Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System
Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing
Faiz Ul Muram
1 a
, Muhammad Atif Javed
2 b
and Samina Kanwal
3 c
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden
RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden, Västerås, Sweden
National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Process Engineering, Standard Documents, Natural Language Processing, Mapping Rules, Model Extraction,
SPEM 2.0, EPF Composer, Compliance Management.
Compliance of process models with relevant standards is mandatory for certifying the critical systems. How-
ever, it is often carried out in a manual manner, which is complex and labour-intensive. Previous studies have
not considered the automated processing of standard documents for achieving and demonstrating the process
compliance. This paper leverages natural language processing for extracting the normative process models
embedded in the standard documents. The mapping rules are established for structuring the standard require-
ments and content elements of process models, such as tasks, roles and work products. They are organized
into a process structure by considering the phases, activities and milestones. During the planning phase, the
standard requirements, process models and compliance mappings are generated in EPF Composer; it supports
the major parts of the OMG’s Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) 2.0. The re-
verse compliance of extended or pre-existing process models can be carried out during the execution phase;
specifically, the compliance gaps are detected, possible measures for their resolution are provided and missing
elements are added after the process engineer approval. The applicability of the proposed methodology is
demonstrated for the ECSS-E-ST-40C compliant space system engineering process.
Compliance of process models with relevant stan-
dards is mandatory for getting the approval or ac-
ceptance from the certification body. The normative
process models embedded in the standards typically
include planning of units of work such as activities
and tasks, which are expected to be executed dur-
ing the development; work products to be taken as
input or produced as output; involved roles, and a
set of methods to be used. To achieve and demon-
strate process compliance, the standard documents
are processed. In addition to the extraction of stan-
dard requirements and process, there is a need to pro-
vide the reference between them. However, it is a
complex and labour-intensive task to extract, under-
stand, model such knowledge and manage traceabil-
ity in a manual manner (Javed et al., 2016; Javed
et al., 2018). The published studies focused on the
automatic extraction from natural language descrip-
tions and mapping to the Business Process Model
and Notation (BPMN) (OMG, 2011). To date, how-
ever, the automatic extraction from standard docu-
ments and generation of Software & Systems Pro-
cess Engineering Metamodel (SPEM) (OMG, 2008)
compliant requirements, process models and compli-
ance mappings have not been considered. Both SPEM
and BPMN are Object Management Group (OMG)
specifications. SPEM 2.0 provides additional infor-
mation structures needed for the processes modelled
with UML 2.0 activities or BPMN to describe an ac-
tual development process (OMG, 2008).
This paper focuses on the compliance manage-
ment during planning and execution phases. The
standard documents are processed for achieving and
demonstrating the process compliance. The extracted
parts of standard documents are mapped to the re-
quirements and process elements based on the spec-
ified rules. The requirements hierarchy is maintained,
while the reusable content elements, such as tasks,
work products, roles, and guidance are organized in
the process structure, with the consideration of iter-
ation, phase, activity and milestone elements. Dur-
ing the planning phase, the SPEM-compliant require-
Muram, F., Javed, M. and Kanwal, S.
Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0010455903060313
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineer ing (ENASE 2021), pages 306-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-508-1
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Process Modelling Elements in SPEM.
Role Set
ments, process models and compliance mappings
are generated in its reference implementation, more
specifically the Eclipse Process Framework (EPF)
is utilised. By automatically generating
requirements and process models within an environ-
ment that supports traceability, this paper facilitates
the compliance management and demonstration dur-
ing the planning phase. The reverse compliance of
process during the execution phase is also supported.
Specifically, we provide comprehensive feedback to
inform the compliance gaps, possible options for their
resolutions, and take measures based on process en-
gineer feedback. The applicability of the proposed
methodology is demonstrated by extracting text from
the space engineering standard documents, generat-
ing the requirements, process models and compliance
mappings in EPF Composer, and reverse compliance
of process models with standards.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 discusses the process engineering meta-
model. Section 3 presents the methodology for au-
tomatic extraction of requirements and process ele-
ments, their organization and mappings, generation
of corresponding models in EPF Composer, as well
as the reverse compliance with standards. Section 4
demonstrates the applicability of proposed method-
ology for ECSS-E-ST-40C standard. Section 5 dis-
cusses the related work. Section 6 concludes the pa-
per and presents future research directions.
SPEM 2.0 (OMG, 2008) is the OMG’s standard,
which provides the necessary concepts for modelling,
documenting, interchanging, and managing systems
and software development processes. The frame-
work of SPEM 2.0 comprises of Method Content and
the Process. Method Content provides support for
the definition of reusable process content, i.e., Task,
which defines the unit of work being performed by
one or many Role(s) and may generate the Work Prod-
ucts that can be a type of artefact, deliverable, or out-
come; and the Category that can be used to catego-
rize any number of content elements, such as Domain,
Discipline, Tool Category and Role Set. Guidance
is defined in the intersection of Method Content and
Process. It describes additional information of work
and is classified into various kinds such as guideline,
practice, example, etc. Process takes the content ele-
ments and relate them into partially-ordered sequence
of work in breakdown structures that are customized
to specific types of projects. For instance, Phase that
represents a significant period in a project and nor-
mally ends with major milestones, or a set of deliv-
erables. To define a Process, tasks can be grouped to
form an Activity and a set of nested activities can be
grouped into Iteration in order to indicate that the set
can be repeated more than once. There are two pro-
cess kinds: (1) process patterns (referred as capability
patterns in EPF Composer) are building blocks that
hold process knowledge for a key area of interest; and
(2) complete life cycles that are modelled as delivery
processes. Table 1 shows the main structural elements
for defining the process.
EPF Composer is an extensible process engineer-
ing framework, based on the OMG’s SPEM. It is
evolved from Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 to Eclipse Neon
4.6.3 (Javed and Gallina, 2018; Javed et al., 2019) af-
ter 11 years. It is possible to launch the EPF Com-
poser as a stand-alone application, but also in the
Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).
EPF Composer is used to model standards and de-
velopment process, as well as to show that process
comply with standards (Muram et al., 2018; Muram
et al., 2019). In EPF Composer, a method library
is a repository of method elements, which is com-
posed of a set of Method Plugins and Configurations.
The Method Plugins are containers of process related
information, while a Configuration is a selection of
sub-sets of library content to be shown in the brows-
ing perspective. To model the requirements listed in
the standards, the guidance kinds Practice can be cus-
Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing
tomized with an icon in a separate Customized_Icon
plugin. The Standards_Requirements plugin captures
the standard’s requirements and has the variability re-
lationship Extends with the previously mentioned plu-
gin. The Process_Lifecycle plugin defines the process
life cycle, whereas the mapping between standard re-
quirements and process life cycle is provided in Map-
ping_Requirements plugin (Muram et al., 2018; Mu-
ram et al., 2019).
This section describes our proposed methodology to
facilitate the approval process, more specifically, the
automatic extraction, generation and management of
process-related compliance information. The natural
language processing of standard documents is carried
out for automatic extraction of requirements and pro-
cess models (see Section 3.1). The mapping rules
are defined for structuring of extracted information in
compliant with SPEM 2.0 (see Section 3.2). During
the planning phase, the requirements, process mod-
els and compliance mappings are generated (see Sec-
tion 3.3). After that, the engineers can update or
evolve the generated models and provide the evidence
of compliance for review. The reverse compliance of
process models is also supported during the execution
phase (see Section 3.4). The emphasis is placed on
avoiding re-generation and replacement of extended
models. Accordingly, the support is provided for
identifying gaps with standards, determining possible
measures for their resolution, and updating parts of
models based on process engineer feedback. The pro-
cess compliance could be further explained via argu-
mentation (Muram et al., 2018).
3.1 Natural Language Processing
The standards are typically available in Word or
Portable Document Format (PDF). In some cases, the
Excel file containing all standard requirements is pro-
vided; the standard documents may need to be pro-
cessed in conjunction. Their natural language pro-
cessing includes tokenization, part-of-speech tagging
and named entity recognition. The part containing
standard requirements is located. In addition, the
clauses, part-based distinction criteria and hierarchi-
cal levels in standard documents are considered. The
standard documents may contain introductory mate-
rial, examples, note and other text, which are marked
as a “NOTE” or “EXAMPLE” (ECSS, 2009). This
information is only for guidance in understanding, or
for clarification of the associated requirement, there-
fore this text is not considered as a requirement. The
expected output of requirement, such as “Real-time
software dynamic design model [DDF, SDD; CDR]”
is interpreted as the output is part of the DDF, con-
tained in the SDD separated by comma and requested
for the review CDR that is separated by semicolon.
The sentences describing the requirement statements
and associated information, such as identifiers, pre-
requisites/inputs and expected outputs are retrieved.
The information, where necessary, is further followed
in the normative and informative parts of the standard,
for instance, to gather additional details of input and
output work products, roles responsible for them, and
applicability based on the certain tailoring criteria.
3.2 Structuring and Mapping Rules
For providing the convincing justification to the cer-
tification body about compliance means, the transfor-
mation of extracted information from standard doc-
uments into requirements, process models and com-
pliance mappings is performed. In particular, the
mapping rules are defined to structure and map the
information (e.g., original requirements, inputs, out-
puts, tasks and roles) to the requirements and process
models compliant with SPEM 2.0. Standards require-
ments and recommendations are mapped into require-
ments (i.e., Practice under the content packages) in
SPEM 2.0. The statements or text leading to outputs
or work products are not only mapped to the require-
ments, but also the tasks are created for them. If stan-
dard documents have clause, part-based distinction
criteria and hierarchical levels, then the requirements
are mapped as nested requirements (a requirement in-
side another requirement). Identifier with name, re-
quirement description and objective are mapped into
Practice fields name, brief description and purpose.
Examples and note are mapped to the guidance kinds
i.e., example and guideline that are linked to the cor-
responding task. The inputs or prerequisites for a spe-
cific requirement or task are mapped to the work prod-
ucts and linked to associated task as mandatory or op-
tional inputs based on the keywords specified in the
documents. Similarly, the expected outputs or deliv-
erables are mapped to the work products. Typically, a
task is assigned to a specific role, who is responsible
for the execution of work, if document contained the
role-related information then a role (e.g., supplier, re-
quirements manager and designer) is created for the
corresponding task. A new task is created for each
piece of information or requirement. The hierarchical
levels are also mapped to the process in SPEM 2.0.
In particular, the main clause is mapped to the De-
liveryProcess or the CapabilityPattern. The mapping
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Algorithm 1: Generating the Requirements, Process Model and Compliance Mappings.
Input: Extracted Information of Standard Documents
Output: Requirements, Process Model, Compliance Mappings
while ExtractedIn f ormation ! = null do
(ProcessComponent & ContentPackage MainClause);
for all Requirements do
(Practice & Phase | Activity Structure);
Link Practice to breakdownElements Activity or Phase Practice.activityRe f erences;
for Requirement in ExtractedIn f ormation() do
(subPractice & Task Requirement);
Link subPractice to Task subPractice.contentRe f erences;
//Map <requirement>.puid to <element>.guid;
<requirement>.id & <requirment>.name to <element>.name;
<requirment>.description to <element>.briefDescription;
<requirment>.objective to <element>.purpose;
end for
for Input & Prerequisite in ExtractedIn f ormation() do
(WorkProduct Input & Prerequisite);
//Link WorkProduct to Task as optional/mandatoryInput;
end for
for Role in ExtractedIn f ormation() do
(Role Role);
//Link Role to WorkProduct as responsibleFor;
end for
end for
end while
is focused on the Work Breakdown Structure of pro-
cesses in EPF Composer. From there, the phases, ac-
tivities and iterations are created such that structures
are associated to phases, activities and so on. The ac-
tivities are subsequently populated by applying tasks
(as task descriptors) from the method content.
3.3 Generation of Requirements and
Process Models
In this subsection, we present our algorithmic solution
for the generation of the requirements and the pro-
cess model compliant with SPEM in EPF Composer.
This step is based on the structured information of
standard documents. The mapping is focused on the
method content elements and Work Breakdown Struc-
ture of process (decomposed linked elements, such as
phases, activities etc.) in EPF Composer, as described
in the previous subsection. Algorithm 1 shows the
skeleton of our transformation. It starts by generat-
ing the ContentPackage and ProcessComponent for
the main clauses. Then, it generates the content el-
ements, such as tasks, roles, work products and guid-
ance kinds practice (i.e., requirements) under Con-
tentPackage. A delivery process in EPF Composer
is contained in the metamodel class ProcessCompo-
nent, it is automatically created each time a delivery
process or capability pattern is created. After that,
all the phases, activities, iterations and milestones are
created, and for each activity corresponding tasks are
assigned. The corresponding process elements (i.e.,
phase, activity, task) are linked by using “activityRef-
erences” and “contentReferences”. The engineers can
extend the process by providing additional informa-
tion to the process description like its version, au-
thors or team profiles required for the execution of
the process. They may also dedicate their time for
the manual production of portions of expected out-
puts/deliverables that require human intervention.
3.4 Reverse Compliance with Standard
The reverse compliance of updated and extended pro-
cess models is required during the execution phase to
detect inconsistencies. To carry out the reverse com-
pliance, the EPF composer models need to be pro-
cessed in conjunction with the information extracted
Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing
Figure 1: Portion of the ECSS EARM File.
from standard documents. This not just gives the pos-
sibility to verify the reverse compliance of extended
models, but also the previously existing processes
with the standard documents. It is noteworthy that the
standards may not present all the information, such as
used tools and roles. On the other hand, the customer
or technical requirements and additional content ele-
ments are specified in process models. We focus on
the delta analysis between models for identifying the
gaps and measures for their resolution instead of the
generation or replacement of extended or previously
existing process models. In particular, the analysis is
performed to identify the missing elements; for them,
the potential candidates in process model are checked.
The similarity assessment of missing and potential
candidate elements is carried out based on their fields,
such as name, description, roles and work products.
The elements are added in an automatic manner af-
ter the approval from process engineer. Furthermore,
the reverse compliance verification results include the
list of elements containing sufficient and insufficient
information (i.e., detected fallacies); appropriate rec-
ommendations to resolve the particular deviations are
although provided, but they require manual effort for
resolving them (Muram et al., 2018).
The ECSS Applicability Requirement Matrix
(EARM) (ECSS, 2019) is Microsoft Excel file ex-
ported from the ECSS DOORS database containing
all requirements with their identifiers, recommen-
dations, expected outputs and permissions of the
respective ECSS standard. The ECSS EARM file
can be used for projects tailoring. Portion of the
particular file is shown in Figure 1. ECSS-E-ST-40C
standard (ECSS, 2009) is one of the series of Euro-
pean Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS)
standards, which focuses on space software engi-
neering processes requirements and their expected
outputs. This standard contains one normative clause
(clause 5), which defines the requirements for engi-
neering software for space systems, applicable to any
space projects producing computer software. In this
paper, we limit our attention on clause 5.5 software
design and implementation engineering process of
ECSS-E-ST-40C standard, which consists of three
phases (i.e., activity kinds): design of software items,
coding and testing, and integration (ECSS, 2009),
which may contain various activities. Each phase or
activity in turn consists of one or more tasks, and
each task is associated with one or more outputs,
which are given in the expected output section.
The requirements related to the tasks are identi-
fied by a hierarchical number, made of the four digits
of the clause (e.g.,, followed by a letter (e.g.,
a, b or c) to further distinguish them. For instance,
a requirement “The supplier shall develop a detailed
design for each component of the software and docu-
ment it” has an identifier “”. In circumstances
when several outputs are expected from a task, they
are identified by a letter (e.g., a or b) and the destina-
tion file of the output is indicated in brackets. The ex-
pected output of “” requirement is “software
components design documents [DDF, SDD; CDR]”,
as shown in Figure 1. This means that the output is
the part of DDF (Design Definition File), contained
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Generated Requirements and Process.
in the SDD (Software Design Document) separated
by comma and requested for the review CDR (Critical
Design Review) that is separated by semicolon. The
work product details are further checked in the nor-
mative and informative parts of the standard. This is
particularly relevant for detecting inconsistencies (or
fallacies) during the reverse compliance checking.
The EARM file is processed to extract the
information, in particular, requirement identifier
(, requirement description and expected out-
puts are retrieved. The text is located in the ECSS-
E-ST-40C standard document to obtain additional de-
tails. The section names are extracted for giving ti-
tles to the process component, phases and activities.
For instance, “Design of software items” and “De-
tailed design of each software component” are ex-
tracted from the standard document. The require-
ments and process model are automatically gener-
ated in EPF Composer. In particular, four plugins
are generated: (1) Customized_Icon plugin; (2) Stan-
dard requirements (ECSS-E-ST-40C_Requirements);
(3) ECSS-E-ST-40C_Lifecycle plugin and (4) Map-
ping_Requirements plugin. The subsubsections in
clause 5 “Requirements” are generated as high-level
requirements i.e., Practices in EPF Composer (e.g.,
5.5.2 Design of software items, 5.5.3 Coding and test-
ing), whereas the next hierarchy level under these
subsubsections is regarded as subrequirements (e.g., Detailed design of each software component),
as shown in Figure 2. Finally, the requirements that
have outputs are created as subsubrequirements; their
identifier has four digits and an alphabet.
Figure 2 shows the generated requirements and the
process model compliant to the SPEM 2.0. The Ca-
pabilityPattern is created for the standard clause, in
particular, a Work Breakdown Structure of process
in EPF Composer. The high-level requirements are
associated to phases, all subrequirements are associ-
ated to activities and subsubrequirements are asso-
ciated to tasks. The expected outputs and responsi-
ble roles are linked to the corresponding task. The
content elements such as tasks, work products, roles,
which are the part of process are linked to the corre-
sponding standard requirements through contentRef-
erences; whereas the phases and activities in process
are linked to the requirements through activityRefer-
ences. The generated requirements and process model
can evolve during the life cycle. In the absence of
support for automatic extraction of information from
standard documents and generation of requirements,
process models and compliance mappings, engineers
would have to model them manually which is re-
garded as complex and labour-intensive. During the
reverse compliance management, the missing process
elements and insufficient information (i.e., fallacies)
are detected in process model and corresponding mea-
sures for their resolution are informed to the engi-
neers. The missing elements are automatically added
after approval; however, the insufficient information
need to be manually added by engineers.
The discussion of related work concerns two topics:
process extraction and compliance management.
5.1 Process Extraction
The work presented in (Friedrich et al., 2011) utilised
the existing syntax parsing and semantic analysing
mechanisms in combination with anaphora resolu-
tion for generating a BPMN model. In particular, a
model that includes the extracted actions, actors and
flows is generated. However, the processing of para-
graphs and tables were not considered. Leopold et
al. (Leopold et al., 2014) presented an approach that
Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing
transforms the BPMN models into natural language
texts. The proposed approach is based on existing
parsing and annotation technique, and refined process
structure tree. van der Aa et al. (van der Aa et al.,
2019) focused on the automated extraction of declar-
ative process models from textual descriptions. The
authors extended existing natural language process-
ing techniques in order to identify activities and their
inter-relations in constraint descriptions and trans-
form these into declarative constraints. Yanuarifiani
et al. (Yanuarifiani et al., 2019) proposed a methodol-
ogy for mapping the requirements ontology to BPMN
elements and generating the BPMN XML file. The re-
quirements ontology consists of three classes: action,
position and object. Qian et al. (Qian et al., 2020)
proposed a hierarchical neural network to extract pro-
cess models from process texts. They focused on
the coarse-to-fine learning mechanism, training multi-
grained tasks in coarse-to-fine grained order, to ap-
ply the high-level knowledge for the low-level tasks.
Previous studies have just focused on the extraction
and generation of BPMN model elements. In this pa-
per, we targeted the automatic extraction of SPEM-
based requirements and a broad set of process ele-
ments, such as tasks, roles, work products, guidance
and iteration. They are generated in EPF Composer.
5.2 Compliance Management
Sànchez-Ferreres et al. (Sànchez-Ferreres et al., 2017)
used existing natural language processing techniques
for aligning a textual description and a process model.
They converted both inputs into an identical represen-
tation of feature vectors and compared by means of
standard distance metrics. Winter et al. (Winter et al.,
2020) also exploited the natural language processing
to enable assessment of compliance between a set of
paragraphs from a regulatory document and BPMN
models. Delicado et al. (Delicado et al., 2017) intro-
duced an online platform called NLP4BPM that con-
verts a textual description into a BPMN model and
vice versa. The platform also computes the align-
ment between two BPMN models and a textual de-
scription with a BPMN model. The presented inter-
face adapted or modified techniques appeared in the
last years (Friedrich et al., 2011; Leopold et al., 2014;
Sànchez-Ferreres et al., 2017).
Ardila et al. (Ardila et al., 2018) presented the
transformation of SPEM 2.0-compatible requirements
and process models into input models of Regor-
ous to perform compliance checking. However, not
only standards information is manually extracted but
also requirements and process models are manually
modelled in EPF Composer. Jiang et al. (Jiang
et al., 2015) proposed a consistency and compliance
checker framework that analyses the consistency of
a set of regulations itself and also verifies the busi-
ness process compliance with a set of interrelated
regulations. However, the translation of natural lan-
guage regulations into a formal model is manually
performed. This paper targets the automated pro-
cessing of standard documents, generation of require-
ments, process models and compliance mappings at
planning phase, as well as reverse compliance man-
agement during execution phase.
To support the process compliance, which is manda-
tory for several industrial domains, the central theme
of this paper focuses on four particular aspects: (i)
natural language processing of standard documents
for automated extraction; (ii) structuring of require-
ments and process models by considering the SPEM
based mapping rules; (iii) generation of requirements,
process models and compliance mappings in EPF
Composer; and (iv) reverse compliance management
of process models. The natural language processing
of standard documents is carried out for extracting
the requirements and content elements of processes,
such as tasks, roles and work products. The require-
ments are organized into a hierarchy, while the con-
tent elements of process are organized into a work
breakdown structure by considering the phases, activ-
ities and milestones. During the planning phase, the
requirements, process models and compliance map-
pings are generated in EPF Composer. In the con-
text of reverse compliance that can be carried out dur-
ing execution phase, the gaps with extended or pre-
exiting process models are detected and resolution
measures are provided; missing elements are added
based on approvals. The application of the proposed
methodology is illustrated for the ECSS-E-ST-40C
compliant space system engineering.
This research is primarily based on the natural
language processing investigations that are performed
for the ECSS-E-ST-40C standard. However, there is
a need to conduct further evaluations for the process
extraction and reverse compliance management with
other standards. In the future, we intend to support the
extraction of process models from digital twins (Mu-
ram et al., 2020) and their reverse compliance man-
agement. The processing of assurance (safety and se-
curity) cases in free text and tabular representations,
and generation of Goal Structuring Notation (GSN) is
also a part of our future work agenda. Another direc-
ENASE 2021 - 16th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tion for future work is to achieve the synchronisation
between process, product and assurance cases.
This work is partially supported by FiC (Future fac-
tories in the Cloud) project funded by SSF (Swedish
Foundation for Strategic Research). The second au-
thor has also participated during the tenure of an
ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship Programme.
Ardila, J. P. C., Gallina, B., and Muram, F. U. (2018). Trans-
forming SPEM 2.0-compatible process models into
models checkable for compliance. In International
Conference on Software Process Improvement and
Capability Determination, SPICE ’18, Tessaloniki,
Greece, pages 233–247.
Delicado, L., Sànchez-Ferreres, J., Carmona, J., and Padró,
L. (2017). NLP4BPM - natural language processing
tools for business process management. In 15th In-
ternational Conference on Business Process Manage-
ment, BPM ’17 Demo Track, Barcelona, Spain.
ECSS (2009). European Cooperation for Space Standard-
ization, ECSS-E-ST-40C, Space Engineering Soft-
ECSS (2019). European Cooperation for Space Stan-
dardization, ECSS Applicability Requirement Matrix
(EARM). https://ecss.nl/standards/downloads/earm/.
Friedrich, F., Mendling, J., and Puhlmann, F. (2011). Pro-
cess model generation from natural language text. In
23rd International Conference on Advanced Informa-
tion Systems Engineering, CAiSE ’11, London, UK,
pages 482–496.
Javed, M. A. and Gallina, B. (2018). Safety-oriented pro-
cess line engineering via seamless integration between
EPF composer and BVR tool. In 22nd International
Systems and Software Product Line Conference - Vol-
ume 2, SPLC ’18, Gothenburg, Sweden, pages 23–28.
Javed, M. A., Gallina, B., and Carlsson, A. (2019). To-
wards variant management and change impact anal-
ysis in safety-oriented process-product lines. In
34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Comput-
ing, SAC 2019, Limassol, Cyprus, pages 2372–2375.
Javed, M. A., Muram, F. U., and Zdun, U. (2018). On-
demand automated traceability maintenance and evo-
lution. In 17th International Conference on New Op-
portunities for Software Reuse, ICSR ’18, Madrid,
Spain, volume 10826, pages 111–120.
Javed, M. A., Stevanetic, S., and Zdun, U. (2016). To-
wards a pattern language for construction and main-
tenance of software architecture traceability links.
In 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages
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Facilitating the Compliance of Process Models with Critical System Engineering Standards using Natural Language Processing