Section 3.3. We
do not show the code here, but we remind the readers
that it is publicly available online.
4.3 Security Properties
In Tamarin, security properties are defined as 1st-
order logic formulas, which we use to define the prop-
erties that must be true in order to guarantee ”end-
to-end security” for the communications protected by
OSCORE: (i) The OSCORE master secret actually
remains secret (from the point of view of the adver-
sary) during the certificate enrollment process and the
establishment of the Security Context. (ii) The mes-
sages between services and end-devices are secret, i.e.
no one except the destination of a message can de-
crypt its payload. (iii) The messages between services
and end-devices are authenticated, i.e. both the ser-
vice and the device are certain they talk to each other,
and replay-protected, i.e. an adversary cannot record
an encrypted message and send it a second time to
trick its recipient. Altogether, it ensures that a de-
vice can establish a secure end-to-end channel with
a service and that they can communicate safely even
through an untrusted C-ITS network. No man-in-the-
middle can spy on their communication or imperson-
ate them, and no replay attack is possible.
In this paper, we present a solution, compatible with
the C-ITS automotive standards and entirely based
on standardized (or soon-to-be standardized) open-
source protocols, to get end-to-end security between
a resource-constrained IoT device and a distant back-
end server, including through an un-trusted vehic-
ular network. It leverages the newly standardized
OSCORE protocol as an application-layer encryption
mechanism to secure a payload even through relays
and proxy forwarding, and it covers the whole life-
cycle of a device, from the original Certificate Enroll-
ment to the communication between service and end-
device through the initial OSCORE Security Context
establishment. Further, we analyzed our solution us-
ing the Tamarin Prover, a well-known and reputable
security analysis tool, and guarantee that our specifi-
cations provide authenticity and secrecy even against
an adversary in full control of the network.
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by the H2020 CONCORDIA (Grant ID: 830927).
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VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems